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CONCUR 2004 – Concurrency Theory- P4

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76 R.M. Amadio and S. Dal Zilio with arbitrary parameters and store. Note that an expression can never read or write a register. To determine the sets we perform an iterative computatio n according to the equations above. The iteration stops when either (1) we reach a fixpoint (and we are sure that the property holds) or (2) we notice that a word in the current approximation of contains the same register twice (thus we never need to consider words whose length is greater than the number of registers). If the first situation occurs, then for every function symbol that returns a behaviour we can obtain a list of registers that a thread starting from control point may read. We are going to consider these registers as hidden parameters (variables) of the function If the second condition occurs, we cannot guarantee the read once property and we stop analysing the code. Example 3. This will be the running example for this section. We consider the representation of signals as in Example 1(3). We assume two signals sig and ring. The behaviour will emit a signal on ring if it detects that no signal is emitted on sig for consecutive instants. The alarm delay is reset to if the signal sig is present. By computing R on this example, we obtain: 3.2 Control Points We define a symbolic representation of the set of states reachable by a thread based on the control flow graph of its behaviours. A control point is a triple where, intuitively, is the currently called function, represents the patterns crossed so far in the function definition plus possibly the registers that still have to be read, be is the continuation, and is an integer flag in {0,1,2} that will be used to associate with the control point various kinds of conditions. We associate with a system satisfying the read once condition a finite number of control points. If the function returns a value and is defined by the rules then we associate with the set On the other hand, if the function is a behaviour defined by the rules then the computation of the control points proceeds as follows. We assume that the registers have been ordered and that for every be- haviour definition we have an ordered vector of registers that may be read within an instant starting from (The vector is obtained from With every such we associate a fresh function symbol whose arity is that of plus the length of and we regard the registers as part of the formal parameters of Then from the definition of we produce the set where is defined inductively on as follows: TEAM LinG Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Resource Control for Synchronous Cooperative Threads 77 By inspecting the definitions, we can check that a control point has the property that The read once condition is instru- mental to this property. For instance, (i) in case we know that if can read some register r then r could not have been already read by and (ii) in the case of the match operator, we know that the register r has not been al- ready read by Hence, in these two cases, the register r must still occur in Example 4. With reference to Example 3, we obtain the following control points: Definition 1. An instance of a control point is a behaviour where is a substitution mapping the free variables in to values. The property of being an instance of a control point is preserved by (be- haviour and) system reduction. Thus the control points associated with a system do provide a representation of all reachable configurations. Proposition 1. Suppose and that for all thread indexes is an instance of a control point. Then for all we have that is an instance of a control point. In order to prove the termination of the instant and to obtain a bound on the size of computed value, we associate order constraints to control points as follows: We say that a constraint has index We rely on the constraints of index 0 to enforce termination of the instant and on those of index 0 or 1 to enforce a bound on the size of the computed values. Note that the constraints are on pure first order terms, a property that allows us to reuse techniques developed in the standard term rewriting framework. TEAM LinG Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 78 R.M. Amadio and S. Dal Zilio Example 5. With reference to the control points in Example 4, we obtain the constraint We note that no constraints of index 0 are generated and so in this simple case the control flow analysis can already establish the termination of the thread and all is left to do is to check that the size of the data is under control, which will also be easily verified. 4 Termination of the Instant We recall that a reduction order > over first-order terms is a well-founded order that is closed under context and substitution: implies and where C is any one hole context and is any substitution (see, e.g, [10]). Definition 2 (Termination Condition). We say that a system satisfies the termination condition if there is a reduction order > such that all constraints of index 0 associated with the system hold in the reduction order. In this section, we assume that the system satisfies the termination condition. As expected this entails that the evaluation of closed expressions succeeds. Proposition 2. Let be a closed expression. Then there is a value such that and with respect to the reduction order. Moreover, the following proposition states that a behaviour will always return the control to the scheduler. Proposition 3 (Progress). Let be an instance of a control point. Then for all stores Finally, we show that at each instant the system will reach a configuration in which the scheduler detects the end of the instant and proceeds to the reini- tialisation of the store and the status (as specified by rule in Table 1). Theorem 1 (Termination of the Instant). All sequences of system reduc- tions involving only rule are finite. Proposition 3 and Theorem 1 are proven by exhibiting a suitable well-founded measure which is based both on the reduction order and the fact that the number of reads a thread may perform in an instant is finite. Example 6. We consider a recursive behaviour monitoring the register i (acting as a fifo channel) and parameterised on a number representing the largest value read so far. At each instant, the behaviour reads the list of values received on i and assigns to o the greatest number in and It is easy to prove the termination of the thread by recursive path order- ing, where the function symbols are ordered as the arguments of maxl are compared lexicographically from left to right, and the constructor symbols are incomparable and smaller than any function symbol. TEAM LinG Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Resource Control for Synchronous Cooperative Threads 79 5 Quasi-Interpretations Our next task is to control the size of the values computed by the threads. A suitable notion of quasi-interpretation [17,3] provides a modular solution to this problem. Definition 3 (Assignment). Given a program, an assignment associates with constructors and function symbols, functions over the positive reals such that: (1) (2) If c is a constant then is the constant 0, If c is a constructor with arity then is the function in such that for some (3) if is a function (identifier) with arity then is monotonic and for all we have An assignment is extended to all expressions as follows, giving a function expression with variables in It is easy to check that for all values there exists a constant depending on the quasi-interpretation such that: Definition 4 (Quasi-Interpretation). An assignment is a quasi-interpretation, if for all constraints associated with the system of the shape with the inequality holds over the non-negative reals. Quasi-interpretations are designed so as to provide a bound on the size of the computed values as a function of the size of the input data. In the follow- ing, we assume given a suitable quasi-interpretation, for the system under investigation. Example 7. With reference to Examples 2 and 6, the following assignment is a quasi-interpretation (we give no quasi-interpretations for the function exp be- cause it fails the read once condition): One can show [3] that in the purely functional fragment of our language every value computed during the evaluation of an expression satisfies the following condition: We generalise this result to threads as follows. TEAM LinG Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 80 R.M. Amadio and S. Dal Zilio Theorem 2. Given a system of synchronous threads B, suppose that at the beginning of the instant for some thread index Then the size of the values computed by the thread during an instant is bound by where are the values contained in the registers when they are read by the thread (or some constant value, otherwise). Theorem 2 is proven by showing that quasi-interpretations satisfy a suitable invariant. In general, a value computed and written by a thread can be read by another thread. However, at each instant, we have a bound on the number of threads and the number of reads that can be performed. We can then derive a bound on the size of the computed values which depends only on the size of the parameters at the beginning of the instant. Corollary 1. Let B be a system with registers and threads. Suppose for Let be a bound of the size of the largest parameter of the functions and the largest default value of the registers. Suppose is a function bounding all the quasi-interpretations, that is, for all the functions we have over the non-negative reals. Then the size of the values computed by the system B during an instant is bound by Example 8. The iterations of the function predicted by Corollary 1 corre- spond to a tight bound, as shown by the following example. We assume threads and registers (with default value z). The control of each thread is described as follows, where stands for the behaviour For this system we have and It is easy to show that, at the end of an instant, there have been assignments to each register for every thread in the system) and that the value stored in each register is of size 6 Combining Termination and Quasi-interpretations To bound the space needed for the execution of a system during an instant we also need to bound the number of nested recursive calls, i.e., the number of frames that can be found on the stack (a precise definition of frame is given in the long version of this paper [1]). Unfortunately, quasi-interpretations provide a bound on the size of the frames but not on their number (at least not in a direct implementation that does not rely on memoization). One way to co pe with this problem is to combine quasi-interpretations with various families of reduction orders [9,17]. In the following, we provide an example of this approach based on recursive path orders which is a widely used and fully mechanisable technique to prove termination [10]. TEAM LinG Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Resource Control for Synchronous Cooperative Threads 81 Definition 5. We say that a system terminates by LPO, if the reduction order associated with the system is a recursive path order where: (1) function symbols are compared lexicographically; (2) constructor symbols are always smaller than function symbols and two distinct constructor symbols are incomparable; (3) the arguments of constructor symbols are compared componentwise (product order). Definition 6. We say that a system admits a polynomial quasi-interpretation if it has a quasi-interpretation where all functions are bound by a polynomial. Theorem 3. If a system B terminates by LPO and admits a polynomial quasi- interpretation then the computation of the system in an instant runs in space polynomial in the size of the parameters of the threads at the beginning of the instant. The proof of Theorem 3 is based on Corollary 1 that provides a polynomial bound on the size of the computed values and on an analysis of nested calls in the LPO order that can be found in [9]. The point is that the depth of such nested calls is polynomial in the size of the values, which allows us to effectively compute a polynomial bounding the space necessary for the execution of the system. We stress that beyond proving that a system ‘runs in PSPACE’, we can extract a definite polynomial that depends on the quasi-interpretation and that bounds the size needed to run a system during an instant. Example 9. With reference to Example 6, we can check that the order used there is indeed a LPO. From the quasi-interpretation in Example 7, we can deduce that the function has the shape (it is affine). More precisely, we can choose In practice, many useful functions admit quasi- interpretations bound by an affine function such as the max-plus polynomials considered in [3]. Note that the parameter of the thread is the largest value received so far. Clearly, bounding the value of this parameter for arbitrary many instants requires a global analysis of the system. 7 Conclusion The execution of a thread in a cooperative synchronous model can be regarded as a sequence of instants. One can make each instant simple enough so that it can be described as a function — our experiments with writing sample programs show that the restrictions we impose do not hinder the expressivity of the language. Then well-known static analyses used to bound the resources needed for the execution of first-order functional programs can be extended to handle systems of synchronous cooperative threads. We believe this provides some evidence for the relevance of these techniques in concurrent/embedded programming. We also expect that our approach can be extended to a richer programming model including, e.g., references as first-class values, transactions-like primitives for error recovery, more elaborate mechanisms for preemption, . The static analyses we have considered do not try to analyse the whole sys- tem. On the contrary, they focus on each thread separately and can be carried TEAM LinG Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 82 R.M. Amadio and S. Dal Zilio out incrementally. On the basis of our previous work [2] and the virtual machine presented in [1], we expect that these analyses can be performed at bytecode level. These characteristics are particularly interesting in the framework of ‘mo- bile code’ where threads can enter or leave the system at the end of each instant as described in [5]. 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We propose a framework where behavioural properties of finite-state systems modelled as graph transformation systems can be expressed and verified. The technique is based on the unfolding seman- tics and it generalises McMillan’s complete prefix approach, originally developed for Petri nets, to graph transformation systems. It allows to check properties of the graphs reachable in the system, expressed in a monadic second order logic. 1 Introduction Graph transformation systems (GTSs) are recognised as an expressive specifica- tion formalism, properly generalising Petri nets and especially suited for concur- rent and distributed systems [9]: the (topo)logical distribution of a system can be naturally represented by using a graphical structure and the dynamics of the system, e.g., the reconfigurations of its topology, can be modelled by means of graph rewriting rules. The concurrent behaviour of GTSs has been thoroughly studied and a consoli- dated theory of concurrency for GTSs is available, including the generalisation of several semantics of Petri nets, like process and unfolding semantics (see, e.g., [6, 20, 3]). However, only recently, building on these semantical foundations, some efforts have been devoted to the development of frameworks where behavioural properties of GTSs can be expressed and verified (see [12, 15, 13, 21, 19, 1]). As witnessed, e.g., by the approaches in [17, 10] for Petri Nets, truly concur- rent semantics are potentially useful in the verification of finite-state systems, in that they help to avoid the combinatorial explosion arising when one explores all possible interleavings of events. Still, to the best of our knowledge, no technique based on partial order (process or unfolding) semantics has been proposed for the verification of finite-state GTSs. * Research partially supported by EU FET-GC Project AGILE , the EC RTN S EGRA V IS , DFG project SANDS and EPSRC grant R93346/01. P. Gardner and N. Yoshida (Eds.): CONCUR 2004, LNCS 3170, pp. 83–98, 2004. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 TEAM LinG Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 84 P. Baldan et al. In this paper we contribute to this topic by proposing a verification framework for finite-state graph transformation systems based on their unfolding semantics. Our technique is inspired by the approach originally developed by McMillan for Petri nets [17] and further developed by many authors (see, e.g., [10,11,23]). More precisely, our technique applies to any graph grammar, i.e., any set of graph rewriting rules with a fixed start graph (the initial state of the system), which is finite-state in a liberal sense: the set of graphs which can be reached from the start graph, considered not only up to isomorphism, but also up to isolated nodes, is finite. Hence in a finite-state graph grammar in our sense there is not actually a bound to the number of nodes generated in a computation, but only to the nodes which are connected to some edge at each stage of the computation. Existing model-checking tools, such as SPIN [14], usually do not directly support the creation of an arbitrary number of objects while still maintaining a finite state space, making entirely non-trivial their use for checking finite-state GTSs (similar problems arise for process calculi agents with name creation). As a first step we face the problem of identifying a finite, still useful fragment of the unfolding of a GTS. In fact, the unfolding construction for GTSs produces a structure which fully describes the concurrent behaviour of the system, includ- ing all possible steps and their mutual dependencies, as well as all reachable states. However, the unfolding is infinite for non-trivial systems, and cannot be used directly for model-checking purposes. Following McMillan’s approach, we show that given any finite-state graph grammar a finite fragment of its unfolding which is complete, i.e., which pro- vides full information about the system as far as reachability (and other) prop- erties are concerned, can be characterised as the maximal prefix of the unfolding not including cut-off events. The greater expressiveness of GTSs, and specifically, the possibility of performing “contextual” rewritings (i.e., of preserving part of the state in a rewriting step), a feature which leads to multiple local histories for a single event (see, e.g., the work on contextual nets [18, 22, 4, 23]) , imposes a generalisation of the original notion of cut-off. Unfortunately the characterisation of the finite complete prefix is not con- structive. Hence, while leaving as an open problem the definition of a general algorithm for constructing such a prefix, we identify a significant subclass of graph grammars where an adaptation of the existing algorithms for Petri nets is feasible. These are called read-persistent graph grammars by analogy with the terminology used in the work on contextual nets [23]. In the second part we consider a logic where graph properties of interest can be expressed, like the non-existence and non-adjacency of edges with specific labels, the absence of certain paths (related to security properties) or cycles (related to deadlock-freedom). This is a monadic second-order logic over graphs where quantification is allowed over (sets of) edges. (Similar logics are considered in [8] and, in the field of verification, in [19, 5].) Then we show how a complete finite prefix of a grammar can be used to verify properties, expressed in of the graphs reachable in This is done by exploiting both the graphical structure underlying the prefix and the concurrency information it provides. TEAM LinG Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Verifying Finite-State Graph Grammars 85 The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 introduces graph transformation systems and their unfolding semantics. Section 3 studies finite complete prefixes for finite-state GTSs. Section 4 introduces a logic for GTSs, showing how it can be checked over a finite complete prefix. Fina lly, Section 5 draws some conclusions and indicates directions of further research. A more detailed presentation of the material in this paper can be found in [2]. 2 Unfolding Semantics of Graph Grammars This section presents the notion of graph rewriting used in the paper. Rewriting takes place on so-called typed graphs, namely graphs labelled o ver a structure that is itself a graph [6]. It can be seen as a set-theoretical presentation of an instance of algebraic (single- or double-pushout) rewriting (see, e.g., [7]). Next we review the notion of occurrence grammar, which is instrumental in defining the unfolding of a graph grammar [3, 20]. 2.1 Graph Transformation Systems In the following, given a set A we denote by the set of finite strings of elements of A. Given we write to indicate the length of If and by we denote the i-th element of Furthermore, if is a function then we denote by its extension to strings. A (hyper)graph G is a tuple where is a set of nodes, is a set of edges and is a connection function. A node is called isolated if it is not connected to any edge. Given two graphs G, a graph morphism is a pair of total functions such that for all When obvious from the context, the subscripts V and E will be omitted. Definition 1 (Typed Graph). Given a graph (of types) T, a typed graph G over T is a graph together with a morphism A morphism between T-typed graphs is a graph morphism consistent with the typing, i.e., such that A typed graph G is called injective if the typing morphism is injective. More generally, given the graph is called if for any item in T, namely if the number of “instances of resources” of any type is bounded by Given two (typed) graphs G and we will write to mean that G and are isomorphic, and when G and are isomorphic up to isolated nodes, i.e., once their isolated nodes have been removed. In the sequel we extensively use the fact that given a graph G, any subgraph of G without isolated nodes is identified by the set of its edges. Precisely, given a subset of edges we denote by graph(X) the least subgraph of G (actually the unique subgraph, up to isolated nodes) having X as set of edges. We will use some set-theoretical operations on (typed) graphs with “compo- nentwise” meaning. Let G and be T-typed graphs. We say that G and TEAM LinG Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. [...]... 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König A static analysis technique for graph transformation systems In Proc of CONCUR 2001, pages 38 1–3 95 Springer, 2001 LNCS 2154 2 P Baldan, A Corradini, and B König An unfolding-based approach for the verification of finite-state graph grammars Technical report, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, 2004 To appear Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove... Graph Grammars In Proc of FoSSaCS ’99, pages 7 3–8 9 Springer, 1999 LNCS 1578 4 P Baldan, A Corradini, and U Montanari Contextual Petri nets, asymmetric event structures and processes Information and Computation, 171(1): 1–4 9, 2001 5 P Baldan, B König, and B König A logic for analyzing abstractions of graph transformation systems In Proc of SAS’03, pages 25 5–2 72 Springer, 2003 LNCS 2694 6 A Corradini, U... is found in a graph G, then G can be rewritten by removing (the images in G of) the items in L R and adding those in R L The (images in G of the) items in instead are left unchanged: they are, in a sense, preserved or read by the rewriting step This informal explanation should also motivate Conditions 1–3 above Condition 1 essentially states that we are interested only in rewriting up to isolated . R93346/01. P. Gardner and N. Yoshida (Eds.): CONCUR 2004, LNCS 3170, pp. 8 3–9 8, 2004. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 TEAM LinG Please purchase PDF Split-Merge. characterised in terms of a concurrency relation. Definition 11 (Concurrent Graph). Let be an occurrence grammar. A finite subset of edges is called concurrent, written

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