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The mobile control system for the air pollutants compensation

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This article deals with the development of means and ways to reduce the level of pollutants in the atmosphere through the use of CCS NT. The basic approach is information support in the construction of CCS NT while problems are associated with the automation aspect that is a part of the CCS NT design.

JOURNAL OF SCIENCE OF HNUE Chemical and Biological Sci., 2013, Vol 58, No 9, pp 85-90 This paper is available online at http://stdb.hnue.edu.vn THE MOBILE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR THE AIR POLLUTANTS COMPENSATION Solnitsev Remir Iosifovich, Korshunov Gennady Ivanovich1 and Do Xuan Cho2 System Analyses and Logistic Department Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia, Department of Computer Aided Design (CAD) Saint Petersburg Electro Technical University "LETI" (ETU), Russia Abstract Decisions made by administrative authorities determine which monitoring approaches must be used Existing practices to limit the production and release of pollutants have has a very limited effect on the outpouring of pollutants by businesses Both proposed and applied means of controlling the emission of polluting substances (PS) considered an "open circuit" of a "Nature-Technogenic" (CCS NT) system, and this allows a "human factor" to enter into management decisions This article deals with the development of means and ways to reduce the level of pollutants in the atmosphere through the use of CCS NT The basic approach is information support in the construction of CCS NT while problems are associated with the automation aspect that is a part of the CCS NT design Keywords: Ecology, pollutants, meteorological support automatic control system, modeling, Introduction Due to the environmental problems that are caused by anthropogenic activities (processes, products and services of companies) there is a need to create new means to compensate for these effects In recent years, significant efforts have been made to establish methods, means and technologies that will prevent or control environmental pollution Examples are: Best Available Technical, Critical load, Precautionary principle "Polluter pays" principle, Sustainable development (ISO 14004 - 98, Directive EC) In 1996 an idea was proposed and subsequently developed which became a specific closed control system called "Nature-Technogenic" (CCS NT) [9] From the beginning, the object was to minimize the human factor, the rupture of pollutants which results when PS monitoring is corrupted and cleaning devices are nonfunctional or not used Received July 4, 2013 Accepted November 1, 2013 Contact Do Xuan Cho, e-mail address: doxuancholeti@gmail.com 85 Solnitsev Remir Iosifovich, Korshunov Gennady Ivanovich and Do Xuan Cho Currently, to more to reduce the ongoing degradation of the environment by pollutants, It is being recognized that there is a need to improve monitoring systems and technological processes of manufacture, and prevent the release of untreated pollutants into the environment One problem that exists is the gap between the source of pollutants (SP) and the measuring sensors Current monitoring systems are open-loop and include the human factor in gathering and reporting the results of monitoring and pollution control devices, and this allows and even invites a monetary incentive to alter the reported figures, and it makes it possible to delay reporting the discovery of released pollutants for long periods of time (see Figure 1) Figure The opened control "Nature-Technogenic" system WP: Waste products; RM: Raw materials Existing limitations are: - Monitoring parameters in the area of environmental pollution not lead to significant pollution control, because measurements are taken only of pollutants, not the source of the pollutants and the accuracy and reliability of monitoring devices not meet accepted international standards Therefore, any accusation of violation of environmental safety is easily refuted by lawyers who are in the employ of companies should the matter go to court - Environmental audits, while necessary to determine changes that occur when pollutants are released, are not, in Vietnam, a practical reality for many reasons: + After an environmental audit is done, a very long time may pass before the various authorities come to an agreement as to quality of measurements, significance of measurements and source of pollutants Once there is an agreement, another long period of time may pass before the authorities recommend that a business undergo an 86 The mobile control system for the air pollutants compensation environmental audit And more long periods of times may pass before the audit actually done and the figures gathered have been submitted; + The actual implementation of recommendations made following an environmental audit, while sound and direct, are usually not carried out by companies because they don’t wish to bear the cost Companies call pollution control measures ‘difficult scientific and technological problems’ 2.1 Content Experiment The closed control system called "Nature - Technogenic” (CCSNT) (Figure 2) has been proposed and is being called a concrete engineering/technical solution [1-8] CCSNT is meant to minimize the human factor, obtain honest monitoring figure and eliminate the time gap the exists between monitoring and reporting and recommend appropriate pollution reduction measures Figure The closed control "Nature-Technogenic" system CCSNT is an automated control system that includes: facility management, measuring devices, placement on a mobile platform, amplification transformation, calculation, recording and other devices included in the CCSNT units (Figure 3) Movable carriers are to contain: - SSPF:- Small pilotless flying machines (i.e drones); - S1 S n: Sensor measurements; - SD: Switching devices; 87 Solnitsev Remir Iosifovich, Korshunov Gennady Ivanovich and Do Xuan Cho - STD: Strengthening - transforming device; - DIC: Device information compression; - CFCD: Calculate frequency characteristics of the device; - SPDI: Select preferred device of information; - VD: Visualization device; - FD: Formation device; - VCD: Visualization control device; - DV: Visualization device; - CDR: Control device registrar; - RD i (i =1), N: recording device; - DFCL: Device forming the control law; - DR: Device regulation; - CEU: Control of executive units; - EMEU: Electromechanical executive units; - PEDU: Pneumatic executive units; - HED: Hydraulic executive units; - PCEU:- Physical-chemical executive units; - IDMI, PDMI, RDMI: Input devices, processing, receiving meteorological information; - FSMI, CMI: Fixed station, meteorological information center (district); - CA: Cleaning aggregate; - PDM: Personal decision maker, the operator; - OC: Object of control With CCS NT the "human factor" is limited to the acts, signatures and approvals that involve the hardware-software complex (HSC) This reduces the role of the human operator to oversight of the HSC and its components (sensors, transmitters, controllers and executive devices) Making use of such pollution monitoring devices could result in decreased risk of harm from ambient pollution and it does largely remove the "human factor" from the system SSPF installed equipment would be designed to identify the mathematical model of a control object, and determine the concentrations of pollutants and the space-time coordinates of the point of measurement and data transmission SSPF control allows the placement of monitors at points of maximum concentration of pollutants, and CCSNT regulators could control actuators which could turn cleaning units on to reduce pollutant emission at that the measurement point The mathematical models, methods and algorithms for modeling, analysis and synthesis of the CCSNT as the automatic control system (ACS) with a movable control 88 The mobile control system for the air pollutants compensation have already been presented [2-8] 2.2 Results and discussion Particular attention is paid to meteorological and synoptic support for CCS NT control A corresponding block includes obtaining, processing and transmitting data such as wind speed (V), barometric pressure (P), moisture (W) and temperature (T) near the source of the pollutants The CCSNT can be produced with modern CAD systems that are designed specifically for CCSNT [2, 8] [6,7] shows a diagram of the CCSNT hardware-software Figure Block CCSNT 89 Solnitsev Remir Iosifovich, Korshunov Gennady Ivanovich and Do Xuan Cho Conclusion In this article a modern approach to minimize pollution emissions in real time is analyzed Research and experiments have been done which indicate the feasibility of CCS NT products and activity REFERENCES [1] Solnitsev R 1995 The instrumentation in human safety ISA South America region, Sao-Paolo, Brasil, pp 5-8 [2] Solnitsev R., 2002 Creation of "Nature-Technogenic" control system of the basis of information technologies // Proc Intern Conf IEHS’02, SPb., pp 12-17 [3] Solnitsev R 2004 Minimization of the human factor in the "Nature-Technogenic" / / Proc Internat conference IEHS’04, SPb., pp 15-18 [4] Solnitsev R 2006 Construction of a closed system, "Nature-Technogenic" / / Open Education, IT + S & E’06, Ukraine, Yaltaguuf, pp 404-408 [5] R Solnitsev, I Korshunov, A Mashkov, 2008 Simulation of closed-loop control, "Nature-Technogenic", Information and Control Systems, No (33), pp 36-42 [6] Solnitsev R.I, Korshunov, Grudinin A 2009 Way to reduce air pollutants through a closed control system Patent for invention No 2351975 with priority from 11.06.2006 Bulletin Number 10, "Rospatent", Moscow [7] Solnitsev R.I Korshunov The innovative project "Closed loop control"," Nature-Tehnogenic" Proceedings of SUAI 1/2011, pp.145-152 [8] Solnitsev RI Korshunov, G.A 2013 Control system "Nature - Tehnogenika Publishing "Polytechnic", p 205 [9] http://www.iet.ac.vn/News/DetailNews.aspx?Id=547&CategorySub=36&Category=5 &tab=4&Sub&Child 90 ... of pollutants Once there is an agreement, another long period of time may pass before the authorities recommend that a business undergo an 86 The mobile control system for the air pollutants compensation. .. that the measurement point The mathematical models, methods and algorithms for modeling, analysis and synthesis of the CCSNT as the automatic control system (ACS) with a movable control 88 The mobile. .. "human factor" from the system SSPF installed equipment would be designed to identify the mathematical model of a control object, and determine the concentrations of pollutants and the space-time

Ngày đăng: 25/11/2020, 23:29