This study presents a novel application of mesh-free method using the smoothed-radial basis functions for the computational homogenization analysis of materials. The displacement field corresponding to the scattered nodes within the representative volume element (RVE) is split into two parts including mean term and fluctuation term, and then the fluctuation one is approximated using the integrated radial basis function (iRBF) method. Due to the use of the stabilized conforming nodal integration (SCNI) technique, the strain rate is smoothed at discrete nodes; therefore, all constrains in resulting problems are enforced at nodes directly.
Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering NUCE 2020 14 (1): 65–76 A COMPUTATIONAL HOMOGENIZATION ANALYSIS OF MATERIALS USING THE STABILIZED MESH-FREE METHOD BASED ON THE RADIAL BASIS FUNCTIONS Ho Le Huy Phuca,b,∗, Le Van Canha , Phan Duc Hungb a Department of Civil Engineering, International University, VNU-HCMC, Quarter 6, Thu Duc district, Vietnam b Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, No Vo Van Ngan street, Thu Duc district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam Article history: Received 05/08/2019, Revised 20/11/2019, Accepted 28/11/2019 Abstract This study presents a novel application of mesh-free method using the smoothed-radial basis functions for the computational homogenization analysis of materials The displacement field corresponding to the scattered nodes within the representative volume element (RVE) is split into two parts including mean term and fluctuation term, and then the fluctuation one is approximated using the integrated radial basis function (iRBF) method Due to the use of the stabilized conforming nodal integration (SCNI) technique, the strain rate is smoothed at discrete nodes; therefore, all constrains in resulting problems are enforced at nodes directly Taking advantage of the shape function which satisfies Kronecker-delta property, the periodic boundary conditions well-known as the most appropriate procedure for RVE are similarly imposed as in the finite element method Several numerical examples are investigated to observe the computational aspect of iRBF procedure The good agreement of the results in comparison with those reported in other studies demonstrates the accuracy and reliability of proposed approach Keywords: homogenization analysis; mesh-free method; radial point interpolation method; SCNI scheme c 2020 National University of Civil Engineering Introduction Almost materials in nature can be considered as inhomogeneous structures composed by different components Predicting of the physical behavior of materials plays an important role in estimating the loading-capacity of structures Therefore, it is necessary to develop the robust approaches for analysis of heterogeneous materials Multiscale procedures are well-known as such efficient tools for this problem An equivalent homogeneous material relied the RVE is used for a substitution of the heterogeneous one, and the problem is solved via the transition between micro-scale features and macro-response The fundamental theories of homogeneous computation were early developed in the studies [1–10] Then, the numerical implementation was concerned for improving the computational aspect of this method A number of studies using different procedures, such as finite element method [11–14], boundary element method [15], mesh-free methods [16, 17] were published This study ∗ Corresponding author E-mail address: (Phuc, H L H.) 65 Phuc, H L H., et al / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering employs a mesh-free method based on the radial basis functions (RBF) A well-known disadvantage of meshless methods is lack of Kronecker-delta property in the shape function leading to the difficulty in imposing the essential boundary conditions In the purpose of overcoming this issue, the so-called the point interpolation method (PIM) using polynomial basis function and radial point interpolation method (RPIM) using radial basis function were introduced [18] Then, the low-order polynomial in combination with RBFs was also proposed for improving the accuracy and stability of RPIM Furthermore, some models of PIM using smoothing technique based on nodes (NS-PIM), cells (CSPIM) or edges (ES-PIM) were also developed in recent years, and more details can be found in [18, 19] In this study, the stabilized conforming nodal integration (SCNI) scheme introduced by [20] is extended to RPIM, and the smoothed strains at every collocation point within the computational domain can be obtained All constrains and conditions of problems will be imposed directly at the scattered nodes utilizing nodal integration procedure instead of using Gaussian quadrature, that reduces number of variables and integration points significantly The numerical implementation is carried out to investigate the computational aspect, and the good agreement in comparison with other studies demonstrates the efficiency of proposed method Brief of homogenization theory In this analysis, materials are considered to be macroscopically homogeneous, but microscopically heterogeneous A heterogeneous body V ∈ R3 is replaced by an equivalent homogeneous one V M ∈ R3 Next, a heterogeneous micro-base cell Vm ∈ R3 so-called the representative volume element (RVE) will be investigated at every material point x ∈ V M The micro-structure is subjected to the body force g, the surface load t on the static boundary Γt and constrained by the displacement field u on the kinematic boundary Γu The material response of macro-structure is determined by solving the macro-micro transitions problems, where the RVE size plays an important role The RVE size must be significantly great to describe the material properties, but significantly small to ensure the reduced conditions of the transitions Actually, the size of microscopic base cell is very small compared with the macro-scale (lm l M ); therefore, the body force g can be neglected in the micro-scale problem The RVE equilibrium state can be formulated in absence of body forces as ∇σm = in Vm (1) where σm denotes the microscopic stress The micro-scale problem can be handled as the boundary value one in solid mechanics The macroscopic strain ε M are transferred to micro-structure in form of kinematic boundary constrains The displacement field u consists two components involving mean part u¯ and fluctuation part u˜ u = u¯ + u˜ = ε M X + u˜ (2) with X is the positional matrix of each material point in the computational domain Various approaches corresponding to different ways to impose the boundary condition have proposed in the literature, see [7, 13, 21] This study uses the the most efficient in terms of convergence rate so-called periodic boundary condition There are the periodicity of fluctuation field and antiperiodicity of traction field at RVE boundary u˜ + = u˜ − on Γu ; 66 t+ = −t− on Γt (3) Phuc, H L H., et al / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering where u˜ + and u˜ − are the fluctuation field, t+ and t− are the traction field of positive and negative boundaries, respectively The periodic boundary condition can be generally performed as u+ − u− = ε M (X+ − X− ) (4) Note that, the boundary condition must always satisfy the averaging principle which is used to solve the couple of microscopic and macroscopic problem, see [1, 2, 10] The macroscopic strain and stress tensors are computed by the volume average of microscopic those εM = Vm εm dVm ; σM = Vm Vm σm dVm (5) Vm Utilizing the formula ∇X = I, the microscopic stress can be now expressed in the following relation σm = (∇σm )X + (∇X)σm = ∇(σm X) (6) Substituting Eq (6) to Eq (5) and applying the Green’s theorem for integration, we obtain σM = Vm ∇(σm X)dVm = Vm Vm Γm nσm XdΓm = Vm Γm tXdΓm (7) Similarly, the strain averaging can be rewritten as εM = Vm ∇(εm X)dVm = Vm Vm Γm ¯ m nudΓ (8) The boundary condition must be defined to satisfy the constrain on the fluctuation field Vm Γm ˜ m=0 nudΓ (9) Therefore, Eq (8) can be rewritten as follow εM = Vm Γm ¯ m+ nudΓ Vm Γm ˜ m= nudΓ Vm Γm nudΓm (10) The material constant matrix D M for elastic state of macroscopic scale can be recalculated via the Hooke’s law as σM = DM εM (11) Point interpolation method using radial basis functions Consider a scattered node xTQ = [x1 , x2 , , xN ] within a closed area Ω In the original formulation of RPIM, the approximate function uh (x) is obtained by interpolating pass through the nodal value as uh (x) = R(x)a(xQ ) (12) where a(xQ ) denotes the coefficient vector corresponding to the given point xQ ; R(x) is the basis function vector which is expressed by R(x) = [R1 (x), R2 (x), , RN (x)] 67 (13) Phuc, H L H., et al / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering with N is number of scattered points in the problem domain Following [18], the major advantage of RPIM is that the matrix RQ is always invertable for arbitrary scattered nodes However, the unexpected results in terms of accuracy may occur Therefore, a polynomial term is added into the basis function to improve the computational efficiency Additionally, using polynomial reproduction leads to the flexible selection of shape parameters The approximate function for a set of points within the support domain is expressed as uh (x) = R(x)a + p(x)b (14) where a and b are the coefficient vectors corresponding to radial basis function R(x) and polynomial basis function p(x), respectively aT = {a1 , a2 , , aN }; bT = {b1 , b2 , , b M } (15) with M is number of terms in b depending on the order of polynomial basis function Enforcing uh (x) function to pass through the scattered points within support domain, the matrix form of Eq (14) is obtained by enforcing uh (x) function at every points as follows U = RQ a + P M b (16) where RQ is given by ··· RQ = R1 (rk ) ··· ··· R2 (rk ) ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· RN (rk ) ··· (17) N×N with rk = xk − xI is the distance between node I th and point xk The best ranked function in terms of accuracy named multi-quadric (MQ) is employed in this study RI (rk ) = (rk2 + c2I )q (18) where cI = αdI is the shape parameter with α > and dI is the minimal distance from point xI to its neighbors To guarantee the unique approximation of function, the polynomial part must satisfy the extra requirement [18] and the following constrains are usually imposed PTM a = (19) The combination of Eqs (16) and (19) gives RQ PTM PM a b = U (20) Eq (20) can be rewritten as G a b = U (21) The coefficient vectors a and b can be computed by inverting matrix G and then substitute into Eq (21) For convenience, a more efficient procedure proposed by [18] is employed −1 a = R−1 Q U − RQ P M b; 68 b = χb U (22) Phuc, H L H., et al / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering where b = χb U; −1 T −1 χb = [PTM R−1 Q P M ] P M RQ (23) Substituting b in Eq (23) to in Eq (22), we obtain a = χa U (24) −1 −1 χa = R−1 Q [1 − P M χb ] = RQ − RQ P M χb (25) where Finally, the approximation function in Eq (14) can be rewritten as N uh (x) = [R(x)χa + p(x)χb ]U = ΦI (x)uI (26) I=1 The shape function and its partial derivatives for node kth can be expressed as N Φk = M RI χaIk + I=1 ∂Φk = ∂x N I=1 ∂RI a χ + ∂x Ik M J=1 p J χbJk (27) J=1 ∂p J b χ ; ∂x Jk ∂Φk = ∂y N I=1 ∂RI a χ + ∂y Ik M J=1 ∂p J b χ ∂y Jk (28) For purpose of computational improvement, this study employs the strain smoothing method proposed in [20] for use in nodal integration schemes as ε˜ hij (x J ) = aJ ΩJ 1 h (ui, j + uhj,i )dΩ = 2a J ΓJ uhi n j + uhj ni dΩ (29) where ε˜ hij is the smoothed value of strains εhij at node J; a J and Γ J are the area of the representative domain Ω J of node J, respectively The smooth version of the strains can be expressed as εh (x J ) = ε˜ hxx (x J ) ε˜ hyy (x J ) 2ε˜ hxy (x J ) T ˜ = Bd (30) ˜ is the strain matrix whose components are calculated where d denotes the displacement vector and B using the derivatives of shape function as ˜ I,α (x J ) = Φ aJ ΦI (x J )nα (x)dΓ = 2a J ΓJ ns k+1 nkα lk + nk+1 ΦI (xk+1 α l J ) (31) k=1 ˜ is the smoothed version of Φ; ns is the number of segments of a Voronoi nodal domain Ω J where Φ k in the Fig 1; xkJ and xk+1 J are the coordinates of the two end points of boundary segment Γ J which has k k length l and outward surface normal n It is interested to note that the shape function of RPIM possesses Kronecker delta property Consequently, the essential boundary conditions can be enforced by the similar way as in the finite element method Furthermore, the stabilized shape function also yields to the reduction of computational cost 69 F k = åRI c Ika + å pJ c Jkb (27) N M N M ¶F k ¶p ¶F k ¶p ¶R ¶R = å I c Ika + å J c Jkb ; = å I c Ika + å J c Jkb ¶x Phuc, x H., et al J/=1Journal ¶x of Science and ¶yTechnology y Civil Engineering I =1H.¶L I =1 ¶in J =1 ¶y (28) I =1 J =1 Figure Geometry definition of a representative nodal domain RPIM discretisation of the homogenization problems The displacement field u are approximated in terms of nodal reflection within the problem domain using the RPIM procedure as follow N N u (x) = ΦI (x)uI = h I=1 ΦI (x) I=1 uI vI (32) where uI and vI are the nodal displacement components corresponding to node I th ; N is number nodes in the computational domain of area Ωm The periodic constrain in Eq (6) can be recalled and expressed as follow u+ − u− = u A − u B (33) where uA and uB are the displacement of nodes at the RVE corners Denoting C for the coefficient matrix containing the (0, 1, −1) values, Eq (33) can be performed as Cu = (34) The displacement vector u = [u1 , v1 , , uN , vN ]T is determined from the equation system, in which the global stiffness matrix K is built by assembling × matrices KI J defined by KI J = Ωm BTI Dm B J dΩm , I, J = 1, 2, , N (35) where Dm is the material constant matrix of micro-scale The global load vector f consists × matrices fI as fI = Γt ΦI tdΓt , 70 I = 1, 2, , N (36) Phuc, H L H., et al / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering In this study, the condensation method is used to impose the boundary condition The constrains of displacement degree of freedoms (DOFs) in Eq (34) are rewritten as ui ud Ci Cd =0 (37) where ui and ud are the independent and dependent DOFs, respectively and ud = −C−1 d Ci ui = Cdi ui (38) Then, the linear equation system can be expressed as ui ud Kii Kid Kdi Kdd = fi fd (39) In condensation method, the dependent DOFs ud will be eliminated from the equation system The reduced forms of the stiffness matrix K and loading vector f are now calculated as K∗ = Kii + Kid Cdi + CTdi Kdi + CTdi Kdd Cdi ; f ∗ = fi + CTdi fd (40) The equation system is rewritten as K∗ u = f ∗ Kaa Kab Kba Kbb or ua ub = fb (41) where a and b denote the inner nodes and corner nodes, respectively The displacement corresponding to the corner nodes I th can be determined by ubI = X 0 Y 0.5Y 0.5X ε xx εyy ε xy = χbI ε M (42) with (X, Y) is the coordinate of the corner nodes I th in the problem domain Using the condensation method, the reduced equation system is performed via the corner DOFs as K∗bb ub = fb∗ (43) K∗bb = Kbb − Kba K−1 aa Kab (44) where The macroscopic stress satisfies the averaging principle σM = Ωm Γm tXdΓm = T ∗ T ∗ T ∗ χb fb = χb Kbb ub = χ K χb ε M Ωm Ωm Ωm b bb (45) Finally, homogenizing Eqs (11) and (45), we obtain the material constant matrix for the macroscale as D11 D12 T ∗ χ K χ (46) D M = D21 D22 = Ωm b bb b 0 D66 71 Phuc, H L H., et al / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering Numerical solutions 5.1 Material models with a central inclusion The micro-structure with an inclusion of radius R at center is taken into account in this example The geometry and dimension of RVE are illustrated in Fig 2, all dimensions are in µm The conJournal ofand Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (STCE) - NUCE with the stituent of material model includes Epoxy matrix νm - = 0.34) embedded Journal of Science Technology in Civil(EEngineering (STCE) NUCE m = 3.13 GPa, Glass fiber (Ec = 73 GPa, νc = 0.2) (a) Geometry and dimension (a) Geometry and dimension (a) Geometry and dimension Nodal discretization (b)(b)Nodal discretization (b) Nodal discretization Figure Microstructure with inclusion: geometry discretization 0==20%) V /V 20% Figure Microstructure with inclusion: geometry andand discretization ((V/V Figure 2.Microstructure with inclusion: geometry and discretization ( V / )V0 = 20% ) Several ratios V/VV0ratios the numerical using RPIM /are V0 investigated Severalvolume volume ratios are and the numerical solutions usingand FEM V /investigated V0 areand Several volume investigated andsolutions the numerical solutions using models are collected in Table From the table, it can be seen that RPIM results are very close to FEM RPIM and FEM are collected in Tablein1.Table From theFrom table,the it can be itseen that andmodels FEM models are database collected table, can be seen that modelsRPIM when using the same meshing (2041 nodes,1 2000 Q4-elements, 4000 T3-elements) RPIM results are very close to FEM models when using the same meshing database RPIM results very isclose to FEMof models when using the same meshing database The advantage of RPIMare method that number integration points required to construct the stiffness (2041 2000 4000formulations T3-elements) of technique RPIM of method matrixnodes, are much lessQ4-elements, than those in FEM dueThe to theadvantage useThe of SCNI leadingmethod to the (2041 nodes, 2000 Q4-elements, 4000 T3-elements) advantage RPIM be at discretized intothe computational domain That means the isintegrations that number of directly integration points required tonodes construct the stiffness matrix arematrix much is thattonumber of enforced integration points required construct the stiffness are much computational cost is significantly decreased using RPIM procedure less than those in FEM formulations due to the use of SCNI technique leading to the less than those in FEM formulations due to the use of SCNI technique leading to the integrations to be directly enforced at with discretized nodes in nodes the computational domain domain Table RVE inclusion: material parameters integrations to be directly enforced at discretized in the computational That means the computational cost is significantly decreased using RPIM procedure That means the computational cost is significantly decreased using RPIM procedure Material parameters (GPa) Table RVE with inclusion: material parameters V/V0 Approach Table RVEDwith inclusion:D material parameters D12 D66 11 22 Material parameters (GPa) Material parameters RPIM 3.951 3.951 1.308 (GPa) 1.308 V / V0 Approach V / V Approach D11 4.102 10% FEM-T3 D12 1.341 D66 1.364 D22 4.102 D D D66 D 11 12 22 FEM-Q4 4.099 4.099 1.339 1.365 RPIM 3.951 3.951 1.308 1.308 RPIM 4.873 4.873 1.532 1.540 RPIM 3.951 3.951 1.308 1.308 20% FEM-T3 10% FEM-T3 4.1024.823 4.102 4.823 1.341 1.528 1.364 1.527 10% FEM-Q4 FEM-T3 4.102 4.102 1.341 1.364 4.820 4.820 1.527 1.528 FEM-Q4 4.099 4.099 1.339 1.365 RPIM 5.892 5.892 1.691 1.776 FEM-Q4 4.099 4.099 1.339 1.365 RPIM FEM-T3 4.8735.776 4.873 5.776 1.532 1.748 1.540 1.687 30% RPIM 4.873 4.873 1.532 1.540 FEM-Q4 5.774 5.774 1.747 1.688 20% FEM-T3 4.823 4.823 1.528 1.527 Number20% of integration points: RPIM: 2041; FEM-T3: 4000; 32000 FEM-T3 4.823 4.823FEM-Q4: 1.528 1.527 FEM-Q4 4.820 4.820 1.527 1.528 FEM-Q4 4.820 4.820 1.527 1.528 72 RPIM 5.892 5.892 1.691 1.776 RPIM 5.892 5.892 1.691 1.776 30% FEM-T3 5.776 5.776 1.748 1.687 30% FEM-T3 5.776 5.776 1.748 1.687 FEM-Q4 5.774 5.774 1.747 1.688 Phuc, H L H., et al / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering The effect shear modulus over the matrix modulus are compared with the analytical results reported in [22], the numerical solutions reported in [21] and present FEM models The comparison is also plotted in Fig 3(a) The agreement of present solutions and the analytical as well as other numerical models shows reasonability ofin proposed The(STCE) Journal of Science and Technology CivilinEngineering (STCE) -displacement NUCE - NUCEand stress fields are Journal ofthe Science and Technology Civilmethod Engineering shown in Figs 3(b) and 3(c) It can be observed from the stress distribution that the stress is mainly Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (STCE) - NUCE concentrated at the kernel in where the Glass fiber is reinforced (b) Displacement field (b)Displacement Displacement field (b) field (b) Displacement field (a)the Comparison the effect shear modulus ratios (c) (a) of effect shear of modulus ratios G/G (a)Comparison Comparison of the effect shear modulus ratios G / G0 (c) Stress Stress field (c) field Stress field shear RVE with inclusion: the solutions (c) Stress field GFigure /G (a) Comparison of the effect modulus ratios Figure RVE with inclusion: the solutions G /with Gthe RVE the solutions inclusion: 5.2 Material modelsFigure reinforced with fibers The effect shear modulus over the matrix modulus G / G0 are compared with the / G0solutions Theexample effect shear modulus over the matrix modulus arecomposed compared with the Figure 3.representative RVE with the The investigates two material G sections aluminum matrix with analytical results reported in [13], theinclusion: numerical solutions reported inof [15] and present Young’s modulus E = 72.5 GPa and Poisson ratio ν = 0.33 The second material consisting short m m analytical results in [13], the numerical solutions reported in [15]agreement and present FEMreported models The comparison is also plotted in Figure 3(a) of present GPoisson’s / G0The The effect shear modulus over the matrix modulus are ratio compared with the and long boron fibers with Young’s modulus E = 400 GPa and ν = 0.2 are embedded creasonability FEM models Journal The comparison isand also plotted inascin Figure 3(a) Themodels agreement Journal Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (STCE) - NUCE solutions and theof analytical as well other shows-of thepresent of Science Technology Civilnumerical Engineering (STCE) NUCE analytical results reported in [13], the numerical solutions reported in [15] and in the matrix Fig shows the dimensions (µm) and distribution of heterogeneity of proposed method solutions and the analytical as well as other numerical models shows the reasonability present models The comparison is also plotted in Figure 3(a) The agreement of present of FEM proposed method The displacement and stress fields are shown in Figure 3(b) and 3(c) It can be solutions and the analytical as well as other shows the reasonability observed from stress distribution thatnumerical the ismodels mainly concentrated at the The displacement and the stress fields are shown in stress Figure 3(b) and 3(c) It can be kernel of proposedinmethod where the Glass fiber is reinforced observed from the stress distribution that the stress is mainly concentrated at the kernel and stress fields are shown in Figure 3(b) and 3(c) It can be in whereThe the displacement Glass fiber is reinforced observed from the stress distribution thatwith thethe stress is mainly concentrated at the kernel 5.2 Material models reinforced fibers in where the Glass is reinforced The fiber example investigates two representative material sections composed of 5.2 Material models reinforced with the fibers aluminium matrix with Young’s modulus Em = 72.5 GPa and Poisson ratio νm = 0.33 The example investigates two representative material sections composed of Ec = The second material consisting short and long boron fibers with Young’s modulus 5.2 Material reinforced with fibers aluminium matrix withand Young’s modulus = 72.5 GPa and inPoisson ratioFigure νm = 0.33 400 models GPa Poisson’s ratio νc E=mthe 0.2 are embedded the matrix shows the dimensions and distribution of heterogeneity The second material consisting short and long boron fibers with Young’s modulus Ec = The example investigates two representative material sections composed of 400 GPa and Poisson’s ratio νc = 0.2 are embedded in the matrix Figure shows the aluminium matrix with Young’s modulus Em = 72.5 GPa and Poisson ratio νm = 0.33 dimensions and distribution of heterogeneity The second material consisting short and long boron fibers with Young’s modulus Ec = (a) RVE with short fiber (b) RVE with long fiber RVE short (b)the RVE with long fiber (a)with RVE withfiber fiber (b) RVE with 400 GPa(a)and Poisson’s ratio νshort are embedded in matrix Figure long showsfiber the c = 0.2 Figure Micro-structure with rectangular heterogeneity dimensions and distribution of Figure Micro-structure with rectangular heterogeneity Figure heterogeneity Micro-structure with rectangular heterogeneity 7311 To demonstrate the accuracy and of proposed method,method, the numerical To demonstrate the accuracy and reliability of proposed the numerical 11 reliability Phuc, H L H., et al / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering To demonstrate the accuracy and reliability of proposed method, the numerical results of material properties are compared with those using the global-local FEM analysis reported in [5], VCFEM and HOMO2D in [6] From Tables and 3, it can be observed that present procedure can prove the compatible solutions in comparison with numerical methods in [5, 6] Table The comparison of material properties in case of short fiber model Material properties (GPa) Author D11 D22 D12 D66 Present RPIM 124.084 152.529 36.800 42.915 Fish and Wagimen [5] 122.357 151.351 36.191 42.112 Ghosh et al [6], VCFEM 118.807 139.762 38.052 42.440 Ghosh et al [6], HOMO2D 122.400 151.200 36.230 42.100 Table The comparison of material properties in case of long fiber model Material properties (GPa) Journal NUCE Journalof ofScience Science and and Technology Technology in Civil Engineering (STCE) - NUCE Author Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (STCE) - NUCE D11 D22 D12 Present RPIM 137.372 D D11 11 D11 136.147 D66 245.842 D22 D22 245.810 36.284 47.396 D66 66 D12 D D12 D46.850 66 Fish and Wagimen [5] 36.076 Present RPIM 137.372 245.842 36.284 47.396 Present RPIM 137.372 47.396 Ghosh et al RPIM [6], VCFEM 136.137 245.810 36.076 46.850 Present 137.372 245.842 36.284 47.396 Fish [5] 136.147 245.810 46.850 Fishand andWagimen Wagimen [5] 136.147 36.076 46.850 Ghosh al [6], HOMO2D 136.100 245.800 36.080 46.850 Fishetand Wagimen [5] 136.147 245.810 36.076 46.850 Ghosh 136.137 245.810 46.850 Ghoshetetal al.[6], [6], VCFEM VCFEM 136.137 36.076 46.850 et al [6], 136.137 245.810 36.076 The Ghosh displacement andVCFEM the stress field distributions are plotted in Figs and It46.850 can be seen Ghosh et al [6], HOMO2D 136.100 36.080 46.850 Ghosh et al [6], HOMO2D 136.100 245.800 46.850 that the Ghosh stressesetare at positions where the stiffness owing to the al.concentrated [6], HOMO2D 136.100 245.800significantly 36.080increase46.850 reinforcement of the fibers (a) RVE model (a)RVE RVE model (a) RVE model (a) model (b) Displacement field (b)(b) Displacement Displacement field (b) Displacement field (c) Stress field (c)(c)Stress Stressfield field field Figure Material reinforced with short fiber using RPIM method (1681 nodes) Figure 5:Material Material reinforced with short fiber using RPIM method (1681 nodes) Figure 5: Material reinforced with short fiber using RPIM method (1681 nodes) Figure 5: reinforced with short fiber using RPIM method (1681 nodes) 74 RVE model (b) Displacement field (c)Stress Stressfield field (a)(a) RVE model (b) (c) RVE model (b)Displacement Displacementfield field (c) Stress field Figure 5:5: Material reinforced with short fiber using RPIM method (1681nodes) nodes) Figure 5: Material reinforced Figure Material reinforcedwith withshort shortfiber fiberusing usingRPIM RPIMmethod method(1681 (1681 nodes) Phuc, H L H., et al / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (a) RVE model (a)(a) RVE model RVE model RVE model (b) Displacement field (b) (b)Displacement Displacementfield field (b) Displacement field (c) Stress field (c) (c)Stress Stress field Stressfield field Figure Material reinforced with longfiber fiber using method (1681 nodes) Figure 6: Material reinforced with long fiberusing usingRPIM RPIM (1681 nodes) Figure 6: Material reinforced with long RPIM method (1681 nodes) Figure 6: Material reinforced with long fiber using RPIM method (1681 nodes) Conclusions Conclusions Conclusions 6 Conclusions A novel mesh-free method based on radial basis functions and SCNI scheme has been successnovel mesh-free method based onradial radialThe basis functions and SCNI scheme has A novel method based on basis functions and fully applied for mesh-free homogeneous analysis of materials important advantage of scheme proposed method AA novel mesh-free method based on radial basis functions andSCNI SCNI schemehas has been successfully applied for homogeneous analysis of materials The important inbeen comparison with mesh-based ones is the absence of the mesh and the high-order shape function, successfully applied for homogeneous analysis of materials The important been successfully applied for homogeneous analysis of materials The important which may increase the accuracy and convergence rate ofmesh-based solutions Forever, the periodic boundary advantage proposed method comparison with mesh-based ones the absence ofof advantage of proposed method in with ones advantage ofof proposed method inincomparison comparison with mesh-based onesisis isthe theabsence absenceof condition for RVE is applied owing to the RPIM shape function possesses Kronecker-delta property themesh meshand and thehigh-order high-ordershape shape function,which which mayincrese incresethe the accuracy accuracy and and the theSCNI mesh and the thecalculation high-order shape function, function, whichmay may increse the accuracy and The scheme for of strains helps all constrains be enforced directly atfor scattered nodes convergence rate of solutions Morever, the periodic boundary condition RVE is convergence rate of solutions Morever, the periodic boundary condition for RVE is convergence rate of solutions Morever, the periodic boundary condition for RVE is in the problem domain, and the computational cost can be reduced significantly However, this study applied owing to the RPIM shape function possesses Kronecker-delta property The applied owing to the RPIM shape function possesses Kronecker-delta property The only aims to analyse of materials; therefore, the future worksproperty will extendThe to the applied owing to the theelastic RPIMbehavior shape function possesses Kronecker-delta inelastic respond of materials and structures Acknowledgement 13 13 13 This research is funded by International University - Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City under grant number T2019-01-CE References [1] Hill, R (1963) Elastic properties of reinforced solids: some theoretical principles Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 11(5):357–372 [2] Hill, R (1984) On macroscopic effects of heterogeneity in elastoplastic media at finite strain In Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, volume 95, Cambridge University Press, 481–494 [3] Budiansky, B (1965) On the elastic moduli of some heterogeneous materials Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 13(4):223–227 [4] Hashin, Z., Wendt, F W (1970) Theory of composite materials Mechanics of Composite Materials, 201–242 [5] Fish, J., Wagiman, A (1993) Multiscale finite element method for a periodic and nonperiodic heterogeneous medium ASME 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