*Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
* @author Vu Van Trieu * @version 1.0 */ import iaik.x509.*; import java.io.*; import java.math.*; import java.rmi.*; import javax.ejb.*; import java.security.*; import iaik.asn1.structures.*; import iaik.asn1.*; import java.util.*; import iaik.x509.extensions.*; public class iCATool { public static final boolean CA_CERT = true; public static final boolean USER_CERT = false; public static final int DER=1; public static final int PEM=2; public static final int MD5withRSA = 1; public static final int SHA1withRSA = 2; public static final int dsaWithSHA = 3; public static final int dsaWithSHA1 = 4; protected PrivateKey privateKey=null; protected PublicKey publicKey=null; protected X509Certificate certificate=null; protected int algorithm=1; protected BigInteger serial; protected String keyAlgorithm="RSA"; protected int keyLen=512; protected boolean selfCreateKeyPair=false; protected Name name; protected String idCardNum=null; 109 protected Date idCardIssueDate=null; protected String ks_alias; protected String ks_filename; protected String ks_pwd; protected String ks_provider; protected String ks_type; protected java.util.Date validFrom; protected java.util.Date validTo; protected byte[] cert_temp; protected boolean subCritical=false; protected boolean auCritical=false; protected boolean idCardNumCritical = false; protected byte[] ks_data; public PrivateKey getPrivateKey() { return privateKey; } public PublicKey getPublicKey() { return publicKey; } public boolean getSelfCreateKeyPair() { return selfCreateKeyPair; } public BigInteger getSerial() { return serial; } public void setPrivateKey(PrivateKey privateKey) { this.privateKey = privateKey; } public void setPublicKey(PublicKey publicKey) { this.publicKey = publicKey; } public void setSelfCreateKeyPair(boolean selfCreateKeyPair) 110 { this.selfCreateKeyPair = selfCreateKeyPair; } public void setSerial(BigInteger serial) { this.serial = serial; } public byte[] getCertificate() throws EJBException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = null; try { out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); this.certificate.writeTo(out); } catch(Exception e) { throw new EJBException(e.getMessage()); } return out.toByteArray(); } public int getAlgorithm() { return algorithm; } public int getKeyLen() { return keyLen; } public void setAlgorithm(int algorithm) { this.algorithm = algorithm; } public void setKeyLen(int keyLen) { this.keyLen = keyLen; } public void setKeyAlgorithm(String keyAlgorithm) { 111 this.keyAlgorithm = keyAlgorithm; } public String getKeyAlgorithm() { return keyAlgorithm; } //E,CN,UID,OU,O,C public void setSubjectInfo( String emailAddress, String commonName, String organizationalUnit, String organization, String stateOrProvince, String locality, String country) { if (commonName==null || commonName.equals("")) { name=null; return; } name = new Name(); if (country!=null && !country.equals("")) name.addRDN(ObjectID.country, country); if (locality!=null && !locality.equals("")) name.addRDN(ObjectID.locality, locality); if (stateOrProvince!=null && !stateOrProvince.equals("")) name.addRDN(ObjectID.stateOrProvince, stateOrProvince); if (organization!=null && !organization.equals("")) name.addRDN(ObjectID.organization, organization); if (organizationalUnit!=null && !organizationalUnit.equals("")) name.addRDN(ObjectID.organizationalUnit, organizationalUnit); if (emailAddress!=null && !emailAddress.equals("")) name.addRDN(ObjectID.emailAddress, emailAddress); if (commonName!=null && !commonName.equals("")) name.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName, commonName); } public void addName(int oid, String name) { if (this.name==null) this.name = new Name(); switch(oid) { case iName.commonName: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName,name); break; case iName.country: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.country,name); 112 break; case iName.emailAddress: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.emailAddress,name); break; case iName.locality: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.locality,name); break; case iName.organization: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.organization,name); break; case iName.organizationalUnit: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.organizationalUnit,name); break; case iName.stateOrProvince: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.stateOrProvince,name); break; case iName.streetAddress: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.streetAddress,name); break; case iName.surName: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.surName,name); break; case iName.title: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.title,name); break; case iName.unstructuredAddress: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.unstructuredAddress,name); break; case iName.unstructuredName: this.name.addRDN(ObjectID.unstructuredName,name); break; default: break; } } public void setKs_alias(String ks_alias) { this.ks_alias = ks_alias; } public void setKs_filename(String ks_filename) { this.ks_filename = ks_filename; } public void setKs_pwd(String ks_pwd) { 113 this.ks_pwd = ks_pwd; } public void setKs_provider(String ks_provider) { this.ks_provider = ks_provider; } public void setKs_type(String ks_type) { this.ks_type = ks_type; } public void setValidFrom(java.util.Date validFrom) { this.validFrom = validFrom; } public java.util.Date getValidFrom() { return validFrom; } public void setValidTo(Date validTo) { this.validTo = validTo; } public Date getValidTo() { return validTo; } public void setCert_temp(byte[] cert_temp) { this.cert_temp = cert_temp; } public void setSubCritical(boolean subCritical) { this.subCritical = subCritical; } public boolean isSubCritical() { return subCritical; } public void setAuCritical(boolean auCritical) { this.auCritical = auCritical; } public boolean isAuCritical() { return auCritical; 114 } public void setKs_data(byte[] ks_data) { this.ks_data = ks_data; } public String getIdCardNum() { return idCardNum; } public void setIdCardNum(String idCardNum) { this.idCardNum = idCardNum; } public boolean isIdCardNumCritical() { return idCardNumCritical; } public void setIdCardNumCritical(boolean idCardNumCritical) { this.idCardNumCritical = idCardNumCritical; } public Date getIdCardIssueDate() { return idCardIssueDate; } public void setIdCardIssueDate(Date idCardIssueDate) { this.idCardIssueDate = idCardIssueDate; } } 115 3) Modul ký duyệt tạo lập chứng số package vasc.ca.security.ejb; import iaik.asn1.*; import iaik.asn1.structures.*; import iaik.x509.*; import iaik.x509.extensions.*; import iaik.x509.extensions.netscape.*; import iaik.pkcs.pkcs10.*; import java.io.*; import java.rmi.*; import java.security.*; import java.util.*; import javax.ejb.*; import vasc.ca.security.utils.*; import vasc.ca.security.interfaces.*; import vasc.ca.security.bean.*; import vasc.ca.bean.keystore.*; import vasc.security.x509.extensions.*; public class CertEJB extends iCATool implements SessionBean { private SessionContext sessionContext; public void ejbCreate() { } public void ejbRemove() { } public void ejbActivate() { } public void ejbPassivate() { } public void setSessionContext(SessionContext sessionContext) { this.sessionContext = sessionContext; } public void createCert() throws EJBException { try 116 { iaik.security.provider.IAIK.addAsProvider(false); //Kiem tra certificate template co hop le hay khong if (cert_temp==null) throw new EJBException("Certficcate template is NULL"); X509Certificate certTmp = new X509Certificate(this.cert_temp); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(this.ks_data); //Lay thong tin ve CA keystore: private key, public key, certificate KeyStore ks = Util.loadkeyStore(in,this.ks_pwd,this.ks_type,this.ks_provider); if (!ks.isKeyEntry(this.ks_alias)) throw new RemoteException("alias "+this.ks_alias+" is not associated with KeyEntry"); PrivateKey issuerPrivateKey = (PrivateKey)ks.getKey(this.ks_alias,this.ks_pwd.toCharArray()); java.security.cert.Certificate[] crt = (java.security.cert.Certificate[])ks.getCertificateChain(this.ks_alias); java.security.cert.X509Certificate cert = (java.security.cert.X509Certificate)crt[0]; X509Certificate issuerCert = new X509Certificate(cert.getEncoded()); //Vector dung cho viec luu phan mo rong extension cua certificate Vector vector = new Vector(); vector.removeAllElements(); //Neu selfCreateKeyPair=true thi phai sinh keypair truoc sign if (selfCreateKeyPair) { KeyPair keyPair =null; if (keyAlgorithm.equals("")) keyPair = vasc.ca.security.utils.Util.generateKeyPair("RSA",keyLen); else keyPair = vasc.ca.security.utils.Util.generateKeyPair(keyAlgorithm,keyLen); publicKey = keyPair.getPublic(); privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate(); } //Thong tin chung thuc public key cua doi tuong SubjectKeyIdentifier subKey = new SubjectKeyIdentifier(publicKey); if (subCritical) subKey.setCritical(false); vector.addElement(subKey); //Thong tin chung thuc public key cua CA 117 SubjectKeyIdentifier issuer = new SubjectKeyIdentifier(issuerCert.getPublicKey()); AuthorityKeyIdentifier auKey = new AuthorityKeyIdentifier(); if (auCritical) auKey.setCritical(false); auKey.setKeyIdentifier(issuer.get()); auKey.setAuthorityCertSerialNumber(issuerCert.getSerialNumber()); vector.add(auKey); / Gan them thong tin ve so chung minh thu nhan dan nhan if (this.idCardNum!=null && !this.idCardNum.equals("")) { PersonalIdentifierNumber idCard = new PersonalIdentifierNumber(); idCard.setCritical(this.isIdCardNumCritical()); idCard.setIDNumber(this.idCardNum); if (this.idCardIssueDate!=null) idCard.setIssueDate(this.idCardIssueDate); vector.add(idCard); } //Lay phan mo rong certificate template Enumeration enum = certTmp.listExtensions(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { V3Extension ext = (V3Extension)enum.nextElement(); if (!(ext instanceof SubjectKeyIdentifier) && !(ext instanceof AuthorityKeyIdentifier)) vector.add(ext); } //Neu khong co phan mo rong nao thi nem mot ngoai le if (vector.size()==0) throw new RemoteException("Certificate template not have any extension"); V3Extension V3extensions[] = new V3Extension[vector.size()]; vector.copyInto(V3extensions); //Dat lai thuat toan sign private key cua CA thuoc loai DSA, //boi vi DSAPrivateKey chi co the dung dsaWithSHA1 hoac dsaWithSHA if (issuerPrivateKey instanceof iaik.security.dsa.DSAPrivateKey) algorithm = iCATool.dsaWithSHA1; switch(algorithm) { case MD5withRSA: 118 this.certificate = vasc.ca.security.utils.Util.createCertificate(name,publicKey, (Name)issuerCert.getSubjectDN(),issuerPrivateKey, AlgorithmID.md5WithRSAEncryption,serial,V3extensions,validFrom, validTo); break; case SHA1withRSA: this.certificate = vasc.ca.security.utils.Util.createCertificate(name,publicKey, (Name)issuerCert.getSubjectDN(),issuerPrivateKey, AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption,serial,V3extensions,validFrom,validTo); break; case dsaWithSHA1: this.certificate = vasc.ca.security.utils.Util.createCertificate(name,publicKey, (Name)issuerCert.getSubjectDN(),issuerPrivateKey, AlgorithmID.dsaWithSHA1,serial,V3extensions,validFrom,validTo); break; default: throw new EJBException("Algorithm for signing is invalid"); } } catch(Exception e) { throw new EJBException(e); } } public void createCertFromRequest(byte[] request) throws EJBException { this.selfCreateKeyPair=false; try { //Kiem tra xem request co hop le hay khong RequestInfo reqInfo = Common.checkRequest(new String(request)); if (reqInfo!=null) { if (reqInfo.getType().equals(RequestInfo.T_PKCS10)) { CertificateRequest req = new CertificateRequest(request); if (!req.verify()) throw new EJBException("Request is invalid"); this.publicKey = req.getPublicKey(); 119 if (this.name==null) this.name = req.getSubject(); createCert(); } else { if (reqInfo.getType().equals(RequestInfo.T_KEYGEN)) { this.publicKey = Common.getPublicKeyFromKEYGEN(new String(request)); if (this.publicKey==null) throw new EJBException("Can not parse this request"); } else throw new EJBException("Can not parse this request"); } createCert(); } else throw new EJBException("Can not parse this request"); } catch(Exception e) { throw new EJBException(e); } } } 120 Thank you for evaluating AnyBizSoft PDF Merger! 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