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Students’ perceptions and practices of learner autonomy in learning english reading comprehension – an exploratory study at a private university in bac ninh province

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES ********************* NGUYỄN THỊ NGA STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES OF LEARNER AUTONOMY IN LEARNING ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSION – AN EXPLORATORY STUDY AT A PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN BAC NINH PROVINCE Nhận thức tính tự chủ thực tế thực sinh viên học tập kỹ đọc hiểu tiếng Anh – Nghiên cứu trường đại học dân lập tỉnh Bắc Ninh M.A MAJOR PROGRAMME THESIS Major: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 HANOI – 2017 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES ********************* NGUYỄN THỊ NGA STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES OF LEARNER AUTONOMY IN LEARNING ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSION – AN EXPLORATORY STUDY AT A PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN BAC NINH PROVINCE Nhận thức tính tự chủ thực tế thực sinh viên học tập kỹ đọc hiểu tiếng Anh – Nghiên cứu trường đại học dân lập tỉnh Bắc Ninh M.A MAJOR PROGRAMME THESIS Major: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Supervisor: Dr Dương Thi Nụ HANOI – 2017 DECLARATION I, the candidate, hereby certify that the thesis submitted for the Master of Art degree at the University of Languages and International Studies is a presentation of my own research and has not been previously submitted at any other universities for any degrees Wherever contributions of other researches are involved, every effort is made to indicate this clearly, with due reference to the literature, and acknowledgement of collaborative research and discussion The work was done under the guidance of Doctor Duong Thi Nu, at University of Languages and International Studies Hanoi, 2017 Nguyêñ Thi Ngạ i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to those who have contributed to the completion of this dissertation First of all, I would like to send special thanks to my supervisor, Dr Duong Thi Nu, for the guidance and support that I have received from her in this research I am also deeply grateful for the support of the University, of which I was a member of the teaching staff, and the enthusiastic participation of its students and teachers in this research project This study would not have been possible without the valuable data they provided Last but not least, I owe my family wholehearted thanks for the everlasting support and encouragement I received I might not have gone that far on my academic path without them ii ABSTRACT Learner autonomy has been considered as a desirable goal of learning and teaching practice, especially in the field of language learning for it benefits learners in numerous ways and enhances learners‟ chance for success in learning a language In Vietnam, a considerable amount of research projects has been devoted to investigate different aspects of learner autonomy; however, few of them involve the learner‟s perceptions of the concept This study, therefore, is an attempt to explore the extent to which the students in a provincial private university understand the concept of learner autonomy and the extent to which their beliefs about the construct are manifested in their learning of English reading comprehension With the nature of an exploratory research, the current study employed questionnaire survey, learners‟ learning diaries, and focus group as the main data collection methods The findings from the study has revealed that the major perception of learner autonomy in this context relates to „taking the initiative‟ in learning, especially in self-study and the students are highly dependent on their teachers in learning English reading comprehension In addition, there is an alignment between the students‟ understanding of the concept and the realization of learner autonomy in their actual practice of English reading comprehension with few autonomous activities performed iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix PART A - INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale for the study Objectives and significance of the study Scope and subjects of the study Research methods Structure of the report PART B – DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I - LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Reading and Reading comprehension 1.1.1 Definitions of reading and reading comprehension 1.1.2 Models of reading comprehension 1.1.3 Reading comprehension strategies 1.1.4 Studies on improving reading comprehension in EFL contexts 1.2 Learner Autonomy 10 1.2.1 Definitions of Learner Autonomy 10 1.2.2 Types and Levels of autonomy 13 iv 1.2.3 Characteristics of autonomous learners 15 1.2.4 Fostering LA in EFL/ESL contexts 17 1.2.5 Obstacles to fostering LA in EFL contexts in Vietnam 22 1.3 Learner Autonomy and Reading Comprehension 23 CHAPTER II - METHODOLOGY 25 2.1 Research Objectives and Research Questions 25 2.2 Research Design 25 2.2.1 Exploratory study using mixed methods 25 2.2.2 Rationale for using mixed methods research in the study .33 2.2.3 Data collection methods 34 2.3 Description of the context 38 2.4 Participants 39 2.4.1 Students 39 2.4.2 Teachers 39 2.5 Procedures 40 2.6 Data analysis 40 CHAPTER III - DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDING DISCUSSION .42 3.1 Quantitative data 42 3.1.1 Data management and coding 42 3.1.2 Quantitative data analysis 44 3.2 Qualitative data 52 3.2.1 Data management and coding 52 3.2.2 Qualitative data analysis 54 3.3 Discussion of the findings 67 v PART C - CONCLUSION 71 Summary of the study 71 1.1 Research questions 71 1.2 Research Methods 71 1.3 Conclusions 71 Significance of the study 72 Limitations of the study 73 Implications for fostering LA 73 Suggestions for further research projects 74 REFERENCES 75 APPENDIXES I APPENDIX A - PPLAQ I APPENDIX B - SPLAQ IX APPENDIX C XIII APPENDIX D XV APPENDIX E XVI vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LA: Learner Autonomy ERC: English Reading Comprehension ESL: English as a Second Language EFL: English as a Foreign Language PPLAQ: Perceptions and Practice of Learner Autonomy Questionnaire SPLAQ: Students‟ Practice of Learner Autonomy Questionnaire vii LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Coding table for the questionnaire 42 Table 2: Student‟s perceptions of LA 44 Table 3: Responsibilities of teachers and students for ERC learning and teaching issues 48 Table 4: Students‟ practice of LA in English reading comprehension 50 Table 5: Emerging themes from qualitative data 54 viii APPENDIX B - SPLAQ STUDENTS’ PRACTICES OF LEARNER AUTONOMY QUESTIONNAIRE (For Teachers) This questionnaire aims to explore your perspective on the students‟ practices of learner autonomy in English reading comprehension learning All your personal information will be kept confidential Your opinions shared in this questionnaire will be used only in the report of this research project Please show your opinions by ticking the option that matches your idea SECTION 1: RESPONSIBILITIES To what extent you think the teacher and/or students are responsible for: Note: Please tick both Teacher (T) and Students (Ss) Issue/ Vấn đề Example: Students‟ progress in English proficiency? Setting learning goals for reading comprehension ability in each English course? Deciding what should be learned in English reading comprehension lessons? Choosing text book and materials for English reading comprehension lessons? Choosing activities to learn English reading comprehension in class? Deciding how to assess students‟ reading IX comprehension ability? Deciding the amount, type and frequency of homework? Students‟ interest in learning English reading comprehension? Students‟ motivation in learning English reading comprehension? Identifying students‟ weaknesses in English reading comprehension? 10 Evaluating student‟s English reading comprehension learning? SECTION 2: PRACTICE PHẦN 2: THỰC HIỆN How often you think your students the following activities in their English reading comprehension learning? Level of frequency Never Activity Example: Read in English Look for and choose appropriate strategies for English reading comprehension learning Intentionally use reading strategies when practicing English reading comprehension X Monitor the use of reading strategies when practicing English reading comprehension Look for and make use of various opportunities to learn English reading comprehension outside the classroom Make use of learning resources available on campus to learn English reading comprehension outside the classroom Intentionally relate what they have learned to the world Cooperate with others to learn English reading comprehension outside class Formulate their own English reading comprehension study plan outside the classroom Set up learning objectives based on the actual situation of their English reading comprehension study 10 Have clear requirements for improvements in their English reading comprehension study each semester 11 Plan the English reading comprehension learning time outside the classroom 12 Evaluate their English reading comprehension learning methods to find out the problems and solutions 13 Try to realize whether their English reading comprehension learning methods are appropriate or not XI 14 Change for more proper English reading comprehension learning methods in time when finding theirs not appropriate 15 Try to find out their mistakes in English reading comprehension learning 16 Analyze the reasons why they made mistakes and correct them to improve English reading comprehension learning 17 Practice more outside the classroom to catch up with others if they were lagged behind in class Thank you for your cooperation! XII APPENDIX C LIST OF QUESTIONS IN FOCUS GROUP (adapted from Chan, 2003) Section 1: What you understand by “learner autonomy”? Bạn hiểu “Tự chủ học tập”? Do you consider learner autonomy important in ERC learning? Why/ Why not? Bạn nghĩ tự chủ học tập có quan trọng việc học tiếng Anh đọc hiểu không? Tại sao/ Tại không? Section 2: This a list of roles that most students believe to be the responsibilities of teachers in ERC teaching and learning practice according to the results of the PPLAQ Do you agree? Do you have any comments? Đây danh sách năm vai trò chủ yếu giáo viên việc dạy học tiếng Anh đọc hiểu theo ý kiến sinh viên đưa theo kết phiếu điều tra Bạn có đồng ý hay khơng? Bạn có ý kiến khơng? This a list of roles that most students believe to be the responsibilities of students in ERC teaching and learning practice according to the results of the PPLAQ Do you agree? Do you have any comments? Đây danh sách năm vai trò chủ yếu sinh viên việc dạy học tiếng Anh đọc hiểu theo ý kiến sinh viên đưa theo kết phiếu điều tra Bạn có đồng ý hay khơng? Bạn có ý kiến khơng? What you think teachers should to help you learn ERC better? Theo bạn, giáo viên nên làm để giúp bạn học kỹ đọc hiểu tiếng Anh tốt hơn? XIII What you think you can to be better at ERC learning? Theo bạn, bạn làm để học kỹ đọc hiểu tiếng Anh tốt hơn? Section 3: Could you please describe how you learn and practice English reading comprehension? Bạn vui lịng mơ tả cách thức bạn học luyện tập kỹ đọc hiểu tiếng Anh không? XIV APPENDIX D LEARNING DIARY Name of Student: Date Activity XV APPENDIX E SAMPLE OF LEARNER’S LEARNING DIARY NHÂṬ KÝHOC TÂP Đoc hiểu tiếng Anh Họ và tên: Đ.T H Ngày 16/3/2016 Hoạt động Đocc̣ bai khoa, ̀̀ học từ mới 17/3/2016 Đocc̣ bao ̀́ 20/3/2016 Đocc̣ bai khoa ̀́ ̀̀ XVI ̀́ 22/3/2016 Đocc̣ va dicḥ bai ̀̀ đocc̣ phần Case Study trang 12, 13 25/3/2016 Đocc̣ bao ̀́ 27/3/2016 Đocc̣ bai vê ̀̀ shopping online 29/3/2016 Đocc̣ bai ̀̀ sách giáo khoa XVII 2/4/2016 Chuẩn bi c̣phần tư mơi vê ̀̀ ́ companies 5/4/2016 Đocc̣ bai ̀̀ sách giáo khoa, dịch phần 8/4/2016 Đocc̣ bao ̀́ 19/4/2016 Đocc̣ + làm bài tâpc̣ sach ̀́ bài Great ideas + dịch đoạn XVIII ... reviewing what have been learned about reading and reading comprehension Discussing reading and reading comprehension, Alderson and Bachman (2000) mark a contrast between the process of reading and. .. Data management and coding 42 3.1.2 Quantitative data analysis 44 3.2 Qualitative data 52 3.2.1 Data management and coding 52 3.2.2 Qualitative data analysis... supposes that the integration of two types of data, i.e quantitative and qualitative data, might be done at several stages of the research process such as the data collection, the data analysis, and

Ngày đăng: 08/11/2020, 14:43



