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The role of leadership in knowledge sharing of the university teachersa case study at the nguyen trai university

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - VŨ THỊ KIM OANH THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP IN KNOWLEDGE SHARING OF THE UNIVERSITY TEACHERS: A CASE STUDY AT THE NGUYEN TRAI UNIVERSITY VAI TRÒ CỦA SỰ LÃNH ĐẠO TRONG CHIA SẺ TRI THỨC CỦA CÁC GIẢNG VIÊN ĐẠI HỌC: TRƯỜNG HỢP NGHIÊN CỨU TẠI ĐẠI HỌC NGUYỄN TRÃI LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH Hà Nội - 2017 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - VŨ THỊ KIM OANH THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP IN KNOWLEDGE SHARING OF THE UNIVERSITY TEACHERS: A CASE STUDY AT THE NGUYEN TRAI UNIVERSITY VAI TRÒ CỦA SỰ LÃNH ĐẠO TRONG CHIA SẺ TRI THỨC CỦA CÁC GIẢNG VIÊN ĐẠI HỌC: TRƯỜNG HỢP NGHIÊN CỨU TẠI ĐẠI HỌC NGUYỄN TRÃI Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 01 02 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: PGS.TS NGUYỄN NGỌC THẮNG Hà Nội - 2017 DECLARATION The author confirms that the research outcome in the thesis is the result of author’s independent work during study and research period and it is not yet published in other’s research and article The other’s research result and documentation (extraction, table, figure, formula,and other document) used in the thesis are cited properly and the permission (if required) is given The author is responsible in front of the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business and Management, and the laws for above-mentioned declaration Date: April, 20, 2017 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have gained huge knowledge, skill and insights from my MBA course The course raises my capacity of administration and management up to the next level I am now very confident in my position of management I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and appreciation to all those who have made this Thesis to be possible I woud like to express my great gratitude to my supervisor Nguyen Ngoc Thang for his useful comments, remarks and engagement during my process of doing this master thesis Also, xin chân thành cảm ơn đồng nghiệp, lãnh đạo trường đại học Nguyễn Trãi, hỗ trợ việc cung cấp thông tin, số liệu, trả lời câu hỏi khảo sát đưa nghiên cứu, để hồn thiện nghiên cứu Sincere thanks are extended to the Faculty of International Training - Vietnam National University, Hanoi for equipping me with huge knowledge and skills through various interesting and practical subjects I also would like to thanks my classmates for their friendship and reciprocal encouragement to make our class time to be unforgettable time Lastly, I would like to give my great thanks to my husband, my kids, and my family who always standby me during the past two years and encourages me to keep moving from the beginning of my study ii The role of leadership in knowledge sharing of the university teachers: A case study at the Nguyen Trai University Summary of the results In the educational environment, the issue of knowledge sharing is extremely important and has practical implications for the addition of professional knowledge, practical knowledge, enhancing teaching capacity and the quality of lecturers Therefore, the NUT also pay attentision on the sharing knowledge among faculty by organizing seminars and science activities at the school However, due to not more concern the importance of the role of the leadership in knowledge sharing activities, the results of the knowledge sharing activities at NUT are still limited Thus, the author studies the role of leadership in knowledge sharing at NUT To carry out this study, the author has systematized the theoretical foundation for knowledge sharing, factors that affect knowledge sharing, and choice of research models From that, based on the results of the survey, analyze the status of knowledge sharing and clarify the impact of factors on knowledge sharing at the NUT The results show that the factors of Trust in leader; Leader – follwer relationship and Leaders behavior have positive effect on knowledge sharing Based on this analysis, the author proposes a group of solutions to enhance knowledge sharing in NUT in the future Applicability in practice With the results of the study, from the assessment of the situation and proposed solution based on regression results, combined with the opinions of the lecturers, NUT’s leaders, the author believes that, if the solutions are synchronized implemented, it will contribute significantly to improving the efficiency of knowledge sharing among the lecturers of the NUT Further research orientations Research will be improved further if additional factors can be added to knowledge sharing (such as factors belong to the lectuers, management policies, etc.) Therefore, the direction of the next study needs to explore more factors to make more detailed conclusions At the same time, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my colleagues and leaders of Nguyen Trai University for providing me information, documents, surveys and suggestions to help me complete this research iii TABLE DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIRGURES INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: THEORICAL FRAMEWORK AND ASSESSMENT MODEL OF THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP ON THE KNOWLEDGE SHARING 1.1The knowledge definition 1.2The definition of knowledge sharing 1.3Factors affecting knowledge sharing 1.3.1Belief 1.3.2Commun 1.3.3Leadersh 1.3.4Cohesion 1.3.5Reward a 1.3.6Informati 1.4The concept of leadership and the expression of the lead 1.4.1Concept 1.4.2Expressio 1.5The role of leadership in knowledge sharing 1.6Some empirical research model 1.6.1The Billy 1.6.2The Man 1.6.3The Phuo 1.6.4Research 1.6.5Research 1.7Proposed research model 1.8Technical quantitative analysis 1.8.1Adjustme iv 1.8.2 Regression analysis .27 CHAPTER 2: CURRENT STATUS OF ROLE OF LEADERSHIP IN KNOWLEDGE SHARING OF TEACHERS AT NGUYEN TRAI UNIVERSITY 28 2.1 Overview of Nguyen Trai University 28 2.1.1 History and development 28 2.1.2 Structure and cultural characteristics 29 2.1.3 Scale of training and the quality of training these years .31 2.1.4 Characteristics of the leadership and lecturers of the university 36 2.2 The role of the leadership to share knowledge in the lecturers of Nguyen Trai University 37 2.2.1 Design scales 37 2.2.2 Adjustment and test the suitability of the scale .38 2.2.3 Some basic statistics .43 2.2.4 OLS regression analysis 52 2.2.5 Hypothesis test and the meaning 53 2.3 Group of promoting and inhibiting factors to the role of leaders to the knowledge sharing of the lecturers in the Nguyen Trai University 54 2.3.1 The promoting factors and causes 54 2.3.2 The inhibiting factors and causes 55 CHAPTER 3: SOLUTION TO PROMOTE KNOWLEDGE SHARING OF THE TEACHERS AT NGUYEN TRAI UNIVERSITY 57 3.1 Declaration of mission, vision and development orientations of Nguyen Trai University 57 3.2 Solutions to promote knowledge sharing among the lecturers of Nguyen Trai University 58 3.2.1 The basis for the proposed solution 58 3.2.2 Solutions for enhancing the role of the leader in the knowledge sharing .60 3.3 Recommendations 65 3.3.1 Recommendation to the Government and Ministry of Education and Training 65 3.3.2 Recommendation for the BOD of the NTU 65 CONCLUSIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF RESEARCH 66 REFERENCES 68 v ANNEX 70 Annex 01: Questionnaire .70 Annex 02: Code .76 Annex 03: Survey results 77 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Scale of the training 32 Table 2.2 Code and study scales content 37 Table 2.3 Test the realiability of the scales on factor "Trust in Leaders" 39 Table 2.4 Test the realiability of the scales on factor "Leader - Follower relationship" 39 Table 2.5 Test the realiability of the scales on factor "Leader behavior" 40 Table 2.6 Test the realiability of the scales on factor " Knowledge sharing " 40 Table 2.7 Test on factor " Independent variables" 41 Table 2.8 Matrix rotation of independent variables 41 Table 2.9 Test on factor " Dependent variables" 42 Table 2.10 Matrix rotation of "dependent variables" 43 Table 2.11 Statistics on characteristics of respondents 43 Table 2.12 Evaluation of " Trust in Leaders" 46 Table 2.13 Evaluation of Leader - Follower relationship 48 Table 2.14 Evaluation of Leader Behavior 49 Table 2.15 Evaluation of knowledge sharing activities 51 Table 2.16 Parameter regression model 52 Table 2.17 Variance testing of the model 52 Table 2.18 Regression coefficient 53 Table 3.1 Basis for the proposed solution 58 vii LIST OF FIRGURES Firgure 1.1: Theoretical model of knowledge sharing 19 Figure 2.2: The Mansor and Kenny model 21 Figure 2.3: The Phuong, T.T.L and Thuy, N.N model 22 Figure 2.4: The Pham A, T model 23 Figure 2.5: The Lin model 24 Figure 2.6: The proposed research model 26 Digram 2.1 Organizational Structure of Nguyen Trai University 29 Chart 2.1 Areas of NTU 34 Chart 2.2 Application oriented model 34 Chart 2.3 Graduation rate 35 viii Annex 03: Survey results Gender Male Valid Female Total Age < 30 30-40 Valid 40-50 > 50 Total 12 Total 77 Working experiences Qualification Doctor Valid Master Bechalor Total Working position (contract types) Visiting lecturers Valid Formal lecturers Total Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha 920 78 Item Statistics NT NT NT NT NT NT Item-Total Statistics NT NT NT NT NT NT Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha 908 79 Item Statistics MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH Item-Total Statistics MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha 897 80 Item Statistics HVLD HVLD HVLD HVLD HVLD HVLD Item-Total Statistics HVLD HVLD HVLD HVLD HVLD HVLD Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha 899 81 Item Statistics CSTT CSTT CSTT CSTT CSTT Item-Total Statistics CSTT CSTT CSTT CSTT CSTT KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Adequacy Bartlett's Sphericity 82 Total Variance Explained Compo nent 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis 83 Component Matrix a HVLD NT NT NT HVLD NT HVLD HVLD NT MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH NT HVLD HVLD Extraction Analysis a components extracted 84 Rotated Component Matrix a MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH MQH NT NT NT NT NT NT HVLD HVLD HVLD HVLD HVLD HVLD Extraction Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in iterations 85 KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Adequacy Bartlett's Sphericity Total Variance Explained Component Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Component Matrix a CSTT CSTT CSTT CSTT CSTT Extraction Component Analysis a components extracted 86 Correlations Pearson Correlation Sig (1-tailed) N 87 Model Summary Mo b R R del Squar e a 878 770 a Predictors: (Constant), Leaders behavior, Leaders - follower relationship, Trust in leaders b Dependent Variable: Knowledge sharing ANOVA a Model Regression Residual Total a Dependent Variable: Knowledge sharing b Predictors: (Constant), Leaders behavior, Leaders - follower relationship, Trust in leaders Coefficientsa Model (Constant) Trust in leaders Leaders follower relationship Leaders behavior a Dependent Variable: Knowledge sharing 88 Collinearity Diagnostics a Mode Dimensio l n a Dependent Variable: knowledge sharing 89 ... Scale of training and the quality of training these years .31 2.1.4 Characteristics of the leadership and lecturers of the university 36 2.2 The role of the leadership to share knowledge in the. .. culture of the Nguyen Trai university Hence, finding out the factors that influence the process of knowledge sharing in the teaching staffs of the university will help somewhat to raise the level of. .. impacts of the role of leadership in knowledge sharing at the University of Nguyen Trai, one may propose effective solutions for promoting knowledge sharing and improve the quality of education at the

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2020, 20:04

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