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Study of optical absorption of metamaterial based on nanostructures in nature

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º VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY DAO TRUNG DUC STUDY OF OPTICAL ABSORPTION OF METAMATERIAL BASED ON NANOSTRUCTURES IN NATURE MASTER'S THESIS Hanoi 2019 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY DAO TRUNG DUC STUDY OF OPTICAL ABSORPTION OF METAMATERIAL BASED ON NANOSTRUCTURES IN NATURE MAJOR: NANO TECHNOLOGY CODE: PILOT RESEARCH SUPERVISOR: Dr PHAM TIEN THANH Hanoi, 2019 Acknowledgments I am truly honored to submit my master thesis for the degree of Master at Nanotechnology Program, Vietnam Japan University This work has been carried out in the Nanotechnology program, Vietnam Japan University, Vietnam National University of Hanoi I would like to express my sincere thạnks to my supervisor: Dr Pham Tien Thanh, lecturer, Vietnam Japan University (VJU), Vietnam National University (VNU) for accepting me as his student, for guidance, and his encouragement to complete this research I would also like to thank all students and teachers of Nanotechnology, Vietnam Japan University, Vietnam National University of Hanoi for the pleasant and stimulating atmosphere during my research study Hanoi, May 25, 2019 Student Dao Trung Duc i TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii LIST OF FIGURES iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viii INTRODUCTION ix CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Nanostructures in nature 1.2 Plant leaves surface 1.3 Metamaterials CHAPTER METHOD AND MATERIAL 2.1 Fabrication of bio-metamaterial 2.1.1 Sputtering in the air at low pressure 10 2.1.2 Analysing surface structures (EDS, SEM, FT-IT, Spectrometer) 11 2.1.3 Checking of efficient solar absorption 12 2.2 Prediction the low reflectivity by Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) 12 2.3 Solar steam-generation system 13 CHAPTER RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 15 3.1 Fabrication of absorbers based on some nanostructure in nature 15 3.2 Analysing the surface of bio-metamaterials 20 ii 3.3 Prediction the low reflectivity by finite-difference time-domain 23 3.4 Efficient solar absorbers 25 CONCLUSION 33 FUTURE PLAN 34 REFERENCES 35 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Morpho rhetenor butterfly a) A picture of half of butterfly b) The surface on the wing c) An individual scale d) The reflection spectrum of the butterfly’s wing e) & f) Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a scale Scale bars (b, c) 50μm, d) 5μm, e) 2μm Figure 1.2 Some common nanostructure on the surface of animal and plant a) Nanostructures on fruit fly eyes (Drosophila melanogaster) b) mold fibers with micrometer size with nanostructures on the cell surface c) Hook hair on twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) d) & c) Structure on water fern (Azolla filiculoides) f) The structure on rose leaves (Rosa Chinensis) Figure 2.1 Some equipment used in this research a) JSM-IT100 InTouchScope™ Scanning Electron Microscope b) JED-2300 Analysis Station Plus c) Syskey sputtering coater d) NanoMap-500LS Contact Surface Profilometer Figure 2.2 Process of conducting experiments 10 Figure 2.3 Experimental model for the record of reflection and scattering spectra with an MCPD-3000 spectrometer (Otsuka Electronics) using a halogen lamp 12 Figure 2.4 SEM images changes to black and white colours, then it uses to 3D structure in FDTD modelling 13 Figure 2.5 Solar steam-generation device 14 Figure 3.1 (a) Bauhinia purpurea, (b) Pistia stratiotes .15 Figure 3.2 Photo images of (1) a rose periwinkle leaf (2) copper-coated rose periwinkle leaf, (3) a rose leaf (4) copper-coated rose leaf, (5) a water cabbage leaf (6) copper-coated water cabbage leaf (7) a bauhinia leaf (8) copper-coated bauhinia leaf 17 iv Figure 3.3 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images show the surface of all the samples Figure 3.4 40nm and 100nm copper-covered on water cabbage leaves Figure 3.5 Copper-covered bauhinia leaves with different time sputtering Figure 3.6 SEM images (a) 30 nm copper-covered, (b) 100 nm coppercovered water cabbage leave (c) 30 nm copper-covered, (d) 100 nm coppercovered purple bauhinia leaves Figure (Z;\classes\spectroscopy\all spectra tables for web DOC) Figure 3.8 Energy dispersion spectrometry (EDS) of the copper-covered leaf 22 Figure 3.9 Reflection spectra from the copper-covered bauhinia leaf and bare baubinia leaf without coating Scattering intensity spectra from the copper-covered purple bauhinia and purple baubinia leaf with no copper-coating Figure 3.10 Reflection spectra from the copper-covered water cabbage leaf and bare water cabbage leaf without coating Scattering intensity spectra from the copper-covered water cabbage leaf with no copper-coating Figure 3.11 Calculated reflectivity R, transmittance T and absorption efficiency A for (a) a flat 30-nm thick gold thin film using FDTD method, (b) The model of two-layer copper with nanostructure pattern Figure 3.12 Calculated reflectivity R, transmittance T and absorption efficiency A for the model with three layers Figure 3.13 Temperatures of the samples over irradiation time MB0: Bauhinia leaf, MB30: 30 nm copper-coated bauhinia leaf, MB100: 100nm copper- v coated bauhinia leaf, Ct30: 30 nm copper-coated rose periwinkle leaf, Cu100: 100nm thin-film of copper 27 Figure 3.14 Maximum temperatures of the samples MB0: natural Bauhinia purpurea leaf MB30: 30nm copper-coated Bauhinia purpurea leaf MB100: 100nm copper-coated Bauhinia purpurea leaf Control: 30nm copper-coated Catharanthus roseus leaf Cu100: 100 nm Copper thin-layer on glass’s surface 28 Figure 3.15 Temperatures of the samples over irradiation time BC0: water cabbage leaf, MB30: 30 nm copper-coated water cabbage leaf, MB100: 100nm copper-coated water cabbage leaf, Ct30: 30 nm copper-coated rose periwinkle leaf, Cu100: 100nm thin-film of copper 29 Figure 3.16 Maximum temperatures of the samples BC0: natural Pistia stratiotes leaf BC30: 30nm copper-coated Pistia stratiotes leaf BC110: 100nm copper-coated Pistia stratiotes leaf Control: 40nm copper-coated Catharanthus roseus leaf Cu100: 100 nm Copper thin-layer on glass’s surface 30 Figure 3.17 Temperatures of the samples over irradiation time MB30: 30 nm copper-coated purple bauhinia leaf, BC40: 40nm copper-coated water cabbage leaf 30 Figure 3.18 Maximum temperatures of the samples MB30: 30nm coppercoated Bauhinia purpurea leaf BC40: 40nm copper-coated Pistia stratiotes leaf 31 Figure 3.19 Mass change of water under the sun 32 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 The common chemical compounds in plant waxes Table 2.1 Sample manufacturing conditions 11 vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 3D: Three-dimensional EDS: Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy FDTD: Finite-difference time-domain FT-IR: Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy SEM: Scanning electron microscope UV: Ultraviolet viii Figure 3.13 Temperatures of the samples over irradiation time MB0: Bauhinia leaf, MB30: 30 nm copper-coated bauhinia leaf, MB100: 100 nm copper-coated bauhinia leaf, Ct30: 30 nm copper-coated rose periwinkle leaf, Cu100: 100 nm thinfilm of copper In the case with water cabbage, due to adapting to underwater life, their leaves contain air chambers This helps the natural leaves to be able to regulate its own temperature The temperature of the natural water cabbage sample recorded at a stable time is 32 ºC Meanwhile, the temperature of the object sample sputtered with a copper layer of 40 nm thickness was recorded as 65 ºC and higher than the temperature of natural samples by 30 ºC In addition, we also conducted experiments to compare the temperature of two object samples under the same conditions Figure 3.17 and Figure 3.18 shows the process of changing the 27 temperature of two object samples under the condition of luminous intensity is 0.014 – 0.015 W/cm The temperature of the water cabbage with 40 nm coppercovered thin layer sample is about 62 ºC higher than the purple bauhinia sample with the temperature about 52 ºC under the same conditions Maybe due to the density of the wax on the water cabbage leaves’ surface combined with microstructures that increase the surface area, the copper-coated water cabbage is possible to absorb higher than copper-coated purple bauhinia on the same area Thus, the temperature on 40 nm copper-coated water cabbage is higher than the temperature on 30 nm copper-coated purple bauhinia 60 Temperature (oC) 55 50 45 40 35 15 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Time (s) Figure 3.14 Maximum temperatures of the samples MB0: natural Bauhinia purpurea leaf MB30: 30 nm copper-coated Bauhinia purpurea leaf MB100: 100 nm copper-coated Bauhinia purpurea leaf Control: 30 nm copper-coated Catharanthus roseus leaf Cu100: 100 nm Copper thin-layer on glass’s surface 28 Through three experiments investigating the temperature change of samples under sunlight conditions, we can evaluate the ability to convert light energy into thermal form of bio-metamaterials The temperature of bio-metamaterial always is higher than the temperature of natural leaves at least 10 ºC Therefore, they can be used as a sunlight absorbing material In the next experiment, I will use this biometamaterials in a system that evaporates water based on sunlight energy Figure 3.15 Temperatures of the samples over irradiation time BC0: water cabbage leaf, MB30: 30 nm copper-coated water cabbage leaf, MB100: 100 nm copper-coated water cabbage leaf, Ct30: 30 nm copper-coated rose periwinkle leaf, Cu100: 100 nm thin-film of copper 29 Temperature (oC) 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Time (s) Figure 3.16 Maximum temperatures of the samples BC0: natural Pistia stratiotes leaf BC30: 30 nm copper-coated Pistia stratiotes leaf BC110: 100 nm coppercoated Pistia stratiotes leaf Control: 40 nm copper-coated Catharanthus roseus leaf Cu100: 100 nm Copper thin-layer on glass’s surface Figure 3.17 Temperatures of the samples over irradiation time MB30: 30 nm copper-coated purple bauhinia leaf, BC40: 40 nm copper-coated water cabbage leaf 30 Temperature (oC) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Time (s) Figure 3.18 Maximum temperatures of the samples MB30: 30 nm copper-coated Bauhinia purpurea leaf BC40: 40 nm copper-coated Pistia stratiotes leaf Figure 3.19 shows the process of dehydration of the evaporating system during the investigation in one hour under the luminous intensity is 0.1 kW/m After a one-hour investigation, the amount of water lost in the sample using the metamaterial-based evaporation system is more than the control sample -2 -1 Specifically, the control sample lost 0.8 kg m h while the object sample lost 1.5 kg m -2 -1 h The efficiency of solar steam-generation system compared to the free evaporation rate of water is more than 75% in the same condition The results between use of purple bauhinia with 30 nm copper-coated and water cabbage with 40 nm copper-coated are near the same In compare with solar steam-generation devices based on the carbonized mushroom, our object sample and carbonized -2 -1 mushroom in one hour lose the same amount of water, about 1.5 kg m h [21] 31 However, in this experiment, the authors used normal solar illumination with -2 Mass change (kg/m ) luminous intensity 1kW m , more than 10 times in our conditions Time (s) Figure 3.19 Mass change of water under the sun 32 CONCLUSION Our research team found two suitable objects: Bauhinia purpurea and Pistia stratiotes for the aim of metamaterial fabrication The nanostructures of these two leaf sheets are periodic The thickness of the nanostructure layer on these two types of leaves is predicted from 80-100 nm We also showed the ability to absorb light well when leaf samples are coated with copper metal with a thickness of 20-80 nm Absorption capacity predicts about 90% of light entering the structure A purple bauhinia leaf with about 30 nm copper layer has the best ability to absorb light while a water cabbage leaf needs about 40 nm of a copper-coated layer to achieve the best light absorption After sputtering a copper layer, two object leaves are capable of converting light energy into heat and are potential in the solar steamgeneration system 33 FUTURE PLAN Our research team will optimize the solar steam-generation device based on bio-metamaterials to improve system performance In addition, our research team would like to fabricate the imitation of the models based on the nanostructure in Bauhinia purpurea and Pistia stratiotes leaves’ surface in order to create a material with the same properties but more stable than natural object leaf samples 34 REFERENCES [1] Bandara, C D., Singh, S., Afara, I O., Wolff, A., Tesfamichael, T., Ostrikov, K., & Oloyede, A (2017a) Bactericidal Effects of Natural Nanotopography of Dragonfly Wing on Escherichia coli ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9(8), 6746–6760 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.6b13666 [2] Bhushan, B (2011b) Handbook of Nanotechnology In Springer (Vol 1) [3] Chirumamilla, M., Krishnamurthy, G V., Knopp, K., Krekeler, T., Graf, M., Jalas, D., … Eich, M (2019c) Metamaterial emitter for thermophotovoltaics stable up to 1400 °C Scientific 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(Rosa Chinensis) After preparation of the sample, the sample is put into the chamber of a sputtering coater in order to vacuum 10 Table 2.1 Sample manufacturing conditions The conditions during sputtering

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2020, 19:57


