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1 SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO ĐỒNG NAI Trường THPT Chuyên LƯƠNG THẾ VINH SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO ĐỒNG NAI Trường THPT Chuyên LƯƠNG THẾ VINH Mã số: (Do HĐCNSK cấp ghi) Mã số: (Do HĐCNSK cấp ghi) SÁNG KIẾN SÁNG KIẾN HELPING GIFTED STUDENTS OVERCOME THEIR DIFFICULTIES IN ESSAY WRITING THEIR HELPING GIFTED STUDENTS OVERCOME DIFFICULTIES IN ESSAY WRITING Người thực hiện: Bùi Ngọc Xinh Lĩnh vựcthực nghiên Người hiện:cứu: Bùi Ngọc Xinh - Quản giáo dục Lĩnh vực lý nghiên cứu: - -Phương Quản lýpháp giáogiáo dục dục - -Phương Phươngpháp phápdạy giáohọc dụcbộ môn: Tiếng Anh - Lĩnh vực khác: - Phương pháp dạy học môn: Tiếng Anh - Lĩnh vực khác: Có đính kèm: Các sản phẩm khơng thể in sáng kiến Mơ hình Đĩa CD (DVD) Phim ảnh Hiện vật khác (các phim, ảnh, sản phẩm phần mềm) Có đính kèm: Các sản phẩm in sáng kiến Mô hình Đĩa CD (DVD) Phim ảnh Hiện vật khác (các phim, ảnh, sản phẩm phần mềm) Năm học: 2019-2020 Năm học: 2019-2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ………………………………………… …2 Context 2 Reasons for choosing the topic 3.The scope of the research Research aims I./ RATIONALE OF THE RESEARCH II./ RESEARCH CONTENTS ………………………… 1./ Reality of teaching writing at the school 2./ Procedures .4 FINDINGS ……………………………………… …… ……40 CONCLUSION …………………………………… ….………41 REFERENCES ……………………………………… …… 42 DANH MỤC CHỮ CÁI VIẾT TẮT ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… THÔNG TIN CHUNG VỀ SÁNG KIẾN Tên sáng kiến: Helping gifted students overcome their difficulties in essay writing Lĩnh vực áp dụng sáng kiến: Phương pháp giảng dạy Tác giả: - Họ tên: BÙI NGỌC XINH Nam (nữ): Nữ - Trình độ chun mơn: Thạc sĩ - Chức vụ, đơn vị cơng tác: Tổ phó CM _ Trường THPT Chuyên Lương Thế vinh - Điện thoại: 0918155005 Email: buingocxinhltv@gmail.com - Tỷ lệ đóng góp tạo sáng kiến (%): 100% Đồng tác giả (nếu có) - Họ tên: …………… …… Nam (nữ): - Trình độ chun mơn: … - Chức vụ, đơn vị công tác: … - Điện thoại: …… ……… Email: - Tỷ lệ đóng góp tạo sáng kiến (%): (Ghi số lượng % đồng tác giả đóng góp vào sáng kiến) Title: HELPING GIFTED STUDENTS OVERCOME THEIR DIFFICULTIES IN ESSAY WRITING INTRODUCTION Context Writing is often considered as the last skill to be developed after listening, speaking, and reading Essay writing allows students to practise and develop transferable skills that are valuable to them not only while they are students but also after they graduate and have to write in a professional role An essay is defined as a short piece of writing that expresses information as well as the writer's opinion Essays are popular at high schools and colleges People may even need to write essays in the business world (although they are usually called "reports" at that point) Students nowadays, especially those who study at high school for the gifted have an insatiable hunger for how to write an effective essay Reasons for choosing the topic English-majored students of Luong The Vinh High school especially students of the elected English team (grade 12) who take National English Examination are in need of having a perfect writing skill, but the national curriculum set by the government cannot satisfy their need In the past few years, I have been responsible for helping gifted students practice their writing skill, and I have found that a lot of gifted students at this school show interest in writing especially academic writing However, their essays still contained mistakes These mistakes ranged from minor ones such as spellings to major ones such as sentence structures and the organization in an essay Thus, it is imperative that I should something to help them overcome their difficulties in writing so that they can improve their writing skill and write coherently, effectively, and academically The scope of the research The research focuses on how to help gifted students find essay writing easy, how to improve high school students’ writing skill and how to help them write more effectively The participants of the study The English-majored students of the two English classes (grade 12) of Luong The Vinh High school were chosen to take part in the innovation The innovation was carried out in writing periods of the two semesters of the school year The reason why the students of the two English classes (grade12) were chosen as the participants of the study were that: - They are gifted students They usually have to write essays - They are interested in writing - They often have to sit exams of English around the year Research aims The innovation focuses on - How to teach gifted students some basic academic writing skills - How to help them write well and effectively - How to help them find essay writing easy - How to help them develop more confidence in their ability to write - How to help them show their skills in organising their ideas systematically I./ RATIONALE OF THE RESEARCH It is significant that high school students / gifted students / college students acquire good writing skills because the most important aspect of a college education is to learn to communicate clearly and efficiently That is why general college education prerequisites include a number of compositions and reading courses that students must complete before they graduate According to Oshima and Huge, “Writing is a form of communication that encourages students to put their feelings and ideas on paper, to organize their knowledge and beliefs into convincing arguments, and convey meaning through well-constructed text In its most advanced form, written expression can be as vivid as a work of art Therefore, writing is never a one-step action: it is a process that has several steps.” (Oshima and Huge 1997: 2) II./ RESEARCH CONTENTS a./ Reality of teaching writing at the school As far as I am concerned, tasks designed in English textbooks for students are not in a systematical way, which causes difficulties for students who want to enhance their ability to write a good essay Tasks for writing in the textbooks also lack skills necessary for writing an effective essay b./ PROCEDURES In order to write an academic essay effectively, it is a good idea to follow a number of important steps in the essay writing process Here are some important rules /skills that I have collected and given to students so that they can show their ability in presenting a logical argument, their skills in organising their ideas systematically, their ability to select relevant ideas and information to the topic and last but not least their ability to use correct English grammar and vocabulary A RULES Title Rules Capitalization Rules Punctuation Rules The teacher gave students handouts which contain these rules B BASIC WRITING SKILLS I./ The Basics of Sentence Construction PHRASES a./ Noun phrases e.g : The bright blue dress was Helen’s favourite dress b./ Prepositional phrases (phrases that start with a preposition Prepositional phrases work to modify nouns or verbs) e.g.: The man near the door is talking with Nathan (in this sense, they work very much like adjectives and adverbs) c./ Verbal phrases (phrases that start with either : a gerund , an infinitive , or a participle Verbal phrases can work as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.) e.g.: Working in a factory had left him broken in body and spirit d./ Appositive phrases e.g : My uncle Jack, a diligent and serious man, taught me the value of hard work Exercise 1: Read the following sentences Underline all the noun phrases and circle the prepositional phrases Then draw an arrow to the word that each prepositional phrase modifies The leopard’s spots help it to hide from its prey When the right foot of the player touched the foul line, the referee blew the whistle Average winner temperatures in the Arctic Circle drop below zero The vast majority of start-up companies fail their first three years Exercise Read the following sentences.Underline any verbal phrases that act as nouns Circle any verbal phrases that act as modifier Then draw an arrow to the word that each phrase modifies Maintaining a high grade point average is essential to any student hoping to go to college Crying and upset, the witness admitted she had lied to protect her boyfriend Ned came home to find his door forced open and his belongings scattered on the floor Planning the trip scheduled for next week is Helen’s responsibility Exercise Read the following sentences Underline any appositive phrases in them and put a comma at the beginning and at the end of each appositive phrase Then draw an arrow to the noun modified by the appositive The Tigers the only team to go undefeated are the favorites to win the championship The film about King Kong a giant ape who destroys the city was entertaining The dancer a girl of both beauty and grace was the star of the show The climbers decided to attempt their ascent of the mountain during the spring traditionally the safest time of year in terms of weather CLAUSES a./ Independent clauses (Independent clauses can stand alone as complete sentences Independent clauses can function as sentences because they express complete thought e.g.: He got out of his car b./ Dependent clauses Dependent clauses cannot function as complete sentences because they not express complete thoughts Dependent clauses come in three forms: coordinate clauses, subordinate clauses, and noun clauses - Coordinate clauses are essentially independent clauses However, they cannot function as complete sentences because they begin with coordinating conjunctions, and this makes the thoughts they express incomplete 10 e.g.: He got out of the car, but he left the car running - Subordinate clauses always start with a subordinating conjunction Subordinate clauses can be joined to independent clauses, coordinate clauses, or other subordinate clauses e.g.: He got out the car, but he left the car running because he was planning to return quickly - Noun clauses: Within a sentence, noun clauses serve the same functions as nouns They can work as subjects, objects, or complement Noun clauses are introduced by one of the following words: that, which, whichever, who, whoever, whomever, what, whatever, when, whenever, how, however, and whether e.g.: Mike always buys whatever Mary wants Whoever ate the last piece of cake is in big trouble The big question is how we are going to fix the problem Exercise Read the following sentences and circle the independent clause in each sentence Then underline any dependent clause in each sentence Where it is appropriate, place comas between the independent clause and any dependent clause The city’s air pollution is the result of high number of cars on the road and of its outdated factories but little is being done to solve the problem Although the modifications to the ship’s design were thought to be minor they had a significant impact on its performance Most wild animals are afraid of humans but they can still be dangerous when they are threatened While Mark usually displays excellent sportsmanship he was thrown out of the last game because of his behaviour Exercise 2: Read the following sentences below Find the noun clause in each sentence and underline it Last semester our science teacher taught us how batteries work 36 1./ My car needs petrol My vehicle requires fuel 2./ Global warming is mostly caused by emissions from internal combustion engines Climate change is mainly caused by the release of fumes from motor vehicles 2./ Change the Word Order Changing the word order also allows us to effectively paraphrase a sentence, but again, we have to be careful Don’t change the word order without thinking about how this affects the grammar of the sentence By changing the word order you may have to add a word, subtract a word or change the form of the word You can easily change the order of the clauses, if the original sentence has more than one clause Example: As languages such as Spanish, Chinese and English become more widely used, there is a fear that many minority languages may die out Paraphrased by changing word order: There is a fear that many minority languages may die out, as languages such as Spanish, Chinese and English become more widely used We could also add some synonyms to paraphrase it even more: There is dismay that many lesser used languages may pass away, as languages such as Chinese, English and Spanish become more broadly spoken 3./ Change the Form of the Word There are many different forms of words including nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs Changing the form of a word allows us to paraphrase effectively e.g 37 Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people suggest that people over the age of sixty-five can continue to live full and active lives Paraphrased by changing word form: Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people are suggesting that people over the age of sixty-five can continue living full and active lives 4./ Change from Active to Passive The passive voice is often used in academic writing and can therefore be used in academic writing test Example: The property developers invested $20 million in the development of the shopping centre.(active) Paraphrased: $20 million was invested in the development of shopping centres.(passive) We often use the passive voice in academic writing when we don’t want to say it is our opinion Example : People say that global warming is caused by the burning of fossil fuels (active) Global warming is said to be caused by the burning of fossil fuels PRACTICE: Paraphrase the following sentences Her life spanned years of incredible change for women as they gained more rights than ever before Giraffes like Acacia leaves and hay, and they can consume 75 pounds of food a day Any trip to Italy should include a visit to Tuscany to sample the region's exquisite wines Symptoms of influenza include fever and nasal congestion 38 The price of a resort vacation typically includes meals, tips and equipment rentals, which makes your trip more cost-effective He has tons of stuff to throw away G./ USING THE CORRECT STYLE AND AVOIDING COMMON ERRORS Even if it’s written in an interesting way, your essay may make a poor impression if you not use the correct style These are some essay mistakes that most students make: Word repetition Here is the truth: Your essay will look boring and childish if you use the same lexical sets So, use synonyms and word substitutes to avoid repeating the same nouns or verbs Overly formal or informal words and phrases Many students forget that an academic essay requires a layer of vocabulary that we not use in our everyday life Never use phrasal verbs, slang expressions and nonstandard verb forms like gotta or wanna in your academic papers You should use formal constructions and high-level vocabulary Always consult a good dictionary to choose the proper word Too many passive structures When you use the passive voice in your sentences, they sound more impersonal and objective, but they are longer and harder to read On the contrary, active sentences are clear and direct So, if you want to write a good essay, you should use both types A good rule of thumb is to write less than 20 percent of your sentences in the passive voice Sentences that are too long or too short If you use sentences that are too long, you make your essay harder to understand On the other hand, you can destroy the logical development of your idea if the sentences in your essay are too short Try to use a good balance of both long and short sentences 39 Sentences beginning with coordinating conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions are mainly used to connect words and clauses in the same sentence Sometimes we can also use them to start a sentence But if you begin too many sentences with coordinating conjunctions, your essay will be monotonous It’s better to use corresponding conjunctive adverbs like nevertheless, moreover, or however, which have the same meaning They are more appropriate in a formal style Wrong word form When we write quickly, we may write a word form that differs from what we meant to write For example, students often write verb forms instead of adjectives This can result in an unintended change of meaning (disable people instead of disabled people) You can use the following strategies to eliminate such errors: Plan your time efficiently and leave enough time for the writing process Always proofread your writing, paying attention to the main problem areas If you can, check your essay for mistakes several days after you have written the first draft Formal Language and Contractions Since you are writing academic papers, you need to avoid using informal, conversational language or personal pronouns, such as I or you You must spell out contractions unless they are used in a direct quote For example, avoid don’t, wouldn’t, or can’t, and use not, would not, or cannot Your tone should be professional versus conversational in your paper, and your language has to reflect that Dangling Participles Dangling participles are participles [a nominal form of a verb, often in –ing form] that lack clear connections with the words they modify In other words, in a dangling participle your subject and verb not connect University of Albany example: Turning the corner, the view was much changed (the verb turning does not connect with the subject view) 40 Incorrect Verb Tense As you write, you are speaking in either a present or past tense Once you decide which tense to use, you have to stick with it throughout your whole paper 10 Topic sentences missing A topic sentence is a mini-thesis statement for each body paragraph Logically, the topic sentence opens a body paragraph State the main idea of the paragraph in the first sentence and only then start to elaborate It is important that the first and the last sentences of a body paragraph be your original ideas, so not cite anything in them H./ ESSAY TYPES : DESCRIPTION – NARRATION – ARGUMENTATION – EXPOSITIONS The first step to writing an essay is to define what type of essay you are writing There are four main categories into which essays can be grouped I./ Description Describing people - Words and expressions for describing a person’s physical appearance - Composition skills Describing places - Language material - Composition skills II./ Narration Time and tense in a Narration Story for Study Basic Descriptive and Narrative Skills III./ Argumentation Essential Language and Skills 41 Argumentative Texts for Study A General Plan for the Whole Argumentative Essay Words and Expressions to Describe Some Basic Concepts IV./ Exposition Exposition Texts for Study A General Plan for an Expository Essay FINDINGS 42 Questionnaire What did you think about rules and writing skills I had taught you? A./ Statements SA A N D SD 87 % 5% 4% 65% 10 % 16 % 9% 67 % 16 % 8% 9% 68 % 21 % 11 % 68 % 21% 11% You find writing easier You gain more confidence in writing 3.You could learn a lot ( e.g rules , grammar points ) from the lessons the teacher had given to you You could correct your essays on your own You could find out the mistakes in your friends’ essays Other comments …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… B / Some comments given by the students when doing the questionnaire : - They could avoid mistakes that they used to make before - They could understand the basics of essay structure - They felt less tense and more relaxed in writing - After finishing writing they themselves could correct minor mistakes in their essays Advantages and disadvantages of applying the innovation in the class 43 Advantages: It is beneficial to use the procedures because teachers can help students write effectively This is very important for English-majored students especially students of the elected English team (grade 12) who take National English Examination Disadvantages: Carrying out the innovation is time-consuming It requires teacher’s and students’ patience and enthusiasm Evaluation a) Novelty of the research The procedures can be applied for all students who wish to improve their writing skill seriously The procedures are also very essential for teachers who want to help students overcome obstacles in writing essays b) Evaluation of the research A questionnaire was used to evaluate the innovation The questions given to the English-majored students of the two English classes (grade 11) aimed at exploring the students’ feeling and attitudes to the method used in the innovation The results are presented in the questionnaire in findings c) Applicability of the research The innovation helps students feel more interested in writing They find it easier to write essays and they can avoid common mistakes in their writing The innovation also builds students’ confidence in practicing writing skill The success of this research will provide the teachers of English in my school as well as in other high schools in Dong Nai Province with some new ideas and suggestions in their teaching writing skill for students 44 CONCLUSION How to write well and effectively and meet the expectations of the readers is a major concern for many students So we should teach them how to write In writing, content is more important than mechanics, but mechanics is important too Meaning before mechanics, but not in the place of mechanics, looking after the content means also looking after the mechanics Life is not simple, the answer is not right there on the page for us In order to help gifted students to achieve their purpose –how to help gifted students write well and more effectively- we should / must instruct them both in simple rules and important writing skills They will become more motivated if learning materials and teachers’ way of teaching meet their expectations, needs, abilities and interests Biên Hòa ngày 10 tháng năm2020 HỘI ĐỒNG CÔNG NHẬN SÁNG KIẾN TẠI CƠ QUAN, ĐƠN VỊ NƠI TÁC GIẢ CƠNG TÁC (Xác nhận: cơng nhận khơng cơng nhận sáng kiến) (Ký tên, đóng dấu) TÁC GIẢ SÁNG KIẾN (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) Bùi Ngọc Xinh 45 REFERENCES - Morley –Warner, T 2000 Academic Writing is CREA Publications - Oshima, A & Hogue,A 1997 Introduction to Academic Writing Addison Wesley Longman - Insider Writing – 2006-2007 LinguaForum, Inc - The Course booklet Teaching Reading and Writing Regional Language Centre Singapore Sở Giáo Dục & ĐàoTạo Đồng Nai Trường THPT Chuyên Lương Thế Vinh ––––––––––– 46 CỘNG HOÀ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập - Tự - Hạnh phúc –––––––––––––––––––––––– Biên Hòa, ngày 10 tháng năm 2020 PHIẾU ĐÁNH GIÁ, CHẤM ĐIỂM, XẾP LOẠI SÁNG KIẾN Năm học: 2019-2020 Phiếu đánh giá chuyên gia đánh giá/giám khảo thứ ––––––––––––––––– Tên sáng kiến: Helping gifted students overcome their difficulties in essay writing Họ tên tác giả: BÙI NGỌC XINH Chức vụ: Tổ phó CM Đơn vị: Trường THPT Chuyên Lương Thế Vinh Họ tên chuyên gia/giám khảo: Chức vụ: Đơn vị: Số điện thoại chuyên gia/giám khảo: * Nhận xét, đánh giá, cho điểm xếp loại sáng kiến: Tính Điểm: …………./10 Hiệu Điểm: …………./10 Khả áp dụng Điểm: …………./10 Nhận xét khác (nếu có): Tổng số điểm: /30 Xếp loại: Phiếu chuyên gia đánh giá/giám khảo thứ đơn vị đánh giá, chấm điểm, xếp loại theo quy định Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo; ghi đầy đủ, rõ ràng thơng tin, có ký tên xác nhận thành viên thứ đóng kèm vào sáng kiến liền trước Phiếu nhận xét, đánh giá sáng kiến đơn vị CHUYÊN GIA/GIÁM KHẢO THỨ NHẤT (Ký tên, ghi rõ họ tên) 47 Sở Giáo Dục & ĐàoTạo Đồng Nai Trường THPT Chuyên Lương Thế Vinh ––––––––––– CỘNG HOÀ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập - Tự - Hạnh phúc –––––––––––––––––––––––– Biên Hòa, ngày 10 tháng năm 2020 PHIẾU ĐÁNH GIÁ, CHẤM ĐIỂM, XẾP LOẠI SÁNG KIẾN Năm học: 2019-2020 Phiếu đánh giá chuyên gia đánh giá/giám khảo thứ hai ––––––––––––––––– Tên sáng kiến: Helping gifted students overcome their difficulties in essay writing Họ tên tác giả: BÙI NGỌC XINH Chức vụ: Tổ phó CM Đơn vị: Trường THPT Chuyên Lương Thế Vinh Họ tên chuyên gia/giám khảo: Chức vụ: Đơn vị: Số điện thoại chuyên gia/giám khảo: * Nhận xét, đánh giá, cho điểm xếp loại sáng kiến: Tính Điểm: …………./10 Hiệu Điểm: …………./10 Khả áp dụng Điểm: …………./10 Nhận xét khác (nếu có): Tổng số điểm: /30 Xếp loại: 48 Phiếu chuyên gia đánh giá/giám khảo thứ hai đơn vị đánh giá, chấm điểm, xếp loại theo quy định Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo; ghi đầy đủ, rõ ràng thơng tin, có ký tên xác nhận thành viên thứ hai đóng kèm vào sáng kiến liền trước Phiếu nhận xét, đánh giá sáng kiến đơn vị CHUYÊN GIA/GIÁM KHẢO THỨ HAI (Ký tên, ghi rõ họ tên) Sở Giáo Dục &Đào Tạo Đồng Nai Trường THPT Chuyên Lương Thế Vinh CỘNG HOÀ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập - Tự - Hạnh phúc –––––––––––––––––––––––– Biên Hòa, ngày 10 tháng năm 2020 ––––––––––– PHIẾU NHẬN XÉT, ĐÁNH GIÁ SÁNG KIẾN Năm học: 2019-2020 ––––––––––––––––– Tên sáng kiến: Helping gifted students overcome their difficulties in essay writing Họ tên tác giả: BÙI NGỌC XINH Chức vụ: Tổ phó CM Đơn vị: Trường THPT Chuyên Lương Thế Vinh Lĩnh vực: (Đánh dấu X vào ô tương ứng, ghi rõ tên môn lĩnh vực khác) - Quản lý giáo dục - Phương pháp dạy học môn: - Phương pháp giáo dục - Lĩnh vực khác: Sáng kiến triển khai áp dụng: Tại đơn vị Trong phạm vi tồn ngành Tính (Đánh dấu X vào ô cuối 01 05 nội dung đây) (1) Khơng có tính lập lại, chép từ giải pháp có (2) Có cải tiến so với giải pháp có với mức độ (3) Có cải tiến so với giải pháp có với mức độ trung bình phạm vi quan, đơn vị; có tính phạm vi tồn ngành cấp huyện (4) Có cải tiến so với giải pháp có với mức độ khá; có tính phạm vi tồn ngành cấp huyện; có tính phạm vi tồn ngành cấp tỉnh (5) Có tính cao sáng kiến hình thành lần hoàn toàn phạm vi toàn ngành cấp huyện, cấp tỉnh; có khả tính phạm vi toàn quốc Hiệu (Đánh dấu X vào ô cuối 01 05 nội dung đây) (1) Khơng có minh chứng thực tế minh chứng thực tế chưa đủ độ tin cậy, độ giá trị để xác định hiệu quả; sáng kiến khơng có hiệu có hiệu quan, đơn vị (2) Có minh chứng thực tế đủ độ tin cậy, độ giá trị để thấy sáng kiến có hiệu đơn vị (3) Có minh chứng thực tế đủ độ tin cậy, độ giá trị để thấy sáng kiến có hiệu mức độ trung bình tồn ngành cấp huyện; có khả mang lại hiệu trung bình cho tồn ngành cấp tỉnh (4) Có minh chứng thực tế đủ độ tin cậy, độ giá trị để thấy sáng kiến có hiệu nhiều tồn ngành cấp huyện; có khả mang lại hiệu nhiều cho toàn ngành cấp tỉnh (5) Có minh chứng thực tế đủ độ tin cậy, độ giá trị để thấy sáng kiến có hiệu nhiều tồn ngành cấp tỉnh; có khả mang lại hiệu nhiều cho toàn ngành cấp quốc gia Khả áp dụng (Đánh dấu X vào ô cuối 01 05 nội dung đây) (1) Sáng kiến có khả áp dụng quan, đơn vị (2) Sáng kiến có khả áp dụng quan, đơn vị 49 (3) Sáng kiến có khả áp dụng nhiều quan, đơn vị; phổ biến áp dụng số đơn vị khác ngành cấp huyện; triển khai áp dụng tồn ngành cấp tỉnh mức độ trung bình (4) Sáng kiến có khả áp dụng cao tồn ngành cấp huyện; triển khai áp dụng toàn ngành cấp tỉnh mức độ (5) Sáng kiến có khả áp dụng cao tồn ngành cấp tỉnh; triển khai áp dụng nhiều toàn ngành cấp quốc gia Xếp loại chung: Xuất sắc Khá Đạt Không xếp loại Cá nhân viết sáng kiến cam kết chịu trách nhiệm không chép tài liệu người khác chép lại nội dung sáng kiến cũ đánh giá cơng nhận Lãnh đạo Tổ/Phòng/Ban Thủ trưởng đơn vị xác nhận sáng kiến tác giả tổ chức thực hiện, Hội đồng công nhận sáng kiến Ban Tổ chức Hội thi giáo viên giỏi đơn vị xem xét, đánh giá, cho điểm, xếp loại theo quy định Phiếu đánh dấu X đầy đủ ô tương ứng, có ký tên xác nhận tác giả người có thẩm quyền, đóng dấu đơn vị đóng kèm vào cuối sáng kiến NGƯỜI THỰC HIỆN SÁNG KIẾN (Ký tên ghi rõ họ tên) Bùi Ngọc Xinh XÁC NHẬN CỦA TỔ/PHÒNG/BAN (Ký tên ghi rõ họ tên) THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ (Ký tên, ghi rõ họ tên đóng dấu đơn vị) 50 ... lượng % đồng tác giả đóng góp vào sáng kiến) Title: HELPING GIFTED STUDENTS OVERCOME THEIR DIFFICULTIES IN ESSAY WRITING INTRODUCTION Context Writing is often considered as the last skill to be... government cannot satisfy their need In the past few years, I have been responsible for helping gifted students practice their writing skill, and I have found that a lot of gifted students at this school... ………………………………………………………………… THÔNG TIN CHUNG VỀ SÁNG KIẾN Tên sáng kiến: Helping gifted students overcome their difficulties in essay writing Lĩnh vực áp dụng sáng kiến: Phương pháp giảng dạy Tác giả:
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