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Qualitative analysis of sexual health protection behavior by income – the case of ho chi minh city

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY VIETNAM INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL STUDIES THE HAGUE THE NETHERLANDS VIETNAM - NETHERLANDS PROGRAMME FOR M.A IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF SEXUAL HEALTH PROTECTION BEHAVIOR BY INCOME – THE CASE OF HO CHI MINH CITY BY LE THI PHUONG THAO MASTER OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY, OCTOBER 2012 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY VIETNAM INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL STUDIES THE HAGUE THE NETHERLANDS VIETNAM - NETHERLANDS PROGRAMME FOR M.A IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF SEXUAL HEALTH PROTECTION BEHAVIOR BY INCOME – THE CASE OF HO CHI MINH CITY A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS By LE THI PHUONG THAO Academic Supervisor: DR PHAM KHANH NAM HO CHI MINH CITY, OCTOBER 2012 Table of Contents Chapter : Introduction 1.1 Problem Statement 1.2 Research Objectives 1.3 Research Scope 1.4 Research Structure Chapter : Literature review 2.1 Theory of Planned Behavior 2.2 Empirical Studies 2.3 Chapter Summary Chapter : Research backgrounds and research methodology 3.1 Research backgrounds 3.2 Research Methodology 3.2.1 Analytical fram 3.2.2 Qualitative me 3.2.3 Tool…………… 3.2.4 Participants an 3.3 Chapter Summary Chapter : Empirical results 4.1 Description of variables 4.1.1 Attitude and pe 4.1.2 Subjective No 4.1.3 Perceived Beh 4.2 Determinants of sexual health protection behavior 4.2.1 Attitude/percep 4.2.2 Subjective Norm 4.2.3 Perceived behav 4.3 Chapter Summary Chapter 5: Conclusions and policy implication 50 5.1 Conclusions 50 5.2 Policy Implication 51 5.3 Limitation 52 REFERENCES 53 Appendix A 56 Appendix B 59 Appendix C 61 Appendix D 63 Table of Figures Figure 1: Theory of Planned Behaviour 20 Figure 2: The layer of needs 26 Figure 3: The collages of NeedScope model 28 List of Tables Table 1: Sample information 30 Table 2: Attitudes and Perception variable 43 Table 3: Subjective Norms variable 43 Table 4: Perceived Behavioural Control variable 44 Table 5: Behaviour variable 44 Abbreviations A&P Attitudes and Perception EC Emergency Contraception FDG Focus discussion group HCMC Ho Chi Minh city HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome IDI In-deep interview IUD Intrauterine Device RH Reproductive Health STI Sexual Transmission Infection UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population Activities WHO World Health Organization Chapter : Introduction 1.1 Problem Statement Ho Chi Minh city is the biggest city in Vietnam with the estimated total of residents at about 7.2 million including of 2.3 million of males and 2.4 million of females which are in the age from 15 to 65 (Statistical Office in HCMC, 2010) Along with the development of urbanization, industrialization and globalization, social and cultural life has many changes in recent years However, as the traditional notions in Vietnam and other Asian countries, sexual content is taboo for talking in public Meanwhile, as said above, the impressive growth of economy also brings the huge change of society, including the sexual health issues In which, the main sexual and reproductive health issues are sexual transmitted infection, unplanned pregnancy and unsafe abortion (Low, 2006) Proportion of women in reproductive age suffer STIs is 25%, proportion of abortion and menstrual regulation is 0.8% (UNFPA, 2009) HIV / AIDS in Vietnam is really an alarming problem 156,802 people living with HIV were reported, including 34,391 AIDS patients alive and 44,232 people died because of AIDS So far, HCMC is the highest cases of people who are living with HIV accounted for 26.3% of HIV cases detected in the country (Ministry of Health, 2010) HIV transmission is primarily through heterosexual sex and injecting drug use However, the biggest challenge facing Vietnam in the field of RH is the issue of abortion The use of contraceptive method is reflected in low rate while the abortion rate continues to rise in Vietnam The average women abortion rate is 2.5 times This number was the highest in Southeast Asia and was one of the highest rates in the world Strikingly, while education program and media communication system have attempted to raise awareness of people, they not really change their behaviour apparently Many young women lacked basic knowledge about sex, including not believing in using condoms or not asking their partner to use condoms Furthermore, a negative view on abortion has caused REFERENCES Ab Rahman A., Ab Rahman R., Ibrahim MI., Salleh H., Ismail S B., Ali S.H., Muda W M , Ishak M., Ahmad A (2011), Knowledge of sexual and reproductive health among adolescents attending school in Kelantan, Malaysia, Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, Vol 42 No Ajzen I (1985), From intention to actions: A theory of planned behaviour Action-control: From cognition to behaviour Kuhl J and Backmann J Heidelberg, Springer: 11-39 Ajzen I and Fishbein M (1980), Understanding Attitudes And Predicting 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Population and Housing Census Vietnam 2009 World Health Organization (1999), Programming for adolescent health and development Report of WHO/ UNFPA/ UNICEF study group on programming for adolescent health, Technical Report Series no 886 WHO, Geneva 55 Appendix A The guideline of interview, interviewer will follow this guideline to figure out the information during the interview with participants Introduction Express no wrong or right answer, all about sharing experience 1) Respondent’s introduction: Age, occupation, family status, how many kids (if appropriate)? How old are they now? What is your work and interests/hobbies? 2) Today, we’re going to talk about you and your partner How long have you been with your partner/spouse? Behavior Information 3) What comes to your mind when saying about “Sex”? What else? 4) How you see attitudes to sex changing these days? What you notice among the people you know – with respect to how important sex is; what role it plays in their lives, how comfortable they are with it, what their relationships are like What is your view about sex? Let respondent talk freely, clarify/Probe where appropriate 5) What are you aware of sexual risk and protect method? Any others? What of these methods you ever hear of? 6) Which one have you got experience with? How? From what source did you come to know about this? Tell me more about it? 7) Who could you share if you have concern about sex sexual risk prevention? How could you share? Tell me more about it? IF NOT USING ANYTHING (BEHAVIRORAL /NATURAL METHOD): 8) What you normally if you not want you/your partner to get sexual risk? 56 Apart from pregnancy prevention, what are the main reasons for using/not using contraceptive method? IF USING CONDOM: 9) Why you use this method? What is advantage/disadvantage? 10) Any opinion/ feedback from your partner? How does it make you feel? 11) Who normally buys the pills/condoms? And where? IF USING ORAL CONTRACEPTIVE METHOD: 12) What type/brand of ORAL CONTRACEPTIVE you know? Which one you/your partner use currently? 13) Why you use this method? What is advantage/disadvantage? What you look for in using this method? 14) IF MORE THAN ONE METHOD USED, ASK: which one you prefer to use? Probe about oral contraceptive or emergency contraceptive pills use? Or abortion? 15) Any opinion/ feedback from your partner about this method? 16) Who normally buys the pills/condoms? And where? Now using Female/Male collages picture to discuss with, we introduce contraception method and ask respondent to match with group in collages Then, talking about the people in the collages 17) What does it say about their personality and the type of person they are? 18) Are they single or married? How is their partner like? What kind of man/woman are they looking for? 19) Can we talk ta bit about their relationship with their partner 20) What about their sex life 57 21) What does sexual freedom mean to them? 22) What does safe sex mean to them? 23) What are their concerns about sex / the problems they wish they could avoid or find a solution to? 24) Who could influence their intent of using this method? And how? 25) What would they look for in a contraceptive? 58 Appendix B Detailed description of sample: No Gen IDI1 Fem IDI2 Fem IDI3 Fem IDI4 Fem IDI5 Fem IDI6 Fem IDI7 Ma IDI8 Ma IDI9 Fem IDI10 Ma IDI11 Ma 59 No Gen IDI12 Fem IDI13 Ma IDI14 Ma IDI15 Ma IDI16 Ma IDI17 Fem IDI18 Fem IDI119 Fem IDI20 Fem IDI21 Fem 60 Appendix C Table of variables: Attitudes &Perception Towards condom Towards daily pill Towards EC pill Towards IUD Subjective Norms Sexual Spouse Parents Friends 61 Perceived Behavioural Control Afraid of side effects Afraid of complexity of usage Behaviour No of Comments participants This is number of participants Condom which Daily pill using or not using protection method One person could use more than one method IUD EC pill Not using 62 Appendix D The following is the sample screener: Hi, we are conducting a survey about sexual health protection for a research purpose of society There are some personal and sensitive questions which you may feel uncomfortable to answer, however, all your answer if can, will completely keep confidential Are you willing to join in? 1) Would you please tell me how old are u? Birth year? Below 18 18–25 26–30 31–35 36–40 Over 40 Note: make sure the age in our range research 18-40 2) Would you please tell me how much is your income? Note: record the information 63 3) Record the gender of respondent Male Female Others 4) Would you please tell me the status of your current marriage? There is wife/husband and living with husband/wife as a family There is wife/husband but living as a family with others There is wife/husband but don’t living as a family with husband/wife or others Single but living as wife/husband with others Single and not living as wife/husband with others Divorce or widow/widower Note: record the status, make sure we have respondent across the group 64 5) Would you please tell me that during your relationship have u ever had sex? No Not giving answer Yes 6) Would you please tell me that you apply any method for sexual health protect? No Continue Yes Note: record the information 7) Would you please tell me your highest educational level? Primary school graduated Secondary school graduated High school graduated College/ University studying College/ University graduated Post graduated/ Master 65 8) I will speak out some statement Would you please tell me which one is the most correct to describe about you? There is no wrong or right here Join in conversation with some one I’ve known In a party, I usually Join in conversation with many people, even strangers Start the story In a group, I usually… Wait for some on who start first When talking with people I don’t know I feel easy to continue the story I have less thing to talk to them I feel nervous and anxious When meeting a new person I feel enthusiastic and exciting Note: make sure at least un-black cells is selected -> to make sure the respondent willing to start the story 66 For more information, we would like to invite you to talk about sexual health protection All information will be serve for research purpose of society and totally confidential Would you please join with us? No Yes 67 ... ECONOMICS QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF SEXUAL HEALTH PROTECTION BEHAVIOR BY INCOME – THE CASE OF HO CHI MINH CITY A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF. .. knowledge about the sexual risk prevention method is showed the benefit in choosing the method for them By knowing the benefit and disadvantage of the method, they had the choice of what they actually... of sexual health protect 3.2.1 Analytical framework The research use Theory of Planned Behavior as the foundation theory to finds the result about sexual health protection The questions for the

Ngày đăng: 10/10/2020, 12:09


