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A survey on the attitudes of grade 10 english majored students at bien hoa specialized high school towards their teachers’ uses of online materials to improve their speaking skill

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ************************* ĐOÀN HỒNG ANH A SURVEY ON THE ATTITUDES OF GRADE 10 ENGLISH-MAJOR STUDENTS AT BIEN HOA SPECIALIZED HIGH SCHOOL TOWARDS THEIR TEACHERS’ USES OF ONLINE MATERIALS TO IMPROVE THEIR SPEAKING SKILL (NGHIÊN CỨU KHẢO SÁT VỀ THÁI ĐỘ CỦA HỌC SINH LỚP 10 CHUYÊN ANH TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN BIÊN HÕA ĐỐI VỚI VIỆC GIÁO VIÊN SỬ DỤNG NHỮNG TÀI LIỆU TRÊN INTERNET ĐỂ NÂNG CAO KĨ NĂNG NÓI CHO HỌC SINH) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Hanoi, 2016 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ************************* ĐOÀN HỒNG ANH A SURVEY ON THE ATTITUDES OF GRADE 10 ENGLISH-MAJOR STUDENTS AT BIEN HOA SPECIALIZED HIGH SCHOOL TOWARDS THEIR TEACHERS’ USES OF ONLINE MATERIALS TO IMPROVE THEIR SPEAKING SKILL (NGHIÊN CỨU KHẢO SÁT VỀ THÁI ĐỘ CỦA HỌC SINH LỚP 10 CHUYÊN ANH TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN BIÊN HÕA ĐỐI VỚI VIỆC GIÁO VIÊN SỬ DỤNG NHỮNG TÀI LIỆU TRÊN INTERNET ĐỂ NÂNG CAO KĨ NĂNG NÓI CHO HỌC SINH) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Supervisor: TÔ THỊ THU HƯƠNG, PhD Hanoi, 2016 DECLARATION I, Doan Hong Anh, hereby declare that the thesis entitled: “A survey on the attitudes of grade 10 English-major students at Bien Hoa Specialized High School towards their teachers‟ uses of online materials to improve their speaking skill” is the result of my own research in the fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Moreover, this thesis has not been submitted anywhere for any degree Hanam, 2016 Đoàn Hồng Anh i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my affectionate and deeply-felt gratitude to my supervisor, TO THI THU HUONG, PhD for her invaluable assistance, inspiration as well as guidance during the time I tried to accomplish this thesis I owe my sincere thanks to all the lecturers in Postgraduate Department of University of Languages and International studies for their precious lectures and ideas Moreover, I would like to send my thanks to the teachers and students at Bien Hoa Specialized High School for their enthusiastic cooperation in this study Finally, I am also deeply indebted to my family who has supported me vigorously Their great love and encouragement have assisted me in completing this thesis ii ABSTRACT Speaking is considered one of the most important and challenging skills which English-major students at Bien Hoa Specialized High School are facing Their ability to speak English is generally limited Teachers at Bien Hoa Specialized High School, therefore, have selected and used a diverse source of online materials in the context of a poor provincial teaching-learning environment, in order to provide motivation and help the students to overcome their speaking difficulties and improve the skill The study was thus conducted with the aim of exploring the students‟ attitudes towards their teachers‟ uses of supplementary online materials to improve their English speaking skill Questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were used as data collection instruments of the study The participants in the study consisted of 35 grade 10 English-major students (6 males and 29 females) The findings revealed that most of the grade 10 English-major students hold a positive attitude towards their teachers‟ uses of supplementary online materials to improve their English speaking skill From the findings, some suggestions on appropriate use of supplementary online materials were given with the hope that they might be useful for the teachers at Bien Hoa Specialized High School to improve their students‟ English speaking skill iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BHSHS: Bien Hoa Specialized High School EFL: English as a Foreign Language ELT: English Language Teaching ESL: English as a Second Language MOET: Ministry of Education and Training CLT: Communicative Language Teaching iv LIST OF FIGURES CHarts Figure 1: Students’ awareness about the importance of learning English speaking Figure 2: Students’ feeling of speaking English Figure 3: Students’ interest in learning speaking skill Figure 4: Students’ assessment of the difficulty level of speaking topics in the grade 10 pilot English textbook Figure 5: Students’ awareness of the importance of using online materials in speaking lessons Figure 6: Students’ judgements of online materials used in speaking lessons Figure 7: Students’ preference for types of online materials Figure8: Students’ preference for work arrangement in speaking lessons using online materials Figure 9: Students’ preference for speaking activities in speaking lessons using online materials Figure 10: Students’ preference for the integration of speaking with other skills (listening, writing, reading) Figure 11: Students’ comments on the effectiveness of using online materials to improve speaking skill Figure 12: Students’ improvement when online materials are used in speaking lessons Figure 13: Students’ self-evaluation of their own speaking skill after teachers use online materials in the speaking lessons Figure 14: Students’ expectation of their teachers’ use of online materials in speaking lessons Tables Table 1: Students’ perception of the advantages of online materials Table 2: Students’ perception of the disadvantages of online materials v TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iv LIST OF FIGURES v PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rational of the study Aims of the study Research questions Significance of the study Scope of the study Methodology of the study Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER ONE: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Attitude and their roles in language learning 1.2 Teaching speaking 1.2.1 Definition of Speaking 1.2.2 The position of speaking in English Language Teaching and Learning 1.2.3 Approaches in teaching and learning speaking skills 1.2.4 Learners‟ problems with learning English speaking 1.3 Teaching and learning materials 10 1.4 Online materials 10 1.5 Supplementary Materials 11 1.5.1 Definition of Supplementary Materials 11 1.5.2 Advantages of Supplementary Materials 11 1.5.3 Criteria for selecting materials 12 1.6 Previous research 14 1.7 Summary 15 CHAPTER TWO: METHODOLOGY 16 vi 2.1 Research Context 16 2.1.1 The School, the Teachers and the Students 16 2.1.2 The textbook 17 2.1.3 The teachers‟ uses of online materials (taken from the Internet) 18 2.2 Research Participants 19 2.3 Data Collection Instruments 19 2.3.1 Questionnaire 19 2.3.2 Interview 20 2.4 The data collection procedure 21 2.5 The data analysis procedure 22 Summary 22 CHAPTER THREE: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 23 3.1 Questionnaire for students 23 3.1.1 Students‟ attitudes towards learning English speaking skills 23 3.1.2 Students‟ attitudes towards teachers‟ uses of online materials to improve their speaking skill 26 3.2 Interviews 39 3.3 Summary 40 PART C CONCLUSIONS 42 Major findings of the study 42 Pedagogical recommendations 44 Limitations and suggestions for further studies 44 REFERENCES 46 APPENDIXES I APPENDIX 1: Questionnaire I APPENDIX 2: Transcription For Interview V APPENDIX 3: A collection of online materials VII vii PART A: INTRODUCTION Rational of the study Nowadays, English is recognized as a lingua franca for communication across nations and cultures throughout the world In Viet Nam, to meet the demands for development and integration of the country into the world arena, over the last decades, more emphasis has been put on the teaching and learning of English language At present, English is a compulsory subject in most schools of all levels, especially at high schools Among the four macro language skills known as listening, speaking, reading and writing, speaking skill is considered the most significant one that most learners of foreign languages need to achieve However, in Vietnam, for many years, not much attention has been paid to developing learners‟ speaking competence in English classes and time for speaking practices is limited for many reasons Consequently, students have poor ability to speak English though they have been learning the language for a long time They speak English badly even in English speaking lessons They often lack the confidence and feel confused when they are asked to speak in English They regularly find it difficult to express their ideas in English and even some students cannot speak anything but just keep silent during the speaking lesson As a teacher of English at a specialized high school, I am fully aware of the importance of English speaking skill Moreover, I am now in charge of teaching English to grade 10 English-major students These students have to take part in many examinations especially the ones for gifted students Furthermore, Information Technology has become very important in recent times Computers are used in almost all fields of life, and the Internet has developed into a significant source of information The Internet provides a huge quantity of online English teaching and learning resources The easy access to computers and the Internet and the increasing number of free web-based English courses, English teaching and learning materials have supported teachers and learners in teaching and learning “This city is very convenient There are trains and buses into the centre You can live in the outskirts and work in the centre There‟s also an airport.” E “I had heard of this city before I came here They had The Olympics here in ‟92 It is known all over the world for its cuisine, its football team, its style and fashion.” F “I‟d like to live in a place where the streets are safe, where my kids can grow up without persecution, discrimination or violence.” Worksheet Task Read this list of eight factors that make a city an inviting place for migrants With a partner, discuss what each factor refers to and see if they can match the factors to the comments Economic factors Regulatory factors Cultural factors Amenity factors Connectivity/Accessibility factors Internationalisation factors Risk factors Leadership factors Worksheet Task 4: Now listen and complete this summary Nino comes from _ She moved to Bulgaria years ago Her father decided to move after he saw a neighbour The town where she first lived in Bulgaria was very _ to her home town Nino had a lot of problems with bureaucracy, especially when she Worksheet Task 5: Listen to two more people who migrated to Sofia and complete the table with notes Worksheet Task Role play • Divide the students into pairs, A and B and get them to read the instructions on their role cards from Worksheet Task Students A should choose to be either Dimitriy or Magdalena • Give them time to prepare and think about what they want to say Then when you think they are ready get them to start their interview Monitor and make a note of good expressions and phrases that they use so that you can give them plenty of positive feedback Student A: You are one of the people who has migrated to Sofia You are going to be interviewed for a student magazine Try to imagine what questions the interviewer will ask you and prepare some notes to help you Answer the questions as spontaneously as possible Invent any information that you not have Student B: You are interviewing somebody who has migrated to Sofia Think about what your readers would like to know and prepare some questions to ask Then conduct your interview XXVII Topic: CULTURE - April Fool’s Day - lesson plan I Aims: • To practise speaking skills • To practise reading skills • To learn vocabulary related to April Fool‟s Day II Materials: April Fool‟s Day student worksheet and April Fool‟s Day tricks handout Internet links: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine-articles/april-fools-day Learn English listening activity on April Fool’s Day III Introduction This lesson is about April Fool‟s Day which takes place in the UK on April 1st Many countries have their own equivalent of April Fool‟s Day You could start the class with a live listening, in which you play an April Fool‟s trick on your students! Task 1is based on discussion questions and Task is a reading text from the British Council‟s Trend UK site Task is based on the idea of a website message board and gives a selection of opinions on the April Fool‟s day and Task looks at the top ten tricks that have been played on the general public in various countries from around the world Task asks students to think up their own April Fool‟s trick IV Procedure Introduce the topic: April Fool! Task – April Fool’s Day Task – Just fooling around Task – Message board: April Fool’s Day: Love it or hate it? Task – Top ten tricks Task – Make up your own April Fool’s tick How better to introduce the topic than by playing a mini April Fool joke on your students? Before the class think of an April fool style trick you can play on them This will vary depending on their age and level To give a silly example, tell them that you‟ve just read on the internet that scientists have invented a new English dictionary on a micro chip that can be implanted into people to equip them with all the vocabulary they need in a foreign language If you‟re good at telling stories you could really go to town and elaborate by telling students you‟re worried that English teachers will all lose their jobs If you‟re currently studying a language degree in the UK tell students that the micro chips will be invented for all languages so now there‟s no point completing your degree and you‟re worried about your future etc etc If you‟re a natural actor this may well work and your students will naturally ask you questions When you‟ve let the trick go on long enough tell your students, “April Fool!” and explain that it was a trick Explain the basic idea of April Fool‟s day This task is to introduce the concept of April Fool‟s Day Discuss the questions with your students and use them as a chance to explain the idea of the day and to find out as much as you can about their country‟s version of April Fool‟s Day if they have one This would be a good time to pre-teach useful vocabulary for the class such as: Practical jokes, play a trick, to fool somebody, a hoax, joker etc Put students into pairs and ask them to read the text and discuss the questions as they read through The text is adapted from a Trend UK article This would be a nice lead in for you to explain some of your own experiences of April Fool‟s Day in the UK Imagine an internet site asked viewers whether or not they liked April Fool‟s Day Here are the replies Use them to give students an idea of what some people think about the day and to ask students what they think about April Fool‟s or a similar day they may have in their own country Students could write their own opinion as an extension activity, which you could then display You could give students one comment each to read and explain to the group This task is based on real April Fool‟s tricks from around the world Cut up the ten cards and give them out to your students Each student (or pair) should read the trick and then explain it, in their own words, to the class Then hold a class vote to rank the tricks from the best to the worst – 1st to 10th If you have a big class they could discuss the ten tricks in groups and then come together as a class to share their opinions of the tricks This is a task to finish the class with Ask students to think of their own idea for an April Fool‟s trick They can be as elaborate as they like If you have done task they should have got lots of ideas already If you want, hold a class vote to decide on the best trick Reading or Listening skill XXVIII Read the article (you can also listen to the audio while you read) Next go to each Task and the activity What is April Fools Day and what are its origins? It is commonly believed that in medieval France, New Year was celebrated on April Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, changing New Year to January With no modern communications, news travelled slowly and new ideas were often questioned Many people did not hear of the change, others chose to ignore it, while some merely forgot These people were called fools Invitations to non-existent „New Year‟ parties were sent and other practical jokes were played This jesting evolved over time into a tradition of playing pranks on April The custom eventually spread to England and Scotland, and it was later transported across the Atlantic to the American colonies of the English and the French April Fools Day has now developed into an international festival of fun, with different nationalities celebrating the day in special ways In France and Italy, if someone plays a trick on you, you are the „fish of April‟ By the month of April fish have only just hatched and are therefore easy to catch Children stick paper fish to their friends‟ backs and chocolate fish are found in the shops In Scotland, April Fools Day lasts for two days! The second day is called „Taily Day‟ and tricks on this day involve the bottom (or the „tail‟ in informal speech) Often a sign saying „kick me‟ is stuck onto someone‟s back without them knowing In Spain and Mexico, similar celebrations take place on 28 December The day is the Feast of the Holy Innocents Originally, the day was a sad remembrance of the slaughter of the innocent children by Herod in his search for the baby Jesus It eventually changed to a lighter commemoration of innocence involving pranks and trickery Today, Americans and the British play small tricks on friends and strangers alike on April A common trick is to point to a friend's shoe and say „Your shoelace is untied.‟ When they look down, they are laughed at Schoolchildren might tell a friend that school has been cancelled A bag of flour might be balanced on the top of a door so that when the „victim‟ opens the door, the flour empties over their head Sometimes the media get involved Once, a British short film was shown on April Fools Day about spaghetti farmers and how they harvest their crop from spaghetti trees! Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone The best trick is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke has been played April Fool’s Day, 1989 - UFO Lands Near London Two British policemen were sent to investigate a glowing flying saucer on 31 March, the day before April Fool‟s Day When the policemen arrived at a field in Surrey, they saw a small figure wearing a silver space suit walking out of a spacecraft Immediately the police ran off in the opposite direction Reports revealed that the alien was in fact a midget, and the flying saucer was a hot air balloon that had been specially built to look like a UFO by Richard Branson, the 36-year-old chairman of Virgin Records Branson had planned to land the balloon in London‟s Hyde Park on April However, a wind change had brought him down in a Surrey field The police were bombarded with phone calls from terrified motorists as the balloon drifted over the motorway One lady was so shocked by the incident that she didn‟t realise that she was standing naked in front of her window as she was describing the UFO to a radio station Task 1: Below are questions about the texts The first are about the first text and the last about the second text For each question, choose the best answer What was originally celebrated on April 1st? A New Year B April Fool's Day C Taily Day The first April fools were called 'fools' because A they didn‟t have any communications B they questioned new idea C they didn't know about or recognise the new change Where will you find a chocolate 'fish of April'? A Scotland B France and Italy C Spain and Mexico XXIX What people stick on their friends' backs on April Fools‟ day in Scotland? A Paper fish B Tails C Signs The best type of April Fools joke is one where A the person upon whom the joke has been played can laugh B everyone laughs at the person upon whom the joke has been played C the person upon whom the joke has been played laughs at everyone Task 2: At the top are the second halves of some sayings about fools Below are the first halves of these sayings Can you match the two halves of each saying? The first of April is the day we remember… However big the fool… A fool and his money… It is better to be a fool… Sometimes one likes foolish people for their folly… he who lives without folly… A fool sees not the same tree… a …there is always a bigger fool b …isn‟t so wise as he thinks c …what we are the other 364 days of the year d …better than wise people for their wisdom e …than to be dead f …that a wise man sees g …are soon parted Topic: CULTURAL DIVERSITy -April Fool’s Day - Student worksheet Task – April Fool’s day • What you know about April Fool‟s Day? • Do you have a similar day in your country? • Do you like practical jokes? • Have you played a trick on anybody recently? • Who-s the joker in your class/ family? Task – Just fooling around Read the text about April Fool’s Day in the UK When you reach a question, discuss it with your partner Just Fooling Around: Alien invasion Picture this - a UFO circling the skies over London watched by thousands of astonished citizens The police arrive at the scene expecting an alien invasion and witness a silver suited person emerging from the craft! • How would you feel if you saw the UFO over London? Did you know that British scientists can control the weather? The invention of a weather machine will enable the UK to have long hot summer days and ensure that rain only falls at night Better still, snow at Christmas time will always be guaranteed! • Would you like the weather to be controlled? Fancy something different for dinner? Have you ever tasted the genetically modified whistling carrot? Specially engineered to grow with air-holes in their side, the carrots begin to whistle when they are fully cooked • Would you believe this story if you heard it on the news? April Fool's Unfortunately none of these stories are true, they are part of the tradition of April Fool's Day It is the custom in the UK to carry out a joke or trick upon someone during the morning of April If the person falls for the joke then they are named an April Fool It's an annual pastime of newspapers and television to take part in playing these jokes and even millionaire entrepreneurs it too The UFO was in fact a hot-air balloon in disguise flown by Richard Branson! April Fool‟s Day will continue so be on the lookout this year for any hoaxes, there are bound to be some Maybe you could try some of your own?? Task – Message board: April Fool’s Day: Do you love it or hate it? A website asked some British people the question: „Do you love or hate April Fool‟s Day?‟ Here are their answers: XXX Malisa: I love April Fool‟s Day It can be really good fun I love playing tricks on people and I don‟t mind if people play tricks on me It‟s one day of the year you can be really silly and have a laugh and it‟s OK You have to be quite sensible for the other 364 days of the year, so I look forward to April 1st Johnny: I don‟t like April Fool‟s Day It makes me a bit nervous I keep thinking someone is about to play a trick on me When twelve o‟clock passes I feel quite relieved that it‟s finished for another year Johnny: I don‟t like April Fool‟s Day It makes me a bit nervous I keep thinking someone is about to play a trick on me When twelve o‟clock passes I feel quite relieved that it‟s finished for another year Phil: When I was at school, April Fool‟s Day was always good fun We played tricks on each other and sometimes on the teacher In fact, one year one of the boys at school put a bucket of water on top of the door and when the chemistry teacher came in he got very wet! It was funny, but the boy got in big trouble! Louise: April Fool‟s Day is a great idea It‟s easy to forget the actual date and I always believe everything I read in the newspapers or watch on the TV news I usually believe the big national hoaxes and it always makes me laugh afterwards It‟s good to remind us that maybe we shouldn‟t always believe everything we hear in the news Clare: April Fool‟s Day is fun when you‟re young I remember putting a plastic fried egg on my Dad‟s plate for breakfast as a trick He decided to cut it up and pretend to eat it! Now I think some of the tricks are a bit silly and people can be a bit cruel playing tricks on their „friends‟! Mark: I hate April Fool‟s Day Last year people at work changed the sugar for salt so we all put salt in our coffee! Then some joker in the office decided he wanted a day off and he did something to the computers so they wouldn‟t work It just wasn‟t funny! I had lots to and we all had to stop working and solve the problem • • • • What would you say if you were asked the same question? Who you think loves April Fool‟s Day most? Who you think hates April Fool‟s Day most? Do you think any of the tricks mentioned are funny? Task – Top ten tricks Read about an April Fool‟s trick and then explain it to your class In 1998 Burger King published an advert in the magazine USA Today offering new „Left-handed Whoppas‟ for the 32 million left-handed Americans! Thousands of customers ordered the new burger in the restaurants! A zoo in Japan said that they had a giant penguin that was 165cm tall and weighed 80 kilograms! In fact it was a man dressed up in a penguin suit In the night of March 31st 1989 hundreds of Londoners phoned the police to report an alien space craft they had seen in the sky In fact it was a hoax and it was a hot air balloon that looked like a space craft Last year in the UK a children‟s news programme said that scientists had invented a „Brain Band‟ It was a coloured head band that you put on your head and it helped to make you more intelligent! On an on-line poll, 47% of the children who heard the news wanted to buy a „brain band‟! In 1949 a radio presenter in New Zealand told listeners that there were millions of wasps coming to invade He told viewers to wear their socks over their trousers and to put honey on their doors Millions of listeners believed him In 1957 a very serious documentary programme on the BBC reported on the spaghetti trees in Switzerland XXXI They said it was an excellent place to grow spaghetti! Hundreds of viewers phoned the BBC to ask where they could buy spaghetti trees In 1999 a music website claimed that Britney Spears had lied about her age They said she was 28, not 17 Hundreds of people phoned her music label to ask how old Britney really was In Sweden in 1962 they have one television channel and all TV was in black and white A scientist told viewers that they would see the TV in colour is they put a nylon stocking over the screen In 1976 a very famous British astronomer told radio listeners that at 9.47am the earth was going to experience a feeling of less gravity He said that Jupiter and Pluto would cross and if listeners jumped in the air at exactly 9.47am they would feel the sensation of having no gravity! Hundreds of listeners phoned the radio to say they had jumped and floated in the air! A British newspaper printed an article saying that the European Union had decided to ban April Fool‟s Day! It was only a hoax Task – Make up your own April Fool’s trick In pairs, invent your own April Fool‟s trick What would you do? Who would you it to? Why you think it would fool people? Write about your trick here: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… TOPIC: Education – lesson plan 10 1.Watch the video https://youtu.be/dilnw_dP3xk What is the topic of the Video? Check Your Vocabulary University College Education Student Kindergarten Grants Vocation Curriculum Answer the Questions A Who hosted the TED Talks Education Video? B What does Rita Pierson for a living? C What are the primary causes of the high drop-out rate? D What subject does Ramsey Musallam teach in school? E What does De Angela Lee Duckworth specialize in? F What did Bill Gates talk about? Insights About Education XXXII Learning School Preschool Class A preschool (also nursery school, kindergarten outside the US) is an educational establishment offering early childhood education to children between the ages of three and five, prior to the commencement of compulsory education at [primary school] They may be privately operated or government run, and the costs may be subsidized (Wikipedia) Preschool in Japan (Wikipedia) The term elementary school is used in some countries for schools where children from the age of about five receive primary education Elementary school (United States), where there are currently some 92,858 elementary schools (68,173 public, 24,685 private) (Wikipedia) Elementary School Students A middle school is a school for students of age about 10-14 years – older than elementary school, but not yet in high school It is also sometimes called junior high school (or junior high for short) in the United States, Canada and the Philippines Historically, in the United States, local public control (and private alternatives) have allowed for some variation in the organization of schools Elementary school includes kindergarten through fourth grade, fifth grade, or sixth grade Basic subjects are taught in elementary school, and students often remain in one classroom throughout the school day, except for physical education, library, music, and art classes There were in 2001 about 3.6 million children in each grade in the United States XXXIII Middle School Student Typically, "middle school" is 6th through 8th grade, though in some schools, it starts in 7th (Wikipedia) A high school (also secondary school, senior school, secondary college) is a school that provides adolescents with part or all of their secondary education It may come after primary school or middle school and be followed by higher education or vocational training Individual states, counties, and school districts have considerable leeway in how they choose to divide their school levels For people who both use school at all and who are not homeschooled, students will generally graduate from high school in the year of their 18th birthday if they were born between January and August 31 and if they were not held back This varies by state depending on the kindergarten cut-off date, which ranges from August in Missouri to January in Connecticut.[9] A few American schools in more rural type area, such as Indiana, still incorporate grades through 12, but it is usually either grades 9–12 or grades 10–12 (Wikipedia) Winnebago Lutheran Academy, a private, Lutheran high school of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) (Wikipedia) A college (Latin: collegium Greek:kollegia) is an educational institution or a constituent part of one Usage of the word college varies in English-speaking nations A college may be a degree-awarding tertiary educational institution, a part of a collegiate university, or an institution offering vocational education In the United States, "college" formally refers to a constituent part of a university, but generally "college" and "university" are used interchangeably,[1] whereas in Ireland, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore and other former and present Commonwealth nations, "college" may refer to a secondary or high school, a college of further education, a training institution that awards trade qualifications, or a Brigham Young University (Wikipedia) constituent part of a university (Wikipedia) Discussion a Discuss the typical age for young people to enter each phase of education? b Consider your own plans for your education? c Discuss your educational goals for the rest of your life d Discuss the subjects that you would like to study XXXIV TOPIC: OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES –LESSON 11 Watch The Video https://youtu.be/Zoy2m1A8zF0 What is the topic of the Video? Check Your Vocabulary Hiking Rafting Running Swimming Walking Boating Skiing Fishing Hunting Camping Gardening Skydiving Answer the Questions A What kinds of things did they take on their camping trip? B Where did they go camping? C What did the campers eat for dinner? D How many people went camping? E What mineral is found in North Carolina streams? F What kind of bacon did the campers eat for breakfast? Insights About Outdoor Activities HIKING Hiking in Canada and the USA is the preferred term for a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails (footpaths), in the countryside, while the word walking is used for shorter, particularly urban walks On the other hand in the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland, the term walking is used to describe all forms of walking, whether it is a walk in the park or trekking in the Alps The word hiking is also sometimes used in the UK, along with rambling, hillwalking, and fell walking In New Zealand a long, vigorous walk or hike is called tramping It is a popular activity with numerous hiking organizations worldwide, and studies suggest that all forms of walking have health benefits - from Wikipedia.org CAMPING Camping is an elective outdoor recreational activity Generally held, participants leave developed areas to spend time outdoors in more natural ones in pursuit of activities providing them enjoyment To be regarded as "camping" a minimum of one night is spent outdoors, distinguishing it from day-tripping, picnicking, and other similarly short-term recreational activities - from Wikipedia.org SCUBA Diving Scuba diving is a form of underwater diving in which a diver uses a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba) to breathe underwater Unlike other modes of diving, which rely either on breath-hold or on air pumped from the surface, scuba divers carry their own source of breathing gas, usually compressed air, allowing them greater freedom of movement than with an air line or diver's umbilical XXXV and longer underwater endurance than breath-hold Scuba equipment may be open circuit, in which exhaled gas is expelled to the surroundings, or a closed or semi-closed circuit rebreather, in which the breathing gas is scrubbed to remove carbon dioxide, and the oxygen used is replenished from a supply of feed gas before being re-breathed A scuba diver usually moves around underwater by using fins attached to the feet, but external propulsion can be provided by a diver propulsion vehicle, or a sled pulled from the surface - from Wikipedia.org Gardening Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture In gardens, ornamental plants are often grown for their flowers, foliage, or overall appearance; useful plants, such as root vegetables, leaf vegetables, fruits, and herbs, are grown for consumption, for use as dyes, or for medicinal or cosmetic use Gardening is considered to be a relaxing activity for many people - from Wikipedia.org Rafting Rafting and white water rafting are recreational outdoor activities which use an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other body of water This is often done on whitewater or different degrees of rough water, and generally represents a new and challenging environment for participants Dealing with risk and the need for teamwork is often a part of the experience The development of this activity as a leisure sport has become popular since the mid-1970s, evolving from individuals paddling 10 feet (3.0 m) rafts with doublebladed paddles to multi-person rafts propelled by single-bladed paddles and steered by a tour guide at the stern It is considered an extreme sport, and can be fatal.- from Wikipedia.org Running Running is a method of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot Running is a type of gait characterized by an aerial phase in which all feet are above the ground (though there are exceptions) This is in contrast to walking, where one foot is always in contact with the ground, the legs are kept mostly straight and the center of gravity vaults over the stance leg or legs in an inverted XXXVI pendulum fashion A characteristic feature of a running body from the viewpoint of spring-mass mechanics is that changes in kinetic and potential energy within a stride occur simultaneously, with energy storage accomplished by springy tendons and passive muscle elasticity The term running can refer to any of a variety of speeds ranging from jogging to sprinting - from Wikipedia.org Skydiving Parachuting, or skydiving, is the action sport of exiting an aircraft and returning to Earth with the aid of gravity, then slowing down during the last part of the descent by using a parachute It may or may not involve a certain amount of free-fall, a time during which the parachute has not been deployed and the body gradually accelerates to terminal velocity Andre-Jacques Garnerin was the first to make successful descents using a canvas canopy and small basket, tethered beneath a hot-air balloon The first intentional freefall jump with a ripcord-operated deployment is credited to Leslie Irvin in 1919 - from Wikipedia.org Fishing Fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish Fishing usually takes place in the wild Techniques for catching fish include hand gathering, spearing, netting, angling and trapping The term fishing may be applied to catching other aquatic animals such as molluscs, cephalopods, crustaceans, and echinoderms The term is not normally applied to catching farmed fish, or to aquatic mammals, such as whales, where the term whaling is more appropriate -from Wikipedia.org Golfing Golf is a precision club and ball sport in which competing players (or golfers) use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course using as few strokes as possible Golf is defined, in the rules of golf, as "playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules." - from Wikipedia.org Talk with a friend or partner about it a Discuss the kinds of outdoor activities that you enjoy XXXVII b What kinds of outdoor activities would you like to try? c Talk with your friends and family about the activities that they like to TOPIC: MEDICAL TOURISM – LESSON 12 1.Watch the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG2Q5VwyigM&feature=related GLOSSARY A medical journey/ uninformed and misinformed/education is the most vital component/ meticulous planning and preparation/ complications/ medical services/ surgical procedures/ before Christ/ baths and infernal springs/ from one destination to another/ for medical care/ private care and customized services/ accurate information/a language barrier/cross cultural misunderstanding/ cheaper than in their home country/ Work in groups and answer the following questions: 1) What kinds of tourism you know? 2) How old is medical tourism? What was it like in ancient times? 3) What is the difference between health tourism and medical tourism? 4) Why people go for medical tourism? 5) What are the advantages of medical tourism? 6) Are there any disadvantages? XXXVIII TOPIC: NATURAL DISASTER-LESSON PLAN 13 Title: Indonesia Issues Plans for Quake, Tsunami (Source: ReliefWeb, Reuters) JAKARTA, April 15 (Reuters) - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Friday approved a blueprint for rebuilding regions affected by the Dec 26 tsunami and other recent disasters, an official said The master plan details projects stretching over five years, worth close to $5 billion, designed to get parts of two provinces on Sumatra island -Aceh and North Sumatra back on their feet Most of the money going to Aceh It also carries directives for next week's planned creation of a special body to administer the projects A magnitude earthquake on Dec 26 with its epicentre near Sumatra sent walls of water smashing into Aceh and North Sumatra provinces, leaving more than 160,000 are dead or missing "The president has signed the master plan for the rehabilitation and reconstruction in Aceh and Nias island It consists of volumes," State Secretary Yusril Ihza Mahendra told reporters He did not elaborate on the blueprint's content, but many key details have already been announced The master plan includes guidelines on how to rebuild waveflattened areas, including buffer zones in coastal cities The government wants the zones between the shoreline and populated areas in order to minimise possible casualties and damage from another tsunami, but the issue has proved controversial among some survivors wanting to return to the sites of their old mes Officials have promised that the buffer plan would be implemented sensibly and residents could choose whether to follow it strictly and receive compensation or rebuild their homes in the same place while following new safety procedures Last month, another strong quake with an epicentre several miles south of that in December devastated islands off the Sumatra coast, which have now been incorporated into the recovery plan Nias island, which escaped much of the tsunami's fury, bore the brunt of damage from the second quake, with hundreds dead and many buildings destroyed 1.1 Vocabulary Try to guess what these words mean from reading the article administer controversial fury blueprint devastate(d) guideline(s) brunt directive implement(ed) buffer disaster incorporate(d) casualty(-ies) elaborate magnitude compensation epicenter master plan minimize rehabilitation province(s) smash(ing) survivor(s) volume(s) worth Work in groups and discuss the questions: How you feel about recent natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.) in the news? What you think is most important for survivors of these disasters? How can the rest of the world best help the people in devastated areas? What can people to prepare for possible disasters in the future? What types of disasters are common in your home country? (hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, etc.) Have you ever experienced a natural disaster? What was it like? XXXIX Topic: Preserving the environment I Warm-up Teacher plays the CD player in order for the students to listen to the song and then they write the missing words in the song Teacher introduces the topic of the speaking lesson “ preserving the environment” "Earth Song" By Michael Jackson What about sunrise Now I don't know where we are Although I know we've drifted far What about What about all the things That you said we were to gain What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine Did you ever stop to notice All the shed we've before Did you ever stop to notice The the weeping shores? Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh What have we done to the world Look what we've done What about all the peace That you pledge your only son What about flowering fields Is there a time What about all the dreams That you said was yours and mine Did you ever stop to notice All the children dead from war Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Hey, what about yesterday (What about us) What about the seas (What about us) The heavens are falling down (What about us) I can't even breathe (What about us) What about apathy (What about us) I need you (What about us) What about nature's worth (Ooo, ooo) It's our planet's womb (What about us) What about animals (What about it) We've turned kingdoms to dust (What about us) What about elephants (What about us) Have we lost their trust (What about us) What about crying Burnt despite our pleas (What about us) What about the holy land (What about it) Torn apart by creed (What about us) What about the common man (What about us) Can't we set him free (What about us) What about children dying (What about us) Can't you hear them cry (What about us) Where did we go wrong (Ooo, ooo) Someone tell me why (What about us) What about babies (What about it) What about the days (What about us) What about all their joy (What about us) What about the man (What about us) What about the crying man (What about us) What about Abraham (What about us) What about death again (Ooo, ooo) Do we give a damn Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh (What about us) We're ravaging the seas (What about us) What about forest Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh I used to dream XL I used to glance beyond the (Ooo, ooo) XLI ... teaching speaking and supplementary speaking materials which are used as the basis for the data analysis related to the study on the attitudes of grade 10 English- major students at Bien Hoa Specialized. .. these above-mentioned reasons have motivated me to conduct a survey on the attitudes of grade 10 Englishmajor students at Bien Hoa Specialized High School (BHSHS) towards their teachers‟ uses of online. .. expectation of their teachers’ use of online materials in speaking lessons Tables Table 1: Students? ?? perception of the advantages of online materials Table 2: Students? ?? perception of the disadvantages

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