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The effect of workplace coaching on employee performance the case of tri an factory, nestlé vietnam

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY oOo PHAM HUU CHINH THE EFFECT OF WORKPLACE COACHING ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: THE CASE OF TRI AN FACTORY, NESTLÉ VIETNAM EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HO CHI MINH CITY – 2018 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY oOo PHAM HUU CHINH THE EFFECT OF WORKPLACE COACHING ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: THE CASE OF TRI AN FACTORY, NESTLÉ VIETNAM Major: Business Administration (Executive Master of Business Administration) Code: 8340101 ECONOMIC MASTER THESIS SUPERVISOR: Prof NGUYEN DONG PHONG, Ph.D HO CHI MINH CITY – 2018 STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY I confirm that this master thesis is based on my independent research The figures and results presented in this thesis are real data from survey conducted by the author with assistance of employees of Tri An Factory (TAF), Nestlé Vietnam Company Proposals, solutions and recommendations were drawn from this study based on operation evaluation as well as on comments and advices of TAF Management Board I am fully responsible for eventual errors or fault caused Author of the thesis Pham Huu Chinh TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1.2 About Nestlé Group, Nestlé Vietnam Company and Tri An Factory 1.3 Problem statement 1.4 Objective of the study 1.5 Research questions 1.6 Subjects of the study 1.7 Scope and limitation of the study 1.8 Framework of the study 1.9 Research structure CHAPTER TWO 11 LITERATURE REVIEW 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 Workplace Coaching 11 2.2.1 The origin and concept of coaching 11 2.2.2 Definitions and essential principles of coaching .12 2.2.3 Why workplace coaching? 14 2.2.4 Some key factors for coaching effectiveness 15 Building the trustworthy coach-coachee relationship 15 Providing needed support to employees 16 Enhancing employee awareness 17 Promoting employee motivation 19 2.3 Employee performance 20 2.4 Relationship between workplace coach and employee performance 22 2.5 Summary 23 CHAPTER THREE 25 RESEARCH METHODS 25 3.1 Introduction 25 3.2 Research Design 25 3.3 3.4 Target Population 25 Sample Size and Sampling approach 3.5 Questionnaire 3.5.1 Common sources of error 3.5.2 Construction of the questionnaire 3.5.3 Pre-testing and validation 3.6 Validity 3.7 Reliability 3.8 Data Collection Method 3.9 Methods of Data Analysis 3.10 Ethical Considerations 3.11 Summary CHAPTER FOUR ANALYSIS OF RESULTS 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Sample Description 4.3 Evaluate the reliability of measurement scales 4.4 Critical factors of the coaching effectiveness 4.4.1 Coach – Coachee R 4.4.2 Employee Awarene 4.4.3 Employee Motivat 4.4.4.Support given to employees Summary 4.4.5 4.5 The Effect of Workplace Coaching on Employee Perfo 4.5.1 Employee perform 4.5.2 Correlation betwee 4.6 Management discussion about the findings 4.7 Summary CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion of the study 5.2 Recommendations 5.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research REFERENCES APPENDICES LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: The relationship between dependent and independent variables Figure 4.1: Role of employees in coaching practices at TAF 34 Figure 4.2: Status of employee training about coaching 34 Figure 4.3: Response frequency about coach-coachee relationship 37 Figure 4.4: Employee responding to question CR2 38 Figure 4.5: Response frequency about employee awareness 39 Figure 4.6: Response frequency about employee motivation .41 Figure 4.7: Response frequency about support given in coaching 42 Figure 4.8: Response frequency about employee performance .44 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Distribution of Demographic Information 33 Table 4.2: Employees who haven’t joined the training about coaching 35 Table 4.3: The reliability of measurement scales 36 Table 4.4: Detail results of relationship in coaching 38 Table 4.5: Detail results of employee awareness 40 Table 4.6: Detail results of employee motivation 41 Table 4.7: Detail results of support given to employees in coaching 43 Table 4.8: Employee performance results from coaching activities 45 Table 4.9: Key factors of workplace coaching effectiveness and employee performance 46 Table 4.10: Different demographic groups impacting to coaching .47 ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine how the use of workplace coaching as a human management and development tool can facilitate improvements to employee performance and in turn providing a platform to increase the competitive advantage of the organization The study was carried out at Tri An Factory (TAF), Nestlé Vietnam company and it comprises of a literature review, which includes the concept and essential principles of coaching, some key drivers of effective coaching, the employee performance and the correlation between workplace coaching and employee performance A quantitative research approach was used for this study with the participation of 190 employees from all working positions within TAF The findings of the study revealed that workplace coaching is an effective human management and development tool at TAF and it has positive impacts on employee performance The key factors, which contributed to workplace coaching effectiveness, were building trustful coach-coachee relationship, enhancing the awareness and motivation of employees, and giving them the needed support The employee performance was determined by employee work productivity, product quality and customer satisfaction All were improved as the results of workplace coaching Whilst the study proved the effectiveness of workplace coaching and its positive impacts on employee performance, the findings also showed that there are opportunities for further improvements to workplace coaching at TAF The areas of improvements identified are using appropriate approach for each individual/ group based on their preference, promoting employee understanding about purposes and benefits of coaching, spending more time to coach employees, building criteria and using those to measure the effectiveness of coaching sessions CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction In the present business environment, organizations are subjected to increased competition, fast-paced change, increased demands from customers and different stakeholders These factors are putting a huge pressure on organizations To compete and take the lead, companies are more conscious of their need of a competent, motivated and productive workforce which is considered as a distinctive and inimitable advantage Since the traditional employee development does not always deliver the desired results, organizations often use coaching as a way to develop employee selfconfidence, self-efficacy, and contribute to actions that create results (Passmore and Fillery-Travis, 2011) The reason behind this trend could be that coaching is about helping people to improve their performance not by telling them what to but by enabling them to learn how to change, making coaching a widely recognized tool Coaching is a well-established practice that researchers have defined in different ways According to Smither (2011) coaching “is a one-to-one learning and development intervention that uses a collaborative, reflective, goal-focused relationship to achieve professional outcomes that are valued by the coachee” (Smither, 2011, p.137) Grant (2001) defined coaching as a collaborative, solutionfocused, result-orientated systematic process, in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of the coachee’s performance in various domains and fosters selfdirected learning, goal attainment and personal growth of the coachee From a different angle, coaching is a term often related to the sports industry Athletes often pay astronomical wages to the best individuals in their field to coach them In most of these cases, the coach does not manage them or tell them what to but rather tries to get the best out of them by transforming physical and psychological strengths into competency The coach’s job is to support, guide and motivate the coachee to gain a better understanding of themselves in order to enable them to reach the peak of their capabilities (Whitmore, 2004) By applying this philosophy in workplace coaching, it can help individuals to realize their strengths and weaknesses Enabling them to find the answer to what works better for them rather than giving them the answers ready on the plate Coaching aims to empower people and help them to discover their potential abilities and talents instead of focusing on what they cannot (Wright, 2005) After all, coaching is about unlocking people’s potential with the intention to improve/maximize their performance (Whitmore, 2004); a coach does not teach but rather helps the coachee to learn Coaching can be a challenging endeavor for the coachee as well as the coach It is essential for the coach to have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities as well as being equipped with the desired behaviors and characteristics that can enable all parties involved to gain the best experience from the coaching sessions (Grant, 2006) Success of a coaching process heavily depends on the trustful relationships between the coach and the employee (Wu, Cheng and Huang, 2010) Thus while using coaching method, the coach first understands the cultural diversity of the individual employee (Serrat 2010) The cultural diversity such as religion, race, color, belief systems, gender, and ethnicity among others may considerably affect the coach and coachee relationships (Wilkesmann & Fischer, 2009) The outcome of coaching for employees includes enhanced self-awareness, enhanced knowledge and skills, greater motivation and morale, improved clarity about career direction, increased innovation which all lead to improved performance (Stolmack and Martin, 2011) Despite the global popularity of coaching, there is a shortage in the number of empirical studies exploring the effects of workplace coaching on employee performance More specifically, there is an absence of such studies in Vietnam, especially in the manufacturing sector The typical respondents being surveyed in those researches were mainly managers or coaches who have delivered the coaching sessions but not coachees who have received the coaching sessions Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine some key factors linking workplace coaching to employee performance, through analyzing the perception of coaches and coachees The key factors investigated were the coach-coachee Mã Lời phát biểu câu hỏi Người huấn luyện sử dụng hoạt động huấn luyện để 05 hỗ trợ nhân viên thường xuyên hàng ngày Người huấn luyện hỗ trợ phát triển nhân viên cách cho họ không gian để học hỏi thông qua việc làm thử có sai xót 07 Người huấn luyện điều chỉnh cách tiếp cận để phù hợp với sở thích nhu cầu nhân viên 08 thay đổi cách làm việc để hiệu Người huấn luyện dành nhiều thời gian để xây dựng 09 10 trì mối quan hệ tin cậy với nhân viên đảm bảo tương tác có ích cho nhân viên Người huấn luyện khuyến khích nhân viên mở rộng 11 nhận thức cách giúp họ có nhìn đầy đủ khía cạnh vấn đề (nhìn rõ tranh tổng thể) Người huấn luyện thường xuyên chia sẻ với nhân viên 12 phản hồi chân thực mang tính xây dựng hiệu công việc họ Người huấn luyện đặt câu hỏi để giúp nhân viên 13 suy nghĩ tự xác định cách giải vấn đề, thay đưa cho nhân viên giải pháp Người huấn luyện tạo điều kiện thuận lợi giúp nhân 14 viên tư sáng tạo để giải vấn đề Huấn luyện giúp nâng cao chất lượng dịch vụ cung cấp 15 16 cho khách hàng Huấn luyện giúp nâng cao lực lãnh đạo người huấn luyện nhân viên Mã câu hỏi 17 18 19 Huấn luyện giúp tạo môi trường thúc đẩy khám phá thay đổi Huấn luyện thúc đẩy nhân viên làm việc vượt trách nhiệm công việc Huấn luyện giúp nâng cao chất lượng sản phẩm nhân viên làm Người huấn luyện giúp nhân viên đánh giá mức 20 điểm mạnh khả để vượt qua rào cản công việc 21 phù hợp với mục tiêu công ty cam kết thực chúng 22 23 24 Huấn luyện giúp cải thiện mức độ cam kết nhân viên công việc Thông qua huấn luyện, nhân viên nỗ lực cao để sản xuất sản phẩm có chất lượng tốt nhân viên cảm thấy thoải mái chấp nhận rủi ro cần thiết để học hỏi phát triển 25 Người huấn luyện giúp nhân viên xác định thiết lập mục tiêu thực tế thách thức 26 Huấn luyện khuyến khích nhân viên chủ động tìm hiểu yêu cầu mong đợi khách hàng 27 Huấn luyện truyền cảm hứng thúc đẩy nhân viên thực công việc tốt 28 Huấn luyện giúp nâng cao tinh thần nhân viên 29 Có gia tăng mức độ hài lòng khách hàng kết huấn luyện 30 Huấn luyện thúc đẩy tinh thần làm chủ nhân viên việc đảm bảo chất lượng sản phẩm L Phần – Các câu hỏi thân bạn : Với tất câu hỏi đây, bạn đánh dấu ‘√’ vào ô vuông bên cạnh câu trả lời bạn Giới tính bạn:  Nam  Nữ Tuổi bạn:  Dưới 25 tuổi  Từ 36 đến 40 tuổi  Từ 25 đến 30 tuổi  Từ 41 đến 45 tuổi  Từ 31 đến 35 tuổi  Trên 45 tuổi Trình độ học vấn:  Phổ thông trung học  Đại học  Sơ/ trung cấp nghề  Cao đẳng  Thạc sĩ Thời gian làm việc nhà máy Trị An  đến năm  Từ > đến năm  Trên năm trở lên Vị trí cơng tác:  Cơng nhân, thư ký (bậc 13 & 12)  Giám sát (bậc 11 & 10)  Nhân viên (bậc 11 & 10)  Quản lý (từ bậc trở lên) Tham gia khóa đào tạo phương pháp huấn luyện  Đã tham gia  Chưa tham gia Bạn đóng vai trị huấn luyện (coaching) TAF thời gian vừa qua  Là người huấn luyện  Là người huấn luyện  Vừa người huấn luyện, vừa người huấn luyện Cám ơn hỗ trợ bạn thông qua việc thực khảo sát Appendix 3: Detail analysis of employees who were not trained about coaching Not yet attend the training course Count 26 12 14 1 0 13 11 24 4 19 25 Appendix 4: Detail analysis of employees who graduated from university Gender Age Position Length of service Role in coaching Attended the training about coaching Appendix 5: Detail analysis of employees who played the role of the coachee Coa Ma Gender Fem Bel 25- 31Age 36- 41- Ab Hig Dip Education level Col Bac Ma Ope Off Position Sup Ma

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