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The use of conceptual metaphors in advertising slogans of Nokia, Samsung, Apple, Blackberry and Sony Ericsson cell phones

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  • 1. Definition of metaphors

  • 2. Conceptual metaphors/cognitive metaphors

  • 2.1. Conceptual metaphors in relation with cognitive linguistics

  • 2.2. Conceptual metaphors

  • 3. Classification of conceptual metaphors

  • 3.1. Structural metaphors

  • 3.2. Ontological metaphors

  • 3.3. Orientational metaphors

  • 4. Advertising slogans

  • 4.1. Definition of an advertising slogan

  • 4.2. Qualities of an effective slogan


  • 1. Conceptual metaphors in advertising slogans

  • 1.1. The effects of conceptual metaphors on audience

  • 1.2. Conceptual metaphors in advertising slogans

  • 2. Research procedures

  • 2.1. Data collection

  • 2.2. Data analysis

  • 3. Results and discussion

  • 3.1. Research question 1: How are conceptual metaphors used in cell phone advertising slogans?

  • 3.2. Research question 2: What are the subtypes of conceptual metaphors employed in mobile phone advertising slogans?


  • 1. Recapitulation of main ideas

  • 2. Limitations of the study

  • 3. Suggestions for further research

  • 4. Implications



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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES *********** PHẠM THỊ HẰNG THE USE OF CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN ADVERTISING SLOGANS OF NOKIA, SAMSUNG, APPLE, BLACKBERRY AND SONY ERICSSON CELL PHONES (Việc sử dụng ẩn dụ ý niệm hiệu quảng cáo cho điện thoại di động Nokia, Samsung, Apple, Blackberry Sony Ericsson) THESIS SUMMARY M.A THESIS (Minor Programme) Field: English Linguistics Code: 60 22 15 Hanoi - 2012 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES *********** PHẠM THỊ HẰNG THE USE OF CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN ADVERTISING SLOGANS OF NOKIA, SAMSUNG, APPLE, BLACKBERRY AND SONY ERICSSON CELL PHONES (Việc sử dụng ẩn dụ ý niệm hiệu quảng cáo cho điện thoại di động Nokia, Samsung, Apple, Blackberry Sony Ericsson) THESIS SUMMARY M.A THESIS (Minor Programme) Field: English Linguistics Code: 60 22 15 Supervisor: Ngo Huu Hoang, PhD Hanoi - 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v,vi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Objectives of the study and the research questions Scope of the study Method of the study Design of the study Previous studies CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Definition of metaphors Conceptual metaphors/ Cognitive metaphors 2.1 Conceptual metaphors in relation with cognitive linguistics 2.2 Conceptual metaphors 10 Classification of conceptual metaphors 14 3.1 Structural metaphors 14 3.2 Ontological metaphors 17 3.3 Orientational metaphors 19 Advertising slogans 22 4.1 Definition of an advertising slogan 22 4.2 Qualities of an effective slogan 23 CHAPTER III: THE USE OF METAPHORS IN CELL PHONE ADVERTISING SLOGANS 26 v Conceptual metaphors in advertising slogans 26 1.1 The effects of conceptual metaphors on audience 26 1.2 Conceptual metaphors in advertising slogans 30 Research procedures 32 2.1 Data collection 32 2.2 Data analysis 32 Results and discussion 33 3.1 Research question 33 3.2 Research question 34 CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION 40 Recapitulation of main ideas 40 Limitations of the study 40 Suggestions for further research 41 Implications 41 REFERENCE 42,43,44 APPENDIX I, II vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Rationale In the epoch of information explosion, it is inevitable for any of us to bump into advertising words and images Advertising is all around us, though we like it or not, we hear it, see it and feel it albeit on purpose or just by some chance In order for a brand name to go global, a good advertisement of their product is a key matter, no wonder why billions of bugs have been spent on copywriting English, an international language, is used in every single advertisement with an aim of the company going places world wide The utmost aim of the advertisement is to capture our attention “The whole aim of the copywriters is to get us register their communication either for purposes of immediate action or to make us more favourably disposed in general terms to the advertised product or service […] so copywriters have to find ways to shout at us from the page.” (Goddard, A., 1998: 11) A question may arise that how advertising can impinge on people‟s life so much and it is given a short answer by Fairclough: Advertising has made many people into consumers, i.e has brought about a change in the way people are, in the sense that it has provided the most coherent and persistent model for consumer needs, values, tastes and behaviour It has done this by addressing people as if they were commonsensically already fully fledged consumers The general point is that if people are obliged day-in day-out to occupy the subject position of consumer, there is a good chance that they will become consumers […] Advertising can show people lifestyles (and patterns of spending) which they might not otherwise meet, but also invite them to “join” (1989: 207) The researcher is captive in advertisements especially those of mobile phones That is the reason why I took a hook to go ahead with mobile phone advertising slogans In order to achieve the aim of getting customers noticed, copywriters have contributed a non-stop effort in creating an attractive, memorable, distinct advertising slogan for each brand The methods used in writing advertising slogans range from employing phonological aspect, lexical and morphological aspect, syntactic aspect to semantic aspect More concretely, in phonological aspect, rhyme, homophone, alliteration are often put into consideration while in lexical and morphological aspect, verb phrase, noun phrase, collocation, idiomatic construction, formation of new words and phrases are of great approval What‟s more, when syntactic aspect can be found in sentence types, sentence structure like ellipsis, semantic aspect is often realized through rhetorical devices such as simile, hyperbole, metonymy, polysemy and metaphors The researcher is absolutely engaged in metaphors which have long been a part of my interest This explains the my reason to choose metaphors in advertising Metaphors are a part and parcel of everyday life in that they appear in nearly all our everyday concepts without our realization of it Lakoff and Johnson give the notion of conceptual metaphors which have explained this all in an easy-understanding way This attributes to the cause for choosing Lakoff and Johnson‟s theory as a foundation in analyzing the data obtained in the study Objectives of the study and the research questions The study aims to describe a language phenomenon happening in advertising slogans, specifically conceptual metaphors To go further, it targets at five cell phone brands to find out the frequency of conceptual metaphors used in their advertising slogans and the subtypes of conceptual metaphors employed based on the theory of Lakoff and Johnson In other words, the study tries to seek out the answers to two research questions Research question 1: How are conceptual metaphors frequently used in five brands‟ cell phone advertising slogans? Research question 2: What are subtypes of conceptual metaphors employed in five brands‟ cell phone advertising slogans? Scope of the study Due to the time constraint, the thesis only focuses on five cell phone brands‟ slogans which are world famous ones The selected slogans of five brands are randomly taken from newspapers, TV and the Internet at the researcher‟s ease A corpus of 65 chosen slogans is not a big one, so to some extents, the results provided are just selective, not comprehensive In this study, the analysis is based on the theory and classification of metaphors given by Lakoff and Johnson Method of the study This research is a mixture of qualitative and statistical research Firstly, qualitative research is employed in analyzing the conceptual metaphors as well as the subtypes of conceptual metaphors in each slogan The researcher uses statistical research method in order to give a description of a language phenomenon occurring in advertising slogans of five mobile phone brands in quantitative data In addition, the exploratory research method is employed with an aim to examining the correlations among three subtypes of conceptual metaphors namely structural, ontological and orientational metaphors Design of the study The thesis consists of four chapters: CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION, CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND, CHAPTER III: THE USE OF METAPHORS IN CELL PHONE AND ADVERTISING SLOGANS and CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION In INTRODUCTION, the researcher provides the reason for conducting the research Moreover, readers can find out the objectives of the study as well as the research questions for the thesis The scope, method, design of the study and an overview of previous studies are also stated in this chapter The second chapter named THEORETICAL BACKGROUND will deal with definition of metaphors, conceptual metaphors, the classification of conceptual metaphors Moreover, a definition of advertising slogans, qualities of an effective slogan are also given through which readers can be aware of the role of a slogan to a company The third chapter entitled THE USE OF METAPHORS IN CELL PHONE ADVERTISING SLOGANS provides the information about the effects of metaphors on audience, conceptual metaphors in advertising slogans and the research procedures in which data collection and data analysis methods are represented Further more, the “results and discussion” section is a statistical description of metaphors used in advertising slogans of five cell phone brands The last chapter entitled CONCLUSION represents a recapitulation of the main ideas of the study, the limitations of the study, some suggestions for further research and the implications of the studies Previous studies Since advertising is crucial in evoking customers‟ actions, copywriters have spent abundant time researching for the linguistic devices to employ in their advertisements Among the linguistic devices, metaphors can really work wonders To begin with Lapsanska‟s (2006) “The language of advertising with the concentration on the linguistic means and the analysis of advertising slogans”, Lapsanska provides the analysis of language of advertising from linguistic point of view and specifies linguistic means used in advertising texts Her work brings knowledge about the use of linguistic devices in print advertising The result of her research reveals that, among three groups of meaning transference including metaphor, personification and polysemy/homonymy, metaphor is most frequently used in advertisements with 75/270 ads while the figures for the other two are 24/270 and 9/270 respectively (2006:76) Czerpa has the same opinion when she notes that metaphors in advertisements are powerful and compelling tool because they not only enrich an add but also extend the meaning of textual/ visual message, creating multileveled layers of interpretation (Czerpa, 2006:3) Their point is made even stronger by Kovesces‟s statement, “an appropriate selected metaphor may work wonders in promoting the sale of an item” (2002:59) Leiss, Kline, and Jhally have used metaphors to study social communication in advertising They suggest that metaphors in advertisements have become a powerful and commonly used strategy “Metaphor is the very heart of the basic communication form used in advertising” (Leiss et al., 214) The study of metaphors in advertising has been used to gain insight about consumers‟ behavior (Zaltman and Coulter, 1995) Zaltman‟s Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) is a research tool developed to define and describe the metaphors which drive consumers‟ behaviour with implications for copy-writing Metaphors are relevant to the study of advertising since they are “laden with symbols and imagery that might be used creatively in implementing decisions that will animate or bring appropriate reasoning processes and mental models to life.” (as cited in Lapsanska, 2006) Charles Forceville tries to look at previous literature metaphor in hope of developing a theory of pictorial metaphor in advertising, but notes that most of the literature metaphor is primarily on verbal metaphors (Forceville, 4) Similarly, Fazio, Zanna and Cooper have found that direct experience may affect attitude formation by altering the way in which the available information is processed (Fazio et al., 51) Since metaphors in consumer advertising require the consumers to become more actively involved and experienced on things in terms of another, advertising using metaphors may affect attitude formation towards a product or brand At the very least, the active involvement stimulated by metaphors will alter the way in which the information is processed (Fazio et al., 51 However, all the above mentioned research mainly studied the visual metaphors in advertising in particular and non-verbal metaphors in general There have been some researches in Vietnam concerning the matter of advertising Trang, B T (2010) reveals the typical techniques employed in advertising slogans in terms of graphology, phonology, lexicology, syntax and semantics; however, she does not point out the use of metaphors in the advertising slogans Trang, B T P (2011) gives an insight into metaphors used in English slogans by some banks in the world In her research, Trang argues that the approachability of conceptual metaphorical expressions in banking context is very high and the use of ontological metaphors is of great approval To the researcher‟s knowledge, there has been no study about metaphors in cell phone advertising slogans but in cosmetics, foodstuff, banking, etc Therefore, by conducting this research, I hope to contribute into the metaphor world in advertising another field Things will get even more blurred when one reads “This year, an old man winter will be conquered by a little squirt” (Olay Body Lotion slogan) without conceptualizing that A LITTLE SQUIRT IS BODY LOTION Many orientational metaphors are also taken as one means of figurative image in advertisements Orientational metaphor GOOD IS UP is seen in the ad “Beyond and above” – Land Rover cars range, “Built from the cloud up” – Microsof Window Server 2012, “spice things up” – Macy‟s perfumes, “Life can‟t wait Change up your look Change up your life.” – Sunsilk Shampoo Or in “Up your status” – Samsung cell phone, we can find the orientational metaphor HIGH STATUS IS UP To put it this way, metaphor is a rhetorical device or figurative device which is used in many advertisements with a view to provoking in customers‟ brain the conceptualization of a product underlying the words Research procedures 2.1 Data collection A list of 65 cell phone advertising slogans are chosen at random from online newspapers, TV ads and websites These 65 slogans are classified into cell phone brand names: Nokia, Samsung, Apple, Blackberry and Sony Ericsson The researcher chose these bands for the reason that they are well-known and prominent in everyday use Further more, the source to collect data is at hand 2.2 Data analysis All these slogans will be first sorted out into categories of brand names, then analyzed to show whether they use metaphors or not The next step is to study the 32 metaphors employed in each slogan so that the researcher can point out to which categories of conceptual metaphors namely structural, ontological and orientational the slogans belong In order to achieve that purpose, the qualitative method is to be used After that, the quantitative method is adopted with an aim of figuring out the proportion of three kinds of conceptual metaphors in these selected slogans Finally, a description of the results will be presented through the statistics and interpretation Results and discussion 3.1 Research question 1: How are conceptual metaphors used in cell phone advertising slogans? The use of metaphors in cellphone advertising slogans 22% use metaphors not use metaphors 78% Chart 1: The use of metaphors in cell phone advertising slogans 51/65 metaphors are used in mobile phone advertising slogans Such a figure is not minor as metaphor is just one among many types of linguistic means used in advertisements 33 In her findings, Lapsanska (2006:76) showed that 99/270 metaphors are used in advertisements (including personification as one subtype of ontological metaphors), which is equivalent to 37% while the percentage of metaphors applied in cell phone advertising slogans accounts for 78%, doubling that of Lapsanska‟s result This reveals that metaphors appear with high frequency in mobile phone advertisements Maybe the reason for this had been stated by Kovecses “An appropriately selected metaphor may work wonders in promoting the sale of an item” (2002:59) 3.2 Research question 2: What are the subtypes of conceptual metaphors employed in mobile phone advertising slogans? Subtypes of conceptual metaphors used in cellphone advertising slogans 8% 29% ontological metaphors structural metaphors 63% orientational metaphors Chart 2: Subtypes of conceptual metaphors used in cell phone advertising slogans It is clear from the pie chart that the ontological metaphors are found in cell phone advertising slogans with the highest frequency, making up 63% off all three subtypes 34 In analyzing ontological metaphors, it is notable that personification is used very widely in the selected slogans In these slogans, PRODUCT IS A PERSON WITH HUMAN CAPACITIES For example, Nokia cell phone is a person who can connect people together (Connecting people – slogan (1), see APPENDIX) The same thing occurs in slogan (30) “No matter how you stay in touch, Samsung connects you in style” or “Connect to what matters” (slogan (55)) More interestingly, mobile phones can live in harmony with the nature (Being harmony with the nature – slogan (2)), can turn heads and get noticed (Turn heads, get noticed and stay connected to your world with the innovative Twist – slogan (6)) Further more, Samsung cell phones have the ability of inviting people (Everyone‟s invited – slogan (16)), saying (The right thing says everything – slogan (23)), feeling happy (Download some mobile music It‟ll make your phone happy – slogan (24)) Apple can say hello to you (Slogan (34), see APPENDIX), listen to you (“Say Hello to iPhone” – slogan (36)), can beat (The first phone to beat the iPhone – slogan (39)), can change your life (“This changes everything Again” – slogan (44)) Blackberry phones are also human beings in that they can fuel you with power, express your style and simplify your life (Power the passions you pursue with a smartphone that expresses your style and simplifies your life – slogan (56)) Moreover, another ontological metaphor can be found in this slogan, that is PASSION IS BATTERIES (in “power your passions”) and LIFE IS AN OBJECT (in “simplifies your life”) Also, ABSTRACTS ARE THINGS ontological metaphor are found in these slogans, the entailments of this ontological metaphor can be traced in: EXPERIENCES ARE THINGS (Blackberry – Bring experiences to life! – slogan (50)); 35 SUCCESS IS AN OBJECT (Nokia – Get a taste of success – slogan (15)); AMAZING IS AN OBJECT (Samsung – A touch of amazing – slogan (21)); BEAUTY IS AN OBJECT (Samsung – Imagine touching beauty – slogan (27)); LIFE IS AN OBJECT (Blackberry – Find more life – slogan (53)) In slogan (7) “Hit a hole-in-one Hit the right impression”, we can notice two conceptual metaphors: THE PHONE IS A GOLF CLUB (structural metaphor) which you can use and hit the ball to the hole, and IMPRESSION IS AN OBJECT (ontological metaphor), so you can hit it Slogan (13) “Connect with style” also embeds the ontological metaphor ABSTRACTS ARE THINGS, specifically STYLE IS AN OBJECT “Your life Enhanced” also offers the ontological metaphor LIFE IS A PRODUCT in here, A MOBILE PHONE, the audience are expected to draw a message that this mobile is going to enhance their life or in other words, improve or brighten their life We often say “He‟s not my type” when talking about some person of the opposite sex to show that we don‟t love this guy and cannot get on well with him The same thing happens in the slogan (25) of Samsung cell phone “Just your type” – YOUR TYPE IS A THING, in this case, A MOBILE PHONE, and Samsung can provide you that, just a mobile phone to fit your favourite In everyday life, we can see people moving in the streets with our naked eyes; however, when talking about “population movement or population shift”, we are talking about something invisible The case is true in “The world‟s fastest-moving brand is still on the move” which conceptualizes PROGRESS IS FORWARD MOTION By such conceptual metaphor, we can see the outreaching of the brand to global world at the highest speed and it is still “on the move” which offers us an image that Samsung is always busy developing its name 36 Ontological metaphor PROGRESS IS MOTION is applied in slogan (43) “The fastest, most powerful iPhone yet” Ontological metaphors are followed by structural metaphors with a percentage of 29% which means well more than a quarter of all three subtypes Among those, the Apple‟s slogan (33) “Touching is believing” is typical for EMOTIONAL INTIMACY IS PHYSICAL CLOSENESS structural metaphor The conceptual metaphor A SOLUTION IS A PRODUCT is also realized in the slogan “A stylish way to get things done” – Blackberry – slogan (51) or “There‟s an app for that That‟s the iPhone Solving life‟s diplemma one app at time” – Apple – Slogan (45) Moreover, EMOTIONAL DESIRE IS PHYSICAL HUNGER is also made clear in “Wanna quench your thirst for fun? Take a sip of Sony Ericsson Mediascape – all your music, video and photos, just waiting to be enjoyed.” – Sony Ericsson – Slogan (64) The PRODUCT IS A SHORTCUT conceptual metaphor can be found in “Tell it like it is The fast way.” – Sony Ericsson – slogan (60) Moreover, A PRODUCT IS A WEAPON structural metaphor can be mapped in the slogan “Be a sharp shooter with the Sony Ericsson C903 Cyber-shotTM” – Sony Ericsson – slogan (65) We can see some overlaps in the analysis between ontological and structural metaphors For example “A touch of amazing” can be seen as ontological and structural metaphor at the same time When we see AMAZING IS AN OBJECT, we are seeing it in an ontological way that the abstract thing AMAZING exist so that we can feel the touch of it When we consider the structural metaphor EMOTIONAL INTIMACY IS PHYSICAL CLOSENESS, the “touch” (the source domain) is physically felt as an act of love and care (the target domain), thus emotional feeling Moreover, when we attribute the personification metaphor to the slogan “No matter how you stay in touch, Samsung connects you in style” we can get the 37 ontological metaphor PRODUCT IS A PERSON WITH HUMAN CAPACITIES because it can “connect you in style” However, we can also draw a structural metaphor EMOTIONAL INTIMACY IS PHYSICAL CLOSENESS through the world “connect” because emotional intimacy is established by physical contact, and to “connect” means to get closer To summarize, once again I would like to emphasize what Lakoff and Johnson concluded in their book “Metaphors we live by”: “The division of metaphors into three types – orientational, ontological and structural – was artificial All metaphors are structural (in that they map structures to structures); all are ontological (in that they create target-domain entities) (2003: 265) The kind of conceptual metaphors which appears with lowest frequency is orientaional metaphors, comprising of 8% Some of them are the realizations of the metaphor GOOD IS UP “Open up a world of possibilities” – Blackberry – slogan (52) “Power up the Blackberry Curve smartphone and empower our life” – Blackberry – slogan (58) “The Blackberry Bold 9700 really is the pinnacle of the traditional Blackberry smartphone experiences” – Blackberry – Slogan (57) The message underlying these slogans is that these phones will make your life better: Your phone can make impossible things possible, can enhance your life and it is above and beyond any other phones, respectively Another orientational metaphor HIGH STATUS IS UP is also adopted in “Up your status” – Samsung – Slogan (28) By using the metaphor, the slogan is implying that possessing the mobile will make you climb a step in your social status Let‟s have a look at how these metaphors are distributed in each mobile brand 38 Conceptual metaphors Brand names Total Ontological Structural Orientational Nokia 11 (84%) (8%) (8%) 13 (100%) Samsung 10 (84%) (8%) (8%) 12 (100%) Apple (70%) (30%) (0%) 10 (100%) Blackberry (49%) (38%) (13%) (100%) Sony Ericsson (0%) (100%) (0%) (100%) Table 2: Proportion of three subtypes of conceptual metaphors used in each cell phone brand As can be seen from the table, ontological metaphors are found mainly in the advertising slogans of Nokia (84%), Samsung (84%) and none is found in slogans of Sony Ericsson Structural metaphors are the only kind exploited in all brands‟ slogans The brand with the highest percentage of structural metaphors is Sony Ericsson (100%), next come Blackberry (38%) and Apple (30%); the smallest shares belongs to Samsung (1%) and Nokia (1%) Orientationl metaphors which make up the smallest share of three subtypes of conceptual metaphors mainly focus on Blackberry with 13% Apple and Ericsson seem to neglect this kind of metaphors From the above results, we can come to a conclusion that metaphors are prevalent in cell phone advertising slogans and ontological metaphors seem to be the very good means in persuading and evoking customers‟ actions when it is mainly employed by two big brothers in mobile phone industry, Nokia and Samsung 39 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION Recapitulation of main ideas The study aims at describing a linguistic phenomenon namely metaphors in advertising slogans of cell phone advertising slogans; however, due to the time and scope limitation, it is just a snapshot of the use of conceptual metaphors in social communication by an investigation into advertising slogans of just five brands After the representation of data analysis, the findings are revealed as follows: Firstly, conceptual metaphors is used with high frequency in advertising slogans of Nokia, Samsung, Apple, Blackberry and Sony Ericsson mobile phone brands among other linguistic means Secondly, ontological metaphors are dominant among conceptual metaphors found in advertising slogans, making a contribution of three quarters Structural metaphors and orientational metaphors follow accordingly The research has its significance of capturing readers‟ attention of the omnipresence of metaphors in daily life in general and advertising in particular Moreover, it is a suggestion for copywriters to employ conceptual metaphors more in their copywriting since it has been approved a good means by the development of famous mobile phone brands Limitations of the study Due to the time and knowledge restriction, the researcher only collects a corpus of 65 advertising slogans of five cell phone brands This is not a big enough corpus for us to make a generalization of the results to advertising language in all fields 40 Suggestions for further research During the time the researcher carries out the thesis, many interesting ideas have emerged and they could be the suggestions for further research The research can be continued as a bigger one with the description of all semantic aspects employed in mobile phone advertising, not just metaphors Or maybe a research into translation of mobile phone advertising slogans from English to Vietnamese under the light of semantic approach can be put into account What‟s more, a study of metaphors applied in all advertising slogans world wide can be suggested I have worked on this thesis to the best of my ability and effort to yield the best results However, due to the time and knowledge limitation, mistakes are unavoidable Thus, any of your constructive comments, corrections or suggestions for my better job would be highly appreciated Implications The thesis generally analyzed metaphors with a theory-oriented approach However, a practice-oriented approach can be employed in the translation of these metaphors from one language to another language For example, the HIGH STATUS IS UP allows us to understand the “Up your status” advertisement by Samsung cell phones, specifically, it is “to make your status higher”, hence, instead of being translated as “nâng cao địa vị bạn”, the “up your status can be translated as “nâng tầm đẳng cấp” Moreover, as above mentioned, the conceptualization of the objective world may change across cultures, the mistranslating is unavoidable The thesis provides readers with the understanding of the underlying message of the advertising slogans so that it can be figuratively transferred to the target language without causing embarrassments caused by the literal meaning like in the case of KFC mentioned 41 REFERENCES English Abusaeedi, A R., Ahangar, A., Sarani, A & Kangan, Z (2012) “The study of metaphoric advertisements in some Iranian family journals based on conceptual blending”, International Journal of Linguistic, 2012, Vol 4, No Agnes, A (2009) The use of Metaphors in Advertising Argumentum, (2009), 1824 Anderson E M (1998) The use of metaphors in online advertising, University of Florida Aristotle (1984) “Poetics”, In Collected works in volums, vol 4, M L Gasparov (trans.), Moscow: Progress Black, M (1954-55) “Metaphor”, In Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, News series, Vol 55 (1954-1955, p273- 294), Blackwell Publishing Cook, G 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of the consumer: Metaphor based advertising research, Journal of Advertising Research, 35-50 Vietnamese: Bùi Thị Trang (2010) Business slogans in English and Vietnamese, VNU, ULIS, Hanoi Bùi Thị Phương Trang (2011) An investigation on metaphor used in English slogans by some banks in the world, VNU, ULIS, Hanoi Đinh Trọng Lạc (1994) 99 phương tiện biện pháp tu từ tiếng Việt NXB Giáo dục 43 Trần Văn Cơ (2011) Những khái niệm ngôn ngữ học tri nhận liên quan đến văn hóa học Trích sách “Ngơn ngữ học tri nhận Từ điển”, NXB Phương Đơng, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Lý Tồn Thắng (2005) Ngơn ngữ học tri nhận Từ lí thuyết đại cương đến thực tiễn tiếng Việt, NXB Khoa học xã hội, Hà Nội 44 APPENDIX Number 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Cell phone Advertising slogans brands Connecting people Being harmony with the nature (Nokia N74) One model, three stunning outfits (Nokia500) Open to anything Do you believe in love at first touch? Turn heads, get noticed and stay connected to your world with the innovative Twist Hit a hole-in-one Hit the right impression Nokia I am my music Nokia N series See new Hear new Feel new The center of your social universe (Nokia X6 16GB) Get to the good things Play, touch, admire Your life Your colors Connect with style Designed for the way we live Get a taste of success Everyone‟s invited Where the possible begins (Samsung Galaxy Ace) Stroke of brilliance (Samsung Omina) Work hard Play harder (Samsung Convoy) Your life Enhanced A touch of amazing Rock on The right thing says everything Samsung Download some mobile magic It‟ll make your phone happy Just your type The world‟s fastest-moving brand is still on the move Imagine touching beauty Up your status Exotic beauty Instinctual touch No matter how you stay in touch, Samsung connects you in style Designed by humans and inspired by nature (Samsung Galaxy SIII) The internet in your pocket Touching is believing Hello Apple iPhone Apple reinvents the phone Say Hello to iPhone I 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Talk about big iPhone now in 16GB More music More video More iPhone The iPhone you‟ve been waiting for The first phone to beat the iPhone (iPhone 3G) Twice as fast, for half the price The most advanced mobile OS Now even more advanced (iPhone OS 3.0) 25,000 apps And counting The fastest, most powerful iPhone yet This changes everything Again There‟s an app for that That‟s the iPhone Solving life‟s diplemma one app at time The world‟s thinnest smartphone It‟s the most amazing iPhone yet The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone Love what you Bring experiences to life! A stylish way to get things done (Blackberry®8800) Open up a world of possibilities (Blackberry® Pearl™ Flip 8200.) Find more life.( Blackberry® Pearl™ 8100) Thinnest and lightest Full-Qwerty Blackberry Smartphone Blackberry (Blackberry® Curve™ 8900.) Connect to what matters.( Blackberry® Curve™ 8300) Power the passions you pursue with a smartphone that expresses your style and simplifies your life (Blackberry® Bold™) The Blackberry Bold 9700 really is the pinnacle of the “traditional Blackberry smartphone experiences Power up the Blackberry Curve Smartphone and empower your life Addicted to friends (Timescape ™) Tell it like it is The fast way (Sony Ericsson txt) Lightning fast Android smartphone (Xperia™ arc S) The first Playstation™ certified android smartphone (Xperia™play 4G) Sony Style your full touch Walkman music phone (Mix Walkman™ Ericsson phone) Wanna quench your thirst for fun? Take a sip of Sony Ericsson Mediascape – all your music, videos and photos, just waiting to be enjoyed Be a sharp shooter with the Sony Ericsson C903 Cyber-shot ™ II

Ngày đăng: 23/09/2020, 21:13



