SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide ORION NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Copyright© 1995-2010 SolarWinds, Inc all rights reserved worldwide No part of this document may be reproduced by any means nor modified, decompiled, disassembled, published or distributed, in whole or in part, or translated to any electronic medium or other means without the written consent of SolarWinds All right, title and interest in and to the software and documentation are and shall remain the exclusive property of SolarWinds and its licensors SolarWinds®, the SolarWinds logo, ipMonitor®, LANsurveyor®, and Orion® are among the trademarks or registered trademarks of the company in the United States and/or other countries All other trademarks contained in this document and in the Software are the property of their respective owners SOLARWINDS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS OR OTHER TERMS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, ON SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION FURNISHED HEREUNDER INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL SOLARWINDS, ITS SUPPLIERS OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, WHETHER ARISING IN TORT, CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY EVEN IF SOLARWINDS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES Microsoft®, Windows 2000 Server®, Windows 2003 Server®, and Windows 2008 Server® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries Graph Layout Toolkit and Graph Editor Toolkit © 1992 - 2001 Tom Sawyer Software, Oakland, California All Rights Reserved Portions Copyright © ComponentOne, LLC 1991-2002 All Rights Reserved Orion Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide 02.02.2010 Version 9.5.1 ii SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Documentation Library SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide About SolarWinds SolarWinds, Inc develops and markets an array of network management, monitoring, and discovery tools to meet the diverse requirements of today’s network management and consulting professionals SolarWinds products continue to set benchmarks for quality and performance and have positioned the company as the leader in network management and discovery technology The SolarWinds customer base includes over 45 percent of the Fortune 500 and customers from over 90 countries Our global business partner distributor network exceeds 100 distributors and resellers Contacting SolarWinds You can contact SolarWinds in a number of ways, including the following: Team Contact Information Sales 1.866.530.8100 +353.21.5002900 Technical Support User Forums ORION NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Conventions The documentation uses consistent conventions to help you identify items throughout the printed and online library Convention Specifying Bold Window items, including buttons and fields Italics Book and CD titles, variable names, new terms Fixed font File and directory names, commands and code examples, text typed by you Straight brackets, as in [value] Optional command parameters Curly braces, as in {value} Required command parameters Logical OR, as in value1|value2 Exclusive command parameters where only one of the options can be specified SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Documentation Library The following documents are included in the SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor documentation library: Document Administrator Guide Evaluation Guide Provides an introduction to Orion Network Performance Monitor features and instructions for installation and initial configuration Page Help Provides help for every window in the Orion Network Performance Monitor user interface Quick Start Guide Provides installation, setup, and common scenarios for which Orion Network Performance Monitor provides a simple, yet powerful, solution Release Notes iv Purpose Provides detailed setup, configuration, and conceptual information Provides late-breaking information, known issues, and updates The latest Release Notes can be found at SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Documentation Library SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide Contents About SolarWinds iii Contacting SolarWinds iii Conventions iv SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Documentation Library iv Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Why Install SolarWinds Orion NPM 1 Benefits of Orion Network Performance Monitor 2 Key Features of Orion Network Performance Monitor 2 How Orion Network Performance Monitor Works 5 Networking Concepts and Terminology 6 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) 6 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 6 SNMP Credentials 7 Management Information Base (MIB) 7 Chapter 2 Installing SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor 9 Licensing Orion Network Performance Monitor 9 Orion NPM Requirements 10 Orion NPM Server 10 Orion Database Server (SQL Server) 11 Requirements for Virtual Machines and Servers 12 SNMP Requirements for Monitored Devices 12 Server Sizing 13 Enabling Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 13 Enabling IIS on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP 14 Enabling IIS on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista 14 Installing Orion Network Performance Monitor 15 Completing an Orion NPM Installation 15 Completing the Orion Configuration Wizard 17 Contents v Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Upgrading Orion Network Performance Monitor 19 Maintaining Licenses with License Manager 21 Installing License Manager 21 Using License Manager 22 Enabling Secure Channels with SSL 22 Chapter 3 Discovering and Adding Network Devices 25 Network Discovery Using the Network Sonar Wizard 25 Using the Network Sonar Results Wizard 29 Importing a List of Nodes Using a Seed File 30 Chapter 4 Managing the Orion Web Console 31 Administrative Functions of the Orion Web Console 31 Logging in for the First Time as an Administrator 31 Changing an Account Password 32 Orion Website Administration 32 Viewing Secure Data on the Web 35 Handling Counter Rollovers 35 Network Performance Monitor Thresholds 36 Orion NPM Threshold Types 36 Setting Orion NPM Thresholds 38 Customizing Views 38 Creating New Views 38 Editing Views 39 Configuring View Limitations 40 Copying Views 41 Deleting Views 41 Views by Device Type 42 Resource Configuration Examples 42 Creating and Editing External Website Views 51 Customizing the Orion Web Console 52 Customizing Web Console Menu Bars 52 Changing the Web Console Color Scheme 54 Changing the Web Console Site Logo 54 vi Contents SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide Orion Web Console and Chart Settings 55 Web Console Settings 55 Orion Chart Settings 57 Using Node Filters 57 Custom Charts in the Orion Web Console 58 Customizing Charts in the Orion Web Console 58 Custom Interface Charts 60 Custom Node Charts 61 Custom Volume Charts 62 Custom Chart View 63 Integrating SolarWinds Engineer’s Toolset 64 Configuring a Toolset Integration 65 Adding Programs to a Toolset Integration Menu 66 Accessing Nodes Using HTTP, SSH, and Telnet 66 Using Integrated Remote Desktop 67 Managing Orion Web Console Configurations 67 Creating a Web Console Configuration Backup 67 Restoring a Web Console Configuration Backup 68 Clearing a Web Console Configuration 68 Chapter 5 Managing Devices in the Web Console 71 Network Overview 71 Adding Devices for Monitoring in the Web Console 72 Deleting Devices from Monitoring 75 Viewing Node and Interface Data in Tooltips 76 Editing Device Properties 77 Promoting a Node from ICMP to SNMP Monitoring 77 Viewing Node Resources 79 Setting Device Management States 80 Assigning Pollers to Monitored Devices 80 Unscheduled Device Polling and Rediscovery 81 Remotely Managing Monitored Interfaces 82 Contents vii Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Monitoring Windows Server Memory 82 Scheduling a Node Maintenance Mode Time Period 83 Chapter 6 Managing Web Accounts 85 Creating New Accounts 85 Editing User Accounts 86 User Account Access Settings 86 Setting Account Limitations 87 Setting Default Account Menu Bars and Views 88 Configuring an Account Report Folder 89 Configuring Audible Web Alerts 89 Chapter 7 Managing Orion NPM Polling Engines 91 Viewing Polling Engine Status 91 NetPerfMon Engine 91 Status Pollers 92 Packet Queues 92 Statistics Pollers 92 Configuring Polling Engine Settings 93 Orion Polling Settings 93 Calculating Node Availability 96 Calculating a Baseline 97 Setting the Node Warning Interval 97 Polling Engine Tuning 97 Estimating a Good Value 98 Setting the Maximum Polls per Second 99 Using the Polling Engine Load Balancer 99 Chapter 8 Monitoring EnergyWise Devices 101 What is EnergyWise? 101 EnergyWise Terminology 101 viii Contents SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide Monitoring EnergyWise Devices with Orion NPM 103 EnergyWise Summary View and Resources 104 Additional EnergyWise Resources 105 Adding the EnergyWise Summary View 107 Managing EnergyWise Interface Entity Power Levels 107 Chapter 9 Monitoring Wireless Networks 109 Getting Started 109 Migrating Data from the Wireless Networks Module 109 Viewing Wireless Data 110 Removing a Wireless Device 110 Chapter 10 Monitoring Network Events 111 Viewing Event Details in the Web Console 111 Acknowledging Events in the Web Console 112 Viewing Event Details in System Manager 112 Acknowledging Network Events in System Manager 113 Chapter 11 Creating and Managing Alerts 115 Alerts Predefined by Default 115 Viewing Alerts in the Orion Web Console 116 Viewing Alerts in Orion NPM System Manager 116 Configuring Basic Alerts 117 Creating a New Basic Alert 118 Editing the Name of an Existing Basic Alert 118 Selecting the Monitored Property of a Basic Alert 119 Selecting the Network Objects Monitored by a Basic Alert 119 Setting the Alert Trigger of a Basic Alert 120 Setting the Time of Day for a Basic Alert 120 Setting the Alert Suppression for a Basic Alert 120 Selecting the Actions of a Basic Alert 121 Testing a Basic Alert 122 Contents ix Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Configuring Basic Alert Copies 123 Changing the Name of a Copied Alert 123 Changing the Monitored Property of a Copied Alert 123 Changing Network Objects Monitored by a Copied Alert 124 Changing the Alert Trigger of a Copied Alert 124 Changing the Time of Day of a Copied Alert 125 Changing the Alert Suppression of a Copied Alert 125 Changing the Actions of a Copied Alert 126 Deleting a Basic Alert 126 Deactivating a Basic Alert 127 Creating and Configuring Advanced Alerts 127 Creating a New Advanced Alert 127 Naming, Describing, and Enabling an Advanced Alert 128 Setting a Trigger Condition for an Advanced Alert 128 Setting a Reset Condition for an Advanced Alert 130 Setting a Suppression for an Advanced Alert 131 Setting the Monitoring Period for an Advanced Alert 132 Setting a Trigger Action for an Advanced Alert 133 Setting a Reset Action for an Advanced Alert 134 Alert Escalation 135 Understanding Condition Groups 135 Using the Advanced Alert Manager 137 Adding Alert Actions 140 Available Alert Actions 140 Send an E-mail / Page 140 Playing a Sound 143 Logging Alerts to a File 144 Logging an Alert to the Windows Event Log 146 Sending a Syslog Message 148 Executing an External Program 151 Executing a Visual Basic Script 152 E-mailing a Web Page 153 Changing a Custom Property 155 Using Text to Speech Output 156 Sending a Windows Net Message 157 Sending an SNMP Trap 158 Using GET or POST URL Functions 159 Acknowledging Advanced Alerts in the Web Console 159 Acknowledging Advanced Alerts in System Manager 160 x Contents Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor advanced alerts acknowledging (System Manager) 160 acknowledging (Web Console) 159 actions 140 adding actions 140 alert trigger 128 configuration 127 creating 127, 128 disabling actions 239 escalated 160 escalation 135 monitoring period 132 reset actions 134 reset conditions 130 suppressions 131 time of day 132 trigger actions 133 trigger conditions 128 viewing in System Manager 239 advanced customization Web Console settings 55 alert actions change custom property 155 discard message 200 discard trap 210 email a web page 153 executing an external program 151, 201, 210 flagging traps 210 GET/POST 159 logging alerts to a file 144, 201 logging alerts to Windows Event Log 146, 201 logging traps to a file 210 logging traps to Windows Event Log 210 modifying Syslog message 200 playing a sound 143, 201, 210 send email/page 140, 202, 211 send SNMP trap 158, 201 send Windows Net messages 157, 201, 211 sending Syslog messages 148, 201 328 Index sending traps 210 tagging message 200 tagging traps 210 text-to-speech 156, 201, 210 visual basic scripts 210 Visual Basic scripts 152, 201 alert suppressions advanced 131 basic 120 alert trigger advanced alerts 128 basic alerts 120 alert variables advanced alert engine 295 alert-specific (basic) 289 basic alert engine 283 buffer errors (basic) 283 Date/Time (advanced) 296 date/time (basic) 289 date/time (Syslog) 308 date/time (traps) 309 examples (basic) 290 general (advanced) 295 interface (advanced) 302 interface errors (basic) 284 interface poller (advanced) 298 interface polling (basic) 285 interface status (basic) 285 interface traffic (basic) 285 interfaces (basic) 284 modifiers 283 node (advanced) 304 node poller (advanced) 300 node polling (basic) 287 node statistics (basic) 287 node status (advanced) 297 node status (basic) 287 nodes (basic) 286 object types (basic) 287 other (Syslog) 309 other (traps) 310 SQL query (advanced) 297 Syslog 202, 308 Syslog (date/time) 202 Syslog (other) 203 traps 211, 309 SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor traps (date/time) 211 traps (other) 212 Universal Device Poller (advanced) 295 volume (advanced) 307 volume polling (basic) 288 volume statistics (basic) 288 volume status (basic) 288 volumes (basic) 288 wireless node (advanced) 308 alerts actions 140 adding actions 140 audible web 89 condition groups 135 dependent node alert suppression example 292 escalated 160 escalation example 160 executing an external program 151, 201, 210 introduction 115 load balancing failure example 293 log files 144, 201 logging to Windows Event Log 146, 201 playing a sound 210 suppression examples (basic) 290 Universal Device Pollers 226 viewing in System Manager 116, 238 viewing in the Web Console 116 visual basic scripts 210 Visual Basic scripts 152, 201 allocation failures charts 62 Application Performance Monitor 257, 259 architecture assigning pollers 80 audible web alerts 89 automatic login DirectLink 316 introduction 313 Administrator Guide URL pass-through 313 Windows pass-through 314 availability calculation 96 charts 61 average response time charts in System Manager 243 B bandwidth 324 banner configuration 54 baseline calculation 97 basic alerts actions 121, 140 adding actions 140 alert trigger 120 configuring 117 copying 123 creating 118 deleting 126 disabling actions 239 editing names 118 monitored network objects 119 properties to monitor 119 suppressions 120 testing 122 time of day 120 trigger conditions 120 viewing in System Manager 239 benefits of Orion NPM C calculating availability 96 baseline 97 call managers monitoring 263 capabilities of Orion NPM charts allocation failures 62 aspect ratio 55 availability 61 cache timeout 55 CPU load 62 custom 58 custom chart view 63 custom interface 60 Index 329 Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor custom node 61 custom volume 62 customizing in System Manager 244 data export options 64 discards 60 disk usage 62 errors 60 font size 64 in the web console 58 interfaces 60 memory usage 62 multicast traffic 61 nodes 61 packet loss 62 percent loss 62 percent utilization 60 predefined in System Manager 241 printing options 63 response time 62 sample intervals 64 settings in System Manager 237 settings in the Web Console 55 size 64 SLA line 51 time periods 63 titles 63 traffic 61 viewing in System Manager 241 volume sizes 62 volumes 62 Cisco buffer misses threshold 36 clearing events in System Manager 113 color scheme 54 compacting database tables 248 databases in Database Manager 247 components of Orion NPM concepts condition groups 135 all 135 any 136 330 Index none 136 not all 136 configuration web console resources 42 Configuration Wizard 17 configurations Web Console 67 configuring advanced alerts 127 audible web alerts 89 basic alerts 117 Hot Standby Engine 268 Orion NPM 17 reports folders 89 web-only interface 275 copying basic alerts 123 counter rollovers 35 CPU load charts 62 threshold 36 creating account limitations 233 alerts 118 alerts, advanced 127, 128 backup databases 246 custom properties 227 custom properties filters 229 escalated alerts 161 user accounts 85 current CPU utilization charts in System Manager 243 current in/out bps charts in System Manager 243 current memory utilization charts in System Manager 243 current percent utilization charts in System Manager 243 current response time charts in System Manager 242 current volume utilization charts in System Manager 243 custom properties creating a property 227 creating filters 229 Custom Property Editor 227 SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Custom Property Editor settings 232 deleting 228 deleting filters 230 editing 229 filters 229 importing data 230 introduction 227 removing 228 removing filters 230 settings 232 customize Web Console 33 customizing charts in System Manager 244 D data export charts 64 security 35, 93 database maintenance 93 database details in Database Manager 248 in the Web Console 34 database maintenance 254 introduction 254 migrating a database 255 Database Manager adding a server 245 backup databases 246 compacting a database 247 compacting database tables 248 database details 248 detaching a database 251 editing fields 250 introduction 245 maintenance plan 251 restoring a database 246 table details 249 definition account limitation 233 availability 96 baseline 97 custom property 227 EnergyWise 101 ICMP Administrator Guide interfaces MIB nodes Orion NPM SNMP SNMP credentials volumes deleting account limitations 234 basic alerts 126 custom properties 228 custom properties filters 230 devices from the Web Console 75 wireless devices 110 detaching a database 251 devices adding in the Web Console 72 deleting from the Web Console 75 poll now 81 rediscover 81 DirectLink automatic login 316 directories temporary 324 disabling actions advanced alerts 239 basic alerts 239 discarding syslog messages 200 traps 210 discards charts 60 discovery 25 disk usage charts 62 disk usage threshold 36 documentation iv domain 101 E editing custom properties 229 editing alert names basic 118 editing device properties in the web console 77 Index 331 Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor editing user accounts 86 element 13 email a web page 153 enabling a software license key 279 EnergyWise 101 domain 101 entity 101 entity power levels 107 importance 101 keywords 102 monitoring devices 103 name 102 neighbor 102 policy level 103 power level 103 reports 170 resources 103 Summary view 104 terminology 101 EnergyWise Level 103 EnergyWise Summary view 107 Engineer’s Toolset 64 entity 101 power levels 107 errors charts 60 errors charts in System Manager 243 escalated alerts 160 creation 161 example 160 escalation advanced alerts 135 estimating maximum polls/sec 98, 99 event details in System Manager 112 event summary adding to web console 44 events acknowledging in the Web Console 112 in System Manager 113 viewing in the Web Console 111 Events view 111 EW Level 103 332 Index exporting databases 255 external websites 51 F facility 203 features fields editing in Database Manager 250 filtering custom properties 229 filtering a node list resource 48 finding nodes in System Manager 235 font size 55 charts 64 functional overview G GET alerts 159 grouping nodes in System Manager 236 grouping nodes in a resource 50 H help server 55 Hot Standby Engine configuration 268 installation 266 introduction 265 testing 269 HTTP 66 HTTPS scheduled reports 190 I ICMP monitoring promoting to SNMP 77 icons status 281 importance 101 importing custom properties data 230 databases 255 installing Hot Standby Engine 266 Orion NPM 15 web-only interface 275 SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor integrated remote desktop 67 interface errors and discards threshold 37 percent utilization threshold 37 status rollup 55 transfer rates 324 interfaces adding in the Web Console 72 adding multiple 25 custom charts 60 definition deleting from the Web Console 75 discovery 25 editing properties in the web console 77 management 82 poll now 81 remote shut down 82 remotely enable 82 unpluggable 77 viewing resources in the web console 79 introduction IPAM introduction 259 L license deactivating 22 details 34 key 279 maintenance 21 sizing License Manager 21 installing 21 using 22 licensing limitations account 87 List Resources 79 load balancing 99 logging alerts to a file 144, 201 alerts to Windows Event Log 146, 201 Administrator Guide traps to a file 210 traps to Windows Event Log 210 M maintaining a database 254 maintenance plan 251 manage nodes 80 Management Studio 252 map cache timeout 55 maps 165 adding to web console 42 list resource 44 objects list resource 43 memory swapping 82 memory usage charts 62 menu bars account defaults 88 custom 52 MIB migrating databases 255 modifying syslog messages 200 modules Application Performance Monitor 257, 259 NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 261 VoIP Monitor 263 monitored network objects basic alerts 119 monitoring applications 257, 259 call managers 263 capabilities memory 82 NetFlow 261 period (advanced alerts) 132 QoS 263 traffic 261 VoIP networks 263 wireless networks 109 monitoring requirements 12 multicast traffic charts 61 Index 333 Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor deleting from the Web Console 75 discovery 25 editing properties in the web console 77 filtering a resource list 48 finding in System Manager 235 grouping in a resource 50 grouping in System Manager 236 poll now 81 reassigning to polling engines 99 rediscover 81 viewing resources in the web console 79 N neighbor 102 Net messages 157, 201, 211 NetFlow monitoring NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 261 NetPerfMon Engine status 91 network details (System Manager) 236 Network Atlas 165 Network Discovery getting started 25 introduction 25 results 29 seed files 30 Network Overview 71 networking concepts terminology network-wide charts in System Manager 241 node status rollup 55 node groups System Manager 236 node maintenance mode 83 node management enable interfaces 82 in the Web Console 71 poll now 81 rediscover 81 shut down interfaces 82 states 80 Web Console administration 32 node tree System Manager 235 node tree settings System Manager 237 node warning interval 97 nodes adding in the Web Console 72 adding multiple 25 availability 96 custom charts 61 definition 334 Index O Orion Application Performance Monitor 257, 259 NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 261 Network Atlas 165 VoIP Monitor 263 Wireless 109 Orion NPM License Manager 21 System Manager 235 integration Orion Polling Settings 93 Orion Report Scheduler 189 Orion Website Accounts 33 overview functional P packet loss calculation 37 charts 62 packet queues 92 page refresh 55 peak traffic charts in System Manager 243 percent loss charts 62 percent memory used threshold 37 percent packet loss threshold 37 percent utilization charts 60 SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor playing a sound 143, 201, 210 policy level 103 poll now 81 pollers configuration 93 settings 93 polling engine status 91 polling engines configuration 93 details 34 estimating maximum polls/sec 98 load balancer 99 management 91 reassigning nodes 99 setting maximum polls/sec 99 settings 93 tuning 97 POST alerts 159 power levels 107 predefined charts in System Manager 241 printing charts 63 promoting nodes from ICMP to SNMP 77 property to monitor basic alerts 119 R realtime change detection 201, 210 rediscovery 81 regular expressions alternation 320 anchors 318 character sets/classes 317 characters 317 dot 320 eamples 320 pattern matching 317 quantifiers 319 word boundaries 320 remote access HTTP 66 SSH 66 Telnet 66 Administrator Guide remote desktop 67 removing account limitations 234 custom properties 228 custom properties filters 230 wireless devices 110 report cache timeout 55 reports access points 178 account limitations 191 adding to web console 47 alerts 173 availability 168, 170 buffer misses 174 Cisco buffer 174 clients 178 CPU 174 creating a report 181 design mode 181 device types 177 disk space 177 down events 173 down interfaces 168 down nodes 169 energy consumption 170 EnergyWise 170 events 173 example 187 exporting 186 field formatting options 185 field options 182 filter results options 183 folder 89 footers 186 formats 186 general options 182 getting started 180 grouping options 185 headers 186 interface bandwidth 177 interface response time 168 interface status 168 interface types 177 inventory 177 IOS versions 177 last 250 events 173 Index 335 Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor list resource 48 modifying a report 181 network traffic 175 node response time 169 node status 169 predefined 168 preview mode 180, 181 response time 174 rogues 178 scheduling 189 SQL query 187 summarization options 184 time frame options 184 top XX records options 184 total bytes transferred 175 traffic rates 175 virtual machine CPU utilization 176 virtual machine memory utilization 176 virtual machine running time 176 virtual machine traffic 176 VMware ESX Server 176 volume status 170 volume usage 177 volumes 177 wireless 178 Reports view 167 requirements 10 monitored devices 12 Orion database server 11 Orion NPM server 10 SNMP monitoring 12 virtual machines 12 virtual servers 12 VMware Servers 12 reset actions (advanced alerts) 134 conditions (advanced alerts) 130 resources configuration 42 custom HTML 46 custom text 46 EnergyWise 103 event summary 44 336 Index map objects list 43 maps 42 maps list 44 reports 47 reports list 48 Syslog 194 user-defined links 45 response calculation 38 response time charts 62 threshold 38 restoring databases 246 rollover 35 S sample intervals adjust 64 scheduling node maintenance 83 secure sockets layer 22 security of data 35, 93 seed files 30 sending email/page 140, 202, 211 SNMP trap 158, 201 syslog messages 148, 201 traps 210 server requirements 13 sizing 13 service level agreement chart line 51 services session timeout 55 setting account defaults 88 account limitations 87 settings charts 55 System Manager 236 Web Console 34 website 55 severity 204 site login text 55 site logo configuration 54 URL 55 SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor sizing database network SNMP monitoring requirements 12 SNMP monitoring SNMP credentials snmp traps See traps software license key 279 SQL query as a variable 297 Server Management Studio 252 variables 297 SQL Server tempdb 324 SSH 66 SSL 22 statistics pollers 92 status icons 281 status pollers 92 status rollup 55 summarization 254 suppression advanced alerts 131 suppression examples basic alerts 290 dependent node alert 292 load balancing failure alert 293 suppressions basic alerts 120 Syslog acknowledging messages in Syslog Viewer 196 acknowledging messages in the Web Console 193, 196 alert actions 200 alert variables 202, 308 alerts 148, 198, 201 daemons 203 facility 203 filters 198 messages in the Web Console 193 monitoring 5, 193 priority value 203 Administrator Guide processes 203 resources 194 searching messages 197 server settings 197 severity 204 view 195 viewing messages in Syslog Viewer 196 viewing messages in the Web Console 195 System Manager acknowledging advanced alerts 160 availability calculation 96 average response time charts 243 baseline calculation 97 charts 241 charts settings 237 creating basic alerts 118 current CPU utilization charts 243 current in/out bps charts 243 current memory utilization charts 243 current percent utilization charts 243 current response time charts 242 current volume utilization charts 243 customizing charts 244 errors charts 243 event details 112 events 113 finding nodes 235 grouping nodes 236 network wide charts 241 node groups 236 node maintenance 83 node tree 235 node tree settings 237 node warning interval 97 peak traffic charts 243 polling engine status 91 predefined charts 241 settings 236 starting 235 Index 337 Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor top XX charts 242 using 235 viewing alerts 116 viewing network details 236 T tables compacting 248 details 249 tagging syslog messages 200 traps 210 Telnet 66 TEMP 325 tempdb 324 terminology EnergyWise 101 EnergyWise domain 101 EnergyWise entity 101 EnergyWise importance 101 EnergyWise keywords 102 EnergyWise name 102 EnergyWise neighbor 102 EnergyWise policy level 103 EnergyWise power level 103 testing basic alerts 122 Hot Standby Engine 269 text-to-speech 156, 201, 210 thresholds 36 Cisco buffer misses 36 configuration 38 CPU load 36 disk usage 36 interface errors and discards 37 interface percent utilization 37 percent memory used 37 percent packet loss 37 response time 38 thumbnail aspect ratio 55 time of day advanced alerts 132 basic alerts 120 time periods charts 63 338 Index TMP 325 Toolset integration 64 adding programs 66 configuration 65 top XX charts in System Manager 242 traffic charts 61 Trap Viewer 206 settings 207 traps alert actions 208 alert actions 158, 201 alert variables 211, 309 alerts 208, 210 alerts actions 210 community string 208 conditions 208 defined 205 DNS hostname 208 email/page 211 executing an external program 210 filters 208 log files 210 logging to Windows Event Log 210 playing a sound 210 port 206 protocol 205 searching 207 text-to-speech 210 time of day 208 Trap Viewer configuration 206 Trap Viewer settings 207 trigger thresholds 208 viewing 206 viewing in the Web Console 205 visual basic scripts 210 Traps view 205 trigger actions advanced alerts 133 trigger conditions advanced alerts 128 basic alerts 120 SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor troubleshooting 323 temporary directories 324 variables 324 tuning polling engines 97 U Universal Device Pollers adding resources to the Web Console 226 alerts 226 assigning devices 217 assigning to devices 80 copying 219 creating a poller 214 creating transformations 222 disabling 218 duplicating 219 exporting 221 importing 219 introduction 213 suspending 218 transformations 221 transforming 221 viewing statistics 226 unmanage nodes 80 unplugged interfaces 77 upgrading Orion NPM 19 URL pass-through automatic login 313 user accounts access settings 86 creating 85 editing 86 limitations 87 menu bars 88 reports folder 89 views 88 user-defined links 45 V variables advanced alerts 295 alert-specific (basic alerts) 289 basic alerts 283 buffer errors (basic alerts) 283 Date/Time (advanced alerts) 296 date/time (basic alerts) 289 date/time (Syslog alerts) 308 Administrator Guide date/time (trap alerts) 309 examples (basic alerts) 290 full names 324 general (advanced alerts) 295 interface (advanced alerts) 302 interface errors (basic alerts) 284 interface poller (advanced alerts) 298 interface polling (basic alerts) 285 interface status (basic alerts) 285 interface traffic (basic alerts) 285 interfaces (basic alerts) 284 introduction 283 node (advanced alerts) 304 node poller (advanced alerts) 300 node polling (basic alerts) 287 node statistics (basic alerts) 287 node status (advanced alerts) 297 node status (basic alerts) 287 nodes (basic alerts) 286 object types (basic alerts) 287 other (Syslog alerts) 309 other (trap alerts) 310 SQL query (advanced alerts) 297 Syslog alerts 202, 308 Syslog alerts (date/time) 202 Syslog alerts (other) 203 trap alerts 211, 309 trap alerts (date/time) 211 trap alerts (other) 212 Universal Device Poller (advanced alerts) 295 volume (advanced alerts) 307 volume polling (basic alerts) 288 volume statistics (basic alerts) 288 volume status (basic alerts) 288 volumes (basic alerts) 288 wireless node (advanced alerts) 308 viewing advanced alerts (System Manager) 239 alerts (System Manager) 116, 238 Index 339 Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor alerts (Web Console) 116 basic alerts (System Manager) 239 charts (System Manager) 241 device resources (Web Console) 79 event details (System Manager) 112 events (Web Console) 111 predefined charts (System Manager) 241 Syslog messages (Web Console) 195 traps (Web Console) 205 views account defaults 88 adding EnergyWise Summary 107 Alerts 116 by device type 42 copying 41 creating 38 customizing 38 deleting 41 editing 39 EnergyWise Summary 104 in System Manager 236 menu bars 52 Network Overview 71 Orion Poller Settings 93 Orion Website Accounts 33 Reports 167 Syslog 195 Traps 205 Web Console 34 visual basic scripts 210 Visual Basic scripts 152, 201 VMware monitoring requirements 12 VMware Tools 12 VoIP Monitor 263 volume status rollup 55 volumes adding in the Web Console 72 adding multiple 25 340 Index custom charts 62 definition deleting from the Web Console 75 discovery 25 size charts 62 viewing resources in the web console 79 W web console configuring resources 42 Web Console 31 Account Manager 33 accounts 33 acknowledging advanced alerts 159 adding a map 42 adding an SLA chart line 51 adding devices 72 adding interfaces 72 adding nodes 72 adding volumes 72 Admin login 31 administration 32 Alerts view 116 banner 54 changing passwords 32 charts 58 clearing configurations 68 color scheme 54 configurations 67 copying views 41 creating accounts 85 creating configuration backups 67 creating views 38 custom HTML 46 custom text 46 customization 33 customizing 52 data security 35, 93 database details 34 deleting devices 75 deleting interfaces 75 deleting nodes 75 deleting views 41 deleting volumes 75 SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor editing accounts 86 editing device properties 77 editing views 39 event summary resource 44 Events view 111 external websites 51 filtering a node list resource 48 grouping nodes in a resource 50 icons 281 interface management 82 interface tooltips 76 license details 34 login 31 map objects list resource 43 maps list resource 44 menu bars 52 Network Overview 71 node management 32, 71 node management states 80 node tooltips 76 poll now 81 polling engines details 34 promoting nodes from ICMP to SNMP 77 rediscover 81 Reports 167 reports list resource 48 reports resource 47 restoring configuration backups 68 settings 34, 55 site logo 54 Syslog 193 thresholds 36 Administrator Guide Toolset integration 64 Traps 205 Universal Device Poller assignment 80 Universal Device Poller resources 226 user-defined links resource 45 view customization 38 viewing alerts 116 viewing device resources 79 viewing poller statistics 226 views 34 Views by Device Type 42 web node management 71 web-only interface configuration 275 installation 275 introduction 275 website settings 55 Windows Event Log alerts 146, 201, 210 memory 82 Net messages 157, 201, 211 pass-through automatic login 314 Wireless Networks getting started 109 introduction 109 migrating historical data 109 removing devices 110 viewing data 110 X XML snapshots 238 Index 341 Administrator Guide 342 Index SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor ... Installing SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor 23 Administrator Guide 24 SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Installing SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor SolarWinds Orion Network. .. 271 Installing SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Orion NPM Requirements SolarWinds recommends installing Orion NPM on... hosting Orion NPM TCP port 17777 must be opened for Orion module traffic Installing SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide Orion