THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO THE TYPOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE PYRAMID TEXTS AND ITS CONTINUITIES WITH MIDDLE KINGDOM MORTUARY LITERATURE VOLUME ONE A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIES IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF NEAR EASTERN LANGUAGES AND CIVILIZATIONS BY HAROLD M HAYS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS MARCH 2006 COPYRIGHT © 2006 by Harold M Hays All rights reserved CONTENTS VOLUME ONE LIST OF FIGURES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vi ABBREVIATIONS viii INTRODUCTION A Research Point of Departure B Choice of Methodology C Development of Methodology and Questions of Definition D Preliminary Overview of Expected Results 18 E Unexpected Results: On the Origins of the Pyramid Texts 19 F Manner of Presentation of Results 24 Performance Structure 25 Core Series 26 Recurring Series with Matching Characteristics 26 Further Texts with Matching Characteristics 27 G Contribution to Human Knowledge 28 Place of Attestation versus Place of Performance 28 Tradition and Transmission of the Type 29 CHAPTER ONE: PERFORMANCE STRUCTURES 31 A Sacerdotal Structure 33 B Personal Structure 38 The Beneficiary as Reciter 38 Ancient Editing of the Person of the Beneficiary 40 a Recarving 41 b Vacillation to First Person 43 c Doubling of Pronouns and Nouns 44 d Residual –i and –ii with Third Weak Verbs 45 e Exemplar Disagreement 46 f Advanced Noun 54 C Summary and Ramifications 56 SECTION ONE: TEXTS OF SACERDOTAL STRUCTURE 59 CHAPTER TWO: OFFERING RITUAL TEXTS 60 A Sequence 23 60 B Texts of Matching Characteristics 69 Recurring Series with Matching Characteristics 72 Further Texts with Matching Characteristics 87 Conclusions Concerning the Type 93 C Offering Ritual Texts 94 Relations with Offering Lists 94 Offering Ritual Texts as a Tradition 103 iii iv D Summary 109 CHAPTER THREE: RESURRECTION TEXTS 110 A Sequence 84 110 B Texts of Matching Characteristics 118 Recurring Series with Matching Characteristics 120 Further Texts with Matching Characteristics 157 Conclusions Concerning the Type 172 C Resurrection Texts 175 Relations with Offering Ritual Texts 175 Resurrection Texts as a Tradition 186 D Summary 193 SECTION TWO: TEXTS ORIGINALLY OF PERSONAL STRUCTURE 194 CHAPTER FOUR: APOTROPAIC TEXTS 195 A Subsequence 210 195 B Texts of Matching Characterstics 202 Recurring Series with Matching Characteristics 203 Further Texts with Matching Characteristics 213 Conclusions Concerning the Type 218 C Apotropaic Texts 220 Original and Transformed Settings 220 Apotropaic Texts as a Tradition 226 D Summary 229 CHAPTER FIVE: ASCENSION TEXTS 230 A Sequence 57 230 B Texts of Matching Characterstics 238 Recurring Series with Matching Characteristics 238 Further Texts with Matching Characteristics 264 Conclusions Concerning the Type 277 C Ascension Texts 283 Transformation of Setting 283 Ascension Texts as a Tradition 289 D Summary 295 VOLUME TWO CHAPTER SIX: THE INVENTION OF THE MORTUARY LITERATURE TRADITION 297 APPENDIX A: THE PERSON OF THE BENEFICIARY IN PYRAMID TEXTS 312 APPENDIX B: RECURRING SERIES OF PYRAMID AND COFFIN TEXTS 388 APPENDIX C: INDICATION OF RECURRING SERIES IN PYRAMIDS OF KINGS 447 BIBLIOGRAPHY 453 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Texts in the Pyramid of Wenis .448 Figure Texts in the Pyramid of Teti 449 Figure Texts in the Pyramid of Pepi I 450 Figure Texts in the Pyramid of Merenre 451 Figure Texts in the Pyramid of Pepi II .452 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Over the course of conducting the research that led to the production of the present work, I have come to owe much to many, and it is to acknowledge that debt rather than to discharge it that the following words are written First, I have benefited from the knowledge, experience, patience, and support of the members of my dissertation committee and principal teachers, Professors Peter F Dorman, Janet H Johnson, and Robert K Ritner Robert Ritner is to be especially thanked for heartily encouraging my research in the topic at its very conception, and Janet Johnson and Peter Dorman for being ready at every stage to provide incisive feedback From the moment I arrived at Chicago until now, all three have selflessly imparted their knowledge of facts and communicated an insistence on thoroughness and rigor in research, to which any merit in the present work may be attributed In addition to these three, Dr W Raymond Johnson offered constant encouragement, support, knowledge, and advice from beginning to end Dr James P Allen of the Metropolitan Museum of Art has generously provided me with unpublished research data and made available his profound knowledge of grammar and the topic of this work J Brett McClain and Will Schenck of the Epigraphic Survey of the Oriental Institute and Margarita Conde of Universidad de Sevilla discussed with me many of the points dealt with here, as did Thomas Dousa Additionally, I am in the perpetual debt of Professor Edward F Wente, since it was on account of his article "Mysticism in Pharaonic Egypt?" that I determined to come to the University of Chicago, and since I have afterwards been priviledged to benefit from his intimate knowledge of all phases of ancient Egyptian mortuary literature See below in the Introduction, n 39 vi vii Considerable thanks are owed to John A Larson, who enabled my access to the notebooks of the Coffin Texts Project of the Oriental Institute and with whose unselfish partnership I made scans of the same, and again to Dr James P Allen, who generously provided further assistance in supplying me with a draft copy of his forthcoming The Egyptian Coffin Texts, Vol 8: Middle Kingdom Copies of Pyramid Texts I am also indebted to the kindness of Drs T G H James, Vivian Davies, and Richard Parkinson of the British Museum for personal access to Pap BM 10819 and for a set of photographs of the same Without friends and family, this study could not have been completed Dr Aaron Burke provided me with a Microsoft Word template of immeasurable utility My sincerest thanks are extended to my mother, Virginia L Hays, as well as to the members of the Epigraphic Survey, who accepted me as sibling and child To the spirit of my father, William B Hays, a bowl is offered and incense burned ABBREVIATIONS Except in the case of source sigla, abbreviations are generally based on W Helck and E Otto, eds., Lexikon der Ägyptologie vols Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 19751989 The source sigla employed are those of T G Allen Occurrences of Pyramid Texts with Cross Indexes of These and Other Egyptian Mortuary Texts SAOC, vol 27 Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1950, augmented by L Lesko, Index of the Spells on Egyptian Middle Kingdom Coffins and Related Documents, Berkeley: B.C Scribe Publications, 1979, and H Willems, Chests of Life: A Study of the Typology and Conceptual Development of Middle Kingdom Standard Class Coffins, MVEG, vol 25 Leiden: Ex Oriente Lux, 1988 /A/ Antechamber (of a pyramid) ADAIK Abhandlungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo, Gluckstadt, Hamburg, and New York ÄAT Ägypten und Altes Testament, Wiesbaden ÄF Ägyptologische Forschungen, Gluckstadt, Hamburg, and New York ÄgAb Ägyptologische Abhandlungen, Wiesbaden AnOr Analecta Orientalia, Rome aPT Pyramid Texts (spell), as numbered by James P Allen, "The Funerary Texts of King Wahkare Akhtoy on a Middle Kingdom Coffin", in Studies in Honor of George R Hughes, January 12, 1977, edited by Edward F Wente and Janet H Johnson SAOC, vol 39 Chicago: 1976, pp 1-29 [citations given as follows: aPT spell no Pyr section no (source sigla); thus "aPT 60A Pyr 42a (Nt)" indicates "aPT spell 60A, section 42a, source Nt"] viii ix ArOr Archiv Orientálni, Prague and Paris; Stuttgart and Prague ASAE Annales du Service des Antiquities de 1'Egypte, Cairo ASE Archaeological Survey of Egypt, London /B Back (surface) BAe Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca, Brussels BD Book of the Dead spell [citations given as follows: BD spell no (source sigla) l no.; thus "BD (Ea) 1" indicates "BD spell 1, source Ea, line 1"] BdE Bibliotheque d'Etude, Cairo BIFAO Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale, Cairo BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis Leiden BM The British Museum, London BMFA Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston /BO Bottom (surface) bPT Pyramid Texts (spell), as numbered by Catherine Berger-el Naggar et al., Les textes de la pyramid de Pépy Ier Description et analyse MIFAO, vol 118/1 Cairo: 2001 [citations given as follows: bPT spell no Pyr section no (source sigla); thus "bPT 502B Pyr 1073a (P)" indicates "bPT spell 502B, section 1073a, source P"] BSAK Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Beihefte BSEG Bulletin Société d'Égyptologie Genève, Geneva /C/ Corridor (surface) CDJ Alexandre Moret, Le rituel du culte divin journalier en Égypte d'après les papyrus de Berlin et les textes du temple de Séti Ier, Abydos Paris : 1902 [citations refer to rite no.] CGC Catalogue Général des Antiquités Égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, Cairo x col(s) column(s) CT Coffin Texts (spell) [citations 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Transmission of the Type 29 CHAPTER ONE: PERFORMANCE STRUCTURES 31 A Sacerdotal Structure 33 B Personal Structure 38 The Beneficiary as Reciter ... newly attested then, the Coffin Texts Adopting a typological approach, I encountered my first obstacle Current descriptions of the typological structure of the Pyramid Texts were not detailed... complication: in order to identify the typological relations between the Old and Middle Kingdom mortuary literature in a concrete way, I first had to establish a typological structure rigorously detailed