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LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Software Requirement Specification Project Code: LMS5045 Document Code: LMS5045SRS – v 1.0 Group’s Member Nguyen Truong Giang – Group’s Leader Đang Hoai Nam – Group’s Member Luu Tien Son – Group’s Member Hoang Duy Phuong – Group’s Member Vy Quang Hao – Group’s Member Instructor and Evaluator: Tran Binh Duong Hanoi – FPT University , November 9th 2010 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 RECORD OF CHANGE *A - Added M - Modified D - Deleted Effective Date Changed Items A-M-D Change Description New Version Nov 7th Requirements Specification A Newly Created 1.0 FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 2/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 SIGNATURE PAGE ORIGINATOR: Nguyen Truong Giang Nov 7th, 2010 Group’s Leader REVIEWERS: Luu Tien Son Nov 8th, 2010 Group’s Member Dang Hoai Nam Nov 8th, 2010 Group’s Member Hoang Duy Phuong Nov 8th, 2010 Group’s Member Vy Quang Hao Nov 8th, 2010 Group’s Member APPROVAL: Nguyen Truong Giang Nov 9th, 2010 Group’s Leader FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 3/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .6 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope Fig : User’s use-case model 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Overview OVERALL DESCRIPTION .11 2.1 Product perspective 11 2.2 Product functions .11 2.3 User characteristics 11 2.4 General Constrains 11 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies 12 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 13 3.1 Functionality .13 3.2 Usability 13 3.3 Reliability 14 3.4 Performance .14 3.5 Supportability 14 3.6 Design Constraints 14 FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 4/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 3.7 On-line User Documentation and Help System Requirements 14 3.8 Interfaces 15 3.9 Licensing Requirements 17 3.10 Legal, Copyright, and Other Notices 17 SUPPORTING INFORMATION .18 FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 5/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of the project Library Management system The document gives the detailed description of the both functional and non functional requirements proposed by the system The document is developed after a number of team-working with all members of group and considering the complete requirement specifications of the given Project The final product of the group will be meeting the requirements of this document FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 6/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 1.2 Scope Fig : User’s use-case model FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 7/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 8/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations Acronyms Definitions Note SRS Software Requirement Specification GUI Graphic User Interface 1.4 References No Document Issued date Source Note Introduction to Software Engineering, 8th edition Sommerville – Addison Wesley Template Software Requirements Specification FPT Software 1.5 Overview The rest of the SRS document contains five chapters: - Overall description: describes the general factors that affect to the product and their requirements Contain : • Product perspective • Product functions • User characteristics • General constraints • Assumptions and dependencies - Functional requirements: describes the functional requirements of the system for FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 9/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 those requirements that are expressed in natural language style - Non-functional requirements: describes non-functional requirements of the system such as usability, reliability, safety, security, and so on Contain : • Usability • Efficiency • Reliability • Performance • Supportability • Design contraints • Online or Help document - Interfaces: defines user applet and administrator applet interface - Supporting Information FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 10/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 OVERALL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Product perspective This system helps users check , loan and return books easily and automatically , also help managers manage , check update and record book’s details and user’s informations 2.2 Product functions - Log in and Log out for user - Change password for user - List book’s detail informations , contain name , ISBN , author , genre , price to buy , price to loan , in stock or out stock - Marking books - Order to loan or return books - Record book’s informations 2.3 User characteristics - User : this system serves the demand of loaning and returning books of user - Manager : this system supports manager to manage , check and record all information about users and books 2.4 General Constrains - Database of library system using SQL 2008 , doesn’t support 2005 version or lower version or other database server program FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 11/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 - System for user who have not too much experience , so it should have a simple interface and easy to use 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies The system has to be changed to be compatible with new technologies that they’ll apply FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 12/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Functionality - User : + List book’s details : name , ISBN , author , genre , price to buy , price to loan , in stock or out stock + View book’s demo : some pages insteading + Marking book : add book to order list User can marking books which are being out of stock and add information that which day he or she’ll come back to loan that books That books’ll be no longer can be marking by others users + Order : Consider which book is loaned , which book is returned + Log in and log out system with his or her account If account’s ID or password is incorrect more than times , user must answer security question that they created when register to continue type account’s informations + Change their password : user can change password with old password or security question if they lose it - Manager : + Check book’s detail : informations of books must be the same before its was loaned If incorrect , manager’ll warning to user and request them pay to compensation All informations’ll be recorded and updated to database + Manage user’s information : check account ID , password and security question 3.2 Usability The interface is designed simple for user can use it fluently System’ll also has a guide document to help and support who have no experience to use FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 13/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 it before 3.3 Reliability System is 100% available Accuracy of system’s output is 100% Maximum bugs of defect rate : bugs/function-point 3.4 Performance Log in and Log out : respone time from – seconds List books : respone time from – seconds Others fuctions : respone time from – seconds Number of users or transactions the system can accommodate : over 100 ones 3.5 Supportability System support win-form application , use in Windows 2000 up to Windows ( both x86 and x64 ) System is not support IOS Operating system but available for Ubuntu OS 3.6 Design Constraints System’ll be built by Microsoft Visual C# and Net tool Database manage by SQL 2008 System’ll be built in windows form and base classes of Visual C# , also connect with database from SQL 2008 3.7 On-line User Documentation and Help System Requirements System only has a offline guide document FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 14/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 3.8 Interfaces User and Manager Interfaces Contain button and menu for access system with all function Hardware Interfaces Fig : Computer system User and manager use personal computer and LAN network connect with a server computer to access system Software Interfaces The system has main interfaces : - Connect System window : contain Log in , Log out and find Password if user lose it It has a option for person who hasn’t a account to register a new account Manager also must log in to use system - Main program window : contain or function of list , mark , order loan and return books FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 15/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 Fig : GUI FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 16/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 3.9 Licensing Requirements This system is created by Group of SE 504 Class – FPT University It’s only use for study All copies of others must has a agreement of us 3.10 Legal, Copyright, and Other Notices This system is just a practice exercise All copies use for other destination is not recommend and secure FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 17/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 SUPPORTING INFORMATION N/A FU/SE504/G5/LMS5045/SRS v1.0 18/18 ... of this document FU /SE504/ G5 /LMS5045 /SRS v1.0 6/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 1.2 Scope Fig : User’s use-case model FU /SE504/ G5 /LMS5045 /SRS v1.0 7/18 LMS5045 - Software... order loan and return books FU /SE504/ G5 /LMS5045 /SRS v1.0 15/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 Fig : GUI FU /SE504/ G5 /LMS5045 /SRS v1.0 16/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement... is not recommend and secure FU /SE504/ G5 /LMS5045 /SRS v1.0 17/18 LMS5045 - Software Requirement Specification v.1.0 SUPPORTING INFORMATION N/A FU /SE504/ G5 /LMS5045 /SRS v1.0 18/18