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OpenStax calculus volume 3 1938168070

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Cấu trúc

  • Preface

  • Chapter 1. Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

    • 1.1. Parametric Equations*

    • 1.2. Calculus of Parametric Curves*

    • 1.3. Polar Coordinates*

    • 1.4. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates*

    • 1.5. Conic Sections*

    • Glossary

  • Chapter 2. Vectors in Space

    • 2.1. Vectors in the Plane*

    • 2.2. Vectors in Three Dimensions*

    • 2.3. The Dot Product*

    • 2.4. The Cross Product*

    • 2.5. Equations of Lines and Planes in Space*

    • 2.6. Quadric Surfaces*

    • 2.7. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates*

    • Glossary

  • Chapter 3. Vector-Valued Functions

    • 3.1. Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves*

    • 3.2. Calculus of Vector-Valued Functions*

    • 3.3. Arc Length and Curvature*

    • 3.4. Motion in Space*

    • Glossary

  • Chapter 4. Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables

    • 4.1. Functions of Several Variables*

    • 4.2. Limits and Continuity*

    • 4.3. Partial Derivatives*

    • 4.4. Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations*

    • 4.5. The Chain Rule*

    • 4.6. Directional Derivatives and the Gradient*

    • 4.7. Maxima/Minima Problems*

    • 4.8. Lagrange Multipliers*

    • Glossary

  • Chapter 5. Multiple Integration

    • 5.1. Double Integrals over Rectangular Regions*

    • 5.2. Double Integrals over General Regions*

    • 5.3. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates*

    • 5.4. Triple Integrals*

    • 5.5. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates*

    • 5.6. Calculating Centers of Mass and Moments of Inertia*

    • 5.7. Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals*

    • Glossary

  • Chapter 6. Vector Calculus

    • 6.1. Vector Fields*

    • 6.2. Line Integrals*

    • 6.3. Conservative Vector Fields*

    • 6.4. Green’s Theorem*

    • 6.5. Divergence and Curl*

    • 6.6. Surface Integrals*

    • 6.7. Stokes’ Theorem*

    • 6.8. The Divergence Theorem*

    • Glossary

  • Chapter 7. Second-Order Differential Equations

    • 7.1. Second-Order Linear Equations*

    • 7.2. Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations*

    • 7.3. Applications*

    • 7.4. Series Solutions of Differential Equations*

    • Glossary

  • Appendix A. Table of Integrals*

    • A.1. Basic Integrals

    • A.2. Trigonometric Integrals

    • A.3. Exponential and Logarithmic Integrals

    • A.4. Hyperbolic Integrals

    • A.5. Inverse Trigonometric Integrals

    • A.6. Integrals Involving a2 + u2, a > 0

    • A.7. Integrals Involving u2 − a2, a > 0

    • A.8. Integrals Involving a2 − u2, a > 0

    • A.9. Integrals Involving 2au − u2, a > 0

    • A.10. Integrals Involving a + bu, a ≠ 0

  • Appendix B. Table of Derivatives*

    • B.1. General Formulas

    • B.2. Trigonometric Functions

    • B.3. Inverse Trigonometric Functions

    • B.4. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

    • B.5. Hyperbolic Functions

    • B.6. Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

  • Appendix C. Review of Pre-Calculus*

    • C.1. Formulas from Geometry

    • C.2. Formulas from Algebra

    • C.3. Formulas from Trigonometry

  • Solutions

    • Chapter 1

    • Chapter 2

    • Chapter 3

    • Chapter 4

    • Chapter 5

    • Chapter 6

    • Chapter 7

    • Index

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      Calculus Volume               OpenStax   Rice  University   6100  Main  Street  MS-­375   Houston,  Texas  77005       To  learn  more  about  OpenStax,  visit  http://openstaxcollege.org   Individual  print  copies  and  bulk  orders  can  be  purchased  through  our  website       ©  2016  Rice  University  Textbook  content  produced  by  OpenStax  is  licensed  under  a  Creative  Commons  Attribution  4.0  International   License  Under  this  license,  any  user  of  this  textbook  or  the  textbook  contents  herein  must  provide  proper  attribution  as  follows:     -­ -­ -­ -­ If you redistribute this textbook in a digital format (including but not limited to EPUB, PDF, and HTML), then you must retain on every page the following attribution: “Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/latest/.” If you redistribute this textbook in a print format, then you must include on every physical page the following attribution: “Download for free at 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and Spherical Coordinates Chapter 3: Vector-Valued Functions 3.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves 3.2 Calculus of Vector-Valued Functions 3.3 Arc Length and Curvature 3.4 Motion in Space Chapter 4: Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables 4.1 Functions of Several Variables 4.2 Limits and Continuity 4.3 Partial Derivatives 4.4 Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations 4.5 The Chain Rule 4.6 Directional Derivatives and the Gradient 4.7 Maxima/Minima Problems 4.8 Lagrange Multipliers Chapter 5: Multiple Integration 5.1 Double Integrals over Rectangular Regions 5.2 Double Integrals over General Regions 5.3 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 5.4 Triple Integrals 5.5 Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 5.6 Calculating Centers of Mass and Moments of Inertia 5.7 Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals Chapter 6: Vector Calculus 6.1 Vector Fields 6.2 Line Integrals 6.3 Conservative Vector Fields 6.4 Green’s Theorem 6.5 Divergence and Curl 6.6 Surface Integrals 6.7 Stokes’ Theorem 6.8 The Divergence Theorem Chapter 7: Second-Order Differential Equations 7.1 Second-Order Linear Equations 7.2 Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations 7.3 Applications 7.4 Series Solutions of Differential Equations Appendix A: Table of Integrals Appendix B: Table of Derivatives Appendix C: Review of Pre-Calculus Index 27 44 64 73 101 102 123 146 165 188 213 230 261 262 272 285 307 335 336 354 371 392 409 425 441 461 481 482 506 532 552 572 598 616 647 648 669 695 717 744 760 796 814 837 838 855 869 890 903 909 911 1023 This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 Preface PREFACE Welcome to Calculus Volume 3, an OpenStax resource This textbook has been created with several goals in mind: accessibility, customization, and student engagement—all while encouraging students toward high levels of academic scholarship Instructors and students alike will find that this textbook offers a strong foundation in calculus in an accessible format About OpenStax OpenStax is a non-profit organization committed to improving student access to quality learning materials Our free textbooks go through a rigorous editorial publishing process Our texts are developed and peer-reviewed by educators to ensure they are readable, accurate, and meet the scope and sequence requirements of today’s college courses Unlike traditional textbooks, OpenStax resources live online and are owned by the community of educators using them Through our partnerships with companies and foundations committed to reducing costs for students, OpenStax is working to improve access to higher education for all OpenStax is an initiative of Rice University and is made possible through the generous support of several philanthropic foundations Since our launch in 2012 our texts have been used by millions of learners online and thousands of institutions worldwide About OpenStax's Resources OpenStax resources provide quality academic instruction Three key features set our materials apart from others: they can be customized by instructors for each class, they are a "living" resource that grows online through contributions from educators, and they are available free or for minimal cost Customization OpenStax learning resources are designed to be customized for each course Our textbooks provide a solid foundation on which instructors can build, and our resources are conceived and written with flexibility in mind Instructors can select the sections most relevant to their curricula and create a textbook that speaks directly to the needs of their classes and student body Teachers are encouraged to expand on existing examples by adding unique context via geographically localized applications and topical connections Calculus Volume can be easily customized using our online platform (http://cnx.org/content/col11963/) Simply select the content most relevant to your current semester and create a textbook that speaks directly to the needs of your class Calculus Volume is organized as a collection of sections that can be rearranged, modified, and enhanced through localized examples or to incorporate a specific theme of your course This customization feature will ensure that your textbook truly reflects the goals of your course Curation To broaden access and encourage community curation, Calculus Volume is “open source” licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license This license lets others remix, edit, build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit OpenStax and license their new creations under the same terms The academic mathematics community is invited to submit examples, emerging research, and other feedback to enhance and strengthen the material and keep it current and relevant for today’s students Submit your suggestions to info@openstaxcollege.org Cost Our textbooks are available for free online, and in low-cost print and e-book editions About Calculus Volume Calculus Volume is the first of three volumes designed for the two- or three-semester calculus course For many students, this course provides the foundation to a career in mathematics, science, or engineering As such, this textbook provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of calculus and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them The text has been developed to meet the scope and sequence of most general calculus courses At the same time, the book includes several innovative features designed to enhance student learning A strength of Calculus Volume is that instructors can customize the book, adapting it to the approach that works best in their classroom Preface Coverage and Scope Our Calculus Volume textbook adheres to the scope and sequence of most general calculus courses nationwide We have worked to make calculus interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject With this objective in mind, the content of the three volumes of Calculus have been developed and arranged to provide a logical progression from fundamental to more advanced concepts, building upon what students have already learned and emphasizing connections between topics and between theory and applications The goal of each section is to enable students not just to recognize concepts, but work with them in ways that will be useful in later courses and future careers The organization and pedagogical features were developed and vetted with feedback from mathematics educators dedicated to the project Volume Chapter 1: Functions and Graphs Chapter 2: Limits Chapter 3: Derivatives Chapter 4: Applications of Derivatives Chapter 5: Integration Chapter 6: Applications of Integration Volume Chapter 1: Integration Chapter 2: Applications of Integration Chapter 3: Techniques of Integration Chapter 4: Introduction to Differential Equations Chapter 5: Sequences and Series Chapter 6: Power Series Chapter 7: Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates Volume Chapter 1: Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates Chapter 2: Vectors in Space Chapter 3: Vector-Valued Functions Chapter 4: Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables Chapter 5: Multiple Integration Chapter 6: Vector Calculus Chapter 7: Second-Order Differential Equations Pedagogical Foundation Throughout Calculus Volume you will find examples and exercises that present classical ideas and techniques as well as modern applications and methods Derivations and explanations are based on years of classroom experience on the part of long-time calculus professors, striving for a balance of clarity and rigor that has proven successful with their students Motivational applications cover important topics in probability, biology, ecology, business, and economics, as well as areas of physics, chemistry, engineering, and computer science Student Projects in each chapter give students opportunities to explore interesting sidelights in pure and applied mathematics, from navigating a banked turn to adapting a moon landing vehicle for a new mission to Mars Chapter Opening Applications pose problems that are solved later in the chapter, using the ideas covered in that chapter Problems include the average distance of Halley's Comment from the Sun, and the vector field of a hurricane Definitions, Rules, and Theorems are highlighted throughout the text, including over 60 Proofs of theorems Assessments That Reinforce Key Concepts In-chapter Examples walk students through problems by posing a question, stepping out a solution, and then asking students to practice the skill with a “Checkpoint” question The book also includes assessments at the end of each chapter so students can apply what they’ve learned through practice problems Many exercises are marked with a [T] to indicate they This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 Preface are suitable for solution by technology, including calculators or Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) Answers for selected exercises are available in the Answer Key at the back of the book Early or Late Transcendentals The three volumes of Calculus are designed to accommodate both Early and Late Transcendental approaches to calculus Exponential and logarithmic functions are introduced informally in Chapter of Volume and presented in more rigorous terms in Chapter in Volume and Chapter in Volume Differentiation and integration of these functions is covered in Chapters 3–5 in Volume and Chapter in Volume for instructors who want to include them with other types of functions These discussions, however, are in separate sections that can be skipped for instructors who prefer to wait until the integral definitions are given before teaching the calculus derivations of exponentials and logarithms Comprehensive Art Program Our art program is designed to enhance students’ understanding of concepts through clear and effective illustrations, diagrams, and photographs Assessments That Reinforce Key Concepts In-chapter Examples walk students through problems by posing a question, stepping out a solution, and then asking students to practice the skill with a “Check Your Learning” component The book also includes assessments at the end of each chapter so students can apply what they’ve learned through practice problems Ancillaries OpenStax projects offer an array of ancillaries for students and instructors The following resources are available PowerPoint Slides Instructor’s Answer and Solution Guide Student Answer and Solution Guide Preface Our resources are continually expanding, so please visit http://openstaxcollege.org to view an up-to-date list of the Learning Resources for this title and to find information on accessing these resources WeBWorK WeBWorK is a well-tested homework system for delivering individualized calculus problems over the Web By providing students with immediate feedback on the correctness of their answers, WeBWorK encourages students to make multiple attempts until they succeed With individualized problem sets, students can work together but will have to enter their own work to receive credit WeBWorK can present and grade any mathematics calculation problem from basic algebra through calculus, matrix linear algebra, and differential equations Its extensible answer evaluators correctly recognize and grade a wide variety of answers, including numbers, functions, equations, answers with units and much more, allowing instructors and students to concentrate on correct mathematics and ask the questions they should rather than just the questions they can More than 770 institutions currently use WeBWorK WeBWork and its 30,000 plus library of Creative Commons-licensed problems are open source and free for institutions to use About Our Team Senior Contributing Authors Gilbert Strang, PhD Dr Strang received his PhD from UCLA in 1959 and has been teaching mathematics at MIT ever since His Calculus online textbook is one of eleven that he has published and is the basis from which our final product has been derived and updated for today’s student Strang is a decorated mathematician and past Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University Edwin “Jed” Herman, PhD Dr Herman earned a BS in Mathematics from Harvey Mudd College in 1985, an MA in Mathematics from UCLA in 1987, and a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Oregon in 1997 He is currently a Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point He has more than 20 years of experience teaching college mathematics, is a student research mentor, is experienced in course development/design, and is also an avid board game designer and player Contributing Authors Catherine Abbott, Keuka College Nicoleta Virginia Bila, Fayetteville State University Sheri J Boyd, Rollins College Joyati Debnath, Winona State University Valeree Falduto, Palm Beach State College Joseph Lakey, New Mexico State University Julie Levandosky, Framingham State University David McCune, William Jewell College Michelle Merriweather, Bronxville High School Kirsten R Messer, Colorado State University - Pueblo Alfred K Mulzet, Florida State College at Jacksonville William Radulovich (retired), Florida State College at Jacksonville Erica M Rutter, Arizona State University This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 1012 Answer Key ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ 2 2 2 215 curl F = ⎝xz − xy ⎠i + ⎝x y − yz ⎠j + ⎝y z − x z⎠k 217 curl F = i + j + k 219 curl F = −yi − zj − xk 221 curl F = 223 div F = 3yz + 2y sinz + 2xe 2z 225 div F = 2(x + y + z) 227 div F = x2 + y2 229 div F = a + b 231 div F = x + y + z 233 Harmonic 235 div (F × G) = 2z + 3x 237 div F = 2r 239 curl r = r 241 curl = r 2x k 243 curl F = x + y2 245 div F = 247 div F = − 2e −6 249 div F = 251 curl F = j − 3k 253 curl F = 2j − k 255 a = 257 F is conservative 259 div F = cosh x + sinh y − xy 261 (bz − cy)i(cx − az)j + (ay − bx)k 263 curl F = 2ω 265 F × G does not have zero divergence 2 267 ∇ · F = −200k⎡⎣1 + 2⎛⎝x + y + z 2⎞⎠⎤⎦e −x + y + z 269 True 271 True 273 r(u, v) = 〈 u, v, − 3u + 2v 〉 for −∞ ≤ u < ∞ and −∞ ≤ v < ∞ 275 r(u, v) = 〈 u, v, (16 − 2u + 4v) 〉 for |u| < ∞ and |v| < ∞ π 277 r(u, v) = 〈 cos u, sin u, v 〉 for ≤ u ≤ , ≤ v ≤ 279 A = 87.9646 281 ∬ SzdS = 8π ⎛ ⎞ 2 283 ∬ S⎝x + y ⎠zdS = 16π 4π 285 ∬ SF · NdS = 287 m ≈ 13.0639 289 m ≈ 228.5313 291 ∬ SgdS = ⎛ ⎞ 293 ∬ S⎝x + y − z⎠dS ≈ 0.9617 This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 Answer Key 1013 ⎛ ⎞ 2 4π 295 ∬ S⎝x + y ⎠dS = 297 ∬ x zdS = 1023 2π S (z ∬ + y)dS ≈ 10.1 299 S 301 m = πa 13 303 ∬ SF · NdS = 24 305 ∬ SF · NdS = y + z⎞⎛1 ∫ ∫ ⎛⎝4 − 3y + 16 ⎠⎝4 307 0 309 ∫ ∫ ⎡⎣x − 2(8 − 4x) + z⎤⎦ ⎞ 17⎠dzdy 17dzdx 0 ⎛ ⎞ 311 ∬ ⎝x z + y z⎠dS = πa S 313 ∬ S x yzdS = 171 14 315 ∬ yzdS = 2π S 317 ∬ S(xi + yj) · dS = 16π 319 m = πa 192 321 F ≈ 4.57 lb 323 8πa 325 The net flux is zero 327 ∬ S(curl F · N)dS = πa 329 ∬ S(curl F · N)dS = 18π 331 ∬ S(curl F · N)dS = −8π 333 ∬ S(curl F · N)dS = 335 ∫ 337 ∫ C C F · dS = F · dS = −9.4248 339 ∬ curl F · dS = S 341 ∬ Scurl F · dS = 2.6667 343 ∬ S(curl F · N)dS = − 345 ∫ ⎛⎝12 y dx + zdy + xdz⎞⎠ = C 347 ∬ S(curl F · N)dS = −3π 349 ∫ C (ck × R) · dS = 2πc 351 ∬ Scurl F · dS = −π 1014 353 Answer Key ∮ F · dS = −4 355 ∬ Scurl F · dS = 357 ∬ Scurl F · dS = −36π 359 ∬ Scurl F · N = 361 ∮ C F · dr = 363 ∬ Scurl(F) · dS = 84.8230 365 A = ∬ S(∇ × F) · ndS = 367 ∬ S(∇ × F) · ndS = 2π ⎛ ⎞ 369 C = π ⎝cos φ − sin φ⎠ 371 ∮ C F · dr = 48π 373 ∬ S(∇ × F) · n = 375 377 ∫ 379 ∫ 381 ∫ S S S F · nds = 75.3982 F · nds = 127.2345 F · nds = 37.6991 F · nds = 9πa S π 385 ∬ SF · dS = 387 ∬ F · dS = 383 ∫ S 389 ∬ SF · dS = 241.2743 391 ∬ DF · dS = −π 2π 393 ∬ SF · dS = 395 16 6π 128 397 − π 399 −703.7168 401 20 403 ∬ SF · dS = 405 ∬ SF · NdS = 407 ∬ S ‖ R ‖ R · nds = 4πa 4π 409 ∭ Rz dV = 15 411 ∬ SF · dS = 6.5759 413 ∬ SF · dS = 21 415 ∬ SF · dS = 72 This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 Answer Key 1015 417 ∬ SF · dS = −33.5103 419 ∬ SF · dS = πa b 421 ∬ SF · dS = π 21π 423 ∬ SF · dS = ⎛ ⎞ −1 425 −⎝1 − e ⎠ Review Exercises 427 False 429 False 431 y 433 Conservative, f (x, y) = xy − 2e 435 Conservative, f (x, y, z) = x y + y z + z x 16 437 − ⎛ ⎞ 439 32 ⎝3 − 1⎠ 441 Divergence: e x + xe xy + xye 443 −2π 445 −π 447 31π/2 2(2 + π) 2π/3 451 449 Chapter Checkpoint 7.1 a Nonlinear b Linear, nonhomogeneous 7.4 Linearly independent 7.5 y(x) = c e 3x + c xe 3x 7.6 xyz , curl: xze xyz i − yze xyz xy j + ye k 1016 Answer Key a y(x) = e x ⎛⎝c cos3x + c sin3x⎞⎠ b y(x) = c e −7x + c xe −7x 7.7 y(x) = −e −2x + e 5x x 7.8 y(x) = e (2cos3x − sin3x) This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 Answer Key 1017 7.9 y(t) = te −7t At time t = 0.3, y(0.3) = 0.3e (−7 * 0.3) = 0.3e −2.1 ≈ 0.0367 The mass is 0.0367 ft below equilibrium At time t = 0.1, y′(0.1) = 0.3e −0.7 ≈ 0.1490 The mass is moving downward at a speed of 0.1490 ft/sec 7.10 y(x) = c e −x + c e 4x − 7.11 y(t) = c e 2t + c te 2t + sint + cost 7.12 a y(x) = c e 4x + c e x − xe x b y(t) = c e −3t + c e 2t − 5cos2t + sin2t 3x + , 7.13 z = 11x 7.14 a b z = 2x + 11x y(x) = c cos x + c sin x + cos x ln|cos x| + x sin x x(t) = c e t + c te t + te t ln|t| 14 7.15 x(t) = 0.1cos(14t) (in meters); frequency is 2π Hz 7.16 x(t) = 17sin(4t + 0.245), frequency = ≈ 0.637, 2π 7.17 x(t) = 0.6e −2t − 0.2e −6t −8t + 4te −8t 7.18 x(t) = e 7.19 x(t) = −0.24e −2t cos(4t) − 0.12e −2t sin(4t) A = 17 1018 Answer Key 1 −2t cos(4t) − 2e −2t sin(4t) 7.20 x(t) = − cos(4t) + sin(4t) + e Transient solution: e −2t cos(4t) − 2e −2t sin(4t) Steady-state solution: − cos(4t) + sin(4t) −t −t 7.21 q(t) = −25e cos(3t) − 7e sin(3t) + 25 7.22 ∞ (−1) n 2n x = a e −x n! a y(x) = a b y(x) = a (x + 1) ∑ n=0 Section Exercises linear, homogenous nonlinear linear, homogeneous 11 y = c e 5x + c e −2x 13 y = c e −2x + c xe −2x 15 y = c e 5x/2 + c e −x −x/2 ⎛ 3x 3x ⎞ 17 y = e ⎝c cos + c sin ⎠ 19 y = c e −11x + c e 11x 21 y = c cos9x + c sin9x 23 y = c + c x ⎛⎛ + 22⎞⎠/3⎞⎠x 25 y = c e ⎝⎝ + c2 e ⎛⎛ ⎝⎝1 − 22⎞⎠/3⎞⎠x 27 y = c e −x/6 + c xe −x/6 29 y = c + c e 9x 31 y = −2e −2x + 2e −3x 33 y = 3cos(2x) + 5sin(2x) 35 y = −e 6x + 2e −5x −x/5 −x/5 + xe 37 y = 2e 39 y = ⎛ ⎞ 6x ⎛ ⎞ −7x ⎝e − e −7 ⎠e − ⎝e − e −7 ⎠e 41 No solutions exist 2x 2e + 2x xe 43 y = 2e − e2 45 y = 4cos3x + c sin3x, infinitely many solutions 47 5y″ + 19y′ − 4y = This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 Answer Key 1019 49 a y = 3cos(8x) + 2sin(8x) b 51 a y = e (−5/2)x ⎡ ⎛ 35 ⎞ 35 ⎛ 35 ⎞⎤ ⎣−2cos ⎝ x⎠ + 35 sin ⎝ x⎠⎦ b 55 y = c e −4x/3 + c e x − −2x 57 y = c cos4x + c sin4x + 20 e 59 y = c e 2x + c xe 2x + 2x + 5x −x −x 1 61 y = c e + c xe + sin x − cos x 63 y = c cos x + c sin x − x cos2x − sin2x −5x + c xe −5x + x e −5x + 65 y = c e 25 67 a y p(x) = Ax + Bx + C 35 b y p(x) = − x + x − 69 a y p(x) = ⎛ ⎝Ax + Bx + C⎞⎠e −x ⎛ ⎞ −x b y p(x) = ⎝1 x − x − 33 ⎠e 32 1020 Answer Key ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ x x 71 a y p(x) = ⎝Ax + Bx + C⎠e cos x + ⎝Dx + Ex + F ⎠e sin x ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ x ⎞ x 2 b y p(x) = ⎝− x − 11 x − 27 ⎠e cos x + ⎝− x + x + 39 ⎠e sin x 10 10 25 250 25 250 −2x + e 3x 73 y = c + c e 15 75 y = c e 2x + c e −4x + xe 2x 3x −3x 8x − 77 y = c e + c e 3 79 y = c cos2x + c sin2x − x cos2x + sin2x ln(sin2x) 347 7x 2 7x 7x 81 y = − 343 + 343 e + x e − 49 xe 57 5x 5x −5x 83 y = − 25 + 25 e + xe + 25 e 10 85 y p = + x ln x x(t) = cos(4t) − 2sin(4t), period = π2 sec, frequency = π2 Hz π Hz 89 x″ + 196x = 0, x(t) = 0.15cos(14t), period = sec, frequency = π 91 a x(t) = 5sin(2t) Hz b period = π sec, frequency = π 87 x″ + 16x = 0, c π d t = sec 93 a x(t) = e −t/5 ⎛⎝20cos(3t) + 15sin(3t)⎞⎠ b underdamped 95 a x(t) = 5e −4t + 10te −4t b critically damped −π/4 ft below 97 x(π) = 7e ⎛ ⎞ 32 16 sin ⎛ 128t⎞ ⎝ ⎠ 99 x(t) = sin(4t) + cos ⎝ 128t⎠ − −6t ⎛ ⎞ cos(10t) ⎝0.051cos(8t) + 0.03825sin(8t)⎠ − 101 q(t) = e 20 103 q(t) = e −10t (−32t − 5) + 5, I(t) = 2e −10t (160t + 9) This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 Answer Key 1021 105 y = c + 5c 107 y = c 109 y = c ∞ ∞ ∑ n=1 (−x/5) n = c + 5c e −x/5 n! ∞ ∑ (x) 2n (x) 2n + + c1 ∑ (2n) ! (2n + 1) ! n=0 ∑ x 2n = c e x n! n=0 ∞ n=0 ∞ ∞ x 2n + c ∑ x 2n + n 1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋯ (2n + 1) n = n! n=0 c 113 y = c x + x2 111 y = c ∑ 115 y = − 3x + 2x − 12x + 16x − 120x + ⋯ 3! 4! 6! 7! Review Exercises 117 True 119 False 121 second order, linear, homogeneous, λ − = 123 first order, nonlinear, nonhomogeneous 125 y = c sin(3x) + c cos(3x) x x 2 127 y = c e sin(3x) + c e cos(3x) + x + 25 2x 129 y = c e −x + c e −4x + x + e − 131 y = c e (−3/2)x + c xe −2x sin ⎛⎝ 2x⎞⎠ 133 y = e 1−x ⎛ ⎞ 4x e 135 y = ⎝e − 1⎠ e −1 ⎛ g⎞ 137 θ(t) = θ cos ⎝ t⎠ l 141 b = a 18 (−3/2)x 16 + x + x − 16 27 27 1022 This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 Answer Key Index 1023 INDEX Symbols δ ball, 366, 475 δ disk, 354, 475 A acceleration vector, 307, 329 angular coordinate, 44, 96 angular frequency, 870 arc-length function, 287, 329 arc-length parameterization, 288, 329 Archimedean spiral, 56 B Bessel functions, 894 binormal vector, 294, 329 boundary conditions, 849, 898 boundary point, 360, 474 boundary-value problem, 849, 898 Brahe, 317 C cardioid, 54, 96 chain rule, 274 chambered nautilus, 8, 56 characteristic equation, 844, 898 circulation, 689, 830 cissoid of Diocles, 72 Clairaut’s theorem, 664 closed curve, 676, 695, 830 closed set, 361, 474 Cobb-Douglas function, 467 Cobb-Douglas production function, 391 complementary equation, 855, 898 complex conjugates, 845 complex number, 845 component, 251 component functions, 262, 329 components, 109 conic section, 73, 96 connected region, 696, 830 connected set, 361, 474 conservative field, 660, 830 constant multiple rule, 274 constraint, 474 constraints, 461 contour map, 344, 375, 474 coordinate plane, 251 coordinate planes, 125 critical point of a function of two variables, 441, 474 cross product, 165, 251 cross-partial property, 663 curl, 750, 830 curtate cycloid, 22 curvature, 290, 329 cusp, 96 cusps, 18 cycloid, 17, 96 cylinder, 213, 251 cylindrical coordinate system, 230, 251 D definite integral of a vectorvalued function, 278, 329 derivative, 272 derivative of a vector-valued function, 272, 329 determinant, 172, 251 differentiable, 399, 474 direction angles, 153, 251 direction cosines, 153, 251 direction vector, 188, 251 directional cosines, 437 directional derivative, 426, 474 directrix, 74, 96 discriminant, 90, 96, 446, 474 divergence, 744, 830 divergence theorem, 815, 830 domain, 649 dot product, 146 dot product or scalar product, 251 double integral, 484, 639 double Riemann sum, 484, 639 E Earth’s orbit, eccentricity, 87, 96 electrical potential, 440 Electrical power, 408 electrical resistance, 407 electrostatic fields, 822 ellipsoid, 217, 251 Elliptic Cone, 224 elliptic cone, 251 elliptic paraboloid, 219, 251 Elliptic Paraboloid, 224 epitrochoid, 26 equivalent vectors, 102, 251 Ernest Rutherford, 388 error term, 400 Euler’s formula, 846 expected values, 524 F Faraday’s law, 806 flow line, 667 flux, 687, 830 flux integral, 785, 830 focal parameter, 88, 96 focus, 74, 96 force, 116 Fourier’s law of heat transfer, 829 Frenet frame of reference, 299, 329 Fubini’s theorem, 489, 639 Fubini’s thereom, 554 function of two variables, 337, 474 Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals, 814, 830 Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals., 699 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, 814 G Gauss’ law, 822, 830 Gauss’s law for magnetism, 747 general bounded region, 556 general form, 76, 96 general form of the equation of a plane, 197, 251 general solution to a differential equation, 843 generalized chain rule, 415, 474 gradient, 430, 474 gradient field, 660, 830 graph of a function of two variables, 346, 474 gravitational force, 708 Green’s theorem, 717, 814, 830 grid curves, 769, 830 H harmonic function, 730 heat equation, 382 heat flow, 788, 830 helix, 266, 329 higher-order partial derivatives, 380, 474 homogeneous functions, 423 homogeneous linear equation, 838, 898 Hooke’s law, 870 hurricanes, 654 1024 Hyperboloid of One Sheet, 223 hyperboloid of one sheet, 251 Hyperboloid of Two Sheets, 223 hyperboloid of two sheets, 251 hypocycloid, 18 I implicit differentiation, 418 improper double integral, 519, 639 indefinite integral of a vectorvalued function, 278, 329 independence of path, 830 independent of path, 702 independent random variables, 522 independent variables, 413 initial point, 102, 251, 263 initial-value problems, 848 interior point, 360, 474 intermediate variable, 474 intermediate variables, 410 inverse-square law, 823, 830 iterated integral, 488, 639 J Jacobian, 620, 639 joint density function, 522 K Kepler, 317 Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, 317, 329 L Lagrange multiplier, 462, 474 Laplace operator, 755 Laplace’s equation, 382, 730 level curve of a function of two variables, 343, 475 level surface of a function of three variables, 350, 475 limaỗon, 54, 96 limit of a function of two variables, 355 limit of a vector-valued function, 267, 329 line integral, 669, 830 linear approximation, 397, 475 linearly dependent, 842, 898 linearly independent, 842, 898 local extremum, 444 lunes of Alhazen, 531 M magnitude, 102, 110, 251 major axis, 79, 96 Index mass flux, 784, 831 mass of a wire, 684 method of Lagrange multipliers, 462, 475 method of undetermined coefficients, 856, 898 method of variation of parameters, 863, 898 minor axis, 79, 96 mixed partial derivatives, 380, 475 N nappe, 96 nappes, 73 nonhomogeneous linear equation, 838, 898 normal, 151 normal component of acceleration, 311, 329 normal form of Green’s theorem, 725 normal plane, 299, 329 normal vector, 197, 251 normalization, 114, 251 O objective function, 461, 475 octants, 126, 251 one-to-one transformation, 617, 639 open set, 361, 475 optimization problem, 461, 475 orientation, 10, 96 orientation of a curve, 676, 831 orientation of a surface, 782, 831 orthogonal, 151 orthogonal vectors, 151, 252 osculating circle, 300, 329 osculating plane, 329 overdamped, 875 P parallelepiped, 178, 252 parallelogram method, 104, 252 parameter, 10, 96 parameter domain, 760 parameter domain (parameter space), 831 parameter space, 760 parameterization of a curve, 16, 96 parameterized surface, 760 parameterized surface (parametric surface), 831 parametric curve, 10, 96 This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 parametric equations, 9, 96 parametric equations of a line, 189, 252 parametric surface, 760 partial derivative, 371, 475 partial differential equation, 382, 475 particular solution, 855, 898 path independent, 702 perpendicular, 151 piecewise smooth curve, 681, 831 planar transformation, 616, 639 plane curve, 264, 329 polar axis, 47, 96 polar coordinate system, 44, 96 polar equation, 96 polar equations, 52 polar rectangle, 532, 639 pole, 47, 96 potential function, 661, 831 power series, 890 principal unit normal vector, 294, 329 principal unit tangent vector, 277, 329 product rule, 274 projectile motion, 313, 329 prolate cycloid, 23 Q Quadric surfaces, 217 quadric surfaces, 252 R radial coordinate, 44, 96 radial field, 650, 831 radius of curvature, 300, 329 radius of gyration, 606, 639 region, 361, 475 regular parameterization, 767, 831 reparameterization, 267, 329 resolution of a vector into components, 157 resonance, 885 Reuleaux triangle, 531 right-hand rule, 123, 252 RLC series circuit, 885, 898 rose, 54, 97 rotational field, 653, 831 rulings, 213, 252 S saddle point, 445, 475 scalar, 104, 252 Index scalar equation of a plane, 197, 252 scalar line integral, 670, 831 scalar multiplication, 104, 252 scalar projection, 156, 252 simple curve, 695, 831 simple harmonic motion, 870, 898 simple pendulum, 407 simply connected region, 696, 831 skew lines, 194, 252 smooth, 294, 329 space curve, 264, 329 space-filling curve, 55, 97 space-filling curves, 18 speed, 121 sphere, 130, 252 spherical coordinate system, 237, 252 spring-mass system, 869 standard equation of a sphere, 131, 252 standard form, 75, 97 standard position, 264 standard unit vectors, 115, 252 standard-position vector, 109, 252 steady-state solution, 883, 898 Stokes’ theorem, 796, 815, 831 stream function, 729, 831 sum and difference rules, 274 superposition principle, 841 surface, 339, 475 surface area, 770, 831 surface independent, 803, 831 surface integral, 785, 831 surface integral of a scalarvalued function, 775, 831 surface integral of a vector field, 784, 831 symmetric equations of a line, 252 symmetric equations of a line, 189 symmetry, 57, 543 T Tacoma Narrows Bridge, 885 tangent plane, 392, 475 tangent vector, 277, 330 tangential component of acceleration, 311, 330 tangential form of Green’s theorem, 718 terminal point, 102, 252, 263 1025 three-dimensional rectangular coordinate system, 123, 252 topographical map, 342 Torque, 181 torque, 252 total differential, 403, 475 trace, 252 traces, 216 transformation, 616, 640 transient solution, 883 tree diagram, 413, 475 triangle inequality, 105, 252 triangle method, 104, 252 triple integral, 553, 640 triple integral in cylindrical coordinates, 574, 640 triple integral in spherical coordinates, 581, 640 triple scalar product, 176, 253 Type I, 507, 640 Type II, 507, 640 U unit vector, 114, 253 unit vector field, 657, 831 V vector, 102, 253 vector addition, 105, 253 vector difference, 105, 253 vector equation of a line, 189, 253 vector equation of a plane, 197, 253 vector field, 649, 831 vector line integral, 677, 831 vector parameterization, 264, 330 vector product, 170, 253 vector projection, 156, 253 vector sum, 104, 253 vector-valued function, 262, 330 vector-valued functions, 307 velocity vector, 307, 330 vertex, 74, 97 vertical trace, 346, 475 W wave equation, 382 William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), 386 witch of Agnesi, 20 work done by a force, 253 work done by a vector field, 685 work done by the force, 160 Z zero vector, 102, 253 1026 This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2 Index ... 27 44 64 73 101 102 1 23 146 165 188 2 13 230 261 262 272 285 30 7 33 5 33 6 35 4 37 1 39 2 409 425 441 461 481 482 506 532 552 572 598 616 647 648... of values: t x(t) t y(t) x(t) y(t) 7π −2 ≈ ? ?3. 5 π ≈ 3. 5 4π −2 −2 ≈ ? ?3. 5 π 2 ≈ 3. 5 3? ? −4 π 5π −2 ≈ ? ?3. 5 2π −2 ≈ 3. 5 11π ≈ 3. 5 5π −2 ≈ ? ?3. 5 2π π −4 This OpenStax book is available for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11966/1.2... u = ? ?32 v + This gives du = ? ?32 dv, so dv = − du Therefore 32 ∫ 140 + (? ?32 v + 2) 2dv = − ∫ a + u 2du 32 ⎡(? ?32 v + 2) 140 + (? ?32 v + 2) ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ = − 1⎢ +C 32 140 2 2⎥ ⎣+ ln (? ?32 v + 2) + 140 + (? ?32 v +

Ngày đăng: 15/09/2020, 16:20