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Deeo learning for computer architects

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Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture REAGEN • ET AL Series ISSN: 1935-3235 Series Editor: Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University Machine learning, and specifically deep learning, has been hugely disruptive in many fields of computer science The success of deep learning techniques in solving notoriously difficult classification and regression problems has resulted in their rapid adoption in solving real-world problems The emergence of deep learning is widely attributed to a virtuous cycle whereby fundamental advancements in training deeper models were enabled by the availability of massive datasets and high-performance computer hardware This text serves as a primer for computer architects in a new and rapidly evolving field We review how machine learning has evolved since its inception in the 1960s and track the key developments leading up to the emergence of the powerful deep learning techniques that emerged in the last decade Next we review representative workloads, including the most commonly used datasets and seminal networks across a variety of domains In addition to discussing the workloads themselves, we also detail the most popular deep learning tools and show how aspiring practitioners can use the tools with the workloads to characterize and optimize DNNs The remainder of the book is dedicated to the design and optimization of hardware and architectures for machine learning As high-performance hardware was so instrumental in the success of machine learning becoming a practical solution, this chapter recounts a variety of optimizations proposed recently to further improve future designs Finally, we present a review of recent research published in the area as well as a taxonomy to help readers understand how various contributions fall in context DEEP LEARNING FOR COMPUTER ARCHITECTS Brandon Reagen, Harvard University Robert Adolf, Harvard University Paul Whatmough, ARM Research and Harvard University Gu-Yeon Wei, Harvard University David Brooks, Harvard University Deep Learning for Computer Architects About SYNTHESIS store.morganclaypool.com MORGAN & CLAYPOOL This volume is a printed version of a work that appears in the Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science Synthesis books provide concise, original presentations of important research and development topics, published quickly, in digital and print formats Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture Deep Learning for Computer Architects Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture Editor Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University Founding Editor Emeritus Mark D Hill, University of Wisconsin, Madison Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture publishes 50- to 100-page publications on topics pertaining to the science and art of designing, analyzing, selecting and interconnecting hardware components to create computers that meet functional, performance and cost goals The scope will largely follow the purview of premier computer architecture conferences, such as ISCA, HPCA, MICRO, and ASPLOS Deep Learning for Computer Architects Brandon Reagen, Robert Adolf, Paul Whatmough, Gu-Yeon Wei, and David Brooks 2017 On-Chip Networks, Second Edition Natalie Enright Jerger, Tushar Krishna, and Li-Shiuan Peh 2017 Space-Time Computing with Temporal Neural Networks James E Smith 2017 Hardware and Software Support for Virtualization Edouard Bugnion, Jason Nieh, and Dan Tsafrir 2017 Datacenter Design and Management: A Computer Architect’s Perspective Benjamin C Lee 2016 A Primer on Compression in the Memory Hierarchy Somayeh Sardashti, Angelos Arelakis, Per Stenström, and David A Wood 2015 iv Research Infrastructures for Hardware Accelerators Yakun Sophia Shao and David Brooks 2015 Analyzing Analytics Rajesh Bordawekar, Bob Blainey, and Ruchir Puri 2015 Customizable Computing Yu-Ting Chen, Jason Cong, Michael Gill, Glenn Reinman, and Bingjun Xiao 2015 Die-stacking Architecture Yuan Xie and Jishen Zhao 2015 Single-Instruction Multiple-Data Execution Christopher J Hughes 2015 Power-Efficient Computer Architectures: Recent Advances Magnus Själander, Margaret Martonosi, and Stefanos Kaxiras 2014 FPGA-Accelerated Simulation of Computer Systems Hari Angepat, Derek Chiou, Eric S Chung, and James C Hoe 2014 A Primer on Hardware Prefetching Babak Falsafi and Thomas F Wenisch 2014 On-Chip Photonic Interconnects: A Computer Architect’s Perspective Christopher J Nitta, Matthew K Farrens, and Venkatesh Akella 2013 Optimization and Mathematical Modeling in Computer Architecture Tony Nowatzki, Michael Ferris, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam, Cristian Estan, Nilay Vaish, and David Wood 2013 Security Basics for Computer Architects Ruby B Lee 2013 v The Datacenter as a Computer: An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines, Second edition Luiz André Barroso, Jimmy Clidaras, and Urs Hölzle 2013 Shared-Memory Synchronization Michael L Scott 2013 Resilient Architecture Design for Voltage Variation Vijay Janapa Reddi and Meeta Sharma Gupta 2013 Multithreading Architecture Mario Nemirovsky and Dean M Tullsen 2013 Performance Analysis and Tuning for General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) Hyesoon Kim, Richard Vuduc, Sara Baghsorkhi, Jee Choi, and Wen-mei Hwu 2012 Automatic Parallelization: An Overview of Fundamental Compiler Techniques Samuel P Midkiff 2012 Phase Change Memory: From Devices to Systems Moinuddin K Qureshi, Sudhanva Gurumurthi, and Bipin Rajendran 2011 Multi-Core Cache Hierarchies Rajeev Balasubramonian, Norman P Jouppi, and Naveen Muralimanohar 2011 A Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence Daniel J Sorin, Mark D Hill, and David A Wood 2011 Dynamic Binary Modification: Tools, Techniques, and Applications Kim Hazelwood 2011 Quantum Computing for Computer Architects, Second Edition Tzvetan S Metodi, Arvin I Faruque, and Frederic T Chong 2011 vi High Performance Datacenter Networks: Architectures, Algorithms, and Opportunities Dennis Abts and John Kim 2011 Processor Microarchitecture: An Implementation Perspective Antonio González, Fernando Latorre, and Grigorios Magklis 2010 Transactional Memory, 2nd edition Tim Harris, James Larus, and Ravi Rajwar 2010 Computer Architecture Performance Evaluation Methods Lieven Eeckhout 2010 Introduction to Reconfigurable Supercomputing Marco Lanzagorta, Stephen Bique, and Robert Rosenberg 2009 On-Chip Networks Natalie Enright Jerger and Li-Shiuan Peh 2009 The Memory System: You Can’t Avoid It, You Can’t Ignore It, You Can’t Fake It Bruce Jacob 2009 Fault Tolerant Computer Architecture Daniel J Sorin 2009 The Datacenter as a Computer: An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines Luiz André Barroso and Urs Hölzle 2009 Computer Architecture Techniques for Power-Efficiency Stefanos Kaxiras and Margaret Martonosi 2008 Chip Multiprocessor Architecture: Techniques to Improve Throughput and Latency Kunle Olukotun, Lance Hammond, and James Laudon 2007 Transactional Memory James R Larus and Ravi Rajwar 2006 vii Quantum Computing for Computer Architects Tzvetan S Metodi and Frederic T Chong 2006 Copyright © 2017 by Morgan & Claypool All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher Deep Learning for Computer Architects Brandon Reagen, Robert Adolf, Paul Whatmough, Gu-Yeon Wei, and David Brooks www.morganclaypool.com ISBN: 9781627057288 ISBN: 9781627059855 paperback ebook DOI 10.2200/S00783ED1V01Y201706CAC041 A Publication in the Morgan & Claypool Publishers series SYNTHESIS LECTURES ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Lecture #41 Series Editor: Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University Founding Editor Emeritus: Mark D Hill, University of Wisconsin, Madison Series ISSN Print 1935-3235 Electronic 1935-3243 BIBLIOGRAPHY 95 [34] Matthieu Courbariaux and Yoshua Bengio Binarynet: Training 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spent four years doing benchmarking and performance analysis of supercomputers at the Department of Defense In 2009, he joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory as a research scientist, where he lead a team building large-scale graph analytics on massively multithreaded architectures His research interests revolve around modeling, analysis, and optimization techniques for high-performance software, with a current focus on deep learning algorithms His philosophy is that the combination of statistical methods, code analysis, and domain knowledge leads to better tools for understanding and building fast systems 108 AUTHORS’ BIOGRAPHIES PAUL WHATMOUGH Paul Whatmough leads research on computer architecture for Machine Learning at ARM Research, Boston, MA He is also an Associate in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Harvard University Dr Whatmough received the B.Eng degree (with first class Honors) from the University of Lancaster, U.K., M.Sc degree (with distinction) from the University of Bristol, U.K., and Doctorate degree from University College London, U.K His research interests span algorithms, computer architecture, and circuits He has previously led various projects on hardware accelerators, Machine Learning, SoC architecture, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), variation tolerance, and supply voltage noise GU-YEON WEI Gu-Yeon Wei is Gordon McKay Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) at Harvard University He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1994, 1997, and 2001, respectively His research interests span multiple layers of a computing system: mixed-signal integrated circuits, computer architecture, and design tools for efficient hardware His research efforts focus on identifying synergistic opportunities across these layers to develop energy-efficient solutions for a broad range of systems from flapping-wing microrobots to machine learning hardware for IoT/edge devices to specialized accelerators for large-scale servers AUTHORS’ BIOGRAPHIES 109 DAVID BROOKS David Brooks is the Haley Family Professor of Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University Prior to joining Harvard, he was a research staff member at IBM T J Watson Research Center Prof Brooks received his B.S in Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California and M.A and Ph.D degrees in Electrical Engineering at Princeton University His research interests include resilient and power-efficient computer hardware and software design for high-performance and embedded systems Prof Brooks is a Fellow of the IEEE and has received several honors and awards including the ACM Maurice Wilkes Award, ISCA Influential Paper Award, NSF CAREER award, IBM Faculty Partnership Award, and DARPA Young Faculty Award ... functional, performance and cost goals The scope will largely follow the purview of premier computer architecture conferences, such as ISCA, HPCA, MICRO, and ASPLOS Deep Learning for Computer Architects. .. massive datasets and high-performance computer hardware This text serves as a primer for computer architects in a new and rapidly evolving field We review how machine learning has evolved since... paintings in Figure 2.5 There are more complicated forms of learning as well Reinforcement learning is related to supervised learning but decouples the form of the training outputs from that of the

Ngày đăng: 14/09/2020, 16:36