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Connes a cuntz j et al noncommutative geometry (cime lectures 2000 lnm1831 2004)(359s)

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Lecture Notes in Mathematics Editors: J. M Morel, Cachan F Takens, Groningen B Teissier, Paris Subseries: Fondazione C.I.M.E., Firenze Adviser: Pietro Zecca 1831 Berlin Heidelberg New York Hong Kong London Milan Paris Tokyo A Connes N Higson J Cuntz J Kaminker E Guentner J E Roberts Noncommutative Geometry Lectures given at the C.I.M.E Summer School held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 3-9, 2000 Editors: S Doplicher R Longo 13 Editors and Authors e-mail: connes@ihes.fr Nigel Higson Department of Mathematics Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 USA Joachim Cuntz Mathematisches Institut Universităat Măunster Einsteinstr 62 48149 Măunster, Germany Jerome Kaminker Department of Mathematical Sciences IUPUI, Indianapolis IN 46202-3216, USA Alain Connes Coll`ege de France 11, place Marcelin Berthelot 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France e-mail: higson@psu.edu e-mail: cuntz@math.uni-muenster.de e-mail: kaminker@math.iupui.edu Sergio Doplicher Dipartimento di Matematica Universit`a di Roma "La Sapienza" Piazzale A Moro 00185 Roma, Italy Roberto Longo John E Roberts Dipartimento di Matematica Universit`a di Roma "Tor Vergata" Via della Ricerca Scientifica 00133 Roma, Italy e-mail: doplicher@mat.uniroma1.it Erik Guentner Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Hawaii, Manoa 2565 McCarthy Mall Keller 401A, Honolulu HI 96822, USA e-mail: longo@mat.uniroma2.it roberts@mat.uniroma2.it e-mail: erik@math.hawaii.edu Cataloging-in-Publication Data applied for Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at http://dnb.ddb.de Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 58B34, 46L87, 81R60, 83C65 ISSN 0075-8434 ISBN 3-540-20357-5 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specif ically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microf ilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law Springer-Verlag is a part of Springer Science + Business Media springeronline.com c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 Printed in Germany The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specif ic statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use Typesetting: Camera-ready TEX output by the authors SPIN: 10967928 41/3142/du - 543210 - Printed on acid-free paper Preface If one had to synthesize the novelty of Physics of the XX century with a single magic word, one possibility would be “Noncommutativity” Indeed the core assertion of Quantum Mechanics is the fact that observables ought to be described “by noncommuting operators”; if you wished more precision and said “by the selfadjoint elements in a C*-algebra A, while states are expectation functionals on that algebra, i.e positive linear forms of norm one on A ”, you would have put down the full axioms for a theory which includes Classical Mechanics if A is commutative, Quantum Mechanics otherwise More precisely, Quantum Mechanics of systems with finitely many degrees of freedom would fit in the picture when the algebra is the collection of all compact operators on the separable, infinite-dimensional Hilbert space (so that all, possibly unbounded, selfadjoint operators on that Hilbert space appear as “generalized observables” affiliated with the enveloping von Neumann algebra); the distinction between different values of the number of degrees of freedom requires more details, as the assignment of a dense Banach *-algebra (the quotient, obtained by specifying the value of the Planck constant, of the L1 -algebra of the Heisenberg group) Quantum Field Theory, as explained in Roberts’ lectures in this volume, fits in that picture too: the key additional structure needed is the local structure of A This means that A has to be the inductive limit of subalgebras of local observables A(O), where O → A(O) maps coherently regions in the spacetime manifold to subalgebras of A As a consequence of the axioms, as more carefully expounded in this book, A is much more dramatically noncommutative than in Quantum Mechanics with finitely many degrees of freedom: A cannot be any longer essentially commutative (in other words, it cannot be an extension of the compacts by a commutative C*-algebra), and actually turns out to be a simple non type I C*-algebra In order to deal conveniently with the natural restriction to locally normal states, it is also most often natural to let each A(O) be a von Neumann algebra, so that VI Preface A is not norm separable: for the sake of both Quantum Statistical Mechanics with infinitely many degrees of freedom and of physically relevant classes of Quantum Field Theories - fulfilling the split property, cf Roberts’ lectures - A can actually be identified with a universal C*-algebra: the inductive limit of the algebras of all bounded operators on the tensor powers of a fixed infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space; different theories are distinguished by the time evolution and/or by the local structure, of which the inductive sequence of type I factors gives only a fuzzy picture The actual local algebras of Quantum Field Theory, on the other side, can be proved in great generality to be isomorphic to the unique, approximately finite dimensional III1 factor (except for the possible nontriviality of the centre) Despite this highly noncommutative ambient, the key axiom of Quantum Field Theory of forces other than gravity, is a demand of commutativity: local subalgebras associated to causally separated regions should commute elementwise This is the basic Locality Principle, expressing Einstein Causality This principle alone is “unreasonably effective” to determine a substantial part of the conceptual structure of Quantum Field Theory This applies to Quantum Field Theory on Minkowski space but also on large classes of curved spacetimes, where the pseudo-Riemann structure describes a classical external gravitational field on which the influence of the quantum fields is neglected (cf Roberts’ lectures) But the Locality Principle is bound to fail in a quantum theory of gravity Mentioning gravity brings in the other magic word one could have mentioned at the beginning: “Relativity” Classical General Relativity is a miracle of human thought and a masterpiece of Nature; the accuracy of its predictions grows more and more spectacularly with years (binary pulsars are a famous example) But the formulation of a coherent and satisfactory Quantum Theory of all forces including Gravity still appears to many as one of the few most formidable problems for science of the XXI century In such a theory Einstein Causality is lost, and we not yet know what really replaces it: for the relation “causally disjoint” is bound to lose meaning; more dramatically, spacetime itself has to look radically different at small scales Here “small” means at scales governed by the Planck length, which is tremendously small but is there Indeed Classical General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics imply Spacetime Uncertainty Relations which are most naturally taken into account if spacetime itself is pictured as a Quantum Manifold: the commutative C*-algebra of continuous functions vanishing at infinity on Minkowski space has to be replaced by a noncommutative C*-algebra, in such a way that the spacetime uncertainty relations are implemented [DFR] It might well turn out to be impossible to disentangle Quantum Fields and Spacetime from a common noncommutative texture Quantum Field Theory on Quantum Spacetime ought to be formulated as a Gauge theory on a noncommutative manifold; one might hope that the Gauge principle, at the basis of the point nature of interactions between fields on Minkowski space and hence of the Principle of Locality, might be rigid enough to replace locality in the world of quantum spaces Preface VII Gauge Theories on noncommutative manifolds ought to appear as a chapter of Noncommutative Geometry [CR,C] Thus Noncommutative Geometry may be seen as a main avenue from Physics of the XX century to Physics of the XXI century; but since it has been created by Alain Connes in the late 70s, as expounded in his lectures in this Volume, it grew to a central theme in Mathematics with a tremendous power of unifying disparate problems and of progressing in depth One could with good reasons argue that Noncommutative Topology started with the famous Gel’fand-Naimark Theorems: every commutative C*-algebra is the algebra of continuous functions vanishing at infinity on a locally compact space, every C*-algebra can be represented as an algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space; thus a noncommutative C*-algebra can be viewed as “the algebra of continuous functions vanishing at infinity” on a “quantum space” But it was with the Theory of Brown, Douglas and Fillmore of Ext, with the development of the K-theory of C*-algebras, and their merging into Kasparov bivariant functor KK that Noncommutative Topology became a rich subject Now this subject could hardly be separated from Noncommutative Geometry It suffices to mention a few fundamental landmarks: the discovery by Alain Connes of Cyclic Cohomology, crucial for the lift of De Rham Theory to the noncommutative domain, the Connes-Chern Character; the concept of spectral triple proved to be central and the natural road to the theory of noncommutative Riemannian manifolds Since he started to break this new ground, Connes discovered a paradigm which could not have been anticipated just on the basis of Gel’fand-Naimark theory: Noncommutative Geometry not only extends geometrical concepts beyond point spaces to “noncommutative manifolds”, but also permits their application to singular spaces: such spaces are best viewed as noncommutative spaces, described by a noncommutative algebra, rather than as mere point spaces A famous class of examples of singular spaces are the spaces of leafs of foliations; such a space is best described by a noncommutative C*-algebra, which, when the foliation is defined as orbits in the manifold M by the action of a Lie group G and has graph M × G, coincides which the (reduced) cross product of the algebra of continuous functions on the manifold by that action The Atiyah - Singer Index Theorem has powerful generalizations, which culminated in the extension of its local form to transversally elliptic pseudodifferential operators on the foliation, in terms of the cyclic cohomology of a Hopf algebra which describes the transverse geometry [CM] There is a maze of examples of singular spaces which acquire this way nice and tractable structures [C] But also discrete spaces often do: Bost and Connes associated to the distribution of prime numbers an intrinsic noncommutative dynamical system with phase transitions [BC] Connes formulated a trace formula whose extension to singular spaces would prove Riemann hypothesis [Co] The geometry of the two point set, viewed as “extradimensions” of Minkowski space, is the basis for the Connes and Lott theory of the standard model, providing an elegant motivation for the form of the action including the Higgs potential [C]; this line has been further VIII Preface developed by Connes into a deep spectral action principle, formulated on Euclidean, compactified spacetime, which unifies the Standard model and the Einstein Hilbert action [C1] Thus Noncommutative Geometry is surprisingly effective in providing the form of the expression for the action But if one turns to the Quantum Theory it has a lot to say also on Renormalization Connes and Moscovici discovered a Hopf algebra associated with the differentiable structure of a manifold, which provides a powerful organizing principle which was crucial to the Transverse Index Theorem; in the case of Minkowski space, it proved to be intimately related with Kreimer’s Hopf algebra associated to Feynman graphs Developing this connection, Connes and Kreimer could cast Renormalization Theory in a mathematically sound and elegant frame, as a Riemann - Hilbert problem [CK] The relations of Noncommutative Geometry to the Algebraic Approach to Quantum Field Theory are still to be explored in depth The first links appeared in supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory: the non polynomial character of the index map on some K groups associated to the local algebras in a free supersymmetric massive theory [C], and the relation to the Chern Character of the Jaffe Lesniewski Osterwalder cyclic cocycle associated to a super Gibbs functional [JLO,C] More generally in the theory of superselection sectors it has long been conjectured that localized endomorphisms with finite statistics ought to be viewed as a highly noncommutative analog of Fredholm operators; the discovery of the relation between statistics and Jones index gave solid grounds to this view While Jones index defines the analytical index of the endomorphism, a geometric dimension can also be introduced, where, in the case of a curved background, the spacetime geometry enters too, and an analog of the Index Theorem holds [Lo] One can expect this is a fertile ground to be further explored Noncommutative spaces appeared also as the underlying manifold of a quantum group in the sense of Woronowicz; noncommutative geometry can be applied to those manifolds too Most recent developments and discoveries can be found in the Lectures by Connes Noncommutative Geometry and Noncommutative Topology merge in the celebrated Baum - Connes conjecture on the K-Theory of the reduced C* algebra of any discrete group While it has been realized in recent years that one cannot extend this conjecture to crossed products (“Baum - Connes with coefficients”), the original conjecture is still standing, a powerful propulsion of research in Index Theory, Discrete Groups, Noncommutative Topology The lectures of Higson and Guentner expound that subject, with a general introduction to K-Theory of C*-algebras, E-theory, and Bott periodicity Aspects of the Baum - Connes conjecture related to exactness are dealt with by Guentner and Kaminker K-Theory, KK-Theory and Connes - Higson E-Theory are unified in a general approach due to Cuntz and Cuntz - Quillen; a comprehensive introduction to these theories and to cyclic cohomology can be found in Cuntz’s lectures Besides the fundamental reference [C] we point out to the reader other references related to this subject [GVF,L,M] Since the theory of Operator Algebras is so intimately related to the subject of these Lecture Notes, we feel it appropriate to bring Preface IX to the reader’s attention the newly completed spectacular treatise on von Neumann Algebras (“noncommutative measure theory”) by Takesaki [T] Of course this volume could not by itself cover the whole subject, but we believe it is a catching invitation to Noncommutative Geometry, in all of its aspects from Prime Numbers to Quantum Gravity, that we hope many readers, mathematicians and physicists, will find stimulating Sergio Doplicher and Roberto Longo References [BC] J.B Bost & A Connes, Hecke Algebras, type III factors and phase transitions with spontaneous symmetry breaking in number theory, Selecta Math 3, 411-457 (1995) [C] A Connes, “Noncommutative Geometry”, Acad Press (1994) [C1] A Connes, Gravity coupled with matter and the foundation of noncommutative geometry, Commun Math Phys 182, 155-176 (1996), and refs [Co] A Connes, Trace formula in noncommutative geometry and the zeros of the Riemann zeta function, Selecta Math (1999), no 1, 29-106 [CK] A Connes, Symetries Galoisiennes et renormalisation, Seminaire Poincar´e Octobre 2002, math.QA/0211199 and refs [CM] A Connes & H Moscovici, Hopf algebras, cyclic cohomology and the transverse index theorem, Commun Math Phys 198, 199-246 (1998), and refs [CR] A Connes & M Rieffel, Yang Mills for noncommutative two tori, in: “Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics”, Contemp Math 62, 237-266 (1987) [DFR] S Doplicher, K Fredenhagen & J.E Roberts, The quantum structure of spacetime at the Planck scale and quantum fields, Commun Math Phys 172, 187-220 (1995) [GVF] J.M Gracia-Bondia, J.C Varilly & H Figueroa: “Elements of Noncommutative Geometry”, Birkhaeuser (2000) [JLO] A Jaffe, A Lesniewski & K Osterwalder, Quantum K-theory I The Chern character, Commun Math Phys 118, 1-14 (1988) [L] G Landi, “An Introduction to Noncommutative Spaces and their Geometries”, Springer, LNP monographs 51 (1997) [Lo] R Longo, Notes for a quantum index theorem, Commun Math Phys 222, 45-96 (2001) [M] J Madore: “An Introduction to Noncommutative Differential Geometry and its Physical Applications”, LMS Lecture Notes (1996) [T] M Takesaki, “Theory of Operator Algebras” vol I, II, III, Springer Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences 124 (2002), 125, 127 (2003) CIME’s activity is supported by: Ministero dell’Universit`a Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica, COFIN ’99; Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Direzione Generale per la Promozione e la Cooperazione - Ufficio V; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; E.U under the Training and Mobility of Researchers Programme; UNESCO-ROSTE, Venice Office 334 J E Roberts need K to be a base for the topology to ensure that we generate the correct theory and the elements of K should have topological and other properties sufficient to ensure duality Other choices could be envisaged and, for consistency, one has to establish that such a change of base or index set does not change the superselection structure We begin by considering what happens if we make K smaller We say that J ⊂ K generates K if, given O ∈ K, we can find Oi ∈ J with O = ∨i Oi We say that a net A is additive if ∨i Oi = O implies ∨i A(Oi ) = A(O) 30.1 Theorem Let J ⊂ K be an inclusion of connected partially ordered sets with a causal disjointness relation ⊥ Let A be a net of von Neumann algebras over K Let AJ be the net over J with reference representation obtained by restricting A and its reference representation, then if A and AJ generate the same von Neumann algebra in the reference representation, restricting representations from K to J and acting identically on intertwiners defines a faithful functor from Rep⊥ A to Rep⊥ AJ If A is additive and J generates K, then this functor is an equivalence ˜ When J generates K and A is additive, then ⊥–duality or ⊥–duality imply ⊥– ˜ duality or ⊥–duality for AJ Looked at from the point of view of cohomology, the above functor corresponds to restricting cocycles But in this context we have the following more interesting result 30.2 Theorem Let J ⊂ K be an inclusion of connected partially ordered sets with a causal disjointness relation ⊥ such that given O1 ∈ K there is a O2 ∈ J with ˆ O1 ⊥ O2 Let A be a net of von Neumann algebras over K satisfying ⊥–duality Let AJ be the net over J with reference representation obtained by restricting A and its reference representation, then if A and AJ generate the same von Neumann ˜ algebra in the reference representation and AJ satisfies ⊥–duality, restricting from Σ∗ (K) to Σ∗ (J ) defines a full and faithful tensor functor Zt1 (A) → Zt1 (AJ ) If J generates K then we even get an equivalence Proof We obviously get a faithful functor in this way It is full since K is connected In fact, given objects z, z of Zt1 (A), and an arrow t in Z (AJ ) between their images, we pick a base point a0 in Σ0 (J ) and for each a ∈ Σ0 (K) a path pa with ∂0 pa = a and ∂1 pa = a0 We then set sa := z (pa )ta0 z(pa )∗ , and verify that s∂0 b z(b) = z (b)s∂1 b , b ∈ Σ1 (K) and sa = ta for a ∈ Σ0 (J ) using the cocycle property for z and z and the connectivity of J The functor will therefore be full if we can show that sa ∈ A(a) However this follows from Lemma 27.3 We have a tensor functor since the field of localized endomorphisms associated with the image of z is just the restriction of y We now consider what happens when we extend K This is frequently done in Minkowski space in that in algebraic quantum field theory one considers not just double cones but other regions, such as wedges, light cones and spacelike cones, and More Lectures on Algebraic Quantum Field Theory 335 their associated von Neumann algebras These von Neumann algebras are defined to be generated by the smaller double cones, in accordance with the philosophy that the relevant physical information is already contained in the net of observables over K In the context of the present formalism, where K is a partially ordered set, we use the notion of a sieve S, see Sec 23, rather than a region, and consider the set ˜ of sieves S of K such that neither S nor S ⊥ are the empty set, ordered under K ˜ is defined by S ⊥ S if and only if S ⊂ S ⊥ K inclusion The binary relation on K ˜ is considered as a subset of K by identifying O with the sieve it generates Note that ˜ S ⊥ denotes an element of K ˜ rather than a subset, the subset when working with K, will be denoted ˜ : S ⊥ S} (S)⊥ := {S ∈ K ˜ = ⊥ ˆ In fact if S1 ⊥S ˜ then [S1 ∪ S2 ]⊥ = S ⊥ ∩ S ⊥ = ∅ so that ˜ we have ⊥ On K ˆ S1 ⊥S ˜ by defining, for each sieve We get an extension of our net over K to a net over K S, A(S) to be the von Neumann algebra generated in the defining representation by the A(O) with O ∈ S We now show that a representation π of A satisfying the selection criterion has a natural extension to a representation of the net S → A(S) We pick for each a ∈ Σ0 a unitary Va such that and then define πO (A) = Va∗ AVa , A ∈ A(O), O ∈ a⊥ , πS (A) := Va∗ AVa , A ∈ A(S), a ∈ S ⊥ Note that this expression is well defined being independent of the choice of a ∈ S ⊥ since, if a ∈ S ⊥ , then Va Va∗ ∈ ∩O∈S A(O) = A(S) In the same way, we see that πS is independent of the choice of a → Va Note, too that we get a representation of the extended net in that if S1 ⊂ S2 then πS1 is the restriction of πS2 to A(S1 ) The extended representation obviously satisfies the selection criterion from the way it has been constructed Obviously, an intertwiner ˜ so that effectively Rep⊥ A remains T ∈ (π, π ) over K remains an intertwiner over K unchanged when we extend the net Nevertheless, the results obtained so far not all apply to the extended net At ˜ connected, so that we have no problems on that score least K connected implies K However, even if the original net satisfies duality, we cannot expect the extended net to satisfy duality Let us compute the dual of the extended net Ad (S) = ∩S1 ⊥S A(S1 ) = ∩S1 ⊥S ∩O∈S1 A(O) = ∩O⊥S A(O) = A(S ⊥ ) Thus duality for S takes the very simple form A(S) = A(S ⊥ ) and implies duality for S ⊥ and A(S) = A(S ⊥⊥ ) Furthermore, restricting the extended dual net to K gives us the original dual net 336 J E Roberts ˜ ˜ We get similar results for ⊥–duality In fact defining for S ∈ K, ˜ ˜ S ⊥ := {O ∈ K : O⊥S}, ˜ the analogous computation shows that ⊥–duality for S is expressed by A(S) = ˜ ˜ ⊥ ⊥ ˜ ˜ A(S ) and thus implies ⊥–duality for S Furthermore, if ⊥–duality holds for O ˜ in the original net, it holds for O in the extended net As we need ⊥–duality for ˜ superselection theory, we suppose in what follows that ⊥–duality holds for each O ∈ K and that given O ∈ K there are O1 , O2 ⊂ O with O1 ⊥ O2 Define L to ˜ ˜ for which ⊥–duality be the partially ordered set of sieves in K holds, ordered under ˜ However, it is inclusion Since K ⊂ L , L is obviously connected and coinitial in K ˜ ˜ ⊥ ˜ ˜ also cofinal since if S ∈ K there is an O ∈ K with O⊥S so O ⊃ S and O⊥ ∈ L ˜ ˆ ˜ Thus if we use the relation ⊥ induced from K, we shall continue to have ⊥ = ⊥ on L On the other hand, there will be less chance that all the restriction mappings L S1 → L S2 , S2 ⊂ S1 , are cofinal However, this condition is, presumably, of little practical importance In particular, it does not hold if K is the set of regular diamonds in a globally hyperbolic spacetime with compact Cauchy surface We now consider the net AL over L obtained by restricting the extended net For clarity, the original net will be denoted by AK The reference representation for AL is just the restriction of that of the extended net ˜ Furthermore, ⊥-duality holds for the net AL In fact since each A(S) is generated by the A(O) with O ∈ S, and O ∈ L, the duality that holds for S ∈ L in the extended ˜ =⊥ ˆ on L, ⊥–duality ˆ holds for AL , too net is not lost in passing to AL Since ⊥ However, as regards the important hypothesis of local duality, the situation is less favourable If local duality holds for AK , then a fortiori duality will continue to hold for nets of the form (AL )O with O ∈ K; it might well fail to hold for nets of the form (AL )S with S ∈ L Restricting from L to K takes us from AL to AK and induces an isomorphism of W ∗ –categories Rep⊥ AL →Rep⊥ AK It similarly induces an equivalence of tensor W ∗ –categories Zt1 (AL ) → Zt1 (AK ) and indeed of tensor W ∗ –categories Zt1 (T L ) → Zt1 (T K ) Thus, as one could anticipate, the superselection structure does not change when passing from AK to AL Recalling Theorem 30.2, we now have the following result 30.3 Proposition Let K ⊂ M ⊂ L be inclusions of partially ordered sets with a relation ⊥ of causal disjointness, K and L as above, then restriction induces equivalences, Zt1 (AL ) → Zt1 (AM ) → Zt1 (AK ), of tensor W ∗ –categories Here is an application of this result Let K denote the set of double cones in Minkowski space and M the set of regular diamonds, each ordered under inclusion and with the usual relation of causal disjointness Then K ⊂ M and K is both coinitial and cofinal If we identify, in an obvious way, a regular diamond with the ˜ If the net AM sieve in K that it generates, then we have an inclusion M ⊂ K More Lectures on Algebraic Quantum Field Theory 337 ˆ satisfies ⊥–duality and additivity then in fact M ⊂ L and AM is just the net induced K from A by extending to sieves We are now in the situation of Proposition 30.3 and deduce that we get the same sector structure whether we use double cones or regular diamonds Returning to the basic difficulty, the existence of a left inverse, I will explain how it should be possible to overcome it, although I have not even begun the task of verifying the hypotheses for a class of models in curved spacetime We first consider a spacetime with non–compact Cauchy surfaces Let H be such a Cauchy surface and KH ⊂ K the set of regular diamonds based on H with the induced causal disjointness relation Let AH be the net over KH with reference representation obtained by restricting A and its reference representation Our formalism is sufficiently flexible to be applied without difficulty to the net AH Furthermore, since H is not compact, KH has an asymptotically causally disjoint net and once AH satisfies duality in the reference representation all the standard results of the theory of superselection sectors apply Proving duality for AH in a model or class of models should be no more difficult than proving duality for A In fact, I know of no proof of duality which does not implicitly proceed by proving duality for AH for some class of Cauchy surfaces H We expect that, H being a Cauchy surface, all the relevant physical information pertinent to A is already contained in AH The details that still have to be filled in concern the relationship between A and AH with the aim of relating their sector structures as in Theorem 30.2 In view of causal propagation, we can expect this relationship to be close First of all, A and AH should generate the same von Neumann algebra R in the reference representation This is true when KH is cofinal in K, but also if A is additive and any sufficiently small regular diamond is contained in a regular diamond based on H Note, too that if we foliate our spacetime into Cauchy surfaces Ht such that KHt covers Ht+ε for |ε| sufficiently small, then in the case of additive nets the von Neumann algebra generated by AHt is independent of t Note that the use of Lemma 27.3 in Theorem 30.2 requires O⊥ ∩ KH = ∅ However the causal set of the closure of O intersects H in a compact subset so a regular diamond based on a set in the complement of that compact set will be in this intersection This is encouraging because it means that one can analyze the statistics of a object z of Zt1 (A) by examining the statistics of its image in Zt1 (AH ) Admittedly, spacetimes with non–compact Cauchy surfaces present little problems because K has an asymptotically causally disjoint net, and is directed in practice Turning to the case of a globally hyperbolic spacetime with compact Cauchy surface, we pick such a surface H and a point x ∈ H and let KH x ⊂ K denote the set of regular diamonds based on H, the closure of whose bases does not contain x We let AH x denote the net over KH x with reference representation obtained by restricting A and its representation We expect that puncturing the Cauchy surface has no effect on the validity of duality since we expect cf [83], [79] that ∩x∈O A(O) = C · I, 338 J E Roberts at least for additive nets For the same reason, A and AH x should generate the same ˆ von Neumann algebra R in their reference representations and ⊥–duality should continue to hold for AH x Having removed a point from H, KH x obviously has an asymptotically causally disjoint net that can be used to define left inverses We have therefore outlined how to obtain a left inverse that can be used to classify the statistics However, there remains one other weak point in the original scheme We have made use of the postulate of local duality in Sec 28 to show the existence of a braiding or a symmetry ε Whilst local duality is a plausible property with obvious affinities to duality for a theory over O considered as a spacetime with the induced metric, it is likely to prove hard, if not impossible, to verify Passing to a Cauchy surface helps here too Not only should it be possible to check local duality on a Cauchy surface but, as I indicate below, a substitute for Lemma 28.1 can be found, rendering local duality superfluous We rely on Lemma 2.1 of [50] or rather on a simpler situation also covered by the proof in [80] 30.4 Lemma Let H be a Cauchy surface, O ∈ KH then a) Given a neighbourhood of the base of O in H, there is a regular diamond with base in that neighbourhood containing the closure of O b) Given x ∈ H causally disjoint from O, there is an O1 ∈ KH with O∪{x} ⊂ O1 ˜ 30.5 Lemma Let H be a Cauchy surface and AH an additive net satisfying ⊥– duality, then for each O1 ⊂ O2 in KH , the restriction functor from Tt (O1 ) to Tt (O2 ) is an equivalence of tensor W ∗ –categories ˜ ˆ and ⊥–duality coincide Let ρ1 and σ1 be obProof As AH is additive, ⊥–duality jects of Tt (O1 ) and T ∈ (ρ1 , σ1 ) in Tt (O2 ) Choose O3 ∈ KH containing the closure of the base of O2 as in Lemma 30.4a Then if O ⊥ O1 and O ⊂ O3 then T A = T ρ1 (A) = σ1 (A)T = AT, A ∈ AH (O) ˆ But such O cover the complement of the The same computation is valid if O⊥O closure of the base of O1 Hence T ∈ AH (O1 ) as required Since such O together with O3 cover the base of any O4 ∈ KH ⊃ O1 , additivity shows that T ∈ (ρ1 , σ1 ) in Tt (O1 ) so our faithful functor is full Transportability again ensures that it is an equivalence as in Lemma 28.1 We have seen that the idea of changing K, ⊥ has been put to good use several times in the course of this discussion of sector theory on curved spacetime As we have stressed, it is this structure that enters into algebraic quantum field theory It suggests that the classical notion of a curved spacetime is not the right one for quantum field theory and should be replaced by a suitable class of partially ordered sets with a causal disjointness relation The interpretation of the AdS–CFT correspondence given by Rehren [70], [71] provides an example of a change of index set in that there is a bijection of partially ordered sets with a causal disjointness and which even preserves the action of some More Lectures on Algebraic Quantum Field Theory 339 symmetry group This bijection takes wedge regions in anti–de Sitter space into double cones on conformal Minkowski space In a similar way, Buchholz, Mund and Summers [27] transplant nets of observables from de Sitter space to a large class of Robertson-Walker spacetimes to give examples where the condition of geometric modular action is satisfied The resulting modular symmetry group can be larger than the isometry group of the spacetime References H Araki Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999 H 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60 Minervini Giulio Morsella Gerardo Nekliudova Valentina Okajasu Rui Onn Uri Oyono-Oyono Herve Paolucci Annamaria Perrot Dennis Piacitelli Gherardo Pisante Adriano Posthuma Hessel Przybyszewska Agata Hanna Puschnigg Michael Roberts John Elias (lecturer) Ruzzi Giuseppe Scheck Florian Steger Tim Taylor Keith Teleman Nicolae Thom Andreas Tomassini Luca Valette Alain Varisco Enzo Vasselli Ezio Vaz Ferreira Armeo Voigt Christian Wahl Charlotte Wulkenhaar Raimar Zanoni Alberto Zito Pasquale LIST OF C.I.M.E SEMINARS 1954 Analisi funzionale Quadratura delle superficie e questioni connesse Equazioni differenziali non lineari 1955 C.I.M.E " " " " " " 1957 12 13 14 Teorema di Riemann-Roch e questioni connesse Teoria dei numeri Topologia Teorie non linearizzate in elasticit`a, idrodinamica, aerodinamic Geometria proiettivo-differenziale Equazioni alle derivate parziali a caratteristiche reali Propagazione delle onde elettromagnetiche Teoria della funzioni di pi`u variabili complesse e delle funzioni automorfe Geometria aritmetica e algebrica (2 vol.) Integrali singolari e questioni connesse Teoria della turbolenza (2 vol.) 1958 15 Vedute e problemi attuali in relativit`a generale 16 Problemi di geometria differenziale in grande 17 Il principio di minimo e le sue applicazioni alle equazioni funzionali 18 Induzione e statistica 19 Teoria algebrica dei meccanismi automatici (2 vol.) 20 Gruppi, anelli di Lie e teoria della coomologia " " " 1960 21 Sistemi dinamici e teoremi ergodici 22 Forme differenziali e loro integrali " " 1961 23 Geometria del calcolo delle variazioni (2 vol.) 24 Teoria delle distribuzioni 25 Onde superficiali " " " 1962 26 Topologia differenziale 27 Autovalori e autosoluzioni 28 Magnetofluidodinamica " " " 1963 29 Equazioni differenziali astratte 30 Funzioni e variet`a complesse 31 Propriet`a di media e teoremi di confronto in Fisica Matematica 32 Relativit`a generale 33 Dinamica dei gas rarefatti 34 Alcune questioni di analisi numerica 35 Equazioni differenziali non lineari 36 Non-linear continuum theories 37 Some aspects of ring theory 38 Mathematical optimization in economics " " " 1956 1959 1964 1965 10 11 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 346 LIST OF C.I.M.E SEMINARS 1966 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1967 Calculus of variations Economia matematica Classi caratteristiche e questioni connesse Some aspects of diffusion theory Modern questions of celestial mechanics Numerical analysis of partial differential equations Geometry of homogeneous bounded domains Ed Cremonese, Firenze " " " " " " 1968 46 Controllability and observability 47 Pseudo-differential operators 48 Aspects of mathematical logic " " " 1969 49 Potential theory 50 Non-linear continuum theories in mechanics and physics and their applications 51 Questions of algebraic varieties 52 Relativistic fluid dynamics 53 Theory of group representations and Fourier analysis 54 Functional equations and inequalities 55 Problems in non-linear analysis 56 Stereodynamics 57 Constructive aspects of functional analysis (2 vol.) 58 Categories and commutative algebra " " 1972 59 Non-linear mechanics 60 Finite geometric structures and their applications 61 Geometric measure theory and minimal surfaces " " " 1973 62 Complex analysis 63 New variational techniques in mathematical physics 64 Spectral analysis " " " 1974 65 Stability problems 66 Singularities of analytic spaces 67 Eigenvalues of non linear problems " " " 1975 68 Theoretical computer sciences 69 Model theory and applications 70 Differential operators and manifolds " " " 1976 71 Statistical Mechanics 72 Hyperbolicity 73 Differential topology 1977 74 Materials with memory 75 Pseudodifferential operators with applications 76 Algebraic surfaces 1978 77 Stochastic differential equations 78 Dynamical systems 1979 79 Recursion theory and computational complexity 80 Mathematics of biology " " 1980 81 Wave propagation 82 Harmonic analysis and group representations 83 Matroid theory and its applications " " " 1970 1971 " " " " " " " " Ed Liguori, Napoli " " " " " Ed Liguori, Napoli&Birkhăauser " LIST OF C.I.M.E SEMINARS 347 1981 84 Kinetic Theories and the Boltzmann Equation 85 Algebraic Threefolds 86 Nonlinear Filtering and Stochastic Control (LNM 1048) (LNM 947) (LNM 972) Springer-Verlag " " 1982 87 Invariant Theory 88 Thermodynamics and Constitutive Equations 89 Fluid Dynamics (LNM 996) (LN Physics 228) (LNM 1047) " " " 1983 90 Complete Intersections 91 Bifurcation Theory and Applications 92 Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics (LNM 1092) (LNM 1057) (LNM 1127) " " " 1984 93 Harmonic Mappings and Minimal Immersions 94 Schrăodinger Operators 95 Buildings and the Geometry of Diagrams (LNM 1161) (LNM 1159) (LNM 1181) " " " 1985 96 Probability and Analysis 97 Some Problems in Nonlinear Diffusion 98 Theory of Moduli (LNM 1206) (LNM 1224) (LNM 1337) " " " 1986 99 Inverse Problems 100 Mathematical Economics 101 Combinatorial Optimization (LNM 1225) (LNM 1330) (LNM 1403) " " " 1987 102 Relativistic Fluid Dynamics 103 Topics in Calculus of Variations (LNM 1385) (LNM 1365) " " 1988 104 Logic and Computer Science 105 Global Geometry and Mathematical Physics (LNM 1429) (LNM 1451) " " 1989 106 Methods of nonconvex analysis 107 Microlocal Analysis and Applications (LNM 1446) (LNM 1495) " " 1990 108 Geometric Topology: Recent Developments 109 H∞ Control Theory 110 Mathematical Modelling of Industrial Processes (LNM 1504) (LNM 1496) (LNM 1521) " " " 1991 111 Topological Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (LNM 1537) 112 Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry (LNM 1553) 113 Transition to Chaos in Classical and Quantum Mechanics (LNM 1589) " " " 1992 114 Dirichlet Forms 115 D-Modules, Representation Theory, and Quantum Groups 116 Nonequilibrium Problems in Many-Particle Systems 117 Integrable Systems and Quantum Groups 118 Algebraic Cycles and Hodge Theory 119 Phase Transitions and Hysteresis (LNM 1563) (LNM 1565) " " (LNM 1551) (LNM 1620) (LNM 1594) (LNM 1584) " " " " 120 Recent Mathematical Methods in Nonlinear Wave Propagation 121 Dynamical Systems 122 Transcendental Methods in Algebraic Geometry 123 Probabilistic Models for Nonlinear PDE’s 124 Viscosity Solutions and Applications 125 Vector Bundles on Curves New Directions (LNM 1640) " (LNM 1609) (LNM 1646) (LNM 1627) (LNM 1660) (LNM 1649) " " " " " 1993 1994 1995 348 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 LIST OF C.I.M.E SEMINARS 126 Integral Geometry, Radon Transforms and Complex Analysis 127 Calculus of Variations and Geometric Evolution Problems 128 Financial Mathematics 129 Mathematics Inspired by Biology 130 Advanced Numerical Approximation of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations 131 Arithmetic Theory of Elliptic Curves 132 Quantum Cohomology 133 Optimal Shape Design 134 Dynamical Systems and Small Divisors 135 Mathematical Problems in Semiconductor Physics 136 Stochastic PDE’s and Kolmogorov Equations in Infinite Dimension 137 Filtration in Porous Media and Industrial Applications 138 Computational Mathematics driven by Industrial Applications 139 Iwahori-Hecke Algebras and Representation Theory 140 Theory and Applications of Hamiltonian Dynamics 141 Global Theory of Minimal Surfaces in Flat Spaces 142 Direct and Inverse Methods in Solving Nonlinear Evolution Equations 143 Dynamical Systems 144 Diophantine Approximation 145 Mathematical Aspects of Evolving Interfaces 146 Mathematical Methods for Protein Structure 147 Noncommutative Geometry 148 Topological Fluid Mechanics 149 Spatial Stochastic Processes 150 Optimal Transportation and Applications 151 Multiscale Problems and Methods in Numerical Simulations 152 Real Methods in Complex and CR Geometry 153 Analytic Number Theory 154 Imaging 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 to appear to appear to appear to appear announced announced announced Stochastic Methods in Finance Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws Symplectic 4-Manifolds and Algebraic Surfaces Mathematical Foundation of Turbulent Viscous Flows Representation Theory and Complex Analysis Nonlinear and Optimal Control Theory Stochastic Geometry (LNM 1684) Springer-Verlag (LNM 1713) " (LNM 1656) (LNM 1714) (LNM 1697) " " " (LNM 1716) (LNM 1776) (LNM 1740) (LNM 1784) (LNM 1823) (LNM 1715) " " " " " " (LNM 1734) (LNM 1739) " " (LNM 1804) to appear (LNM 1775) (LNP 632) " " " " (LNM 1822) (LNM 1819) (LNM 1812) (LNCS 2666) (LNM 1831) to appear (LNM 1802) (LNM 1813) (LNM 1825) " " " " " " " " " to appear to appear to appear " " " Fondazione C.I.M.E Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo International Mathematical Summer Center http://www.math.unifi.it/∼cime cime@math.unifi.it 2004 COURSES LIST Representation Theory and Complex Analysis June 10–17, Venezia Course Directors: Prof Enrico Casadio Tarabusi (Universit`a di Roma “La Sapienza”) Prof Andrea D’Agnolo (Universit`a di Padova) Prof Massimo A Picardello (Universit`a di Roma “Tor Vergata”) Nonlinear and Optimal Control Theory June 21–29, Cetraro (Cosenza) Course Directors: Prof Paolo Nistri (Universit`a di Siena) Prof Gianna Stefani (Universit`a di Firenze) Stochastic Geometry September 13–18, Martina Franca (Taranto) Course Director: Prof W Weil (Univ of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany) ... be an algebra over C Then a cycle over A is given by a cycle (Ω, d, ) and a homomorphism ρ : A → Ω Thus a cycle over an algebra A is a way to embed A as a subalgebra of a differential graded algebra... what really replaces it: for the relation “causally disjoint” is bound to lose meaning; more dramatically, spacetime itself has to look radically different at small scales Here “small” means at... to deal conveniently with the natural restriction to locally normal states, it is also most often natural to let each A( O) be a von Neumann algebra, so that VI Preface A is not norm separable:

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