Chapter 7 Jensen’sInequality 7.1 Jensen’sInequality for Conditional Expectations Lemma 1.23 If ' : IR!IR is convex and IE j'X j 1 ,then IE 'X jG 'IE X jG: For instance, if G = f; g;'x= x 2 : IEX 2 IEX 2 : Proof: Since ' is convex we can express it as follows (See Fig. 7.1): 'x= max h' h is linear hx: Now let hx=ax + b lie below ' . Then, IE 'X jG IE aX + bjG = aIE X jG+b = hIEXjG This implies IE 'X jG max h' h is linear hIE X jG = 'IE X jG: 91 92 ϕ Figure 7.1: Expressing a convex function as a max over linear functions. Theorem 1.24 If fY k g n k=0 is a martingale and is convex then f'Y k g n k=0 is a submartingale. Proof: IE 'Y k+1 jF k 'IE Y k+1 jF k = 'Y k : 7.2 Optimal Exercise of an American Call This follows from Jensen’s inequality. Corollary 2.25 Given a convex function g :0;1!IR where g 0 = 0 . For instance, g x= x,K + is the payoff function for an American call. Assume that r 0 . Consider the American derivative security with payoff g S k in period k . The value of this security is the same as the value of the simple European derivative security with final payoff g S n , i.e., f IE 1 + r ,n g S n = max f IE 1 + r , g S ; where the LHS is the European value and the RHS is the American value. In particular = n is an optimal exercise time. Proof: Because g is convex, for all 2 0; 1 we have (see Fig. 7.2): g x = g x +1,:0 g x+1, :g 0 = g x: CHAPTER 7. Jensen’sInequality 93 ( x, g(x))λλ ( x, g( x))λλ (x,g(x)) x Figure 7.2: Proof of Cor. 2.25 Therefore, g 1 1+r S k+1 1 1+r gS k+1 and f IE h 1 + r ,k+1 g S k+1 jF k i = 1 + r ,k f IE 1 1+r gS k+1 jF k 1 + r ,k f IE g 1 1+ r S k+1 jF k 1 + r ,k g f IE 1 1+ r S k+1 jF k = 1 + r ,k g S k ; So f1 + r ,k g S k g n k=0 is a submartingale. Let be a stopping time satisfying 0 n .The optional sampling theorem implies 1 + r , g S f IE 1 + r ,n g S n jF : Taking expectations, we obtain f IE 1 + r , g S f IE f IE 1 + r ,n g S n jF = f IE 1 + r ,n g S n : Therefore, the value of the American derivative security is max f IE 1 + r , g S f IE 1 + r ,n g S n ; and this last expression is the value of the European derivative security. Of course, the LHS cannot be strictly less than the RHS above, since stopping at time n is always allowed, and we conclude that max f IE 1 + r , g S = f IE 1 + r ,n g S n : 94 S = 4 0 S (H) = 8 S (T) = 2 S (HH) = 16 S (TT) = 1 S (HT) = 4 S (TH) = 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 Figure 7.3: A three period binomial model. 7.3 Stopped Martingales Let fY k g n k=0 be a stochastic process and let be a stopping time. We denote by fY k^ g n k=0 the stopped process Y k^ ! ! ;k=0;1;::: ;n: Example 7.1 (Stopped Process) Figure 7.3 shows our familiar 3-period binomial example. Define ! = 1 if ! 1 = T; 2 if ! 1 = H: Then S 2^ ! ! = 8 : S 2 HH=16 if ! = HH; S 2 HT =4 if ! = HT; S 1 T =2 if ! = TH; S 1 T=2 if ! = TT: Theorem 3.26 A stopped martingale (or submartingale, or supermartingale) is still a martingale (or submartingale, or supermartingale respectively). Proof: Let fY k g n k=0 be a martingale, and be a stopping time. Choose some k 2f0;1;::: ;ng . The set f kg is in F k ,sotheset f k +1g= f kg c is also in F k . We compute IE h Y k+1^ jF k i = IE h I f kg Y + I f k+1g Y k+1 jF k i = I f kg Y + I f k+1g IE Y k+1 jF k = I f kg Y + I f k+1g Y k = Y k^ : CHAPTER 7. Jensen’sInequality 95 96 . Chapter 7 Jensen’s Inequality 7.1 Jensen’s Inequality for Conditional Expectations Lemma 1.23 If '. 'Y k : 7.2 Optimal Exercise of an American Call This follows from Jensen’s inequality. Corollary 2.25 Given a convex function g :0;1!IR where g