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Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards- P12

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Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 178 Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 Index 179 Format Section option, 66–68 Format View, 150 formatting columns, 99–104 Columns, 128–129 Header and Footer section, 53–54 Pages, 130 Pivot Table views. See Pivot Table views report views. See report views Rows, 127 Section object, 66–68 Sections, 129–130 Text object, 78–79 formulas, dashboard prompt column, 145–146 frames iFrames, 169–170 Section object as, 60 Full Visibility setting, 5–6 funnel charts, 125 G Gauge view, 122–125 General Chart Properties button in Chart view, 112–113 in Pivot Chart view, 138 General Properties, 56 Getting Started with Answers window building new filter prompts, 143–144 defined, 23–24 Grand Totals. See adding totals Graph field, 112 “green bar” styling, 126 Gridlines tab in Chart view, 115 in Pivot Chart view, 139 grouping dashboard prompt fields, 144–145 filter groups, 106 Guided Navigation Link object defined, 43 properties and buttons, 82–86 using dashboard, 34 Guided Navigation option, 61–66 H Header and Footer section, 50–54 headings formatting column, 102 formatting column in Pivot Table view, 131 setting table, 111 hiding columns in pivot tables, 132–133 in reports, 102 in Section area, 135 hiding pages, 57 Historical Closed Revenue Quarterly Analysis report, 11 Historical Pipeline Analysis report, 11 Historical Subject Areas setting, 5 Home tab, custom, 165–166 horizontal bar charts, 117–118 I iFrames, 169–170 Image expression, 52 images Link or Image object, 73–77 using dashboard, 34 Index Of option, 135 information access catering to users, 31–32 with dashboards, 31 Insert Field button, 51 inserting charts, 138 interactivity in charts, 115 formatting column, 102 Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 178 Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 Index 179 formatting gauge, 124 physical dashboard implications, 33–34 isLIKE operator, 146–147 J JavaScript, 171 K Key User Information, 5 L labeling Chart views, 113 relabeling dashboard prompt fields, 150 rows, 133 layout formatting gauge, 123 Link or Image object, 75 Lead Followup Analysis report, 22 Lead Source Analysis report, 22 Legend tab, 115 licensing, 2 line bar combo charts, 116, 119 Line Break button, 51 line charts, 119 line markers, 115 Link – In A Separate Window option, 93 Link – Within the Dashboard option, 92–93 Link or Image object defined, 43 properties and buttons, 73–77 links Guided Navigation, 82–86 Print Friendly, 49 Report Links option, 93–95 using dashboard, 34 logarithmic scale for charts, 114 M mailto URLs Guided Navigation Link object, 84 setting link destinations, 74 Manage Analyses section, 24 Manage Custom Reports privilege, 4 Manage Dashboards privilege, 4, 39–41 Manage Personal Reports privilege, 4 management customer relations, 14 Dashboard tab, 38–39 Design Dashboards, 41–43 Manage Dashboards, 39–41 use of Sales Effectiveness Dashboard, 13 Manager Visibility setting, 5–6 Marketing Effectiveness Dashboard, 19–22 Measure Labels object, 128 Measures area defined, 126 formatting columns in, 134–135 MHTML (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension HTML), 95 Microsoft Excel, 94–95 Modify Request option, 96 modifying reports, 98–99 Mooer, Calvin, 29–30 Mooer’s Law, 29–30 multipage dashboards building new filter prompts, 144 configuration, 46–48 multiple Folder objects, 81 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension HTML (MHTML), 95 N naming. See renaming navigation dashboards in custom web tabs, 163–166 Guided Navigation Link object, 43 Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 180 Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 Index 181 navigation (Cont.) paging controls, 110–111 using dashboard, 34 New Dashboard button, 40–41 Number of Accounts Analysis report, 16 Number of Accounts Opportunity Analysis report, 16 Number of Service Request Analysis report, 18–19 O Objects, Dashboard. See Dashboard Objects Open Existing Analysis section, 24 Open Service Request Analysis report, 18 Operations section, 57–58 operator selection, 146–147 opportunity data, 9–11 Opportunity Revenue Analysis report, 11 Opportunity Source Analysis by Close Date report, 22 Opportunity vs. Expected Revenue vs. Closed Revenue report, 8 OR statements, 106 Oracle CRM On Demand about, 2–3 access control, 3–4 Company Profile settings, 5 Customer Dashboard, 14–16 default dashboards, 6 Getting Started with Answers window, 23–25 Marketing Effectiveness Dashboard, 19–22 Overview Dashboard, 6–9 Pipeline Dashboard, 9–11 Sales Effectiveness Dashboard, 11–14 Service Dashboard, 16–19 User Profile settings, 5–6 Order By button, 104 Orientation field, 49 Override Default Data Format check box, 113 Overview Dashboard, 6–9 P padding formatting column, 100–101 formatting Section object, 68 page breaks, 54–56 page controls, 41–42 Page Number expression, 52 Page Selector button, 42 Page Settings section, 49–50 Pages area adding totals and formatting, 130 defined, 126 formatting columns in, 137–138 pages, dashboard. See dashboard pages paging controls, 110–111 Paper Size field, 49 Pareto charts, 119–120 PDF and Print Controls, 48–54 Percent Of options, 134–135 percentage sign (%), 146 personal reports, 91 physical dashboard implications, 33–34 pie charts, 120 Pipeline Dashboard, 9–11 Pipeline Quality Analysis report, 11 Pivot Chart view, 138–139 Pivot Table views adding totals and formatting Columns, 128–129 adding totals and formatting Pages, 130 adding totals and formatting Rows, 127 adding totals and formatting Sections, 129–130 Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 180 Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 Index 181 Content Properties, 130–131 formatting columns, 131–132 formatting columns in Columns, 133–134 formatting columns in Measures, 134–135 formatting columns in Pages, 137–138 formatting columns in Rows, 132–133 formatting columns in Sections, 135–136 overview, 126–127 properties, 127 planning dashboards. See dashboard planning predefined filters, 106–107 predictive validity, 30 prescriptive dashboards, 159 presentation variables creating, 148–149 dashboards as search tools, 157 defined, 107 filter prompt default options, 154–155 Preserve References To Old Name Of This Item check box, 58 previewing charts, 117 Print Rows option, 49–50 Printer Friendly link, 49, 94 printing controls, 48–54 privileges access control, 3–4 custom web applet, 166–169 custom web tab, 163–165 Project Calculator dashboard, 159–160 prompts, filter. See filter prompts properties column, 55 combining Report object, 97 dashboard, 56–58 in Design Dashboard, 41–42 Folder object, 80–81 formatting column, 99–104 Gauge view, 122 Link or Image object, 73–77 Pivot Table view, 127 Report object. See Report object Section object. See Section object Text object, 78–79 Q Quarterly Sales Effectiveness Analysis report, 14 querying SQL results in filter prompt fields, 153–154 R radar charts, 120–121 ranges formatting gauge, 123 markers, 115 Refresh button, 112 Refresh link, 94 relabeling dashboard prompt fields, 150 renaming Dashboard Pages, 57–58 Folder object, 81–82 Guided Navigation Link object, 86 Link or Image object, 77 Report object, 96 Section object, 71–73 Text object, 80 reordering columns in reports, 98–99 dashboard prompt fields, 150 headings, 58 REPLUSER variable, 107–108 report developers, 3–4 Report Links option, 93–95 Report object Delete button, 97 Display Results option, 92–93 Modify Request option, 96 Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 182 Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 Index 183 Report object (Cont.) property combinations, 97 Rename button, 96 Report Links option, 93–95 Show View option, 95–96 report views chart types, 117–122 Chart views, 112–117 funnel charts, 125 Gauge view, 122–125 overview, 108–109 Pivot Chart view, 138–139 Table view, 109–112 Title view, 109 Reporting subject areas, 24 Reporting Subject Areas settings, 5 reports Company Profile settings affecting, 5 deploying dashboards in, 170 designing. See designing reports displaying. See displaying reports SQL table names and subject areas, 152–153 User Profile settings affecting, 5–6 Request button Guided Navigation Link object, 84 Modify Request option, 96 setting link destinations, 74 results displaying, 92–93 showing SQL in filter prompt fields, 150–154 SQL default options, 155–157 revenue in Overview Dashboard, 8 roles access control, 3–4 custom web tab, 163–165 Role-Based Can Read All Records setting, 5 Rows area adding totals and formatting, 127 defined, 126 formatting columns in, 132–133 rows, table, 111 S Sales Effectiveness Dashboard, 11–14 Saved Content adding reports to dashboard, 90–91 in Dashboard Editor, 43 Saved Name expression, 51 scaling gauges, 123–124 pivot charts, 138 scaling charts, 114–115 scatter charts, 121 Scope field, 144 search tools with dashboards, 157–158 JavaScript, 171 Section object Arrange Horizontally option, 69–70 Collapsible option, 70–71 defined, 43 Delete button, 71–73 Drill in Place option, 68–69 Format Section, 66–68 Guided Navigation, 61–66 Rename button, 71–73 Sections area adding totals and formatting, 129–130 defined, 126 formatting columns in, 135–136 security. See also access control, 64–66 SELECT statement, 151 self-referencing Guided Navigation, 64 Server Variable option, 155–157 Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 182 Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 Index 183 Service Dashboard, 16–19 session variables, 107–108 Shared Content, 90 Show Data As option, 134 show settings SQL results in filter prompt fields, 150–154 values in dashboard prompt fields, 147–148 Show View option, 95–96 sizing Chart views, 113 columns, 100–101 formatting Section object, 68 funnel charts, 125 gauges, 123, 124 scatter chart, 121 sorting columns in Pivot Table view, 132 in reports, 104 in Table view, 111 Source Request report access control, 64–66 Guided Navigation, 61–63 Guided Navigation Link object, 82–84 SQL (Structured Query Language) filter prompt default options, 155–157 results in filter prompt fields, 150–154 step charts, 121–122 Structured Query Language (SQL) filter prompt default options, 155–157 results in filter prompt fields, 150–154 styles Chart views, 112 column properties, 99–101 editing “green bar” styling in pivot tables, 126 formatting header and footer, 53 subject areas building new filter prompts, 143 defined, 24 in Getting Started with Answers window, 24–25 SQL table names and, 151–154 subtitles, 109 T Table view, 109–112 tables, pivot. See Pivot Table views tables, SQL names, 151–153 tabs Column format, 101–102 Conditional Format, 103–104, 139 creating custom web, 163–166 Dashboard. See Dashboard tab Data Format, 102 Gridlines, 115, 139 Interaction, 115, 124 Legend, 115 Style, 99–101 tags iFrame, 169 text formatting, 78–79 target selection Guided Navigation Link object, 85 for links, 74–75 target values in funnel charts, 125 Team Average Sales Cycle Analysis report, 13 Team Service Analysis report, 18 Team Visibility setting, 5–6 Team Win Rate Analysis report, 13 text editing in charts, 114 formatting header and footer, 53–54 links, 74 Text object defined, 43 properties and buttons, 77–80 Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 184 Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards Oracle-Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 Tick Marks & Scale Type section, 114 Time expression, 51–52 titles formatting gauge, 123 Title view, 109 Top 10 Customers report, 9, 16 Top 10 Opportunities report, 9 Top Performers List report, 14 Total By button, 110 totals, adding. See adding totals .txt download option, 95 Type field, 112 U URLs adding images, 75 finding and embedding dashboards, 163 Guided Navigation Link object, 84 setting link destinations, 74 User Profile settings, 5–6 User Security Information section, 5 users access to Dashboard tab, 162 multipage dashboard, 47–48 planning dashboards for, 35 using dashboards to cater information to, 31–32 V validity, 29–30 values iFrame, 169 setting default in dashboard prompts, 148 showing in dashboard prompt fields, 147–148 variables creating presentation, 148–149 filter, 107–108 filter prompt default options, 154–155 vertical bar charts, 118 views Format View, 150 Pivot Table. See Pivot Table views report. See report views Show View option, 95–96 visibility settings. See also views Company Profile, 5 User Profile, 5–6 W web applets, 166–170 web tabs, custom, 163–166 “what if” analyses, 159–160 . Oracle- Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 178 Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards Oracle- Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand. Oracle- Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards / Michael D. Lairson / 174 534-3 178 Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards Oracle- Regular / Oracle CRM On Demand

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2013, 01:15

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