THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF Country Living AN O L D F A S H I O N E D U P D A T E D N I N T H R E C I P E E D I T I O N B O O K THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF Country Living AN O L D F A S H I O N E D U P D A T E D N I N T H R E C I P E B O O K E D I T I O N by Curia Emery I L L U S T R A T E D BY C I N D Y D A V I S A N D D A V I D B E R G E R \&0OK0 ã^yt^ Copyright â1994, 2003 by Caria Emery Updated ninth edition Illustrations on pages 10,17, 26, 57, 65, 72, 73, 76, 77, 81, 90, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 125, 133,134, 135, 145, 151,155, 158, 162, 181, 243, 244, 416, 417, 425, 428, 430, 447, 451, 543, 549, 554, 574, 580, 595, 609, 610, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 626, 633, 634, 639, 641, 643, 671, 674, 679, 681, 689, 692, 693, 722, 769, 785, 787, 791, 793, 801, 803, 806, 813, 817, 824 copyright ©1994 by David Berger Illustrations on cover, title page, and chapter opening pages copyright © 1994 by Dave Albers All other illustrations copyright ©1994 by Cindy Davis All rights reserved No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form, or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, without the prior written permission of the publisher First printing of updated ninth edition, 2003 Printed in the United States of America Distributed by Publishers Group West 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 The following authors and publishers have generously given permission to use extended quotations from copyrighted works: From Gardening Under Cover by William Head Copyright 1984, 1989 by Amity Foundation Published by Sasquatch Books Reprinted by permission of the publisher From Winter Harvest Cookbook by Lane Morgan Copyright 1990 by Lane Morgan Published by Sasquatch Books Reprinted by permission of the publisher From Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades by Steve Solomon Copyright 1989 by Steve Solomon Published by Sasquatch Books Reprinted by permission of the publisher From The Complete Guide to Landscape Design, Renovation and Maintenance: A Practical Handbook for the Home Landscape Gardener Copyright by Cass Turnbull Reprinted by permission of the author From "Remove the Toxic Waste Dump from Your Home " by Rodney L Merrill as published in Backwoods Home Magazine (January/February 1991) Copyright by Rodney L Merrill Reprinted by permission of the author From "Bury Your Own Dead" by Carl Watner as published in Backwoods Home Magazine (May/June 1992) Copyright by Carl Watner Reprinted by permission of the author Cover design: Karen Schober Interior design: Lynne Faulk Design Composition: Valerie Brewster, Lynne Faulk, Magrit Baurecht, pdbd Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data The encyclopedia of country living : an old fashioned recipe book / by Carla Emery : illustrated by Cindy Davis and David Berger.— updated 9th ed p cm Includes index ISBN 1-57061-377-X Home economics—Handbooks, manuals, etc I Title TX158.E45 2003 2002191140 640—dc21 Published by Sasquatch Books 119 South Main Street, Suite 400 Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 467-4300 www sasquatchbooks com To contact the author: Carla Emery RO Box 133 San Simon, AZ 85632 520-678-2271 Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vi WHAT THIS BOOK IS W H O THIS BOOK IS FOR vm ABOUT THE TIME TRAVELING IN THIS BOOK vm ODDMENTS I INTRODUCTION TO PLANTS GRASSES, GRAINS & C A N E S 127 GARDEN VEGETABLES 233 HERBS & FLAVORINGS 361 T R E E , V I N E , B U S H & BRAMBLE 415 FOOD PRESERVATION 489 INTRODUCTION TO ANIMALS 549 POULTRY 631 10 GOATS, C O W S & HOME DAIRYING 721 11 B E E , RABBIT, SHEEP & P I G 789 CHRONOLOGY OF THIS BOOK 865 VARIOUS EDITIONS DESCRIBED 870 W O R L D RECORDS THIS BOOK MAY HAVE SET 870 59 YOUR ACHIEVEMENT CHECKLIST 871 A FINAL EXAM FOR YOU 871 INDEX 873 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Here are some poems readers have shared with me A dear lad named Maude Dougharty sent thefirstone to me back when I So many people have helped me during the years I've been work- wasfirstpublishing this book, and it's appeared in every editio ing on this book, I can't begin to list everyone here Please forgivesince The second poem was sent to me in January 1994 by Juli me if you should be named and you aren't Ryan of Connecticut I love it! Thank you, God Thank you, all of my original subscribers You bought into a dream, not knowing it was then just a dream and not yet a book Thank you, everyone who worked so hard in those early days to help me make that dream a reality All of you—and everyone who ever bought a book from me—made it possible for me to keep writing new, improved editions And thank you, all of my contributors The larger and more complete this book has become, the more I have depended on those more knowledgeable and experienced than I in particular areas You'll find their names in this book— people who contributed a recipe, a piece of advice, or an anecdote, as well as those who provided whole sections of information on specific topics Those people are sharing firsthand knowledge gleaned from y ears of experience; without them, this book never could have happened VI MAMA'S MAMA Mama's Mama, on a winter's day, Milked the cows and fed them hay, Slopped the hogs, saddled the mule, And got the children off to school Did a washing, mopped the floors, Washed the windows and did some chores Cooked a dish of home-dried fruit, Pressed her husband's Sunday suit, Swept the parlor, made the bed, Baked a dozen loaves of bread Split some wood and lugged it in, Enough tofillthe kitchen bin, Cleaned the lamps and put in oil, Stewed some apples she thought might spoil, Churned the butter, baked a cake, Then exclaimed: "For Mercy's sake, The calves have got out of the pen!" Went out and chased them in again, Gathered the eggs and locked the stable, Returned to the house and set the table, Cooked a supper that was delicious, And afterwards washed all the dishes, Fed the cat, sprinkled the clothes, Mended a basket full of hose, Then opened the organ and began to play, "When You Come to the End of a Perfect Day." —Anna Rees Henton Age 85,1953 I'm also grateful to the people in the publishing and book trade world who helped make this ninth edition a reality I'm grateful to Patty Merrill, from Powell's Books for Cooks in Portland, for bringing my book to the attention of Sasquatch My thanks to Chad Haight, Sasquatch Books publisher, for making the offer; to editor Anne Depuefor wise advice gently given and for always being there; to food and garden writer Lane Morgan for her expert review and suggestions; and to Pom Milbergfor updating and verifying the accuracy of my mail-order entries and for advising me on the section headings in each chapter I'm grateful to Cindy Davis for letting me reuse her classic set of illustrations; to David Berger and Dave Albersfor creating additional ones; to the design and composition team ofLynne O U T IN THE FIELDS WITH GOD Faulk, Magrit Baurecht, and Valerie Brewster for giving the The little cares that fretted me, book a whole new look; to Joan Gregory and Nancy Deahl I lost them yesterday, for helping pull the design, illustration, and production Among thefields,above the sea, stages together And I'm grateful to the copy editors and Among the winds at play; proofreaders—Sherri Schultz, Kim Carlson, Marianne Among the lowing of the herds, Moon, Julie Hoffman, and others—for their expert attenThe rustling of the trees, tion and for making sure that I won't keep my world record Among the singing of the birds, for typos and goofs! The humming of the bees The foolish fears of what may happen, Finally, my apologies to all the people who sent me information I cast them all away and recipes that I couldn't individually give them credit for, Among the clover-scented grass, or that I wasn't able to include (we had to drop 60,000 words to make every thingfit).Maybe we can put them in Among the new-mown hay the next edition! Among the rustling of the corn, Where drowsy poppies nod, —Carla Emery Where ill thoughts die and good are born— Out in thefieldswith God —Author Unknown Attributed to Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Imogen Guiney W H A T T H I S BOOK IS This book has been written—and rewritten—over a span of 32 years Like a geological deposit, it has layers The first layer was the ambitious 12-page table of contents I started compiling back in 1969 That's when I first got to thinking about this book I wanted to put into one work everything someone would want or need to know about family food production I wanted it to be a complete reference, an encyclopedia of information and skills, a practical resource anyone could use The "back to the land" movement had started happening then—a tremendous out-migration from cities to country I was living in a tiny town in northern Idaho, and the newcomers were everywhere, full of urgent questions about growing plants and raising animals So the next layer of the book got written as I tried to answer their questions, encourage them in the hard moments, and help them adapt to the harsh realities of country living I was struggling to create for them an affordable, single-volume reference work on raising and preparing food—every kind of food, every step of the way—from planting a seed in the garden or mating animals to preparing a meal I was also trying to preserve the precious knowledge of an older generation of homesteaders—knowledge that was rapidly disappearing as that generation passed on It seemed that traditional, "old-time" technologies were being cast aside as people flocked to petroleum-based technologies and centralized supply systems I wanted to help record and preserve the traditional methods They offer a workable alternative to petroleum-dependent technologies, and as we continue to deplete the earth's oil deposits, the old, self-sufficient methods will become more and more important to know Mrs Harless and Imogene Kepford were among the first old-timers I talked to I visited their homes—where they always made me feel welcome—and listened to them, enjoying their blunt, charming, pioneer language Their amazing knowledge about every aspect of home food production humbled me I began trying out what they told me—and writing it down Then I'd return to their homes to ask more questions, and I'd write those answers down too When Mrs Harless died unexpectedly about a year after I met her, I felt as though I'd lost a mother And I realized how much harder and faster I needed to work on my project Today, a general ignorance about food production— as well as the lack of land on which to grow plants or raise animals—makes most people captive consumers Unlike their great-grandparents, the urbanized members of today's society are almost totally dependent on other people to produce their food, clothing, and shelter—and they're subject to the market prices for those essential commodities Many people spend their lives a paycheck away from hunger or homelessness—because they must pay other people to supply their most basic needs I love education and books because they empower people That's what this book is all about: providing you with the information you need to things on your own, instead of paying someone else to them for you Another layer of this book comes from the many people who have contributed to it I've been helped by an army of persons who have shared recipes, advice, and information gained from years of experience And every time I finished another edition of this book, people wrote to me with corrections, or with more information, or with important questions I hadn't answered The book grew and improved edition after edition, prodded by those interactions with readers So this isn't only "Carla's Book." Often I just had the humble task of stitching together information from other people, guided by the knowledge and experience I have It took me four years to complete the first edition of this book During that time, I was a lonely rural housewife, grateful for my pen pals from all over the country—wonderful people who read early parts of the book and shared with me recipes, advice, and encouragement As I continued writing the book, I kept thinking about those faraway but precious friends, and I began including personal thoughts and memories in my book, sharing with my readers stories about myself, my past, my life Thus, another layer emerged For this updated ninth edition, I added several more layers I described mushroom cultivation and aquaculture, and updated the book to give advice on problems such as killer bees, global warming, and pesticide contamination in food Because the international swapping of seeds has made a multitude of non-native, exotic plants available, I added extensive instructions for growing and cooking those plants This information is useful to city folks as well, now that so many "new" fruits, vegetables, and herbs are appearing in supermarkets I also added websites and e-mail addresses for over 1,500 mail-order sources In fact, as this book has evolved, I've thought of more and more ways it could be useful to city- as well as country-dwelling people I've begun to think of it as—and have strived to build it into—a basic kitchen reference work, so packed with reliable, practical information that any family, urban or rural, would want to own it Is that the final layer? If the last 32 years are any indication, probably not! W H O T H I S BOOK IS F O R This book is written for everyone I kid you not It's interesting reading, a valuable reference, and a useful source of recipes and how-to-do-it information If you're in the suburbs with space enough for a little garden, you'll find it even more useful If you dream of someday living on enough land for a garden and maybe a few animals, it's a great wish book and guide to that transition If you live out of town where you can have a big garden and livestock, you'll get even more use out of this book Even if you already know a lot about growing food, I've tried to make the book a resource that will help you learn even more, or point you to other places where you can network and get more information But I want city-dwelling readers to know they're just as important to me as the country folks, and I've tried hard with this ninth edition to address urban needs too I think there can be a satisfaction in doing your own thing, in learning new skills, in producing from scratch I also think the ability to act independently is personally empowering and can be a survival factor in crisis I'd like to make clear, however, that I don't expect you to everything in this book It would take 200 hours a day—or more—to it all! I did most of it at one time or another and wrote about whatever I was doing while it was fresh in my mind It may sound as if I was doing it all at the same time, but that's not true I also don't want you to think I'm preaching about "from-scratch" procedures as though they're the only righteous way You can cut down a tree using a cross-cut saw or a chain saw Some people get great satisfaction from working with a cross-cut saw, sharing the task with a neighbor on the other end of the saw Other people, with family to keep warm and little time for other things, need the expediency of a chain saw Modern methods can save you time I've learned to use a computer It sure beats having to retype a whole page just to change a few sentences Every person has to strike a balance between doing for themselves and letting themselves be done for It's not weak to compromise; it's absolutely necessary A spunky lady, Barb Lasley of Ramah, NM, wrote me, "Having been reared on a farm in southwest Wisconsin, I now exist as a parody to your book, because my microwave heats the lard to proper soap temperature and my Kenmore dishwasher cleans up after My Oster Kitchen Center grinds my meat and turns out great pasta and bread dough while my washer and dryer are busy doing the laundry I can't imagine living better than we do, with fresh food, homemade soap, clean air, non-chlorinated water, and all the TLC that's necessary to make a house a home If modern conveniences infringe upon those qualities, I fail to see where." Although I've written this collection of food-growing information and along the way lived, loved, and extolled—and also probably idealized—the rural life, I don't want you to feel pushed in that direction unless it is truly right for you Going back to the land is not, for me, a religion It's not the only right or happy way to live And there are lots of country-type skills and food self-sufficiency ideas in this book that you can make use of even in town! There have always been lots of Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders in my family of readers and backto-the-landers I used to get happy letters from Americans who had moved to Mexico to make new homes there I also hear from missionaries all over the world who have moved from "modern" living to the bush and are having to learn from-scratch cooking I've tried hard to make this book something that could be of use to ever more people in ever more places I've added new grains, vegetables, and fruits—many of which are grown more frequently in other countries than in the United States So there are as many styles of "country living" as there are people and places Whatever and wherever yours is, thank you for being my reader You give meaning and joy to my life by being out there on the receiving end of this book, which has been, more or less, my life's work This is sometimes a very personal book, a letter to a friend A B O U T T H E T I M E TRAVELING IN T H I S BOOK The contents have gradually accumulated over 32 years (to date), expanding from all points like an accordion— or a universe I added new things as I learned them, rewrote sections I wasn't satisfied with, and confided new personal events So it enlarged—less regularly than the growth rings on a tree, but more systematically than a scrapbook just gradually gaining pages and mementos That's why you may encounter perhaps jarringly different styles, tones, and contexts I can't change that; you'll just have to bear with me This book is different from most because of its time-jumping You may encounter viii me as a recently married young mother living on acres, or on a larger farm, or even in the city I may be running a School of Country Living, doing media appearances to get out the news about my book for sale—or living very quietly On some pages I'm having babies, surrounded by toddlers; elsewhere I'm middle-aged, divorced, a grandmother I started writing this book around 1969 I'm writing this section in 1994 A few entries are dated, but mostly you'll have to guess when I wrote each passage So buckle your time-traveler's quick-switch seat belt, and away we go! Y O U R ACHIEVEMENT CHECKLIST 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Grind a handful of grain coarsely for cereal Grind finely for flour Mix, knead, raise, punch down, raise, and bake a loaf of bread Put on a bee suit and open a hive Make yogurt Start with cream and take it through every step until it has become a salted ball of butter and a glass of buttermilk Make cottage cheese Make a hard cheese Milk a goat Put a cow in the stanchion and milk her Feed the poultry and gather eggs Clean out a rabbit hutch Plan and cook a meal in which the food is 100 percent home-grown Breakfast Lunch Dinner Raise, catch, kill, scald, pick, singe, cut up, and cook a chicken Dry a batch of fruit or vegetables in a food dryer Take out the ashes Build afirein a wood stove Adjust the dampers Freeze a batch of a fruit or vegetable Make a batch of sourdough starter Cook a meal of sourdough pancakes using that starter Make homemade noodles Crackers Dry and save seeds from an annual A biennial Separate milk Take apart, wash, dry, and reassemble the separator Make a batch of homemade ice cream using a crank freezer Harness a team of horses (or oxen) Hitch them up to an implement or wagon Till afieldwith them Build housing for animals Repair or build a fence Correctly identify 10 different herbs from sprigs laid out on a table Make a pot of herb tea from herbs you have grown and harvested A F I N A L EXAM FOR Y O U 10 11 12 13 14 15 What is the basic bread recipe? How can you start one beehive off another? How you make cottage cheese? If you had no livestock feed store to buy commercial feeds at, what would you grow, and approximately how much of it or what proportions would you feed your goat every day in winter? Rabbit? Cow? Chicken? Pig? What's a "potato onion"? How you grow garlic? What prevents motion sickness? What can you use to make a variety of home-grown, caffeine-free coffee? If you have no electricity, gas, or other "modern" energy source, how can you preserve meat? Fruits? Root vegetables? Squash and pumpkins? What you use for potato seed? How you plant potatoes? What is the correct weight at which to butcher a broiler chicken? A rabbit? A pig? State the advantages and disadvantages of keeping a goat or a cow for home dairy use What aspect of soap making is very dangerous, and how can you minimize that risk? What can whole wheat be used for? How you make a homemade cheese press? What is the best way to house an expectant doe rabbit? How would you grow and harvest a grass grain without using any fossil fuel in the process? The answers are all in this hook! INDEX A Acarine disease, 803 Acid-base leavenings, 205-9 Acidic food and soda-leavened breads, 205-6 Acorn, 436 Acorn coffee, 408 Acorn squash, 330 Adzuki beans, 289 African bees, 795 African millet, 177 Agricultural colleges, 14-15 Agriculture classes and clubs, 14 Air conditioning, lack of, 29 Air fresheners, 66 Air pollution, 63-64 from wood burning, 483, 484-85 Alfalfa, 376-77 as green manure, 76 as hay, 566 sprouts, 121 Allium See Onions Allspice, 377 Almonds, 436-37 Aloe vera, 377 Alpacas, 557 Alternative families, 6-7 Altitude adjustments for pressure canning, 166, 174,523,596 for water-bath canning, 522 Aluminum consumption, 207 Alzheimer's disease, 207 Amaranth grain, 150-51 grain recipes, 151 vegetable, 255-57 Ambrosia, 383 American foulbrood, 803 Ammonia as cleaning ingredient, 66 Anaheim peppers, 349 Ancho peppers, 349 Angelica, 377 Angora goats, 727, 731 Angora rabbits, 809 Angus cows, 742 Animal keeping, 552-79 animal psychology, 553 auctions, 554-55 barns, 559-61 breaking to lead, 554 choosing animals, 553 doctoring, 570-79 economics, 553-54 exotics, 556-58 feed, 564-70 See also Livestock feed fences, 561-64 genetics, 555-56 heritage breeds, 556 predators, 558-59 reproduction, 572-73 resources, 552 responsibility, 552-53 traveling with animals, 555 zoning, 553 Animal manure, 77 Animal-powered cultivation, 80-82 See also Draft animals Anise seed, 377-78 Antelope butchering, 588-90 raising, 557 recipes for, 590-92 Antibiotics in chick feed, 647 in livestock feed, 569 Antidotes for lye bums, 467, 614 Apiculture See Bee(s) Apples cider, 448-49 crab, 446 growing, 446 harvesting, 446 preserving, 446-47 recipes for, 446-48 varieties, 445-46 Apricots growing, 449-50 preserving, 450 recipes for, 450 Aquaculture, 622-30 fish to stock, 626-27 with hydroponic vegetable growing, 113, 624 mariculture, 623-24 pond fish farming, 624-27 preserving fish, 628-30 resources, 622-23, 625 shellfish, 624 Artichoke globe, 277-78 Jerusalem, 318-19 Artificial insemination, 555-56, 572 in cattle, 747 in goats, 735 in pigs, 848 in turkeys, 689 Artificial sweetener, 531 Asparagus harvesting, 273 planting, 272-73 preserving, 273 recipes, 273-74 resources, 272 ATTRA, 16 Auctions for animals, 554-55 buying at, 50 Avocado, 460-61 Ayrshire cows, 741 B Baby bottles, 35 Bag Balm, 764 Baking powder, 206-9 Bamboo growing, 152 harvesting and cooking, 152-53 Bami goreng, 227 Banana, 461 Banana peppers, 349 Banana squash, 330 Bangs disease, 764 Barberries, 477 Barley, 153-55 growing, 153-54 livestock feed, 154-55 malt, 154 recipes for, 155 Barns, 559-61 building of, 559-61 resources, 559 Barrows, 838 See also Pigs Basella See Malabar spinach Basil, 378-79 Bay 379 Beads, rose, 400 Beans growing, 283-84 See also specific beans Bear as game meat, 587-88 recipes for, 588 Bed, feather, 687 Bedbugs on chickens, 661 Bed-wetting, 35 Bee(s), 792-807 African, 795 breeds, 795 buckwheat and, 155-56 buying, 796 candles from wax, 805 diseases and parasites, 802-3 equipment, 798-800 food, 800-801 herbicides, 801 honey harvesting, 805-6 honey recipes, 806-7 honey storing, 805 insecticides, 801 learning to beekeep, 793-94 marketing of products, 793 minimizing stings, 797 pests, 803-4 products, 793 protective clothing, 797-98 resources, 793-94 stings, 794-95 swarming, 802 water, 800-801 working with, 800 Bee balm, 378 Beechnuts, 437 Beef cattle, 742-43 recipes for, 264, 755 Beef industry, 755-57 Beefalo, 557, 742 Beer brewing using barley malt, 154 Beets, - greens from, 255 growing, 313 harvesting, 3 - preserving, 314 recipes for, 314 sugar, - Belgian endive, 252 Bell peppers, 350-52 Beneficial insects, 114-15 Bergamot, 379 Berries picking, 475 preservation, 476 recipes for, 476 See also specific berries Beverages apple cider, 448-49 apricot juice, 450 balm-mintade, 378 berry juice, 476 bulgur "Postum," 202 buttermilk, 768, 785 cherry, 452 cider, 374 citrus juices, 462-63 cranberry juice, 477 currant juice, 478 elderflower lemonade, 453 fruit juice preservation, 531-33 ginger ale, 385 grape juice, 474 honey lemonade, 806-7 kefir, 770 koumiss, 770 lemonade, 374 loganberry ale, 477 mesquite bean drink, 466 milk, 767 mocha, 407 mulled, 374 nectars, 532 orange/beet juice, 314 peach juice, 455 pear juice, 456 plum juice, 458 quince juice, 460 raspberry juice, 477 rummed blackberry juice, 541 shrubs, 545 strawberry juice, 479 tomato juice, 356 vegetable juices, 317 See also Coffee; Tea; Wine Bibb lettuce, 253 Birdhouses from gourds, 335 Birds, game, 586, 712-15 breeding, 713 housing, 713 resources, 712 Birdseed millet, 176 mixtures, 303 poppy seed, 397 Birthing babies, 36-38 Biscuits, buttermilk, 785 Bitter melon squash, 332 Black beans, 285-86 Black plastic gardening, 114 Black walnuts, 443-44 Black widow spiders, 54 Blackberries, 476-77 Black-eyed peas, 294 Blackhead disease in chickens, 660 Blanching, 509 Blankets from skins, 621-22 Bleach as cleaning ingredient, 66 Bleu cheese, 780 Bloat See Foundering Blue bugs on chickens, 661 Blue cheese, 780 Blueberries, 477 Boars, 587, 838, 848 See also Pigs Bobwhite quail, 715 Borage, 379 Borax, 66, 612 Borers, peach tree, 445 Boston lettuce, 253 Botulism, 515-16, 805 Bouillon "cubes," 601 Bovine pinkeye, 578 Brandied fruits cherries, 541 peaches, 541 preserving of, 540-42 tutti-frutti, 540-41 Brandy, rose petal, 399 Brassicas, 259-71 Brazil nuts, 437 Bread, quick baking mixes, 208 banana nut, 208 barley brown, 155 buttermilk biscuits, 785 coconut, 440 cornmeal, 171-72 crepes, 205 dough bod, 208 gingerbread, 205 grape nuts, 206 hobo bread, 205 Kiowa, 208 popovers, 205 prune rye, 459 rhubarb nut, 206 rye fruit bread, 191 rye snack, 191 sorghum biscuits, 195 sorghum meal, 195 Yavapai, 208 Bread, sourdough cornmeal cakes, 220 French, 220 rye, 220 874 soda bread, 220 whole wheat, 220 Bread, steamed, 227-29 barley brown bread, 155 Boston brown, 205-6, 228 carrot pudding, 228 Christmas plum pudding, 230 flaming pudding, 229 meat-pie pudding, 229 pioneer pudding, 229 pittu, 194-95 sauces for, 228-29 See also Puddings Bread, toasted crackers, 2 - croutons, 221 French toast, 2 milk toast, 2 Bread, unleavened chapatis, 204 eggless crepes, 204 potato lefse, 487 roti, 204 r t scones y > 191 sorghum masa (hominy) tortillas, 195 taco fillings, 204 tortillas, 174, 204 traveler's bread, 203 wheat lefse, 487 Bread, yeast, 209-22 antique cookbook recipes, 209-10 bagels, 218 baking of loaf, 216 barley whole wheat, 155 buckwheat, 158 carroty buns, 317 cracked wheat bread, 202 description, 209 dog biscuits, 686 doughnuts, 218 English muffins, 218 equipment for making, 210-11 European style, 217 flavoring, 210 French, 217-18 garlic butter French, 239 ingredients, 1 - kneading of dough, 214-15 oatmeal, 217 pizza dough, 218 poet's hearth bread, - recipes for, 216-22 rising of bread, 215 rolls, 218 rose petal, 400 rye, 217 sage, 402 sauerkraut onion, 263 shaping of loaf, 215-16 vegan sweet rolls, 217 white breads , - whole wheat breads, 217 Breadcrumbs, 2 Bread making, 204-31 baking powder ratios, 207 quick, 204-9 sourdough, 218-21 tips on using a soda-leavened batter, 206 unleavened, 203-4 yeast, 209-22 See also specific types of breads Bread-and-butter pickles, 342 Breadfruit, 461 Breaking to lead, 554 Breath fresheners mint leaves, 412 parsley, 395-96 Broadcast seeding of grain, 135-36 Broccoli, 265-66 Bronchitis in chickens, 661 Brood diseases in bees, 802-3 Brooding chickens, 642-46, 652-55 inter-species and mothering, 653 turkeys, 690 Broom making, 193 Broomcorn, 192-93 Brown recluse spiders, 54 Brown Swiss cows, 741 Brucellosis, 741 Brussels sprouts, 259-60 Buck teeth in rabbits, 817 Buckskin tanning, 620-21 Buckwheat, 155-58 as green manure, 76 growing, 156 recipes for, 157-58 Buffalo, 557, 742 Bulgur recipes, 202 Bulk food sources, - Bum lambs, 828 Bunching onion, 241 Burdock, 315 Burgers and patties barley, 155 cottage cheese, 123 herbal, 401 mushroom, 120 turkey, 693 vegan pecan, 441 walnut cheese, 123 Burnet, 379 Burns from lye, 467, 614 Burr mill, 148 Burying the dead, 38 Bush beans, 283-84 Bush/pole peas, 280 Butchering, 579-85 chickens, 679-83 custom slaughter and cutting, 580 cutting up after, 583-84 at home, 580-83 resources, 581 wild animals, 585-95 See also specific animals Butter apple, 447-48, 449 chokecherry-apple, 452 fruit butter preservation, 538-39 garlic, 239 herb, 367, 785 lemon, 785 nut, 435 parsley, 396 peach, 455 peanut, 293 Butter making, 783-85 churn types, 783-84 ghee, 784 margarine and butter, 783-85 Butterhead lettuce, 253 Buttermilk, 768, 785 Butternut, 444 See also Walnuts Butternut squash, 330 C Cabbage, 260-65 Cabritos, 739 Cachapas, 167 Cakes carroty, 317 chocolate, 205 gingerbread, 205 honey fudge brownies, 806 huckleberry, 479 rose geranium, 385 rye flour, 191 sorghum brownies, 195 sourdough applesauce, 220 Calabaza squash, 332 Calendula, 391 Camelids, 557 Camels, humpless, 557 Camomile See Chamomile Campfire cooking, 39-43 Cancer deterrents, 280, 310, 497 Cancer in livestock, 578 Candies apple "aplets," 448 apricot "cotlets," 447 cactus candy, 471 cranberry "raisins," 477 marzipan, 437 nut, 435 persimmon roll, 458 pralines, 441 Candle, 31 Candle making, 45-47 with beeswax, 805 Candling eggs, 651, 672 Candying borage flowers, 379 figs, 464 Canning foods, 513-25 altitude adjustments for pressure canning, 166, 174,523,596 for water-bath canning, 522 apricots, 450 artichokes, 278 berries, 476 botulism, 515-16 broccoli, 266 cabbage, 261 elements of, 514-15 equipment, 518-19 figs, 464 fish,628-30 general instructions, 520-24 greens, 247 high-acid foods, 518 history, 514 with honey, 806 jars and lids, 517-18 life-saving rules, 520 low-acid foods, 518 methods, 516-17 peaches, 454-55 peas, 282 pH of foods, 514 planning guide for, 515 potatoes, 309 pressure canner, 519-20 pressure canning processing times, 523 resources, 516 rhubarb, 279 snap beans, 284 standard syrup mixtures, 521 storing, - sweet potatoes, 311 tomatoes, 356-57 USDA approved canning, 792 vitamin losses, 499 water-bath processing times, 522 See also Preserving foods; Preserving meats Canola oil, 303 Cantaloupes, 337 Capers, 379-80 Capons, 663 Capsaicin, 348 Carabao, 742 Carambola, 461-62 Carbonaceous hay, 567 Cardamom, 380 Cardoon, 274-75 Caribe peppers, 349 Caribou, 557 Carob, 462 Carpet weed, 250 Carrots, 315-17 growing, 315-16 preserving, 316 recipes for, 316-17 Cashews, 437 Cashmere from goats, 727, 731 Cassava, 311 Casseroles, chicken loaf, 685 Cassia, 380 Cast-iron cookware, 40-41 Castration of livestock, 573-74, 850 Catalog resources herb plants, 364-65 trees and fruits, - vegetable seeds, 99-102 Catnip, 380 Catsup, 374 See also Ketchup Cattail, 380 Cattalo, 557 Cattle, 739-57 breeds, 740 butchering, 751-55 downed cow, 748 feeding, 745-47 handling, 744-45 history, 739 meat cuts, 753-54 meat recipes, 755 myths and truths about beef industry, 755-57 newborns, 748-51 oxen, 743-44 reproduction, 747-48 Cattle, beef breeds, 742-43 resources, 742 Cattle, dairy breeds, 740-42 buying a family milk cow, 741 milk and milk products, 764-87 milk off-flavors, 762 milking, 758-64 resources, 740 vetting, 764 Cauliflower, 266-67 Cayenne peppers, 349 Cecal worms, 662 Celeriac, 275 Celery, 275-76 Cereals, 149-50 barley, 155 bulgur, 202 buttermilk porridge, 785 couscous, 202 cracked wheat, 202 frumenty, 201 graham wheat, 202-3 grain sorghum, 194 grape nuts, 206 oat, 179 "popped" wheat, 202 rye, 191 sorghum tomato casserole, 195 wheat, 201 wheat and tomato casserole, 201-2 Chaff, 144 See also Grain, threshing Chalkbrood, 803 Chamayo peppers, 349 Chamomile, 380-81 Charolais cows, 742 Chayote squash, 332-33 Cheddar cheese, 778-80 Cheese, 770-81 cottage, 772-74 cream, 771-72 dairy thermometer, 771 farmer, 772-74 goat, 727 hard cheese recipes, 777-81 making semi-soft and hard, 774-77 making soft, 771-74 measurements used, 772 record keeping, 776 rennet, 775-76 resources, 770-71 sheep, 822-23 spreads, 774 types, 771 Cheese â EObispo, 781 Cherimoya, 462 Cherries preserving, 451 recipes for, - varieties, 450-51 Chervil, 381 Chestnuts, 437-39 Chevon, 728, 739 Chicken(s), 634-88 adult birds, 639^K) breeds, 636-39 brooding artificially, 642-46 brooding by mother hen, 652-55 butchering, 679-83 buying, 641-42 calcium for, 670 cannibalism, 670 catching, 679 daylight hours by month, 666 dust baths, 664 eggs from, 670-76 feathers of, 639, 686-88 food, 667-68 food for, 646-48 free-roaming vs confined, 668-69 gizzard gravel, 670 health problems of adults, 659-63, 682 health problems of chicks, 648 home processing of, 676-79 housing, 655-59 incubator hatching, 648-52 killing, 679-81 laws regarding home processing of, 676-79 laying hens, 663-67 mail-order chicks, 640, 641-42 management principles, 635 marketing, 683 molting, 665, 667 mothering, 653-54 picking and plucking, 681-82 preservation of, 684 protein for, 669-70 rare breeds, 639 recipes for, 683-86 resources, 634-36, 641-42 roosters, 662-63 sizes of, 637-39 starting with chicks, 640-41 sunshine, 668 supplies, 635-36 water, 667 water for, 646 Chicken house, 656-57 Chickpeas, 291 Chicon, 252 Chicories, 250-52, 408 Chicory coffee, 408 Chiggers on chickens, 661 Children clothing of, 34-35 immunizations and vaccinations for, 572-73 Chilies See Pepper(s), hot Chilled brood, 803 Chinese cabbage, 264-65 growing, 264-65 recipes for, 265 Chinese gooseberries (kiwis), 475 Chinese parsley, 382 Chinquapin See Chestnuts Chitlins, 859 Chives, - Chocolate, carob as substitute, 462 See also Cocoa Chokecherries, 451 Cholesterol deterrents, 280 Chop suey greens, 258 Christmas plum pudding, 230 Christmas trees, 480 Chrysanthemum (edible), 258 Chufa, 317 Chukar partridge, 713-14 Churns for butter making, 783-84 Cider, 448-49 Cilantro, 382 Cinnamon, 381 Citron, 338, 462 Citrus, 462-63 City food preservers, 493 Clams, 624 Cleaning agents, 66-67 Cloches, 108, 110 Clothing country, 43-44 feather-stuffed, 687 from skins, 621-22 washing, - 4 Cloves, 382 Coal, 483 Coccidiosis in chickens, 648, 660 in rabbits, 817 Cocklebur, 315 Cocoa, 406-7 Coconuts, 439-40 Cocozelle squash, 328, 334-35 Coffee, 407 Coffee substitutes acorn, 408 chicory, 408 dandelion root, 408 roasted grain, 408 Colby cheese, 778-79 Cold frames, 108, 110-12 Collards, 268-69 Colleges, agricultural, 14-15 Colostrum milk, 764 Comfrey, 382 Commercial farmers, Compost coffee grounds for, 407 resources, 75 for soil, 75-76 toilets, 69 Conjunctivitis in livestock, 578, 817 Consommé, 609 Constipation in livestock, 576 Cookies barley, 155 carroty, 317 honey applesauce, 806 macaroons, 437 mincemeat, 602-3 pecan macaroons, 441 persimmon fruit bars, 458 sorghum, 195 sour cream, 783 sourdough oatmeal, 220 Welsh stovetop, 487 Cooking meat, 584-85 Cookstoves, wood, 485-87 Coriander, 382 Corn, 158-76 crafts, 170 crib, 169-70 diseases and insects, 164 growing, 162-64 history, 158-59 planning for, 161-62 planting, 162-64 pollination, 163 recipes for, 167, 171-76 resources, 158-59 varieties, 158-61 weeding, 163 See also Field corn; specific type of corn Corn salad, 258-59 Corn syrup as sugar substitute in food preservation, 531 Cornstarch, 173 cleaning ingredient, 66 Cosmetics elderflower cleansing cream, 453 elderflower hand and face cream, 453 face products, 409-11 herb lotions, 368 lanolin lotion, 831 natural, 409-12 gy£ quince seed hand lotion, 460 witch hazel astringent, 406 witch hazel creme, 460 See also Perfumes Cottage cheese, 172-14 Coturnix quail, 714-15 Country living books, 6, 16-18 children and, 34-36 clothing, 43-44 cooking, 39-42 magazines and newsletters, 19-22 mail-order suppliers, 2 - moving to the country, 4-7 schools about, 24-26 See also Primitive Living County extension agent, 14 Cowpeas, 294 Cows See Cattle; Milk and milk products Crab apples, 446 Cracked wheat recipes, 202 Crackers, 2 - apple wafers, 225 basic bread cracker recipe, 223-24 Bengali, 384 cheese, 225 cream wafers, 2 - crispbread, 224 gruel, 225 melba toast, 224 oatmeal-wheat, 224 pretzels, 225 quick rye, 224 rye melba, 224 sour cream whole wheat, 225 Swedish hardtack, 225 sweetless yeast, 224 uncooked seed wafers, 225 unleavened rye, 224 vegan gruel, 225 zwieback, 224 Cracklings, 859 Crafts bamboo, 153 with corn, 170 feather, 639, 686-87 gourds, 334-35 rose beads, 400 rye straw, 191 Cranberries, 477 Cream cheese, 771-72 Cream of tartar, 203, 206 Creosote, 484 Crepes coconut with polpani filling, 439^0 egg, 672 Cress, 269, 382 Cribbing in rabbits, 807, 817 Crisphead lettuce, 253 Crop rotation, 96-97 Crowders, 294 Crystallizing, 377 Cucumbers growing, 338 harvesting, 339 pickling, 340-43 recipes for, 339-40 seeds, 338-39 Cultivation animal-powered, 80-82 with hand tools, 78-80 machinery-powered, 82-84 Cultured milks, 768-70 Cumin, 382 Currants, 477-78 Curry powders, 373-74 Custard See Pudding(s) Custard apple (tree), 462 Custom slaughter and cutting, 580 D Dairy cattle, 740-42 Dairy thermometer, 771 Dairying, 725-26, 758-64 goat vs cow, 726-27 milk and milk products, 764-87 milk off-flavors, 762 supplies, 725-26 Dandelion, - Dandelion root coffee, 408 Dates, 463 Daylight hours by month, 666 Daylily, 382-83 Dead, burying of, 38 Debeaking chickens, 641 Deer butchering, 588-90 eggs as repellent, 672 raising, 557-58 recipes for, 590-92 Dehorning of livestock, 574-75 Dehydrators, 503-4 Delicata squash, 330 Dent corn, 159, 167-71 See also Corn; Field corn Desserts See Frozen desserts; Fruit desserts Dexter, 741 Diabetes deterrent Jerusalem artichoke, 318 scorzonera, 324 Diarrhea in livestock, 579 Dill, 383 Dishwasher soap, 67 Disk (farm implement), 83 Doctoring animals, 570-79 See also specific animals Dog biscuits, 686 Dogs with sheep, 826 Dough, kneading of, - Doves and pigeons See Pigeons and doves Downed cow, 579, 748 Dowsing, 70 Draft animals, 80-82 goats as, 727-28 oxen, 743-44 water buffalo, 742 Drain cleaners, 67 Drying foods, 500-507 freeze drying, 501 fruit leathers, 504-5 methods, 502^f oven or dehydrator, 503-4 process, 501-2 recipes for, 505 resources, 501 storing, 505-6 sun drying, 499, 502-3 See also specific foods Dubbing chickens, 641 Ducks, 694-704 adult shelter, 697-98 breeds, 700-702 brooder shelter, 695-96 butchering, 703 eggs, 700 food, 696-97, 702-3 mating, 695 plague, 695 pond life, 695 predators, 695 raising, 695 recipes for, 703-4 reproduction, 703 resources, 694, 700 sticky eyes, 695 temperament, 700 water for, 696 Dumplings, 227-28 baked egg, 227 boiled, 227-28 poke salet, 396 with rabbit stew, 820 sauerkraut, 263-64 Dust baths for chickens, 664 Dust from chicks, 645 Dutch oven cooking, 41-43 Dyes, 367 Easter egg, 673-74 henna, 386-87 oregano, 395 poke salet berries, 396 saffron, 401 woad, 406 E E coli, 585, 757 Ear canker/mites in rabbits, 817-18 Earthworms, 84-87 castings, 87 pretest, 84 raising, 85-87 resources, 84 uses, 85 varieties, 84-85 Easter egg dyes, 673-74 Eco-safe formulas, 66-67 Edible chrysanthemum, 258 Eels, 594 Egg(s) candling, 672 from chickens, 670-76 color, 637 custards, 673 as deer repellent, 672 deviled, 673 from ducks, 700 Easter dyes, 673-74 egg foo yung, 123, 149 freshness testing, 671-72 good layers, 636-37 with grain, 149 from guineas, 710 hatching of chicken, 652 leavening in breads, 204-5 omelets with berries, 476 pickled, 675 pipping, 651 preservation of, 674-75 recipes for, 672-75 salmonella in, 672 scrambled, 672-73 selling, 672 tarragon, 404 turkey, 689 Eggplant growing, 344 harvesting, 344 preserving, 344-45 recipes for, 345 varieties, 343-44 Elderberries, 452-53 Elephant garlic, 238 Elk butchering, 588-90 raising, 557-58 recipes for, 590-92 Emergency food, 31 heat, 32 light, 31-32 storage supplies, 30-31 water, 31 Emu, 558 Endive, 251 Endorphins and hot peppers, 348 Energy conservation, 28 Energy technologies, 26-30 English walnuts, 444 Ensiling, 568 Epazote, 383 Equivalent ingredient chart, 357 Ergot, 146 Escargot, 593 Escarole, 251 Eucalyptus, 384 European foulbrood, 803 Exotic animals, 556-58 Exotic squashes, 332-33 Extracts herb, 367-68 rose hip, 393 rose petal, 399 vanilla, 405-6 F Farm implements, 83-84 Farm profit principles, 48-49 Farmer cheese, 772-74 Farrowing, 838, 849 Fava bean growing, 290-91 recipes for, 291 Feathers of chickens, 686-88 cleaning, 686-88 of ducks, 698-99 of geese, 698-99 jewelry from, 639 using, 686-87 Feed for animals, 564-70 See also Livestock feed Fences, 561-64 for chickens, 658-59 constructing, 562-64 electric, 562 for pigs, 842-44 resources, 561-62 wooden, 563-64 Fennel, 384 Fenugreek, 384 Fertilizers, 75-77 Fever in sheep, 829 Feverfew, 384 Fiberfest, 832 Field com, 167-76 com crib, 169-70 livestock feed, 168-69 recipes for, 171-76 See also Corn; specific type of com Field peas, 294 Figs, 463-64 Filberts, 4 ^ Filé, 402 Finances, plan for, 50-52 Finnochio, 276-77 Fire ants, 559 Fire blight, 428 Fire prevention with wood heat, 483-84 Fish recipes for, 626-27 for stocking ponds, 626-27 Fish farming See Aquaculture Flageolet beans, 285 Flatulence, 288-89 Flax growing, 301-2 linen making, 302-3 linseed oil, 301 Flea(s), 662 Flea powders pennyroyal, 396 pyrethrum, 397 Flint com, 159-60, 167-71 See also Corn; Field com Florence fennel, 276-77 Florida cranberry, 471 Flours barley, 155 buckwheat, 157-58 cornstarch, 173 flower seed, 301 hominy, 174-75 oat, 179-80 yeast bread, 210, - Flowers edible, 368 seeds of, 300-305 Fly-tying with chicken feather, 639 Food pollution, 67-68 avoiding poisonous residues, 68 residues in food, 68 Foot rot, 575-76 Foot rot in sheep, 829 Foraging for wild food, 412-13 Foundering, 576-77 Fowl ticks on chickens, 661 Foxtail millet, 177 Freeze drying, 501 Freezers, 507-8, 511-13 Freezing foods, 507-13 defrosting for cooking, 513 deterioration of food, 511-13 freezers, 507-8, 511-13 lockers, 507 once-a-month cooking, 507 power loss, 512 process, 508-10 resources, 507 storage times for good quality, 511 See also specific foods French cooking with tarragon, 404 Fresno peppers, 349 Fritters, 862 apple, 862 artichoke, 319 banana, 862 corn, 862 dandelion blossom, 253 elderflower, 453 meat, 862 oat flour apricot, 180 parsnip, 321 salsify, 324 squash blossom, 327 vegetable, 862 Frogs as food, 595 Frostings broiled honey, 807 chocolate, 783 lemon, 783 Frozen desserts banana popsicles, 461 cherry ice, 452 cranberry ice, 477 fruit ices, 533-34 grape ice, 474 mulberry cream, 453 popsicles, 533-34 strawberry sherbet, 479 tutti-frutti ice cream, 541 See also Ice cream Frugal practices, 49-52 Fruit(s) freezing pretreatments, 509 non-bramble berries, 477-79 resources, 445, 460, 471 subtropical and tropical, 460-72 temperate-zone, 444-60 vine, bush, and bramble, 472-79 See also specific fruit Fruit desserts apple-rhubarb, 447 applesauce, 447 apricot sauce, 450 baked apples, 447 baked fresh figs, 464 basic fruit sauce, 538 basic raw-fruit sauce, 538 blueberry sauce, 477 buttermilk raisin soup, 785 campfire cobbler, 42 fruit cocktail, 474 gelatins, 600-601 gooseberry sauce, 479 huckleberry sauce, 479 peach sauce, 455 plum sauce, 459 quince sauce, 460 raisin sauce, 474 rhubarb sauce, 279 spiced, 540 stewed dried fruit, 506 stewed dried pears, 456 tropical fruit cup, 465 Fruitcakes, 229-31 persimmon fruit bars, 458 tutti-frutti, 540-41 Furniture polish, 67 Fuzzy melon squash, 333 Game birds, 712-15 breeding, 713 housing, 713 resources, 712 Game meat cooking, 585 recipes for, 590-92 small game preservation, 684 Garbanzo beans growing, 291 recipes for, 291 Garden planning, 87-98 Earthchild Maries earliest garden, 89 Earthchild Maries fall garden, 95 Earthchild Maries late spring garden, 91 Earthchild Maries late summer garden, 93 Earthchild Maries spring garden, 90 Earthchild Maries summer garden, 92 Earthchild Maries winter garden, 95 equipment catalogs, 87-89 ideas, 88 record keeping, 98 resources, 87-89 spring planting dates, 94 USDA plant hardiness zone map, 96 winter garden, 95 Garden vegetables, 237-359 Gardening indoor, 109 pests and pestilence, 114-15 planting, 107-8 transplants, 108-9 undercover, 109-13 weeds, 113-14 Garlic, 238-39 for worms in chickens, 662 Garlic chives, Geese, 694-99, 704-8 adult shelter, 697-98 breeds, 704-5 brooder shelter, 695-96 butchering, 708 dangers of, 704 eggs, 707-S fencing, 706 food, 696-97, 706 mating, 695 plague, 695 pond life, 695 predators, 695 raising, 695, 706 recipes for, 708-9 reproduction, 706-7 resources, 694, 704 sticky eyes, 695 as "watchdogs," 704 water, 696 Gelatin homemade, 599-601 recipes, 600-601 Genetics in animals, 555-56 Geranium, 384-85 Ghee, 784 Giardia, 69 Gilt, 838 See also Pigs Ginger, 385-86 Ginseng, 386 Gleaning programs, 231 Global warming, 63-64 Globe artichoke, 277-78 Globe onions growing, 242^43 preserving, 243 recipes for, 244 Gluten, 199, 203, 213, 2 - Goats, 728-39 breeds, 730-31 butchering, 739 butting by, 732 buying of, 730 cheeses, 727-28 commercial options, 727-28 considerations before buying, 730 dairy, 730-31 dairy vetting, 764 as draft animals, 727-28 fencing, 732 fibers, 727 food and water, 733-34 housing, 733 kids, 736-38 leather, 727 meat, 727, 730 milking, 758-64 number of, 729 raising, 730-34 recipes for, 739 reproduction, 734-38 resources, 728-29 vetting and grooming, 738-39, 764 Goldenseal, 386 Good King Henry, 255 Gooseberries, 479 Goosefoot greens, 255 Gorp, 293 Gourd family, 326-28 blossom recipes, 327-28 classification, 328 seed recipes, 328 seed saving, 326-27 vines, 327 Graham wheat recipes, 202-3 Grain amount to plant, 135 binding, 139-40 cereals, 149-50 curing, 140-41 dehusking, 144 grinding, 146-49 harvesting by hand, 138-44 maturity stages, 138 modern harvesting, 138 pests, 145-46 planning, 133-35 877 878 planting, 136-37 quiz, 133-34 recipes for, 149-50 resources, 132-33, 143 seed, 135-37 spring and winter varieties, 134-35 square feet to grow one bushel, 133 storage, 144-45 threshing, 142-44 weeds, 137 winnowing, 144 See also specific grains Grain amaranth growing, 150-51 uses for, 151 Gram (bean), 291 Granola fruit, 506-7 recipes for, 180 Grapes preserving, 474 pruning, - raisins, 474 recipes for, 474 Gravies, 601-2 giblet, 708 sour cream, 782 Graywater recycling, 69 Greaseless white sauce or gravy, 126 Greek cooking with mint, 392 with oregano, 395 Green manure, 132 alfalfa, 377 buckwheat, 156 clover, 381 for soil, 76-77 Green onions, 237 from tree onion, 241 Green shell beans, 285 Green tomatoes, 354-55 Greenhouse, 112 Greenhouse effect, 28 from methane, 757 Greens, 245-71 canning, 247 classification, 246 cooking, 247 freezing and drying, 247 harvesting, 246-47 recipes for, 247 salad making, 247-48 saving greens seed, 246 seaweeds, 247 winter, 245-46 See also specific plants Grits, hominy, 174 Ground cherries, 345-46 Grouse See Game birds Guanacos, 557 Guavas, 464-65 Guernsey cows, 741 Guero peppers, 349 Guerrilla tree planting, 420-21 Guinea, 709-12 attributes of, 709-10 catching, 1 - eggs from, 710 food, 710 insect-eating, 709 meat from, 709-10 reproduction, 710-11 shelter, 710 as "watchdogs," 709 worms, 710 Guinea pigs, 557 H Habanero peppers, 349 Habits, helpful, Hail insurance, 134 Hair rinses, 411 rosemary, 401 sage, 402 Hamburg parsley, 317-18 Hamburgers See Burgers and patties Hammer mill, 148 Hand cultivation, 78-80 Hand harvesting, 138-44 Hardware sickness, 577-78 Haricots verts, 285 Harness, 81 Harvesting See specific plants Hash, 602 Hash browns, 309 Hay, 132, 566-68 Haystacks, 141-42, 568 Hazelnuts, 441 Headcheese, 859 Health concerns, 35-36, - Health diet, 280 Health problems of chickens broken leg, 659 bugs on chickens, 661-62 chicks, 648 crop-bound, 659-60 diseases, 660-61 egg-bound, 659 poultry tuberculosis, 682 prolapsed vent, 659 pullorum testing, 660 vaccinations, 660 worms, 662 Heart, beef, 752 Heart disease deterrents, 280, 497 Heartnut See Walnut Heat for emergencies, 32 Hemlock, - Hemp, 386 Henna, 386-87 Herb(s), 363-76 harvesting, 365-66 marketing, 365 preserving, 366 products and processes, 367-72 public herb gardens, 363-64 resources, 363-64 See also specific herbs Herbal bath salts, 411 Herbicides and bees, 801 on wild herbs, 365 Hereford cows, 742-43 Heritage breeds, 556 Hickories, 441 High-acid foods in canning, 518 High-lysine corn, 159 See also Corn; Field corn Hoecakes, 171 Hogs, 838 See also Pigs Holstein cows, 741 Home butchering, 580-83 Home veterinary procedures, 570-79 See also specific animals Home-pressed oil from seeds, 301 Homesteaders, 6-7 Homesteading resources, 18-19 Hominy corn, 173-75 masa tortillas, 195 recipes for, 174-75 Honey Alaska, 381 harvesting, 805-6 recipes for, 806-7 rose petal, 399 storing, 805 sugar substitute in food preservation, 531 Hops, 387 Horehound, 387 Horns from animals, 622 Horseradish, 387-88 Horticultural beans, 285 Hot peppers See Pepper(s), hot Hot water, 35 Hot-pressed oils and margarine, 301 House buying and repair of, 7-9 heating of, 36 insulating of, 36 Hubbard squash, 330 Huckleberries, 479 Hummus, 291 Humorous recipes, 57-58 Humpless camels, 557 Hungarian wax peppers, 349 Hunting pheasants for, 713 with shotguns, 586 See also Game birds; Game meat Hutch, 807 Hutch burn, 817 Hydrogen fluoride, 63 Hydroponics, 113, 624 See also Aquaculture Hyssop, 388 Ice cream homemade, 785-86 recipes, 785-87 Ice for food preservation, 38-39 Iceberg lettuce, 254 Immunizations for children, 572-73 for livestock, 572-73 Incubator hatching of chickens, 648-52 Indian corn, 158-59, 167-71 See also Corn; Field corn Indian (East) cooking chapatis, 204 coriander, 382 rijsttafel, 187 roti, 204 Indoor gardening, 109 Infections in livestock, 578-79 Information sources on country living, 6, 14-24 online, 16 Insect(s) beneficial, 114-15 in grain, 145-46 Insect repellent chili, 350 cocoa, 407 coffee grounds, 407 garlic garden spray, 239 geranium, 385 marigold, pot, 391 mugwort, 393 pennyroyal, 396 pyrethrum, 397 rosemary, 401 rue, 401 southernwood, 404 tansy, 404 wormwood, 406 Insecticides and bees, 801 on roses, 397 tobacco, 405 on wild herbs, 365 Inter-library loan, 16 Iris, 388-89 Irrigation systems, 71-73 Italian cheese, 780-81 Italian cooking marjoram, 391 oregano, 395 Jalapeno peppers, 349 Jalaproctitis, 348 Jam apricot, 536 basic berry, 476 berry, 536 berry honey, 806 dried fruit, 507 honey fruit, 806 mulberry, 453 orange marmalade, 463 peach, 536 pear-apple, 536 preserving of, 534-37 rose hip, 399 rose petal, 399-400 Jam cake, 230-31 Jamaica flowers, 471 Japanese onion, 240-41 Jar sprouting, - 2 Jelly apple, 535 blackberry, 535 chokecherry 451 corncob, 171 crab-apple, 535 dandelion, 254 elderberry, 452 grape, 535 grape-plum, 536 herb, 368 honey fruit, 535, 806 lemon honey, 806 loquat, 465 mint, 392 no-sugar, 535 plum, 535 preserving of, 534-37 prickly pear, 471 quince, 460 rose geranium, 385 rose hip, 399 rose petal, 400 roselle, 472 salal, 479 sand cherry, 452 strawberry-rhubarb, 536-37 See also Gelatin Jerky, 597-99 Jersey cows, 741-42 Jerusalem artichoke growing, 318-19 recipes for, 319 Jewelry from chicken feathers, 639,686 Jicama, 319 Jojoba, 389 Jujubes, 465 Juniper, 389 K Kale, 269-70 Kasha, buckwheat, 157 Keets (guinea chicks), 711 Kefir, 770 Kenaf, 389 Kerosene lamps, 32 Ketchup, 374, 539 apple, 448, 527, 539 cranberry, 477 currant, 478 grape, 539 instant tomato, 358 peach, 455 plum, 539 preserving of, 539 soy, 374 Ketjap manis, 374 Ketosis, 735 Kidney beans, 286 Killing cone for chickens, 680-81 Kindle, 807 Kit, 807 Kiwis, 475 Kneading of dough, 214-15 Kohlrabi, 267-68 Koumiss, 770 Kudzu,311 L Lacto-ovo vegetarianism, 122-24 Lady Godiva squash, 333 Lagenaria, 334-35 Lamb See Sheep Lamb's quarters, 256 Land buying, 7-14 contingencies, 10-12 deciding how much, deciding where, 7-8 making and closing the deal, 9,13 questions to ask, 12 real estate agents, 9-10 resources, 9-10 Lanolin from sheep, 831 Lard cracklings, 859 deep-fat frying time/temperature, 860 making, 859-62 in preserving food, 546 substitutions, 861-62 Latin plant names, 102-4 Laundry cleaners, 67 Lavender, 389-90 Laying hens, 663-67 Lead poisoning, 586 Leather, 504-5 apple, 447 applesauce combos, 505 apricot, 450 berry, 476 candy, 505 crisp fruit wafers, 505 goat, 727 juice combo, 505 paste candy, 505 peach, 455 pear, 456 rhubarb, 279 squash/pumpkin, 331 See also Tanning Leavening, 203 Leeks, 244-45 Lefse potato, 487 wheat, 487 Legume(s), 279-300 benefits, 279-80 classification of, 279-80 resources, 279 seeds, 281 sprouts, 121 Legume hay, 566-67 Lemon as cleaning ingredient, 66 Lemon balm, 378 Lemon cucumbers, 338 Lemon verbena, 390, 406 Lemongrass, 390 Lentils growing, 291-92 recipes for, 292 rye and, 192 Lettuce, 253-55 Lice on chickens, 661 on goats, 738 on livestock, 579 Licorice, 390 Lima beans, 285, 289-90 Limousin cows, 742 Linen making, 302-3 Liver, beef, 752-53 Livestock feed, 564-70 acorns, 436 and antibiotics, 569 barley, 154-55 corn, 168-69 forage crops, 564 hay, 566-68 pasture, 564-66 persimmons, 457 purchased, 569-70 resources, 564-65 silage, 568-69 sorghum, 192, 198 Llamas, 557 Loafing sheds, 561, 745 Lockers for frozen food, 507 Longhorn cows, 743 Looseleaf lettuce, Loquats, 465 Lotions See Cosmetics Lotus root, 319-20 Lovage, 390-91 Low-acid foods in canning, 518 Luffa sponge, 336 Lychee nuts, 466 Lye, 611,614 burns, antidotes for, 467, 614 Lyme disease, - M Macadamias, 441-42 Mace, 391 Machinery-powered cultivation, 82-84 Macrobiotics, 124 Maggots in livestock, 579 Mail-order suppliers, 2 - See also Catalog resources Malabar spinach, 256 Malanga, 1 - Malt, 154 Mange in rabbits, 818 Manure animal, 77 for grain crops, 136 green See Green manure management, 77 for soil, 75-77 spreading of, 77 Maple trees, 430-33 recipes, 433 resources, 431 tapping, - Maraschino cherries, 451 Marblehead squash, 330 Margarine and butter, 783-65 and hot-pressed oils, 301 Mariculture, 623-24 See also Aquaculture Marigold, pot, 391 Marjoram, 391 Marketing, 47-48 beef, 757 bees, 793 chickens, 683 dairy products, 725 eggs, 672 farm products, 47-49 herbs, 365 lamb, 828-29 wool, 831 Marrow (summer squash), 328-30 Martynia, 346, 391 Marzipan, 437 Masa (hominy) tortillas, 195 Mashed potatoes, 309 Mastitis, 763-64 Measles, 573 Measurements equivalent ingredient chart, 357 metric equivalents, 54-56 Meat See specific animals Meat by-products, 610-22 horns, 622 soap making, 609-16 tanning, 616-21 Meat cooking, 584-85 Meat glaze, 601 Meat preservation, 498-99 Meat products, 599-610 gelatin, 599-601 gravies, 601-2 hamburgers, 604-5 hash, 602 mincemeat, 602-3 sandwich mixes, 603^4 sausage, 604-9 soups, 609-10 Medicinal plants aloe vera, 377 catnip, 380 chamomile, 380-81 cocoa, 406-7 comfrey, 382 elderflower tea, - epazote, 383 eucalyptus, 383 fennel, 384 feverfew, 384 flax seed lemonade, 302 garlic, 239 garlic for worms in chickens, 662 ginger, 385-86 ginseng, 386 horehound, 387 hyssop, 388 licorice, 390 marigold, pot, 391 mint, 391-93 mustard, 393-94 nettle, 394 onion cough syrup, 244 parsley, 395-96 peppers (hot), 348 sage, 401-2 savory, 402-3 thyme, 405 tisane, 372 Melons, 336-37 Menu planning, 494-97 Mesquite, 466 Methane, 29 Metric equivalents, 54-56 Mexican cooking coriander, 382 epazote, 383 hot peppers, 349-50 jicama, 319 lemongrass, 390 oregano, 395 tomatillos, 352 Mexican husk tomato, 352 Mexican parsley, 382 Mexican saffron, 303 Mignonette, 391 Milk and milk products, 764-87 beverages, 767 butter, 783-85 buttermilk, 768, 785 cheeses, 770-81 cream, 781-83 cultured, 768-70 custards, 767-68 handling, 765-66 ice cream, 785-86 preserving, 766 recipes for, 766-70, 771-74, 777-81, 782-83, 785-87 soups, 766-67 types, 764-65 yogurt, 768-70 Milk fever, 764 Milk snail, 593 Millet growing, 177 recipes for, 177-78 varieties, 177 Milo See Sorghum Mincemeat, 602-3 Mineral oil as cleaning ingredient, 66 Mint, 391-93 Miscellaneous recipes, 57-58 Miso, 299 Mites on chickens, 661-62 Mizuna, 270 Mohair from goats, 731 Molasses, 198 Molting of chickens, 665, 667 Money management, - Monterey cheese, 778 Montoure cheddar cheese, 778-79 Mother (vinegar), 542-44 Muffins barley, 155 English, 218 gem, 40-41 mincemeat, 603 sorghum, 195 Mugwort, 393 Mulberries, 453 Mulching, 114 Mumps, 573 Mung bean, 290 Mush buckwheat, 157-58 cornmeal, 172-73 fried wheat, 202 graham, 203 Mushrooms, 115-20 allergies, 119 growing, 117-18 poisoning, 116 preserving, 118-19 recipes for, 119-20 resources, 115-16 wild, 116-17 Muskmelons, 337 Mussels, 624 Mustard, 393-94 Mustard greens, 270 Mutton, 833 See also Sheep Mycological societies, 115 Myrrh, 404 Myrtle, 394 N NAL (National Agriculture Li- 880 brary), 15-16 Nasi goreng, 187 Nasturtium, 394 National Agriculture Library (NAL), 15-16 National Testing Laboratories (water), 65 Native American recipes and techniques bread recipes, 208 buckskin, 620-21 cocoa, 406-7 corn, 158, 171-72, 173 fried squash blossoms, 327-28 jerky, 597-99 nettle for fabric, 394 pemmican, 599 poke salet berries as dye, 396 sagebrush as sacred incense, 378 wild rice, 187, 189 wormseed, 383 Nectarines See Peaches Negros/Pasilla peppers, 349 Nettle, 394 New Zealand spinach, 250 Newcastle disease in chickens, 661 Night vision preservation from sweet potato, 310 Nightshades, 343-59 Nitrogen fixers, 279 Non-petroleum methods of grain raising, 132, 138-44 Nonpolluting energy resources, 26-30 Noodles See Pastas Nosema disease, 803 Nut trees, 433-44 crop management, 435 measurements, 435 recipes for, 435 resources, 434 Nutmeg, 394-95 Oak trees, 436 Oats growing, 178-79 recipes for, 179-80 Oils canola, 303 chili, 350 coconut, 440 herb, 368-69 linseed, 301 and margarine, 301 olive, 469-70 rose petal, 399 safflower, 303 from seeds, 301 sesame, 303 sunflower, 303-4, 305 Okra growing, 346-47 preserving, 347 recipes for, 347 Olives, 466-70 climate chart, 466 curing, 466-69 growing, 466 oil making, 469-70 Onions, ^ bunching onion, 241 chives, - garlic, 238-39 garlic chives, 242 globe onion, - 4 leeks, 4 ^ pearl onion, 245 potato onion, 240-41 resources, 237 rocambole, 241 scallions, 238 shallots, 239-40 tree onion, 241 Welsh onion, 240-41 Opossum, 592-93 Orach, 256 Oregano, 395 Organic farmers' future, 68 Organic gardeners' plant defense, 114-15 Organic material for soil, 75-77 Organic vegan vegetarianism, 124-26 See also Vegan recipes Organically grown food sources, 23-24 Oriental pear, 455 Orrisroot, 388-89 Ostrich, 558 Oven cleaners, 67 Oven drying, 503-4 Oxalic acid, 255 Oxen, ^ Oxytocin, 761 Oysters, 624 Ozone, 63 Pancakes baking powder, 208 buckwheat, 157 corn, 167 cottage cheese, 774 cottage cheese blintzes, 773 crumb, 2 gourmet healthy, 207 oat, 179 potato, 309 roti, 194 rye griddle, 191 sourdough, 219 sourdough whole wheat, 219 Papaya, 470-71 Paprika, 352 Parasites in livestock, 579 Paratyphoid in chickens, 660-61 Parching barley, 155 corn, 171 Native American method, 189 wild rice, 189 Parsley, 395-96 Parsnip growing, 320 preservation, 320-21 recipes for, 321 Partridge incubating eggs, 714 shelter and food, 714 See also Game birds Passion fruit, 475 Pastas, 2 - bami goreng, 227 basic noodles, 226 buckwheat, 158 egg noodles, 226 eggless noodles, 227 fettuccine, 227 green noodles, 227 lapshevnik, 227 noodle puffs, 227 pfarvel, 227 potato noodles, 227 ravioli, 227 spaetzle, 227 spaghetti sauces, 357-58 vegan noodles, 227 Pastilles, herb, 369 Patchouli, 396 Pâté, 683 Patties See Burgers and patties Pawpaws, 453-54 Pea beans, 294 Peach tree borers, 445 Peaches preserving, 454-55 recipes for, 455 Peanuts growing, 292 recipes for, 293-94 Pear(s) oriental, 455 preserving, 456 recipes for, 393, 456 Pearl millet, 177 Pearl onion, 245 Peas growing, 280-81 preserving, 282 recipes for, 282-83, 392 varieties, 280 Pecans, 441 Pedigreed animals, 555 Pemmican, 599 Pennyroyal, 396 Pepper, 396 Pepper(s), hot, 348-50 growing, 349 preservation, 349 recipes for, 350 resources, 348 varieties, 348-49 Pepper(s), sweet, 350-52 growing, 350-51 preserving, 351 recipes for, 167, 202, 351-52 seeds, 351 varieties, 350 Peppermint, 392 Perfumes lavender, 390 orange flower, 463 rose petal, 399 See also Cosmetics Persian walnuts, 444 Persimmons, 456-58 Personal advertisements, 22 Pests in gardening, 114-15 in grain, 145-46 Petit gris, 593 Phaseolus vulgaris See Beans Pheasants housing, 713 for hunting, 713 reproduction, 713 See also Game birds Physalis species of nightshades, 345 Physick, herb, 369 Pickling, 542 artichokes, 278 asparagus, 273-74 beets, 314 cantaloupe, 337 capers, 380 crab apples, 446 cucumbers, 340-43 eggs, 675 kim chee, 265 lower-temperature pasteurization, 341 mushrooms, 119 nasturtium seeds, 394 peaches or pears, 455 pearl onions, 245 pepper relish, 351 pigs' feet, 862 processing times for water bath, 341 quinces, 460 radish relish, 322 red cabbage, 263 snap beans, 284-85 spiced ginger pears, 456 spiced plums, 459 spices, 373 summer squash, 329 Pie(s) banana coconut, 124 campfire cobbler, 42 cherry, 452 chicken pot, 685 gooseberry, 478 huckleberry, 478 mincemeat, 602-3 nut/date, 124 pecan, 124 pigeon pot, 717 pumpkin, 332 rhubarb, 452 spices, 373 Pie pastry, 862 barley, 155 rye, 191 tropical raw pie crusts, 124 Pig(s), 837-63 breeds, 839 butchering, 851-58 fencing, 842-44 food, 844-47 housing, 144, 840-42 lard making, 859-62 meat cuts, 856-58 recipes for, 858-59, 862 reproduction, 847-50 resources, 838 vetting, 850 Pigeon pea, 294 Pigeons and doves breeds, 715 butchering, 717 nest, 716-17 recipes for, 717-18 resources, 716 wild, 716 Pimento peppers, 350 Pinching pennies, 49-52 Pine nuts, 442 Pinkeye in livestock, 578, 817 Pinto beans, 286 Pistachios, 442-43 Plague in ducks and geese, 695 Planning gardens, 87-98 Plant catalog resources herb plants, 364-65 trees and fruits, - vegetable seeds, 99-102 Plant classification, ^ Plant hardiness zone map (USDA), 96 Plow, 83 Plums, 458-59 Pneumonia in livestock, 578-79 Poblano peppers, 349 Pod corn, 159 See also Corn; Field corn Poison control centers, - Poisoning, mushroom, 116 Poisonous bites, 53-54 Poisonous plants, 410 Poke salet, 396 Pollution, 62-68 air, 63-64 food, 67-68 global warming, 63-64 plant damage from, 63 resources, 62 water, 64-65 from wood burning, 483, 484-85 Pomanders, herb, 369 Pomegranates, 471 Popcorn, 159 caramel, 806 Cracker Jacks, 807 harvesting, 167-71 recipes for, 175-76 See also Corn; Field corn Poppy seeds, 303, 396-97 Popsicles, 533-34 Pork recipes, 264, 858-59, 862 "Postum" (homemade), 202 Pot marigold, 391 Potato onion, 240 Potatoes, 306-11 harvesting, 308 planting, 307-8 preserving, 308-9 recipes for, 247, 309-10, 392, 401 resources, 306 "seed," 307 storage, 308 varieties, 306 Potpourri geranium, 385 herb, 369-70 rose petal, 399 Poultices, herbal, 370 Poultry See specific birds Powders See Vegetable powders Predators and chicks, 559 dogs as, 558-59 and domestics, 558-59 and rabbits, 809 Preserves crab apple, 446 strawberry, 479 sugar dried fruits, 505 sunshine, 505 Preserving foods, 493-547 canning, 513-25 city food preservers, 493 drying, 500-507 equipment, 499-500 freezing, 507-13 larding, 546 meats, 498-99 menu planning, 494-97 methods, 497-99 nutrition loss, 499 planning, 493-94 poultry, 684 rabbits, 684 record keeping, 494 resources, 499 root cellar storage, 525-31 salting, 545^1-6 self-sufficiency measure, 493 small game, 684 sugaring and fruit, 531-42 vinegar, 542-45 See also Canning foods; Preserving meats; specific foods Preserving meats canning, 596-97 drying, 597-99 freezing, 595-96 Prickly pear, 471 Primitive living, 32-47 bathing, 35 birthing babies, 36-38 burying dead, 38 campfire cooking, 39-43 clothing, 43^44 cold weather, 34-36 construction resources, 33-34 heating of house, 36 housekeeping, 38^-3 resources, 33-34 sickness, 35-36 Proso millet, 177 Psychology, animal, 553 Pudding(s) apple crumb, 222 applesauce crumb, 222 barley, 155 bread, 222 corn, 167, 172, 173 custards, 673, 767-68 with grain, 150 millet, 178 persimmon, 458 recycled bread, 221 rennet, 768 rice, 672 rye crumb, 222 sorghum, 195 whole wheat crumb, 222 See also Breads, steamed Pudding sauces brandy, 229 hard sauce, 229 lemon, 229 orange, 229 Pumpkins, 330-31 Purslane, 256, 397 Pyrethrum, 397 Q Quail coturnix, 714-15 housing, 715 meat and eggs, 715 reproduction, 714-15 resources, 714 See also Game birds Quick breads See Bread, quick Quilting, 44-45 feather, 686-87 wool, 832 Quince, 459-60 Quince seed hand lotion, 460 Quinoa description of, 180-81 growing, 181 recipes for, 181-82 R Raab, 268 Rabbit(s), 807-20 breeds, 808-9 butchering, 818-20 feeding of, 812 food, 811-14 housing, 809-11 predators, 809 preservation of, 684, 693-94 recipes for, 819-20 record keeping, 818 reproduction, 814-16 resources, 807 vetting, 816-18 water, 811 Rabbitry, 807 Raccoons, 592-93 Radicchio, - Radioactivity testing, 64 Radishes growing, 322 harvesting, 322 preserving, 2 - recipes for, 2 - varieties, - 2 Raft culture, 624 Rainwater, 70 Raisins, 474 Rape (canola), 303 Rape (greens), 270 Raspberries, 477 Ratites, 557-58 Raw food vegetarianism, 124 Rawhide tanning, 619-20 Real estate agents, 9-10 Real estate buying See Land buying Red chili peppers, 349 Red water disease, 579 Reforestation, 479-80 Refrigerating food, 38-39 Registered animals, 555 Reindeer raising, 557-58 Rennet, 394, 775-76 Reproduction of livestock, 572-73 Rhea, 557 Rhubarb, 278-79 Rice, 182-87 cooking, 186-87 growing, 183-85 harvesting, 185-86 paddies, 183-85 processing, 186 recipes for, 186-87, 247 resources, 182 transplanting, 185 varieties, 182-83 See also Wild rice Rice bean, 290 Ricks, 141-42 Rijsttafel, 187 Ringworm in livestock, 579 River buffalo, 742 Roasted grain coffee, 408 Rocambole, 241 Rocket (greens), 270-71 Rocky Mountain oysters, 574 Roller mill, 148 Romaine lettuce, 254 Roost, 657-58 Roosters, chicken, 662-63 Root cellar storage, 5 - checklist, 530-31 live storage guidelines, 526 locations, 526-29 maintenance, 529-30 Root vegetables, 305-26 cleaning, 306 growing, 305-6 storage, 305-6 Roquefort cheese, 780 Rose hips, 398 petals, 399-^00 Roselle, 471-72 Rosemary, 400-401 Rototillers, 82 Roundworms, 662 Roux, 601-2 Rue, 401 Rugs from skins, 621-22 Ruminants, 564 Runner bean, 290 Rural living resources, 6, 14-24 Rutabagas growing, 323 preserving, 323 recipes for, 323 Rye, 190-92 growing, 190-91 planting, 190 recipes for, 191-92 Rye grass, as green manure, 76 882 Sacbrood, 803 Sachets herb, 370 lavender, 390 Safflower seeds, 303 Saffron, 401 Sage, 401-2 Sagebrush, 378 Salad asparagus, 274 beet, 314 buckwheat greens, 157 carrot, 316 coleslaw, 262 cucumber, 340 endive, endive potato, 251 grain, 149-50 guacamole, 460-61 macadamia waldorf, 442 minty tabouli, 393 parsley-dill potato, 396 potato, 309 turnip slaw, 326 Salad dressings, 248-49 almond, 437 buttermilk coleslaw, 785 fruit, 393 herb, 381 homemade mayonnaise, 249 honey for fruits, 806 macadamia, 442 parsley, 396 scallion, 238 tahini-yogurt, 303 Salad making, 247-^48 Salal, 478-79 Saleratus, 206-7 Salmonella in eggs, 672 Salsify growing, 3 - preserving, recipes for, Salt, 402 as cleaning ingredient, 66 lamb/mutton seasoning, 836 mixtures, 373 onion, 244 in preserving food, 545-46 Salves, herb, 371 Sandwiches cheese spreads, 774 chicken spread, 686 homemade lunch meat loaf recipes, 603-4 mixes, 603-4 rabbit spread, 820 sprout, 122 watercress, 271 Saponification, 613 Saponin, 181 Sarvis berries, 479 Saskatoon berries, 479 Sassafras, 402 Sauces, 374, 538 for artichokes, 278 broiled honey topping, 807 fruit See Fruit desserts gravies, 601-2, 708 honey-cream, 807 horseradish, 388 hot fudge, 407 instant spaghetti, 507 mint jelly, 393 mint vinegar, 393 orange, 807 pesto, 379 pimento pepper pasta sauce, 352 salsa, 350 stroganoff, 782 tomatillo salsa verde, 352 tomato, 355 vanilla, 601 white, 602 Sauerkraut, 262-63, 708 Sausage, 604-9 making of, 604-7 recipes for, 202, 607-9, 693,820 resources, 604 Savory, 402-3 Scallions, 238 Scalloped pattypan squash, 328 Schools of country living, 24-26 Scorpions, 53-54 Scorzonera, - Scottish Highland cows, 743 Scours, 579 in cattle, 750 in goat kids, 737-38 Scoville Heat Scale, 348 Scrapple, 858-59 Scythe for grain harvesting, 139 Sea kale, 268 Sea purslane, 256 Seasoning guide, 374-76 mixtures, 373-74, 378 Seaweeds, 247 Seed(s) asparagus, 272 beets, 313 brassica, 259 cabbage, 260-61 carrots, 316 cucumbers, 338-39 eggplant, 344 for gardens, 98-107 buying, 98-99 plant reproduction, 105 saving, 104-7 storage, 106 vegetable seed catalogs, 99-102 gourds, 326-27 legume, 281 parsley, 395 parsnip, 320 pumpkin, 328 soybean, 295 squash, 326-27, 328 sunflower, 303-5 sweet peppers, 351 tree, 423 watermelon, 337 Seed Savers Exchange (SSE), 104-5 Serrano peppers, 349 Sesame, 303, 403 Shallots, 239-40 Shampoos herb, 371 jojoba, 389 See also Cosmetics Sheaf, 139-40 Sheep, 820-37 breeds, - butchering, 833-36 buying, 824 buying guide, 821 cheese from, 822-23 cooking and recipes, 836-37 dogs with, 826 fencing, 826 food, 824-25 housing, 825-26 lamb marketing, 828-29 reproduction, 826-29 resources, 821 shearing, 829-31 vetting, 829 wool, 829-33 Shell (dry) beans, 285-89 flatulence, 288-89 growing, 286 recipes for, 287-88 storing, 286-87 varieties, 285-86 Shellfish, 624 Shepherd's pie, 602 Shoat, 839 See also Pigs Shock corn, 168 grain, 140-41 Shorthorn cows, 742 Shotguns, hunting with, 586 Shots for livestock, 570-71, 572-73 Sickle for grain harvesting, 138 Silage, 568-69 Simmental cows, 742 Simple living See Primitive living Skirret, 325 Slaughter, 580 Slippery elm, 403 Small-mammal tips, 593 Snails raising, 593-94 recipes for, 594 Snakes as food, 594 poisonous, 54 tanning, 619 Snap beans, 283-85 growing, 283-84 preserving, 284-85 recipes for, 285 Snap peas, 280 Snow peas, 280 Soap making, 609-16 fat temperatures, 613 lye, 611, 614 lye to fat to water proportions, 613 natural sudsing agents, 616 recipes for, 615-16 resources, 610 saponification, 406, 613 Soil, 73-87 characteristics of, 73-74 composition, 74-77 cultivating, 77-87 earthworms, 84-87 nutrients, 75-76 nutrients for, 75-76 testing, 74-75 Solanums, 343-59 Solar cookers, 39 Solar greenhouses, 112 Solar power, 30 Sore hocks, 817 Sorghum, 192-99 broomcorn, 192-93 for brown sugar, 198 grain, 193-95 for livestock, 192 recipes for, 194-95, 198-99 sweet/forage, 195-99 for syrup making, 196-99 varieties, 193 Sorrel, ^ , 471 Soups and stews asparagus, 274 barley, 155 beef, 755 beet, 314 bones, 609-10 borscht, 124 bouillon, 601, 609 Brunswick stew, 593 buttermilk vegetable, 785 carrot, 317 celery, 276 chestnut chicken, 439 chicken, 685 chili, 288 cilantro chicken tomato, 382 consommé, 609 corn, 167 cream of mushroom, 766 cream of nettle, 394 cream of onion and potato, 766 cream of spinach, 766-67 cream of tomato, 767 cucumber, 340 dill, 383 garlic, 239 gazpacho, 358 grain, 149 gumbo, 347 herb, 381 herbal seasoning, 371, 373 lamb fricassee, 837 leek, 245 from meat, 609-10 millet, 178 minestrone, 124 mushroom, 119-20 onion, 766 pea, 124 rabbit, 820 sassafras gumbo, 402 Scotch broth, 155,837 tomato, 124 turkey, 693 watercress, 271 zucchini soup, 330 Sour cream, 782-83 Sourdough breads See Bread, sourdough Southerns (beans), 294 Southernwood, 404 Sow, 839 See also Pigs Soy sauce, 299 Soybeans, 294-99 dried, 295-96 growing, 295 miso, 299 recipes for, 296 resources, 294-95 soy milk, 296-97 soy sauces, 299 tamari, 299 tempeh, 298-99 torn, 297-98 Spaghetti sauces, 357-58 Spaghetti squash, 333 Spanish snail, 593 Spearmint, 392 Spice(s), 363 Spiced fruits, 540 Spiders, 54 Spinach, 256-57 Spirits, herb, 371 Springs (water source), 70 Sprouts chart, 121 recipes for, 122 resources, 120 Squab, 717-18 Squash sponge (luffa) growing, 336 recipes for, 336 Squashes, 328-36 seeds, 326-27 Squirrels, 592-93 Star anise, 378 Steamed breads See Bread, steamed Stings from bees, 794-95 Stone mill, 148 Stone walls as fences, 564 Stonebrood, 803 Storage of food for emergencies, 31 Stoves wood heat, 483-84 See also Cookstoves Straw, 144 See also Grain, threshing Strawberries, 479 Stuffings brown rice, 222 chestnut, 439 chicken, 684-85 corn, 172 orange-prune crumb, 222 precise amount, 2 turkey, 222 Subtropical fruits, 460-72 Succotash, 167, 289-90 Sudsing agents, natural, 616 Suet, 584 Sugar, 210 brown, 198 cinnamon, 381 dried fruits, 505 ginger, 385 honey as substitute, 805 maple, 433 Sugar beets, - Sugar cane, 198-99 Sugar trees, 430-33 Sugaring for fruit preservation, 531-42 brandied fruit, 540-41 butters, 538 jams and jellies, 534-37 juices, 531-33 ketchups, 539 sauces, 538 spiced fruit, 540 sugar alternatives, 531 syrups, 537-38 See also specific foods Sulfur dioxide, 63 Summer squashes growing, 328 harvesting, 328-29 preserving, 329 recipes for, 329-30 Sun drying, 499, 502-3 Sunflower seeds characteristics of, 303-4 recipes for, 305 Swarming of bees, 802 Sweet cicely, 404 Sweet corn canning, 166 characteristics of, 159 harvesting, 164-65 preserving, 165-67 recipes for, 167 See also Corn; Field corn Sweet dumpling squash, 330 Sweet peppers See Pepper(s), sweet Sweet potatoes growing, 310 harvesting, 310-11 preserving, 311 recipes for, 311 Sweetbreads, 584 Sweeteners, artificial, 531 Sweet-pit apricots, 443 Swiss chard, 257 Swiss cheese, 781 Syrup basic fruit, 537 berry, 477 blackberry, 477 blueberry, 477 chokecherry 452 currant, 478 herbal, 371 honey, 806 lemon, 537 lemonade, 463 maple, 433 mint, 392 orange, 463 pancake, 537-38 phony maple, 538 plum, 537 preserving of, 537-38 quick berry, 537-38 raspberry, 537 rose and rhubarb, 400 rose hip, 399 standard fruit, 537 strawberry, 537 sugar, 538 sugar beet, 313 whole fruit, 537 Tabasco peppers, 349 Tabouli minty, 393 parsley, 396 Taco fillings, 204 Tahini, 303 poppy, 303 Tamales, 175 Tamari, 301 Tamarillo, 472 Tanning, 616-21 buckskin, 620-21 commercial, 619 overview, 617-18 rawhide, 619-20 recipes for, 618-19 resources, 616-17 sheep, 834 sheep hides, 831 Tansy, 404 Tapeworms, 662 Taro, 312 Tarragon, 404 Tea, 408-9 borage, 379 chamomile, 381 East Indian, 409 elderberry, 452-53 elderflower, 453 green, 409 herbal, 371-72 honey, 807 horehound, 387 mint, 392 rose hip, 398 rose petal, 400 sage, 402 spiced, 373, 409 Teff, 177 Temperate-zone fruits, 444-60 Tepary bean, 292 Tepin peppers, 349 Thai peppers, 349 Threshing grain, 142-44 rice, 186, 189 sorghum, 194 wild rice, 189 Thrifty practices, 49-52 Thyme, 405 Ticks on chickens, 661 Lyme disease, - non-Lyme, 53 Tiller, 135 Tilling for grain crops, 136 no-tilling vs., 77-78 Tinctures, herbal, 372 Tipi, 34 Tisane, 372 Toasted breads, 221 Tobacco, 405 Tofu, 297-98 Toilet cleaners for, 67 compost, 69 Tomatillos growing, 352 preservation, 352 recipes for, 352 Tomatoes, 352-59 green, 354-55 growing, 353-54 how many to grow, 353 preservation, 355-56 resources, 352 varieties, - Toothpaste, 1 - Tortillas, 204 masa (hominy), 174 Toxoplasmosis, 585 in sheep, 836 Tractors, 82-83 Traveling with animals, 555 883 Tree(s), 419-72 climates for, 421 cutting, 422 fruit propagation, 2 - guerrilla tree planting, 420-21 planting, 424-26 pruning, 426-30 resources, 419-20, - size of, 421 spraying, 426 suckers, 2 - transplanting "wild," 421 two-story agriculture, 419 See also specific trees Tree onion, 241 Tree tomato, 472 Trichinae, 596 Trichinosis, 585 Tripe, 584, 836-37 Tropical chicken flea, 662 Tropical fruits, 460-72 Tub cleaners, 66-67 Tuberculosis, 741, 764 poultry, 682 Turban squash, 330 Turkey, 688-94 breeds, 688-89 brooding poults, 690-91 butchering, 692 housing, 691-92 killing, 692 recipes for, 239, 692-94 reproduction, 689-90 resources, 688 Turmeric, 405 Turnip(s) growing, 325 preserving, 325-26 recipes for, 326 Turnip greens, 271 Turtles as food, 594-95 Two-story agriculture, 419 Tyfon, 271 Typhoid, fowl, 660 U Undercover gardening, 109-13 resources, 109-13, 112, 113 Undulant fever, 764 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 15-16 Unleavened breads See Bread, unleavened Urine, livestock and red water disease, 579 USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) canning approved by, 792 description of, 15-16 V Vaccinations for children, 572-73 for livestock, 570-71, 572-73 Vanilla, 405-6 Varroatosis, 803 Veal, 751 Vegan recipes artichokes, 278 asparagus, 274 bean soup,288 Bengali crackers, 384 Bengali eggplant, 277 Boston brown bread, 228 bulgur sausage, 202 cabbage, 261-62 cachapas, 167 carrot loaf, 123 carrots, 317 cauliflower, 267 celeriac, 275 chapatis, 204 corn, 166-67 corn stuffed peppers, 167 corn/wheat bread, 171-72 croutons, 221 curried dried peas, 282 eggless crepes, 204 eggplant, 345 European style bread, 217 feijoada, 288 frumenty, 201 garbanzo mock roast, 291 gazpacho, 358 gluten, 223 granola, 180 greens roll-ups, 247 groundnut sauce, 293-94 gruel crackers, 225 kasha, 157 kidney bean chili, 288 kishke, 2 leftover mush, 173 lentil burgers, 292 lentil loaf, 292 macadamia salad dressing, 442 macadamia waldorf salad, 442 mayonnaise, 249 minty tabouli, 393 noodles, 226-27 nut candy, 435 orange/beet juice, 314 peanut sauce, 293-94 pecan burgers, 442 pie fillings, 124 pimento pepper pasta sauce, 352 potato pancakes, 309 pumpkin pie, 332 radishes, 2 - raisin-rice corn pudding, 173 salsify, 324 shell (dry) beans, 287-88 sloppy lentils, 292 soups, 124 soy milk ice cream, 297 soy yogurt cottage cheese, 297 soy yogurt cream cheese, 297 soy yogurt sour cream, 297 soybean loaf, 296 soysage, 297-98 spinach lasagne, 257 squash pie, 332 steamed medley, 125 stuffed peppers, 351-52 substitutes, 125-26 sunflower loaf, 305 sweet rolls, 217 tofu "Big Mac," 298 tofu pizza, 298 tofu salad, 298 vegetable nut loaves, 124 zucchini chips, 329 Vegan vegetarianism, 124-26 See also Vegan recipes Vegetable(s), 106-7, 237-359 See also Vegan recipes Vegetable powders garlic, 239 onion, 244 paprika, 352 Vegetable recipes amaranth, 255 artichokes, 278 asparagus, 274 beets, 314 broccoli, 266 Brussels sprouts and chestnuts, 260 bulgur-stuffed bell peppers, 202 cabbage, 261-62 cardoons, 274-75 carrot, 316-17 carrot and nut loaf, 123 cauliflower, 267 celeriac, 275 celery, 276 celery stuffed with caraway, 380 Chinese cabbage, 265 collards, 269 corn salad, 258-59 corn-stuffed bell peppers, 167 cucumber, 340 dried vegetable slices and dip, 507 eggplant, 123, 345 garlic spread, 239 green tomatoes, 355 greens, 247 hummus, 291 kale, 269-70 kim chee, 265 kohlrabi, 268 leek, 245 lima bean, 290 okra, 347 onion, 244 onion rings, 42 pearl onion, 245 pecan loaf, 123 peppers (hot), 350 peppers (sweet), 351-52 potato, 309-10 radish, 2 - rye and lentils, 192 salsify, 324 sauerkraut, 262-63 shell (dry) beans, 287-88 soybeans, 296-99 spinach, 256-57 steamed medley, 125 summer squash, 329-30 sunflower loaf, 305 sweet potato, 311 taro, 312 tofu, 298 tomatillo, 352 tomato, 358 vegetable nut loaves, 124 watercress, 271 yam, 312 See also specific categories of foods Vegetarianism, 122-26 food deficiencies, 124 lacto-ovo, 2 - macrobiotics, 124 organic vegan recipes, 125-26 raw food recipes, 124 resources, 122 Vent, pasted, 648 Vent disease in rabbits, 817 Veterinary procedures at home, 570-79 body temperature monitoring, 571-72 castration and dehorning, 573-76 digestive ailments, 576-78 diseases/infections, 578-79 parasites, 579 reproduction, 572-73 resources, 570 See also specific animals Vicunas, 557 Vinegar celery, 276 chervil, 381 chili, 350 cider, 544 cleaning ingredient, 67 clover bloom, 382 dill, 383 fruit harvest, 544-45 herbal, 372 production of, 542-45 rose petal, 399 tarragon, 404 uses of, 545 wine, 545 Violet, 406 Virus deterrents, 280 Virus enteritis, 695 Vitamin A, 499 Vitamin C, 499 W Waffle baking powder, 208 buttermilk, 785 cornmeal, 171 Walnut, 443-^4 Washing soda as cleaning ingredient, 67 Watchdog geese as, 704 guineas as, 709 Water, 69-73 for chicks, 646 conservation, 69 emergency, 31 food from See Aquaculture hot, 35 for plants, 73 resources (information), 69 sources, 69-71 systems, 71-73 See also Water pollution Water buffalo, 742 Water chestnuts, 326 Water oat See Wild rice Water pollution, 64-65 agricultural chemical, 64-65 hard water, 64 water testing, 65 Water power, 28-29 Water spinach, 257 Water-bath canning, 522 Watercress 271 Waterfowl, 694-709 Watermelons, 337 Wax beans, 283-85 Waxy maize, 159 See also Com; Field com Weeds in gardening, 113-14 Wells (water source), 70-71 Welsh onion, 240-41 Wethers, 727 Wheat, 199-203 bran, 203 bulgur, 202 cracked, 202 graham, 202-3 growing, 199-200 harvesting, 200-201 recipes for, 201-3 resources, 199 uses of, 201 Whipping cream, 783 White muscle disease, 579 White sauce, 602 Whooping cough, 572-73 Wild animals, 585-95 resources, 586 Wild food foraging, - Wild rice, 182, 187-90 growing, 187-88 harvesting, 188-89 processing, 189-90 recipes for, 190 resources, 187 Wine mulled red, 374 vinegar, 545 Winged bean, 299-300 Wintergreen, 406 Wolf teeth in rabbits, 817 Wood cookstoves, 485-87 Wood heat, 479-88 air pollution, 483, 484-85 burning, 483-85 fire prevention, 483-84 harvesting wood, 480-83 resources, 483 stove shopping, 484 Wooden fence, 563-64 Wool breeds of sheep, 822 colors, 822 felting, 832 fiberfest, 832 quilts, 832 resources, 833 shearing sheep, 829-31 sheep, 829-33 spinning and weaving, 832 Worms in chickens, 662 in guineas, 711 in livestock, 579 in pigs, 850 in rabbits, 818 in sheep, 829 See also Earthworms Wormwood, 406 Jit y^ ^ F YeastVeads See Bread, yeast Yogurt, 768-70 frozeri) _ g Yucca as sudsi 4Q6 & Ymt s 34 Zoning forammals, 553 • Q-JQ f 335 ...THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF Country Living AN O L D F A S H I O N E D U P D A T E D N I N T H R E C I P E E D I T I O N B O O K THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF Country Living AN O L D F A S H... moving to the country? ??yes! But don't move to the country in search of a notion of freedom that pictures you lying on the grass all of a fine summer's day, chewing on a succession of hay straws... SELF-SUFFICIENCY AND COUNTRY LIVING: Here follows my annotated, opinionated bibliography Most of these books are out of print, but your local librarian can help you obtain them The Almanac of Rural Living