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Real reading teacher manual 1

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TEACHER’S MANUAL REAL READING Creating an Authentic Reading Experience LY NN BONESTEEL Series Consultant PAUL NATION Real Reading Teacher’s Manual Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher Pearson Education, 10 Bank Street, White Plains, NY 10606 Model Lesson Plan by Colin Ward Staff credits: The people who made up the Real Reading team, representing editorial, production, design, and manufacturing, are Pietro Alongi, Dave Dickey, Nancy Flaggman, Ann France, Barry Katzen, Dana Klinek, Amy McCormick, Martha McGaughey, Joan Poole, Robert Ruvo, Debbie Sistino, Katherine Sullivan, and Jennifer Stem PEARSON LONGMAN ON THE WEB Pearsonlongman.com offers online resources for teachers and students Access our Companion Websites, our online catalog, and our local offices around the world Visit us at pearsonlongman.com ISBN-10: 0136066941 ISBN-13: 9780136066941 CONTENTS CHAP- Scope and Sequence iv Model Lesson Plan Unit Notes 13 Student Book Answer Key 26 Scope and Sequence Unit Previewing and Predicting Folktales Telling Stories What’s for Dinner? Fluency Practice Adjectives Using Word Cards: Example Sentences Understanding Sequence Dangerous Dining Scanning Word Families Using Word Cards: Changing Order and Grouping Wild Treasures Understanding Details The Suffixes -al and -ity Using a Dictionary The Prefix dis- Using a Dictionary: Verb Forms Collocations Using a Dictionary: Collocations Reading The Gift, Part Reading The Gift, Part Funny Business The Science of Laughter Active Reading Can’t Take a Joke Understanding the Main Idea The Best-Dressed Penguin Some of My Best Friends Are Animals 10 Christian the Lion Understanding Pronouns 11 Natural by Design 12 Swarm Intelligence Fluency Practice iv Deciding Which Words to Learn: Making Word Cards Understanding Topics Anansi and Turtle Vocabulary Strategy Nouns and Verbs Phelps’s Feet Learning from Mother Nature Vocabulary Skill Just Add Water In the Water Reading Skill Chapter Scope and Sequence Understanding Examples Visualizing Reading Pinky the Duck, Part Reading Pinky the Duck, Part Unit Superstitions Staying Alive Truth or Lies? Fluency Practice 10 Twice as Good 11 Illusions 12 Collective Madness Fluency Practice Chapter 13 In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb 14 The Superstitious Game 15 Trapped! 16 Why Do Some Survive? Reading Skill Understanding Cause and Effect Vocabulary Skill Vocabulary Strategy Nouns that End in -ing Using a Dictionary: Finding Members of the Same Word Family The Prefix in- Figuring Out Meaning from Context The Prefix un- Using Word Parts to Guess Meaning Using Details to Visualize a Story Making a Graphic Organizer 17 Do Animals Lie? Summarizing 18 Who Am I Today? Reading Adventures in English with Dan Jackson (blog) Reading Adventures in English with Dan Jackson (blog posts) 19 Two in One Understanding Tone Phrasal Verbs Using the Keyword Technique Roots and Prefixes Using Word Parts to Guess Meaning Adjectives and Adverbs Choosing Words to Learn 20 Identical Strangers 21 Hugging Bugs Bunny 22 Is Seeing Really Believing? Recognizing Text References Making Inferences 23 Tulip Fever Understanding Figurative Language 24 The Dancing Plague Reading Twins in the News Reading The Miracle Twins Scope and Sequence v MODEL LESSON PLAN HOW TO USE THE LESSON PLAN CHAP- Overview of Unit Format Each unit of Real Reading consists of two thematically related chapters Compelling readings in a variety of genres have been carefully written or adapted from authentic sources and feature a principled approach to vocabulary development • Chapters consist of pre-reading and post-reading activities, including a reading skill, a reading goal, comprehension questions, and discussion activities • Reading and vocabulary skill building and vocabulary learning strategies based on Paul Nation’s research help students become more confident and successful in preparation for academic reading and reading on standardized tests Suggested Methods of Instruction This lesson plan can serve as a generic guide for any unit in the Student Book • Suggested methods for delivering instruction for each section or activity in a unit are presented • Alternative ways to handle each activity are provided under the heading Variations These options allow instructors to vary the way they treat the same activity from chapter to chapter and in so doing to identify the methods that work best for a specific class or individual students Think Before You Read Each unit begins with a thought-provoking opener that introduces students to the unit theme, elicits vocabulary relevant to the theme, and includes discussion questions to activate students’ prior knowledge and stimulate interest A and B (approximately 10 minutes) • Ask students to silently read the discussion questions Answer any questions the students have Then elicit one possible answer for the first discussion question Give students a few minutes to read the discussion questions • Have students label everything that they see in the pictures If they not know a word in English, they should look it up in a translation dictionary or ask the instructor or a classmate • Have students form pairs or small groups to discuss their answers Tell them they will report at least one of their answers to the class Instruct them to write any new words they encounter on the New Words pages in the back of the book • After 10 minutes, ask several students to share their answers Model Lesson Plan Variations • Ask students to answer the discussion questions in writing at home Have them read their partner’s or group members’ answers in class and discuss their answers • Assign one discussion question per pair or small group Have each pair or group discuss the question and report their ideas to the class • Start listing important vocabulary on the board that comes out of the class discussion or your reaction to students’ responses Ask about students’ familiarity or knowledge with the words Offer other examples of and contexts for the words as necessary • Choose one discussion question and have each student a one-minute freewrite to expand ideas generated from the discussion The students’ writing can be passed around the class or reviewed in small groups to encourage further feedback and discussion The activity may also serve as a closure to the discussion • After students have discussed the questions, ask them to write for to minutes in answer to the questions Have students exchange their writing with a partner or group member and compare their ideas Prepare to Read This section previews words and phrases that students will encounter in the reading Students reflect on what they already know and then answer questions about the topic A (approximately 10–15 minutes) • Tell students that they will be learning new vocabulary that they need for the readings in the chapter and reading in general Explain that learning a word is a gradual, cumulative process, and that this activity is designed to raise their awareness of what it means to know a word Although some of the words in the list may be familiar to students, that does not necessarily mean that they know the word well enough to be able to use it in their own speech and writing Conversely, they might be able to pronounce and spell the word perfectly, and yet not really know what it means • Tell them that almost all of the vocabulary words that are targeted in this book are high-frequency words, so they are very useful for English language learners Tell students they will see these words in general texts like magazines and newspapers, as well as in academic texts like textbooks and journal articles • Have students complete the vocabulary exercise without using a dictionary Tell them to pay close attention to what they already know about the words, as well as what they need to learn • Have students compare their answers with a partner Walk around the class to monitor discussions Listen for students’ knowledge of the words Make notes on any particular problems or misunderstandings you notice so that you can focus on them later • Bring the class together Pronounce all targeted words for students, and have students repeat after you Refer to the Pronunciation Table at the back of the book as necessary List the vocabulary on the board Ask for volunteers from each group to write stress markers and example sentences for the target vocabulary on the board Then bring the class together and elicit corrections if necessary Model Lesson Plan Variations • Have students complete the exercise for homework and compare answers with a partner • Categorize the vocabulary according to part of speech Write the headings Noun, Verb, Adjective, and Adverb on the board Have students copy the headings on paper In pairs or as a class, categorize the vocabulary Be aware that some words will fall under more than one heading For a more active exercise, call on students to write the words on the board by part of speech • With the words on the board, ask students which words have a positive, negative, or neutral connotation, and identify it next to each word (ϩ, Ϫ, n) • At home, have students make a word card for each unfamiliar vocabulary word from the exercise, after first demonstrating how they should review their cards • Ask students to write a sentence using two or three of the words they know Have students share their answers in small groups or as a class Write some of the examples on the board • Assign one or two words to different students the day before the exercise Ask them to prepare a short presentation of the words, including part of speech, pronunciation, and meaning Rotate this activity so all students have a chance to participate as you progress through the book • Divide students into small groups Assign two or three words per group Have students look up their words in the dictionary and look at their pronunciation Refer students to the Pronunciation Table at the back of the book Have each group pronounce their words and correct as necessary Have the class repeat the words in chorus • Keep the list of target words on one side of the board Refer to it when students encounter or use these words in the unit B (approximately 5–10 minutes) • Have students work in pairs to complete the exercise • Have students label everything that they see in the pictures If they not know a word in English, they should look it up in a translation dictionary or ask the instructor or a classmate • Tell students to list unknown words on the New Words pages in the back of the book • Call on students to share their answers to the questions Variations • On the board, write important or useful vocabulary that you hear • When responding to students, incorporate the target vocabulary items from the unit in your responses Ask follow-up questions that use the target items Reading Skill (approximately 10–15 minutes) Each unit contains one or two key reading skills • Write the name of the reading skill on the board • Ask students with which kinds of text they think they can use the skill (e.g., for magazines, newspapers, textbooks) Have them explain their answers • Ask students if the skill is a pre-reading, during reading, and/or post-reading strategy and why Model Lesson Plan STUDENT BOOK ANSWER KEY it’s safe and easy to learn, you don’t need to swim, you don’t need much training, you can it with an injury or while pregnant, you can move in ways not possible on land, people feel relaxed in the water and will probably exercise more CHAPTER UNIT Think Before You Read (page 1) A Vocabulary Skill Building She is in a swimming pool She is doing water aerobics N V B Answers will vary UNIT Prepare to Read (page 2) B She is in a swimming pool She is swimming They are at the gym They are exercising Answers will vary Answers will vary C water aerobics anyone Possible answers: it feels easy, you burn the same number of calories as in the gym, it’s safe and easy to learn, you don’t need to swim, you don’t need much training, you can it with an injury or while pregnant, you can move in ways not possible on land, people feel relaxed in the water and will probably exercise more Vocabulary Check exercise weigh body advantages relaxed 10 (page 4) burn energy land safe training Comprehension Check a b B exercise in the water a people of all ages b in a swimming pool c run, walk, aerobics, yoga Possible answers: it feels easy, you burn the same number of calories as in the gym, CHAPTER (page 8) B dolphins, jumping out of the water Michael Phelps, a gold medal Answers will vary C Answers may vary Possible answers: 1, 2, 4, Vocabulary Check flat win kick stretch special 10 (page 10) surface power natural forward Comprehension Check (page 11) A T ? UNIT (page 5) a V N Prepare to Read A c a V N (page 7) F F F T ? ? CHAPTER Think Before You Read (page 14) A a tortoise and a hare (a kind of rabbit) The hare is running B a book of folktales Student Book Answer Key 27 Prepare to Read Read (page 15) B grasshopper and ants The grasshopper is holding a violin The ants might be working (page 22) circle: when (paragraph 1, paragraph 4) before (paragraph 3) the next day (paragraph 9) then (paragraph 13) as soon as (paragraph 14) C The Ant and the Grasshopper folktales fables, pourquoi stories, trickster tales, fairy tales Vocabulary Check meal tricks clever the same grass (page 17) 10 lies behavior share characteristics punishes Comprehension Check (page 18) A Fairy tale Trickster tale Fable Trickster tale Fairy tale Fable Pourquoi story Fairy tale (also sometimes Fable) Vocabulary Skill Building pocket dirty shoulder bottom remove (page 23) 10 follow covered ashamed apologize as soon as Comprehension Check (page 25) A 10 11 12 meal dirty ashamed clean grass followed bottom surface pockets remove As soon as B 5, 2, 4, 3, (page 20) C 5, 3, 4, 6, 1, A flat powerful relaxed UNIT natural special CHAPTER Prepare to Read CHAPTER Prepare to Read (page 29) fugu (page 21) a spider and a turtle underwater / in the ocean The turtle is eating The spider is watching / trying to take the turtle’s food C Circle: when, before Order: 3, 5, 2, 1, Student Book Answer Key UNIT B B 28 Vocabulary Check C Answer: puffer fish and blowfish Answer: about 50 Link: home cooks Answer: winter Link: fugu restaurants Vocabulary Check b c a b c a b a $1,200 to $2,300 a pound ($2,600 to $5,000 a kilogram) the truffle (page 32) c 10 b Vocabulary Check Comprehension Check (page 33) A Fugu is the most poisonous fish in the world People like the taste and the danger You need to train and get a license At the end of the training, you need to eat the fugu you prepared and survive Untrained home cooks are responsible for most fugu deaths today The fish are fat and not as poisonous B poisonous Fugu is the most interesting fish in the world poison You need to remove the body before you eat it In Japan, chefs who want to cook fugu train for years weeks Then they take a test The test has two parts: one written and one practical To pass the practical 30 and survive About 70 percent of them pass the test and get their licenses as fugu chefs These days, eating at a fugu restaurant is very safe dangerous Almost all fugu deaths happen when people prepare and eat fugu at home CHAPTER Prepare to Read (page 34) B in a forest looking for truffles truffles C ground full scientist joke wild 10 imagine serious agree In fact luck Comprehension Check (page 37) A b and c b b a and b a and c a B fine wine and very strong cheese in dark, black, rich dirt and in the wild, under the ground at the bottom of oak and hazelnut trees; many are in Italy raw, cut very thin, on top of pasta $1,200 to $2,300 a pound ($2,600 to $5,000 a kilogram) They don’t want others to know where they find their truffles fugu written test, they need to prepare and eat poison UNIT (page 36) Vocabulary Skill Building (page 39) A Noun Adjective danger dangerous nature natural poison poisonous responsibility responsible safety safe seriousness serious specialist special energy energetic luck lucky power powerful B rotten eggs pigs and great chefs fine wine and very strong cheese in a forest (in the ground under a tree) in Italy and some other places specialist safety powerful danger natural 10 luck energy poison serious responsibility Student Book Answer Key 29 UNIT B CHAPTER emotional experimental nature Think Before You Read (page 46) A UNIT two One man is drowning The other man is giving him soap because he thinks the man is taking a bath He doesn’t realize that he is drowning There is a lack of communication The man drowning is probably trying to yell for help The other man cannot hear him clearly, and he thinks the man needs soap for a bath Prepare to Read (page 47) B A scientist is tickling a rat, who is laughing In a nearby cage, a rat is in the middle of a bunch of rats, telling a joke, as they laugh The first rat is being tickled The other rats are laughing because the joke is funny C laughter in animals Vocabulary Check fun popular similarity brain emotion 10 experiment control active surprise find out (page 50) A Prepare to Read (page 53) B at a TV show He is making a joke The people are laughing because another man is holding a sign telling them to laugh The man in the suit thinks they are laughing because he is funny / because they like his joke C c a Vocabulary Check humorous make fun of mistakes physical interpreter (page 55) translate speech offensive introduction Comprehension Check (page 56) A 2, 3, 4, B 1, 3, 4, 5, Learn the Vocabulary (page 57) A c a c b b Vocabulary Skill Building A behavioral emotional experimental 30 CHAPTER (page 49) Comprehension Check b b a practice similar active Student Book Answer Key popularity practical similarity h e c (page 52) B f b a g d adjective interpret, interpretation, interpretive Answers will vary make Answers will vary UNIT Comprehension Check CHAPTER (page 69) A c Think Before You Read (page 59) A c a, e B 9, 4, 8, 10, 7, 5, 3, 6, Vocabulary Skill Building a wet suit He is holding a hoop for the dolphin to jump through / He is teaching the dolphin a trick It is jumping through the hoop Prepare to Read B a wet suit Answers will vary She is teaching the penguin to tricks / She is doing an experiment with the penguin C recognize fashionable stranger each other leader 10 UNIT B, T A b a b b a a b b Learn the Vocabulary (page 73) A accepted appear appeared appeared (page 63) control controlled controlled treat famous identify accepted felt sorry for convince convinced convinced feel felt felt hug hugged hugged identify identified identified lead led led recognize recognized recognized ride rode ridden throw threw thrown treat treated treated (page 64) b A A A B Regular verb, Regular verb, Irregular no spelling spelling verbs changes changes accept appear convince recognize treat (page 66) C a Vocabulary Check a a accepted CHAPTER 10 Prepare to Read a b accept B B B disadvantage discovered disowned Past participle A b disagree disinfected dissimilar Simple past Comprehension Check c A Base form a penguin He Pierre’s outfit (the wet suit) (page 71) B (page 60) Vocabulary Check c, e (page 68) b b c control hug identify ride feel lead throw 10 b Student Book Answer Key 31 UNIT Vocabulary Check CHAPTER 11 Think Before You Read (page 74) A c b c b b c c a (page 84) a 10 a Comprehension Check They are outside, perhaps in a park or nature preserve They are studying a plant Prepare to Read (page 75) B (page 85) A T F T T F T T F B They are a similar shape and color C biomimicry two c c c a a c c b C 1, 3, Vocabulary Skill Building Vocabulary Check b b (page 77) b a c c a 10 a Comprehension Check A fight a problem information (page 78) (page 86) swarm learn traffic jam Learn the Vocabulary (page 88) A A Examples of Biomimicry Human-made: car, office building Natural: boxfish, termite mound Characteristics (copied by designers): energyefficient, powerful, fast, moves well in small spaces, can take a lot of pressure, protective covering, air enters underground, inside temperature doesn’t change, air vents open and close B 3, 4 break against follow rose UNIT 7 drop have took room CHAPTER 13 Think Before You Read (page 95) A UNIT CHAPTER 12 Prepare to Read Vocabulary Check (page 81) B Answers will vary a b c d C 32 Student Book Answer Key a four-leaf clover (shamrock), a black cat, a broken mirror, a white dove (pigeon) c b b a c 10 b c b b c (page 98) Comprehension Check (page 99) A 2, Learn the Vocabulary (page 107) A B Noun Verb 2, 5, and are all superstitions, since they are based not on physical observations about weather that might occur within 24 hours, but rather on long-term predictions, i.e., superstitions connection connect completion complete hunter hunt Vocabulary Skill Building prediction predict predictable opposition oppose opposite form, formation form formative storm storm stormy V G G UNIT (page 100) V V G superstition (page 101) stormy form complete superstitious predict oppose UNIT CHAPTER 15 D Vocabulary Check 10 (page 104) d a c b g Prepare to Read (page 104) A effect, cause effect, cause cause, effect cause, effect cause, effect effect, cause events connections advantage imagine hunter followed storm (page 110) Aron Ralston right hand 800 pounds (363 kilograms) less than a liter six a $15 pocket knife 60 feet six 20,320-foot Mt Denali in Alaska Vocabulary Check B 7 connect hunter C Comprehension Check superstitious B C f l j e i complete CHAPTER 14 Prepare to Read Adjective 10 11 12 13 14 mind hunting rainbow warned died chance survived fall thirst fear trapped realize 10 (page 113) recording hold on risk adventure experienced Comprehension Check (page 114) A Ralston was at a canyon miles away from home It was a beautiful April day He did not tell anyone where he was going Student Book Answer Key 33 An 800-pound (363-kilogram) rock fell on his right hand He was trapped for six days He made a recording to say good-bye to his family He cut off the bottom of his right arm with a pocket knife Ralston had to walk six miles He climbed 20,320-foot (6,194-meter) Mt Denali in Alaska alone UNIT C f (page 119) T T T T B incomplete inactive inoffensive doesn’t land F, When a plane crashes, it lands safely 10 T Comprehension Check (page 120) A Disaster survivors share characteristics that help them survive one of two things: freeze, or walk around in a daze Disaster survivors accept their situation quickly know their limits Many survivors are independent thinkers didn’t follow instructions from security on 9/11 Survivors are part of a strong community feel connected to family and friends Student Book Answer Key CHAPTER 17 Think Before You Read (page 124) They are in a police station The bald man is taking a lie detector test (page 125) C F, An independent person needs a lot of help from other people T Peter efficient inexperienced independent Prepare to Read doesn’t need B inoffensive inefficient A five Vocabulary Check 34 inexperienced incomplete inactive UNIT (page 117) (page 121) A CHAPTER 16 Prepare to Read Vocabulary Skill Building Vocabulary Check l a g b h i c j (page 127) k 10 d Comprehension Check (page 128) A MI ST EX EX ST EX EX B Many animals behave dishonestly to fool other animals in order to survive birds chimpanzees plover—pretends to have broken wing scrub jays watch where others bury food, steal it, bury it, and then unbury it later cuckoos lay eggs in other birds’ nests loser took winner’s hand to win fight cry softly when they find food so that others don’t hear UNIT Learn the Vocabulary CHAPTER 18 (page 136) A Prepare to Read discuss under information (page 130) B B Leonardo DiCaprio Catch Me If You Can; it’s about Frank Abagnale’s life without ability without limitation without decision C Answers may vary 1, 3, 4, CHAPTER 19 UNIT Vocabulary Check b a b a c b a b 10 (page 132) a 10 c Think Before You Read (page 144) A Comprehension Check (page 133) A a b b a b b Prepare to Read ? sixteen (line 13) ? yes (line 16) yes (line 17) ? Vocabulary Check Vocabulary Skill Building (page 134) V V A A A V 10 11 12 c a a b b 10 a Comprehension Check (page 148) B V A A A A F T unbury unhealthy uncover undress unlock unconditional F T F F ? T C B c a c a (page 147) A A (page 145) C 2, B They are all twins Maybe it is a picnic or party for twins 10 11 12 unskilled unsuccessful unsafe unemotional unpack unnatural Physical appearance (the way they look) same hairstyle, same clothes Daily activities (what they everyday) go to bed at the same time, go to bed together, wake up together, go everywhere together except work Student Book Answer Key 35 Their past studied business, passed their driving tests on the same day, left home together at age 27 Their future live together, will not get married Their feelings about each other love each other very much, happy and close as they are UNIT 11 CHAPTER 21 Prepare to Read (page 158) B Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Mickey and Minnie Mouse Disneyworld or Disneyland C UNIT 10 Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus doesn’t think so A false memory is a memory of something that never happened If police aren’t careful, they won’t find the truth Instead, they will find only false memories, and the real criminals will go free CHAPTER 20 Prepare to Read (page 150) B Vocabulary Check identical twins (page 161) not C Answers may vary Possible answers: 3, 5, F, The victim of a crime is the criminal ^ F, When you create something, you make new Vocabulary Check agency in case published ran into inspecting 10 (page 152) legal results the news knees shocked Comprehension Check (page 153) A T F F T T F F F look at something sight when we listen to music F, When a criminal goes free, he or she gets out of T 10 F 11 ? goes to prison OR When a criminal goes doesn’t go to free, he or she goes to prison F, People who are guilty of crimes did B something 2, 7, 8, 1, 4, 5, 6, Vocabulary Skill Building A ran into found out B c d something old T T T T hearing F, We use our sense of sight when we listen to music OR We use our sense of hold on ran away (page 154) not nothing wrong OR People who are guilty ^ of crimes did nothing wrong 10 T Comprehension Check A B a b b b a b b a C From left to right: 4, 3, 2, 36 Student Book Answer Key (page 161) UNIT 11 CHAPTER 22 Prepare to Read UNIT 12 Think Before You Read (page 164) B (page 172) A a magician and his assistant doing a trick C 2, Vocabulary Check CHAPTER 23 bright claps hide magician tight 10 (page 167) The movie is Frankenstein (1931) The villagers are chasing Frankenstein with torches and pitchforks B illusions image remains secret visual Prepare to Read (page 173) B tulip, Holland (the Netherlands) C Answers will vary Comprehension Check (page 168) c A b a a a Vocabulary Check a a (page 176) T B From left to right: 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, outside F, Gardeners work inside Vocabulary Skill Building (page 170) Root Example Meaning of root -vis- visual see -duct- predict say/speak -viv- survive live -spect- inspect look at -duc- introduction lead -mem-memor- memory remember not F, An ordinary person is strange OR An ^ normal ordinary person is strange F, When you come to your senses, you dumb/foolish realize that you did something clever T F, When you borrow money, you don’t need to pay it back T not Prefix Example Meaning of prefix tran-, trans- translate across co-, con- connect together/with identi- identity, identify identical same inter- interpreter between/among pre- predict before intro- introduction between/begin Comprehension Check (page 176) A U F F F F B Answers will vary, but may include: Learn the Vocabulary A Answers will vary F, Trading and selling are the same ^ T There were laws that allowed only the wealthy to grow and sell tulips It was against the law for ordinary people to grow and sell tulips (page 171) Student Book Answer Key 37 Since only the rich could buy and sell tulips, tulips were rare, and they were a symbol of wealth Clusius did not want to share his wealth Tulips became so expensive because they were so difficult to get and so many wealthy people wanted them Ordinary people thought they would make a lot of money fast Everyone was buying tulips, and the price of tulips kept rising until they were unaffordable to most The market crashed when tulip traders stopped buying tulip bulbs Ordinary people lost the most because they gave up everything for tulips and didn’t make money back They lost everything: their homes, their land, their farms, and their life savings The Dutch merchants lost the least because they were wealthy before tulip fever began UNIT 12 CHAPTER 24 (page 178) A plague is a disease that causes death and spreads quickly to a large number of people Vocabulary Check (page 193) Think About Meaning waves to see in the house eating land 10 flat feet a house land energy Practice a Skill V V A A N A N V (page 194) dozens desperate spirit historian spread follow the same meal wave followed 10 meal share burn win Practice a Skill (page 180) crop terribly suffer frightened A N N V V N A N N 10 A Vocabulary Practice Comprehension Check (page 181) A (page 195) Think About Meaning Answers may vary Possible answers: a a a b a a b a B Vocabulary Skill Building A 38 Vocabulary Practice Think About Meaning B Her hands shook wildly He apologized for his terrible mistake They were not thinking clearly OR They clearly were not thinking She is suffering from a terrible illness The fever spread quickly OR The fever quickly spread The frightened children started to cry Vocabulary Practice Prepare to Read B terribly strange fearfully separately Student Book Answer Key actively full wildly desperate (page 183) Food Training Danger poisonous full prepare raw wild responsible practical serious license prepare survive pass death poisonous serious survive wild Practice a Skill Vocabulary Practice Suffix Word without the suffix agreement -ment agree full ✗ ✗ ground ✗ ✗ imagination -ation imagine scientist -ist science raw ✗ ✗ pass ✗ ✗ license ✗ ✗ dangerous -ous danger 10 poison ✗ ✗ 11 preparation -ation prepare 12 death ✗ ✗ Word Vocabulary Practice (page 196) Think About Meaning Body: brain, physical Science: experiment, find out Language: interpreter, translate, speech, humorous Good time: fun, humorous Think About Meaning license apologize each other alone safe famous Practice a Skill b c f e d a Practice a Strategy a b first syllable is stressed sorry a like a k b like an s a in a truck b on a plane, boat, bus c a bike, a horse Vocabulary Practice b a c a c c a b Practice a Skill A follow against take drop B take wave get in Vocabulary Practice Answers may vary Possible answers: Think About Meaning Practice a Strategy B Stress on 1st syllable: translate, translator, humorous Stress on 2nd syllable: interpret, interpreter, translation, experimenter, emotional, activity Stress on 3rd syllable: introducer, introduction, popularity, similarity, activation Stress on 4th syllable: interpretation, experimental (page 198) Think About Meaning Practice a Skill translator, translation similarity experimenter, experimental, experimentation emotional activity, activation humorous (page 197) a a a b b a (page 199) a b Practice a Skill Do you think that hunting is wrong? Some people think that hunting for food is acceptable, but causing death for fun is wrong For other people, killing animals is always wrong, so they stop eating meat and become vegetarians But is the number of vegetarians in the world growing? No one really knows In the United States and many other countries, people are eating more meat today than at any time in the past Student Book Answer Key 39 Practice a Strategy adj.—superstitious n.—opposition adj.—opposite adj.—stormy n.—prediction v.—predict Vocabulary Practice 10 (page 202) Think About Meaning c a a a a b b a Practice a Skill Vocabulary Practice (page 200) Think About Meaning Circle (positive): community, hold on, independent, security, skilled, trust Underline (negative): crash, disaster, fear, trapped Practice a Skill Prefix Suffix fearful ✗ -ful fearless ✗ -less disastrous ✗ -trous ✗ independent in5 dependable ✗ -able insecure in- ✗ distrust dis- ✗ instead ✗ ✗ Practice a Strategy without fear full of fear / afraid / scared / frightened full of disaster not trust Vocabulary Practice (page 201) Think About Meaning expert cash release professional fool sneak Practice a Skill A crime career 40 publication shock inspection match accompany separate Vocabulary Practice 11 Word B 4 commit a crime nest egg career criminal sneak preview Student Book Answer Key sneak nest (page 203) Think About Meaning a c b c a a b a Practice a Skill memorable spectacular co-pilot interracial interracial diction visor transatlantic Vocabulary Practice 12 (page 204) Think About Meaning wealth humorous sight spirit ordinary 10 image secure publish thief agency Practice a Skill nervously desperately historic fearful separate 10 foolishly wild nervous naturally strange Practice a Strategy borrow dozen farmer market ordinary 10 spread garden history worth shake ... f l j e i complete CHAPTER 14 Prepare to Read Adjective 10 11 12 13 14 mind hunting rainbow warned died chance survived fall thirst fear trapped realize 10 (page 11 3) recording hold on risk adventure... Read ? sixteen (line 13 ) ? yes (line 16 ) yes (line 17 ) ? Vocabulary Check Vocabulary Skill Building (page 13 4) V V A A A V 10 11 12 c a a b b 10 a Comprehension Check (page 14 8) B V A A A A F T... Practice 10 Twice as Good 11 Illusions 12 Collective Madness Fluency Practice Chapter 13 In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb 14 The Superstitious Game 15 Trapped! 16 Why Do Some Survive? Reading Skill

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