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Test bank for the west in the world 5th edition by sherman

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Page of This chapter has 100 questions Scroll down to see and select individual questions or narrow the list using the checkboxes below questions at random and keep in order  Multiple Choice Questions - (42) Even Numbered - (50) True/False Questions - (17) Difficulty: Easy - (10) Fill In The Blank Questions - (29) Difficulty: Hard - (13) Essay Questions - (12) Difficulty: Medium - (19) Odd Numbered - (50) Human beings first appeared in → sub-Saharan Africa southeast Asia the valleys of the Tigris and the Euphrates northern Europe Multiple Choice Question Difficulty: Easy During the Neolithic period, the richest location of prized grains and animals that helped early humans was Africa → the Middle East China India Multiple Choice Question Difficulty: Medium The earliest period of human history is called the Iron Age Neolithic Age Test Bank for The West in the World 5th Edition by Sherman Paleolithic Age → Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Egyptian Age Multiple Choice Question The defining elements of civilization in the Neolithic period include all of the following EXCEPT → great stone pyramids the development of agriculture permanent settlements domesticated animals Difficulty: Easy Multiple Choice Question During the Paleolithic Age, the basic lifestyle of human beings was primarily farming → hunting and gathering fishing raising cattle and sheep Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice Question During the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages, human tools were made primarily of → stone iron bronze copper Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice Question The most important development of the Neolithic Age was iron weapons → agriculture warfare fishing Difficulty: Easy Multiple Choice Question Agriculture was developed in → the Neolithic period central Europe mountainous regions the Iron Age Difficulty: Easy Multiple Choice Question The chief rivers of ancient Mesopotamia were the Nile and the Tigris → the Tigris and the Euphrates the Nile and the Indus the Euphrates and the Ganges Difficulty: Easy Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Page of Multiple Choice Question 10 The earliest known civilization of Mesopotamia was the → Sumerian Hittite Egyptian Akkadian Multiple Choice Question 11 Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of Sumerian life? → nomadic wandering, taking care of flocks irrigated agriculture centralized administration temples with priests and priestesses Multiple Choice Question 12 Sumerian religion was monotheistic proclaimed a joyous afterlife → is notable for how pessimistic it was is notable for how optimistic it was Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Hard Multiple Choice Question Difficulty: Hard 13 The conqueror that invaded Sumer in about 2350 B.C.E was Test Bank for The West in the World 5th Edition by Sherman Cyrus → Sargon Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Gilgamesh Alexander the Great Multiple Choice Question 14 The celebrated epic poem of the Sumerian civilization was → The Epic of Gilgamesh the Iliad Hamlet Genesis Multiple Choice Question 15 The Sumerian system of writing is called hieroglyphs → is called cuneiform was an alphabetic script was runic Multiple Choice Question 16 Hammurabi of Babylon was known for being the first ruler of Sumer and Akkad his irrigation projects authoring The Epic of Gilgamesh → his law code Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Easy Multiple Choice Question 17 Which of the following is NOT true of Hammurabi's law code? It opens a window into our understanding of ancient urban life It prescribed different penalties for each of the three social orders in Babylon Many of the laws sought to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak → It provided for trial by jury Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice Question 18 The Indo-Europeans provided the basis for almost all European languages often fought and moved on horseback established the Hittite kingdom in what is now modern Turkey → All these answers are correct Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice Question 19 The earliest Indo-European people to establish an empire in the Near Eastern world were the → Hittites Babylonians Difficulty: Medium Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Page of Sumerians Assyrians Multiple Choice Question 20 The chief river of Egypt is the Euphrates → Nile Tigris Indus Multiple Choice Question 21 The Egyptian concept of truth, justice, and order was expressed by the Egyptian word pharaoh hieroglyphic → ma'at cuneiform Multiple Choice Question 22 The term hieroglyphs refers to an early form of the alphabet wedge-shaped writing → the sacred writing of Egypt any written inscription on stone Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Medium Test Bank for The West in the World 5th Edition by Sherman Multiple Choice Question Difficulty: Easy 23 The great pyramids of Egypt were Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm monuments to the Sumerian gods mostly composed of dried clay bricks → important to the Egyptian belief in the afterlife built toward the end of Egyptian history Multiple Choice Question 24 The Middle Kingdom of Egypt → saw an end to the anarchy of the First Intermediate Period saw the erection of the Great Pyramid saw the Egyptian conquest of Assyria was ended by the invasion of Alexander the Great Difficulty: Hard Multiple Choice Question 25 The powerful female leader of Egypt who had herself represented as a man in statues was → Hatshepsut Thutmose Nefertiti Amenhotep Difficulty: Hard Multiple Choice Question 26 The New Kingdom pharaoh Akhenaten was the last pharaoh of Egypt overthrew his stepmother, Hatshepsut conquered Israel → introduced new ideas in art and religion Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice Question 27 The major cities of Phoenicia were Uruk, Akkad, and Ur → Sidon, Tyre, and Byblos Memphis, Cairo, and Thebes Sparta, Athens, and Corinth Difficulty: Hard Multiple Choice Question 28 The most important contribution of the Phoenicians to Western Civilization was the development of monotheism development of irrigated agriculture → alphabet art of building great stone monuments Difficulty: Hard Multiple Choice Question 29 Which of the following statements about the Hebrews is NOT true? Difficulty: Medium Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Page of → Israelite texts claim several clans were enslaved by the Egyptians Early Israel was led by charismatic leaders known as judges, who helped unite them against the threats of their neighbors The Hebrew Bible is rooted more in history than in myth The Hebrews rejected the idea of kingship until after the fall of Israel to the Romans Multiple Choice Question 30 According to the Bible, a major weakness of King Solomon stemmed from → his practice of polygamy his lack of military skills how he oppressed his own people his love of riches Difficulty: Hard Multiple Choice Question Difficulty: Medium 31 After the death of Solomon, Israel was destroyed by the Phoenicians the judges again ruled Israel → his kingdom split in two: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah the prophet Isaiah seized the throne Multiple Choice Question Difficulty: Hard 32 In addition to preaching monotheism, the Jewish prophets also declared that the essence of faith was making the proper sacrifices at the Temple in Jerusalem preached thatfor religion notin merely ritual, but also ethical behavior → Test Bank The was West the World 5th Edition by Sherman argued that all Jews should abandon Jerusalem for Babylon announced God was indifferent to human behavior Full filethat at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Multiple Choice Question 33 Among the Hebrew beliefs that have had an important impact on Western civilization was the creation of the world at a specific time the concept of ethical monotheism that history was a purposeful, morally significant event → All these answers are correct Multiple Choice Question 34 The new metal that transformed ancient warfare after 1200 B.C.E was tin bronze → iron copper Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice Question Difficulty: Medium 35 The great empire that dominated the Middle East through a combination of iron weapons and ruthless terror was the → Assyrian Persian Roman Phoenician Multiple Choice Question 36 The success of the Assyrian empire was based on the use of iron weaponry and systematic brutality skilled administration and the spread of the Aramaic language skilled military engineers and a trained officer corps → All these answers are correct Difficulty: Medium Multiple Choice Question Difficulty: Medium 37 The ruler that led the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 B.C.E and developed Babylon into an impressive city was Sargon → Nebuchadnezzar Alexander Cyrus Multiple Choice Question 38 The Neo-Babylonian Empire was ruled by Alexander the Great rejected the Assyrian idea of bloody conquests saw the decline of Mesopotamian astronomy → None of these answers is correct Difficulty: Medium Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Page of Multiple Choice Question 39 The Persian Empire under Cyrus was held together in part by a policy of terror, exceeding that of the Assyrians the mandatory worship of Ahura Mazda by all peoples → an administrative system that curbed the abuse of power by officials a benign neglect of local politics Difficulty: Hard Multiple Choice Question 40 The great Persian religious prophet was Moses Cyrus Akhenaten → Zoroaster Difficulty: Hard Multiple Choice Question Difficulty: Medium 41 The Persians adopted many things from older civilizations, but the adoption that had the greatest long-term impact was the reassertion of religious polytheism the mandatory veiling of women → coinage, a Lydian invention the use of bronze weapons Multiple Choice Question Difficulty: Hard 42 Zoroaster's religious beliefs had a similarity to Jewish ideas in all the following areas EXCEPT the Test Bank for The West in the World 5th Edition by Sherman need to live an ethical life observe strict dietary laws → need Fulltofile at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm ultimate prevalence of the forces of good over the forces of evil revelation of the will of God to man Multiple Choice Question 43 In the Paleolithic Age, humans lived in small bands of about 30-40 people → True False Difficulty: Hard True / False Question 44 The ancient Middle East had fewer domesticated grains and animals than the Americas True → False True / False Question 45 Sumerians viewed their gods as benign, predictable beings who always worked for their city's welfare True → False True / False Question 46 By 2800 B.C.E., a sophisticated writing system had been developed in Sumer → True False True / False Question 47 In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh triumphs over death True → False True / False Question 48 Hammurabi's law code included punishments of the "eye for an eye" type → True False True / False Question 49 Indo-European peoples have been so labeled because their language is the basis for a great many European languages, including German, Finnish, Hungarian, and Basque True → False True / False Question 50 Ma'at for ancient Egyptians meant a divinely ordered concept of truth and justice → True False True / False Question 51 The Great Pyramid was built in the New Kingdom by Amenhotep IV Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Page of → True False True / False Question 52 Akhenaten was the last powerful pharaoh of Egypt True → False True / False Question 53 The ancient Phoenicians sailed throughout the Mediterranean, west to Spain, and even into the Atlantic → True False True / False Question 54 The Hebrews invented the alphabet True → False True / False Question 55 The great temple of Jerusalem was erected by Solomon, David's successor → True False True / False Question 56 Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, was contemptuous of Sumerian culture True Test Bank for The West in the World 5th Edition → False by Sherman Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm True / False Question 57 The Assyrians used skilled administrators as well as terror to maintain their empire → True False True / False Question 58 During the Neo-Babylonian era, Babylonian scholars rejected astrology as superstition True → False True / False Question 59 Ahura Mazda was the great prophet of the Persian religion True → False True / False Question 60 The earliest period of human development is the period Paleolithic Fill-in-the-Blank Question 61 The period from 10,000 to 3000 B.C.E is the period Neolithic Fill-in-the-Blank Question 62 The change that launched humans into the Neolithic period was the development of agriculture Fill-in-the-Blank Question 63 The broad curve of land that stretched from the Persian Gulf to the shores of the Mediterranean is known as the Fertile Crescent Fill-in-the-Blank Question 64 The two major rivers of Mesopotamia are the Tigris and the Euphrates Fill-in-the-Blank Question 65 The Akkadian ruler who invaded Sumer in about 2350 B.C.E was Sargon Fill-in-the-Blank Question 66 The chief character of the great Sumerian epic poem was Gilgamesh Fill-in-the-Blank Question 67 The term , from a Latin term meaning "wedge," was the form of Sumerian writing cuneiform Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Page of Fill-in-the-Blank Question 68 The famous Babylonian king noted for his code of laws was Hammurabi Fill-in-the-Blank Question 69 The were the Indo-European people who established a kingdom in what is now Turkey, in about 1650 B.C.E Hittites Fill-in-the-Blank Question 70 The major river in Egypt is the Nile Fill-in-the-Blank Question 71 The earliest period of Egyptian history is called the Old Kingdom Fill-in-the-Blank Question 72 The word symbolized Egyptian ideas of truth, justice, and order ma'at Fill-in-the-Blank Question 73 The sacred writing of Egypt is referred to as hieroglyphs Fill-in-the-Blank Question 74 The great stone ancient Egypt are called the5th Testmonuments Bank for ofThe West in the World Edition by Sherman pyramids Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Fill-in-the-Blank Question 75 In Egyptian chronology, the Old Kingdom collapsed and was followed by an anarchic era called the First Intermediate Period, then by a revival of royal authority termed the Middle Kingdom Fill-in-the-Blank Question 76 The greatest Egyptian expansion occurred during the period called the New Kingdom Fill-in-the-Blank Question 77 Thutmose II, of the New Kingdom, was succeeded by his queen, Hatshepsut Fill-in-the-Blank Question 78 Amenhotep IV changed his name to when he began to worship the sun-disk as the only god Akhenaten Fill-in-the-Blank Question 79 The Phoenicians' great contribution to Western culture was the alphabet Fill-in-the-Blank Question 80 , king of Israel and successor of Saul, fixed his capital at Jerusalem David Fill-in-the-Blank Question 81 After the death of Solomon, his kingdom split into two: a northern realm called Israel, and a southern realm called Judah Fill-in-the-Blank Question 82 Around the eighth century B.C.E., Jews were urged by the to follow higher ethical standards prophets Fill-in-the-Blank Question 83 Around 1200 B.C.E., a new metal, , began to replace bronze as the basic metal for military weapons iron Fill-in-the-Blank Question 84 The Mesopotamian empire known both for its extensive use of iron weapons and its rule by terror was the Empire Assyrian Fill-in-the-Blank Question 85 The cultivated, scholarly Assyrian king who developed a massive library was Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Page of Ashurbanipal Fill-in-the-Blank Question 86 The Neo-Babylonian ruler kept penalties similar to those in the Code of Hammurabi for civil crimes, but introduced extreme punishments for enemy rulers and their followers Nebuchadnezzar Fill-in-the-Blank Question 87 The founder of the Persian Empire was Cyrus Fill-in-the-Blank Question 88 The major religious prophet of Persia was Zoroaster Fill-in-the-Blank Question 89 Define the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods Describe the human lifestyles in each and analyze the major changes from the former to the latter Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question Test Bank for The West in the World 5th Edition by Sherman 90 What environmental advantages did the ancient Middle East have that permitted the growth of agriculture and cities? What disadvantages did it have? Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 91 Describe the ancient Sumerian city, detailing its religious and its daily life Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 92 In what ways did Egyptian religious beliefs differ from the religious beliefs of the Sumerians? Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 93 Compare and contrast Hatshepsut and Akhenaten as rulers of Egypt Which one was the more effective, and why? Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 94 Describe how ancient Israel developed, and identify the factors that tended to set the Hebrews apart from other Near and Middle Eastern peoples Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 95 Explain why the Assyrians were able to conquer the largest empire in the world up to that time, and describe how they administered it Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Page of Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 96 Explain how the Persian Empire, though larger than the Assyrian, could be maintained without the brutality that characterized Assyrian rule Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 97 What, in your view, are the essential conditions for the development of civilization? Include a discussion of the major events of the Neolithic period and how they affected the development of Sumer and Egypt Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question Test Bank for The West in the World 5th Edition by Sherman 98 The chapter is entitled "The Roots of Western Civilization." What, in your view, were the most important of these roots? When and where did they develop, and what were their major influences on subsequent civilizations? Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 99 Describe how the development of Zoroastrianism affected the Persian Empire How did Zoroastrianism itself evolve over the centuries? Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 100.What role did religion play in ancient societies? Discuss and analyze the religious beliefs of three of the following: Egypt, Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkad, and Babylon), Israel, and Persia Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-The-West-in-the-World-5th-Edition-by-Sherm

Ngày đăng: 31/08/2020, 10:13

