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ElectrCircuitAnalysisUsingMATLAB Phần 8

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Attia, John Okyere. “Fourier Analysis.” Electronics and Circuit Analysis using MATLAB. Ed. John Okyere Attia Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 1999 © 1999 by CRC PRESS LLC CHAPTER EIGHT FOURIER ANALYSIS In this chapter, Fourier analysis will be discussed. Topics covered are Fou- rier series expansion, Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform, and fast Fourier transform. Some applications of Fourier analysis, using MATLAB, will also be discussed. 8.1 FOURIER SERIES If a function gt () is periodic with period T p , i.e., gt gt T p () ( ) =± (8.1) and in any finite interval gt () has at most a finite number of discontinuities and a finite number of maxima and minima (Dirichlets conditions), and in addition, gtdt T p () <∞ ∫ 0 (8.2) then gt () can be expressed with series of sinusoids. That is, gt a a nwt b nwt nn n () cos( ) sin( ) =+ + = ∞ ∑ 0 00 1 2 (8.3) where w T p 0 2 = π (8.4) and the Fourier coefficients a n and b n are determined by the following equa- tions. a T g t nw t dt n p t tT o op = + ∫ 2 0 ()cos( ) n = 0, 1,2, … (8.5) © 1999 CRC Press LLC © 1999 CRC Press LLC b T g t nw t dt n p t tT o op = + ∫ 2 0 ( )sin( ) n = 0, 1, 2 … (8.6) Equation (8.3) is called the trigonometric Fourier series. The term a 0 2 in Equation (8.3) is the dc component of the series and is the average value of gt () over a period. The term anwtbnwt nn cos( ) sin( ) 00 + is called the n - th harmonic. The first harmonic is obtained when n = 1. The latter is also called the fundamental with the fundamental frequency of ω o . When n = 2, we have the second harmonic and so on. Equation (8.3) can be rewritten as gt a Anwt nn n () cos( ) =+ + = ∞ ∑ 0 0 1 2 Θ (8.7) where Aab nnn =+ 22 (8.8) and Θ n n n b a =−       − tan 1 (8.9) The total power in gt () is given by the Parseval’s equation: P T g t dt A A p t tT dc n n o op ==+ + = ∞ ∫ ∑ 1 2 22 2 1 () (8.10) where A a dc 2 0 2 2 =       (8.11) The following example shows the synthesis of a square wave using Fourier series expansion. © 1999 CRC Press LLC © 1999 CRC Press LLC Example 8.1 Using Fourier series expansion, a square wave with a period of 2 ms, peak-to- peak value of 2 volts and average value of zero volt can be expressed as gt n nft n () () sin[( ) ] = − − = ∞ ∑ 41 21 212 0 1 π π (8.12) where f 0 500 = Hz if at () is given as at n nft n () () sin[( ) ] = − − = ∑ 41 21 212 0 1 12 π π (8.13) Write a MATLAB program to plot at () from 0 to 4 ms at intervals of 0.05 ms and to show that at () is a good approximation of g(t ). Solution MATLAB Script % fourier series expansion f = 500; c = 4/pi; dt = 5.0e-05; tpts = (4.0e-3/5.0e-5) + 1; for n = 1: 12 for m = 1: tpts s1(n,m) = (4/pi)*(1/(2*n - 1))*sin((2*n - 1)*2*pi*f*dt*(m-1)); end end for m = 1:tpts a1 = s1(:,m); a2(m) = sum(a1); end f1 = a2'; t = 0.0:5.0e-5:4.0e-3; clg plot(t,f1) xlabel('Time, s') © 1999 CRC Press LLC © 1999 CRC Press LLC ylabel('Amplitude, V') title('Fourier series expansion') Figure 8.1 shows the plot of at () . Figure 8.1 Approximation to Square Wave By using the Euler’s identity, the cosine and sine functions of Equation (8.3) can be replaced by exponential equivalents, yielding the expression g t c jnw t n n ( ) exp( ) = =−∞ ∞ ∑ 0 (8.14) where c T gt jnwtdt n p t T p p =− − ∫ 1 2 2 0 ( ) exp( ) / / (8.15) and w T p 0 2 = π © 1999 CRC Press LLC © 1999 CRC Press LLC Equation (8.14) is termed the exponential Fourier series expansion. The coeffi- cient c n is related to the coefficients a n and b n of Equations (8.5) and (8.6) by the expression cab b a nnn n n =+∠− − 1 2 22 1 tan ( ) (8.16) In addition, c n relates to A n and φ n of Equations (8.8) and (8.9) by the rela- tion c A n n n =∠Θ 2 (8.17) The plot of c n versus frequency is termed the discrete amplitude spectrum or the line spectrum. It provides information on the amplitude spectral compo- nents of gt (). A similar plot of ∠c n versus frequency is called the dis- crete phase spectrum and the latter gives information on the phase components with respect to the frequency of gt () . If an input signal xt n () x t c jnw t nn o ( ) exp( ) = (8.18) passes through a system with transfer function Hw () , then the output of the system yt n () is y t H jnw c jnw t nono ( ) ( ) exp( ) = (8.19) The block diagram of the input/output relation is shown in Figure 8.2. H(s)x n (t) y n (t) Figure 8.2 Input/Output Relationship However, with an input xt () consisting of a linear combination of complex excitations, © 1999 CRC Press LLC © 1999 CRC Press LLC x t c jnw t n n no ( ) exp( ) = =−∞ ∞ ∑ (8.20) the response at the output of the system is y t H jnw c jnw t n n on o ( ) ( ) exp( ) = =−∞ ∞ ∑ (8.21) The following two examples show how to use MATLAB to obtain the coeffi- cients of Fourier series expansion. Example 8.2 For the full-wave rectifier waveform shown in Figure 8.3, the period is 0.0333s and the amplitude is 169.71 Volts. (a) Write a MATLAB program to obtain the exponential Fourier series coefficients c n for n = 0,1, 2, , 19 (b) Find the dc value. (c) Plot the amplitude and phase spectrum. Figure 8.3 Full-wave Rectifier Waveform © 1999 CRC Press LLC © 1999 CRC Press LLC Solution diary ex8_2.dat % generate the full-wave rectifier waveform f1 = 60; inv = 1/f1; inc = 1/(80*f1); tnum = 3*inv; t = 0:inc:tnum; g1 = 120*sqrt(2)*sin(2*pi*f1*t); g = abs(g1); N = length(g); % % obtain the exponential Fourier series coefficients num = 20; for i = 1:num for m = 1:N cint(m) = exp(-j*2*pi*(i-1)*m/N)*g(m); end c(i) = sum(cint)/N; end cmag = abs(c); cphase = angle(c); %print dc value disp('dc value of g(t)'); cmag(1) % plot the magnitude and phase spectrum f = (0:num-1)*60; subplot(121), stem(f(1:5),cmag(1:5)) title('Amplitude spectrum') xlabel('Frequency, Hz') subplot(122), stem(f(1:5),cphase(1:5)) title('Phase spectrum') xlabel('Frequency, Hz') diary dc value of g(t) ans = 107.5344 Figure 8.4 shows the magnitude and phase spectra of Figure 8.3. © 1999 CRC Press LLC © 1999 CRC Press LLC Figure 8.4 Magnitude and Phase Spectra of a Full-wave Rectification Waveform Example 8.3 The periodic signal shown in Figure 8.5 can be expressed as gt e t gt gt t () ()() =−≤< += − 2 11 2 (i) Show that its exponential Fourier series expansion can be expressed as gt ee jn jn t n n () ()( ) () exp( ) = −− + − =−∞ ∞ ∑ 1 22 22 π π (8.22) (ii) Using a MATLAB program, synthesize gt () using 20 terms, i.e., © 1999 CRC Press LLC © 1999 CRC Press LLC gt ee jn jn t n n () ()( ) () exp( ) ∧ − =− = −− + ∑ 1 22 22 10 10 π π 024 t(s) g(t) 1 Figure 8.5 Periodic Exponential Signal Solution (i) g t c jnw t no n ( ) exp( ) = =−∞ ∞ ∑ where c T gt jnwtdt n p T T o p p =− − ∫ 1 2 2 ( ) exp( ) / / and w T o p === 22 2 ππ π ctjntdt n =−− − ∫ 1 2 2 1 1 exp( ) exp( ) π c ee jn n n = −− + − ()( ) () 1 22 22 π thus © 1999 CRC Press LLC © 1999 CRC Press LLC [...]... + g[2]W32 n=0 = 1 + 2(−05 − j 086 6) + (−05 + j 086 6) = −05 − j 086 6 2 G[2] = ∑ g[n]W32n = g[0]W30 + g[1]W32 + g[2]W34 n =0 = 1 + 2(−05 + j 086 6) + (−05 − j 086 6) = −05 + j 086 6 (b) The MATLAB program for performing the DFT of x[n] is MATLAB Script diary ex8_4.dat % x = [1 2 1]; xfft = fft(x) diary The results are xfft = 4.0000 -0.5000 - 0 .86 60i -0.5000 + 0 .86 60i (c) It can be seen that the answers... calculation of g (t ) ? 8. 2 A periodic pulse train g (t ) is shown in Figure P8.2 g(t) 4 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t(s) Figure P8.2 Periodic Pulse Train If g ( t ) can be expressed by Equation (8. 3) , (a) Derive expressions for determining the Fourier Series coefficients an and bn (b) (c) 8. 3 Write a MATLAB program to obtain an and bn for n = 0 , 1, , 10 by using Equations (8. 5) and (8. 6) Resynthesis g(t) using... 1999 CRC Press LLC (8. 29) Time scaling 1 f G  a  a g (at ) ⇔ (8. 30) Duality G (t ) ⇔ g ( − f ) (8. 31) Time shifting g (t − t 0 ) ⇔ G ( f ) exp( − j 2πft 0 ) (8. 32) Frequency Shifting exp( j 2 f C t ) g (t ) ⇔ G ( f − f C ) (8. 33) Definition in the time domain dg (t ) ⇔ j 2πfG ( f ) dt (8. 34) Integration in the time domain t ∫ g (τ )dτ ⇔ −∞ 1 G (0) δ ( f ) δ (f) G( f ) + 2 j 2πf (8. 35) Multiplication... fft Example 8. 4 x[n] = ( 1, 2, 1) (a) Calculate the DFT of x[n] (b) Use the fft algorithm to find DFT of x[ n] (c) Compare the results of (a) Given the sequence and (b) Solution (a) From Equation (8. 42) G[ k ] = N −1 ∑ g[n]W n=0 From Equation (8. 41) © 1999 CRC Press LLC kn N W30 = 1 W31 = e − j 2π 3 − j 4π 3 W32 = e = −0.5 − j 0 .86 6 = −0.5 + j 0 .86 6 W33 = W30 = 1 W34 = W31 Using Equation (8. 41), we... that is For a signal g (t ) = g (t ± nTp ) (8. 25) where Tp = period then the Fourier transform of 1 G( f ) = Tp ∞ g (t ) is ∑c δ( f n =−∞ n − 1 ) Tp (8. 26) where 1 cn = Tp 8. 2.1 If Tp / 2 ∫ g (t ) exp( − j 2πnf o t )dt (8. 27) −t p / 2 Properties of Fourier transform g (t ) and G ( f ) are Fourier transform pairs, and they are expressed as g (t ) ⇔ G ( f ) (8. 28) then the Fourier transform will have the... will have an odd real component and an even imaginary component If we define the weighting function WN = e − j 2π N WN as = e − j 2 πFT (8. 41) Equations (8. 38) and (8. 39) can be re-expressed as G[ k ] = N −1 ∑ g[n]W n=0 kn N (8. 42) and g[n] = N −1 ∑ G[ k ]W k =0 − kn N (8. 43) The Fast Fourier Transform, FFT, is an efficient method for computing the discrete Fourier transform FFT reduces the number of computations... and v L ( t ) (c) Plot the voltages (d) 8. 5 Compare the voltages of v R (t ) + v L (t ) to V(t) If the periodic waveform shown in Figure 8. 5 is the input of the circuit shown in Figure P8.5 (a) Derive the mathematical expression for v C ( t ) (b) Use MATLAB to plot the signals g (t ) and v C ( t ) 8 g(t) 4Ω Figure P8.5 RC Circuit © 1999 CRC Press LLC 2F VC(t) 8. 6 The unit sample response of a filter... yfft.*conj(yfft)/len; f = (500./256)*(0:127); subplot(212), plot(f,pyy(1:1 28) ), title('power spectral density'), xlabel('frequency in Hz') The plot of the noisy signal and its spectrum is shown in Figure 8. 8 The amplitude of the noise and the sinusoidal signal can be changed to observe their effects on the spectrum Figure 8. 8 Noisy Signal and Its Spectrum SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 2 © 1999 CRC Press... P8.3 Half-Wave Rectifier Waveform 8. 4 Figure P8.4(a) is a periodic triangular waveform v(t) 2 -2 0 2 4 6 Figure P8.4(a) Periodic Triangular Waveform (a) Derive the Fourier series coefficients an and bn (b) With the signal v (t ) of the circuit shown in P8.4(b), i (t ) derive the expression for the current © 1999 CRC Press LLC t(s) 4H i(t) VL(t) 3Ω V(t) VR(t) Figure P8.4(b) Simple RL Circuit v R ( t... Hilburn, J.L., Electric Circuit Analysis, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1997 EXERCISES 8. 1 The triangular waveform, shown in Figure P8.1 can be expressed as 8 A ∞ ( −1) n +1 cos((2n − 1) w0 t ) g (t ) = 2 ∑ 2 π n =1 4 n − 1 where w0 = 1 Tp g(t) A 2Tp Tp -A Figure P8.1 Triangular Waveform If (a) © 1999 CRC Press LLC A = 1, T = 8 ms, and sampling interval is 0.1 ms Write MATLAB program to resynthesize g (t . Equations (8. 5) and (8. 6) by the expression cab b a nnn n n =+∠− − 1 2 22 1 tan ( ) (8. 16) In addition, c n relates to A n and φ n of Equations (8. 8) and (8. 9). 2 π π (8. 41) Equations (8. 38) and (8. 39) can be re-expressed as Gk gnW N kn n N [] [] = = − ∑ 0 1 (8. 42) and gn GkW N kn k N [] [] = − = − ∑ 0 1 (8. 43)

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