Test Bank for Concepts of Chemical Dependency 9th Edition by Doweiko Full1.file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ According to your text, use of which of the following substances has remained fairly stable in society? a Alcohol and tobacco b Marijuana and LSD c Cocaine and heroin d Anabolic steroids and inhalants ANSWER: a POINTS: REFERENCES: Introduction The direct and indirect cost of substance use disorders totals _ percent of the average state’s budget a b 10 c 15 d 20 ANSWER: c POINTS: REFERENCES: SUDs as Unsuspected Influences on Society Some of the indirect costs of the “war on drugs” include a feeding and housing those convicted of drug crimes b providing healthcare for all prisoners c lost productivity by those who abuse drugs d all of these answers ANSWER: d POINTS: REFERENCES: SUDs as Unsuspected Influences on Society Adults with SUDs are more likely to physically abuse and/or neglect their children than their non-abusing peers a True b False ANSWER: True POINTS: REFERENCES: SUDs as Unsuspected Influences on Society What percent of the entire world population has used at least one psychoactive substance? a percent b 25 percent c 50 percent d 75 percent ANSWER: c POINTS: REFERENCES: The Scope of the Problem of the Substance Use Disorders Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Test Bank for Concepts of Chemical Dependency 9th Edition by Doweiko Full6.file atpercent https://TestbankDirect.eu/ What of the entire world population has abused an illicit substance at least once? a percent b 25 percent c 50 percent d 75 percent ANSWER: a POINTS: REFERENCES: The Scope of the Problem of the Substance Use Disorders The most commonly abused illicit substance in the United States is _ a methamphetamine b marijuana c nicotine d alcohol ANSWER: b POINTS: REFERENCES: The Scope of the Problem of the Substance Use Disorders Women are more likely to develop an alcohol abuse disorder than men a True b False ANSWER: False POINTS: REFERENCES: The Scope of the Problem of the Substance Use Disorders Drug use disorders are the _ leading cause of death in adults around the world a 3rd b 4th c 6th d 8th ANSWER: c POINTS: REFERENCES: The Cost of Chemical Abuse/Addiction 10 In North America, the demand for amphetamine (especially methamphetamine) has been _ a rapidly increasing b trending down c stable d doubling annually ANSWER: c POINTS: REFERENCES: The Scope of the Problem of the Substance Use Disorders Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Test Bank for Concepts of Chemical Dependency 9th Edition by Doweiko Full11.file https://TestbankDirect.eu/ As aat hospital administrator, you would expect that _ percent of admissions to the hospital would be substance related: a 5-10 b 8-15 c 16-20 d 35-40 ANSWER: d POINTS: REFERENCES: SUDs as Unsuspected Influences on Society 12 What percentage of psychiatric hospital admissions are not associated with drug or alcohol abuse? a 15-20 percent b 8-10 percent c 25-30 percent d 25-50 percent ANSWER: d POINTS: REFERENCES: SUDs as Unsuspected Influences on Society 13 How much is spent each year in the U.S purchasing illicit drugs? a $375 billion b $264 billion c $200 billion d $115 million ANSWER: b POINTS: REFERENCES: SUDs as Unsuspected Influences on Society 14 The estimated economic impact of alcohol use disorders in the United States is thought to be a $98 million per year b $900 for each person over the age of 18 c $638 for each person d half of national health care expenditures ANSWER: c POINTS: REFERENCES: The Cost of Chemical Abuse/Addiction Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Test Bank for Concepts of Chemical Dependency 9th Edition by Doweiko Full15.file atpercent https://TestbankDirect.eu/ What of physicians in the United States believe they are adequately trained to treat substance abusers? a 30 percent b More than 25 percent c 17 percent d Less than 17 percent ANSWER: d POINTS: REFERENCES: Who Treats Persons with an SUD? 16 D iscuss the costs of alcohol use/abuse/addiction in general economic terms and in healthcare expenditures ANSWER: No answer provided. POINTS: REFERENCES: The Cost of Chemical Abuse/Addiction 17 D escribe some of the shortcomings in the training of various healthcare workers regarding the identification and treatment of substance abuse disorders (SUDs) ANSWER: No answer provided POINTS: REFERENCES: Who Treats Persons with an SUD? 18 A round the world, heroin accounts for _ of opiate use disorders a 7 5 percent b 1 0 percent c 5 0 percent d 25 percent ANSWER: a POINTS: REFERENCES: The Scope of the Problem of the Substance Use Disorders 19 F or most individuals, experimentation with the illicit use of drugs a o ccurs only once b i nitiates a slow, but inevitable, advance into addiction c r uns a course of use that usually lasts 510 years d l asts for less than a year ANSWER: d POINTS: REFERENCES: The Scope of the Problem of the Substance Use Disorders Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Test Bank for Concepts of Chemical Dependency 9th Edition by Doweiko Full20.file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ H istorically, substance use has been occurring a s ince the early 1700s b o nly in the last 50 years c p rimarily in the urban areas of Europe and North America d f or thousands of years ANSWER: d POINTS: REFERENCES: Introduction 21 G lobally, the majority of cocaine abusers/addicts are thought to live in a N orth America b S outh America c E urope d A sia ANSWER: a POINTS: REFERENCES: The Scope of the Problem of the Substance Use Disorders 22 O ne in five citizens of the United States a h as ingested hallucinogens b s mokes cigarettes c d rinks alcohol daily d h as ever used a tobacco product ANSWER: b POINTS: REFERENCES: The Scope of the Problem of the Substance Use Disorders 23 I n the U.S., the number of deaths resulting from illicit drug use are _ those from legal substance use a m uch higher than b s tatistically the same as c m ore numerous than d o nly a fraction of ANSWER: d POINTS: REFERENCES: The Cost of Chemical Abuse/Addiction Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Test Bank for Concepts of Chemical Dependency 9th Edition by Doweiko Full24.file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ A lcohol is thought to contribute to approximately of all motor vehicle accidents a 40 percent b 6 0 percent c 3 0 percent d 5 0 percent ANSWER: a POINTS: REFERENCES: The Cost of Chemical Abuse/Addiction 25 A nnually, of all deaths in the U.S. can be directly traced to smokingrelated illnesses a 1 0 percent b 3 3 percent c 2 0 percent d 5 0 percent ANSWER: c POINTS: REFERENCES: The Cost of Chemical Abuse/Addiction 26 T he majority of psychologists surveyed reported regarding the identification or treatment of addictions a n o formal training b c onfidence c b eing comfortable d f elt adequately prepared coming out of graduate school ANSWER: a POINTS: REFERENCES: Who Treats Persons with an SUD? 27 T he majority of undergraduate nursing programs require of instruction on alcohol and drug abuse content a one semester b a single course c several weeks d 1 to 5 clock hours ANSWER: d POINTS: REFERENCES: Who Treats Persons with an SUD? 28 C ontrast the historical patterns seen with alcohol/tobacco use with that of the general patterns of use of illicit substances in the U.S ANSWER: No answer provided. POINTS: REFERENCES: Introduction Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Test Bank for Concepts of Chemical Dependency 9th Edition by Doweiko Full29.file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ D escribe the tactics politicians use to hide the true cost of the "war" on drugs ANSWER: No answer provided. POINTS: DIFFICULTY: SUDs as Unsuspected Influences on Society 30 H ow do Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) contribute to the rise in healthcare costs? ANSWER: No answer provided. POINTS: REFERENCES: The Cost of Chemical Abuse/Addiction Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/