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Part II Give the following situations List and label the variables in the following situations Explain the relationships among the variables and diagram them Formulate at least hypotheses.(If then) Situation (Exercise 5.4) A visitor to a factory observes that the workers in the packing department have to interact with one another to get their jobs done The more they interact, the more they seem to tend to stay after hours and go to the local pub together for a drink However, the women packers, even though they interact with the others as much as the men, not stay late, nor they visit the pub after work hours Một vị khách đến nhà máy quan sát cơng nhân phận đóng gói phải tương tác với để hồn thành cơng việc Càng tương tác, họ dường có xu hướng lại sau nhiều đến quán rượu địa phương để uống Tuy nhiên, người đóng gói phụ nữ, họ tương tác với người khác nhiều đàn ông, không lại muộn, họ không ghé thăm quán rượu sau làm việc  Independent: interact of workers  Dependent: stay after work , go to the local pub together for a drink  Moderating: women (gender)  Intervening Situation (Exercise 5.8) Failure to follow accounting principles causes immense confusion, which in turn creates a number of problems for the organization Those with vast experience in bookkeeping, however, are able to avert the problems by taking timely corrective action  Independent: follow accounting principles  Dependent: problems for the organization  Moderating: experience in bookkeeping  Intervening: immense confusion The extent to which accounting principles are followed – the independent variable – explains the variance in the dependent variable problems for the organization If individuals not follow the accounting principles, confusion ensues (intervening variable that results as a consequence of the independent variable at time T2) But the failure to follow the principles will result in confusion and problems only for those individuals who have no experience in book keeping Those who have knowledge of book keeping will figure out ways to deal with the situation Hence, experience is the moderating variable Situation (Exercise 5.9) The manager of Haines Company observes that the morale of employees in her company is low She thinks that if their working conditions are improved, pay scales raised, and the vacation benefits made attractive, the morale will be boosted She doubts, however, if an increase of pay scales would raise the morale of all employees Her conjecture is that those that have supplemental incomes will just not be turned on‖ by higher pay, and only those without side incomes will be happy with increased pay with resultant boost of morale  Independent: working conditions are improved, pay scales raised, and the vacation benefits made attractive  Dependent: the morale of employees  Moderating: Supplement Income  Intervening: Happiness with increased pay with a resultant boost in morale The independent variables of improved working conditions, better pay, and vacation benefits influence the dependent variable, morale When these three independent variables are high in a work situation, then morale is also high However, increased pay will not increase the morale of all workers Only those who not have good side incomes will experience greater happiness (the intervening variable) when their pay is increased, and their morale also increases For others, the relationships between pay and morale will not hold good The intervening variable, happiness, is a function of high pay (for those without side incomes) It clarifies the relationship between pay and morale Hypotheses 1) Employees with supplemented incomes will be less motivated to work with increase in pay scales hence low morale [Relational hypothesis](IV effecting DV positively or negatively) 2) Employees without supplemented incomes will be more motivated to work with increase in pay scales hence low morale [Relational Hypothesis] (IV effecting DV positively or negatively) 3) Increased pay will not increase the morale of all workers i.e morale of Employee with supplement income [Null hypothesis] (IV not affecting DV at all) 4) Morale of the employees will increase with better working conditions, pay scale and attractive vacation offer [Causal hypothesis] (change in IV affect DV) Situation 4: (Exercise 5.10) A family counselor, engaged in counseling married couples who are both professionals, is caught in a dilemma He realizes that the focus of the counseling sessions should be on both family satisfaction and job satisfaction; however, he is not sure how they can be integrated in the dual-career family Husbands, who are the traditional breadwinners ,seem to derive more job satisfaction as they get more involved in their jobs and also spend more discretionary time on job-related activities This, however, does not seem to be true in the case of the wives, who perform the dual role of career person and homemaker However, both husbands and wives seem to enjoy high levels of family satisfaction when they spend more time together at home and help each other in planning family-oriented activities  Independent: involved in their jobs, spend more discretionary time on job-related activities, they spend more time together at home, help each other in planning family-oriented activities  Dependent: integrated in the dual-career family  Moderating: gender ( man or woman)  Intervening: family satisfaction and job satisfaction Situation 5: (Exercise 5.13) A production manager is concerned about the low output levels of his employees The articles that he read on job performance frequently mentioned four variables as important to job performance: skill required for the job, rewards, motivation, and satisfaction In several of the articles it was also indicated that only if the rewards were valent (attractive) to the recipients did motivation, satisfaction, and job performance increase, not otherwise Dependent Variable: Job Performance Independent Variables: Skills required for job, Rewards Intervening Variable: Motivation and Satisfaction Moderating Variable: Valency in Reward Define the problem: The job performance of employees is low If the job is enriched and utilizes all the skills possessed by the employee, then employee satisfaction will be high If the job is enriched and utilizes all the skills possessed by the employee, then employee motivation will also be high There will be a positive correlation between satisfaction and motivation Greater rewards will influence motivation and satisfaction only for those employees who find the rewards valent; not for the others Satisfaction and motivation will positively influence performance The more enriched the job and the greater the skills utilized by the job, the higher the level of employee performance Situation 6: (Exercise 5.14) Retention of minority women at the workplace is becoming more and more difficult Not finding an influential mentor in the system who is willing to help them, lack of an informal network with influential colleagues, lack of role models, and the dearth of high-visibility projects result in dissatisfaction experienced at work and the minority women ultimately decide to leave the organization Of course, not all minority women quit the system Only those who have the wherewithal (for example, resources and self-confidence) to start their own business leave the organization  Independent: influential mentor in the system who is willing to help them, lack of an informal network with influential colleagues, lack of role models, and the dearth of high-visibility projects  Dependent: Retention of minority women at the workplace  Moderating: who have the wherewithal (for example, resources and self-confidence  Intervening: in dissatisfaction experienced at work Situation 7: The probability of cancer victims successfully recovering under treatment was studied by a medical researcher in a hospital She found three variables to be important for recovery  Early and correct diagnosis by the doctor  The nurse‘s careful follow-up of the doctor‘s instructions  Peace and quiet in the vicinity In a quiet atmosphere, the patient rested well and recovered sooner Patients who were admitted in advanced stages of cancer did not respond to treatment even though the doctor‘s diagnosis was performed immediately on arrival, the nurses did their best, and there was plenty of peace and quiet in the area  Independent: Early and correct diagnosis by the doctor., The nurse‘s careful follow-up of the doctor‘s instructions., Peace and quiet in the vicinity  Dependent: The probability of cancer victims successfully recovering under treatment  Moderating: Patients who were admitted in advanced stages of cancer did not respond to treatment  Intervening In a quiet atmosphere, the patient rested well and recovered sooner Situation 8: Companies are very interested in acquiring other firms even when the latter operate in totally unrelated realms of business For example, Gencore Industries manufacturing asphalt plants for road construction acquired Ingersoll-Rand in 1996, and later acquired yet another company engaged in the business of food processing Such acquisitions are claimed to work miracles However, given the volatility of the stock market and the slowing down of business, many companies are not sure whether such acquisitions involve too much risk At the same time, they also wonder if they are missing out on a great business opportunity if they fail to take such risk Some research is needed here!  Independent: the volatility of the stock market , slowing down of business  Dependent: in acquiring other firms  Moderating: Oppotunity  Intervening: Risk This is a general issue that relates to all or most companies contemplating acquisitions Of course, the results of the study are likely to be useful to, and applied by all the concerned companies This could fall into the realm of basic or applied research, depending on who sponsors the study If one company or a consortium of companies investigates the issue to find an answer for immediate application, then it will be applied research On the other hand, if a Finance professor in a university undertakes the study as a matter of academic interest, it will be basic research Either an individual such as a professor or a financeexpert can this basic research, or a company or consortium of companies can undertake the applied research Situation 9: Dorothy Dunning, Chief Production Manager, was on top of the world just years ago In her nontraditional job, she was cited to be the real backbone of the company, and her performance was in no small measure responsible for the mergers the institution was contemplating with other well-known global corporations Of late though, the products of the company had to be recalled several times owing to safety concerns Quality glitches and production delays also plagued the company To project a good image to consumers, Dunning developed a very reassuring web site and made sweeping changes in the manufacturing processes to enhance the quality of the product, minimize defects, and enhance the efficiency of the workers Creating a web site and making sweeping changes has not produced the desired results The real problem is undetected and can only be identified through research Maybe, the problem is not in the manufacturing processes, but the low motivation of employees! A scientific research of the problem situation will help to pinpoint the problem and solve it Situation 10: Companies benefit through employee loyalty Crude downsizing in organizations during the recession crushed the loyalty of millions The economic benefits of loyalty embrace lower recruitment and training costs, higher productivity of workers, customer satisfaction, and the boost to morale of fresh recruits In order that these benefits are not lost, some companies while downsizing try various gimmicks Flex leave, for instance, is one This helps employees receive 20% of their salary, plus employer provided benefits, while they take a to 12-month sabbatical, with a call option on their services Others try alternatives like more communication, hand holding, and the like  Independent:  Dependent  Moderating:  Intervening: H1: If the Job performance getting well , then the Job enrichment and Job reward will getting well too H2:If the Job motivation going well , then the Job enrichment and Job reward will going well too What is meant by operational definition, when is it necessary, and why is it necessary? Operational definition refers to the process of defining an abstract concept in such a manner that it can be measured It is necessary because it allows us to measure subjective characteristics and phenomena which not lend themselves to objective measurement Operationally define the concept of Career success and develop questions that would measure Career success Career Success could be either objective (as judged by the profession), or subjective (as judged by oneself) Objective career success is usually defined in terms of the prestige of the position and status one holds, and by one’s salary Subjective career success is defined in terms of how one feels about where one aspired to be at that particular point in one’s career and where one actually is Some items to measure subjective career success are: To what extent you feel you have: i Achieved whatever you had hoped to achieve at this stage in your career ii Accomplished the kinds of goals you had set for yourself iii Compared to others of similar background, made progress in your career How much influence you have? One of the greatest measures of effectiveness in a group or work setting can be taking stock of how much influence you have If you are the person that seems to always know how team morale is or if you are approached repeatedly by new team members with questions, you are likely a strong influencer You may also find yourself being called on by other departments or management to weigh in on things that you aren’t directly responsible for—which highlights how much your input is valued Being this type of resource in the workplace is a great indication of not only your emotional intelligence, but also of likely work-related success and your ability to make a positive impact What you create and what is the impact? When you think about you career, consider what you create in your job It could be a product, project, or simply a great client experience, but realizing what you created wouldn’t have existed without your effort, care, and expertise is a way to measure success Sometimes it’s the expectation that we need to something huge and exceptional to make a difference Not the case! It’s important to remind yourself that success and service can happen in many different ways—you don’t need to join the Peace Corp to something that can change another’s world In fact, it may be the simple ways we make an effort that stand out as successful Have you created valuable relationships throughout your career? Once we’re out of school, the workplace often becomes where we make our greatest friends and grow social networks Do you have a work best or group of colleagues that you share happy hours with, trade stories and career goals, or cheer each other on through rough days? Like energies attract! If you have been lucky enough to have met a few best friends through the office, appreciating these relationships and acknowledging the value they’ve added to your personal development is another way to view success What have you learned? Some of our biggest career lessons are tiny moments where you gain a better understanding of company culture, how to handle office politics, or how to manage when dealing with organizational leadership What are the lessons you’ve learned about how to handle issues? If you’ve mastered the unique quirks and how-tos of your office and company culture, you’ve become more well rounded as a professional How well you fail? It’s true: Sometimes success is taking a big risk, having it flop, and learning something really powerful along the way Early in our career, we might not be great at failing—maybe we judge ourselves, feel like we should have known better, or didn’t handle a situation with grace or professionalism Take a look at your responses to both big and small failures—and how it has changed over the course of your career Do you respond differently now than when you were just starting out? Sometimes failing also helps us rule out the things we don’t want to spend our careers doing And that insight can set us up for even greater success down the road! How far have you come? One of the best ways to measure career success is looking at where you began—it provides you a personal yardstick that keeps you from comparing yourself to anyone else! So often we focus on how far we have left to go in our career goals and think only about next steps and how to get there Instead, call to mind the “you” of five years ago What did that girl want to learn, experience, or risk to achieve? Career success in this moment can be about how well you’ve met those personal goals or how you’ve handled and learned from the changes in your path Schematically depict the operational definition of the concept of stress and develop questions that would measure stress 4 Explain the principles of wording, stating how these are important in questionnaire design, cite an examples not in the book The principles of wording is the appropriateness of the content of the questions The nature of the variable tapped will determine what kinds of questions are asked If the variables tapped are of a subjective nature (e.g., satisfaction, involvement), where respondents’ beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes are to be measured, the questions should tap the dimensions and elements of the concept If objective variables, such as age and educational levels of respondents, are tapped, a single direct question appropriated The purpose of each question should be carefully considered so that the variables are adequately measured and yet no superfluous questions are asked Example: Asking subjective nature: “How ambitious are you?” Asking objective variable: “What was your greatest success?”

Ngày đăng: 05/08/2020, 01:03
