Writer: Le Thi SuPosition: Teacher
Place of work: Quang Thanh Primary SchoolField of initiative: English
3.1 Conclusion
Trang 31 INTRODUCTION1.1 Reason to choose the topic.
Currently English is being seen as an international language in exchange,exchange and learning experiences between countries around the world Therefore,right from the renovation process, our Party has paid attention to the educationsector and chose the subject of English as a popular foreign language, which is amajor and compulsory subject in high schools and colleges and university.Therefore, it is the second language, the compulsory subject of many countriesaround the world According to analysts, by the end of the decade, more than athird of the world's population will be involved in learning English This need tolearn English globally has shown that English is extremely important and necessaryfor the development of society and economy at the national level as well as for eachindividual in society.
From that practical requirement, English has been included in the maincurriculum of all levels in our country The ultimate goal of teaching and learningEnglish is that students can communicate in English Communication ability is
expressed in two aspects: receiving (listening and reading) and producing(speaking and writing) language However, to achieve that ultimate goal, the firstelement that students need to master is phonetic (Pronunciation).
Phonetic is considered one of the basic elements of all languages in the world Ifthe pronunciation is correct, all skills such as listening, speaking and reading willbecome much easier Conversely, if the pronunciation is wrong or unclear, it willmake the listener misunderstand or even not understand the meaning of thespeaker.
Determining that importance, phonetic teaching and learning has beenincluded in the primary school English program However, most students aresurprised and have many difficulties when pronouncing and memorizing thesounds they have learned, while the exploitation and use of materials for teachers'teaching and language learning students' tones are limited.
Compared to the English for high school and middle school, English withprimary students is still very new, especially phonetic Although there is one lessonper unit to teach phonetics However, the 40-minute duration is so small that theteaching method is not specific, which explains why the effectiveness of teachingand learning phonetics is not high.
From the fact that in the years when I directly taught English in PrimarySchool, I found that the pronunciation skills of students were not good, did notknow how to read a word or a sentence in each specific situation The children lackconfidence while reading new words, which makes their communication in Englishvery difficult, I have always wondered how to teach how to suit their students, tohelp them I no longer feel more difficult, and more confident whencommunicating in English.
From the above thought I explored and experimented on my classroom and
received the desired results Therefore, I boldly offer my experience of "SomeEnglish phonetic teaching methods for Primary students" for friends and
colleagues to refer to.
Trang 41.2 Research purposes.
Find ways to guide students to practice English pronunciation for Primarystudents In order to improve the efficiency and quality of teaching PrimaryEnglish.
1.3 Research subjects.
Current situation and some measures to guide students to practice Englishpronunciation for Quang Thanh Primary School students in the school year 2019-2020
1.4 Research methods.
- Research the science of English phonetics- Survey the pronunciation capacity of students.- General statistics on data processing.
- Research from teaching materials, collection materials and materials on phoneticteaching methods from the Internet.
- Apply experiment.
1.5 New points of the experience initiative:
Studying techniques and methods of teaching pronunciation to providestudents with a rich shortage of the system of English sounds and to apply towords and sentences, especially in communication that they learned through thelessons In addition, teachers need to create an interesting learning for students,promote activeness in learning, attract students to love the subject.
Trang 52 CONTENT2.1 Rationale.
Currently in Vietnam, learning one or more other foreign languages for usein daily communication as well as in work has become very important,especially English English is used everywhere, anytime From children who sellbooks and newspapers to tourists, they also know how to advertise theirproducts in English to experts and interpreters who use English fluently.However, the question is why many people learn English for a long time butwhen communicating with native people, they do not understand ormisunderstand what we are saying The answer is due to Phonetic in English English phonetics can be understood to include elements: phonology, stress(stress), rhythm (rhythm) and intonation According to the study of phonetics, itis necessary to achieve 4 criteria for good communication process: Goodpronunciation; Natural speed (natural speech); Natural Rhythm; And naturalintonation (natural intonation) Achieving these 4 standard criteria is theambition of all English learners However, this is beyond the ability ofVietnamese people Although we cannot speak English as a native speaker, wecan practice to speak an acceptable English: clear pronunciation means when wepronounce the listener and the distinct from other sounds.
Determining the importance of phonetics in particular and English ingeneral, the Ministry of Education and Training is currently implementing theNational Foreign Language Project 2020 (approved under Decision No 1400 /QD-TTg of Thu Prime Minister on September 30, 2008) to improve foreignlanguage skills for English teachers in the country.
2.2 Status of the problem.
Through practical research, I can see the advantages and disadvantageswhen teaching English pronunciation correctly for students in Quang ThanhPrimary School as follows:
a Advantages:
- The school has a number of equipment and devices for teaching and fosteringexcellent students, textbooks, advanced materials, radio, computers with Internetconnection,
- There are students who have qualities and passion for the subject.
- Some parents and students see the importance of learning in general and theEnglish subject in particular.
- Get the attention, direction and timely encouragement from School Board.
b Difficulties:
* On the family side:
- Most of the students in my class are responsible for having parents go towork as a company, so it is not frequent to care and remind children to study athome.
- Some parents anxiously want their children to read well so often instructstudents to read and do previous exercises at home, unscientific instruction
Trang 6methods, especially parents guide children to read in the local language,Therefore, it is difficult for teachers to guide and correct reading for students - Some families are still not interested in their children's study, so there are stillmany students who lack books, notebooks, and learning materials, especiallyreference books to practice reading.
* On the teachers side:
- Teachers' teaching methods are also somewhat incompatible with studentpsychology Some teaching teachers are also inclined to impart knowledge oruse methods that are not suitable for class characteristics Not paying attentionto the form of organization, supervision, encouragement, strengtheningknowledge and proper reading practice for students, leading to not promotingthe positive and self-confidence of students.
- Some pronunciation teachers are not really standard English.
- In the process of teaching many teachers, they have not properly consideredthe correct pronunciation steps for students Teachers have not paid attention tohelping students forge reading skills according to the instructional requirementsas well as help students to forge thinking activities.
* On the students side:
- Primary students' thinking is specific, quick to forget, the ability to recreate letters is weak so some sounds, rhymes and intonations are forgotten Go hometo practice reading, preparing lessons often so some rhymes you don't rememberand read correctly Besides, the primary school students are still small so thereare still some children who are lisp, speak the local language That word greatlyinfluenced the correct pronunciation for children.
- Some students acquire knowledge mechanically and have not promotedinitiative and creativity In fact, there are still students who make the correctpronunciation and are confused and do not have the right reading skills Studentsoften make mistakes and mispronouncements when reading.
- For elementary students, the English phonetic system is too new andcomplicated In Vietnamese, just memorizing the alphabet is basically thestudents can pronounce all the words but in English there is very littleconnection between the alphabet and the way of transcription There are only 26letters but meanwhile there are 44 sounds including vowels and consonants Aletter can be read with 2 sounds (th: / θ / or / ð /) Conversely many words canplay the same sound (phone / fun / laugh) Especially how to pronounce difficultsounds like / s / hay / z /, / t / or / d /; / ∫ / or / s / Some children who readoften swallow these sounds when they are at the end of the word.
- There are many pairs of sounds in English that have similar sounds (minimalpairs), not only students but also teachers, who do not recognize and pronouncethem correctly, such as negative: / i / or / i: /, / e / or / æ /, / ð / or / θ /
- Besides, some sounds in English do not exist in Vietnamese, so students facemany difficulties when playing these sounds When encountering difficulties,students are afraid of pronunciation because they are afraid of wrong, so they areafraid to read and hesitate to speak; The less you read, the less you say, the lessyou read it, say it wrong and you are afraid to communicate in English The fact
Trang 7that they mispronounced the above makes learning time and learning effect oftheir children affected, resulting in low learning results With such a situation, Ihave studied and researched to find a solution to practice the correctpronunciation of English for students, to overcome false pronunciation Sincethen improve the quality of English speaking for students.
c Results and effectiveness of the situation
Through studying and analyzing the situation of Primary students pronouncing English correctly To get more facilities, I conducted a survey to survey students through some reading lessons with the following results.
Survey results at the beginning of the school year 2019– 2020 ( September,10th 2019)
Students pronounce correctly Students mispronounced
2.3 Solutions implemented.
The process of guiding students to practice pronunciation correctly in Englishis based on the pronunciation errors that elementary students often make, I have used some of the following solutions:
2.3.1 Helping parents and teachers realize the importance and requirements when instructing students to practice English pronunciation.
* For parents:
From the beginning of the school year, I explained and instructed parents tounderstand and clearly see the role and importance of reading and pronunciationcorrectly for Primary students I inform parents of the school year study plan andhow to guide students to practice reading and pronunciation right at home, aswell as the student's study schedule Since then, we cooperate with parents tocreate the most favorable conditions to remind, help and motivate them to beactive and interested in reading to improve the quality of speaking and readingEnglish for students.
* For teachers:
In order to give students the correct pronunciation in English, the teacher mustfirst be the correct English speaker, therefore:
- First, the teacher must understand the English pronunciation rules.
- Self-training to correctly pronounce single vowels, double vowels, consonants,intonation, accent in English standard.
After practicing the correct pronunciation, the teacher must be the one whoknows how to train the students with the correct pronunciation That is:
- Teachers must observe how students read and listen to students It means beingable to quickly identify students who are pronouncing correctly, and realize thatthey are mispronouncing Repeating students' readings with sample readings.Teachers must facilitate students to observe their reading objectively.
Trang 8- Teachers must give thorough guidance, especially to motivate, love and help themso that they can be active and interested in reading Teachers must also find outwhere the students are pronouncing wrongly so that they can take measures tocorrect and correct properly.
- Methods of practice must also be clear, explicit and intuitive to quantify Exerciseintensity must be high That means practicing as much as possible Must choose areading error of students so as to save time to practice While reading practice forstudents, teachers need to synchronize the reading practice measures to improve thequality of reading in general and correct pronunciation in English in particular.
2.3.2 Prepare a reading mind for students.
In order to create a comfortable, confident and enjoyable psychology whengoing to class, teachers must create a reading mind for students such as:
- Teachers coordinate with schools, parent associations to ensure adequatefacilities for teaching such as: Reading room must have enough lighting, adequatefacilities, proper tables and chairs Reading materials must be clear, must match theage characteristics.
- Teachers combine with teams, teams to organize English tape exchangeplaygrounds so that they can communicate in each specific situation
- The school organizes reading exercises for students in many ways: Reading thewhole class, reading in groups, reading groups, reading individuals Organize thestudents to take reading exams between groups, groups and individuals, so that theycan compete and be more interested in learning as well as in reading practice.
2.3.3 Instructions for students to practice correct pronunciation:
a Practice correct pronunciation of consonants:
Through teaching practice, I found that they often mispronounced thefollowing first consonants Ví dụ:
+ "Th" sound: "th" sound is one of the most difficult to pronounce consonants, it
has three different pronunciation:
- / ð /: this, that, these, those, they, more
- / θ /: three, things, thought (This is the most difficult distinction, such as tree /triː/
and three /θriː/)
- / t /: Thailand, Thames
+ "W" and "v" sounds: The confusion of "w" and "v" sounds is common in
students, such as "water" will be mispronounced as "vater"; or "west" then "vest".
+ Silent consonants: Some students, probably by habit, often pronounce mute
consonants in words For example, many of you read both the "d" (mute) sound inthe word "Wednesday", or the "g" sound in the word "foreign." Or the "h" sound‘hour / honest’ is dumb but the student still reads.
In order for students to read the above consonants correctly, teachers mustinstruct students how to pronounce each specific sound right from the beginning ofthe syllabus, from the way of tongue placing, pushing, bending or not bending thetongue, The mouth is wide open or not wide open, lip-tight or not The teachermodels the pronunciation instruction for students to observe and follow.
- Where the students misread, the teacher stops reading and fixing them right there.
Trang 9- Teachers choose the words with these consonant pairs for students to practicereading Good word interpretation for students to understand meaning.
- Appears focus elements need to practice reading.
- Sample reading: Teachers can let students listen to the tape or pronounce thepattern slowly, in a round, clear, mouth facing towards the students so that allstudents can see clearly Teachers meticulously guide each specific operation suchas how to take the breath, the tongue set point.
- For students to practice reading many times with many forms of reading practice:- After the students have learned to read the consonants that they read wrong,- Teachers put words, words, sentences in context, for students to practice reading.
For example:
+Practice sound /p/ - This syllable reads closely to the Vietnamese "p" sound, the
force of the two lips is not as strong, but the exit force is still so strong.Specifically, the two lips block the air flow in the mouth and then exhale the airout, feeling the wire vibrating slightly.
+ Practice sound /b/ - How to match the sound "b" in Vietnamese Still two lips
block the air in the mouth, then turn off the air flow, causing the vocal cords tovibrate.
+ Practice sound /t/ - This is considered to be the same as the "t" sound in
Vietnamese, but it is quite strong When reading this sound, we have to put the tipof the tongue under the gum When the air flows out, the tip of the tongue touchesthe lower front teeth At this time, the two teeth tighten, opening when strong airescapes and creates vibrations in the rod.
+ Practice sound /d/ - Phonetic /d/ Vietnamese but slightly turned out a bit stronger.
Placing the tip of the tongue under the gum, when the air stream bounces off, thetip of the tongue touches the lower front teeth But the two teeth are tight, openwhen the strong air escapes and creates the same vibration.
+ Practice sound /t∫/ - Like the sound /ch/ Vietnamese, but when you say it, you
have to come out, your lips slightly round and forward When the air is released,the lips are round, the tongue is straight and touch the lower jaw, letting air escapeon the surface of the tongue without affecting the rod.
+ Practice sound /dʒ/ - Phonetic /t∫/ but with vocal cord vibrating The way to read
is that the lips are still slightly round and forward When the air is released, the lipsare round, the tongue is straight and touches the lower jaw, letting air escape on thesurface of the tongue.
+ Practice sound /k/ - Vietnamese "k" sound but turn on slightly by lifting the back
of the tongue, touching softly, lowering when strong air bounces off and does notaffect the rod.
+ Practice sound /g/ - Vietnamese "g" sound When reading, you will be able to lift
the back part of the tongue, touch it softly, lower it when the aura turns out so thatit can vibrate.
+ Practice sound/ f / - Ph "(ph" (phở) sound in Vietnamese When reading, the
upper jaw lightly touches the lower lip.
+ Practice sound/ v / - Phonetic "v" in Vietnamese At reading, the upper jaw will
lightly touch the lower lip.
Trang 10+ Practice sound /ð/- The way to read this syllable is to place the tip of the tongue
between the teeth, letting the air flow out between the tongue and the 2 teeth, thelarynx vibrating.
+ Practice sound/ θ / - With this English phonetic transcription, put the tip of the
tongue between the teeth, letting the air flow out between the tongue and the 2teeth, the larynx does not vibrate.
+ Practice sound / s / - To gently place the tongue on the upper jaw, softly lift, air
flow from the middle of the tongue and gums should not vibrate the larynx Wesimply need to let the tongue touch lightly on the upper jaw.
+ Practice sound /z/ - Also let the tongue gently place on the upper jaw, softly
lifted, the air flow from the middle of the tongue and gums, but this time vibratesthe larynx.
+ Practice sound /∫/ - Lips chu (like asking other people to silence: Shhhhhh!),Facing forward as if kissing someone and lips are round You can imagine that it ispossible to touch the upper jaw face and lift the front part of the tongue.
Note: consonants are sounds coming from the larynx through the mouth or sounds
when emitted, the airflow from the larynx to the lips is obstructed, such as tonguetouching lips, teeth, two lips collide pronunciation process Consonants onlymake a sound in words only when combined with vowels.
Example: Practice correct pronunciation / th /
(Unit 14: What does your father look like? - Lesson 3- English 4th grade)
- Teachers guide how to pronounce sounds / sounds / sounds that appear in the
lesson are read in two ways: / θ / and / ð /
- Teachers guide how to pronounce each sound.
*) With the / θ / sound: When pronouncing, put the tip of the tongue between the
teeth; upper teeth placed lightly on the tip of the tongue; blowing air between teethand tongue; throat does NOT VIBRATE; put your hand in front of your mouth tocheck the steam flow from your mouth.
*) With the /ð/ sound: When the syllable is read, put the tongue into the teeth;
upper teeth placed lightly on the tip of the tongue; do not blow; throatVIBRATION; put your hand into your throat to check your vibrating neck.
- Have students compare the two pronunciations above.
- Give students the pronunciation of / θ / and then include the sounds for students to
pronounce as: thin / θin / thick / θik / three / θriː / mouth / maʊθ / north / nɔːrθ /θ / north / nɔːrθ /- Then put in a specific sentence
Ex: The book is thin The dictionary is thick
- Give students the pronunciation of / ð / then include the pronunciation for studentslike: /ðɪs/ than /ðæn/ their /ðer/ father /ˈfɑːðər/ weather /ˈweðər/
- Then put in specific sentences:
Ex: This is my mother That is my father
- After each request for students, teachers comment, correct mistakes andencourage them to encourage them to work harder.
- The other consonant instructors are similar to the above.
Trang 11b Practice correct pronunciation of diphthongs.
- Through practical teaching, I found that when pronouncing the words, thechildren got Vietnamese errors when they pronounce English or double vowels,
they often read and remove the second letter as follows:/ei/ is usually pronouncedas “ê” and “êy”, /əʊ/ read is “Ô” –
Ex: Road /rəʊθ / north / nɔːrθ /d /: read is “ Rốt” or Coat / cəʊθ / north / nɔːrθ /t /: we often pronounce it wronglyas “cốt”
- Many students have a habit of reading the / ɜ / is / / / or / əʊθ / north / nɔːrθ / / is / European / tomake it easier to remember This mispronouncement may cause the oppositeperson to be ambiguous, do not understand what you say or lead tomisunderstandings, to mistake another word Therefore, in order for students toread the above consonants correctly, teachers must teach students how topronounce each sound clearly and clearly right from the beginning.
For example:
- Practice sound /ɪə/ - Read sound /ɪ/ then gradually change to /ə/ sound, the lower
lip changes into a gradual circle, the tongue gradually moves forward and thecolumn is slightly stretched.
- Practice sound /ʊə/ - Similar to the above method of reading the /ʊθ / north / nɔːrθ // and then
gradually shift to the /ə/ sound, the lips widen but moderate, the tongue pushesforward and extends the sound.
- Practice sound /eə/ - We read the sound / e / then move to negative / ə /, ask to
narrow the lips, tongue push forward and stretch the sound.
- Practice sound /eɪ/ - Initially, still read the / e / sound and then gradually shift to
the / ɪ / sound, the lips are flattened to the sides and the tongue is facing upwards,extending the sound.
- Practice sounds /ɔɪ/ - Read the / ɔ: / then move to the /ɪ/ sound, the lips flatten to
the sides, the tongue rises high and pushes forward and the sound is negative.
- Vocalization /aɪ/ - Let's read the /ɑ:/ and then move to /ɪ/, which is the
pronunciation of this syllable When reading this syllable, you create a lip-shapedmouth that gradually slips to the sides, the tongue lifted and slightly pushedforward.
- Practice sounds /əʊ/ - Still have to read the /ə/ sounds and then move to /ʊ/ The
lips will move from slightly open to slightly rounded, the tongue backward andstretched.
- Practice sound /aʊ/ - Read the sound /ɑ:/ then move to /ʊ/ The lips are gradually
rounded, the flesh is slightly behind and the syllable is long.
To correctly pronounce the diphthongs, I instructed the students to switchtheir mouth and tongue speech from the first vowel to the second single vowel Inthe double vowel, the first sound is the main vowel and the second is the closedsound That means when the first pronunciation is finished, we close our mouthsaccording to the image of the second sound, not the second sound For example,the sound /ai / read into “a” and “i” is not really accurate With the sound / ai / thereader reads / a / and then closes the mouth like the mouthpiece of / i /, but doesnot pronounce / i /.
Since then I practice reading double vowels for students as follows:
Trang 12For example :
+ Practice sounds /eɪ/ - I teach double vowels /eɪ/ teachers read aloud from: play
The teacher turns his face towards the student reading the / eɪ / a few timesso that the students can hear clearly and observe the teacher's mouth, lips, teeth,and tongue movements when speaking The teacher reads a few words that contain
the sound /eɪ / students read along
Then I write the words on the board H / eɪtʃ /, Eight / eɪt /, Plane / pleɪn / I instruct the students to read the /eɪ/ sound Change the previous negative /e/to the previous sound /ɪ/ When starting Mouth wide open to the sides, lower jawbrought down a little while pronouncing /e/ sound Soon, the lower jaw is closed,the mouth is still wide open and the / i / is negative.
I hang diagrams that show the position of tongue, lips, and teeth whenpronouncing and giving specific explanations so that students understand.
Ask students to repeat the words on the board and then recall each group.Finally the teacher called some students to repeat.
* Note: Although the double vowel is a combination of two single vowels, the
pronunciation of the double vowel is not entirely a single sound.
I do the same steps with other diphthongs such as: / ɑi / / ou / / ɑu / / eə / / iə
/ ia / / uə / / iη / / ɔ: η /
c Practice how to connect sounds.
In principle, when there is a consonant before a vowel, read the consonant withthe vowel For example, "get up", you read immediately and not separate twowords (/ get ʌp /) However, this is not easy, students often read them in a verydiscrete way, especially for the vowel ending words, for example: "leave (it)"read / li:v vit /; "Middle (East)", / midlli:st /, So I teach students how to connectsounds in a simple way.
* Note: when a wind consonant is in front of the vowel, before you connect it to
the vowel, you must convert the consonant to the corresponding non-wind consonant For example, "laugh" is pronounced as / f / end, but if you use it in a phrase, for example "laugh at someone", you have to convert / f / to / v / and read/la:v væt/.
For example: