Fun with chinese Characters
Trang 1=——FUN WITH
CHINESE CHARACTERS The Straits Times Collection (3)
Cartoonist: Tan Huay Peng
Trang 2© 1983 Federal Publications (S) Pte Ltd Times Jurong 2 Jurong Port Road Singapore 2261 First published 1983 Reprinted 1984, 1985, 1986
All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers
ISBN 9971 4 6074 2
Fun With Chinese Characters Volume 3 features another 140 characters which first appeared in the Straits Times Bilingual Page They trace systematically the evolution of Chinese characters from pictographs and ideographs, introducing radical elements and compounds with the appreciative and discerning eye of a cartoonist
This final collection in the highly popular and successful Fun With Chinese Characters Series includes an indispensable index of all the characters found in the series for easy reference
Trang 6
king; ruler
THREE horizontal planes (= ) repre- senting heaven, man and earth, con- nected by a vertical structure ( ! ), form the character for king: = — the one vested with power, between heav- en and earth, to rule uprightly over
man Originally was a pictograph of a string of jade beads ( $= ) which
only the royalty could afford It even- tually became the symbol for king FENG + gud wang =e A wang chao EE wang chi +# wang f& EZ BIR wang gong gui zi Example: king imperial court; dynasty crown prince the law the nobility BEM i > EF RR AE fie
Guo wang -si hou wang zi
Trang 7bã Lô jade; gem
= represents 3 pieces of jade strung together as a symbol for king: = The dot (+ ) was added to form = (jade), distinguishing it from = (king) Highly valued as a symbol of excellence and purity, jade may be found in its crude form, hidden in rough stone Hence the saying: “Jade which is not chiselled and polished is not an article of beauty.” FENG “|= ]F [E/E EAE vù dião KEK vùhuángdàdi kìiã»KkiẪ vùjébing qing he yu qi Ef, yu sé EBB yi shi shi ER yi ti EE yu zan Example: x 4+ EME 1: f# # hè ge và đão bù pấn v
This jade carving is not cheap
jade carving; jade sculpture
Trang 83i |(R) GUO country; nation BÏ is composed of [] (bound-
ary» g — (and), @ (mouth)
and (spear) @ therefore
means Zt people and weap- ons within a boundary — a country The simplified form In only £ (jade, represent- t king) within the boundary
[] ) to produce nation: fg] But
‹ king needs subjects as much as subjects need food: “People are the nation’s source; food is the primary need of the people.” PLUG L]TTIFTIEIIEIIEIIEl | BÌ
jz] gud bin state guest 2 quo hul parliament
ih gud cé < national policy f= guo jf nationality
pe gud chdn<z, made in our country Br guoji Xe international
El#R guo di <3 national capital A ti 3% quốnà shì chăng © domestic market
# quo fã the law of the land EER quo ging k National Day
Trang 9# | (Ei) XIAN appear; reveal; now
THE radical is £ (jade, gem)
contracted to £ The phonetic » representing eyes ( 4 ) of man
(JU), means to see So $8, means the sight of a sparkling gem, its appearance at that very moment; now Appearances may be reveal- ing or deceptive According to the saying: “Fine words and appear- ance are seldom associated with virtue.” Pane “ J† J7 |F iFM
HH2) — xiàn chăng:-.: scene (of an incident) LEK — xiần chếngs:-: ready-made
EWR xian di modern times; the
contemporary age
BlgK xin kuSnwso ready money; cash
HLS xinshí reality; actuality
th Đ#U H — 2 # 8 2
Ta lăn shang xian chủ yi sỉ xiầo rồng A faint smile appeared on her face
xiần xiầng›s›: appearance (of things);
now available; existing
now; at present; today
v= appear
Trang 10Li village; mile; inside
# originally was a_ village made up of @ (fields) and + (earth) The average length of one side, about 600 metres, became a
measure of length: ¥ , a Chi-
nese mile ¥ is also the simpli- fied form of Here the radi-
cal for clothes (4%) is split and
lined inside with the phonetic Z to suggest inside: ¥ idinigdie <=
l2 li bian inside; in; within
HARE li chéng mileage; course of development
tt lí chéng bai milestone
Ee Li Hai the Caspian Sea
Bw i mian inside; interior
BS {i tou inside; interior
a © i ¥ WW EH % -
Trang 11v LI tH polish; reason; principle
to a simpleton with principle.” E (gem) is the radical, and the
phonetic & is made up of @
(field) and + (land) $¥ com-
pares the cutting of a gem to the dividing of field and land, both done according to fixed rules and principles; hence the extended meaning: reason, principle The old saying highlights the importance of a moral standard: “A man of talent without principle is inferior PENG ~ 2 1% lJ J#lf Jase IP 52
FREE licdi (usually in the negative)
pay attention to; show interest in FH lita haircut; hairdressing
FHSS lihul understand; comprehend
FH fy =(lijié ~~ understand; comprehend
FRA kế - science (as a school subject)
KR ®# 2 # H HH fã
Wo yếu chong fén li you xiang xin
Trang 12+ v ZHU = is a pictograph of a lampstand with the flame rising above it It symbolises a man who spreads light — a lord or master To shed light, the master himself needs the en- lightening counsel: “If you suspect a man, don’t employ him; if you em- ploy a man, don’t suspect him.” owner; master ` ` ` ` ` >[>|>|*#
EF ahi bn direct; sponsor A airén’ master
FF orhichl chair (a discussion); EAE mũrn director; chairman
- host (a banquet) tk mìsi instigate;incite; abet
3 zhủ dồng — initiative +81 nit theme; subject; motif
= BA ozh dul home team; host team ERE mủu chairman (of a meeting)
EH nif housewife; hostess =: 3 hiiyéo._—smain; chief; principal
TEM miguân © subjective EY úy doctrine; -ism
tk migun personincharge tk niyl idea; plan; decision
Trang 13
ZHU A (man) is combined with ® (master) to form 4% , meaning to
dwell In ancient days, the man (A_) was always master ( + ) of his 4+ live; dwelling; so the combination 4% suggests to dwell, to stay In reside; modern times, however, some husbands still boss the house; others stay house the boss +
{EP zhù hù household; resident
{EO zhi kou shut up; stop talking
{EF zhi shou stay one’s hand; stop
‡:1ä zhù sù stay; put up; get accommodation
{EGE zhù yuần be in hospital; be hospitalized
{EE zhù zhãi residence; dwelling:
th A BB oF IY Tel fe =F E LE TA
Ta da bù fén shi jian z3ä xuế xiao ?hù su
Trang 14= complete; perfect
pleted, i.e., the components are : assembled and the work finished : However, the modern character, classified under ~ (in), could be interpreted as a jade ( % or £) -: skilfully inlaid ( A), and so flaw- :
less and perfect: ® But
perfection is not always the crucial thing: “Better an ị imperfeet jade than a perfect tile.” , PEUG
4 Eh quấn bù whole; complete; total; all jRj quan ja overall situation
2H quan cai a versatile person; all-rounder 4:7) quanii i with all one’s strength
17 quấnchăng the whole audience; all those present
4° GE] HE quan gud xing nationwide
2£ quan ji complete works; collected works = quan jing panorama; full view Example: KiN@® RAH ET » Wo men quấn jã rến chủ qu le My family had gone out 4IñÏ ap BER 2#
quán miần overall; comprehensive
quấn niấn : annual; yearly
Trang 15
QUAN _ recover from illness
THE radical ⁄” (originally J )
represents a sick patient lying down
(—~ ) ona bed ( ) The phonetic &
means finished or completed The
combination J& is based on the belief
of physicians that when a disease (7 ) has run its full course (2), the patient recovers: 3 mì PEEP AAA ae HB quan yu fully recover from an illness Example: 1h RR A Se He
Ta de bing hai méi you wan quấn quấn yi
He has not fully recovered from his illness
Trang 16symbolising grains (4<) separated in the four quarters (+) by rice threshing Although the rice-bowl may represent an honest means of
(uncooked) living, “rice obtained by crookedness will not boil up into good food ”
ARK mi bo metric wave
+ mi fén rice-flour noodles; vermicelli
Xì8 mi jit tice wine
Trang 17We FEN powder
FACE powder in China was once made by grinding rice into fine particles Hence the ideograph: X neaning face powder — from X (rice) and
3 (divide, grind) The radi- cai 3X is a likeness of a rice stalk and the phonetic 7 is a
picture of a knife severing an object #7 now stands for any- thing ground into powder VERE S WE fnb - — chalk By Fil] fén ci acne #21 fšn hông pink TE fen shén sul gi have one’s body smashed to pieces; die the most cruel death mm fén shua whitewash
Bp 22 fén si vermicelli made from bean starch, etc
Trang 18MS H JING refined; essence; vigour
AK (rice) is the radical of this character and 4 (green, pure) the phonetic Rice, the only grain that grows in a padi field, is never mixed with other grains, and so
signifies something pure & (green) is
also a symbol of purity; it is the colour of vegetation, #} representing the al- chemist’s stove and the growing plant The two symbols of purity combine to enforce the idea of refinement, essence or vigour: *ã- ` ƑP ý ##E#fiflfBiHH
XI” Jng bỉng- '- picked troops; crack troops XöTĐ jng qo exquisite;ingenious
Xầ# jing cai ~ brilliant; splendid; wonderful | #24 jing shén spirit; mind; vigour; drive
Xã?” jing i “ energy; vigour Xđ:Ù Ïngxin meticulously; elaborately
*§% jing méi ©) exquisite; elegant Xổ Íngyề seminal fluid; semen
a HA 5-F- jing ming qiéng gan capable; able and efficient #8 til] jing zhi made with extra care
Ke Re 7 5 jing pi Ii jié exhausted; worn out X##⁄ jingzhi fine; exquisite
“hè hud ping de đão ké hồn jing zhi
The carvings on this vase are exquisite
Trang 19
^+%, represents curling vapours rising and forming clouds
an = Ancient forms_show the sun (© ) and fire (4 ) which cause
the vapours: #{ The regular form 5a , however, depicts the \ Sl, vapour (4) ascending from boiling rice (;K.) — now simpli-
fied to 4, , meaning air, vapour, breath, energy or anger qi breath; vapour; air d9 J |l!+E% |⁄Z\x% Z #4,
jth jth qichong chong furious; beside oneself AN qìhu climate
with rage aH qì lÌ effort; energy; strength
“(mm qì chuăn asthma “4# qiqú balloon
SR al fen atmosphere Si qiwên air temperature
Sl ai fen indignant; furious “# & ai xiang tsi meteorological observatory
2 # & # % U Ä% thí “S4 TH đ ÍfT °-
Hui tan shi zai ging gi yếu hào de qi fén zhong jin xing
The talks were held in a cordial and friendly atmosphere
Trang 20
SHI eat; food
general Its seal form shows that it is made
up of & (together) and 2 (boiled grain,
food) itself is a pictograph of the rice- pot (© ) and its contents ( — ) with a spoon or ladle (&) is the signal to come
together (4) to eat the food (#) But
food, like knowledge, needs to be properly digested So: “Be quick over your work, but not over your food.” FENG +%, to eat, is the radical relating to food in ® 4® PAPER H8 wsh lunar eclipse BB E8 mũi staple food qz f®ŸR shiláng grain;food am
fii shipin — foodstuff; food; provisions A
Brit shi pil recipes; cookbook
A Zz Wứ ở AÁ ) 3 ã °
Mi sh Yà zhou rến de zhi shi
Rice is the staple food of Asians 15 shi sii shi tang shi wi shi yan shi zhi
board and lodging
dining room; mess hall; canteen
Trang 21OR | (ER FAN rice (cooked)
eh, the character for cooked rice, comes from the radical # (food) ae and the phonetic % meaning return
J represents the repetitive motion (x ) of the hand (_X_), as in eating (# ) Although hungry people are not fastidious about food, “One speck of rat’s dung spoils a whole pot of rice.” In combination, 7 is simplified to bk ˆ Ƒ Ý f tZ
RE fan cai meal; repast
BO fan dian restaurant
TEA fan guo pot for cooking rice; rice cooker RHR fần tống 1ice bucket; big eater; good-for-nothing Tưữn fan wan tice bowl; job; means of livelihood
Th fan zhuo dining table
là 4 Hï #4 %# "HH :› W A X l #l °
Zhà cần ting fan cà kế _kếu fi wi you zhou dao
Trang 2218 (E
BAO eat to the full
fgetus enclosed in the body; hence the meaning wrapped up therefore means food all wrapped up in the stomach, i.e., fully satisfied However, as the saying goes: “Better be hungry and pure than well-filled and corrupt.” Ƒ¿wá 7 ZW E ⁄ ae bao han tall bão hế Te bao man tu? bao xué Example: filled with saturation full; plump learned fh 6 AR GG fa & @ WH AY GA YA
Tả de yan jing bdo han zhe xing fi de rẻ lồ
Her eyes were filled with tears of joy
Trang 23
feed (# ) me ( 4%) — a fitting sign for hunger Another character for
hunger is##¥, literally: little (&¢) food (2 ), simplified to 71, i.e., food
( 4 ) on small table (/U ) Although hunger is no respecter of persons, “Evena hungry person will refuse food offered in contempt.” lệ B1 THIS character is based on the radical for food: ê It literally means ỳ È hungry HX 7 ⁄# lý lŸ lữ FRR ai 6 go hungry
OUR ji é hunger; starvation
TREE Th A Bhi pi shi like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey
th + GL DL #4 bk °
Ta zheng zh 2a) j xiần shang
She struggled along on the verge of death
Trang 24
a THE food radical # combines with 7Ÿ to produce #8 , a public
ara mm building The phonetic ‘# (official) originally meant the residence of
an official — the hall (7) of the city (& ) 4% (food) together with V %Ÿ suggests a public building doing food business — inn, hotel or restaurant Hence: “An innkeeper never worries if your appetite is big.” GUAN hotel; restaurant AHN PLne ha J |b # ` là" ”flfflrP 8 E
WEE lÍ guăn hotel
%Xf#ầ mši shd guan art gallery
TA tÍ ý gn gymnasium; stadium
Al ae tú shũ guan library
x ik Te Wt BR et Be
Zhe lÏ guăn de bù zhì hến tíng huấng The hotel’s decor is very impressive
Trang 25ER |(EX) YIN drink
BASED on the food radical # , this
character has a significant phonetic % , suggesting breath % originally was a pictograph of a man opening his mouth to
catch his breath, as_in drinking: 2 This
was modified to 3% _, representing air waves (2 ) emanating from the man ( Jv ) The primitive form of the character for drink shows clearly a drinking flask (a ) as part of the food radical ˆ ý Ƒ f7]
TREE yin cha drink tea
TK Gee yin dan be hit by a bullet
Trt yin hén nurse a grievance
TR yin lido drink; beverage
TROL yin qi weep in silence
TRE yin shi food and drink; diet
TK AA yin yong shui drinking water; potable water
th Be Be bk RR tk RK ©
Tả xỉ hưữn zäo shang za chế lu vín cha
Trang 26
its body (@), the two wheels (=) and the axle ( | ) The primitive forms of # are as varied as carts, carriages and chariots But, whatever the form, where there is a cart in front there is a track behind; so “Take warning from the wrecked CHE cart ahead of you.” cart; carriage; chariot
Xúc qiche motor vehicle; automobile | 4246 chẽ lún wheel (of a vehicle)
#ZJjK thếchuáng lathe Ee ché pido train or bus ticket
tee che fei fare 727K EAH ché shui malong heavy traffic
Ze tq chéhud roadaccident ER chẽ sù speed of a motor vehicle
Ze [a] ché jian workshop KB ché tai tyre
Trang 27
#w is the triple form of the nolsy cart (#) It serves as a fitting symbol for any loud or explosive sound like the rumbling of many carts In the simplified form,, 2 (again; ditto) replaces each of the two lower carts to produce - Sitself is a simplified picture of IX the right hand; and the right hand, returning repeatedly to the
mouth in eating, suggests “again” HONG bang; boom (noise; uproar)
zy hong dong cause a sensation; make a stir
77 Ong hong lig on a grand and spectacular scale; vigorous; dynamic
ih hong ji shell; bombard
IE hong long rumble; roll
weg, hong ming thunder; roar
ad hong zha bomb
ah A OR KO EE Sh Rw MK -
Tả de cho jf mí ni gin shi quấn ching hong dong gi lá
Her ultra-miniskirt caused a stir at the party
Trang 28KU _ storehouse JUST as “7 is a picture of a ro representing hut, so r a hut — a shed or, ee with an open front
J originally wag a shed
(f”) for carts (@) But,
before long, it came to be used for storing grain and all sorts of goods Hence : a@ storehouse, ware- house, granary or depot | | ae Z#MUE — jmzxề kù armoury 4l cang ki storehouse; warehouse t kù céng have in storage EE ka cin stock; reserve E8 ki fang storehouse Example: 3 ê # TUF AK Bt °
Zhe cũng kù lề yí rống nề dà lầng huồ wù
Trang 29LUN wheel
¥6i, the wheel that, moves the cart, has
(cart) for radical @ , its phonetic, is sugges-
tive, not only of the orderly arrangement of and stability It signifies a collection (“-) of ancient documents preserved on bamboo eps tied together in an orderly manner Fa) the spokes of a wheel, but also their unity J “Ƒf# # ##`? ‡Ètƒ lún bần in shifts; in relays ee ig lúnchi teeth of a cogwheel PH lúnchuấn steamer #bỳ lúndù ferry
#ȇft lúnhuần rotate; take turns
PAL — lan ji turbine Example: xA FHKE HT ° zhe ge chế lún bề gu hui k The wheel of this car was badly scratched #È EE we it eA #b†ã #È th tt + 24 lún kuö lún liú lún tãi lan yi lún zhöu lan zi
outline; contour; rough sketch take turns; do something in turn
Trang 30= JUN army; soldiers diers (+7) — an army:#
Armies are maintained for years, to be used on a sin- gle day And on that crucial day: “The conquerors are erowned kings; the defeated are branded bandits.”
THE seal form of this ‡ character shows a_ war & chariot ($› escorted by a ° surrounding force of sol- 4 AX ) PIVEN IE)
4 jlnbéi armament; arms ek
3 jinbd army headquarters eA
%e 2 jincão military drill eA
% 4 jinché military vehicle e+
ZK jindul == armed forces EVAR
ye jlinfé military criminal code | 3h ygq>]
% Ye jingaéng naval port
EF jin guan officer
+® Á H TL ÍE & fR # đ ñ ME #9 -
Jin rén de gong zud shi hến yếu tão hân xing de
The work of a soldier is full of challenges 25 jin hud jin li jữn rén jan shi jun shi xin lian jun shi yan xí jun ying arms and ammunition military strength soldier; serviceman noncommissioned officer (NCO) military training
military manoeuvre; wat exercise
Trang 31eh (Bh) ZHAN chop off
#fƒ probably has reference to a
war chariot ( #) with warriors
wielding axes ( 77 ) to cut off the
enemy It may also mean to whirl or brandish (¥ ) a battle
axe (jf) But cutting off an
enemy does not eradicate the source of trouble; hence the saying: “When cutting the weeds, get rid of the root”
5 EM
“Fae ae
ir RAR — zh&n cBo chú gẽn destroy root and branch — stamp out the source of trouble
ETE] AER — zhan ding jié tid resolute and decisive; categorical
Hr iit zhăn duần chop off
Trang 32fal J TAO sedan-chair
is composed of (vehicle) and l , something high and stately — the sedan chair The phonetic $ combines & (man leaning ina with a contracted form of & (high) Although the high Bah mighty travel in sedans, “He who rides in the chair is a man; he, who `
carries the chair is also a man ` —— —_ PENS 4 Z |# 3 4 + Ae EF kK 4h ay 7 Fd tt“ jiầo chẽ car
tt” {ido zi sedan chair
TE hua jiầo bridal sedan chair
ai Ay fe HỤ %@ A mf lR fe AK OTE BROAD GŨ shi hud de hud rến xin niéng shi zo hud jầo de
Trang 33RUAN pliable yielding; soft; weak;
THE mobility of the carriage (#2) is used to good effect in this character Combined with % , it produces $ „ meaning soft and weak or pliable and flexible, £_ signifying a man
( ) gasping for breath ( Z ), i.e., exhausted, deficient €Z
may also be_written¢@ , the phonetic b4 representing the
soft beard (#g) of a man (X ) FLUL ER ap ruin gang Beek rudn gd tou ty ep ruan gui ERIK ruan hua ER AL ruan huo tp {He ruan jian + ruan jin BRO ruan rud Example: MU Ú4 TU ñJ ñH OS Ta bei ta de tấn yan mi
mild steel; soft steel
a weak-kneed person; a spineless person; a coward cartilage
soften; win over by soft tactics gentle; kind; soft
put somebody under house arrest
Trang 34E
LIAN link; join; connect J
CARTS (# ) on the move (+) fe!
form a connecting link (3%) be- tween places, leaving a continuous track, not broken like the track of man also represents a string of carriages (#) moving along
(4_) as_if connected By the same
token 43¥, the character for chain,
is made yp of rings of metal (4) linked (QQ _) together ~ | =] ¥] FE) FRE
„#£Ñ liấn guần link up; piece together; hang together; coherent; consistent
354 |B] liấn huấn huầ a book (usually for children) with a story told in pictures; picture story book JER liấn lši implicate; involve; get somebody into trouble
AAC lian mang promptly; at once
3£H lian ri for days on end; day after day
z# lR] lian tong together with; along with
EE liấn xù continuous; successive
3: lian yé the same night; that very night Example:
\ Hi 5 % 5 EBM HE ®% RỊ °
Xão mốc xí huân kan Xiang Gang de lấn xù jd
Trang 35
xe (Số)
LIAN lotus Com
, the lotus, is a prolific water plant
(+“) that spreads continuously (3% )
like a flowery chain It epitomises purity because it grows out of mud ut remains undefiled From 3? (cop- nect) also comes the character Me : (ripples) based on the water radical `
» — ripples being a continuous sue- cession ( of waves _ a | Am AK | AD AE
SEE lian hua lotus flower
SE lian peng seedpod of the lotus
IE K lian peng tou shower nozzle
jz -f- lian zi lotus seed
@ fe eK OK HAD
Lian hud shi shéng zhang zai shu li de
Lotus flowers grow in water
Trang 365% father
THE Chinese proverb defines father as “a man who, in praising his son, extols himself’ Accordingly, the seal form ® depicts father as a disciplinarian — the right hand (3X ) wielding the rod of authority ( | ) Eventually the rod is contracted: & and then broken: SC Apparently: “It is easy to govern a kingdom but difficult to rule one’s family.” 2 fù mũ father and mother; parents 223 fù qin father
2m fil quan zhi patriarchy
2) ful xiong father and elder brothers; head of a family
4# ñ9 44 3 we DRT AD A °
Wo de fi gin shi ge ci xiéng de rén
My father is a kindly person
Trang 37
JIN rh is a pictograph of a small piece of cloth used for cleaning, dusting or ing In ancient times it was worn, suspended
from the gir e represents the two extremities of the
napkin; towel; cloth hanging (| ) from the girdle forms the radical of a handkerchief series of characters relating to cloth in general
rf He jin guo woman
FE? WE] SEE — jin quo ying xiong a heroine
21] can jin napkin
#t shou jin hand towel
Arf tou jin headdress
[E|!] wéi jin scarf
#bU H # th ‡# là °
Tả yong shou jn ma lian
She uses the towel to wipe her face
Trang 38Th
THIS character is based on the
radical for cloth: tf] The phonetic
t (father) is, discernible as Qin the seal form 7 & is a picture of
the right hand (3 ) with the rod of cloth
authority (1), and implies disei- | pline, control and order — as essen- tial in weaving as in marrying So the saying goes: “Hasty weaving produces shoddy cloth; a girl who marries in haste has a feol for a husband.” Fit alti A EL bù dao preach 45 bù ding pudding An Gi bu fang place troops on garrison duty 44% bil gao TH? bùginlo cuckoo ẨÐØDU bùpi Afi bù zhÌ Example: AL ok PG Ar fk eR OAR Yong zhé pi bù zo chéng yi fu
Trang 39ZHOU =a Th broom; duster IN the seal form P3 , broom is suggested by a hand (3 ) with an improvised broom ( #) — double cloth (m ) attached to a handle ( | ) Although a helping hand
(4) can easily turn
(broom) into (sweep), “no one will sweep a public hall used by everyone.” “T1 717 17 2/2 ae al
H8 sao zhou broom
sae sio zhdu xing comet
BI wu KT — fe Mm a
Mother bought a new broom recently
Trang 40HH | 08)
FU wife; married woman
WOMAN (3%) with broom (2) is the symbol for wife or married woman: đt? , simplified to 43 — woman
(3) with helping hand (= ) Another character for
wife is — woman (#) with broom ( f ) in hand
(=) Whatever the charac- ter, “She who is the wife of one man cannot eat the rice of two.”
1A shao fii young married woman
kia fũ fù husband and wife
faye Rt fù chăn kẽ (department of) gynaecology and obstetrics
wx fi ni woman
mA fii rén married woman
faa fù yêu women and children
Zhé wei shéo fù zhén yong gan Wế le zhang fa bù xì xỉ shéng yi qiề
She’s a brave young woman She sacrificed herself for the sake of her husband