Architectural Planning Guide KONE offers solutions for each phase of the building’s life cycle Design Solutions KONE can assist during the planning and design phases by providing easy-to-use tools to help customers design the right solutions for their project’s needs KONE’s traffic analysis and planning services help to define the optimal amount of equipment and layout n Online Architectural Toolbox n BIM Models n Online Car Designer Tool n Award-winning KONE Design Collection Modernization Solutions KONE offers modernization solutions ranging from small upgrades to full replacement n KONE Polaris™ Destination Control System n KONE EcoSpace EB™ n KONE EcoMod® n KONE Modulator Modernization Solutions KONE Architectural Planning Guide Construction Solutions KONE can offer the right solutions for almost any type of building application from two to 100+ floors with KONE EcoDisc® technology Customers also have flexible escalator options to serve retail, transit and commercial environments n KONE EcoSpace™ n KONE MonoSpace® n KONE EcoSystem MR™ n KONE TravelMaster™ 110 n KONE TransitMaster™ 140 Installation Solutions KONE’s experienced project management teams guarantee smooth coordination with all parties involved Our proven installation methods save on installation time and costs n Project management and installation services n Construction time use n KONE major projects unit Maintenance Solutions KONE offers preventative maintenance, monitoring and web-based reporting services that maximize reliability and safety while minimizing downtime n KONE Care™ maintenance solutions n Spare parts n KONE KRMS™ Remote Monitoring for elevators n KONE eOptimum™ Web-based Performance Information Program KONE Architectural Planning Guide Redefining Elevator Technology KONE EcoDisc EcoDisc Applications Proven Technology n ore than 15 years of experience with KONE EcoDisc technology, M including the world’s first Machine Room-Less (MRL) installation n KONE has sold and installed over 400,000 KONE EcoDisc machines worldwide n Applicable from to 100+ floors Space Savings n In low- to mid-rise elevators, the compact KONE EcoDisc structure eliminates the traditional machine room n In high-rise systems, the KONE EcoDisc delivers remarkable space savings and improved efficiency MRL Machine Room-Less MR Machine Room Above KONE Eco-efficient™ solutions How much can you save by selecting right? KONE elevators can reduce the total energy consumption by as much as two-thirds or even more For example, a KONE EcoSpace elevator, with the KONE EcoDisc hoisting machine, uses up to 70% less energy compared to a hydraulic elevator and up to 50% less than a 2-speed traction elevator With additional energy-saving features, this energy consumption can be reduced even further A green hoisting system The KONE EcoDisc hoisting machine made DC gearless and inefficient geared hoisting machines obsolete The KONE EcoDisc permanentmagnet synchronous motor, together with a vector-controlled drive system and regenerative options, provide the highest total efficiency and minimize both mechanical and electrical losses Regenerative drive Recovers excess energy from the elevator when the KONE EcoDisc motor acts as a generator This most notably occurs with an empty car traveling UP or a full car traveling DOWN The drive can recover up to 25% of the total energy used by an elevator, producing clean and safe energy that does not damage the network Put to sleep when not in use In today’s elevators, lights, signalization and ventilation can consume a considerable amount of electricity even when the elevator is not moving KONE energy-efficient options supervise elevator usage and set the devices to sleep mode during inactive periods to minimize total energy consumption Eco-efficient car lighting To save energy used for car lighting, halogen lights have been replaced by LED spot lights LED lights consume 80% less electricity than halogen lights and last up to 10 times longer KONE Architectural Planning Guide Select your KONE EcoDisc-powered elevator KONE EcoSpace KONE MonoSpace Application Low-Rise Application Mid-Rise Type MRL Type MRL Powered by EcoDisc Powered by EcoDisc Capacity 2000 – 5000 lbs (907 – 2268 kg) Capacity 2000 – 5000 lbs (907 – 2268 kg) Speed 200 – 300 fpm (1.0 – 1.78 m/s) Speed 200 – 500 fpm (1.0 – 2.54 m/s) Landings to 12 Landings to 27 Machine Room-Less performance in a new or existing hoistway: Designed specifically to fit in the hydraulic footprint, KONE EcoSpace delivers pure traction Machine Room-Less performance to low-rise buildings n No oil n No hole drilling n Uses 70% less energy than hydraulic applications n n The Machine Room-Less solution that launched a revolution: Introduced over a decade ago, KONE MonoSpace forever changed the vertical transportation landscape by eliminating the requirement for a machine room n onsumes approximately 50% less energy than convenC tional traction machines Minimal building interface n Creates more usable space – variable machine locations Ideal solution for replacement of existing hydraulic elevator (contact KONE Sales Professional) n Superior ride quality n Minimal building interface KONE Polaris KONE EcoSystem MR Application Mid- to High-Rise Application New Construction & Modernization Type MR Ideal Scenario elevators and landings Powered by EcoDisc With KONE Polaris, passengers select their destination and are guided directly to the dedicated car A limited number of other passengers within a specific range of floors are assigned to the same car Boarding is calm, orderly and the traveling time to destination is minimized Capacity 2000 – 5000 lbs (907 – 2268 kg) Speed 200 – 700 fpm (1.0 – 3.5 m/s) Landings to 63 Innovative, space efficient, mid-high rise system: KONE EcoSystem MR elevators use next-generation KONE EcoDisc hoisting machines that require only half the overhead machine room space of traditional traction elevators n n n n Increased handling capacity n Less waiting, fewer intermediate stops n Improved comfort n Enhanced security Energy efficient n Greater personalization Superior acceleration/deceleration profile n Easier accessibility Improved floor-floor times and leveling n Additional guidance n More space For the latest product information and interactive design tools, visit KONE Architectural Planning Guide KONE EcoSpace Innovation Meets Affordability (10) MAX TRAVEL 150 ft (45.7 m) EcoSpace (10) MAX LANDINGS 15 Section View (1) INTERIOR WIDTH (mm) INTERIOR DEPTH (mm) DOOR WIDTH (mm) 5'-9" (1753) 5'-9" (1753) 6'-3" (1905) 6'-11" (2108) 6'-11" (2108) 5'-8" (1727) 6'-8" (2032) 6'-8" (2032) 6'-8" (2032) 7'-5 13⁄ 16" (2281) 4'-3" (1295) 4'-3" (1295) 5'-0" (1524) 5'-6 3⁄ 16" (1681) 5'-6 3⁄ 16" (1681) 3'-0" (914) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 4'-0" (1219) F G 7'-4" (2235) 7'-4" (2235) 7'-4" (2235) 9'-2" (2794) 9'-8" (2946) 10'-21⁄ 4" (3105) 5'-6 3⁄ 16" (1681) 5'-6 3⁄ 16" (1681) 5'-6 3⁄ 16" (1681) 7'-7 7⁄ 16" (2323) 8'-13⁄ 8" (2473) 8'-9 3⁄ 16" (2672) 4'-0" (1219) 4'-0" (1219) 4'-0" (1219) 2000 (907) SSP 2500 (1134) SSP-CO 3000 (1361) SSP-CO 3500 (1588) SSP-CO 4000 (1814) CO 7'-4" (2235) 8'-4" (2540) 8'-6" (2591) 8'-6" (2591) 9'-4" (2845) 6'-3 1⁄ 4" (1911) 6'-3 1⁄ 4" (1911) 6'-11" (2108) 7'-5 1⁄ 4" (2267) 7'-5 1⁄ 4" (2267) 5'-8" (1727) 6'-8" (2032) 6'-8" (2032) 6'-8" (2032) 7'-5 13⁄ 16" (2281) 4'-3" (1295) 4'-3" (1295) 5'-0" (1524) 5'-6 3⁄ 16" (1681) 5'-6 3⁄ 16" (1681) 3'-0" (914) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 4'-0" (1219) 4000 (1814) 4500 (2041) 5000 (2268) 7'-4" (2235) 7'-4" (2235) 7'-4" (2235) 10'-11⁄ 2" (3086) 10'-7 1⁄ 2" (3238) 11'-31⁄ 4" (3435) 5'-6 3⁄ 16" (1681) 5'-6 3⁄ 16" (1681) 5'-6 3⁄ 16" (1681) 7'-7 7⁄ 16" (2323) 8'-1 3⁄ 8" (2473) 8'-9 3⁄ 16" (2672) 4'-0" (1219) 4'-0" (1219) 4'-0" (1219) PASSENGER 2SP 2SP 2SP 2SP 2SP 2SP CAPACITY lbs (kg) CONTROLLER SPACE K H AND PIT DEPTH DOOR WIDTH (mm) 4'-0" 1'-8" 3'- 6" (1219) (508) (1067) 5'-0" dimension (B) 3'-0" (1524) (914) I 150 FPM (.75 m/s) CAPACITY LBS (kg) L WIDTH (mm) DEPTH (mm) 2000 to 5000 integral or remote closet (907 to 2268) 2000 to 5000 adjacent room (907 to 2268) CLEAR OVERHEAD TRAVEL E 4000 (1814) 4500 (2041) 5000 (2268) J Control Space H HOISTWAY DEPTH (mm) CAPACITY OPENING HOISTWAY lbs (kg) TYPE WIDTH (mm) D SERVICE Front Opening ENTRANCE HEIGHT G 7, or ft (2134, 2438 or 2743 mm) C 2000 (907) SSP 7'-4" (2235) 2500 (1134) SSP-CO 8'-4" (2540) 3000 (1361) SSP-CO 8'-6" (2591) 3500 (1588) SSP-CO 8'-6" (2591) 4000 (1814) CO 9'-4" (2845) PASSENGER Front & Reverse Opening CAR HEIGHT F 8, or 10 ft (2438, 2743 or 3048 mm) B SERVICE (10,11) SPEED 150, 200, 350 fpm (.75, 1.0, 1.78 m/s) A 200 FPM (1.00 m/s) 350 FPM (1.78 m/s) Pit Depth (mm) Clear Overhead Pit Depth (mm) Clear Overhead Pit Depth (mm) Clear Overhead (mm) (mm) (mm) 2000 to 3500 (907 to 1588) 5'-0" (1524) 13'-0" (3962) 5'-0" (1524) 13'-1" (3988) 5'-6" (1676) 13'-4" (4064) 4000 to 5000 (1814 to 2268) 5'-0" (1524) 13'-0" (3962) – – – – G Notes (6) I (1) A hoist beam (by KONE) is required for installation (by others) Dimension H reflects clear under hoist beam Remote Control Closet (option 1) Plan Views (2) If an EBD (Emergency Battery Device) is required, please contact your KONE Sales Professional for further detail regarding dimension J K (3) (4) (5) L A C (2) (3) T he published hoistway A dimensions represent the minimum clear inside requirements Construction efficiencies can be realized by increasing these dimensions by up to 2" (51 mm) (4) F or seismic zones, add 4" (102 mm) to dimension A for 2000 lbs (907 kg) and 2500 lbs (1134 kg) capacity applications J (5) F or seismic zones add 2" (51 mm) to dimension A for 3000 lbs (1361 kg) and 3500 lbs (1588 kg) capacity applications J (6) F or pit depths less than 5'-0" (1524 mm) please contact a KONE Sales Professional (7) If occupied space exists below the hoistway, consult your KONE Sales Professional D B (3) B K E Integral Controller Space (standard) L J (2) (8) A ll dimensions are based on an 8'-0" (2438 mm) cab with a 7'-0" (2134 mm) door Alternate car and door heights are available, but will affect dimension H (9) C ontact your local KONE Sales Representative regarding local code variations when utilizing the integral and remote closet options L Adjacent or Remote Control Room (option 2) (10) 50 fpm (.75 m/s) only available up to 85 ft (25 m) of travel and 10 landings 200 fpm (1.00 m/s) available up to 100 ft (30.5 m) of travel and 12 landings (11) 50 fpm (.75m/s) is maximum speed available for capacities greater than 3500 lbs (1588 kg) Visit for the latest job-specific details, CAD drawings, specifications, electrical data, reaction loads and building access requirements KONE Architectural Planning Guide KONE EcoSpace EB KONE EcoSpace The Benefits are Clear KONE EcoSpace is also applicable for existing buildings with hydraulic elevators This turnkey solution replaces the hydraulic system with innovative MRL technology KONE MonoSpace Why Replace? Instead of replacing your old elevators with similar technology, KONE offers you a new choice Our innovative Machine Room-Less design is the first turnkey full replacement elevator solution for existing hydraulic elevators Thanks to the revolutionary KONE EcoDisc motor, KONE EcoSpace EB fits into the existing hydraulic hoistway with capability to seamlessly interface with your existing entrances KONE has sold over 400,000 KONE EcoDisc machines globally, with an excellent record of operating reliability So, instead of complicated, lengthy and expensive retrofit upgrades, KONE provides a brand new elevator E verything from the site survey to the dismantling of the existing equipment is carefully thought out in order to minimize disruption to your building n ur optimized maintenance program O minimizes downtime and ensures safe and reliable lifetime operation KONE EcoSystem MR n KONE EcoSpace EB Advantages n or the owner: Minimized building F disruption, increased property value, accommodates reduced pit depth and overhead n or the tenant: Smoother, quieter ride, F no hydraulic oil odor, optimum stopping accuracy, sophisticated car features n or the environment: No hydraulic oil, F energy-efficient, recycle existing elevator where feasible, minimize building materials Space Efficiency Possibility to accommodate reduced headroom height and pit depth The KONE EcoDisc machine is so compact there is no need for a machine room above, as it fits right into the hoistway Energy-efficient The revolutionary gearless KONE EcoDisc machine has only one moving part and is three times more efficient than a hydraulic-powered unit using 70% less energy – with the potential to cut annual operating costs in half or better – a true energy miracle Minimal Disruption KONE EcoSpace EB fits inside the existing hydraulic hoistway, minimizing the need for modifications KONE Polaris Reusable Entrances KONE EcoSpace EB reduces significant structural modifications by seamlessly interfacing with most existing hydraulic entrances Modern, Code-compliant Modern, simple and code-compliant operating displays High Performance Optimal stopping accuracy for a smooth ride No Oil The hydraulic cylinder is drained of all oil and capped, ensuring oil-free, environmentallyfriendly operation KONE Architectural Planning Guide KONE MonoSpace Planning Guide: Machine at Rear Configuration – Optimizes Space (9) MAX LANDINGS 36 CAR HEIGHT F 8, or 10 ft (2438, 2743 or 3048 mm) SPEED 200, 350, 500 fpm (1.00, 1.78, 2.54 m/s) ENTRANCE HEIGHT G 7, or ft (2134, 2438 or 2743 mm) MAX TRAVEL 219) 219) 372)* 372)* SSP SSP-CO SSP-CO SSP-CO CO 7'-4" (2235) 8'-4" (2540) 8'-4" (2540) 8'-4" (2540) 9'-4" (2845) 6'-8" (2032) 6'-8" (2032) 7'-2" (2184) 7'-10" (2388) 7'-10" (2388) 2000 (907) SSP 7'-4" (2235) 2500 (1134) SSP-CO 8'-4" (2540) 20003000 (907)(1361) 5'-3" (1600) 15'-6" (4724) SSP-CO 8'-4" (2540) 2000(1134) to 4000 5'-3" (1600) integral or 15'-0" remote cabinet 2500 (4572) (1588) SSP-CO 8'-4" (2540) (9073500 to 1814) 3000 (1361) 5'-3" (1600) 15'-2" (4623) 4000 (1814) CO 9'-4" (2845) 2000(1588) to 4000 5'-5" (1651) adjacent or remote room 3500 14'-10" (4521) (907(1814) to 1814) 5'-6" (1676) 4000 15'-1" (4597) 2000 to 4000 (907 to 1814) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 7'-81⁄2" (2350) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 4'-91⁄4" (1454) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) 6'-8" (2032) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 6'-8" (2032) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 5'-7" (1702) 16'-11" 5'-7" (1702) 1(5156) 4'-91⁄4" (1454) 7'-2" (2184) 6'-8 ⁄2" (2045) 4'-4" 16'-7" 1'-8"5'-5" 5'-5" (1651) (5055) 1(1651) 7'-10" (2388) (1321) 6'-8 ⁄2" (2045) (508) 5'-5 ⁄4" (1657) 5'-5" (1651) 16'-10"1(5131) 5'-5" 1(1651) 5'-5 ⁄4" (1657) 7'-10" (2388) 7'-8 ⁄2" (2350) dimension (B)(1651) 5'-5" (1651)5'-0" 16'-4" (4978) 5'-5" (1524)16'-7" (5055) 5'-6" (1676) 7'-5" (2261) integral or remote cabinet 4'-4" (1321) 1'-8" (508) 3'-0" (914) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 4'-0" (1219) 3'-0" (914) 3'-6" (1067) 16'-11" (5156) 3'-6" (1067) 4'-0" 16'-7" (5055) 3'-6" (1067) (1219) 16'-10" (5131) 4'-0" (1219) 3'-0"(4978) 16'-4" (914) (5156) 16'-11" 4'-0" (1219) 2000 to 4000 adjacent or remote room 5'-0" dimension (B) 3'-0" (907 to 1814) (1524) (914) 2000 (907) 5'-4" (1626) 13'-1" (3988) – – – – 2500 (1134) 5'-3" (1600) 13'-7" (4140) 5'-5" (1651) 13'-11" (4242) 5'-5" (1651) 13'-11" (4242) 2000 (907) SSP 8'-0" (2438) 6'-4" (1930) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 3'-0" (914) 3000 (1361) 5'-5" (1651) 13'-7" (4140) 5'-5" (1651) 14'-4"1 (4369) 5'-5" (1651) 14'-4" (4369) 2500 (1134) SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) 6'-10" (2083) 6'-8 ⁄2" (2045) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 3'-6" (1067) 3500 (1588) 5'-5" (1651) 13'-7" (4140) 5'-5" (1651) 14'-9"1 (4496) 5'-5" (1651) 14'-9" (4496) 3000 (1361) SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) 7'-1" (2159) 6'-8 ⁄2" (2045) 4'-9 ⁄4" (1454) 3'-6" (1067) 4000 (1814) 5'-8" (1727) 13'-7" (4140) 5'-8" (1727) 14'-11" (4547) 7'-3" (2210) 15'-8" (4775) 3500 (1588) SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) 7'-5" (2261) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) 3'-6" (1067) Notes 4500 (2141) 5'-8" (1727) 14'-9" (4496) 5'-11" (1803) 15'-3"1 (4648) 7'-6" (2286) 16'-0" (4877) 4000 (1814) CO 10'-5" (3175) 7'-5" (2261) 7'-8 ⁄2" (2350)(8) If an 5'-5 ⁄4" (Emergency (1657) 4'-0" (1219) EBD Battery Device) is (5) All dimensions are based on an 8'-0" (1) Smaller Pit and Overhead dimensions may 5000 – 5000 AIA 5'-11" (1803) 15'-2"(2438 (4623) 5'-11" 15'-11" – please contact your – required, KONE Sales mm) cab with(1803) a 7'-0" (2134 mm) (4851) be available per specific applications (2268) Professional for further detail regarding door Alternate9'-5" car and door heights are1⁄2" (1740) 8'-5" (2565) (2870) 5'-8 7'-6" (2286) 4'-0" (1219) Contact your KONE4000 Sales (1814) Professional for2SP J available, affect dimension5'-8 H 1⁄2" (1740) dimension further information.4500 (2041) 2SP 8'-5" (2565)but may 9'-11" (3023) 8'-0" (2438) 4'-0" (1219) local KONE Sales(1372)* Representative (6) For(2565) seismic applications (zone or5'-8 greater) 5000 8'-5" 10'-2" (3099) ⁄2" (1740)(9) Contact 8'-73⁄4your " (2635) 4'-6" (2) Buffer service platforms are(2268) required when2SP regarding local code variations when utilizing add 4" to hoistway width and the Overhead pit depth exceeds 5000 8'-6" (2590 mm) AIA (2268) 2SP 8'-5" (2565) 10'-7 ⁄4" (3245) 5'-8 ⁄2" (1740) 9'-0" (2743) 4'-6" (1372)* the integral and remote closet options must = 16'-11" (5,156 mm) Add 12" to the (3) H oist beams (by KONE) are (907) required for SSP 2000 8'-0" (2438) 6'-4" for (1930) 5'-8FPM ⁄2" (1740) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 3'-0" (914) pit depth dimension speeds > 200 2500 (1134) H reflects SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) 7'-1" (2159) 6'-811⁄2" (2045) 4'-331⁄4" (1314) 3'-6" (1067) installation (by others) Dimension 2500 (1134) SSP-CO (7)9'-5" 6'-10" (2083) 6'-81 ⁄2" (2045)Visit 4'-33 ⁄4" (1302) for the 3'-6"latest (1067) jobAdd (2870) 8" in non-seismic and 12" in seismic clear under hoist beam 3000 (1361) SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) 7'-6" (2286) 6'-8 1⁄2" (2045) 4'-9 1⁄4" (1467) 3'-6" (1067) zones to clear overhead dimension6'-8 H for details, BIM Models, drawings, 3000 (1361) SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) 7'-1" (2159) ⁄2" (2045)specific 4'-9 ⁄4" (1454) 3'-6"CAD (1067) 1 (4) If occupied space exists below the hoistway, 3500 (1588) SSP-CO 9'-5" 7'-9 ⁄2" (2375) 6'-8 1⁄2glass " (2045) 5'-5 1⁄4" (1670) 3'-6" (1067) front(2870) -only passenger car if cab features electrical data, 3500 (1588) SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) 7'-5" (2261) 6'-8 ⁄2" (2045)specifications, 5'-5 ⁄4" (1657) 3'-6" reaction (1067) loads consult your KONE Sales back(3175) wall 4000Professional (1814) CO 10'-5" 7'-91⁄2" (2375) 7'-811⁄2" (2350) 5'-531⁄4" (1670) 4'-0" (1219) 067) 067) 067) 219) 219) 219) 300 ft (91.4 m) 2000 (907) 2500 (1134) 3000 (1361) 3500 (1588) 4000 (1814) 14) 67) 67) 67) 19) 914) 067) 067) 067) 219) (Available in passenger shape with front opening option) 4000 (1814) CO 10'-5" (3175) 4000 (1814) 2SP 8'-5" (2565) 4000 (1814) 2SP 8'-5" (2565) 4500 (2041) 2SP 8'-5" (2565) 4500 (2041) 2SP 13'-1" 8'-5" (2565) 20005000 5'-4" (1626) (2268) 2SP 8'-5"(3988) (2565) 5000 (2268) 2SP 13'-7" 8'-5"(4140) (2565) 2500 –5000 3500 5'-5" (1651) AIA (2268) 2SP 8'-5" (2565) 5000 AIA (2268) 2SP 8'-5" (2565) 4000 5'-8" (1728) 13'-7" (4140) 4500Architectural 5'-8"Planning (1728) 14'-0" (4267) KONE 2500 (1134) SSP-CO Guide 9'-5" (2870) 5000 – 5000 AIA 5'-11" (1803) 14'-5" (4394) 3000 (1361) SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) access requirements 7'-5" (2261) 7'-8 ⁄2" (2350)and building 5'-5 ⁄4" (1657) 4'-0" (1219) 1 10'-1" (3073) 5'-8 1⁄2" (1740) 7'-6 ⁄2" (2299) 4'-0" (1219) 9'-5" (2870) 5'-8 ⁄2" (1740) 7'-6" (2286) 4'-0" (1219) 10'-7" (3226) 5'-811⁄2" (1740) 8'-01⁄2" (2451) 4'-0" (1219) 9'-131" (3023) 5'-81 ⁄2–" (1740) 8'-0" (2438) 4'-0" (1219) – – 11'-2 ⁄4" (3422) 5'-8 1⁄2" (1740) 8'-8 3⁄4" (2648) 4'-6"– (1372)* 10'-2" (3099) 5'-81 ⁄2"(4242) (1740) 8'-7 ⁄4"(1651) (2635) 13'-11" 4'-6"(4242) (1372)* 5'-5" (1651) 13'-11" 5'-5" 11'-6 ⁄34" (3524) 5'-8 1⁄2" (1740) 9'-0" (2743) 4'-6" (1372)* 10'-75'-8" ⁄4" (3245) 5'-8 ⁄2"(4242) (1740) 9'-0"(1727) (2743) 13'-11 4'-6" (1372)* (1728) 13'-11" 5'-8" " (4242) 5'-11" (1803) 14'-3" (4343) – – 7'-1" (2159) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 4'-33⁄4" (1314) 3'-6" (1067) 5'-11" (1803) 14'-10" (4521) – – 7'-6" (2286) 6'-8 ⁄2" (2045) 4'-93⁄4" (1467) 3'-6" (1067) 20 250 300 350 400 20 25 30 35 40 200 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 – (2 200 250 300 350 400 450 5000 (2 250 5000 KONE EcoSpace Plan Views (6) A C D B Section View (3) KONE MonoSpace K E L J (5) (6) H (7) F G Integral Controller Space (standard) K KONE EcoSystem MR L J TRAVEL G (7) Remote Control Closet (option 1) (1) (2) I (7) J (4) B KONE Polaris L Adjacent or Remote Control Room (option 2) KONE Architectural Planning Guide 2000 to 4000 (907 to 1814) 2000 (907) 2000 to 4000 2500 (1134) (907 to 1814) 3000 (1361) 3500 (1588) 4000 (1814) integral or remote cabinet SSP 7'-4" (2235) adjacent or remote room SSP-CO 8'-4" (2540) SSP-CO 8'-4" (2540) SSP-CO 8'-4" (2540) CO 9'-4" (2845) 4'-4" (1321) 6'-8" (2032) 5'-0" 6'-8" (2032) (1524) 7'-2" (2184) 7'-10" (2388) 7'-10" (2388) 1'-8" (508) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) dimension (B)1 4'-3 ⁄4" (1302) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 4'-91⁄4" (1454) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) 7'-81⁄2" (2350) KONE MonoSpace Planning Guide: Machine at Side Configuration – 4'-0" (1219) 3'-0" (914) 3'-0" 3'-6" (1067) (914) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 4'-0" (1219) (Available in passenger and service shape with front and rear opening options) (6,7) MAX TRAVEL 300 ft (91.4 m) MAX LANDINGS 36 SPEED 200, 350, 500 fpm (1.00, 1.78, 2.54 m/s) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 4'-91⁄4" (1454) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) " ) on (B) CAR HEIGHT F 8, or 10 ft 3'-0" (914) 3'-6" (1067) (2438, 2743 3'-6" (1067) or 3048 mm) 3'-6" (1067) ENTRANCE 4'-0" (1219) HEIGHT G 7, or ft (2134, 2438 or 2743 mm) 4'-0" (1219) 3'-0" (914) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 4'-91⁄4" (1454) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) 3'-0" (914) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 4'-0" (1219) 7'-6" (2286) 8'-0" (2438) 8'-73⁄4" (2635) 9'-0" (2743) 4'-0" (1219) 4'-0" (1219) 4'-6" (1372)* 4'-6" (1372)* 4'-33⁄4" (1314) 4'-93⁄4" (1467) 5'-53⁄4" (1670) 5'-53⁄4" (1670) 7'-61⁄2" (2299) 8'-01⁄2" (2451) 8'-81⁄4" (2648) 9'-0" (2743) 2000 to 4000 integral or remote cabinet 2000 (907) SSP 8'-0" (2438) (907 to 1814) 2500 (1134) SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) 2000 to 4000 adjacent or remote room SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) (907 to 3000 1814)(1361) 3500 (1588) SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) 4000 (1814) CO 10'-5" (3175) 4000 (1814) 4500 (2041) 5000 (2268) 5000 AIA (2268) 2SP 2SP 2SP 2SP 4'-4" 1'-8" 6'-4" (1930) (1321)5'-81⁄2" (1740)(508)4'-31⁄4" (1302) 6'-10" (2083) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 5'-0" dimension (B)1 7'-1" (2159) 6'-8 ⁄ 2" (2045) 4'-9 ⁄4" (1454) (1524) 7'-5" (2261) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) 7'-5" (2261) 7'-81⁄2" (2350) 5'-51⁄4" (1657) 8'-5" (2565) 9'-5" (2870) 8'-5" (2565) 9'-11" (3023) 8'-5" (2565) 10'-2" (3099) 8'-5" (2565) 10'-73⁄4" (3245) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 4'-0" 3'-0" (914) (1219) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-0" 3'-6" (1067) (914) 3'-6" (1067) 4'-0" (1219) 7'-6" (2286) 8'-0" (2438) 8'-73⁄4" (2635) 9'-0" (2743) 4'-0" (1219) 4'-0" (1219) 4'-6" (1372)* 4'-6" (1372)* 9'-5" (2870) 7'-1" (2159) 6'-81⁄2" (2045) 9'-5" (2870) ⁄2" (2045) 15'-6" (4724) 7'-6" (2286) 5'-7" (1702) 6'-816'-11" (5156) 9'-5" (2870) (2375) ⁄2" (2045) 15'-0" (4572)7'-91⁄2"5'-5" (1651) 6'-816'-7" (5055) 10'-5" (3175) (2375) ⁄2" (2350) 15'-2" (4623)7'-91⁄2"5'-5" (1651) 7'-816'-10" (5131) 8'-0" (2438) 6'-4" (1930) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 14'-10" (4521) 5'-5" (1651) 16'-4" (4978) 9'-5" (2565) (2870) 6'-10" 6'-8 8'-5" 10'-1" (2083) (3073) 5'-811⁄⁄22"" (2045) (1740) 15'-1" (4597) 5'-6" (1676) 16'-7" (5055) 9'-5" (2565) (2870) 10'-7" 7'-1" (2159) 6'-8 8'-5" (3226) 5'-811⁄⁄22"" (2045) (1740) 9'-5" (2565) (2870) 11'-2 7'-5"3⁄4(2261) 6'-8 8'-5" " (3422) 5'-811⁄⁄22"" (2045) (1740) 10'-5" (3175) 11'-6 7'-5"3⁄4(2261) 7'-8 8'-5" (2565) " (3524) 5'-811⁄⁄22"" (2350) (1740) 4'-33⁄4" (1314) 4'-95'-7" ⁄4" (1467) (1702) 5'-55'-5" ⁄4" (1670) (1651) 5'-55'-5" ⁄4" (1670) (1651) 4'-31⁄4" (1302) 5'-5" (1651) 4'-3 7'-611⁄⁄42"" (1302) (2299) 7'-5" (2261) 4'-9 8'-011⁄⁄42"" (1454) (2451) 5'-5 8'-811⁄⁄44"" (1657) (2648) 5'-5 ⁄4" (2743) (1657) 9'-0" 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 16'-11" (5156) 3'-6" 16'-7"(1067) (5055) 4'-0" (1219) 16'-10" (5131) 3'-0" (914) 16'-4" (4978) 3'-6" 4'-0" (1067) (1219) 16'-11" (5156) 3'-6" 4'-0" (1067) (1219) 3'-6" (1372)* (1067) 4'-6" 4'-0" (1372)* (1219) 4'-6" 8'-5" (2565) 9'-5" (2870) available 8'-5" (2565) 9'-11" (3023) 8'-5" (2565) 10'-2" (3099) 8'-5" (2565) 10'-73⁄4" (3245) 7'-6" (2286) 8'-0" (2438) 8'-73⁄4" (2635) 9'-0" (2743) 4'-0" (1219) 4'-0" (1219) 4'-6" (1372)* 4'-6" (1372)* 2000 to 5000 AIA integral or remote cabinet 4'-4"1 1'-8"3 2500 (1134) SSP-CO 9'-5" (2870) 7'-1" (2159) 6'-8 ⁄2" (2045) 4'-3 ⁄4" (1314) (907 to 2268) (1321) (508) SSP-CO 9'-5" 6'-8 ⁄2" (2045) 4'-93⁄4" (1467) 20003000 (907) (1361)5'-4" (1626) 13'-1"(2870) (3988) 7'-6" (2286) – – – 20003500 to 5000 AIA adjacent or (2870) remote room 5'-0" dimension 1 (1588) SSP-CO 9'-5" 7'-9 ⁄ " (2375) 6'-8 ⁄ " (2045) ⁄4"(B) (1670) 2500 (1134) 5'-3" (1600) 13'-7" (4140) 5'-5" (1651) 13'-11" (4242) 5'-5 5'-5" (1651) (907 to 2268) (1524) 1 4000 (1814)5'-5" (1651) CO 10'-5" 2" (2375) ⁄2" (2350) 5'-5 ⁄4" (1670) 3000 (1361) 13'-7"(3175) (4140) 7'-9 ⁄5'-5" (1651) 7'-814'-4" (4369) 5'-5" (1651) 3500 (1588) 5'-5" (1651) 13'-7" (4140) 5'-5" (1651) 14'-9" (4496) 5'-5" (1651) 1 4000 (1814) 2SP 8'-5" (2565) 10'-1" (3073) 5'-8 ⁄2" (1740) 7'-6 ⁄2" (2299) 4000 (1814) 5'-8" (1727) 13'-7" (4140) 5'-8" (1727) 14'-11" (4547) 7'-3" (2210) 4500 (2041) 2SP 8'-5" (2565) 10'-7" (3226) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 8'-01⁄2" (2451) 4500 (2141) 5'-8" (1727) 14'-9" (4496) 5'-11" (1803) 15'-3" (4648) 7'-6" (2286) 5000 (2268) 2SP 8'-5" (2565) 11'-23⁄4" (3422) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 8'-81⁄4" (2648) 5000 – 5000 AIA 5'-11" (1803) 15'-2" (4623) 5'-11" (1803) 15'-11" (4851) – 5000 AIA (2268) 2SP 8'-5" (2565) 11'-6 ⁄4" (3524) 5'-8 ⁄2" (1740) 9'-0" (2743) (2268) 4'-0" 3'-6" (1067) (1219) 3'-6" (1067) – 3'-0" 3'-6" (1067) 13'-11" (4242) (914) 4'-0" (1219) 14'-4" (4369) 2500 (1134) SSP-CO 20003000 (907)(1361) 5'-3"SSP-CO (1600) (1588) 5'-3"SSP-CO 25003500 (1134) (1600) (1814) 5'-3" (1600) CO 30004000 (1361) 2000 (907) SSP 3500 (1588) 5'-5" (1651) 2500 SSP-CO 4000 (1134) (1814) 2SP 4000 (1814) 5'-6" (1676) 3000 SSP-CO 4500 (1361) (2041) 2SP 3500 SSP-CO 5000 (1588) (2268) 2SP 4000AIA (1814) CO 5000 (2268) 2SP 4000 (1814) 2SP * 4’-0” (1219 mm) door width also 4500 (2041) 2SP 5000 (2268) 2SP 5000 AIA (2268) 2SP 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 5'-81⁄2" (1740) 14'-9" (4496) 4'-0" (1219) 15'-8" (4775) 4'-0" (1219) 16'-0" (4877) 4'-6" (1372)* – 4'-6" (1372)* 2000 to 5000 AIA (907 to 2268) integral or remote cabinet 4'-4" (1321) 1'-8" (508) 4'-0" (1219) 2000 to 5000 AIA (907 to 2268) adjacent or remote room 5'-0" (1524) dimension (B) 3'-0" (914) 3'-6" (1067) 3'-6" (1067) 2000 5'-4" (1626) 13'-1" (3988) – – – – 3'-6" (1067) 2500 – 3500 5'-5" (1651) 13'-7" (4140) 5'-5" (1651) 13'-11" (4242) 5'-5" (1651) 13'-11" (4242) Notes 4'-0" (1219) 4000 5'-8" (1728) 13'-7" (4140) 5'-8" (1728) 13'-11" (4242) 5'-8" (1727) 13'-11 " (4242) (5) A ll dimensions are based on an 8'-0" (9) If an EBD (Emergency Battery Device) is (1) Smaller Pit and Overhead dimensions may be 4500 5'-8"mm) (1728) 14'-0" (4267) 5'-11" (1803) required, 14'-3" (4343) – KONE Sales – (2438 cab with a 7'-0" (2134 mm) door please contact your available per specific applications Contact your 4'-0" (1219) 5000 – 5000 AIA Alternate 5'-11" (1803) 14'-5"heights (4394) are available, 5'-11" (1803) 14'-10" (4521) – regarding – car and door Professional for further detail KONE Sales Professional for further information 4'-0" (1219) but will affect dimension H dimension J (2) Buffer service platforms are required when pit 4'-6" (1372)* (6) F or 2000 lb (907 kg) capacity maximum depth exceeds 8'-6" (2590 mm) (10) Contact your local KONE Sales Representative 4'-6" (1372)* travel = 90' (27.4 m) and maximum regarding local code variations when utilizing (3) A hoist beam (by KONE) is required for openings = 10 the integral and remote closet options installation (by others) Dimension H reflects (7) For front opening seismic applications (zone clear under hoist beam Visit for the latest jobor greater) add 4" (102 mm) to hoistway (4) If occupied space exists below the hoistway, specific details, BIM Models, CAD drawings, width and 3" (7 mm) to hoistway depth consult your KONE Sales Professional 1'-8" (508) 4'-0" (1219) ension (B) 3'-0" (914) 10 (8) F or front and reverse opening seismic applications (zone or greater) add 4" (102 mm) to hoistway width KONE Architectural Planning Guide specifications, electrical data, reaction loads and building access requirements KONE EcoSpace Plan Views (8) (9) A C E D B (8) Section View (3) KONE MonoSpace K E L J (10) Integral Controller Space (standard) (5) H F G K J (6) (10) TRAVEL G (1) (2) I KONE EcoSystem MR L Remote Control Closet (option 1) (10) J (4) B KONE Polaris L Adjacent or Remote Control Room (option 2) KONE Architectural Planning Guide 11 KONE EcoSpace KONE EcoSystem MR E MAX TRAVEL 590 ft (180 m) MAX LANDINGS 63 SPEED 200, 350, 400, 500, 700 fpm (1.00, 1.78, 2.00, 2.54, 3.56 m/s) (2) B D H (8) I (4) CAR HEIGHT F 8, or 10 ft (2438, 2743 or 3048 mm) ENTRANCE HEIGHT G 7, or ft (2134, 2438 or 2743 mm) CLEAR OVERHEAD I and PIT DEPTH E C A J (6) A C D E 2000 SSP 7'-4" 6'-10" 5'-8 1⁄2 " 4'-31⁄4 " 3'-0" (907) (2235) (2083) (1740) (1302) (914) 2500 SSP-CO 8'-4" 6'-8" 6'-81⁄2 " 4'-31⁄4 " 3'-6" (1134) (2540) (2032) (2045) (1302) (1067) 3000 SSP-CO 8'-4" 7'-2" 6'-81⁄2 " 4'-91⁄4 " 3'-6" (1361) (2540) (2184) (2045) (1454) (1067) 3500 SSP-CO 8'-4" 7'-10" 6'-81⁄2 " 5'-51⁄4 " 3'-6" (1588) (2540) (2388) (2045) (1657) (1067) 4000 CO 9'-4" 7'-10" 7'-81⁄2 " 5'-51⁄4 " 4'-0" (1814) (2845) (2388) (2350) (1657) (1219) TRAVEL PASSENGER SERVICE 4000 2SP (1814) 4500 2SP (2041) 5000 2SP (2268) 5000 AIA 2SP (2268) G J 8'-1" 9'-2" 5'-81⁄2 " 7'-6" 4'-0" (2464) (2794) (1740) (2286) (1219) 8'-1" 9'-8" 5'-81⁄2 " 8'-0" 4'-0" (2464) (2946) (1740) (2438) (1219) 8'-1" 10'-2" 5'-81⁄2 " 8'-73 ⁄4 " 4'-6"* (2464) (3099) (1740) (2635) (1372) 8'-8" 10'-73 ⁄4 " 5'-81⁄2 " 9'-0" 4'-6"* (2642) (3245) (1740) (2743) (1372) (5) Notes (1) F or speeds above 700 fpm (3.56 m/s) or travel above 590' (180 m) contact your KONE Sales Professional for design and planning assistance 2000 SSP 8'-4" 6'-3 1⁄4 " 5'-8 1⁄2 " 4'-33 ⁄4 " 3'-0" (907) (2540) (1911) (1740) (1314) (914) 2500 SSP-CO 9'-4" 6'-3 1⁄4 " 6'-8 1⁄2 " 4'-33 ⁄4 " 3'-6" (1134) (2845) (1911) (2045) (1314) (1067) 3000 SSP-CO 9'-4" 6'-9 1⁄4 " 6'-8 1⁄2 " 4'-93 ⁄4 " 3'-6" (1361) (2845) (2064) (2045) (1467) (1067) 3500 SSP-CO 9'-4" 7'-5 1⁄4 " 6'-8 1⁄2 " 5'-53 ⁄4 " 3'-6" (1588) (2845) (2267) (2045) (1670) (1067) 4000 CO 10'-4" 7'-5 1⁄4 " 7'-8 1⁄2 " 5'-53 ⁄4 " 4'-0" (1814) (3150) (2267) (2350) (1670) (1219) (2)For 700 fpm (3.56 m/s) front opening passenger configurations add 2" (51 mm) to the hoistway depth B PASSENGER 4000 2SP (1814) 4500 2SP (2041) 5000 2SP (2268) 5000 AIA 2SP (2268) SERVICE Front & Reverse Opening KONE EcoSystem MR B CAPACITY OPENING HOISTWAY HOISTWAY INTERIOR INTERIOR DOOR lbs (kg) TYPE WIDTH (mm) DEPTH (mm) WIDTH (mm) DEPTH (mm) WIDTH (mm) Front Opening KONE MonoSpace EcoSystem MR G (3) Information is based upon chain compensation For rope compensation applications, please consult your KONE Sales Professional (4) All dimensions are based on an 8'-0" (2438 mm) cab with a 7'-0" (2134 mm) door Alternate car and door heights are available, but will affect dimension I 8'-1" 10'-1" 5'-8 1⁄2 " 7'-6 1⁄2 " 4'- 0" (2464) (3073) (1740) (2299) (1219) 8'-1" 10'-7" 5'-8 1⁄2 " 8'-0 1⁄2 " 4'-0" (2464) (3226) (1740) (2451) (1219) 8'-1" 11'-2 ⁄4 " 5'-8 1⁄2 " 8'-81 ⁄4 " 4'-6"* (2464) (3423) (1740) (2648) (1372) 8'-8" 11'-63 ⁄4 " 5'-8 1⁄2 " 9'-0" 4'-6"* (2642) (3524) (1740) (2743) (1372) (5) If occupied space exists below the hoistway, consult your KONE Sales Professional (6) F or seismic applications (zone or greater) add 4" (102 mm) for passenger elevators and 3" (76 mm) for service elevators to hoistway width A * 4’-0” (1219 mm) door width also available Clear Overhead I and Pit Depth J 200 FPM 1.00 m/s CAPACITY lbs (kg) KONE Polaris F 2000 (907) 350 FPM 1.78 m/s 400 FPM 2.03 m/s 500 FPM 2.54 m/s 700 FPM (1,2,3) 3.56 m/s (1,2,3) PIT CLEAR PIT CLEAR PIT CLEAR PIT CLEAR PIT CLEAR DEPTH OVRHD DEPTH OVRHD DEPTH OVRHD DEPTH OVRHD DEPTH OVRHD (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) – – – – 2500-3500 (1134-1588) 5'-3" (1600) 14'-1" (4292) 4000 (1814) 5-'3" (1600) 4500 (2041) – – – – 14'-7" (4445) 6'-0" (1829) 14'-11" (4547) – – 10'-6" 21'-0" – – (3200 mm) (6401) 10'-6" (3200) 21'-0" (6401) 14'-1" 5'-6" 14'-7" 6'-0" 14'-11" 6'-10" 15'-8" (4292) (1676) (4445) (1829) (4547) (2083) (4775) – – – – 5-'3" (1600) 14'-7" 5'-6" 15'-1" 6'-0" 15'-5" 6'-10" 16'-2" (4445) (1676) (4597) (1829) (4953) (2083) (4928) – – – – 5000 (2268) 5-'3" (1600) 14'-7" 5'-6" 15'-1" 6'-0" 15'-5" 6'-10" 16'-2" (4445) (1676) (4597) (1829) (4953) (2083) (4928) – – – – 5000 AIA (2268) 5'-6" (1676) 14'-9" 5'-8" 15'-1" 7'-2" 16'-2" 7'-2" 16'-2" (4496) (1727) (4597) (2184) (4928) (2184) (4928) – – – – 12 5'-6" (1676) – – – – KONE Architectural Planning Guide 6'-10" (2083) 15'-8" (4775) (7) Information is based upon structural machine room floor slabs For machine beam applications, please consult your KONE Sales Professional (8) M achine room height of 8'-0" (2438 mm) is measured from the machine room floor surface to underside of the lowest obstruction above the machine H Consult your KONE Sales Professional for details (9) F or service applications the machine room is not centered on the hoistway and requires an additional 7" (178 mm) of width The additional 7" (178 mm) should be added to the counterweight side Consult your KONE Sales Professional for details Visit for the latest jobspecific details, BIM Models, CAD drawings, specifications, electrical data, reaction loads and building access requirements The KONE Polaris destination control system can dramatically improve the efficiency of your busy elevators! KONE Polaris offers: n smart and easy-to-use elevators n uncrowded elevator cars n better organized lobbies n fewer unnecessary stops n shorter time to destination n less time spent in the elevator n orderly boarding Just select your destination and let KONE Polaris give you a perfect elevator experience Efficiency, comfort and security The KONE Polaris is an advanced dispatching system which is built on top of KONE’s industry leading group control technology It features many unbeatable software features and algorithms such as: n Artificial intelligence n Genetic algorithm n Traffic forecasting n Multi objective optimization n Fuzzy logic KONE MonoSpace Traditional elevator control systems work with very limited information as they register only the desired travel direction The KONE Polaris Destination Control System (DCS) utilizes additional information like the desired destination floors and the number of waiting passengers KONE EcoSpace KONE Polaris – an effortless elevator experience With three times more information, KONE Polaris significantly improves system performance It leads to increased handling capacity, shorter waiting times, fewer intermediate stops and an enhanced passenger experience The improvements are most concrete during intense traffic periods and rush hours when traditional control systems struggle to cope with the influx of increased demand Arrive at your destination in three simple steps KONE EcoSystem MR Step Step Select your destination Select your destination floor at the Destination Operating Panel (DOP) The display will tell you which elevator has been assigned to you, and where it is located Move to your elevator Approach the designated elevator All elevators are clearly marked with identifiers above their doors Travel to your destination quickly and comfortably Once in the car, the nextstops indicator displays the destination stops the car will make The position indicator informs you when you have arrived at your destination floor KONE Architectural Planning Guide 13 KONE Polaris Step An introduction to escalators and autowalks Definitions and components An escalator is a moving staircase for transporting people between floors of a building It is generally agreed that an escalator is the most efficient means to move large numbers of people between floors Item Component Item Component Handrail 11 Skirting Truss 12 Steps/pallets 13 Side cladding Decking 14 Step chain Balustrade Tracks 15 Horizontal steps/pallets 16 Return station Drive station 17 Access cover plate Controller Front plate 10 Handrail drive Transition radii 18 Newel 18 17 13 16 14 11 10 15 12 A horizontal autowalk is a conveyor belt that transports people horizontally Autowalks are generally provided in areas where people need to walk long distances with luggage, baggage carts or shopping carts An autowalk is generally flat, but can be slightly inclined 16 18 14 17 12 15 10 14 KONE Architectural Planning Guide Escalators + Autowalks Quiet, smooth operation n High levels of reliability n Small installation dimensions n n Eco-efficient and economical esign options to match the image D of your building KONE TransitMaster 140 KONE TravelMaster 110 n Application Supermarkets, department stores, shopping centers Type Escalator Rise Maximum 31'-2" (9.5 m) Nominal Step Width 24", 32", 40" (600, 800, 1000 mm) Balustrade Glass or solid Speed 100 fpm (.50 m/s) Application Heavy traffic, public transportation, metro Type Escalator Nominal Step Width 32", 40" (800, 1000 mm) Balustrade Glass or solid Speed 100 fpm (.50 m/s) Application Heavy traffic, airports, public transportation, metro KONE Autowalk Type Autowalk Length Per requirements The versatile KONE TransitMaster 140 escalator is ideal for new installations and is specifically designed to meet the demanding needs of public transportation all the way up to the demanding requirements of mass transit airport and railway systems Our heavy-duty escalators are designed to enable the seamless flow of large numbers of passengers Planning details are available in our full Escalator & Autowalk Planning Guide See or contact your local KONE Sales Representative for more details The KONE Autowalk achieves the perfect balance between form and function. An attractive welcome area invites passengers to take an uncommonly smooth and quiet ride, while offering options to meet your architectural vision Nominal Pallet Width 32", 40", 48", 56" (800, 1000, 1200, 1400 mm) Balustrade Glass or solid Speed 100 or 130 fpm (.50 or 66 m/s) Application Retail, airports, stadiums, hotels, leisure venues Type KONE EcoMod The KONE TravelMaster 110 is a commercial escalator targeted primarily towards the retail segment – supermarkets, department stores and shopping centers It is designed, from both a technical and visual point of view, to fulfill customer requirements in various target segments Complete escalator modernization Nominal Step Width 24", 32", 40" (600, 800, 1000 mm) Balustrade Glass or solid Speed 100 fpm (.50 m/s) The KONE EcoMod escalator modernization solution offers an innovative and systematic approach to replacing the entire workings of your escalators and delivering brand new KONE ECO3000® technology without expensive, disruptive truss removal For the latest product information and interactive design tools, visit KONE Architectural Planning Guide 15 The KONE TravelMaster 110 is a commercial escalator primarily targeted towards the retail segment – supermarkets, department stores and shopping centers Notes (1) Details represent standard KONE escalator configurations Please consult your Sales Professional to review all possible deviations (2)Please visit for the latest job-specific details, electrical data, reaction loads, architectural toolbox and building access requirements KONE TransitMaster 140 KONE TravelMaster 110 KONE TravelMaster 110 KONE TM110 – Basic Data 30 or degrees Level Steps 31'-2" 3'-33⁄8" or 4'-11" (9.5 m) (1.0 or 1.5 m) Upper Radius 24", 32" Glass, Solid 3'-33⁄8" 100 fpm ANSI Inside C-type and 40" Vertical (1000 mm) (0.5 m/s) Chain (600, 800, Roller 1000 mm) KONE EcoMod KONE Autowalk Inclination Level Radii Maximum Nominal Balustrade Balustrade Speed Electrification Chain Type Handrail Environment Steps Vertical Rise Step Width Height 16 KONE Architectural Planning Guide Indoor Semioutdoor or Outdoor KONE TM140 escalators are available in two step widths, glass or solid balustrades and many other available options and finishes The robust design, coupled with excellence in manufacturing and service, keep KONE at the top of the list of preferred suppliers of escalators for airports and lightly used railway or metro stations, public access, office or retail applications KONE TM140 – Basic Data Notes Inclination 30 degrees (1) D etails represent standard KONE escalator configurations Please consult your Sales Professional to review all possible deviations Level Steps 2–4 Level Steps (2)Please visit for the latest job-specific details, electrical data, reaction loads, architectural toolbox and building access requirements KONE TravelMaster 110 KONE TransitMaster 140 Radii 4'-11" or 8'-10" (1.5 or 2.7 m) Upper Radius Maximum Vertical Rise 60'-0" (18 m) Nominal Step Width 32" and 40" (800 and 1000 mm) Balustrade Glass or Solid Inclined Balustrade Height 3'-33⁄8" (1000 mm) Speed 100 fpm (0.5 m/s) Electrification Outside Chain Roller Handrail KONE TransitMaster 140 Chain Type ANSI V-type Environment Indoor, Semi-outdoor or Outdoor Detail KONE Autowalk Detail 66 [1678] Width of escalator 57 [1440] Handrair outer edge distance 40 [1000] Safety fence KONE EcoMod For detailed options and dimensional design data, please contact a KONE representative Width of truss Pit width 65 [1640] 70 [1780] KONE Architectural Planning Guide 17 KONE TravelMaster 110 KONE TransitMaster 140 KONE Autowalk Stanchion KONE Autowalks have been installed in all types of applications Exposition centers, stadiums, auditoriums and airports are only a few of the many applications where autowalks can move high numbers of people smoothly and efficiently High-profile projects include: The Denver International Airport, Miami International Airport, Atlanta International Airport and Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport KONE Autowalk – Stanchion Basic Data Inclination deg – deg at ends for no wellway applications Nominal Pallet Width 32", 40", 48" and 56" (800, 1000, 1200 and 1400 mm) Balustrade Glass or Solid Vertical Panels Balustrade Height 2'-103⁄16" (868 mm) Speed 100 fpm (0.5 m/s) or 130 fpm (0.65 m/s) Electrification ANSI Chain Type Rollers outside chain links Handrail V-type Notes (1) D etails represent standard KONE autowalk configurations Please consult your Sales Professional to review all possible deviations (2)P lease visit for the latest job-specific details, electrical data, reaction loads, architectural toolbox and building access requirements KONE EcoMod KONE Autowalk Environment Indoor, Semi-outdoor or Outdoor 18 KONE Architectural Planning Guide KONE Autowalk – Stanchion Style Basic Data FINISHED WIDTH (B) (mm) ROUGH OPENING (C) (mm) 32" (800) 4'-111⁄8" (1052) 5'-11⁄8" (1553) 40" (1000) 5'-615⁄ 16" 48" (1200) 6'-23⁄4" (1899) 6'-4 3⁄4" (1950) 56" (1400) 6'-101⁄ 2" (2096) 7'-01⁄ 2" (2146) NOMINAL PALLET WIDTH (A) (mm) (1700) 5'-815⁄ 16" (1751) It’s wise to modernize New escalators the quick and easy way New technology = better escalators n Improved equipment dependability and performance n Enhanced safety and reliability n E nergy-efficient technology for reduced operating costs n Improved user experience with smoother rides n Increased building value For additional information please contact your KONE Sales Representative n Quicker, cleaner and less costly than a new installation n odifying the existing truss means no M major structural modifications n euse of existing cladding and R decking for significant cost-savings n ne or more escalators always O available to passengers n Increased building value and simplified budgeting process Traditional Installation Disadvantages n L engthy process with extensive construction n ubstantial general contractor costs for S work by others n dditional time for removal and prep of A structural and related elements n omplete escalator shutdown C during construction n Major disruption to people flow KONE TransitMaster 140 KONE is the only company that offers a complete escalator modernization solution without the expense and disruption of removing the existing truss KONE EcoMod delivers brand new escalator technology without the need to demolish floors, roofs and building faỗades, and theres always an escalator available for passengers EcoMod is designed to be compatible with both KONE escalators and equipment from other manufacturers During modernization we can maintain continuous people flow through the ability to keep one escalator running while we work on the other EcoMod Installation Advantages KONE TravelMaster 110 KONE EcoMod Quick and Easy Installation upper module incline modules KONE Autowalk A KONE EcoMod complete escalator modernization begins with the removal of all existing mechanical and electrical components The existing truss is then modified to accept KONE EcoMod modules, allowing quick installation of the latest technology without major disruption lower module KONE EcoMod KONE Architectural Planning Guide 19 U.S Offices U.S Operations Center One KONE Court Moline, Illinois 61265 1-800-956-KONE (5663) Canadian Operations Centre 6696 Financial Drive, Unit Mississauga, Ontario L5N 7J6 1-905-858-8383 KONE Mexico, S.A de C.V Clavel 227 Colonia Atlampa Mexico City, D.F 06450 +52.55.1946.0100 For the latest product information and interactive design tools, visit Alabama Birmingham Mobile Arizona Phoenix Tucson 205-944-1032 251-661-7522 623-434-3599 520-624-3125 Arkansas Little Rock 501-758-1889 California Cypress Sacramento San Diego San Francisco Santa Barbara 714-890-7080 916-372-1458 858-578-5100 510-351-5141 805-349-1013 Colorado Denver 303-792-3423 Connecticut Hartford 860-257-9277 Delaware 856-251-1555 District of Columbia Washington, DC 301/459-8660 ©2011 KONEInc Inc 2013 KONE SFXXXX Rev 0513 XXXX SF2861 Rev Printed in U.S.A Kansas Wichita 316-942-1201 Kentucky Louisville North Dakota 651-452-8062 Ohio Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus 513-755-6195 440-546-1100 614-866-1751 502-491-0565 Louisiana Baton Rouge New Orleans Oklahoma Oklahoma City Tulsa 405-682-5651 918-258-0582 225-291-5270 504-736-0776 Oregon Portland 503-652-1011 Maine 781-828-6355 Maryland Baltimore 410-766-2100 Massachusetts Boston Pennsylvania Harrisburg Philadelphia Pittsburgh 717-653-7177 856-488-8830 412-279-1561 781-828-6355 Rhode Island 781-828-6355 South Carolina 704-507-0430 South Dakota Sioux Falls 605-336-1578 Tennessee Knoxville Memphis Nashville 865-938-3444 901-758-8320 615-360-7013 Michigan Detroit Grand Rapids 734-513-6944 616-534-3300 Minnesota Minneapolis 651-452-8062 Mississippi Jackson 601-939-7597 Missouri Kansas City St Louis Springfield 816-531-2140 314-521-8800 417-862-1174 Texas Austin Dallas Houston San Antonio 512-443-0967 469-549-0581 281-442-6619 210-491-0485 904-292-0225 954-437-4300 239-598-9310 407-812-8033 813-635-0330 Georgia Atlanta 770-427-3373 Montana Helena 406-449-1399 801-977-1144 808-836-2231 Nebraska Omaha Utah Salt Lake City 402-592-7381 Vermont 781-828-6355 701-269-0919 Virginia Richmond 804-328-1032 425-861-9696 Idaho KONE, ECO3000, EcoDisc, EcoMod and MonoSpace are registered trademarks of KONE Inc KONE Inc reserves the right to alter Care, to People Flow, designDedicated and specifications without eOptimum, prior notice.Eco-efficient, EcoSpace, EcoSpace EB, EcoSystem MR, KONE isPolaris, a registered trademark KRMS, TransitMaster andof KONE Inc Dedicated to People Flow TravelMaster are trademarks and XXXXXXXXXX are trademarks of of KONE Inc KONE Inc “USGBC” and related logo is a “USGBC” and related logo is a trademark owned by the U.S trademark owned by theand U.S Green Building Council is Green Builging Council and is used by used by permission permission 515-243-0109 309-797-3232 Florida Jacksonville Miami Naples Orlando Tampa Hawaii Honolulu KONE Inc reserves the right to alter design and specifications without prior notice Iowa Des Moines Quad Cities 801-977-1144 Illinois Chicago Peoria Quad Cities Rockford Springfield 630-629-3100 309-697-9011 309-797-3232 815-874-1502 217-544-5461 Indiana Fort Wayne Indianapolis 260-484-9586 317-788-0061 Nevada Las Vegas 781-828-6355 New Jersey Warren Washington Seattle 908-626-0220 New Mexico Albuquerque 505-888-0626 West Virginia Charleston Morgantown 614-866-1751 412-279-1561 New York Albany New York City 518-464-0002 718-361-7200 Wisconsin Milwaukee 262-373-0460 Wyoming 303-792-3423 North Carolina Charlotte 704-597-0430 Manitoba Winnipeg 204-895-2942 Nova Scotia Bedford 902-450-1102 Quebec Montreal Quebec City Sherbrooke 514-284-5663 418-877-1494 819-821-2182 Ontario Hamilton Kingston Ottawa Toronto 905-648-3188 613-531-6262 613-225-8222 905-948-2230 New Hampshire Canada Offices Alberta Calgary Edmonton 403-275-5650 780-452-9227 British Columbia Vancouver Victoria Kelowna 604-777-5663 250-384-0613 250-491-1838 This document is printed using soy-based inks ... (1) (2) I KONE EcoSystem MR L Remote Control Closet (option 1) (10) J (4) B KONE Polaris L Adjacent or Remote Control Room (option 2) KONE Architectural Planning Guide 11 KONE EcoSpace KONE EcoSystem... reaction loads, architectural toolbox and building access requirements KONE EcoMod KONE Autowalk Environment Indoor, Semi-outdoor or Outdoor 18 KONE Architectural Planning Guide KONE Autowalk –... than halogen lights and last up to 10 times longer KONE Architectural Planning Guide Select your KONE EcoDisc-powered elevator KONE EcoSpace KONE MonoSpace Application Low-Rise Application Mid-Rise