Shop manual máy đào HuynDai R250: An toan, cấu trúc, sơ đồ điện, thủy lực,
4-19Part name Symbol Specifications CheckGROUP 3 ELECTRICAL COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONBatteryBattery relayStart keyPressure switch(travel, working)Pressure switch(For overload)12V×160Ah(2EA)Rated load :24V100A(continuity)1000A(30seconds)B-BR : 24V 1AB-ACC : 24V 10AB-ST : 24V 40A10kgf/cm2(N.C TYPE)3~6kgf/cm2(N.O TYPE)※Check specific gravity1.280 over : Over charged1.280 ~ 1.250 : Normal1.250 below : Recharging※Check coil resistance(M4 to M4)Normal : About 50Ω※Check contactNormal : ∞Ω※Check contactOFF : ∞Ω(For each terminal)ON : 0Ω(For terminal 1-3 and 1-2)START : 0Ω(For terminal 1-5)※Check contactNormal : 0.1Ω※Check contactNormal : ∞ΩCR-1123456165324CSTACC BR HHOBΙΙ ΙΙO,CS-2Pa12CD-6 CD-7 CD-3712PaCD-31 4-20Part name Symbol Specifications CheckPressure switch(For engine oil)Temperaturesensor(CoolantHydraulic)Air cleanerpressure switchFuel senderTacho sensorRelay0.5kgf/cm2(N.C TYPE)----24V 16A※Check resistanceNormal : ∞Ω(CLOSE)※Check resistance50°C : 804Ω80°C : 310Ω100°C : 180Ω※Check contactHigh level : ∞ΩLow level : 0Ω※Check resistanceFull : 50Ω6/12 : 350Ω11/12 : 100Ω5/12 : 400Ω10/12 : 150Ω4/12 : 450Ω9/12 : 200Ω3/12 : 500Ω8/12 : 250Ω2/12 : 550Ω7/12 : 300Ω1/12 : 600ΩEmpty warning : 700Ω※Check resistanceNormal : 300Ω(For terminal 1-2)※Check resistanceNormal : About 160 Ω(For terminal 85-86)0Ω(For terminal 30-87a)∞Ω(For terminal 30-87)PaCD-1812CD-8CCD-1 CD-8PaCD-10CD-221CD-2CD-1712rpmCD-17 3086878587a8685873087aCR-2 CR-5 CR-7 CR-35 CR-36 4-21Part name Symbol Specifications CheckAccel actuatorSolenoid valveEPPR valveResistorSpeakerSwitch(Locking type)※Check resistanceNormal : 1~2Ω(For terminal 5-6)0.8~1.2kΩ(For terminal 1-3)※Check resistanceNormal : 15~25Ω(For terminal 1-2)※Check resistanceNormal : 15~25Ω(For terminal 1-2)※Check resistanceNormal : 45Ω※Check disconnectionNormal : A few Ω※Check contactNormal ON : 0 Ω(For terminal 1-5, 2-6)∞Ω(For terminal 5-7, 6-8)OFF :∞Ω(For terminal 1-5, 2-6)0 Ω(For terminal 5-7, 6-8)65312M-M+NC654M321P+SIGP--24V 1A700mA45Ω20W±5%200W24V 8A12CN-66 CN-68 CN-70 CN-87CN-88 CN-89 CN-133 CN-13CN-66 CN-68 CN-70 CN-88CN-133 CN-137 CN-14021CN-75CN-7612CN-47CN-23(LH)CN-24(RH)101099882 71657654321CS-23 CS-27 CS-50CS-52 CS-54 4-22Part name Symbol Specifications CheckAccel dialSwitchHead lamp,Work lamp,Room lamp,Cab lampBeacon lampFuel filler pumpHour meter※Check resistNormal : About 5kΩ(For terminal A-C)Normal : Abowt 5V(For terminal A-C): 2~4.5V(For terminal C-B)※Check disconnectionNormal : 1.0ΩON : 0Ω(For terminal 1-5, 2-6)∞Ω(For terminal 5-7, 6-8)OFF : ∞Ω(For terminal 1-5, 6-8)0Ω(For terminal 5-7, 6-8)※Check disconnectionNormal : A few Ω※Check disconnectionNormal : A few Ω※Check resistanceNormal : 1.0Ω※Check operationSupply power(24V) to terminalNo.2 and connect terminal No.1and ground-24V 8A24V 70W(H3 Type)24V 10W(Room lamp)21V 70A(H1 type)24V 10A35ℓ/min16~32VS+-ABCCN-14281591012345678910267ICS-6721CL-1 CL-4 CL-5CL-6 CL-8 CL-9MCL-712MCN-6112hCN-48 4-23Part name Symbol Specifications CheckHornSafety switch 1Safety switch 2Receiver dryerCassette radioWasher pump※Check operationSupply power(24V) to eachterminal and connect ground.※Check contactNormal : 0Ω(For terminal 1-2)∞Ω(For terminal 1-3)Operating : ∞Ω(For terminal 1-2) 0Ω(For terminal 1-3)※Check contactNormal : 0Ω(One pin to ground)※Check contactNormal : ∞Ω※Check voltage20~25V(For terminal 10-14, 11-14)※Check contactNormal : 10.7Ω(For terminal 1-2)DC22~28V2A24V 15A(N.C TYPE)24V(N.C TYPE)24V 2.5A24V 2A24V 3.8ACN-20, CN-25CN-20 CN-25231123CS-4CS-20CS-53Pa12CN-29S.L+B+ACCS.R+S.R+ILL+N.CS.R-S.R-S.L-S.L-N.C121110987654321GNDS.L+1413CN-27CN-22 4-24Part name Symbol Specifications CheckWiper motorDC/DCConverterCigar lighterAlternatorStarterTravel alarm※Check disconnectionNormal : 7Ω(For terminal 2-6)24V(A-B)12V (B-C)※Check coil resistanceNormal : About 1MΩ※Check contactNormal : ∞ΩOperating time : 5~15sec※Check contactNormal : 0Ω(For terminal B+-I)Normal : 24~27.5V※Check contactNormal : 0.1Ω※Check contactNormal : 5.2Ω24V 2A12V 3A24V 5A 1.4W24V 55ADelco Remy28MT 24V24V 0.5A46532123456MCN-2112V24VCBA12VGND24VCN-138CL-2B+ΙGNDG3~UCN-74B+MMCN-45CN-65CN-81 4-25Part name Symbol Specifications CheckFuel cut-offAirconCompressorStart relayBlowerAircon resistorDuct sensor※Check resistanceNormal : 15~25Ω※Check contactNormal : 13.4Ω※Check contactNormal : 0.94Ω(For terminal 1-2)※Check resistanceNormal : 2.5Ω(For terminal 1-2)※Check resistanceNormal : 1.12Ω(For terminal 4-2)2.07Ω(For terminal 2-3)3.17Ω(For terminal 3-1)※Check resistanceNormal : 0Ω(For terminal 1-2),the atmosphere temp :Over 4°C24V24V 79W24V 300A24V 9.5A-1°C OFF4°CON321ESICN-791CN-28CR-23124321LoMHMLHi423121 4-26Part name Symbol Specifications CheckDoor switchSwitch(Power max,one touchdecal, horn,braker)TransducerTransducerFusible linkPre-heater※Check resistanceNormal : About 5MΩ※Check resistanceNormal : ∞Ω0bar : 1V(For terminal 1-2)500bar : 5V(For terminal 1-2)0bar : 1V(For terminal 1-2)50bar : 5V(For terminal 1-2)※Check disconnectionNormal : 0Ω(Connect ring terminal and check resist between terminal 1 and 2)※Check resistance : 0.25 - 0.12Ω24V 2W24V 6A500bar50bar60A24V 200ACS-1CS-112CS-5 CS-19CS-26 CS-29GNDSIG24V321CD-42 CD-43 GNDSIG24V321CD-44CN-60 CN-95 . 8A12CN-66 CN-68 CN-70 CN-87CN-88 CN-89 CN- 133 CN-13CN-66 CN-68 CN-70 CN-88CN- 133 CN- 137 CN-14021CN-75CN-7612CN-47CN- 23( LH)CN-24(RH)101099882. 3 0-8 7)PaCD-1812CD-8CCD-1 CD-8PaCD-10CD-221CD-2CD-1712rpmCD-17 30 86878587a86858 730 87aCR-2 CR-5 CR-7 CR -3 5 CR -3 6 4-2 1Part name Symbol Specifications