The objective of this paper is to review how artificial intelligence (AI) tools have helped the agricultural sector. For this, a search process was carried out in the main scientific repositories. The investigations were then classified according to the Artificial Intelligence technique applied. At the end, it concludes, the great utility of AI tools in the agricultural sector, especially in determining the use of land, water and agricultural production.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019, pp 253-259, Article ID: IJMET_10_12_028 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, APPLIED IN AGRICULTURE Sánchez Céspedes, Juan Manuel Profesor Asociado Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Espinosa Romero, Ana Patricia Directora Programa de Ingeniería Ambiental Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de La Guajira Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo Profesor Titular Facultad del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to review how artificial intelligence (AI) tools have helped the agricultural sector For this, a search process was carried out in the main scientific repositories The investigations were then classified according to the Artificial Intelligence technique applied At the end, it concludes, the great utility of AI tools in the agricultural sector, especially in determining the use of land, water and agricultural production Keywords: Artificial intelligence, agriculture, Agent-based models, cellular automaton, genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic Cite this Article: Sánchez Céspedes, Juan Manuel, Espinosa Romero, Ana Patricia, Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo, Artificial Intelligence, Applied in Agriculture International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10(12), 2019, pp 253-259 INTRODUCTION Artificial intelligence is an area of engineering that has had great growth since the 21st century, which seeks to emulate the mental processes that the human being performs, how to reason to solve problems Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been used in many areas of knowledge, for example in business intelligence (Universidad de Catalunya, 2010) In the financial sector it was applied in (Cisneros, 2013) and (López Rodríguez & Silega Martínez, 2015) For the optimization of production processes such as the one carried out by (Larrañaga, Zulueta, Elizagarate, & Bernardo, 2011) Also in human resource selection processes (Torres et al., 2014) In addition, they have worked on environmental and earth science (Santacreu, Talavera, Aguasca, & Galván, 2015) In the health sector, the one carried out for example in 253 Sánchez Céspedes, Juan Manuel, Espinosa Romero, Ana Patricia, Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo (Ochoa, Orellana, Sánchez, & Dávila, 2014) In the educational sector as in (Badaracco, Mariño, & Alfonzo, 2014) It has also been applied in the judicial sector (Ramírez, Díaz, & Fernández, 2016) and in another large number of sectors and areas of the knowledge All these research supports the effectiveness of the use of AI tools, so it is proposed that the use of these tools are very useful for the agricultural sector This article reviews the researches done in the agriculture sector using artificial intelligence tools This article is structured as follows: What is Artificial Intelligence and its main techniques; then the application of artificial intelligence in the agricultural sector DEVELOPING 2.1 Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) can be defined as “the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions that we associate with human minds, such as perceiving, reasoning, learning, interacting with the environment, solving problems and even exercising creativity” (Manyika et al., 2017) Among the techniques used in artificial intelligence are Artificial Neural Networks, these consist of computationally emulating a biological neural network (Guresen & Kayakutlu, 2011)., Fuzzy logic, these are systems that are modeled from fuzzy sets, where the boundaries of fuzzy sets are blurred and modeled from a set of rules (Jaiswal & Sarode, 2015) The artificial intelligence expert system is a system that use computational models that emulate the reasoning of experts (Chen et al., 2018) Genetic algorithms are systems that emulate the natural selection process, where the strongest individuals are those that survive, so the potential solution of a problem is an individual (Man, Tang, & Kwong, 1996) Swarm of particles, is a technique based on the social behavior of a group of individuals such as swarms of insects, birds or bank of fish (Pavlidis, Parsopoulos, & Vrahatis, 2005) Agentbased modeling is performed to model complex processes in the hope of producing representative group behavior from interactions between different agents in a predetermined environment (Dauby & Upholzer, 2011) Ant colony is an algorithm of meta-heuristic and evolutionary approach in which several generations of artificial ants cooperatively seek the best solutions (Jang et al., 2011) Cellular automaton is a system that consists of an infinite succession of finite state machines called cells (Martin, 2007) 2.2 Artificial Intelligence Applied in Agriculture A bibliographic review on different AI techniques applied to agriculture was carried out in the Scopus database, the search results can be seen in Fig and Fig When conducting the literature review, it was determined that the most used AI technique is that of Agent-Based Model, which is applied to determine land use, water use, machinery use, agricultural production, fire prevention, weather in Agriculture, government subsidies to the agricultural sector, organic farming, sustainable agriculture and agricultural policies These investigations are those of (Mehryar, Sliuzas, Schwarz, Sharifi, & van Maarseveen, 2019) , (Zeman & Rodríguez, 2019) , (J Li , Rodriguez, & Tang, 2017) , (Salvini et al., 2016) , (Tian & Qiao, 2014) , (Al-Amin, Berglund, & Larson, 2014) (Polhill, Gimona, & Gotts, 2013) (Oliveira & Nero, 2013) (Gimona & Polhill, 2011) (Gimona, Polhill, & Davies, 2011) (Polhill, Gimona, & Gotts, 2010) (Etienne, Bourgeois, & Souchèreb, 2008) (Su et al., 2005) 254 Artificial Intelligence, Applied in Agriculture Figure Artificial Intelligence Techniques applied to Agriculture Figure Uses of Artificial Intelligence applied to Agriculture The second most used technique is the Cellular Automaton This was especially applied to determine land use as in the investigations of (Arasteh, Ali Abbaspour, & Salmanmahiny, 2019), (Pandey & Khare, 2017), (Ma et al., 2017), (Singh, Mustak, Srivastava, Szabó, & Islam, 2015), (Deep & Saklani, 2014) and (Fürst, Volk, Pietzsch, & Makeschin, 2010) It has also been applied in determining possible agricultural policy results as in (Van Delden, 2009) Genetic algorithms is a technique of AI which has been used to determine agricultural production and optimization, as in the investigations of (Ali, Deo, Downs, & Maraseni, 2018), (JM Li & Wang, 2010) and (MeiFang & JinMing, 2008) It has also been used for the use of water in agriculture as in the research of (Nouiri, Yitayew, Maßmann, & Tarhouni, 2015), 255 Sánchez Céspedes, Juan Manuel, Espinosa Romero, Ana Patricia, Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo (Fowler et al., 2015) and (Feng, Liu, & Han, 2011) It has also been used to optimize land use, balancing it with reducing the negative environmental impact such as research (Zhang & Huang, 2015) Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been used especially in the use of land for agriculture and agricultural production as in the investigations of (Arasteh et al., 2019), (Shaharum, Shafri, Gambo, & Abidin, 2018) and (Awad, 2016) This technique has also been used to determine the use of water as in the case of (Mehryar et al., 019) Finally, ANN has also been used in food safety applications such as research (Ma et al., 2017) Fuzzy logic has been used to determine the use of water in agriculture as already mentioned in the research of (Mehryar et al., 2019) Also, fuzzy logic has been used to determine the impacts of a policy model for water reservoir management in agricultural production (Suresh & Mujumdar, 2004) In summary, is evident that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, applied in the agricultural sector, are very useful for public policy makers is evident CONCLUSIONS The Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques most used in the processes of agricultural public policy formulation are Model Based on Agents, Cellular Automaton and Genetic Algorithms Artificial intelligence has been used especially to determine land use in the agricultural sector, agricultural production and water use in agriculture In summary, the great utility of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools was evident in the process of formulating agricultural public policies REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Al-Amin, S., Berglund, E Z., & Larson, K (2014) Complex Adaptive System Framework to Simulate Adaptations of Human-Environmental Systems to Climate Change and Urbanization: The Verde River Basin World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014: Water Without Borders - Proceedings of the 2014 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress Ali, M., Deo, R C., Downs, N J., & 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its main techniques; then the application of artificial