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Biotechnology 101

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Tiêu đề Biotechnology 101
Tác giả Brian Robert Shmaefsky
Trường học Greenwood Press
Chuyên ngành Biotechnology
Thể loại sách
Năm xuất bản 2006
Thành phố Westport
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Số trang 273
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Biotechnology 101

P1: FBQ/JZK P2: FBQggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28Biotechnology 101 P1: FBQ/JZK P2: FBQggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28Recent Titles in theScience 101 SeriesEvolution 101Randy Moore and Janice Moore P1: FBQ/JZK P2: FBQggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28Biotechnology 101Brian Robert ShmaefskyScience 101GREENWOOD PRESSWestport, ConnecticutrLondon P1: FBQ/JZK P2: FBQggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataShmaefsky, Brian.Biotechnology 101 / Brian Robert Shmaefsky.p. cm.—(Science 101, ISSN 1931–3950)Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.ISBN 0–313–33528–1 (alk. paper)1. Biotechnology. I. Title.TP248.215.S56 2006660.6–dc22 2006024555British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available.Copyright©2006 by Brian Robert ShmaefskyAll rights reserved. No portion of this book may bereproduced, by any process or technique, without theexpress written consent of the publisher.Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2006024555ISBN: 0–313–33528–1ISSN: 1931–3950First published in 2006Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.www.greenwood.comPrinted in the United States of AmericaThe paper used in this book complies with thePermanent Paper Standard issued by the NationalInformation Standards Organization (Z39.48–1984).10987654321 P1: FBQ/JZK P2: FBQggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28ContentsSeries Foreword xiPreface xiii1. The Definition of Biotechnology 1Introduction 1Contemporary Definitions of Biotechnology 4Categories of Biotechnology 62. Basic Science of Biotechnology 19Chemistry and Physics of Biotechnology 19Basic Biology of Biotechnology 263. The Tools of Biotechnology 57Introduction 57The Tools 59Amino Acid Analyzers 59Amino Acid Sequencers 60Balance 61Bioreactor 63Blotting Apparatus 67Centrifuge 68Chromatography 70Chromatogram Scanner/Densitometer 73Cryopreservation Equipment 74Cytometer 76DNA Sequencer 77Electrophoresis 79Electroporation Instrument 81Filtration Apparatus 82Gel Reader 85 P1: FBQ/JZK P2: FBQggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28vi ContentsGene Gun 86Incubator 87Isoelectric Focusing Apparatus 89LIMS 90Lyophilizer 90Microarray Technology 92Microplate Reader 94Microscope 94Microtome 96Mixer 98Nanotechnology 101Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Instrument 101Particle Sizer 103pH Meter 105Pipette 107Polarimeter 107Rheometer 109Spectrophotometer 110Thermocycler 113Thermometer Probes 114Water Bath 115Water Titrator 1174. Biotechnology Innovations 119The Creation of Innovations 119History of Biotechnology Innovations 120Biotechnology Innovations 126Genomic Analysis Techniques 127Genomic Expression Techniques 131Proteomics Techniques 132Metabolomics 136Production of Genetically Modified Organisms 138Cloning 1425. Principal People of Biotechnology 147Introduction 147Contributors to Biotechnology 148Al-Kindi 148W. French Anderson 149Werner Arber 149Oswald T. Avery 150David Baltimore 150 P1: FBQ/JZK P2: FBQggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28Contents viiGeorge W. Beadle 151William James Beal 152Paul Berg 152Herbert Boyer 153Sydney Brenner 153Pat Brown 154George Washington Carver 154Erwin Chargaff 155Martha Chase 155Stanley Cohen 156Stanley N. Cohen 157Francis S. Collins 157Gerty and Carl Cori 158Francis Crick 158Charles Darwin 159F´elix d’Herelle 159Max Delbr¨uck 160Hugo de Vries 161Renato Dulbecco 161Paul Ehrlich 162Alexander Fleming 163Rosalind Franklin 163Galen 164Archibald Garrod 165Walter Gilbert 165Frederick Griffith 166Henry Harris 166Alfred Hershey 167David Ho 168Leroy Hood 168Robert Hooke 169John Hunter 169Franc¸ois Jacob 170Zacharias Janssen 171Alec Jeffreys 171Edward Jenner 172Ernest Everett Just 172Har Gobind Khorana 173Shibasaburo Kitasato 174Robert Koch 174Arthur Kornberg 175 P1: FBQ/JZK P2: FBQggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28viii ContentsPhilip Leder 176Joshua Lederberg 176Antony van Leeuwenhoek 177Rita Levi-Montalcini 177Salvador Luria 178Andr´e Lwoff 179Barbara McClintock 179Ilya Mechnikov 180Gregor Mendel 180Johann Friedrich Miescher 181C´esar Milstein 182Jacques Monod 182Thomas Morgan 183Hermann Muller 184Kary Mullis 184Daniel Nathans 185Marshall Nirenberg 186Severo Ochoa 186Reiji and Tsuneko Okazaki 187Richard Palmiter 188Louis Pasteur 188Linus Pauling 189Max Perutz 190Stanley Prusiner 191Steven Rosenberg 192Pierre Paul Emile Roux 192Robert Rushmer 193Frederick Sanger 193Matthias Schleiden 194Theodor Schwann 194Maxine Singer 195Lazzaro Spallanzani 196Hermann Staudinger 196Nettie Stevens 197Alfred Henry Sturtevant 198Walter Sutton 198Wacław Szybalski 199Howard Temin 200Arne Tiselius 201Alexander Todd 201 P1: FBQ/JZK P2: FBQggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28Contents ixHarold Varmus 202Craig Venter 203Rudolf Virchow 203James Watson 204Maurice Wilkins 205Ian Wilmut 206Glossary 207References and Resources 235Print 235Web 243Index 247 [...]... 12:16 2 Biotechnology 101 Unlike earlier scientific endeavors, biotechnology relies heavily on its ability to be commercialized into a diversity of procedures and prod- ucts that benefit humans. More and more scientists who enter biotech- nology as a career are discovering that they need a strong business background. A great proportion of biotechnology is being practiced in industrial settings. Academic biotechnology. .. diseases. Pharmaceutical biotechnology investi- gates biotechnology methods for producing diagnostic materials and medications. Veterinary biotechnology deals in ways in which biotech- nology produces can control and take care of animal diseases. The European Community has developed a classification of biotech- nology according to a particular industrial strategy unique to that type of biotechnology. This... reader with the basic principles of modern biotechnology. It addresses the full range of biotechnology techniques and applications used in agriculture, commercial manufac- turing, consumer products, and medicine. The history of biotechnology is also covered including many of the scientists who contributed to the development of modern scientific thought and biotechnology princi- ples. Readers are encouraged... ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Shmaefsky, Brian. Biotechnology 101 / Brian Robert Shmaefsky. p. cm.—(Science 101, ISSN 1931–3950) Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. ISBN 0–313–33528–1 (alk. paper) 1. Biotechnology. I. Title. TP248.215.S56 2006 660.6–dc22 2006024555 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is... FBQ/JZK P2: FBQ ggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28 Recent Titles in the Science 101 Series Evolution 101 Randy Moore and Janice Moore P1: 000 ggbd030c02.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:48 Basic Science of Biotechnology 33 Biotechnology companies take advantage of the fermentation of bac- teria, fungi, and certain animal cells for the production of commercial chemicals.... links all of the other biotechnology areas. It is the re- search focus of Bertrand Rihn’s research team at the Institut National de Recherche et de S curit in France since 2003. The group is cur- rently focusing on identifying all the research linking gene regulation to animal and human tumors. P1: 000 ggbd030c01.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky August 24, 2006 12:16 8 Biotechnology 101 cure and treat human... information. Almost every new finding in biotechnology could be used to make huge profits for enterprising scientists. This started a trend in which biotechnology information is not shared freely anymore. Many scientists argue that this secrecy is stifling the progress of science and may restrict the growth of science to profit-making endeavors. Most of the new biotechnology discoveries are patented or... with meeting of challenges of rapid biotechnology growth, such as job-creation and global industrial competitiveness. Each category is called a platform. Industrial platforms are a unique feature of the European Commission’s biotechnology programs. Each platform is a set of technologies which are the foundation for industrial processes related to a particular type of biotechnology. All platforms have... available. P1: 000 ggbd030c02.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:48 20 Biotechnology 101 R NH COOH COOH C C H H 2 NH 2 R Figure 2.1 Many molecules have a property called chirality or mirror image structures. Organisms use one form or another in metabolism. One form is useful while the other form can be toxic. Certain biotechnology applications use toxic chiral forms as medicines. ( Jeff Dixon) “right-handed”... this book to formulate rational opinions about the benefits and risks of biotechnology. It is also hoped that readers will appreciate the won- ders of biotechnology and the creative ways in which scientists can use nature to improve human lives. P1: 000 ggbd030c02.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:48 Basic Science of Biotechnology 35 pieces of RNA. Prions are the most puzzling organisms . 11:2 8Biotechnology 101 P1: FBQ/JZK P2: FBQggbd030-fm.tex ggbd030 GR3542/Shmaefsky September 7, 2006 11:28Recent Titles in theScience 101 SeriesEvolution 101Randy. The Definition of Biotechnology 1Introduction 1Contemporary Definitions of Biotechnology 4Categories of Biotechnology 62. Basic Science of Biotechnology 19Chemistry

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2012, 09:51

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