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Khóa học PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cơ Vũ Mai Phương www.facebook.com/covumaiphuong LUYỆN TẬP – CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ (ET1111) VIDEO BÀI GIẢNG LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT BÀI TẬP có website MOON.VN Câu [292195]: Take the bus number and get at Forest Road A.up B to C.off D outside Câu [292196]: If you want to join this club, you must this application form A.go up B go over C.do up D fill in Câu [292197]: The bomb _ when he rang the bell A.went over B went on C.went out D went off Câu [292198]: He _ about his new car all the time A.goes over B goes on C.goes out D goes off Câu [292199]: Do you think you could _ this work with me some time, Peter? A.go over B go on C.go out D go off Câu [292200]: We have permission to _ with the plan A.go ahead B go over C.go on at D go under Câu [292201]: I see the price of bread has _ again A.gone up B on C.grated on D fallen out Câu [292202]: There was a power cut and all the lights _ A.went up B ironed out C.went out D went ahead Câu [292203]: My father still hasn’t really _ the death of my mother A.gone along B gone by C.gone back on D got over Câu 10 [292204]: Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _ his boss A.round B out of C.on well with D off Câu 11 [292205]: My father gave _ smoking two years ago A.in B away C.up D out Câu 12 [292206]: Billy hasn't been working; he won't……… his examinations A.get off B get through C.fall to D face up to Câu 13 [292207]: If you really want to lose weight, you need to eating desserts Pro S.A.T – Giải pháp tồn diện cho kì thi THPTQG MOON.VN – Học để khẳng định Khóa học PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương A.give away C.go for www.facebook.com/covumaiphuong B give up D go into Câu 14 [292208]: It's time I got _ thinking about that essay A.down to B in C.on at D back at Câu 15 [292209]: They've fixed Paris for their honeymoon A.at B on C.in D for Câu 16 [292210]: Most of his clothes were handed _ to him by his older brother A.down B at C.behind D for Câu 17 [292211]: I tried to get my point _, but nobody seemed to care A.across B through C.ahead D on Câu 18 [292212]: I cannot go with his suggestion A.through B along C.back D for Câu 19 [292213]: There’s a lot of stock missing I wonder how he will try to that away A.ease B even C.eat D explain Câu 20 [292214]: I find that I have too much work It’s _ into my spare time and I don’t stand for that A.easing B eating C.evening D ending Câu 21 [292215]: Before we _ upon a new project, I think we should completely finish the present one A.end B eat C.embark D explain Câu 22 [292216]: Well it may have been Harry who was responsible for the stupid mistake but it must be said that Simon and Tony were _ him on the whole way A.eagling B egging C.enabling D erecting Câu 23 [292217]: I think we need a few more details Could you upon what you have just said? A.egg B eat C.even D enlarge Câu 24 [292218]: He leaned back, exulting _ the success of his plan A.on B at C.for D with Câu 25 [292219]: Thieves jacked _ the car and stole the wheels A.up B down C.forward D to Câu 26 [292220]: I was getting disheartened writing my first novel, but my husband jollied me _ to finish it A.up B along C.in D through Pro S.A.T – Giải pháp tồn diện cho kì thi THPTQG MOON.VN – Học để khẳng định Khóa học PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương www.facebook.com/covumaiphuong Câu 27 [292221]: In a TV interview she hit _ at her critics A.back B down C.forward D to Câu 28 [292222]: I'm surprised you _ that trick A.fell for B fell down C.fell back on D fell behind Câu 29 [292223]: We still have a long way to go before we all the current financial difficulties A.iron out B deal to C.improve on D fall for Câu 30 [292224]: She had to face _ the fact that she would never walk again A.to B with C.up to D up with Câu 31 [292225]: Please _ these papers A.hand out C.hand off B hand on D hand down Câu 32 [292226]: Have you the washing ? A.in B out C.down D at Câu 33 [292227]: After I _ I remembered what I'd wanted to say A.hung on B out C.hung up D around Câu 34 [292228]: Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold the better students? A.at B up C.back D behind Câu 35 [292229]: I called the station to inquire _ train times A.at B about C.down D back Câu 36 [292230]: The decision was by environmental groups A.jumped on B jumped at C.jumped into D jumped for Câu 37 [292231]: Her words impressed themselves my memory A.at B in C.by D on Câu 38 [292232]: Let's not enter _ details at this stage A.for B during C.onto D into Câu 39 [292233]: He tried to even _ the distribution of work among his employees A.out B into C.for D about Câu 40 [292234]: He was fiddling his keys while he talked to me A.at B up C.with D behind Câu 41 [292235]: The article enthused the benefits that the new system would bring Pro S.A.T – Giải pháp tồn diện cho kì thi THPTQG MOON.VN – Học để khẳng định Khóa học PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương A.for C.over www.facebook.com/covumaiphuong B at D with Câu 42 [292236]: With his partner away, all the work now _ to him A.fell B went C.gave D hit Câu 43 [292237]: There was no one when I opened the door; someone must be A.having me on B having me in C.giving me up D giving me in Câu 44 [292238]: He was for manslaughter A.had on B had up C.hung up D out Câu 45 [292239]: I haven't heard anything _ her for months A.at B for C.from D to Câu 46 [292240]: When I bought the house, my sister _ with a loan A.helped me out B had me on C.gave me up D fell for me Câu 47 [292241]: At first the show seemed kind of weird, but it _ us A.grew into B grew up C.grew on D grew out of Câu 48 [292242]: If the sea or wind _, it increases in strength and becomes violent A.gets in B gets up C.gets through D gets by Câu 49 [292243]: I was sure she knew the answer but for some reason she A.back B down C.in D for Câu 50 [292244]: She her usual excuse of having no time A.fell for at B fell through to C.fell down with D fell back on Pro S.A.T – Giải pháp tồn diện cho kì thi THPTQG MOON.VN – Học để khẳng định ... themselves my memory A.at B in C.by D on Câu 38 [292 232 ]: Let's not enter _ details at this stage A.for B during C.onto D into Câu 39 [292 233 ]: He tried to even _ the distribution of work... times A.at B about C.down D back Câu 36 [292 230 ]: The decision was by environmental groups A.jumped on B jumped at C.jumped into D jumped for Câu 37 [292 231 ]: Her words impressed themselves... C.up to D up with Câu 31 [292225]: Please _ these papers A.hand out C.hand off B hand on D hand down Câu 32 [292226]: Have you the washing ? A.in B out C.down D at Câu 33 [292227]: After I

Ngày đăng: 13/05/2020, 19:27

