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LESSON PLAN Basic English 12 Unit 6: Future job D. Writing Instructor: Thai Thi Cam Trang Members: Nguyen Thi Huyen Chung Thi Huyen Vu Thi THuong Le Thi Nhan Nguyen Thi Tuyen Vu Quynh Hoa Trinh Thi Bich UNIT6: FUTURE JOBS I. Class details Class includes 48 students with 12 th grade. Ss have studied English for 6 years. II. Aim - To write a letter of application. III. Objections. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Know what elements a letter of application should include. - Successfully write a complete application letter for a job as a tourist guide. - Know how to express personal characteristics, experiences and ability to speak English. IV. Teaching aids - Textbooks, board, chalk, handouts. V. Anticipated problems - Ss may never experience this difficult type of writing so they don’t know how to write a letter of application. In addition, Ss may not have real working experience for the letter. VI. Procedure Time Stage Steps/ Activities Work Arrange- ment 7’ WARM_UP Lead-in questions -Asks Ss to work in groups of 3 and discuss about following questions: 1. Would you like to become a tourist guide? Why? 2. What characteristics are most needed for that job? Group work • Good English skills • Enthusiasm • Appearance • Health • Others… 3. Do you meet all of the job’s requirements? How? - Goes round the class and provide help if necessary. - Collects the answers from some Ss. - Gives suggested answers and lead in the writing lesson: Today, we’ll learn to write a letter of application. Suggested answers: 1. Yes, I like a tour guide for foreign tourists most and that job is also suitable for me because I love to travel around Vietnam and throughout the world. 2. To be a good tour guide, I think some necessary characteristics are good English skills, appearance, health, enthusiasm, and lots of background knowledge about tourist attractions. 3. I have some of the necessary characteristics like health, appearance and enthusiasm. However, my English speaking skills is not very good and I have to practice it more. Moreover, I must always enrich my background knowledge about tourist attractions, history, geography, … 6’ PRE_WRITI NG Note-completion -Asks Ss to look at task 1 on paper 68 and work in pairs. Pair work 6’ - Instruct Ss to read the advertisement and focus on main information to complete the notes. - Calls on some Ss to give out the answers. - Asks for comments from other Ss and give suggested answers: • Types of job: English-speaking guide. • Level of education needed: High school diploma. • Work experience: Some experience as a tour guide. • Character and interests: Have a good manner, speak English fluently, be willing to work hard. Format of a letter of application. -Give Ss the format of a letter of application on a A0-sized paper: A complete letter of application should include all of following parts: Heading Your name Your address Date of writing Name of the company Address of the company Greeting Dear Sir or Madam, Content of the letter Introduction - Purpose: I would like to apply… / I’m writing to apply for…/I intend to … (use simple present or present Whole class continuous tense) Body - Personal information: • Education: I was awarded… certificate/ have graduated from …university or college… ( use past/ present perfect tense) • Experience: I worked in . • English ability: I can speak E fluently…/ I am so good at speaking English… ( use simple present tense) Conclusion - I am looking forward to… from you / I look forward to…. Closing Yours truly / Yours faithfully… Signature -Advises Ss to notice the language in a letter of application should be formal and academic rather than informal as in personal letters. 15’ WHILE- WRITING Set the scene Just imagine that you have already had a high school diploma, so you have two choices, undergoing an undergraduate course in a university or looking for a job. Suppose that you choose the latter option. The first thing to do is writing a letter of application. The activities in this lesson can serve as useful tips for you when writing an Individual work application form. -Instructs Ss to study the details given in task 2 and format of a letter of application. -Asks Ss to work individually and to write a letter to Vinatour to apply for the job mention in the advertisement in task 1. - Notices Ss that a letter of application should not be too long; a short one with sufficient and necessary information.  Note: Up to Ss’ level, T may allow Ss to choose the job of their interest and make up any necessary information like name, address of the company, work experience. -Goes round the class and provide help if necessary. - Asks Ss to exchange their writings and cross check. - Collects some writings to read aloud in front of the class and points out the weak and strong points of these writings. - Gives out a suggested letter of application on a A0-sized paper: Flat 10, 175 Xuan Thuy Street, Hanoi 19, September, 2010. Hanoi Vinatour 450 Nguyen Du Street, Hanoi Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing in reply to your advertisement in the Vietnam News for experienced English- speaking local guides to accompany foreign visitors on trips throughout Vietnam. I believe I meet all of the qualifications of your company. I was awarded High School Certificate two years ago. After leaving high school, I worked in a small travel agency and was given a training course on tourism. Therefore, I know many tourist areas in Vietnam as well as a basic knowledge of Vietnamese culture, history, and geography. I speak English fluently. In addition, I’m sociable and can work hard for long hours. I am looking forward to hearing from you at your convenience. Yours faithfully, Pham Nhat Lan. 8’ POST_WRI TING Interviewing -Instruct the task Just imagine that you are invited to take an interview with representatives from this company. -Asks Ss to work in pairs. Each pair includes one interviewer one interviewee. - Asks pairs to practice questioning and answering like in a real interview. Question: 1. Why do you apply for this job? Because of your interest in it or its attractive salary? 2. What will be your strongest and weakest points? 3. Do you think you really are suitable for this job? Pair work -Tell Ss to use their own words and various expressions. - Asks 2 pairs to talk about their interviews and give feedback and necessary comments. 3’ WRAPPING -Summarizes the main points. - Assigns homework: Asks Ss to complete their writings and prepare for the next lesson. Whole class

Ngày đăng: 26/09/2013, 08:10

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