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This page intentionally left blank BEING BYZANTINE In , the Byzantine empire was conquered by troops from western Europe ostensibly taking part in the Fourth Crusade This was a hugely significant event for the subjects of the empire, radically altering the Byzantines’ self-image and weakening their state for the later conflict with the Ottoman Turks Using the theory of ethnicity – a comparatively recent tool with regard to the pre-modern era – Gill Page provides fresh insight into the late Byzantine period, providing a corrective to nationalistic interpretations of the period of Frankish rule and more broadly to generally held assumptions of ethnic hostility in the period A systematic analysis of texts in Greek from the period –, from both ends of the social spectrum, is backed up by an in-depth study of Frankish rule in the Peloponnese to reveal the trends in the development of Byzantine identity under the impact of the Franks gill page studied Classics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, before beginning a career in museum education After completing an MA in Medieval History at the University of Manchester, Dr Page went on to complete a doctorate at the University of Leeds BEING BYZANTINE Greek identity before the Ottomans GILL PAGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521871815 © Gill Page 2008 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2008 ISBN-13 978-0-511-45760-9 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-13 978-0-521-87181-5 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate This book is dedicated to my parents, Mike and Pam, and also to Paul Contents List of illustrations Acknowledgements A note on the use and transliteration of Greek Abbreviations Reference works Introduction: The Frankish conquest of Greece Identity and the Frankish conquest: the story so far  Ethnic identity? page ix x xi xii xiii        Subjectivity, tradition and naming Ethnic criteria Boundaries: us and them Method: the historians  Byzantine identities  Byzantium before the Fourth Crusade The terminology Before : a crisis of identity  Niketas Choniates     Choniates: the collective political identity Choniates: the ethnic identity Other forms of self-identification The vocabulary of otherness  The thirteenth century: ambition, euphoria and the loss of illusion George Akropolites and the rise of Nikaia Pachymeres and the Palaiologoi Political, territorial and ethnic identities: the story so far Akropolites and Pachymeres: other forms of self-identification Definitely not Romans vii           viii Contents  The nightmare of the fourteenth century Nikephoros Gregoras and John Kantakouzenos The political Roman identity in the fourteenth century The ethnic Roman identity in the fourteenth century Not only Roman but also ? Definitely not Roman – but why?  Meanwhile, a long way from Constantinople The Peloponnese and the Chronicle of the Morea The Villehardouin principality The principality after the Villehardouins The Chronicle of the Morea: an analysis The Chronicle in context: Franks and Romans under the Angevins Being Roman in Frankish Morea  The long defeat The sources Romans and others at the court of Mistra Peloponnesian identities in the later Greek Chronicle of the Morea Being Roman in the fifteenth-century Peloponnese  Roman identity and the response to the Franks Questions And answers Glossary Map 1: The Aegean region Map 2: The Peloponnese Appendix 1: Key content items Appendix 2: The origins of the Chronicle of the Morea Bibliography Index                              Bibliography Leyser, K () ‘The tenth century in Byzantine–Western relationships’, in Baker : – Liebeschuetz, W () ‘Citizen status and law in the Roman empire and the Visigothic kingdom’, in Pohl and Reimitz : – Lilie, R.-J () Byzantium and the Crusader States 1096–1204, tr J C Morris and J E Ridings Oxford Ljubarskij, J N () ‘New trends in the study of Byzantine historiography’, DOP : – Lock, P () ‘The Frankish towers of Central Greece’, ABSA : – () ‘The Latin emperors as heirs to Byzantium’, in Magdalino : – () The Franks in the Aegean 1204–1500 London Lock, P and G D R Sanders (eds.) 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–,  Alamanikon ,  Alans , , ,  Albanians , , ,  Alexios I Komnenos, emperor –, , , , ,  approach to crusades –, , , ,  Alexios II Komnenos, emperor –, , ,  Alexios III Angelos, emperor , , , , ,  Alexios IV Angelos, emperor –,  Alexios V Mourtzouphlos, emperor ,  Amykli, see Nikli Anchialos  Ancona, Anconans ,  Andravida, town in the Peloponnese , , ,  Andronikos I Komnenos, emperor –, , , , , ,  Andronikos II Palaiologos, emperor –, , , ,  foreign policy –,  religious policy ,  truce with Achaia , , ,  Andronikos III Palaiologos, emperor –, , –, –, , ,  Andronikos IV Palaiologos, emperor , ,  Anjou, Angevins , , , , , , , and see Achaia, principality of and Charles I of Anjou Ankara, battle ,  Anne of Savoy, empress  Anthony IV, patriarch of Constantinople – Antioch –, , , , ,  Apokaukos, Alexios, statesman  Aquinas, Thomas  Araklova, castle in the Peloponnese ,  Archipelago, duchy of the – Aristotle , ,  Armenia, Armenians , , , , , , ,  Arsenios, patriarch of Constantinople , ,  Asen I, king of Bulgaria  Asia Minor border zone , , , , , , , , ,  conquered by Turks , , , , , , , ,  under the Komnenoi –,  military aristocracy of ,    Index Asia Minor (cont.) in Pachymeres  part of the empire , , , , , , , , ,  Assizes of Romania, the , –, , , ,  Athens ancient  bishopric of Michael Choniates , ,  lordship, duchy , , , , , , , , ,  Aydin Turks , , ,  Baldwin I, Latin emperor , , –, , ,  Baldwin II, Latin emperor , , , ,  Balkans independent states in , , , , ,  part of the empire –, –, , , ,  Balsamon, Theodore, patriarch of Antioch  barbaros, barbarism , ,  in Akropolites , –, , ,  in Choniates –, , , ,  in the Chronicle of the Morea –,  contrasted with Hellen –, , ,  criteria of –, , –, , ,  in Gregoras –,  in Kantakouzenos –,  in Manuel Palaiologos ,  in Mazaris –,  in Pachymeres –, , – Barlaam, monk  Basil II, emperor , ,  basileus , , , ,  in Akropolites , , ,  in Choniates , , , ,  in the Chronicle of the Morea , , , ,  in Gregoras , , –,  in Kantakouzenos , , , –,  in Pachymeres , , , ,  Bayezid I, Ottoman sultan , ,  Bekkos, John, patriarch of Constantinople –,  Benedict XII, pope  Benjamin of Tudela, traveller  bilingualism in the Peloponnese –, –, , , – Black Death , , ,  Black Sea , , , , , , , ,  Blemmydes, Nikephoros, writer ,  Bohemond of Taranto, Norman prince ,  Boiotia , ,  Boniface of Montferrat, ruler of Thessaloniki –, , , , , ,  Briel, Geoffrey de, lord of Karytaina –, , , , ,  Briel, Geoffrey de, claimant to Karytaina , ,  Brienne, Gauthier de, duke of Athens , ,  Bulgaria, Bulgarians attacks on the empire , –,  attacks on Latin territories , ,  as contrasting ethnicity , , –, , , , , , , , , –, , , ,  fellow Christians , –, ,  independent state , , , , , –, , –, ,  Cairo, Mamluk , , , , ,  casaux de parc¸on , , ,  Castelneuf, castle in the Peloponnese  Catalan, Catalans activities in southern Greece , , ,  as contrasting ethnicity , , , , , , ,  mercenaries to the empire – Catherine de Valois, Latin empress , – Centurione Zaccaria, prince of Achaia  Chalkokondyles, Laonikos, historian  Chamaretoi, Peloponnesian family , , ,  Charlemagne, western emperor ,  Charles I of Anjou, king of Sicily , ,  Chios , , , –,  Chlemoutsi, castle in the Peloponnese  Chomatianos, Demetrios, archbishop of Ochrid , ,  Choniates, Michael, bishop of Athens , –, ,  Choniates, Niketas, historian , ,  conflicting ethnic and political identities –, –,  forms of self-identification –, , , , , –, , , , , ,  identifications of the other , –, , , , ,  life – outlook and style , –, –,  Christianity, Orthodox as alternative ethnicity –, , –, –, , ,  as Roman ethnic criterion , , , , –, , –, –, , , ,  criteria of – Index Chronicle of the Morea Aragonese , , , , – French , , , , , , , , , –, ,  Greek , –, – anti-Greek? , , –, – conflict between ethnic and political identities  Hellen  identification of others –,  later versions , , , –, –,  Roman identification –, ,  Italian  civil war first , , ,  second –, , ,  Clari, Robert de, crusader and writer  Clement VI, pope ,  Clermont, council at  Conrad II de Hohenstaufen, western emperor  Constantine the Great, emperor , ,  Constantine VII Porphyrogenitos, emperor  De administrando imperio , –, , , , ,  De ceremoniis  Constantine VIII, emperor  Constantine X Doukas, emperor ,  Constantine Tich, king of Bulgaria  Constantinople  capture in  , , , , , , ,  Latin , , , –, , ,  recapture by the Romans , , , , , ,  relationship with provinces, see prejudice siege ,  taken by Ottomans  ,  content analysis – Corfu ,  Corinth, city in the Peloponnese , , , , , , ,  Coron, town in the Peloponnese ,  Crete, Venetian , ,  crusades, crusaders  First Crusade –, ,  Second Crusade –,  Third Crusade , , ,  Fourth Crusade –, , , –,  states , , , , , , , ,  Cumans , , , , –, , –, , , ,  Cyprus, Latin –, , , ,   Daimonoiannis, Peloponnesian ,  Dandolo, Enrico, doge ,  despotate of the Morea (despotate of Mistra) , , – culture , –, ,  ruled by the Kantakouzenos family , , , – ruled by the Palaiologos family , , –, –, ,  Digenes Akrites , , , ,  diglossia Byzantine Roman –, , , , , –, ,  modern Greek – Directorium ad faciendum passagium transmarinum  Doukas, historian  Doxopatres, Peloponnesian ,  dynatoi –, ,  dytikos , ,  Elis, region of the Peloponnese , ,  emperor, imperial rule, as Roman ethnic criterion , –, , , , –,  English , –,  Ephesos, council of ,  Epiros, Epirots conflict with Nikaia –, , –, , , ,  ‘despotate of’ , , –, , , , , , , , , , –, , , , , , ,  people of, as contrasting ethnicity , –, ,  province of the empire , , – region , ,  ‘ethnic’ – ethnicity definitions –, – ethnic criteria , –, – and nationalism – role of tradition –,  as subjective belief – ‘us and them’ , –,  ethnonym, ethnic names , , , , , , ,  ethnos , , –, , , ,  Eustathios, archbishop of Thessaloniki , , –, , ,  Evia , , , ,  Ferrando of Majorca  feudalism – filioque –, , ,   Index Florent de Hainault, prince of Achaia , , ,  truce with the empire – Florios and Platzia-Flora  Fragkos, Frank , , , , , , , , , , –,  France, French , , ,  Frederick I of Hohenstaufen (Barbarossa), western emperor , –, ,  life – outlook – Gregory of Cyprus, patriarch of Constantinople , –,  Gregory of Nazianzenos, patriarch of Constantinople  Gregory IX, pope  Guillaume I de Champlitte, prince of Achaia , –, ,  Gabras, family in Trebizond  Galata – Gardiki, town in the Peloponnese , ,  gasmoulos –, , –,  Gemistos Plethon, George –,  Genoa, Genoese , , , , –, , –,  genos , –,  in Akropolites , –, ,  in Choniates , , ,  in the Chronicle of the Morea , ,  in Gregoras  in Pachymeres – Geoffrey I de Villehardouin, prince of Achaia  foundation of the principality , –, ,  policy of compromise –, , ,  Geoffrey II de Villehardouin, prince of Achaia , , – Geraki, town in the Peloponnese , , ,  German, Germans, Germany –, –, , , , ,  Germanos II, patriarch of Constantinople  Glarentsa, town in the Peloponnese , ,  Glykas, Michael  Graikos , , –, , , –, , ,  Grand Maine, castle in the Peloponnese , , ,  Greece, modern , , , and see Greek language and nationalism Greek language, see also diglossia as diglossic –, , – as Roman ethnic criterion , , , –, , , , , , – Gregoras, Nikephoros, historian ,  conflicting ethnic and political identities , –, –,  forms of self-identification –, –, –, –, ,  identifications of others , –, –,  Hellen , , , –, , ,  in Akropolites – in Choniates , – in the Chronicle of the Morea  in Gregoras – in Kantakouzenos  in Manuel Palaiologos  in Mazaris  in Pachymeres , – Hellenism, Byzantine –, –, –, , –,  Henry of Flanders, Latin emperor , , , , , ,  Henry VI de Hohenstaufen, western emperor – Herodotos ,  hesychasm –, ,  Homer ,  Hospitallers (Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem) , –, , , ,  hot iron, trial by – Humbert, cardinal ,  Hungarians, Hungary , , , , ,  Innocent III, pope , , ,  Isaak I Komnenos, emperor ,  Isaak II Angelos, emperor –, –, , ,  Isabeau de Villehardouin, prince of Achaia –, , , ,  Isabelle de Lusignan, wife of Manuel Kantakouzenos  Isova, Cistercian monastery ,  Italos, John –, ,  Jacques des Baux, prince of Achaia  Jerusalem , , , , ,  Jews , ,  Joanna of Naples, prince of Achaia  John II Komnenos, emperor , –, , ,  John III Vatatzes, emperor –, , , , ,  John IV Laskaris, emperor , , , ,  Index John V Palaiologos, emperor –, , , , ,  John VI Kantakouzenos, emperor and historian  conflicting ethnic and political identities , , –, –,  forms of self-identification , , , –, –, , , ,  identifications of the other , –, ,  life –, , – outlook – John VII Palaiologos, emperor  John VIII Palaiologos, emperor  John XXII, pope ,  John Alexander, king of Bulgaria  John Asen II, king of Bulgaria , , ,  John Glykys, patriarch of Constantinople  John Kamaretos, patriarch of Constantinople  Kalamata , , –, ,  Kalekas, John, statesman  Kantakouzenos, Manuel, despot of Mistra , , , , ,  Kantakouzenos, Matthew, despot of Mistra ,  Karytaina, castle in the Peloponnese , ,  Kekaumenos  Kilij Arslan, Seljuk sultan ,  Kinnamos, John  Klokotnica, battle ,  Komnene, Anna , –, , , , , , , ,  Komnenoi, aristocratic family and imperial dynasty creation of new aristocracy , ,  culture under , ,  in Cyprus  period of rule , , , –, , , , , ,  in Trebizond –, – Krestena, settlement in the Peloponnese ,  Kritoboulos, historian  Kydones, Demetrios, writer ,  Lachanas, ruler of Bulgaria – Lakonia, Lakonians, region of the Peloponnese , , , , , , , –,  Laskaris Kalopheros, John  Lateran council, fourth  Latin empire , ,  acceptance as legitimate –, , ,  establishment –  Roman subjects of , –, ,  Leftro, castle in the Peloponnese ,  Lentiana  Leo VI, emperor , ,  Lesbos , –,  Libistros and Rhodamne ,  literature, Byzantine –, – classicising , –, , –, ,  vernacular , , –, , – Liutprand, bishop of Cremona  Louis of Burgundy  Lyons, council of , –, ,  Macedonia , , , , , , ,  Macedonian dynasty –, , , , , ,  Mahaut de Hainault  Makry Plagi, battle , ,  Mamluks , , , , ,  Manasses, Constantine, writer ,  Mangaphas, Theodore, aristocrat  Manglavites, Nicholas, leader in Melnik – Mani , , – Manuel I Komnenos, emperor , –, , , , , ,  phillatinism , –, , , ,  Manuel II Palaiologos, emperor , ,  forms of self-identification –, – identifications of the other , ,  life , , –, , ,  outlook  Manuscrit de Roi  Manzikert, battle  Maria of Antioch, empress –,  Marie of Bourbon  Maure, Peloponnesian family , , , – Mazaris, writer , – forms of self-identification , , – identifications of the other , – life  outlook –,  Mehmet I, Ottoman sultan  Mehmet II, Ottoman sultan  Melnik –,  Mesembreia ,  Messenia, region of the Peloponnese , , , , ,  Metaphrastes, Simeon, hagiographer ,  Metochites, Theodore, civil servant, writer –,  Michael I Komnenos Doukas, ruler of Epiros , ,  Michael II Komnenos Doukas, ruler of Epiros , , ,  Michael VI Stratiotikos, emperor ,   Index Michael VII Doukas, emperor  Michael VIII Palaiologos, emperor in Akropolites , , , , – autobiography ,  in the Chronicle of the Morea , ,  expansionist policy , , , ,  in Pachymeres , –, , – policy towards Trebizond  policy towards the west –, ,  religious policy , –, , , – retaking of Constantinople , , , ,  usurpation of John IV , , ,  Michael IX Palaiologos ,  Michael Kerularios, patriarch of Constantinople , ,  Mistra, town in the Peloponnese, see also despotate of the Morea under the Byzantine Romans (before the despotate) , , , , –, , , , –, –, , , ,  castle , , ,  palace ,  mixobarbaros ,  Modon, town in the Peloponnese , ,  Monemvasia, town in the Peloponnese  ceded to the Byzantine Romans , –, ,  under the Latins ,  in the twelfth century  Mongols (Tatars)  as contrasting ethnicity , , , , , , , ,  war with the Ottomans , monophysitism , Moraătes , Morosini, Thomas, Latin patriarch of Constantinople ,  Moschos, John, monk  Mourmoures, Peloponnesian family ,  Muntaner, Ramon, writer  Murad I, Ottoman sultan  Myriokephalon, battle  Nafplio, town in the Peloponnese  nationalism , – modern Greek –, –, ,  Navarrese , –,  Nicholas Mystikos, patriarch of Constantinople  Nikaia, empire of , , , , , , , ,  conflict with Epiros –, , , , , , ,  conflict with the Latin empire , , ,  establishment , , – Hellenism and , – internal administration ,  Nikephoros III Botaneiates, emperor  Nikli (Amykli), town in the Peloponnese , – Norman, Normans of Sicily ,  attacks on Byzantine territory , , –, , ,  as contrasting ethnicity , , ,  Thessaloniki, sack of , , , , , ,  Orsini, John, ruler of Epiros  Ottoman Turks ,  allies of the empire –,  attacks on the empire , , , , , –, –, , ,  as contrasting ethnicity , ,  Pachymeres, George, historian , ,  conflicting ethnic and political identities –, ,  forms of self-identification –, , , – identifications of the other –,  life , – outlook , , –, , ,  Palaiologos, Andronikos Asen, general  Palamas, Gregory, monk  Paparrigopoulos, Konstantinos, historian ,  Patras, town in the Peloponnese ,  Pechenegs , ,  Pelagius, cardinal  Pelagonia, battle , , , , ,  armies at ,  Peloponnese, the –, , –, –, –, ,  before the Latin conquest , , – Latin rule in , , –, –, , , , ,  re-establishment of Byzantine Romans in , , , –, ,  Slavs of , , , , , , ,  Peloponnesioi , –, , –, , , ,  Peter de St Superan, prince of Achaia – Philanthropenos, Alexios, general  Philip of Savoy, prince of Achaia ,  Philippopolis , ,  Philokalos, Peloponnesian , , ,  Phokaia , , –,  Phrantzes (Sphrantzes), George, historian  Pisa, Pisans ,  Plato  Poimanenon  Index Polemitas, village in the Peloponnese  polyethnicity within the empire , , , , –, , , , – Pousgousae, Lake (Lake Beys¸ehir) , ,  prejudice between elite and other groups Constantinople versus the provinces –, , –, –, , , –, , , , –, – Constantinople versus those outside the empire , ,  principality of the Morea, see Achaia, principality of Prinitsa, battle , ,  Prodromos, Theodore, writer  pronoia –, ,  Psellos, Michael, writer – ptochoi –, ,  racism Rhodes , Rhomaăkos , , , in Akropolites ,  in Choniates , – in Gregoras  in Kantakouzenos  in Pachymeres ,  Rhomaios (Roman) , , –,  in Akropolites , –, –, –, , , ,  in Choniates –, , , , – in the Chronicle of the Morea , –, –, , – as customary self-identification within the imperial region , –, , –, , , , , , , , –, , , , ,  ethnic criteria , , , , –, , , , –, , –, , , –, –, – formulas, ‘plain’ and ‘genitive’  in Gregoras –, , , –, – in Kantakouzenos –, , –, –, – in Manuel Palaiologos –, ,  in Mazaris , , ,  in Pachymeres –, –, , – political versus ethnic identities , –, , –, , , , , , –, , and see under individual authors Rhomaăs , , , in Akropolites , in Pachymeres , Rhomaăzontes , , , , Rhomania , , ,   in the Chronicle of the Morea – in Kantakouzenos  in Pachymeres  Robert de Courtenay, Latin emperor ,  Robert Guiscard, duke of Apulia , ,  Robert of Taranto, prince of Achaia  Roger II de Hauteville, king of Sicily – Roger de Flor, Catalan leader , ,  romances , –, , ,  Romanos IV Diogenes, emperor –,  Russia, Russians , , , ,  St George, castle in the Peloponnese , , ,  St Omer, Nicholas de, Peloponnesian ,  Saladin ,  Santameri, settlement in the Peloponnese  Sanudo Torsello, Marino, writer  Saracens , , , , ,  schism, church , , –, ,  dual churches , – papal supremacy , , , – proposals for church union , , , –, –, –,  Scotland, Scots, ethnic identity of ,  Seljuk Turks conquest of Asia Minor –, , , , , , ,  as contrasting ethnicity , ,  emirate of Danishmend  sultanate of Rhum , , , , , ,  separatism, regional , , , , , , –, –,  Serbia, Serbs allied to the empire , , ,  attacks on the empire , , ,  as contrasting ethnicity –, , , , , , , , , , ,  independent state –,  Serres, council at ,  Sgouros, Leon, lord of Nafplio , –, , , , ,  Sicilian Vespers  Simonis Palaiologina, daughter of Andronikos II ,  Skyth, see Cumans Stefan I Nemanja, ruler of Rascia (Serbia) ,  Stefan II Uroˇs Milutin, ruler of Serbia , –,  Stefan III Uroˇs Deˇcanski, ruler of Serbia  Stefan IV Uroˇs Duˇsan, ruler of Serbia ,  role in civil wars ,  Romanised policies , –, , ,  Stoudites, Theodore, saint   Index Strategopoulos, Alexios, general ,  Syrian church  Tacitus  Tale of Achilles, The  Tatars, see Mongols thelematarioi –, , , ,  Theodora, empress  Theodore Komnenos Doukas, ruler of Epiros , , –, , ,  Theodore I Komnenos Laskaris, emperor of Nikaia , , , , , – Theodore I Palaiologos, despot of Mistra , , –, , ,  Theodore II Laskaris, emperor of Nikaia –, , ,  Hellenism , ,  Theodore II Palaiologos, despot of Mistra  Theodore Palaiologos, marquis of Montferrat , ,  Theophylact, archbishop of Ochrid ,  Thessaloniki ,  Byzantine Roman , , – captured by Normans , , , , , ,  Latin kingdom of , ,  Thucydides ,  Tornikes, George, bishop of Ephesos  Trebizond , , –, –, , ,  Trissakia, church in the Peloponnese ,  Turkomans  Turks, and see Ottoman Turks and Seljuk Turks attacks on the empire ,  as contrasting ethnicity , , , , –, , , , , , ,  mercenary troops , –, , ,  Tzetzes, John, writer  Urban II, pope  Varangian guard , , –, ,  Vasilikoi, brothers from Rhodes –,  Venetian, Venetians, Venice  as contrasting ethnicity , , ,  living in the empire , , , ,  mass arrest , , ,  relationship with the empire , , –, , , ,  role in the Fourth Crusade – territories in the Aegean region , , , , , , , , , , see also Crete and Cyprus Verrhoia, Verrhiotes –, –,  Villehardouin, Geoffrey de, crusader and writer ,  Viterbo, treaty , – Vlachs , ,  Vlakhernae, monastery in the Peloponnese  Voulkano, settlement in the Peloponnese ,  War of Troy, The  William II de Villehardouin, prince of Achaia –, , , , , , , , – campaign and battle of Pelagonia , ,  marriage ,  negotiations with Nikaia –, , , , , ,  Yugoslavia, states of the former ,  Zaraka, Cistercian monastery ,  Zoe, empress  ... at the University of Manchester, Dr Page went on to complete a doctorate at the University of Leeds BEING BYZANTINE Greek identity before the Ottomans GILL PAGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, ... Romans’, and the people of the empire by and large thought of themselves as ‘Romans’ in a   Being Byzantine: Greek identity before the Ottomans usage that survived beyond the term of the empire... –, Nicol : –  Being Byzantine: Greek identity before the Ottomans should have been consolidating and defending the capital The result was that, in the end, the Latin empire of Constantinople

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2020, 19:58