This page intentionally left blank U N D E R S TA N D I N G S PA C E - T I M E This book presents the history of space-time physics, from Newton to Einstein, as a philosophical development reflecting our increasing understanding of the connections between ideas of space and time and our physical knowledge It suggests that philosophy’s greatest impact on physics has come about, less by the influence of philosophical hypotheses, than by the philosophical analysis of concepts of space, time, and motion and the roles they play in our assumptions about physical objects and physical measurements This way of thinking leads to new interpretations of the work of Newton and Einstein and the connections between them It also offers new ways of looking at old questions about a-priori knowledge, the physical interpretation of mathematics, and the nature of conceptual change Understanding Space-Time will interest readers in philosophy, history and philosophy of science, and physics, as well as readers interested in the relations between physics and philosophy r o b e rt d i s a l l e is Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario His publications include a contribution to The Cambridge Companion to Newton (2002) U N D E R S TA N D I N G S PA C E - T I M E The Philosophical Development of Physics from Newton to Einstein RO B E RT D I S A L L E University of Western Ontario cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 2ru, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © Robert DiSalle 2006 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2006 isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-511-16834-5 eBook (EBL) 0-511-16834-9 eBook (EBL) isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-521-85790-1 hardback 0-521-85790-2 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate For my parents, Richard DiSalle and Joan Malinowski DiSalle L’amor del bene, scemo del suo dover, quiritta si ristora Contents List of figures Preface page ix x Introduction Absolute motion and the emergence of classical mechanics 13 2.1 Newton and the history of the philosophy of science 2.2 The revisionist view 2.3 The scientific and philosophical context of Newton’s theory 2.4 The definition of absolute time 2.5 Absolute space and motion 2.6 Newton’s De Gravitatione et aequipondio fluidorum 2.7 The Newtonian program 2.8 “To exhibit the system of the world” 2.9 Newton’s accomplishment 13 15 17 20 25 36 39 47 52 Empiricism and a priorism from Kant to Poincar´e 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 A new approach to the metaphysics of nature Kant’s turn from Leibniz to Newton Kant, Leibniz, and the conceptual foundations of science Kant on absolute space Helmholtz and the empiricist critique of Kant The conventionalist critique of Helmholtz’s empiricism The limits of Poincar´e’s conventionalism The nineteenth-century achievement The origins and significance of relativity theory 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 The philosophical background to special relativity Einstein’s analysis of simultaneity From special relativity to the “postulate of the absolute world” The philosophical motivations for general relativity The construction of curved space-time General relativity and “world-structure” The philosophical significance of general relativity vii 55 56 60 64 66 72 79 86 94 98 99 103 112 120 131 137 149 viii Contents Conclusion 5.1 5.2 Space and time in the history of physics On physical theory and interpretation References Index 153 153 158 163 171 On physical theory and interpretation 159 generates meaningful statements, issues regarding ontology and rationality could fade into insignificance Convinced that science was not inherently more rational than other intellectual pursuits, especially metaphysics, and was no better able to discern the real ontology (the nature of “things in themselves”) underlying the phenomenal world, they credited mathematical physics with a just sense of these limitations, and an implicit grasp of the need to impose some structure on the phenomena – an understanding that the phenomena only constitute a “world” to the extent that we can frame them in some systematic interconnection It was implicitly understood that science could not address previously defined metaphysical questions, or any purely philosophical question about “what there is,” because general metaphysics had never posed such questions in any answerable form For that reason metaphysics was doomed to endless controversy between answers that could claim no more than a subjective plausibility Physics, meanwhile had imposed a conception on the phenomenal world in virtue of which “what there is” could become an empirical question For Kant, what exists is what can be situated in the framework of Euclidean space and Newtonian time, and can be seen to stand in causal interrelationships according to the causal principles defined by Newtonian physics Traditional metaphysics might dispute the right of physics to restrict the question in this way, but it had no convincing alternative way of specifying the question – at least, none that did not implicitly borrow some of its essential content from assumptions about space and time This is why the status of space and time could not be, for Kant, the sort of ontological issue it was for the Newtonians and Leibnizians, or became in the later twentieth century It was an issue concerning physics’ need for a framework within which concepts of substance, force, and causality could be physically meaningful, and play essential roles in a true metaphysics of nature It was an issue for transcendental analysis, not for the endless debate between rival metaphysical hypotheses For the logical positivists, the framework that Kant had thought both sufficient and necessary was revealed to be neither: newer physical theories could comprehend phenomena for which the Newtonian framework was inadequate, and the multiplicity of possible such theories meant that there could be no question of necessity On the contrary, the assignment of an interpretive framework to the phenomena involved a degree of arbitrariness that Kant, for whom the intuitive interpretation of geometry was unique and beyond doubt, could not have imagined Hence the resort to conventionalism, and the conviction that the adoption of any particular interpretive framework must be a matter for pragmatic negotiation rather than theoretical reasoning Yet their approach to metaphysics and 160 Conclusion ontology was, in spirit, the same Frameworks might be arbitrary, but, at least, within their confines, questions about the existence, the nature, and the interconnections of physical things could be so posed that empirical evidence could, in principle, answer them Outside of such a framework, however, such questions could have no real meaning at all, and indeed were properly understood as pseudo-questions Unless it was restricted to the internal ontology fixed by some interpretive framework, metaphysics could only mean a kind of hopeless effort: the effort to answer questions like “what there is,” in a context removed from all possible logical or empirical means of answering it For the positivists as for Kant, in short, true science was distinguished not by rationality, or by rational insight into what lies behind the phenomena, but by knowing what it is talking about – by knowing what questions it can meaningfully ask, and knowing how to judge whether it has found an answer Kant and the positivists thus extended a thought that was always part of classical empiricism, for example in the thought of Berkeley and Hume: that traditional metaphysical controversy takes the question “what is real and what is illusion?,” which makes sense in a certain empirical context, and tries to ask it in a setting in which it makes no sense at all, as a question about the empirical world as a whole – “does the world as it appears resemble the world as it really is?” So traditional metaphysics failed to see that the empirical world itself is the only framework within which such questions can be meaningfully posed But Kant and the positivists saw that the formal principles of science, and especially the principles of space and time, play a more essential role in defining that framework than Berkeley or Hume had ever imagined In fact it is not too much to say that the division between structure and interpretation is, in itself, the greatest obstacle to a clear understanding of the way in which physical theories confront the world of experience When we ask how the principles of a theory are to be interpreted, or how the structure associated with a theory is to be interpreted, we have already lost sight of the genuine content of those principles For the principles are not, after all, purely formal principles in need of interpretation; rather, they are themselves principles of interpretation Newton’s laws, for example, not constitute an empty formal structure; rather they constitute an interpretation of the phenomena of motion – more precisely, they constitute a program to interpret all accelerations as revealing the interplay of forces This is not changed by the fact that we can present the laws in a seemingly abstract way, without considering any particular physical situations or genuine empirical cases Such a presentation may be “sterile,” as Newton says of the proofs in Book I of the Principia (1726 [1999], p 793), but it On physical theory and interpretation 161 does not yield an uninterpreted calculus On the contrary, it is merely the demonstration of the laws’ interpretive scope and power – a demonstration of everything that may follow from interpreting accelerations in this way What follows, above all, is that every acceleration we observe may, at least in principle, reveal something about the nature, the origins, and especially the magnitudes of the physical forces at work Einstein’s definition of simultaneity, similarly, is not a coordinative definition for some mathematical object; it is, rather, an interpretation of simultaneity, an attempt to articulate a conception of simultaneity that reveals its empirical meaning That empirical meaning, moreover, is not merely its translation in an “observation language” or its operational definition, but its interconnections with the empirical principles that we rely upon in theoretical physics Einstein’s use of the equivalence principle is not merely a coordinative definition for the geodesics of an arbitrary Riemannian manifold; it is an interpretation of the geodesics of space-time The question that it begins with is not, what physical significance should we attach to this mathematical object, the geodesic? The question is, rather, how can we distinguish any given motion as a geodesic of space-time? Or, how can we complete the Newtonian project of decomposing an accelerated motion into its inertial and gravitational parts? This interpretive aspect of the laws of physics is the source of their a-priori and seemingly unrevisable character; their actual revisability reflects what a stringent requirement it is upon such a theory, that it be capable of bringing the relevant phenomena within its interpretive grasp Kant had understood this latter point, but the prospect of revision was one that he did not take seriously – precisely because he understood that Newton’s was the only set of principles that had ever provided an interpretation of motions in this stringent sense of the term, and he was unable to conceive of phenomena that those principles could not eventually grasp All of this suggests that there is a great deal of truth in the remark that modern physics, under the influence of Newton, has had to create “its own theory of measurement” (Smith, 2003a) But for the physics of space and time, perhaps this point should be stated even more strongly: in a certain sense, space-time physics is its theory of measurement; it is a program to interpret certain characteristic phenomena as measurements of fundamental dynamical quantities, and then, to interpret mathematical relations among the quantities as expressing physical relations among the phenomena I don’t believe that this last point is affected by the possibility that, in our own time, research into quantum gravity is likely to yield a replacement for general relativity – not only that, but a theory in which 162 Conclusion space-time theory as Newton and Einstein understood it will no longer be fundamental, and some other kind of structure will play the fundamental role in that theory that space-time has played up to now If philosophers and physicists are to make philosophical sense of such a structure, surely they will require a clear understanding – clearer, at any rate, than twentiethcentury philosophy of science was able to achieve – of what the role of space-time structure really was, and how it functioned as a framework for 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Springer-Verlag 170 References (1927) Philosophie der Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften In Oldenburg’s Handbuch der Philosophie Munich and Berlin: Verlag R Oldenburg Will, C (1993) Theory and Experiment in Gravitational Physics, revised edn Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Wilson, C (2002) Newton and celestial mechanics In The Cambridge Companion to Newton, eds I B Cohen and G E Smith Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Index absolute space Section 2.5 passim, Section 3.4 passim inertial frames as replacement for 28–30 Leibniz’s critique of 6, 14, 26–7, 52–3 Mach’s critique of 14, 34–5, 52, 53, 133–4 Newton’s definition of 17–18, 19–20, Figure Newton’s arguments for 16–17, 37–8, 48–50 relationalist arguments against 13–14, 52–3 absolute time Einstein’s critique of Section 4.2 passim, 9, 102–3, 109–11 Leibniz’s critique of 20, 22, 38, 52–3 Mach’s critique of 22–4, 52 Newton’s definition of 17–18, 19–20, 49, Figure Newton’s arguments for Section 2.4 passim, 16–17, 20–21, 38, 49 role in Newtonian mechanics Section 2.4 passim, 108, Figure “absolute versus relational” debate 1–2, 5–6, 7, 13–14, 52–3, 61, 67–8, 70, 149–50 a-priori principles Chapter passim, 8, 59–60, 71, 83–5, Section 3.8 passim, Section 4.6 passim Aristotle 13–14, 41 mechanical explanation, program for 18 metaphysics as foundation for physics 57 space and motion, account of 18–19, 31, 39; Newton’s critique of, and possible Cartesian response 30–1, 32–3, 36, 37, 38–9 space and time substantivalism 38 substance-and-accident, theory of 37, 38 Newton’s critique of 17–20, especially 19–20 vacuum, impossibility of 19 vortex theory of planetary motion 19, 31 Carrier, M 80, 97 Clairaut, A.-C 50, 53 Coffa, A 15, 16, 97 conventionalism Sections 3.6 and 3.7 passim, 23–5, see also Poincar´e Copernicus, N 19, 47 Cotes, R 41 Barbour, J 152 Belot, G 151 Ben-Menachem, Y 97 Berkeley, G 14, 37, 160 Bishop, R 97 Bolzano, B 65 Earman, J 7, 22, 67, 68, 96, 119–20, 151 Eddington, A S 15, 16, Section 4.6 passim Einstein, A 2–3, 5–6, 7, Chapter passim conventionalism 9, 14–15, 102–3 electrodynamics, on 103–5 epistemological views 150–1 Newton’s theory, on 14–15, 35 operationalism 109–11 point-coincidence argument 83 principle and constructive theories 117–20 simultaneity, analysis of 109–11 verificationism 101–2 Eisenstadt, J 149 Carnap, R 9–10, 42 Cartesian physics absolute simultaneity in 20 exposition 18–19 inertia, principle of 27 Leibniz’s critique of 70 D’Alembert 50 Demopoulos, W 12, 77 Descartes, R Section 2.3 passim, Section 2.6 passim, 57 dialectic 2, 42, 45–7 Dingler, H 80 DiSalle, R 53, 54, 97, 151, 152 171 172 Index Ellis, G F R 1489 Eăotvăos, L 122 equivalence principle, see also general relativity 122, 123, 135, Figure Euler, L equal time intervals, definition of 21 Kant, influence on 37, 96 metaphysics and physics, on the relation between 6–7, 50–1, 57, 71 Newtonian mechanics, contributions to 21, 50, 51 Newtonian methodology of 50–1 relationalist views of space, critique of 36–7, 50–1, 61 Flores, F 119–20 Fock, V 53 Friedman, M 56, 58, 71, 88–9, 96, 97, 123 Galileo, G 18, 27, 42–3, 44, 45–7, 122 Galilean relativity 27, 28, 29–30, 31, 104–5 general relativity Sections 4.4–4.7 passim conventionalist view of 102–3, 131 equivalence principle 122–3, Figure empirical tests 149 epistemological argument for 121–2, 124 hole argument relativity of motion 3, 124 space-time geometry 15–16, Figure 7, Figure geometry empiricist and inductivist views of 72–3 Euclidean and non-Euclidean 65, 89–91, 97, Figure 7, Figure physical foundation of 91–2 relativity of 83, 87 space-time 15, 16, 87, 88, 91–2, 97, 112–14, 115, 124, Figure 7, Section 4.6 passim, 11, 15–16, 96, 114–15, 137–41, 142–8 spatial intuition and Section 3.5 passim, 153–4 Geroch, R 151 Goldberg, S 97 Hawking, S 148–9 Hegel, G W F 72 Helmholtz, H Sections 3.5–3.8 passim Hertz, P 72 Hughes, R I G 115–16 Hume, D 160 Huygens, C 14, 28, 32, 41, 42, 52, 61 inertia inertial frames 28–30 general relativity, in 122–3, 124 Newtonian mechanics and 28 special relativity, in Kant, I Sections 3.1–3.5 passim critical philosophy 10–11, 62–4, Sections 3.3 and 3.4 passim Prize Essay 64–5 mathematics, foundations of 64–5, 66, 99 metaphysics and physics, on the relation between 57–8, 59–60, 153–4 space and time as forms of intuition, on 63, 67, 153 space and time in Newtonian physics, on 10–11, 71, 96–7, 153, 156, 159 true and apparent motion, on universal gravitation, on 71–2, 97, 127–8 Klein, F 78 Kuhn, T 3–5, 8–10, 12, 43, 46–7, 53–4, 58–9, 125, 132–3, 136, 149 Lagrange, J L 50 Lange, L 100 Laplace, P S de 50 Leibniz, G W absolute space and time, arguments against 14, 22, 26–7, 52–3 force and inertia, on 27, 28, 61–2 mathematics, foundations of 65–6 metaphysics and physics, on the relation between 57, 59, 60 monadology 60, 61–2, 96 relational theory of space 6, 14, 26–7, 52–3 relational theory of time 20, 22 substance, on 22, 27, 37, 38, 61–2 Lie, S 97 logical positivism conceptual change, on coordinative definitions, on 9, 10 geometry, foundations of 2–3, 16–17, 74, 87 relativity, on 2–3, 5–6, 9–10, 98, 101–2, 103, 110–11, 148, Chapter passim scientific theories, structure and interpretation of 9–10, 23–4, 101–2, Chapter passim Lorentz transformations 112 Lorentz, H A 100–1, 103, 105, 117 Mach, E Einstein, influence on 14–15, 35, 134 inertia, on the nature of 14, 23, 133–4 Newton’s theory, critique of 14, 22–3, 24, 34–5, 52, 53 Magnani, L 97 Malament, D 135 Maxwell, J C 96, 98 Index mechanical philosophy mechanical explanation, on 52–3, 58, 149–50 Newton’s critique of 19–20, 40–2 universal gravitation, arguments against 41, 58 Michelson–Morley experiment 100–1, 104 Mill, J S 72–3 Minkowski, H 115–16, 117 Minkowski space-time 112–14, 115, Figure Misner, C 53, 148–9 Nagel, E 66 Neumann, C G 22–3, 24 Newcombe, S 107 Newton, I Chapter passim absolute rotation 32–4 absolute space 16–18, 19–20, 37–8, 48–50, 112, Figure 3, Figure absolute time 17–18, 19–21, 49, 107–8, 111, Section 2.4 passim, 16–17, 38, Figure 1, Figure Cartesian physics, critique of 17–20, especially 19–20 definitions, use of 16–17, 37–8, 40–2 laws of motion 14, 20, 21, 23, 28, 29, 41, 42, 49, 52, 68–9, Figure methodology 24–5, 42, 46–7, 120, 126–8 misinterpretations of 16–17 substance, on 37, 38, 53 theological beliefs 40 true and apparent motion 17–18 Norton, J 151 Pfister, H 152 Plato 45–6, 73, 82, 85–6 Poincar´e, H Sections 3.6–3.8 passim conventionalism 91–2, 93–4, 97 definitions in disguise 9, 97 electrodynamics 92, 117 group-theoretic account of space 77–8, 87–8 hierarchy of theories 88–9 relativity of motion 92, 93 Russell, controversy with 85, 97 Poisson equation 116, 132 Popper, K 58–9 Ptolemy 47 Riemann, B 1–2, 78–9, 89–91, 97 Roemer, O 107–8 Russell, B 85, 97, 146 scientific revolutions conceptual change in 2, 43, 46–7, 53–4, 125, 132–3, 136, 149, 156–7 incommensurability 3–5 philosophical motivations 3–5, 58–9, 156–7 rationality or irrationality of 3–5, 8–10, 12, 58–9 scientific theories a-priori principles in, see “a-priori principles” principle versus constructive 117–20 revolutions, see scientific revolutions semantic versus syntactic views of 10, 158 Schlick, M 87, 97 simultaneity absolute 20, 106–8, 111 Einstein’s analysis 109–11, 161 relative 115 Sklar, L 67, 96–7 Smith, G 54, 161 special relativity Sections 4.1–4.3 passim Lorentz theory, comparison with 103 Minkowski’s geometric representation 112–14, Figure operationalist view of 109–11 relativity of simultaneity 115 simultaneity, Einstein’s analysis of 109–11 verificationist views of 101–2, 109 Spivak, M 97 Stachel, J 151 Stein, H 16–17, 18, 26, 32, 36–7, 39, 53, 78–9, 97, 112, 135, 152 Synge, J L 53, 148–9 Taylor, E 151 Thomson, J 23, 100, 106–7 Thorne, K 53, 148–9 Torretti, R 7, 12, 97, 152 Trautman, A 53, 135 Truesdell, C 50 Tycho Brahe 19 Van Fraassen, B 83 quantum gravity 161, 162 Quine, W V O Reichenbach, H 5, 53, 97, 101–2 relativity, see Galilean relativity, special relativity, and general relativity 173 Weyl, H 15, Section 4.6 passim Wheeler, J A 53, 148–9, 151 Whitehead, A N 146 Will, C 149 Wilson, C 54 ... presents the history of space- time physics, from Newton to Einstein, as a philosophical development reflecting our increasing understanding of the connections between ideas of space and time and... contribution to The Cambridge Companion to Newton (2002) U N D E R S TA N D I N G S PA C E - T I M E The Philosophical Development of Physics from Newton to Einstein RO B E RT D I S A L L E University of. .. is the history of the philosophy of space and time from Newton to Einstein That history is not usually understood in these terms More commonly, it is identified with the history of the “absolute