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0521823013 cambridge university press descartes a biography mar 2006

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DESCARTES A Biography Ren´e Descartes is best remembered today for writing “I think, therefore I am,” but his main contribution to the history of ideas was his effort to construct a philosophy that would be sympathetic to the new sciences that emerged in the seventeenth century To a great extent he was the midwife to the Scientific Revolution and a significant contributor to its key concepts In four major publications, he fashioned a philosophical system that accommodated the needs of these new sciences and thereby earned the unrelenting hostility of both Catholic and Calvinist theologians, who relied on the scholastic philosophy that Descartes hoped to replace His contemporaries claimed that his proofs of God’s existence, in the Meditations, were so unsuccessful that he must have been a cryptic atheist, and that his discussion of scepticism served mainly to fan the flames of libertinism Descartes died in Stockholm in obscurity but soon became one of the most famous philosophers of the seventeenth century, a status that he continues to enjoy today This is the first biography in English that addresses the full range of Descartes’ interests in theology, philosophy, and the sciences and that traces his intellectual development through his entire career Desmond M Clarke is Professor of Philosophy at the National University of Ireland, Cork He received a D.Litt from the National University of Ireland, was Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, and has been elected to the Royal Irish Academy He is the author of a number of books on Descartes and the seventeenth century, most recently Descartes’s Theory of Mind Descartes A Biography Desmond M Clarke National University of Ireland, Cork cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 2ru, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521823012 © D e s m o n d M C l a r k e 2006 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2006 isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-511-16899-4 eBook (NetLibrary) 0-511-16899-3 eBook (NetLibrary) isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-521-82301-2 hardback 0-521-82301-3 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate Contents Preface and Acknowledgments page vii Note on Texts and References ix Descartes Family Tree x Introduction  A Lawyer’s Education  In Search of a Career (–)  Magic, Mathematics, and Mechanics: Paris, –  A Fabulous World (–)  The Scientific Essays and the Discourse on Method (–)  Retreat and Defence (–)  Metaphysics in a Hornet’s Nest (–)  The French Liar’s Monkey and the Utrecht Crisis  Descartes and Princess Elizabeth  The Principles of Philosophy ()  The Quarrel and Final Rift with Regius  Once More into Battle: The Leiden Theologians ()  Thoughts of Retirement  Death in Sweden v                vi Contents Appendix : Descartes’ Principal Works  Appendix : Places Where Descartes Lived  Notes  Bibliography  Index  Preface and Acknowledgments Those who were best equipped in the past to write a biography of Descartes embarked on the project with great reluctance and explicit apologies This pattern was set by the first major biographer, Adrien Baillet, in the late seventeenth century As he began the task, he had on his desk more original documents by Descartes and his contemporaries than anyone has ever collected since then Nonetheless, he suggested that Chanut, Clerselier, or Legrand would have been a more suitable biographer than himself. Charles Adam was equally hesitant about writing his Life of Descartes (), even though he had just completed editing the eleven-volume edition of Descartes’ works with Paul Tannery ‘In the current state of our knowledge’, he wrote, ‘it will not be possible for a long time to complete such a work properly.’ Adam thought that a good biography would require preparatory studies of philosophical and scientific topics in the early seventeenth century, and more research on those who influenced Descartes and on his personal relations with contemporaries When the late Terry Moore asked me if I were interested in writing a biography of Descartes, I answered too quickly in the affirmative I did not appreciate adequately the unsatisfactory state of Descartes’ correspondence, although I believed that many of the studies that Adam talked about had been done during the past century My colleague in Utrecht, Theo Verbeek, was much better informed about these matters and told me with benevolent kindness that I was a fool! However, he also agreed to compensate as much as possible for my ignorance and temerity by sharing with me his wealth of knowledge about Descartes’ life in the Netherlands, and about the Dutch authors in the seventeenth century who were significant for his biography vii viii Preface and Acknowledgments I am particularly grateful to Theo Verbeek for making available his work in progress on Descartes’ correspondence I also thank Erik-Jan Bos and Theo for reading the first draft of the whole text and for making many valuable suggestions and necessary corrections Dolores Dooley likewise read the full text and made detailed comments Des MacHale and Oliver Ranner read various chapters and offered helpful suggestions Jeroen van de Ven provided information about Helena Jans, and I borrowed extensively from the two-volume bibliography of Descartes’ works prepared by Matthijs van Otegem Letizia Panizza and John Sutton obliged with suggestions and material about the libertines and Digby I consulted colleagues in the Departments of French and Ancient Classics at University College, Cork, for assistance with translations, including Matthew MacNamara, Patrick O’Donovan, and Keith Sithwell, and I am very grateful for their help Most of the research for this book was completed during the – academic year, during which I had a Government of Ireland Senior Fellowship from the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences I am grateful to the council for the financial assistance that made this work possible I also acknowledge financial support from the Arts Faculty, University College, Cork, during the years –, which enabled me to consult material at the Biblioth`eque Nationale, Paris, and at the British Library, London During the past year, I also relied on the professional advice of Charles Shinkwin and David Pearson, each of whom contributed indirectly but significantly to the timely conclusion of this project Cork November  Note on Texts and References Most references to Descartes are to the eleven-volume edition of his Oeuvres, edited by Charles Adam and Paul Tannery, which was subsequently reissued with additions and corrections Although this edition is usually identified in the literature as ‘AT’, I have simplified references by omitting this acronym and by providing only the volume and page numbers Where I refer to alternative editions of Descartes’ works, I use the same style of author/date that is used for other authors I have used the usual prefix, ‘CM’, to refer to the standard edition of Mersenne’s correspondence Some relevant details of Descartes’ correspondence remain uncertain, such as the date or addressee I have followed the tentative suggestions of Adam and Tannery, indicating uncertainty by square brackets, unless the ambiguities have been resolved in Descartes () or elsewhere The notes use the author/date system of reference The corresponding entries in the bibliography refer to the editions that I managed to consult, rather than to first editions Where there are standard English editions of primary texts readily available, I have also provided information on such editions Finally, I have translated into English the titles of all works that are mentioned in the body of the text ix Bibliography  Gassendi, Pierre () Opera Omnia  vols Lyon: Laurentius Anisson Gassendi, Pierre () Disquisitio Metaphysica Latin text, French translation by Bernard Rochot Paris: Vrin [Goulu, Dominique] () Letres de Phyllarque a Ariste Paris: George Verd Gournay, Marie le Jars de () Apology for the Woman Writing and Other Works Edited and translated by Richard Hillman and Colette Quesnel Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press Guez de Balzac, Jean Louis () Lettres de Sieur de Balzac Paris: Toussaint du Bray Guez de Balzac, Jean Louis (a) The Letters of Mounsieur de Balzac Trans ‘W.T.’ London: W Edmonds Guez de Balzac, Jean Louis (b) New Epistles by Mounsieur D’Balzac Trans Richard Baker Knight London: Eglesfield, Crooke and Serger Halliwell, James Orchard, ed () A Collection of Letters Illustrative of the Progress of Science in England from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to That of Charles the Second London: Historical Society of Science Heereboord, Adrianus () Meletemata Philosophica Leiden: Francis Moyard Hobbes, Thomas () The Correspondence Ed Noel Malcolm  vols Oxford: Clarendon Press Huygens, Constantijn () Momenta Desultoria: Poematum Libri XI Ed Caspar Barlaeus Leiden: Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevier Huygens, Constantijn () De Briefwisseling van Constantijn Huygens (–) Ed J A Worp ’s-Gravenhague: M Nijhoff Huygens, Christiaan () Treatise on Light Trans S P Thompson New York: Dover (First ed ) Huygens, Constantijn () The Use and Nonuse of the Organ in the Churches of the United Netherlands Trans Ericka E Smit-Vanrotte New York: Institute of Medieval Music Ignatius of Loyola () The Spiritual Exercises Trans Thomas Corbishley London: Burns and Oates (First ed ) Kepler, Joannes () New Astronomy Trans William H Donahue Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (First ed ) Kepler, Joannes () The Harmony of the World Trans E J Aiton, A M Duncan, and J V Field Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society (First ed ) La Forge, Louis de () Traitt´e de l’esprit de l’homme et de ses facultez et fonctions, et de son union avec le corps Suivant les principes de Ren´e Descartes Paris: T Girard La Forge, Louis de () Treatise on the Human Mind () Trans D M Clarke Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer La Mothe le Vayer, Franc¸ois de () Petit Discours Chrestien de l’Immortalit´e de l’Ame, avec Corollaire, & un Discours Sceptique sur la Musique rd ed Paris: Antoine de Sommaville (First ed ) Lipstorp, Daniel () Specimina Philosophiae Cartesianae Quibus accedit euisdem authoris Copernicus redivivus Leiden: Joannes et Daniel Elsevier  Bibliography Louis de Grenade [Luis Sarria] () La Guide des pecheurs, compos´ee en espagnol par R P F Louis de Geenade, traduite en fran¸cais par N Colin Paris: Le Fizelier Lull, Ramon () Ars brevis illuminati doctoris magistri Raymundi Lull Paris: Aegidius Gorbinus Lull, Ramon () Le fondement de l’artifice universel, de l’illumin´e docteur Raymond Lulle Trans R L sieur de Vassi Paris: Champenois Lull, Ramon () Selected Works of Ramon Llull Edited and translated by Anthony Bonner  vols Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press Melanchthon, Philip () Orations on Philosophy and Education Ed S Kusukawa, trans S F Salazar Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Mersenne, Marin () Quaestiones celeberrimae in genesim, cum accurata textus explicatione Paris: Sebastian Cramoisy Mersenne, Marin () L’Impi´et´e des Deistes, et les plus subtils Libertins d´ecouverte, & refutee par raisons de Th´eologie & de Philosophie  vols Paris: Pierre Billaine Mersenne, Marin () La v´erit´e des Sciences Contre les Septiques ou Pyrrhoniens Paris: Toussainct du Bray Mersenne, Marin (–) Correspondance du P Marin Mersenne, religieux minime Ed C de Waard, R Pintard, R Rochot, and A Beaulieu Paris: Presses Universitaires de France and Editions du CNRS Mill, J S () On Liberty and Other Writings Ed Stefan Collini Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Montaigne, Michel de () The Complete Essays Trans M A Screech London: Penguin (First ed ) Morin, Jean-Baptiste () Famosi et antiqui problematis de telluris motu, vel qiete; hactenus optata solutio Paris: Published by the author Naud´e, Gabriel () Instruction a` la France sur la v´erit´e de l’histoire des Fr`eres de la Roze-Croix Paris: Franc¸ois Iulliot Naud´e, Gabriel () Apologie pour tous les grands personages qui ont est´e faussement soup¸connez de Magie Paris: Franc¸ois Targa Naud´e, Gabriel () The History of Magick by way of Apology for all the Wise Men who have unjustly been reputed Magicians, from the Creation, to the present Age Trans J Davis London: John Streater Pascal, Blaise (–) Oeuvres compl`etes Ed Michel Le Guern  vols Paris: Gallimard ´ Pasquier, Etienne () Le Catechisme des jesuites; un examen de leur doctrine Villefranche: Guillaume Grenier Pasquier, Etienne () The Jesuites Catechisme  Ilkey (Yorkshire) and London: Scolar Press Plemp, Vopiscus Fortunatus () Ophthalmographia sive Tractatio de Oculo nd ed Louvain: Jerome Nemparaeus Porta, John Baptista della () Magiae naturalis libri viginti, in quibus scientiarum naturalium divitiae, & deliciae demonstrantur Hanover: Daniel and David Aubriorum and Clement Schleichius Bibliography  Porta, John Baptista della () Natural Magick by John Baptista Porta, a Neapolitane: in twenty Books wherein are set forth All the Riches and Delights of the Natural Sciences London: Thomas Young and Samuel Speed Poulain de la Barre, Franc¸ois () La Doctrine des protestans sur la libert´e de lire l’Ecriture Sainte, le service divin en langue entendue, l’invocation des saints, le sacrement de l’eucharistie Geneva: Fabri & Barrilot Pr´evot, Jacques, ed () Libertins du XVII e si`ecle, vol  Paris: Gallimard Quintilian, M Fabius () Institutio Oratoria Trans H E Butler  vols London and Cambridge, MA: Heinemann and Harvard University Press Regius, Henricus () Spongia qua eluuntur sordes Animadversionum quas Jacobus Primirosius Doctor Medicus adversus Theses pro Circulatione sanguinis in Academia Ultrajectina disputatas nuper edidit Leiden: W Christiaens for J Maire Regius, Henricus () Physiologia, sive Cognitio sanitatis Tribus disputionibus in Academia Ultrajectina publice proposita Utrecht: Aeg Roman Regius, Henricus () Fundamenta Physices Amsterdam: Louis Elzevier Regius, Henricus () Brevis Explicatio Mentis Humanae, sive animae rationalis: Ubi explicatur, quid sit, & quid esse possit Utrecht: Theodore Ackersdicius Regius, Henricus () The Correspondence between Descartes and Henricus Regius Ed Erik-Jan Bos Utrecht: Zeno Revius, Jacobus () Methodi Cartesianae Consideratio Theologica Leiden: Jerome de Vogel Richeome, Louis () Le Pelerin de Lorete Bordeaux: S Millanges Richeome, Louis () L’Immortalitat´e de l’ame, declaree avec raisons naturelles tesmoignages humains et divins pour la Foy Catholique contre les Athees et Libertins Paris: Nicolas Buon (Rivet, Andrew) () Les dernieres heures de Monsieur Rivet vivant, Ministere de la Parole de Dieu Delf: Arthur Woodward Translated into English by ‘G.L.’ as: The Last Houers of the Right Reverrent Father in God, Andrew Rivet, in his life time Dr and Professour Honorable of Divinity, in the University of Leyden The Hague: Samuel Broun,  Roman Catholic Church () Index librorum prohibitorum Edition authorized by Pope Alexander VII Rome: Holy Office Roth, L () Correspondence of Descartes and Constantijn Huygens – Oxford: Clarendon Press Saint-Evremond, Monsieur de () Oeuvres mesl´ees de Mr de Saint-Evremond nd ed., revised and corrected  vols London: Jacob Tonson (Author also known as Charles de Saint Denis) Saint-Evremond, Monsieur de () Oeuvres de Monsieur de Saint-Evremond, avec la vie de l’auteur par Mr Des Maizeaux  vols Amsterdam: Covens & Mortier Saint-Evremond, Monsieur de () The Works of Monsieur de St Evremond With the Life of the author by Mr Des Maizeaux F.R.S nd ed  vols London: J and J Knapton Sanchez, Jerome () Generalis et admirabilis methodus, ad omnes scientias facilius, et citius addiscendas Tyrasona: Carolus a Lauayen  Bibliography Schoock[ius], Martinus () Admiranda Methodus Novae Philosophiae Renati Des Cartes Utrecht: J van Waesberge Schurman, Anna Maria van () Dissertatio de ingenii mulieribus ad Doctrinam, & meliores litteras aptitudine Leiden: Elzevier Schurman, Anna Maria van () Question celebre S’il est necessaire, ou non, que les Filles soient s¸cavantes Paris: Rolet le Duc Schurman, Anna Maria van () Opuscula Hebraea, Graeca, Latina, Gallica, Prosaica & Metrica nd ed Leiden: Elzevier Schurman, Anna Maria van () The Learned Maid; or, Whether a Maid may be a Scholar? A Logick Exercise Written in Latine by that Incomparable Virgin Anna Maria a` Schurman of Utrecht London: John Redmayne Schurman, Anna Maria van () Eukleria, seu Melioris Partis Electio Altona: Cornelius van der Meulen Schurman, Anna Maria van () Whether a Christian Woman Should Be Educated and Other Writings from Her Intellectual Circle Trans Joyce L Irwin Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press Seneca, Lucius Annaeus () De vita beata Ed Pierre Grimal Paris: Presses Universitaires de France Sextus Empiricus () Outlines of Scepticism Edited and translated by Julia Annas and Jonathan Barnes Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Siger de Brabant () Quaestiones de anima intellectiva In P Mandonnet, ed., Siger de Brabant et l’Averrroisme Latin au XIII`eme Si`ecle, vol  Louvain: Institut Sup´erieur de Philosophie Silhon, Jean de () Les Deux V´erit´es Paris: Fayard (First ed ) Silhon, Jean de () De l’immortalit´e de l’ame Paris: Pierre Billaine 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Albertus, ,  barometers, – Batelier, Jean,  Beaugrand, Jean de, ,  Beaune, Florimond de,  Beeckman, Isaac, –, –, ,  B´erulle, Cardinal, ,  Beverwijck, Johan van,  Bitault, Jean,  Bloemaert, Augustine,  blood-letting, ,  Bourdin, Pierre, , –, , , , , ,  Boyle, Robert, ,  Brahe, Tycho,  Brasset, Henri,  Breda,  Brochard, Jeanne, ,  Brochard, Ren´e, , ,  Bruno, Giordano, , , ,  Buridan, Jean,  Burman, Frans, – Campanella, Tommaso, , , , , –,  Carcavi, Pierre de,  Caterus, Johannes, ,  Caus, Salomon de, –, ,  Caussin, Nicolas,  Cavendish, Charles, , , ,  Cavendish, William (Marquess of Newcastle), , , ,  certainty absolute,  moral,  Chanut, Pierre, –, –, –, – Charles I, , ,  Charlet, Etienne, , ,  Charron, Pierre, , ,  Chˆatellerault, ,  chemistry, study of, ,  Christina, queen of Sweden, –, –, ,  Cicero, Marcus Tullius,  Clauberg, Johannes, ,  Claves, Etienne de,  Clavius, Christopher,  Clerselier, Claude, , , ,  Clopper, Jacob,  Cohen, Gustave,    Index Colvius, Andreas, ,  conditioning, – confirmation, of theories, , – Copernicus, Nicholas, ,  Coton, Pierre,  Council of Trent, , , ,  Courc¸elles, Etienne de,  critics, invitation to, – Cromwell, Oliver, ,  d’Albert, Louis Charles,  Dee, John, ,  Della Porta, John Battista, ,  Descartes, Francine (Fransintge), –, , ,  Descartes, Jeanne, , ,  Descartes, Joachim, ,  Descartes, Pierre, , , , ,  Descartes, Ren´e baptism,  birth,  condemnation by Rome, – death, – dreams, – Dutch, knowledge of,  mathematics, –, –,  metaphysics, –, –, – reburial in Paris, – reclusiveness, , , , –, , ,  religious education,  religious practice, – residences Alkmaar,  Amsterdam, ,  Deventer,  Egmond,  Egmond-Binnen,  Endegeest,  Franeker, – Leiden, , ,  Paris,  Utrecht,  royal pension,  travel Denmark (),  Germany (),  Italy (),  Paris (), – Paris (), – Paris (), – Sweden, – United Provinces (),  United Provinces (),  works Apologetic Letter, ,  Compendium of Music, –,  Comments on a Certain Manifesto,  Conversation with Burman, – Description of the Human Body,  Dioptics, – Discourse on Method, – Geometry, – Geometry (Latin version),  Letter to Father Dinet, , – Letter to Voetius, – Meditations, – Meditations (French edition), – Meteors, – Olympics Passions of the Soul, , , –,  Principles of Philosophy, –, –, –, – Principles of Philosophy (French version), – Rules for Guiding One’s Intelligence, ,  Specimens of Philosophy,  The World, –, , , – Treatise on Man, , – Desmarets, Samuel,  Desmarets, Henri,  Digby, Kenelm, , –, – Dinet, Jacques, , –,  Dordrecht (Dort), Synod of, ,  Du Ban, Franc¸ois,  Edict of Nantes, ,  Elizabeth, princess of Bohemia, , –, – Erasmus, Desiderius, – eucharist (transubstantiation), , , , –, ,  Eustace of St Paul, , ,  explanation, nature of, , , ,  fable (hypotheses as a), ,  Fabri, Honor´e,  fate, – Index Fermat, Pierre, , –,  Ferrand, Claude, , ,  Ferrand, Jean, ,  Ferrand, Michel, , ,  Ferrier, Jean, , –,  Ficino, Marsilio,  Fludd, Robert,  Forcarini, Paolo Antonio,  forms, ,  Fournet, Franc¸ois,  Francis de Sales, Saint,  Franc¸ois, Jean, , ,  free will, –,  freedom of conscience,  Freinsheim, Johann, ,  Froidmont, Libert (Fromondus, Libertus), – Fronde,  Gadroys, Claude,  Galilei, Galileo, , , , –, , , , , , , ,  Garasse, Franc¸ois,  Gassendi, Pierre, , , –, ,  Genesis, book of,  Geulincx, Arnold,  Gibieuf, Guillaume, , ,  Gillot, Jean, ,  Giorgi, Franceso,  Golius, Jacobus, ,  Gomarus, Franciscus,  Gournay, Marie de, ,  Graswinckel, Dirck,  Grotius, Hugo,  Guez de Balzac, Jean Louis, , , , ,  Harvey, William,  Heereboord, Adriaan, –, ,  heliocentrism, , ,  Henry III,  Henry IV, – Herbert, Edward,  ’s-Hertogenbosch, , – Hobbes, Thomas, –,  Hogelande, Cornelis van, , ,  Hooke, Robert,  Hoolck, Gisbertus van der,  Hortensius, Martinus, ,  Huygens, Christiaan,   Huygens, Constantijn, ,  Huygens, Susanna,  Ibn Rushd (Averroes), ,  idea,  Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Spiritual Exercises, –, ,  Index of Forbidden Books,  inertia, principle of,  intentional species, , – Jacobs, Meeus, – Jansdr vander Strom, Helena, –, ,  Jansenism,  Jansenius, Cornelius,  Jesuits, , , – John of the Cross, Saint,  Kelley, Edward,  Kepler, Johannes, , , , ,  Kircher, Athanasius, ,  La Fl`eche, – la Forge, Louis de,  La Haye (Descartes),  La Mothe le Vayer, Franc¸ois,  La Rochelle, siege of, – Labadie, Jean de, ,  Lallemant, Louis,  Lateran Council, , ,  laws of nature, , , ,  Le Grand, Antoine,  Legrand, Jean-Baptiste,  lens grinding,  light, speed of,  logic, study of,  Longomontanus, Christianus (Christian Sorensen),  Loon, Henricus van,  Loreto, – love, nature of, – Lull, Ramon, , – Mabillon, Jean,  Machiavelli, Niccolo,  magic, , ,  Magno, Valeriano,  Maier, Michael,  Martin of Tours, Saint,  mathematics, –, –  Index mathesis universalis,  Matthaeus, Antonius,  Maurits of Nassau, ,  mechanical world, – medical advice, – Melanchthon, Philip,  Mersenne, Marin, , , , , , –, , , – Mesland, Denis, , ,  metaphysics, ,  Metius, Adriaan,  Mill, John Stuart,  Moli`ere, J.-B P de,  Montaigne, Michel de, , –, ,  Montfaucon, Bernard de,  morality, rules of,  More, Henry, – Morin, Anne,  Morin, Jean-Baptiste, , , , –,  Musson, Pierre,  Mydorge, Claude,  Naud´e, Gabriel, ,  Newcastle, marquis of, see Cavendish, William Nicholas of Cusa, , Nicole, Pierre, Noăel, Etienne, , , , , – objections (invited), – Osiander, Andreas,  Pappus, , ,  parhelia,  parlement, – Pascal, Blaise, , –, ,  ´ Pascal, Etienne,  Pascal, Gilberte,  Pascal, Jacqueline,  Pasquier, Etienne,  passions (emotions), –, –,  Pepys, Samuel,  perception, theory of,  P´erier, Florin, , ,  Petau, Denis,  Petit, Pierre,  Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni,  Picot, Claude, , , , , , , , , , ,  plague, , , , , ,  plants, study of,  Plemp, Vopiscus Fortunatus, , ,  Poisson, Nicholas-Joseph, ,  Pomponazzi, Pietro,  popular revolts,  Primrose, James,  privilege (for publication), –,  Proust, Jeanne, ,  Pucci, Francisco,  Puy-de-Dˆome, ,  pyrrhonism, – qualities, ,  Quintilian,  Quintilian, M Fabius, – Raey, Johannes de, ,  rainbow, explanation of, – Ramus, Peter,  Ravaillac, Franc¸ois,  reason, natural light of,  refraction, sine law of,  R´egis, Pierre-Sylvain,  Regius, Henricus, , , –, , –, – A Brief Explanation of the Human Mind,  Explanation of the Human Mind,  Physical Foundations, –,  religious freedom,  Reneri, Henri (Henricus), , –, , , , – Reuchlin, Johannes,  Revius, Jacobus, , ,  revolts,  rhetoric, study of,  Richeome, Louis, , – Rivet, Andr´e,  Rivet, Jacques,  Roberval, Gilles Personne de, , , –, –,  Rohault, Jacques, , ,  Rosicrucians, – Rudolph II, – Sain, Jeanne, , ,  Sain, Ren´e,  Sanchez, Jerome, ,  Index Scheiner, Christopher,  Schoock, Martinus, , , –, –,  Schooten, Frans van (father),  Schooten, Frans van (son),  Schurman, Anna Maria van, , –, ,  Schuyl, Florentius,  S´eguier, Pierre,  Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, – sensations, internal,  Sergeant, Jacob Thomasz,  Servien, Abel,  Sextus Empiricus,  Silhon, Jean, , , , –,  Snellius, Willebrord, ,  Soarez, Cyprian,  Sorbonne approval from, – dedication to,  soul immortality of, –,  union with body, , –,  Spinula, Stefano,  spirits, – St Bartholomew’s Day,  Stampioen, Johann,  Stevin, Simon,  Stuart, Adam, ,  Syllabus of Studies,  Teresa of Avila, Saint,  theatre, study of,  Torricelli, Evangelista,  Trigland, Jacob,  Tartaglia, Agostino,  Tasso, Tarquato,  Zarlino, Gioseffo,  Zurck, Antony Studler van,   University of Franaker,  University of Leiden, , – University of Paris,  University of Poitiers, – vacuum,  Vanini, Giulio Cesare (Lucilio), –, , , –, , ,  Vatier, Antoine, , , ,  Viau, Th´eophile de,  Vi`ete, Franc¸ois, ,  ´ Ville-Bressieux, Etienne de, , ,  Villon, Antoine,  Voetius, Gisbertus, , , –,  organ music, ,  Selected Theological Disputations,  Vorstius, Adolphus,  Vossius, Gerard,  Waessenaer, Jacob van,  Wassenaer, Petrus,  Wevelinchoven, Jan van,  White, Thomas, , – women’s education,  ... (who later acquired the same post as his father) and a daughter called Anne. Descartes probably lived with his maternal grandmother for at least two years, or as long as his local nurse was feeding... offices in France increased significantly. Although Descartes paternal grandfather was a medical doctor, as was his paternal grandmother’s father, Jean Ferrand I, most of his other ancestors... Descartes as having exaggerated the significance and capacity of reason at the expense of the emotional life For them, Descartes was a mere ‘rationalist’ Descartes life reveals a much more complex and

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2020, 19:35