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MMMM This page intentionally left blank James Watt’s historically grounded account of Gothic fiction takes issue with received accounts of the genre as a stable and continuous tradition Charting its vicissitudes from Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto to Scott’s Waverley novels, Watt shows the Gothic to have been a heterogeneous body of fiction, characterized at times by antagonistic relations between various writers or works Drawing on diverse archival materials, he describes the various kinds of classification of Gothic fiction made by writers and readers of the time Central to Watt’s argument about the writing and reception of these works is a nuanced understanding of their political import: he discusses Walpole’s attempt to forge an aristocratic identity, the loyalist affiliations of many neglected works of the s, the subversive reputation of The Monk, and the ways in which Radcliffean romance proved congenial to conservative critics Watt concludes by looking ahead to the fluctuating critical status of Scott and the Gothic, and examines the process by which the Gothic came to be defined as a monolithic tradition, in a way that continues to exert a powerful hold James Watt is a Junior Research Fellow at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge MMMM       CONTESTING THE GOTHIC     General editors Professor Marilyn Butler University of Oxford Professor James Chandler University of Chicago Editorial board John Barrell, University of York Paul Hamilton, University of London Mary Jacobus, Cornell University Kenneth Johnston, Indiana University Alan Liu, University of California, Santa Barbara Jerome McGann, University of Virginia David Simpson, University of California, Davis This series aims to foster the best new work in one of the most challenging fields within English literary studies From the early s to the early s a formidable array of talented men and women took to literary composition, not just in poetry, which some of them famously transformed, but in many modes of writing The expansion of publishing created new opportunities for writers, and the political stakes of what they wrote were raised again by what Wordsworth called those ‘great national events’ that were ‘almost daily taking place’: the French Revolution, the Napoleonic and American wars, urbanization, industrialization, religious revival, an expanded empire abroad and the reform movement at home This was a literature of enormous ambition, even when it pretended otherwise The relations between science, philosophy, religion and literature were reworked in texts such as Frankenstein and Biographia Literaria; gender relations in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman and Don Juan; journalism by Cobbett and Hazlitt; poetic form, content and style by the Lake School and the Cockney School Outside Shakespeare studies, probably no body of writing has produced such a wealth of response or done so much to shape the responses of modern criticism This indeed is the period that saw the emergence of those notions of ‘literature’ and of literary history, especially national literary history, on which modern scholarship in English has been founded The categories produced by Romanticism have also been challenged by recent historicist arguments The task of the series is to engage both with a challenging corpus of Romantic writings and with the changing field of criticism they have helped to shape As with other literary series published by Cambridge, this one will represent the work of both younger and more established scholars, on either side of the Atlantic and elsewhere For a complete list of titles published see end of book CO NT ES TIN G T HE G OTHI C Fiction, Genre and Cultural Conflict, – J AM ES WA T T           The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom    The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Ruiz de Alarcón 13, 28014 Madrid, Spain Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa http://www.cambridge.org © James Watt 2004 First published in printed format 1999 ISBN 0-511-03623-X eBook (Adobe Reader) ISBN 0-521-64099-7 hardback For my parents MMMM  Bibliography Review of English Studies  (), – Gilpin, William, Observations on the River Wye, and Several Parts of South Wales, & c., Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty; Made in the Summer of the Year , Oxford: Woodstock,  Godwin, William, Caleb Williams, ed David McCracken, Oxford University Press,  Damon and Delia, Italian Letters, Imogen, ed Pamela Clemit, Collected Novels and Memoirs of William Godwin, ed Mark Philp,  vols., London: William Pickering, ,  Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on Modern Morals and Happiness, ed Isaac Kramnick, Harmondsworth: Penguin,  St Leon, ed Pamela Clemit, Oxford University Press,  Goldsmith, Oliver, ‘Letter to the Editor of Lloyd’s Evening Post’, Collected Works of Oliver Goldsmith, ed Arthur Friedman,  vols., Oxford: Clarendon Press, , , – Gonda, Caroline, Reading Daughters’ Fictions –: Novels and Society from Manley to Edgeworth, Cambridge University Press,  Grosse, C F A., Horrid Mysteries, trans P Will,  vols in one, London: Robert Holden,  Guest, Harriet, ‘The Wanton Muse: Politics and Gender in Gothic Theory after ’, Beyond Romanticism: New Approaches to Texts and Contexts – , ed Stephen Copley and John Whale, London: Routledge, , pp.– Haining, Peter (ed.), Great British Tales of Terror: Gothic Stories of Horror and Romance –, Harmondsworth: Penguin,  Harley, Mary, St Bernard’s Priory; An Old English Tale,  vols., New York: Arno Press,  Hayden, John O (ed.), Scott: The Critical Heritage, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,  Hazlitt, William, Lectures on English Poets and The Spirit of the Age, London: Dent,  Lectures on the English Comic Writers and Fugitive Writings, London: Dent,  Selected Writings, ed Ronald Blythe, Harmondsworth: Penguin,  Hill, Christopher, ‘The Norman Yoke’, Puritanism and Revolution: Studies in Interpretation of the English Revolution of the Seventeenth Century, rpt., Harmondsworth: Penguin, , – Hogle, Jerrold E., ‘The Ghost of the Counterfeit in the Genesis of the Gothic’, Gothick Origins and Innovations, ed Allan Lloyd Smith and Victor Sage, Amsterdam: Rodopi, , – Howard, Jacqueline, Reading Gothic Fiction: A Bakhtinian Approach, Oxford: Clarendon Press,  Howells, C A., Love, Mystery, and Misery: Feeling in Gothic Fiction, London: Athlone Press,  Hume, Robert D., ‘Gothic Versus Romantic: A Revaluation of the Gothic Novel’, PMLA  (), – Bibliography  Hurd, Richard, Moral and Political Dialogues; With Letters on Chivalry and Romance,  vols., Farnborough: Gregg International,  Hutton, Richard, Sir Walter Scott, London,  Jackson, J R de J (ed.), Coleridge: The Critical Heritage, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,  Jackson, Rosemary, Fantasy: the Literature of Subversion, London: Methuen,  Jacobus, Mary, Tradition and Experiment in Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads, Oxford: Clarendon Press,  Janowitz, Anne, England’s Ruins: Poetic Purpose and the National Landscape, Oxford: Basil Blackwell,  Jeffrey, Francis, Contributions to the Edinburgh Review, London,  Johnson, Claudia, Jane Austen: Women, Politics, and the Novel, University of Chicago Press,  Kavanagh, Julia, English Women of Letters: Biographical Sketches,  vols., London,  Keats, John, The Letters of John Keats, ed Maurice Buxton Forman, rd edn, London: Oxford University Press,  Kelley, Theresa, Wordsworth’s Revisionary Aesthetics, Cambridge University Press,  Kelly, Gary, English Fiction of the Romantic Period –, London: Longman,  ‘The Limits of Genre and the Institution of Literature: Romanticism between Fact and Fiction’, Romantic Revolutions: Criticism and Theory, ed Kenneth R Johnston and others, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, , – Women, Writing, and Revolution –, Oxford University Press,  Kelly, Isabella, The Abbey of St Asaph: A Novel,  vols., New York: Arno Press,  Kerr, James, Fiction against History: Scott as Storyteller, Cambridge University Press,  Ketton-Cremer, R W., Horace Walpole: A Biography, rd edn, London: Methuen,  Kiely, Robert, The Romantic Novel in England, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,  Klancher, Jon, The Making of the English Reading Audiences –, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press,  Kliger, Samuel, The Goths in England: A Study in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Thought, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,  Kotzebue, August von, Lovers’ Vows, adapted by Elizabeth Inchbald, Oxford: Woodstock,  Langford, Paul, A Polite and Commercial People: England –, Oxford University Press,  Lathom, Francis, The Midnight Bell, A German Story, Founded on Incidents in Real Life, London: Skoob Books,  Leavis, Q D., Fiction and the Reading Public, London: Chatto & Windus,   Bibliography Lee, Sophia, The Recess; or, A Tale of Other Times,  vols., New York: Arno Press,  Lennox, Charlotte, The Female Quixote, ed Margaret Dalziel, Oxford University Press,  Le Tellier, Robert Ignatius, Kindred Spirits: Interrelations and Affinities Between the Romantic Novels of England and Germany (), Institut fuăr Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universitaăt Salzburg, Levinson, Marjorie, and others, Rethinking Historicism Critical Readings in Romantic History, Oxford: Basil Blackwell,  Lewis, Matthew, The Castle Spectre, Oxford: Woodstock,  The Monk: A Romance, ed Howard Anderson, Oxford University Press,  Lewis, W S., Horace Walpole’s Library, Cambridge University Press,  Horace Walpole: The A W Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, , New York: Pantheon,  Lockhart, J G., Lockhart’s Literary Criticism, ed M Clive Hildyard, Oxford: Basil Blackwell,  Lonsdale, Roger (ed.), Thomas Gray and William Collins: Poetical Works, Oxford University Press,  Lovell, Terry, Consuming Fiction, London: Verso,  Luka´cs, Georg, The Historical Novel, trans Hannah and Stanley Mitchell, Harmondsworth: Penguin,  McAndrew, Elizabeth, The Gothic Tradition in Fiction, New York: Columbia University Press,  Macaulay, James, The Gothic Revival –, Glasgow: Blackie,  McCalman, Iain, Radical Underworld: Prophets, Revolutionaries, and Pornographers in London, –, Cambridge University Press,  McCarthy, Michael, The Origins of the Gothic Revival, New Haven: Yale University Press,  McCormack, W J., ‘Irish Gothic and After (–)’, The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing, ed Seamus Deane,  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Walpole and the English Novel: A Study of the Influence of the Castle of Otranto –, Oxford: Blackwell,  Miles, Robert, Ann Radcliffe: The Great Enchantress, Manchester University Press,  Gothic Writing: A Genealogy –, London: Routledge,  Millgate, Jane, Scott’s Last Edition: A Study in Publishing History, Edinburgh University Press,  More, Hannah, Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education,  vols., New York: Garland,  Mowl, Timothy, Horace Walpole: The Great Outsider, London: John Murray,  Murphy, Peter, Poetry as an Occupation and an Art in Britain –, Cambridge University Press,  Nairn, Tom, The Enchanted Glass: Britain and Its Monarchy, London: Radius,  Napier, Elizabeth, The Failure of Gothic: Problems of Disjunction in an EighteenthCentury Literary Form, Oxford: Clarendon Press,  Newman, Gerald, The Rise of English Nationalism: A Cultural History –, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson,  Parreaux, Andre´, The Publication of the Monk: A Literary Event –, Paris: Librairie Marcel Didier,  Parsons, Coleman O., Witchcraft and Demonology in Scott’s Fiction, Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd,  Paulson, Ronald, Representations of Revolution –, New Haven: Yale University Press,  Peacock, T L., Essays, Memoirs, Letters & Unfinished Novels, The Halliford Edition of the Works of Thomas Love Peacock, ed H F B Brett-Smith and C E Jones,  vols., London: Constable, –, vol  Peardon, Thomas Preston, The Transition in English Historical Writing –, New York: Columbia University Press,  Peck, Louis F., A Life of Matthew G Lewis, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,  Pocock, J G A., The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law: A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century, nd edn, Cambridge University Press,  Virtue, Commerce, and History: Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century, Cambridge University 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ed James Trainer, Oxford University Press,  Roberts, Marie, Gothic Immortals: The Fiction of the Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross, London: Routledge,  Robertson, Fiona, Legitimate Histories: Scott, Gothic, and the Authorities of Fiction, Oxford: Clarendon Press,  Rogers, Deborah D (ed.), The Critical Response to Ann Radcliffe, Westport: Greenwood Press,  Roper, Derek, Reviewing before the Edinburgh –, London: Methuen,  Sabor, Peter (ed.), Horace Walpole: The Critical Heritage, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,  Sade, D A F., Marquis de, The  Days of Sodom and Other Writings, trans Austryn Wainhouse and Richard Seaver, London: Arrow Books,  Sadleir, Michael, The Northanger Novels: A Footnote to Jane Austen, Oxford University Press,  Sage, Victor (ed.), The Gothick Novel: A Casebook, London: Macmillan,  Saintsbury, George, The English Novel, London: J M Dent,  Schaffer, Simon, ‘Natural Philosophy and Public Spectacle in the Eighteenth 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Sutherland, John, The Life of Walter Scott, Oxford: Basil Blackwell,  Sutherland, Kathryn, ‘Fictional Economies: Adam Smith, Walter Scott and the Nineteenth-Century Novel’, ELH  (), – Tales of Terror from Blackwood’s Magazine, ed Robert Morrison and Chris Baldick, Oxford University Press,  Teuthold, Peter, The Necromancer: or, The Tale of the Black Forest: Founded on Facts: Translated from the German of Lawrence Flammenberg, London: Skoob Books,  Tompkins, J M S., ‘James White, Esq: A Forgotten Humourist’, Review of English Studies  (), – The Popular Novel in England –, London: Methuen,   Bibliography Trumpener, Katie, Bardic Nationalism: The Romantic Novel and the British Empire, Princeton University Press,  Ty, Eleanor, Unsex’d Revolutionaries: Five Women Novelists of the s, University of Toronto Press,  Varma, Devendra, The Gothic Flame, Being a History of the Gothic Novel in England: Its Origins, Efflorescence, Disintegration, and Residuary Influences, London: Arthur Barker,  Walpole, Horace, The Castle of Otranto, ed W S Lewis, Oxford University Press,  The Castle of Otranto and Hieroglyphic Tales, ed Robert Mack, London: Dent,  Memoirs of King George II, ed John Brooke,  vols., New Haven: Yale University Press,  The Yale Edition of the Correspondence of Horace Walpole, ed W S Lewis and others,  vols., New Haven: Yale University Press, – Warner, Richard, Netley Abbey: A Gothic Story,  vols., New York: Arno Press,  Waswo, Richard, ‘Story as Historiography in the Waverley Novels’, ELH  (), – Watt, Ian, The Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding, London: Chatto & Windus,  Williams, Ioan (ed.), The Novel and Romance –: A Documentary Record, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,  Wilt, Judith, Ghosts of the Gothic: Austen, Eliot, and Lawrence, Princeton University Press,  Secret Leaves: The Novels of Sir Walter Scott, University of Chicago Press,  Wollstonecraft, Mary, Mary and The Wrongs of Woman, ed Gary Kelly, Oxford University Press,  Wordsworth, William, Poetical Works, ed T Hutchinson, nd edn rev E De Selincourt, Oxford University Press,  Index Aberdeen Magazine,  Addison, Joseph,  Age, The,  Aikin, John and Anna,  Alfred the Great, –,  Ames, Dianne S., – Analytical Review, , ,  Ancient Constitution, the, see Gothic Anderson, Benedict, , n., n. ‘Anser Pen-Drag-On, Esq’, ,  Antijacobin Review,  Anti-Jacobin Review, –,  Austen, Jane, , ,  Northanger Abbey, , , , , , , n. Bage, Robert, n. Baldick, Chris,  Ballin, Rosetta, – Bann, Stephen, ,  Barbauld, Anna, ,  Baron-Wilson, Margaret, ,  Barruel, Abbe´,  Beckford, William, , , , , , , n., n., n. Bentham, Jeremy, , n. Biographica Dramatica,  Bird, John,  Birkhead, Edith, , –, n. Bisset, Robert, –,  Blackstone, William, ,  Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, , –, n., n. Blake, William, – Blakey, Dorothy, ,  Bonhote, Elizabeth, – Bourdieu, Pierre, n. Brewer, John,  British Critic, , –, , , –,  British Review, ,  Brown, David,  Brunton, Mary, Buchan, John, n. Bunn, James H., Buărger, Gottfried August, – Burke, Edmund, , , , , ,  Butler, Marilyn, ,  Cannadine, David,  Canning, George,  Carlyle, Thomas, , – Carter, Elizabeth,  Cartwright, John, ,  Castles, see Gothic Chambers, Robert,  Chandler, Alice,  Chard, Chloe,  Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, th Earl, ,  Clemit, Pamela, , Clery, E J., –n., n., n. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, –, , , –, –, , , , , ,  Colley, Linda,  Collins, William,  Conger, Syndy,  Conway, Henry, ,  Cottle, Joseph: Alfred, – Cottom, Daniel, n. Critical Review, , , , , , –, , ,  Cullen, Stephen,  Cumberland, Richard,  Curties, T J Horsley,  Dacre, Charlotte,  Darnton, Robert, n. Days of Chivalry,  Dickinson, H T.,  D’Israeli, Isaac, ,  Drake, Nathan, , , ,  Duff, William, ,    Index Duncan, Ian, , , , , , , n., n., n. Dunlop, John, , ,  Durant, David S.,  Dutton, Thomas, – Eastlake, Charles, –, – Edinburgh Review, , , , , , , , , ,  ‘Epistle in Rhyme to M G Lewis’, ,  European Magazine,  Fenwick, Eliza, , n. Ferris, Ina, , , , , n., n. Fielding, Henry,  Foord, Archibald S.,  Fox, Joseph,  Fraser’s Magazine,  Gentleman’s Magazine, , , –, , , n., n. German literature, ballads, , , – drama, –, –, – imitations, ,  initial popularity, , – market-responsiveness, – revolutionary associations, , –, , – romances, –,  Gibbon, Edward,  Gillray, James,  Gilpin, William, ,  Godwin, William, –, , , n. Imogen, – Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, ,  Goldsmith, Oliver,  Gonda, Caroline, n. Gothic, ancestry, –, , –,  see also Loyalism castles, , , , –, , , –, ,  constitution, , , , , n. ‘modern’ architecture, –,  poetic resources, –, –, , ,  pseudo-historical period, , , , , , , ,  radical redefinition, – Gothic romance, and German literature, – Irish, , , n. Loyalist, –, –, , , –, –, , , , , , ,  origins, –, – see also Walpole transgressive reputation, , , ,  see also Lewis see Lewis, Radcliffe, Reeve, Scott, and Walpole Grant, Anne, – Gray, Thomas, , , , , ,  Grosse, C F A.: Horrid Mysteries, ,  Guest, Harriet,  Hamilton, Count Anthony, ,  Hayley, William,  Hazlitt, William, , , ,  Herder, J G.,  Hill, Christopher,  Historical romance, , –, , –, , , , , – see also Loyalist Gothic romance and Reeve Hogg, James, ,  Hogle, Jerrold, n. Hole, Richard,  Howard, Jacqueline, , , , ,  Howells, Coral Ann,  Hunt, Leigh,  Hurd, Richard, , , , , , , , , , , ,  Hutton, Richard, , n. ‘Impartial Strictures’,  Inchbald, Elizabeth,  James, Henry,  Jeffrey, Francis, , , ,  Johnson, Claudia, –, n. Johnson, Samuel, ,  Kavanagh, Julia, – Keats, John,  Kelley, Theresa,  Kelly, Gary, , , , , , n., n. Kerr, James, ,  Klancher, Jon,  Kliger, Samuel,  Kotzebue, August von, , , ,  Ladies’ Monthly Museum,  Lamb, Charles,  Lane, William, see Minerva Press Langhorne, John,  Lathom, Francis,  Leavis, Q D., ,  Lee, Sophia: Recess, , –, , –,  Leland, Thomas: Longsword, ,  Lennox, Charlotte,  Letters to Richard Heber, ,  Index Lewis, Matthew, and authorial profile, , , –, , –, , , , , , , n. and controversy, –, – defiance of critics, – ‘genius’, , – German literature, , –, –, ,  influence, , n. politics, –, – romance, –, , ,  sensibility, , –,  supernatural agency, , , –, –,  transgressive reputation, , –, , – WORKS Adelgitha, – Adelmorn the Outlaw, ,  Bravo of Venice,  Castle Spectre, , –, n. Monk, , , –, , , –, –, – Lewis, W S.,  Literary Memoirs of Living Authors of Great Britain,  Lockhart, J G., , , , ,  Loyalism, – see also Loyalist Gothic romance Luka´cs, Georg, ,  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, , ,  McCarthy, Michael,  McGann, Jerome,  McKendrick, Neil,  Mackenzie, Henry,  Macpherson, James,  Mann, Horace,  Mathias, T J., , , , , , ,  Maturin, Charles, , , , , , n. Miles, Robert, , , –n., n. Minerva Press, the, , , , , –, ,  Modern Anecdote of the Ancient Family of the Kinkvervankotsdarsprakengotchderns,  Monthly Magazine,  Monthly Mirror, , ,  Monthly Review, , , , , , , , , , , ,  Monthly Visitor,  More, Hannah, , n. More Wonders!,  Mort Castle, – Mowl, Timothy,  Murphy, Peter, ,  Murray, Hugh, ,  Napier, Elizabeth, , , ,  Newman, Gerald,  New Monthly Magazine, , , , , –  Ogilvie, John,  Parreaux, Andre´, , ,  Parsons, Eliza,  Patriotism, –, – see also Loyalism Paulson, Ronald,  Peacock, Thomas Love, , , , n. Percy, Thomas,  Pinkerton, John, ,  Pocock, J G A.,  Polwhele, Richard, –,  The Old English Gentleman, – Poovey, Mary, ,  Pownall, Thomas,  Preston, William, – Price, Richard,  Punter, David, , ,  Pye, Henry James, – Alfred, – Quarterly Review, , , – Radcliffe, Ann, and anachronism, –,  and authorial profile, – conservative praise, , , –, –, –, – female Gothic, –, – the heroine, , , – Lewis, , –, – politics, , , –, n. qualified praise of, –,  regulatory strategies, , – romance, , , –, , , –, , , ,  sensibility, , , , ,  supernatural agency, –, –, , , –,  WORKS Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne,  Gaston de Blondeville, –, – Italian, , , , , , –,  Journey Made in the Summer of , , n. Mysteries of Udolpho, , , , , , –, –, , , –, ,  Romance of the Forest, , , ,  Sicilian Romance, , –, , , ,  Railo, Eino,  Ranke, Leopold von,  Recipe-satires, , – Reeve, Clara, and historical romance, , , ,  Loyalist Gothic, , –, , , ,   Index politics, , –, n. romance, –, – supernatural agency, – Walpole, , , –, , , – WORKS Memoirs of Sir Roger De Clarendon, –,  Old English Baron, –, , , , –, , , –, , , , , , , ,  Progress of Romance, ,  Richards, George,  Robertson, Fiona,  Robinson, Henry Crabb,  Robison, John,  Romance, , , , , –, , –, , , n. see also Gothic romance, Historical romance, Lewis, Radcliffe, Reeve, Scott, and Walpole literary nationalism, , –,  and market for, , , , , – see also German literature and Minerva Press Rovers, The,  Sade, D A F., Marquis de,  St Godwin,  Saintsbury, George, ,  Satirist,  Schiller, Friedrich, , , , , ,  Scots Magazine,  Scott, Walter, and Abbotsford,  antiquarianism,  authorial profile, , –, –, – early career, , – framing material, –, –, –,  Gothic romance, , – Lewis, ,  Maturin, ,  Radcliffe, , , , , , –, ,  Reeve, ,  romance, –, –, , , , , , –, , ,  success of Waverley novels, , –, – supernatural agency, , , , , –, , –, , , , – synthesis of history and romance, –, –, –,  Walpole, , , – waning reputation, – WORKS Antiquary, , –, n. Bride of Lammermoor, – ‘Essay on Imitations of the Ancient Ballad’, , ,  ‘General Preface to the Waverley Novels’, – Heart of Midlothian, ,  Ivanhoe, –, , n. Lay of the Last Minstrel,  Lives of the Novelists, , , –, , –,  Marmion,  Old Mortality, ,  Quentin Durward,  Waverley, – Senior, Nassau, – Sensibility, see Lewis and Radcliffe Shelley, Mary,  Shelley, P B.,  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,  Shiach, Morag,  Simpson, David, ,  Sitter, John,  Smith, Charlotte, , ,  Sontag, Susan,  Southey, Robert, ,  Spacks, Patricia Meyer,  Spencer, Jane, n. Stephen, Leslie,  Stokoe, F W.,  Strutt, Joseph,  Sturm und Drang, , ,  Summers, Montague, , – Supernatural agency, , –,  see Lewis, Radcliffe, Reeve, Scott, and Walpole Sutherland, Kathryn,  Tales of Terror,  Talfourd, Thomas, –,  Taylor, William,  ‘Terrorist Novel Writing’,  Teuthold, Peter,  Trotter, Thomas,  Tompkins, J M S.,  Trumpener, Katie, , , , n. Turner, Sharon, ,  Ty, Eleanor,  Varma, Devendra,  Vertue, George,  Walpole, Horace, and antiquarianism, –, , , – aristocratic self-fashioning, –, , –, –, , , , n. ‘camp’,  deception, –,  Index influence of, – origins of genre, , , –, –, –, – politics, –, – Reeve, , –,  romance, –, , –, , , , – Shakespeare, , , ,  Strawberry Hill, , –, , –, n. supernatural agency, –, , —, , –, ,  WORKS Anecdotes of Painting,  Castle of Otranto, , , , , , –, −, —, , , , , , , , , , , , – Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors,   Description of Strawberry Hill, ,  Hieroglyphic Tales, – Historic Doubts,  Life of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury,  Warburton, William,  Warner, Richard: Netley Abbey, –,  Warton, Thomas, , ,  Waswo, Richard,  West, Jane, , n. White, James, –,  Wilt, Judith, , n., n. Wollstonecraft, Mary, , , n. Wordsworth, William, , , , , , , , – World, The,  Young, Edward,  CA M BRI DGE S TUD IES I N R OM ANTI CI SM              , University of Oxford         , University of Chicago  Romantic Correspondence: Women, Politics and the Fiction of Letters        British Romantic Writers and the East: Anxieties of Empire         Edmund Burke’s Aesthetic Ideology Language, Gender and Political Economy in Revolution    Poetry as an Occupation and an Art in Britain, –         In the Theatre of Romanticism: Coleridge, Nationalism, Women           Keats, Narrative and Audience: The Posthumous Life of Writing         Romance and Revolution: Shelley and the Politics of a Genre         Literature, Education and Romanticism Reading as Social Practice, –        Women Writing about Money: Women’s Fiction in England, –          Shelley and the Revolution in Taste: The Body and the Natural World              William Cobbett: The Politics of Style          The Rise of Supernatural Fiction, –         Women Travel Writers and the Language of Aesthetics, –           Napoleon and English Romanticism              Romantic Vagrancy: Wordsworth and the Simulation of Freedom          Wordsworth and the Geologists    Wordsworth’s Pope: A Study in Literary Historiography               The Politics of Sensibility Race, Gender and Commerce in the Sentimental Novel        Reading Daughters’ Fictions, – Novels and Society from Manley to Edgeworth        Romantic Identities: Varieties of Subjectivity, –           Print Politics The Press and Radical Opposition in Early Nineteenth-Century England               Reinventing Allegory            British Satire and the Politics of Style, –         The Romantic Reformation Religious Politics in English Literature, –        De Quincey’s Romanticism Canonical Minority and the Forms of Transmission            Coleridge on Dreaming Romanticism, Dreams and the Medical Imagination       Romantic Imperialism Universal Empire and the Culture of Modernity          Ideology and Utopia in the Poetry of William Blake              Sexual Politics and the Romantic Author           Lyric and Labour in the Romantic Tradition       Poetry and Politics in the Cockney School Keats, Shelley, Hunt and their Circle           Rousseau, Robespierre and English Romanticism            Contesting the Gothic Fiction, Genre and Cultural Conflict, –    

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2020, 19:22

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    CHAPTER I Origins: Horace Walpole and The Castle of Otranto

    CHAPTER 2 The Loyalist Gothic romance

    CHAPTER 3 Gothic 'subversion’: German literature, the Minerva Press, Matthew Lewis

    CHAPTER 4 The first poetess of romantic fiction: Ann Radcliffe

    CHAPTER 5 The field of romance: Walter Scott, the Waverley novels, the Gothic