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Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng Anh C bài 9

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Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng Anh C bài 9

ĐỀ THI CCQG C A child's first five years are important as far as learning is a) hit b) worried c) touched d) concerned Many students find it difficult to make meet on their small grants a) ends b) circles c) points d) edges At parties people to talk about jobs and money a) habit b) tend c) accustom d) keep He the bank manager that he could repay the loan a) assured b) ensured c) ascertained d) insured He considers shares to be a good long investment a) term b) age c) run d) time He drank very little the police caught him as he drove home a) in the event b) otherwise c) despite d) in case The pub was so crowded that he could get to the bar a) almost b) quite c) barely d) merely He lost all his money through on cards and horses a) playing b) risking c) gambling d) speculating All the of the dance went on charity a) results b) proceeds c) rewards d) finances 10 Being a teacher, she shops at stores which offer a to teachers a) discount b) subtration c) subsidy d) rebate 11 That cupboard must always be carefully locked a) guarded b) shut c) closed d) kept 12 He in the doorway in order to light his cigarette a) arrested b) paused c) entered d) 13 His of the aeroplane was correct in every detail and could really fly a) shape b) pattern c) design d) model 14 His name was on the of my tongue, but I just couldn't remember it a) end b) point c) edge d) tip 15 An early typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly; the typist, couldn't see his work on this machine a) however b) yet c) therefore d) although 16 Because of the low ceiling the bookcase was much too to go into the room a) tall b) grand c) lengthy d) deep 17 John a great deal about examinations a) worries b) troubles c) prepares d) annoys 18 The garden as far as the river a) advances b) lies c) extends d) develops 19 A narrow road the stream to the other side of the park a) joins b) crossed c) unites d) passes 20 She tried to out of the window to see the procession more clearly a) bend b) curve c) bow d) lean 21 You should be very to your teachers for their help a) thankful b) grateful c) thanking d) considerate 22 When can the students for next year's evening classes? a) assist b) join c) enrol d) inscribe 23 I shall never beat John at tennis; we are clearly not in the same a) set b) band c) group d) class 24 The curtains have because of the strong sunlight a) dulled b) fainted c) lightened d) faded 25 The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and him of speeding a) charged b) accused c) blamed d) warned 26 His new appointment takes from the begining of next month a) place b) effect c) post d) warned 27 In a low voice, she that someone was moving about upstairs a) screamed b) shouted c) told d) whispered 28 When he was at school, he won first for good behaviour a) reward b) prize c) present d) price 29 If you don't mind, I should like to a suggestion a) make b) show c) say d) reach 30 Papermaking began in China and from there it to North Africa and Europe a) sprang b) spilled c) carried d) spread 31 Pigs certain characteristics with human beings a) which share b) are sharing c) while sharing d) share 32 Albert Szent-Gyorgyi the 1937 Nobel Prize for medicine for his synthesis of ascorbic acid a) was awarded b) to award c) awarded d) awarding 33 thirteen states in the original United States a) As there were b) There were c) Were d) So were 34 Researchers have recently confirmed pygmies are missing an insulin-like growth factor a) and that b) so that c) because d) that 35 The Order of Elks has been in existence 1868 a) starting in b) since c) after d) founded 36 to use pigeons for observation purposes on sea-rescue missions a) It is planned b) There is planned c) Has been planned d) Is planned 37 Only under special circumstances to test out of freshman composition and literature a) freshmen permitted b) freshmen are permitted c) are freshmen permitted d) are permitted freshmen 38 is so limited (64,000 transistors and 64,000 capacitors in about onetwentieth of a square inch), the manufacture of 64k random access memories requires highly sophisticated production technology a) Because space b) As a result of space c) Being space d) Its space 39 Only one mammal, is known to bear routinely four indentical young a) it is the armadillo b) being the armadillo c) which the armadillo d) the armadillo 40 One of the puzzles still mystifying biologists is what to become in an embryo a) how cells know b) how know cells c) how cells know d) how cells knowing 41 Touch-typing was originally devised as an aid to a) the blinds b) the blind c) a blind one d) blind 42 If a traveler had visited the San Diego Peninsula in the 1880's that coyotes ans jackrabbits outnumbered the human population 10,000 to one a) he had found b) he found c) had he found d) he would have found 43 The Appaloose horse was brought to Mexico from Spain, was later introduced into the United Stated, and today a) by American ranchers is prized b) is prized by American ranchers c) prized by American ranchers d) American ranchers prize it 44 the news from war zones is inevitalbly censored a) Although much of b) Assuming some of c) Much of d) Many of 45 There are now methods for studying color vision in infants than there once were a) more sophisticated than b) much more sophisticated c) much sophisticated d) sophisticated 46 Economics the science of choice a) are b) which is c) is d) and 47 yak is taken below 10,000 feet, it is likely to become sick a) a b) if a c) frequently a d) because of a 48 Juggling at least 5,000 years to the early Egyptians a) dating back b) is dating back c) which dates back d) dates back 49 ., Hong Kong acts as a gateway into and out of the Republic of China a) Strategically located b) It is located strategically c) Where strategically located d) Because located strategically 50 In 1964, Americans drank an average of 26 gallons of milk a) each b) every one c) singly d) themselves 51 The summer ice pack appears by about 150 miles since the 1930's a) having shrunk b) to shrink c) to have shrunk d) to be shrinking 52 undergraduate programs, American universities also offer graduate and professional courses a) Except for b) Moreover c) Besides d) As 53 are carcinogens now appears to be beyond dispute a) If asbestos fibers b) Asbestos fibers c) While asbestos fibers d) That asbestos fibers 54 It is Minnesota popular with outdoorsmen a) lakes that make it b) its lakes that make c) that lakes make it d) lakes that it makes 55 Thomas E.Selfridge was the first person to be killed in an airplane accident a) One of an army team evaluating the Wright Brother's plane, b) The Wright Brother's plane was being examined by an army team, c) He was one of an army team evaluating the Wright Brother's plane, d) Of an army team evaluating the Wright Brothers' plane, one 56 Satchel Paige pitched his last game in the major leagues when he a) approximately sixty years old b) was nearly sixty c) about sixty was d) had almost sixty years 57 Both slate and marble chips can be melted and spun , and then made into a type of glass wool a) like to cotton candy b) as like cotton candy c) like cotton candy d) cotton candy, alike 58 The traditional goal of science is to discover how things are, not how they ought a) are b) be c) can be d) to be 59 Though the female has undisputed last word over the acceptability of a new nest, it is the male weaver bird who must build in entirely a) on his own b) on himself c) for themselves d) by his own 60 Herbalists recommend the juice of barley plants as a means of slowing the aging process and also a) it to cancer patients recommend b) to cancer partients recommend it c) recommend it cancer patients d) recommend it to cancer patients 61 Questions 61-66 England's highest main-line railway station hangs on to life by a thread : deserted and unmanned since it was officially closed in 1970, Dent, situated high in the hills of Yorkshire, wakes up on six summer weekends each year, when a special charter train unloads walkers, sightseers and people who simply want to catch a train from the highest station, on to its platforms But even this limited existence may soon be brought to an end Dent station is situated on the Settle to Carlisle railway line, said to be the most scenic in the country But no amount of scenic beauty can save the line from British Rail's cash problems This year, for the sake of economy, the express trains which used to pass through Dent station have been put on to another route It is now an open secret that British Rail sees no future for this railway line Most of its trains disappeared some time ago Its bridge, built on a grand scale a century ago, is falling down It is not alone Half-a-dozen railway routes in the north of England are facing a similar threat The problem is a worn out system and an almost total lack of cash to repair it Bridges and tunels are showing their age, the wooden supports for the tracks are rotting and engines and coaches are getting old On major lines between large cities, the problem is not too bad These lines still make a profit and cash can be found to maintain them But on the country branch line, the story is different As track wears out, it is not replaced Instead speed limits are introduced, making journeys longer than necessary and discouraging customers If a bridge is dangerous, there is often only one thing for British Rail to do: go out and find money from another source This is exactly what it did a few months ago when a bridge at Bridlington station was threatening to fall down Repairs were estimated at $200,000 - just for one bridge - and British Rail was delighted, and rather surprised, when two local councils offered half that amount between them Since 1970 Dent Station has been used a) only for a part of each year b) only in some years c) only by local people d) only be hill walkers 62 Of all the railway routes in Britain the one which passes through Dent a) is the most historic b) passes through the most attractive countryside c) is the most expensive to maintain d) carries the greatest number of tourists 63 The most urgent problem for many country railway lines is that of a) rebuilding bridges b) repairing engines c) renewing coaches d) repairing stations 64 The people most affected by the difficulties facing British Rail would appear to be a) business men b) organised groups of holiday makers c) inter-city travellers d) occasional and local travellers 65 In order to improve the financial situation of country railway lines British Rail should a) introduce speed limits b) reduce the scale of maintenance c) increase fares d) appeal to local councils 66 The prospect the country railway lines might close is viewed by the author with a) anger b) approval c) regret d) surprise 67 Questions 67 - 69 In marine habitats, a number of small creatures are involved in a "cleaning symbiosis" At least six species of small shrimps, frequently brightly colored, crawl over fish, picking off parasites and cleaning injured areas This is not an accidental occurrence, because fish are observed to congregate around these shrimp and stay motionless while being inspected Several species of small fish (wrasses) are also cleaners, nearly all of them having appropriate adaptations such as long snouts, tweezer-like teeth, and bright coloration Conspicuous coloration probably communicates that these animals are not prey What is the topic of this passage? a) Marine life b) Why fish need to be cleaned c) How certain sea creatures clean other fish d) How fish are adapted to be cleaners 68 What is the main idea of the passage? a) Some fish need to be cleaned b) Cleaning symbiosis is an important aspect of marine life c) Certain fish are better adapted to be cleaners than others d) Cleaner fish are brightly colored 69 What is the best title for the passage? a) Shrimp and Fish b) Narure's Cleaners of the Deep c) Protective Coloration for Fish d) Why Fish Are Cleaners 70 Questions 70 - 75 When I went to interview Roy Bragg yesterday I learned that new regulations, introduced in May this year, affect all forms of moneylending in Britain This means that there have been some changes for traditional shops of the kind that Mr Bragg owns, where people can borrow money against valuable articles left at the shop until both the loan and the interest due on it are repaid Individual money-lenders are now able to compete with each other and set their own interest rates but they have to give much more information to the customer at the transaction Money-lenders now also have to apply for a licence through the government's Office of Fair Trading The capital a money-lender requires depends on the amount he lends; if he has a lending limit of $1,000 he does not need too much.But if he intends to lend large amounts, says Roy Bragg, who once lent $45,000 on some rare books, 'he should watch out he doesn't get as short of money as his customers My money is in and out every day of the week'; He and his staff are all Fellows of the Gemological Association It is an essential qualification for valuing jewellery though they also learn by esperience whether items are genuine or not 'When I first started, I never knew it would be so difficult.' said one of Roy Bragg's young assistants 'On my own, I wouldn't have got any where; I would have offered too much or too little.' Roy Bragg agrees that you can never accept anything or anybody unquestioningly in the money-lending business "Some of the bestdressed and most well-spoken people are the ones you have to watch One of the oldest tricks is for someone to come in and show you a large, real diamond ring You say they can have $1.000 on it They say "Oh no, I wanted $1,500 I'll go somewhere else" You pass the ring back and they don't go away, just take it from you and turn towards the door Then they turn back and say "Oh, I don't know, I was recommended to you I think I'll take the $1,000" And meanwhile they've done a switch with a cheaper ring I tell my staff that if an item leaves their hands they should inspect it again as if it had just arrived' How they know they are not dealing in stolen property? 'After fortyfour years, you get a nose for this kind of thing', says Roy Bragg 'Most of us in the trade know each other well I'm on the Committee of the National Association: we meet once a month and know if anyone's having any bother' What difference have the new regulations made to the money-lending business? a) Interest rates are much more variable b) Money-lenders cannot operate without a licence c) More information has to be given to the government d) Customers now ask more questions 71 What we learn from Roy Bragg about the amount of capital moneylenders need? a) $45,000 is about the right amount b) They must balance their lending policy and their capital c) They will need more than they first thought d) The Office of Fair Trading sets limits 72 What did Mr Bragg's young assistant find was tending to happen when he first began to work for the business? a) He misjudged what customers wanted b) He damaged precious articles c) He over-valued everything d) He needed help from more experienced staff 73 Money-lenders have to be suspicious about a) everyone who comes to them b) people who look poor c) people who look rich d) anybody who brings valuable items 74 In the old trick described a money-lender might make the mistake of a) not recognizing stolen property b) offering $500 too much c) not realizing there were two rings d) not examining the ring carefully in the first place 75 How does Mr Bragg know when he is being offered things which have been stolen? a) He gets information from the police b) Experience tells him when something is wrong c) He can now recognize all the local burglars d) The National Association sends out warnings 76 Questions 76 - 80 In this world of new technology it is good to know that some of the old skills and crafts are still practised One such traditional craft is thatching - making roofs from straw or reeds - and one of the few remaining thatched cottages in the Wellington area, Linden Cottage at Westford, has just been given an attractive new roof Walkers using the footway past the cottage will no doubt have noticed the new roof; which also covers an area over the front door, and the owner, Mr Dennis Wright and his wife, Pam, say they are delighted with the end result 'It's an old craft which can't be rushed' said Mrs Wright 'The cottage now looks better than ever' The work, which took about six weeks, was carried out by Brian Whitemore and Robert Webber of Lydeard Saint Lawrence Until now the 300-year-old cottage was roofed with wheat straw which lasts on average for fifteen years but this time Mr and Mrs Wright decided to have the roof done with water reeds which last for sixty or seventy years and cost more Signs that re-roofing is needed are when straw washes out in heave rain and the fixings begin to show The water reeds, which are brought from Scotland, are thicker and longer than wheat straw but are slightly more difficult for the craftsmen to use Water reeds also differ from wheat straw in that iron hooks are used to keep them in place, whereas with the old straw roof, wooden pegs were used After the wheat straw was taken off, the worn wood in the roof was renewed and the cross-pieces which lie over the roof beams were also replaced Large waterproof sheets were erected to keep everything dry Although Linden Cottage will not have to be complety re-roofed for many years, like all thatched properties it will still have to be 'ridged' after every eight years This means that the join at the top of the house is redone to maintain its strength The cottage has been re-roofed twice in the thirty-one years that Mr and Mrs Wright have lived there - the last time was in 1969 As it has now been officially declared a building of special historic interest which must be preserved, the ridging can only be done in the West Country style, and other patterns of ridging are not acceptable The roof is now bright yellow in colour but it will quickly become darker as it weathers Brian Whitemore has been in the roofing business for about thirty years and he and his partner cover a wide area Working with them at Linden Cottage were brothers Lee and Steven Roadhouse from Bishops Lydeard who are training to become thatchers While they were there, Brian's small dog, Midge, became a star attraction as he ran up and down their ladder while they worked He travels almost everywhere with them and is as much part of the scenery as the ladder Mr and Mrs Wright, The owners of Linden Cottage, a) have spent a long time looking for someone to the roof b) are surprised at how difficult it was to the roof c) were very pleased at how well the work was done d) found they had to choose cheaper roofing material 77 The new thatched roof at Linden Cottage will last for approximately a) eight years b) fifteen years c) seventy years d) three hundred years 78 What was different about how the roof was done this time compared with the previous time? a) A cloth lining was installed b) New wooden pegs were made c) Iron hooks were used to hold the thatch d) The wooden frame to the roof was re-designed 79 Because Linden Cottage has now been declared of special historic interest, the roof a) has to be finished in a certain way b) has to be thatched with water reeds c) must be yellow in colour d) has to be redone more frequently 80 How many people worked on the new roofing? a) one b) two c) four d) five 81 Questions 81 - 90 I hate being ill I not simply mean that I dislike the illness itself (although that is true), but I hate what being ill does to my character As soon as I have a headache or a cold or the first signs of flu coming on, I start to behave as if I were in the grip of some fatal illness, and to wear an expression of suffering which is supposed to indicate that I will bravely face the few days of life that are left to me The fact is that I really know how to make use of the ability to feel sorry for myself, and, which is more important, how to wring sympathy out of the women who surround me I love being nursed and fussed over, and I make a threeday cold last a good week by a combination of carefully-produced and well-timed groans and grimaces Of course, being a man I have to show that I suffer my pain bravely, but I make it quite clear that I am none the less suffering I suffer beautifully I am really good at it, and I can melt the hardest female heart the minute I am probably suffering from nothing more serious than a hangover The first thing you must is deny that you are suffering, because they will be reluctant to give you any sympathy if they think that that is what you are after But at the same time that you deny you are ill, you must furrow your brow and clutch the part of you that is in agony to show that the pain is overwhelming you in spite of your efforts to put on a brave front Once you are into your pyjamas and your bed, the battle is as good as won Do not, at first, ask for anything : you not want to be a bother to anyone, you are prepared to lie there alone and suffering in silence until the end comes Under no circumstances should you ask for food : nobody can have a really worthwhile illness and an appetite In no time at all, they are all over you, full of concern and caresses, stroking your brow and destroying themselves in an attempt to restore you to health Most men are naturally good at this sort of thing, and will exploit a minor illness to good effect But men are not hypochondriacs - sufferers from imaginary illnesses - as most women assert The fact is that most men are fully aware that they are performing a valuable social service by making out that they are more ill than they really are You see, women love illness They not, on the whole, like to be ill themselves, although they will occasionally take to their beds on some flimsy pretext, just to make sure that they are not being taken completely for granted No, a wife actually likes her husband to be ill from time to time so that she can show off her talents as an amateur Florence Nightingale It is the spirit of noble self-sacrifice that really fulfils her In this she is encouraged by all the television commercials she sees They show a calm, caring wife/mother-figure mopping fevered brows, administering soothing medicines, and generally behaving like a 'ministering angel' And when she shakes the thermometer and sticks it into your unprotesting mouth well, you would think that it was a magic wand, and that she was a fairy godmother ! Still, there is not doubt that we males get the benefit; it can be nice to be ill once you get the hang of it If, in addition, you want to make your loved one even happier, keep her awake night after night with your moans and groans and your requests for hot drinks and a cool hand on your brow There is a bonus for her in all this : when you are better and back at work, think of the pleasure she will get from telling the neighbours about the hell she has been through ! The reason the writer hates being ill is that he a) can't stand pain b) doesn't want to be a bother to anyone c) always feels sorry for himself d) does not think he behaves well when he is ill 82 The writer, when he is ill, a) makes a lot of noise b) does not let anyone know how ill he really is c) always pretends he is worse than he really is d) goes to bed and stays there until he is well again 83 If you say that you are in pain, they (whoever is looking after you) will a) feel sorry for you b) think you are merely looking for sympathy c) start to nurse you and fuss over you d) give you medicine to make you better 84 Once you are in bed, they will a) leave you alone b) start to take you seriously c) give you a lot of attention d) soon get tired of looking after you 85 If you ask for food when you are ill, they will a) think that you cannot be very ill after all b) refuse to give you any because of your illness c) give you some because they feel sorry for you d) start to suspect that you are taking them for granted 86 The reason that men make a fuss when they are ill is that they a) always think that their illness is more serious than ot really is b) want women to make a fuss of them c) cannot stand illness as well as women can d) know that women will get a lot of pleasure out of nursing them 87 If a woman pretends to be ill, it is because she wants to a) make her husband spoil her (make a fuss of her) b) make her husband aware how much she does for him c) have a rest from work d) punish her husband for being selfish 88 Television advertisements suggest that women a) are good at looking after sick people b) enjoy looking after sick people c) know a lot about modern medicines and techniques (treatments) d) take much more interest in medicine than men 89 According to the writer, men, when they are ill, a) treat women very badly, as if they were slaves b) give women the opportunity (chance) to practise being nurses c) behave much worse than women in the same circustances d) try to remain quiet and what they are told to 90 According to the writer, a woman will tell her neighbours a) all the details of her husband's illness b) about the shocking way her husband behaved when he was ill c) how much she has had to put up with during his illness d) how her husband always pretends to be more ill than he really is 91 Questions 91 - 100 With its radiant color and plantlike shape, the sea anemone looks more like a flower than an animal More specifically, the sea anemone is formed quite like the flower for which it is named, with a body like a stem and tentacles like petals in brilliant shades of blue, green, pink, and red Its diameter varies from about six millimeters in some species to more than ninety centimeters in the giant varieties of Australia Like corals, hydras, and jellyfish, sea anemones are coelenterates They can move slowly, more often they attach the lower part of their cylindrical bodies to rocks, shells, or wharf pilings The upper end of the sea anemone has a mouth surrounded by tentacles that the animal uses to capture its food Stinging cells in the tentacles throw out tiny poison threads that paralyze other small sea animals The tentacles then drag this prey into the sea anemone's mouth The food is digested in the large inner body cavity When disturbed, a sea anemone retracts its tentacles and shortens its body so that it resembles a lump on a rock Anemones may reproduce by forming eggs, dividing in half, or developing buds that grow and break off as independent animals Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? a) The varieities of ocean life b) The characteristics of the sea anemone c) A comparison of land and sea anemones d) The defenses of coelenterates 92 The word "shape" in line is closest in meaning to a) length b) grace c) form d) nature 93 The author compares a sea anemone's tentacles to a flower's a) stem b) leaves c) petals d) roots 94 It can be inferred from the passage that hydras a) were named after a flower b) are usually found in Australia c) prey on sea anemones d) are related to sea anemones 95 It can be inferred from the passage that sea anemones are usually found a) attached to stationary surfaces b) hidden inside cylindrical objects c) floating among underwater flowers d) searching for food 96 The word 'capture' in line 12 is closest in meaning to a) catch b) control c) cover d) clean 97 The word 'retracts' in line 16 is closest in meaning to a) pulls back b) relaxes c) reproduces d) lifts up 98 According to the passage, when a sea anemone is bothered it a) hides under a rock b) alters its shape c) changes colors d) ejects a poisonous substance 99 The sea anemone reproduces by a) budding only b) forming eggs only c) budding or dividing only d) budding, forming eggs, or dividing 100 Based on the information in the passage, all of the following statements about sea anemones are true EXCEPT that they a) are usually tiny b) have flexible bodies c) are related to jellyfish d) are usually brightly colored ... studying color vision in infants than there once were a) more sophisticated than b) much more sophisticated c) much sophisticated d) sophisticated 46 Economics the science of choice a) are b) which... dating back b) is dating back c) which dates back d) dates back 49 ., Hong Kong acts as a gateway into and out of the Republic of China a) Strategically located b) It is located strategically c) Where... means of slowing the aging process and also a) it to cancer patients recommend b) to cancer partients recommend it c) recommend it cancer patients d) recommend it to cancer patients 61 Questions

Ngày đăng: 24/09/2013, 20:11

