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EXERCISE Mata Hari had claimed that she was a spy for the French - a statement corroborated by (1) French generals All’s fair in love and war, and it seems that she was betrayed by one George Ladoux who had recruited her (2) a spy for the French, and (3) arrested for being a double agent himself For now, the details remain sketchy as the case documents are to remain (4) for 100 years Hopefully, all will be (5) when they are reopened in 2017 Until then, the life and death of Mata Hari will remain a mystery Question 1: A an amount of B the amount of C a number of D the number of Question 2: A to B at C with D as Question 3: A later B late C lately D latest Question 4: A seal B sealing C sealed D to seal Question 5: A reveal B revealing C revealed D revelation (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) EXERCISE A little bird told me that our feathered friends have also adopted this method of (1) a snooze when they are flying The birds (2) the edge of the flock will keep watch for predators by always (3) one eye open When they are not flying, birds practice a method called “vigilant” sleep Specifically, they interrupt (4) sleep with “peeks” - they open their eyes to check (5) predators Question 1: A taking B making C doing D putting Question 2: A with B on C to D behind Question 3: A keep B keeps C to keep D keeping Question 4: A their B his C its D our Question 5: A out B in C for D up (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) EXERCISE Around 12,000 years (1) some people began using stones to build houses for (2) House building caught (3) in different areas at different times The ancient Egyptians, for example, began building houses around 10000 BC The first Greek houses dated (4) to 6000 BC, (5) in England, the earliest signs of houses are from 3000 BC Question 1: A later B soon C ago D before Question 2: A ourselves B us C them D themselves Question 3: A up B on C with D by Question 4: A on B from C back D later Question 5: A while B therefore C during D despite (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) EXERCISE Opera singers also have to have very powerful voices, so they can (1) over the orchestra They also have to hold notes for an (2) period of time This requires a lot of air, so they need to have a strong diaphragm A strong diaphragm allows them (3) breathe in more air and create the kind of note (4) can break wineglasses A large chest cavity and a thick, strong body frame help the diaphragm (5) this monumental task Question 1: A hear B be heard C listen D be listened Question 2: A extend B extension C extending D extended Question 3: A for B to C from D by Question 4: A that B when C how D whom Question 5: A with B to C at D for (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) EXERCISE Soap operas are the daytime dramas we have all (1) to know and love (or hate) They got their name from the soap manufacturers Proctor & Gamble and Colgate – Palmolive (2) sponsored the early radio and TV shows According (3) the Guinness Book of Records, Guiding Light is the world’s (4) running story The show has been (5) for over 70 years! On September 7th, 2006, the show celebrated its 15,000th episode Question 1: A come B gone C remained D taken Question 2: A what B they C by whom D that Question 3: A on B to C with D by Question 4: A long B longer C longest D lengthened Question 5: A in B on C with D down (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) EXERCISE There are many different kinds of myths (1) purely fictional stories which contain no elements of truth, myths (2) “sacred stories” often have a divine or religious aspect Religious myths can explain the creation of the Earth The story of Adam and Eve (3) in the book of Genesis in the Bible is an example of a religious myth Origin myths explain how things have come into (4) , while cult myths explain festivals and rituals A good example of a cult myth is the myth of Santa Claus and Christmas Social myths enforce social norms and rules, and eschatological myths deal (5) how the earth will end, as in, for example, the book of Revolutions in the Bible Question 1: A Like B Unlike C Just unlike D Just as Question 2: A with B like C as D of Question 3: A find B finding C found D founded Question 4: A be B being C exist D existing Question 5: A with B on C to D in (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) EXERCISE William Post won a gob-smacking USD 16.2 million in the Pennsylvania lottery (1) should have brought joy and prosperity soon had his siblings demand money for their business ventures His girlfriend sued him (2) part of his winnings His brother went a step further and hired a hit man to have him killed, (3) for an inheritance He now (4) on a USD 450 Social Security check For Mr Post, winning the lottery was the worst thing that (5) happened to him Question 1: A That B What C Who D When Question 2: A for B to C with D at Question 3: A hope B hoped C hoping D hopeless Question 4: A lives B lived C living D will leave Question 5: A yet B still C ever D even (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) EXERCISE Mother Theresa (1) the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 Bom (2) Yugoslavia (now Macedonia), she moved to the slums of Calcutta, India to tend to help “the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared-for and are (3) by everyone” Mother Theresa lived (4) the poor, she often had to beg for food (5) Now her foundation has 610 missions in 123 countries Question 1: A awarded B was awarded C awards D is awarded Question 2: A into B in C from D within Question 3: A shun B shunning C shunned D shuns Question 4: A at B between C among D on Question 5: A her B them C herself D themselves (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) EXERCISE Around the fifth century AD, the Angles and Saxons invaded England and introduced Old English (1) is a Germanic language English was also influenced by Old Norse, a language spoken by the Vikings (2) had settled in northern England Throw in a bit of Greek and Latin and you have the English we know and love today English is a combination of all these languages and (3) grammar rules (e.g photography comes from the German photograpie, derived from the Greek roots, phos, phot - “light” and graphos - “writing”) This makes (4) a real hassle to master English and causes confusion and anxiety in English students (5) the globe Question 1: A who B which C what D where Question 2: A who B which C what D where Question 3: A its B their C his D our Question 4: A us B it C with D by Question 5: A across B to C in D with (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) EXERCISE 10 Being as (1) as a bear doesn’t help, either People who are angry, anxious or depressed are more (2) to suffer (3) heart disease (also due to an increase in blood pressure) People who are stressed or moody have weaker immune systems and are (4) more susceptible to getting sick than happy people who don’t (5) life too seriously Question 1: A anger B angry C hunger D hungry Question 2: A like B alike C likely D liked Question 3: A in B to C from D for Question 4: A so B therefore C because D however Question 5: A make B take C have D end (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee)

Ngày đăng: 20/03/2020, 17:26
