Tài liệu thi khảo sát năng lực giáo viên theo khung Châu Âu (FCE 6).Tài liệu gồm 4 Test. Mỗi Test gồm có Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listeinng và Speaking. Gồm 2 CD cho 4 test. Có Tapescript và đáp án cho mỗi đề.Link tải file CD (từ mediafire.com) được đính kèm bên dưới tài liệu.Chúc các bạn thành công.http://www.mediafire.com/download/u15v2nbd4xps9gi/FCE_6_-_2008_CD1.rarhttp://www.mediafire.com/download/6v1x4ovdp9qvp47/FCE_6_-_2008_CD2.rar
Trang 1Introduction 3
FCE content and marking 7
Grading and results 27
Paper 5 fram ew orks
Visual materials for Paper 5 95-106
Sample answ er sheets 156
Trang 2PAPER 1 READING (1 hour 15 minutes)
P a r t 1
You are going to read an article a b o ut fashion shows C hoose the m ost suitable heading
from th e list A -l fo r each part (1-7) o f the article There is one e xtra heading w hich you do
n ot need to use There is an exam ple a t the beginning (0).
M ark y o u r answ ers on the s e parate answ er sheet.
B Keeping th in g s under control
C M aking th e clothes
0 W h o ’s going to wear the clothes?
E D isa ppointm ents to overcom e
F Everything de p en d s on the show
G M aking it all look attractive
H It’s w orth all the stress
I No tim e o ff fo r designers
Trang 3Paper I Reading
P utting on a fashion show is n o t as
glam o ro us as it looks - Sharon Stansfield
finds o u t w h a t th e stress is a ll a b o u t.
T he shows - Milan, London and P aris - are over for
a n o th e r season Fashion jo u rn a lis ts can pu t down
th e ir notebooks w ith a sigh of relief, and buyers can
r e tu rn to th e ir offices For the designers, th e re is
h ard ly tim e to congratulate them selves o r lick th e ir
w ounds before the whole b u siness sta rts all over
again In ju st four m onths they m u st have th e ir next
collection of clothes ready for the M arch shows
O ver th e next few m onths, designers and th e ir
c reativ e team s will w ork to g eth er to cre a te a
spectacle th a t will hopefully fire the im agination of
the fashion jo u rn a lists and w ake up the buyers If
the show ’s a failu re and no-one w ants to buy, the
d esig n er could be out of work T h ere’s m ore th a n
m odels’ bad moods to w orry about - show -tim e is
nerve-racking for everyone involved, from th e
designers to the w ardrobe people
Once th e designs are on paper and the designer has chosen th e fabrics he o r she w ants to w ork w ith, th e sam ple collection for the show s can be produced
T h is is ca rrie d out by th e design team u nder the
d esig n er’s supervision Firstly, the cu tte r m akes an
in itia l p a tte rn of the garm ent from the d esig n er’s sketch T hen a model is made, w hich is then altered
by th e designer u n til it is exactly how they w ant it Finally, the perfected p a ttern s are passed over to a
m achinist
W hile th e garm ents are being made, th e designer
s ta rts to w ork w ith a stylist Together they decide on how th e collection is going to be presented at the shows T his involves deciding w hat hats, bags, belts, etc should be used, and th e h irin g of th e creative team - choreographer, producer, h a ir stylist and
m ake-up a rtist The m ore m oney a designer has available, the m ore experts he o r she can employ to create a successful show
D esigner Paul F rith describes th e n ig h tm are of
w orking on a show ‘It can be p u re m adness
backstage T h at’s th e only tim e I ever w onder why
I’m doing it It ju s t becomes chaos T h e re ’s ju s t so
m uch to th in k about I spend th e whole tim e in a
sta te of high anxiety But w hen it’s finished, I ju st
c a n ’t w ait for th e next one The shows are th e reason
I do w hat I do and I get a real th rill out of them ’
A bout a m onth before th e show is due to take place,
th e sty list will begin to v isit m odelling agencies
G etting m odels w ith the rig h t look is extrem ely difficult if the budget is tight Fashion show s have a rep u ta tio n for being badly paid, and often models chosen for a show will drop out a t the last m om ent if they get a better paid job, like an advert However, a show th a t gets a lot of p ress coverage can m ake a new m odel’s name
7 3
P au l F rith ’s last collection w as well received But
after tak in g a sh o rt break, it was not long before he
began to th in k about his next collection D esigners
w ork a year ahead, so right now they’ll be w orking
on collections th a t w ill be in the shops th is tim e next
year However, in sp iratio n is no t a th in g th a t can be
tu rn e d on and off w henever you like, and though
d esig n ers w ork to tig h t schedules, Paul F rith
explains how creativity can ’t be tim etabled to suit
‘AH of a sudden I get th is feeling in my head, then I
sit dow n and sketch and it ju st p ours out of m e.’
W hen things a re n ’t certain even up to the last
m inute, it’s no w onder th ere’s an atm osphere of panic backstage While the designer m ay be
w ondering why he o r she d id n ’t take up painting instead of fashion, it is up to the stylist to rem ain calm an d in command As head of the creative team , th e stylist m ust m ake su re th a t everyone know s exactly w hat they’re doing T here is only one ru n -th ro u g h before the real thing and th is is
w hen th e stylist has to get everyone organised
W hether the show is a triu m p h o r a d isa ster depends on that
Trang 4You are goin g to read an article by a jo u rn a list w ho to o k a residential cou rse fo r w riters For Q uestions 8 -1 4 , ch oose the answ er (A, B, C or D) w h ich you th in k fits b est according
to the text
M ark yo u r answ ers on th e separate a n s w e r sheet.
Part 2
ON M onday, 14th November, it rained all
day ‘Is this a bad sign?’ I wondered as I
asked a local person for directions to the venue
for my course As I was late, I was glad his
instructions were b rief and clear, but I thought
he had a strange expression on his face
‘D anger o f flooding C heck your brakes,’ read
the next sign T h e sign after that read ‘Arvon
Foundation’, where my course was It also said
‘Drive carefully.’ I edged towards m y
destination It was too late to turn back
W hen I ’d m entioned that I was going on a
writing course my friends’ reactions h a d varied
from ‘Are you running it?’ to ‘You m ust be
m ad ’ T h e latter was right, I thought, as I
walked into a 16th century farm house just
before dinner I was shown to a small room
with three beds and a wash basin T h e only
bathroom was through another bedroom For a
journalist with wide experience o f 5-star hotels,
this was a shock
I took my place at the dinner table and
looked at m y com panions for the next five days;
sixteen would-be fiction writers, aged 26-74
We had two teachers: D eborah, au th o r o f ten
novels, and Stephen, whose latest work I had
been unable to find in one o f the biggest
bookshops in London ‘Hi, I’m S tephen,’ he
said amiably, sitting down next to me W ithout
thinking, I confessed to my failure in the
bookshop, which added to the strain o f the
occasion for us both
After dinner, our course in fiction writing
began ‘W hat do you w ant to get out o f your
course here?’ Stephen enquired, and we each
explained our plans M ine had been a novel
W hen I ’d booked the course, I’d left lots o f free
time to plot it out, identify the characters and
write at least one chapter But all this time was
swallowed up by less dem anding activities, like
going to parties ‘Er, a short story ’ I heard
myself saying weakly, but a t least it sounded like som ething I could achieve
It seemed less so the next day, when I was faced with the blank screen on the word processor I h ad brought with me T h ere was nothing between m e and my fiction but w riter’s block But professional journalists like me don’t get w riter’s block, do they? Wrong Fortunately, no-one else could get started either
Towards the end o f the m orning, I rem em bered that I h ad an ancient piece o f fiction in my m achine T his was a desperate idea but I had to have som ething to show the teachers before the afternoon’s individual tutorials Perhaps it could be turned into a short story It didn’t take m ore than a quick glance at
it to convince me that it could
T h en it was tutorial time We were due for our 20-m inute individual session and nerves were frayed by the threat o f cruel assessment
We had h eard o f idle tutors who refused to read the students’ work at all and o f frank ones who dared to tell the tru th a bout it, but we were
m uch luckier D eborah and Stephen were thorough in their preparation Stephen provided detailed analysis from handw ritten notes; D eborah supplied brilliant solutions to tricky problems; both were heartw arm ingly encouraging to everyone
By T hursday evening, the brave were reading their own stories, which provided fascinating insights into their lives a n d personalities Predictably, standards varied from the truly talented to the deeply ungifted, but all were clapped and praised, as they deserved to be
M ost o f the stories were autobiographical — so how come m ine, which I was too cowardly to read - was about a world I know nothing about?
A nd how com e I got the distinct impression that
D eborah a n d Stephen thought I’d b etter stick to journalism ?
Trang 59 W hen the w rite r arrived fo r the course, she
A fe lt th a t som e o f her frie n d s’ reactions had been right.
B w as d isa p p ointe d th a t the building w as such an old one.
C co n sid e re d com plaining about th e lack of facilities
D su sp e cte d th a t it w as likely to be ba d ly run.
10 In line 30 ‘m y fa ilu re ’ refers to the fa ct th a t the w rite r
A d id n ’t rem em ber Stephen from th e bo o ksho p
B h a d n ’t fo u nd Stephen’s new book.
C d id n ’t realise Stephen w orked w ith Deborah
D c o u ld n 't start a conversation w ith Stephen.
11 B efore she w e n t on the course, the w rite r had
A m anaged to w rite a short story to take w ith her.
B d e cid e d th a t w ritin g a novel w as going to take to o long
C not had as m uch free tim e as sh e ’d expected
D n o t succeeded in putting her plans in to action.
12 W h a t happened w hen she sat do w n to w rite on the firs t m orning?
A She d iscovered th a t she co u ld have the sam e p roblem s as any other writer
B She realised th a t som ething she had w ritte n in the past was excellent.
C She overcam e a problem w ith th e m achine she had taken w ith her
D She de cid e d th a t her first idea fo r a story w as unlikely to w ork.
13 W hat does th e w rite r say a b o ut the firs t tutorial?
A T he teachers d id n ’t tell them w h a t they really th o u g h t o f th e ir work.
B It w as b e tte r than those given on som e o th e r courses fo r writers
C She was m ore nervous ab o ut it th a n so m e o f the o th e r writers
D She th o u g h t th a t S tephen’s a p p roach w a s n ’t as useful as D eborah’s.
14 W hen people read th e ir ow n stories to the others,
A diffe re n t sto rie s g o t d ifferent reactions.
B there w as no o p p o rtu n ity fo r the w rite r to read hers.
C the stories revealed things a b o ut th e ir w riters
D the w rite r felt th a t they were b e tter than hers.
Trang 6You are g o in g to read a new spaper article a b o ut a sch o o lb oy race walker Eight
s e ntences have been rem oved from the article C hoose from the sentences A - l th e one
w h ich fits each g a p (15-21) There is one extra sentence w h ich you d o n ot need to use
school w ith him It's only 10 m inutes from
th e 16-year-old's hom e, even for those
going slow ly because they ca n 't face a
m aths lesson O thers, h ap p y th at they
have d o n e their hom ew ork, will probably
take h alf th at tim e 0
'E verybody keeps telling m e to slow d ow n
w h en I'm w alking w ith them ,' he adm its.
H e h ap p en s to be Britain's15
b rightest sta r in the unglam orous sp o rt of
race w alking.
A t th e natio n al junior cham pionships
in tw o w eeks' tim e, he w ill be trying for
a sub-45 m in u te tim e in the 10km w alk
to qualify for th e E uropean
C h am pionships 16 'B ut his
tim es h av e been 58,54,50 and 46 m in u te s/
says his trainer, P auline W ilson proudly
'A n d in the last race he h ad an injury
w hich slow ed him u p a bit.'
Race w alking is a strange sport People
la u g h a t it because of the n u m b er of
w alkers w ho are disqualified d u rin g races
W ith n o technology to help them , judges
have to decide w h eth e r the rules are being broken because a w alker has failed to keep contact w ith the ground Since w alkers are going so fast, it's h a rd for them to d o so accurately Every top w alker has been disqualified from a race at one tim e or another 1 7 I It's so com m on that u n d er the rules you are w arned twice before being th ro w n out of a race.
Race w alking h a s n 't been very good at responding to bad publicity, even though
Trang 7Paper 1 Reading
it's got a very strong argum ent purely on
h ea lth grounds It is the perfect form of
exercise, using all the large m uscles, an d it
causes very few injuries, even if y o u 're
m oving along as fast as the average cyclist
It's also a w onderfully cheap sport.
His only incom e com es
worry 19
he was.
', she replied A nd
from d elivering new spapers.
S tuart is already p art of his regional senior
team an d set a UK under-20 record w h en
he w on the national Indoor
C ham pionships in February H e is in the
m iddle of school exam s b u t still found
tim e to com pete in a local race Before I
w en t to m eet him there I asked P auline
W ilson how I w ould recognise him 'D o n 't
P auline is in no d o u b t about S tuart's potential 'It's very exciting to see him
im prove,' she says H e is certainly capable
of being p a rt of the O lym pic team one day
To reach that level, it takes a lot of effort.
But he's only 16, so it's 20
really too early to say.'
21 Stuart himself finds it hard
to explain, though Pauline thinks th at it's a com bination of physical advantages, self- discipline and m aturity 'I'm aw are of
w h at it takes to reach the top,' says Stuart It's a long w alk, b u t h e's getting there.
A Even Stuart, in his short career, has
h ad this happen to him twice.
E T hat w o u ld be quite an achievem ent for som eone w ho only took u p the
B This m akes it just right for a 16-year- sp o rt seriously 12 m onths ago.
old like Stuart. F S tuart has the right m ental attitude
C S tuart is determ ined to w in one, an d the right discipline.
though. G H ow ever, that isn 't easy for Stuart.
D W hat is the special talent that m akes H S tuart will be the one in the lead.
S tuart w alk faster than m ost people
can run? 1 But Stuart can w alk the distance faster
th a n m ost people could cycle it.
Trang 8You are going to read a magazine article about companies which develop photographs For Questions 22-35, choose from the companies (A-E) Some of the companies may be chosen more than once When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order There is an example at the beginning (0) Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Part 4
Of which company or companies are the following stated?
It takes a day for the prints to be returned to the shop.
It offers services at different prices.
The writer had chosen a good day on which to use it.
It failed to do anything within the period it guaranteed
Everything about the packaging was fine.
The photos were accompanied by advertising material.
The writer was confused about what to do.
There was no protection for the negatives.
The writer’s experience of it was better than that of later
It lets you choose whether to be sent advertising material or not
The writer used it because another service was not available.
Trang 9Paper 1 Reading
Its methods appear rrjpre scientific than another company's.
O ther people could see the photos being developed.
It m ay give customers their money back.
Photograph Developers
When having your precious holiday
photographs developed, how much
difference is there between companies?
STELLA YARRO W tested five of them.
F ilm s P lu s
This wasn't my first choice I'd intended to try
o ut another company first, but the machinery
in the branch I visited was being replaced (the
shop had neglected to tell me this when I rang
the day before) The service at Films Plus, in
keeping w ith its low-cost image, is of the
Do-It-Yourself variety Customers fill in details
on an envelope and deposit their films in a container A fter laboriously completing the form (having had some difficulty
understanding the prices and instructions), I realised the films are picked up only once a week, on Thursday, for returning on the Friday Luckily, this was a Wednesday But even if I'd waited longer, it's hard to complain
a t this price.
Packaging: Flimsy, and the strips of negatives
w ere all in one sleeve, not separate ones as
Trang 10The film was processed in the shop's own
mini-laboratory, where technicians in white
coats operated mysterious-looking machinery
The prints w ere ready w ithin the hour, as
guaranteed, and there was nothing to criticise
in the service I was lucky, though: my pictures
w ere the last to be developed before they ran
out o f paper and the service was halted, to
the annoyance o f a queue o f customers The
service is cheaper if you are prepared to w ait
longer fo r your pictures.
Packaging: Reasonably strong and the
negatives w ere properly sleeved.
I w en t to the branch o f this chain o f mini
laboratories based in a local chemist's shop
The set-up looked less laboratory-like than
Quickprint, w ith the machinery turning out
lines o f strangers' family snapshots in view of
customers buying medicines or shampoo The
snaps w ere ready w ithin the hour, as
advertised, and cheaper than Quickprint
Packaging: The negatives w ere in a separate
bag in separate sleeves and they and the photos
were in a strong envelope made o f card.
D The prints from this mail-or der company were
slightly better than those o f its competitor.
S n a p s h o t s
P h oto : Express.;
Pictureland, but it trailed behind on service It promised th a t the mail-order envelopes I requested would arrive w ithin three days; they took five A second batch I asked fo r when th e first lot didn't turn up took a week The prints w ere returned to me ten days after the film was posted to the company, although the company says prints are returned w ithin seven to nine days o f posting A t such a rock- bottom price, the company doesn't throw in
a free film - but I was sent a mass o f leaflets for more expensive sister companies, which do.
Packaging: Flimsy, but the negatives were satisfactorily packed.
The mail-order envelopes I asked fo r turned
up a day later than promised, but the service was otherwise efficient The company guarantees you a refund if it doesn't get the snaps back to you within seven days It met this target, just - they took seven days to get
to me Snapshots on th e other hand, didn't
o ffer such a guarantee and took longer One fau lt w ith Pictureland is th a t you must ring a special num ber if you don't w ant to be flooded w ith brochures and leaflets in future.
Packaging: The negatives w ere tying loose in the envelope and could easily have been badly damaged.
P ic tu r e la n d
Trang 11PAPER 2 WRITING (1 hour 30 minutes)
Part 1
You must answer this question.
1 You have decided to have a party to celebrate your birthday You found an advertisement for Big Sounds Disco and decide to ask for further information Read carefully the advertisement and the notes you have made Then, using this information, write a letter to David Price, the man who runs the disco You should cover all the points in your notes You may add relevant information of your own.
Book now for the summer season
Music from the
CorvvpdlfiOAS |XV ^flAGi/Vj?
Write a tetter of between 120 and 180 words in an appropriate style on the
Trang 12P a rti
Trang 13Paper 2 Writing
Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part Write your answers in 120-180
words in an appropriate style on the next page Put the question number in the box.
2 A group o f English-speaking students is going to study at your college for
three months and they have asked for different kinds of information You have
been given the task of writing a report for them on the shops in your area.
Write your report, giving some details about such things as types of shops
and opening times, and making recommendations on suitable places for
students to spend their money.
3 You are on holiday for two weeks with a group of people whom you have not
met before but who share the same interests as you At the end of your first
w eek, you decide to write a letter to your pen friend, telling him/her about the
group, your activities so far and what you plan to do during your second
W rite your letter.
4 Your class has recently had a discussion on violence on television and in films
today Your teacher has now asked you to write a composition giving your
opinion on the following statement.
Violence on television and in films can make young people behave badly.
Write your composition.
5 Background reading texts
Answer one of the following two questions based on your reading of one of
the set books.
(a) Choose two places described in the book or in any of the short stories
you have read Write a composition, explaining why they are important
to the book or short stories.
(b) You have agreed to write an article for the college magazine on the book
which you have read You should write about the development of the
story, giving examples of where the story is easy to follow and where it is
Part 2
Trang 14Part 2
Q uestion
Trang 15Paper 3 Use of English
PAPER 3 USE OF ENGLISH (1 hour 15 minutes)
P a r t 1
For Questions 1 -1 5 , read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C or D best fits
each space There is an example at the beginning (0).
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman
who (0 ) a US citizen The word ‘telephone’ had been (1 ) existence since
the 1830s and had been (2 ) to a number of inventions designed to produce
Bell had become interested in the possibility of long-distance speech (3 ) his
work with the deaf He was twenty-eight and his assistant, Thomas Watson,
was (4) twenty-one when they (5) their great success on 10th March 1876
Despite their long and (6) association, Bell’s first communication by
telephone was not ‘Tom, come here, I want you’, (7 ) 'M r Watson, com e here,
I want you’.
(8) with excitement, Bell and Watson dem onstrated their invention to a US
telegram company The company wrote to Bell, (9 ) that his invention was
interesting However, after (1 0 ) it careful consideration, they had ( 1 1 ) to
the conclusion that it had ‘no future’ Fortunately for Bell, others could see the
possibilities (12) four years of its invention, the US had 60,000 telephones
In the next twenty years that (13 ) increased to over 6 million.
Trang 16Today, ninety-three per cent of US homes have a phone, a (1 4 ) of phone ownership no other nation comes near to equalling Each US household makes
or receives (15) average 3,516 calls per year, an astonishing statistic.
Trang 17Paper 3 Use o f English
For Questions 16-30, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each
space Use only one word in each space There is an example at the beginning (0)
Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Part 2
OF : t h e r e
If you want to work in advertising, (0) — are three areas you can work in The first is
the Creative Department, which invents all the advertisements! Workers in (16)
department are known as ‘Creatives’ and they always work (17) pairs A
creative job, (18) outsiders, might not sound very stressful, (19) the pressure
to create original work is intense Creatives have to keep up to (20) with the
latest films, cartoons, videos, books and fashions to discover new techniques that
could (2 1) used to sell a product.
The second area is the Accounts Department This does (22) deal with financial
accounts but with the companies that the agency produces advertisements for
Account Executives have to (23) sure that the Creatives fully understand (24)
the client requires Account Executives need to keep both the Creative team
(25) the client happy It’s a job that requires a lot of diplomacy, as (26) as a
very good memory and excellent organisational skills.
The third area is the media, which involves placing advertisements in magazines,
(27) radio or TV, or in public areas The M edia Departm ent carries (28)
research into people’s habits, to find out, for example, (29) radio stations long
distance lorry drivers prefer Then it advises clients about which medium would be
(30) appropriate for its advertisement.
Trang 18Part 3For Questions 3 1 -4 0 , complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use
between tw o and five words, including the word given There is an example at the
The gap can be filled by the words ‘is not old enough to ’ so you write:
0 i f not old enough
31 ‘Would you prefer to have a table by the window?’ the waiter asked,
32 I’m getting bored here - let’s go to a different place,
I’m getting bored here - w h y else?
33 I really didn’t want to queue for tickets so I bought them by phone,
I was anxio us •.• ( ILi.LUi: for tickets, so I bought them by phone.
3 4 I couldn't decide whether I preferred the b|ue shirt or the green one
3 5 Despite his disappointment, he continued to be cheerful,
Trang 193 6 There were so many people on the train that I couldn’t get a seat,
The train w a s nowhere for me to sit.
37 The price of the books was less than I had expected,
The books d i d I had expected.
38 My sister would never watch television until she had done her homework.
M y sister always television.
39 It appears that we have no bread left,
W e seem t o bread.
40 W e last went to Spain three years ago
I t we last went to Spain.
Paper 3 Use of English
Trang 200 sh e
•' - ‘ r
0 I have several good friends but I suppose that my best friend she is
00 Ellen W e have been friends with each other since-we were very young
41 because of she used to live next door to me W e have always been in the
42 same class at school, although she has always been much more cleverer
43 than me I don’t mind though, because she often helps me with my
4 4 homework! Anyway, I’ve always been better at sport than she is I
4 5 always beat her at tennis and she doesn’t like that In fact, she hates
4 6 losing at anything and gets herself very annoyed if she does That’s the
47 only thing that I don’t like it about her Otherwise, she has a great sense of
48 humour and she’s always making me to laugh W e get on very well
49 together, although occasionally w e’ve had arguments - usually are about
50 silly little things Ellen and with her family moved to another district
51 last year but I still see her a lot W e’re planning to go on a trip around
52 Europe the next summer I’m really looking forward to it because I think
53 sure w e ’ll have a lot of fun and see exciting places O f course, it’s
54 going to be hard to afford us such a wonderful and exciting trip and
5 5 so w e ’re both going to get jobs and try to save up enough money for it.
Trang 21Paper 3 Use of English
For Questions 5 6 -6 5 , read the text below Use the word given in capitals at the end of
each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
everyday life bells used to be.
Bells told people of happy events, such as weddings and (5 9 ) BORN
or, sometimes had to announce (60) events such as a PLEASANT
(6 1 ) or a funeral Sometimes bells were used for giving people DIE
(6 2 ) of an enem y's approach or spreading the good news of WARN
In many places tdlday, bells are perhaps most (6 3 ) associated COMMON
with announcing when (6 4 ) services are going to take place RELIGION
They are also frequently rung during (6 5 ) and continue to play CELEBRATE
Trang 22PAPER 4 LISTENING (approximately 40 minutes)
P a r t 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations For Questions 1 -8 , choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear the weather forecast on the radio
W hat is the weather going to be like today?
A getting brighter
B getting windier
C getting wetter
You are listening to a trailer for a radio programme later this evening
What is the programme about?
3 You hear a woman talking at a meeting about the environment
W hat is she doing when she speaks?
A issuing a warning
B suggesting a solution
C making a protest
4 You hear a woman talking about her job.
What is her present job?
A She trains people to use computers.
B She interviews people looking for jobs.
C She designs games to be played on computers.
Trang 236 Listen to this woman talking to her friend.
W hat does she think of the new restaurant?
A It has good service.
B It has good food.
C It is good value for money.
7 Listen to this man talking to his friend.
Why is he talking to her?
A to postpone a tennis game
B to arrange a dinner party
C to request some help
8 Listen to this woman talking about an interview
How does she feel abdut it?
A confident
B annoyed
C disappointed
Trang 24You will hear a radio talk about a new educational and tourist attraction in the north of England For Questions 9 -1 8 , complete the notes which summarise what the speaker says.
W hole forest contained in:
Exam ples o f plant species:
Passion -flowers artd
First house environm ent: Lowland, ■forest
Fifth house environm ent:
C entre wants to add:
15 to its anim al collection.
Special days for schools and scientists:
Trang 25Paper 4 Listening
You will hear five different people talking about a drama group which they are members
of For Questions 19-23, choose which of the statements A-F best summarises what
each speaker is saying Use the letters only once There is one extra letter which you do
not need to use.
Trang 26You will hear an interview with a man who has just returned from travelling For Questions
2 4 -3 0 , choose the best answer A, B or C.
Part 4
24 The journey he made was
A from the North to the South Pole.
B across Africa.
C across Europe and Asia.
25 His main reason for making the journey was
A to help him recover from an illness.
B to raise money for charity.
C to prove that he could do it.
2 6 He stopped half way because
A he met up with old friends.
29 The media coverage of his journey was
A worse than he expected.
B better than he expected.
C the same as he expected.
30 W hat would he like to do next?
A find an easier route
B try a new walking route
C travel over the same route again
Trang 27Paper 5 Speaking
PAPER 5 SPEAKING (approximately 14 minutes)
You take the Speaking test with another candidate, referred to here as your
partner There are two examiners One will speak to you and your partner and the
other will just be listening Both examiners will award marks.
P a rt 1 (3 minutes)
The examiner asks you and your partner questions about yourselves You may be
asked about things like ‘your home town', ‘your interests’, ‘your career plans’,
P a rt 2 (4 minutes)
The examiner gives you two photographs and asks you to talk about them for
about one minute The examiner then asks your partner a question about your
photographs and your partner responds briefly.
Then the examiner gives your partner two different photographs Your partner
talks about these photographs for about one minute This time the examiner asks
you a question about your partner’s photographs and you respond briefly.
P a rt 3 (3 minutes)
The examiner asks you and your partner to talk together You may be asked to
discuss something, solve a problem or perhaps com e to a decision about
something For example, you might be asked to decide the best way to use some
rooms in a language school The examiner gives you a picture to help you but
does not join in the conversation.
P a rt 4 (4 minutes)
The examiner joins in the conversation You all talk together in a more general
way about what has been said in Part 3 The examiner asks you questions but
you and your partner are also expected to develop the conversation.
FCE3 - 65
Trang 28PAPER 1 READING (1 hour 15 minutes)
Part 1You are going to read a newspaper article about a company that manufactures diving equipment Choose the most suitable summary sentence from the list A-l for each part (1-7) of the article There is one extra summary sentence which you do not need to use There is an example at the beginning (0).
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
A Satisfying safety controls was the most important concern.
B Safety demands in the diving industry are growing rapidly.
C Pressure came from other companies.
D The company met the demands of a new market.
E The success of the early years seemed likely
to continue.
F There are advantages for a small company.
G A decision to change direction was made.
H Preparations have been m ade to control the company size.
I It started with a swim.
Trang 29Paper I Reading
for shark-filled
F O R T H E Brennan family, what began as a dip in
the sea grew into a successful water sports business,
which then went on to win a place for itself in the
> pec al :t water safety and survival market
In order to reach this specialist market, the company established a new department in 1979, to produce safety equipment It won contracts to supply large organisations with emergency breathing equipment and tough sea wear ‘At that time, they were looking for better solutions to deep- sea diving and they came to companies like us and said “W hat can you do?” They liked the ideas that
we put forward and so we got the work,’ Mrs Nye said
T he family’s interest in water sports began in
1965 and led to its decision to set up Sea Sports to
supply the rapidly growing water leisure industry
Over the next seven years the business grew steadily,
becoming a limited company in 1972 This was a
time of expansion, particularly in Europe
The long development process m eant working closely with an institute of Health and Safety, and
an institute of Naval Medicine as well as leading scientists in the field ‘You’re talking about products that involve people so you have medical regulations and all kinds of procedures to go through in order to
be able to develop products and do manned testing
- all of that is a very lengthy and costly process,’ Mrs Nye said
T he firm then found itself under threat from
cheaper imports According to Jane Nye, daughter
of the founder o f the company, the competition
forced them to lower their prices and highlighted tke
difficulties of a small manufacturing company
whose products are easily copied The company was
forced to release half its 50-strong workforce ‘It was
a serious blow as we had been growing We were
successful and then that came along,’ M rs Nye
‘It was agreed that we needed to move into the
area of safety products for the diving industry,’ she
said The company used its knowledge of the world
of diving to find markets where there was little
competition ‘The point about products in the safety
and survival markets is that they are covered by
regulations Many companies do not have the
quality systems that would satisfy these.’
Throughout, she has been determined to get the most from the workforce The lines of communication within the company match its size
‘Everyone can talk to me; it’s not as if the management is remote from the people who are working here - we are a unit that works together and the managers are all very accessible,’ Mrs Nye said
im g
Now, with further growth in its sights, the group plans to take on extra staff but does not plan for a workforce of more than 75 ‘We have concentrated
on equipping people in the organisation with a lot of skills We have trained and invested heavily in this so that staff can move wherever they are needed We’re
a small specialist company - we’ll grow but not out
o f proportion.’
Trang 30You are going to read an extract from a book about collecting animals for zoos For
Questions 8 -1 4 , choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to
the text.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Part 2
O N ANY collecting trip, obtaining the animals is, as a rule, the simplest part of the job As
soon as the local people discover that you are
willing to buy live wild creatures, the stuff comes
pouring in; ninety per cent is, of course, the
commoner types, but they do bring an occasional
rarity If you want the really rare stuff, you
generally have to go out and find it yourself, but
while you are devoting your time to this you can
be sure that all the common local animals will be
brought in to you So one might also say that
getting the animals is easy: the really hard part is
keeping them once you have got them.
The chief difficulty you have when you have
got a newly caught animal is not so much the
shock it might be suffering, but the fact that
being caught forces it to exist close to a creature
it regards as an enemy of the worst possible sort:
yourself On many occasions an animal may take
beautifully to being in a cage but getting used to
the idea of living with people is another matter
This is the difficulty you can only deal with by
patience and kindness For month after month
an animal may try to bite you every time you
approach its cage, until you despair of ever
making a favourable impression on it Then, one
day, sometimes without any preliminary
warning, it will trot forward and take food from
your hand, or allow you to tickle it behind the
ears At such moments you feel that all the
waiting in the world was worthwhile.
Feeding, of course, is one of your main
problems Not only must you have a fairly
extensive knowledge of what each animal eats
in the wild state, but you have to work out
something else when the natural food is
unavailable, and then teach your animal to eat it.
You also have to provide for their individual likes and dislikes, which vary enormously I have known a rat which, refusing all normal rat food - fruit, bread, vegetables - lived for three days on
an exclusive diet of spaghetti 1 have had a group
of five monkeys, o f the same age and types, who displayed the oddest individual characteristics Out of the five, two loved hard-boiled eggs, while the other three were frightened of the strange white shapes and would not touch them, actually screaming in fear if you put such a terrifying object as a hard-boiled egg into their cage These five monkeys all adored oranges but, whereas four would carefully peel their fruit and throw away the skin, the fifth would peel his orange equally carefully and then throw away the orange and eat the peel When you have a collection of several hundred creatures all displaying such curious characteristics, you are sometimes driven mad in your efforts to satisfy their desires, and so keep them healthy and happy.
But of all the irritating tasks that you have to undertake during a collecting trip, bringing the baby animals up by hand is undoubtedly the worst To begin with, they are generally stupid over taking a bottle and there is nothing quite so unattractive as struggling with a baby animal in
a sea of warm milk And then they have to be kept warm, especially at night, and this means (unless you take them to bed with you, which is
often the answer) you have to get up several
times during the night to refill hot-water bottles After a hard day’s "work, to drag yourself out of bed at three in the morning to see to hot-water bottles is an occupation that soon loses its charm.
Trang 318 W hat does the writer say about getting hold of animals?
A The best solution is to collect most of them yourself.
B Dealing with local collectors takes a lot of time.
C Collecting large numbers of animals is usually no problem.
D Local people may not understand how rare some animals are.
9 What is the main problem with an animal that has just been caught?
A It is frightened to be near humans.
B It has been badly shocked by its experience.
C It does not like being with other animals.
D It will try to break out of its cage.
10 How does the writer treat new animals in his collection?
A He keeps away from those that bite.
B He tries to build up a relationship with them.
C He feeds them by hand every day.
D He keeps them separate for several months.
11 How does the writer make sure the animals have a good diet?
A He collects food for them from their natural home.
B He gives them a variety of fruit, bread and vegetables.
C He mixes food they dislike in with their favourites.
D He finds alternatives to their natural food if necessary.
12 W hat do we learn about the five monkeys?
A Some of them did not want eggs in their cage.
B One of them did not know how to peel an orange.
C Some of them were too frightened to eat anything.
D One of them threw his orange at the others.
13 The writer says that with a large collection of animals, it is
A impossible to keep them all in cages.
B a problem to control their natural curiosity.
C crazy to expect them all to be healthy.
D hard work to give each one what it wants.
14 What problem does the writer have at night?
A He has to work with the baby animals until 3 a.m.
B He keeps the baby animals’ cages in his bedroom.
C He has to keep getting up to look after the babies.
D The babies have to be given regular warm drinks.
Paper 1 Reading
Trang 32Part 3You are going to read a newspaper article about a special course for people who are
afraid of flying Eight sentences have been removed from the article Choose from the
sentences A -l the one which fits each gap (15-21) There is one extra sentence which you
do not need to use There is an example at the beginning (0).
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
All aboard the flight from fear
S tu a r t Rising w a s te r r ifie d o f fly in g
course: a se m in a r conducted by two airlin e
pilots an d a psychologist from a leading
London hospital.
We sat like atten tiv e schoolchildren,
focused on o u r th re e teachers F irst, we
w ere asked to identify o u r specific fears
and problem s Some did n o t like take-off
an d landing 15 Some sh ared
m y intense dislike of being trapped in the seem ingly sm all space of a n aircraft.
O ur first te ac h er asked: ‘Does anyone dislike lifts o r trav e llin g on th e U nder ground?’ Lots of hands shot u p w ith m ine I felt b e tte r already One p erso n had been stru ck by te rro r on an U nderground train
I w as in good company.
O ur tu to r encouraged us to identify o u r
p a rtic u la r w orries and fears connected
w ith a ir travel We form ed team s an d got to
know each other, example, th e pilots explained th a t on tak e off th e re is alw ays a lot of noise as the engines build up power, b u t n o th in g is wrong.
Trang 33Paper 1 Reading
The pilots discussed o ther com mon fears
and w orries People like me, who m ay feel
b rea th less in enclosed spaces, w ere
re a ssu re d th a t the a ir in the a irc ra ft is
continually 'b e in g changed T here is
alw ays enough air. 1 8
engines ro ared into life; the plane moved forw ard. 19
T he
p rin cip les of flight w ere discussed and
th e pilots explained th a t a ir trav e l is, in
fact, one of th e safest form s of m odern
The tim e had come We were told to take
all the positive action needed We should be
courageous and resolute Now, if we
followed through, we would be able to face
ou r fea r of flying and then overcome it.
We w ere tak en to a 747 aircraft We
clim bed aboard I sat beside Betty, the lady
who h ad panicked in th e lift N ervously
grip p in g h e r arm rests, Betty was now
m inus h e r smile The young wom an across
the aisle from m e was in tears She was
scared, b u t she was on th e plane The
‘F asten yo u r seatbelts, please,’ a silky fem ale voice urged us How could we resist? We did as
we w ere told and kept o u r cool Or trie d to Suddenly, we h ad tak en off We were airborne We flew from H eathrow airp o rt to the so u th coast Dungeness Pow er Station was clearly visible from the window On th e
r e tu rn to H eathrow \ e tsok it in tu rn to
v isit th e flight deck 20
A fter we h ad got off the plane, we
b u r s t into a display o f em otion, triu m p h a n tly laughing and cheering while exchanging hugs and claps on th e back.
21 I • We h ad all faced a serious problem and tak en a giant step tow ard overcom ing it We felt sad for th e few who
h ad refused to board the aircraft The chances are th a t they w ill probably never get on an y plane.
Me? I’ll soon be flying to America.
A Betty, a middle-aged lady w ith a lovely
sm ile, adm itted th a t she had panicked
w hile stuck in a lift between floors in a
S panish hotel.
B Betty, delighted to be back on the
ground, even gave me a friendly peck
on th e cheek.
C E verything th e re was u n d er control
and, o f course, we understood th a t
th e ‘bum p’ on landing was quite
norm al.
D No tu rn in g back now.
E M ore stran g e and potentially
frightening noises occur at o th e r
tim es, such as w hen th e wheels are pulled up.
F O thers disliked th e m ovem ent of the plan e w hen it is h it by a ir currents.
G However, stress and tension can be
b rought on sim ply by shallow breathing: we w ere therefore encouraged always to take deep, full breaths.
H We w ere th e n ready to analyse our problem s, w hich w ere discussed and critically exam ined.
I Young, middle-aged and old: w hat we all h ad in com m on w as a fear of flying.
Trang 34You are going to read a review from a music magazine For Questions 2 2 -3 5 , choose from the albums reviewed (A-E) Some of the albums may be chosen more than once When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order There is an example at the beginning (0).
Mark your answers on the separate a nsw er sheet.
Part 4
Of which album(s) are the following statements true?
Additional interesting material comes with the album.
All the music is taken from public performances.
Some of the music has not been heard in public before.
The album contains music recorded after one of the
performers died.
One of the items has recently been a big hit.
The new version of the album contains more items than the
The album was produced after musical experiments.
The recordings show how artists can find it difficult to keep
up standards.
The playing on the album lacks originality.
The original album was made to meet legal obligations.
It is much better than similar albums.
The majority of the music does not live up to its description 3 2
The title of the album was taken from a programme about the 33
Trang 35M I K E B U R W O O D looks at a
selection o f m u s ic a lb u m s w hich are
m a k in g th eir second appearance on the
recording scene.
Most record buyers probably w eren't even
aw are of this album 's original release 18
m onths ago Everything But The Girl's
seventh studio LP created hardly any
interest am ong a public for w hom the
b an d 's b ran d of guitar-playing had long
been little m ore than a feeble copy of other
musicians Re-released now, following the
huge success of the popular single M issing,
the album 's selection of basically pointless
songs seems m ore tired than ever Only the
new version of M issing makes any lasting
im pression and provides a rem inder of the
pow er once found at the heart of
Everything But The G irl's music.
At last, an alternative to the terrible collections so often sold as introductions
to jazz! A Great Day in Harlem is based on
a delightful docum entary of the same nam e w hich tells the story of how some of the finest musicians in jazz history came
to be photographed together in front of a
N ew York building in 1958 Excellent exam ples of the w ork of 18 of them are found on 12 recordings w ith dates ranging from 1936 to 1994 Particular successes are C ount Basie w ith his band, including Lester Young, and Charles
M ingus's original version of Goodbye Pork
Pie Hat, w ritten in m em ory of the same Lester Young only tw o m onths after his death an d less than a year after the original photo w as taken.
by-Various Art'sts
Trang 36This w as originally produced in 1976
sim ply to satisfy the requirem ents of
Elton's contract w ith his record company
At that time, it consisted of ten songs p u t
together from show s in London and New
York, b u t it has now expanded to a
'greatest live h its' form at w ith 16 m ore
songs from those nights Three of these -
Whatever Gets You Through The N ight, Lucy
in The Sky W ith Diamonds and I Saw Her
Standing There - feature John Lennon in his
last onstage appearance.
C onsidered by m any to be the band's best,
1971's Who's N ext w as their only N um ber 1
album Like m any projects, it was
developed from an earlier idea, in this case
an attem p t to com bine rock-music opera
w ith the lim ited technology of the time With seven extra songs, four of them previously unreleased, notes by one of the band m em bers and previously unseen photographs, this is definitely a collector's item.
Despite the enthusiasm of the accom panying notes, this album really centres o n just one m asterpiece - the 1961
instrum ental hit Let There Be Drums, w ith
its m arvellous rhythm s and rousing
guitar-playing Let There Be Drums
actually follow ed another h it - the
inferior Teen Beat - and N elson spent the
rem ainder of the 1960s trying unsuccessfully to produce sim ilar hits All these attem pts are gathered am ong the 24 pieces here and this album provides a lesson in just how short a m usician's stay
at the top can be.
K IN G Q F T H E D R U M S bySandy-Nelson
Trang 37-Paper 2 Writing
PAPER 2 WRITING (1 hour 30 minutes)
Part 1You must answer this question.
1 You are studying English at Romsey College in Britain A friend of yours in
another country is going to the same college and has asked you for some
information and advice.
Read carefully the college information and the notes below Then, using this
information, write a letter to your friend telling her/him about next term You
may add other relevant points of your own.
20.00 at Seven Stars Hotel
Write a letter of between 120 and 180 words in an appropriate style on the
next page Do not write any addresses.
Trang 38Part 1
Trang 39Paper 2 Writing
Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part Write your answer in 120-180
words in an appropriate style on the next page Put the question number in the box.
2 You have been asked to write an article for the college magazine which will
help new students to organise their studies effectively You need to include
advice on study plans, good places to work in, exam preparation and making
the best use of leisure time.
Write your article.
3 You see this advertisement in an international newspaper, which would give
you the chance to spend the summer in Britain.
Part 2
Looking for a summer job?
Friendly waiters and waitresses needed for our busy sea-front
restaurant, popular with foreign visitors No experience necessary
but some knowledge of language an advantage Fitness essential!
Apply to: Mrs J Robinson, PO Box 100
Write your letter of application Do not include addresses.
4 You have decided to enter a short-story competition organised by an
international magazine The competition rules say that the story must begin or
end with the following words:
Bern ie woke up suddenly and looked at the bed-side clock It was three
o’clock in the morning.
Write your story.
5 Background reading texts
Answer one of the following two questions based on your reading of one of
the set books.
(a) Do you think the story you have read will be popular in 100 years’ time?
Write a composition, giving your opinion and reasons for your views.
(b) You have been invited to write a short article for your college magazine
on the most interesting person in the book which you have read Write
your article, giving some details of that person’s character and
explaining why you find him or her especially interesting.