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Máy khoan hầm Boomer H282 (Phần 4) - P6

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Tiêu đề Máy Khoan Hầm Boomer H282 (Phần 4) - P6
Trường học DEUTZ AG
Chuyên ngành Engineering
Thể loại Hướng Dẫn Sử Dụng
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Shop manual máy khoan hầm Boomer H282 (Phần 4) Phần động cơ

1 GeradeOperation Manual91291326 472 ● Please read and observe the information given inthis Operation Manual. This will enable you toavoid accidents, preserve the manufacturer’swarranty and maintain the engine in peak operatingcondition.● This engine has been built exclusively for theapplication specified in the scope of supply – asdescribed by the equipment manufacturer – and isto be used only for the intended purpose. Any useexceeding that scope is considered to be contraryto the intended purpose. The manufacturer willnot assume responsibility for any damage resultingtherefrom. The risks involved are to be bornesolely by the user.● Use in accordance with the intended purpose alsoimplies compliance with the conditions laid downby the manufacturer for operation, maintenanceand servicing. The engine should only be operatedby personnel trained in its use and the hazardsinvolved.● The relevant accident prevention guidelines andother generally accepted safety and industrialhygiene regulations must be observed.● Unauthorised engine modifications will invalidateany liability claims against the manufacturer forresultant damage.Manipulations of the injection and regulatingsystem may also influence the performance of theengine, and its emissions. Adherence to legislationon pollution cannot be guaranteed under suchconditions.● Do not change, convert or adjust the cooling airintake area.The manufacturer shall not be held responsible forany damage which results from such work. Do notchange, convert or adjust the cooling air intakearea.The manufacturer shall not be held responsible forany damage which results from such work. 3 GeradePlease enter the engine serial number here. Thisnumber should be quoted when inquiring aboutCustomer Service, Repairs or Spare Parts (see Section2.1).All rights reserved. Technical modifications requiredto improve our engines are reserved with regard tospecification data and other technical informationcontained in this Operation Manual. No parts of thisManual may be reproduced in any form or by anymeans without our written approval.0297 9690 enEngineSerial NumberOperation Manual912913 4 41ForewordDear Customer,Air / liquid-cooled DEUTZ engines are designed for alarge number of applications. Consequently, a widerange of variants are offered to meet the requirementsof specific cases.Your engine is appropriately equipped for theinstallation concerned, which means that not all ofthe components described in this Operation Manualare necessarily mounted to your engine.We have endeavoured to highlight any differences sothat you will be able to locate the operating andmaintenance instructions relevant to your enginequickly and easily.Please read this Manual before starting your engine,and always observe the operating and maintenanceinstructions.We are available to help with any additional inquiriesSincerely,DEUTZ AG AZ-TD3/Vo 19.7.96 51 General2 Engine Description2.1 Model2.1.1 Rating Plate2.1.2 Rating Plate Location2.1.3 Engine Serial Number2.1.4 Cylinder Numbering2.1.5 Direct Injection2.1.6 Two-stage Combustion2.2 Engine Illustrations2.2.1 Service Side F4L 9122.2.2 Exhaust Side F4L 9122.2.3 Service Side BF4L 9132.2.4 Exhaust Side BF4L 9132.3 Lube Oil Circuit2.3.1 Lube Oil Circuit FL 912/9132.4 Fuel System Schematic2.4.1 Fuel Circuit2.5 Engine Cooling2.5.1 Regulation of Coolant Flow using theExhaust Thermostat2.5.2 Regulation of Coolant Flow using theExhaust Thermostat and Solenoid3 Engine Operation3.1 Commissioning3.1.1 Adding Engine Oil3.1.2 Filling Oil Bath Air Cleaner3.1.3 Adding Fuel3.1.4 Ventilation3.1.5 Other Preparations3.1.6 Additional Maintenance Work3.1.7 Selector Switch for Oil Heater3.2 Starting3.2.1 Electric Starting3.3 Monitoring Systems3.3.1 Engine Oil Pressure3.3.2 Engine Temperature3.3.3 Cooling Fan DriveIndex3.4 Stopping3.4.1 Mechanical Shutdown3.4.2 Electrical Shutdown3.5 Operating Conditions3.5.1 Winter Operation3.5.2 High Ambient Temperatures, High Altitude4 Operating Media4.1 Lube Oil4.1.1 Quality Grade4.1.2 Viscosity4.2 Fuel4.2.1 Quality Grade4.2.2 Winter-Grade Fuel5 Routine Maintenance5.1 Maintenance Schedule5.2 Maintenance Chart5.3 Maintenance Work Completed6 Service and Maintenance6.1 Lube Oil System6.1.1 Oil Change Intervals6.1.2 Checking Oil Level / Changing Oil Level6.1.3 Changing Oil Filter6.1.4 Changing the Partial-Flow Oil Filter Insert6.2 Fuel System6.2.1 Changing Fuel Filter6.2.2 Fuel Precleaner Cleaning the Fuel Filter6.3 Cooling System6.3.1 Cleaning Intervals6.4 Combustion Air Filter6.4.1 Cleaning Intervals6.4.2 Emptying Cyclone Type Precleaner6.4.3 Cleaning Oil Bath Air Cleaner6.4.4 Dry Type Air Cleaner6.5 Belt Drives6.5.1 Checking V-Belts6.5.2 Changing the Fan V-Belt6.5.3 Tensioning Alternator Belts6.5.4 Changing Alternator Belts6.5.5 Checking Warning System6.5.6 Tensioning and Changing Air CompressorV-Belts6.5.7 Air Compressor Design with DoubleV-Belt6.6 Adjustments6.6.1 Checking / Adjusting Valve Clearance6.7 Accessories6.7.1 Battery6.7.2 Three-Phase Alternator6.7.3 Lifting Tackle6.8 Cleaning the Engine6.8.1 Cleaning the Engine6.9 Additional Maintenance6.9.1 Checking the Mountings6.9.2 Checking the Function of theHeating Pipe6.9.3 Checking the Function of the FlameGlowing System7 Faults, Causes and Remedies7.1 Diagnosis Chart8 Engine Preservation8.1 Preservation8.1.1 Preserving Engine8.1.2 Removing Engine Preservatives9 Technical Specifications9.1 Engine Specifications and Settings9.2 Torque Wrench Settings9.3 Tools10 Service 6 6126 472 7 Gerade7 Gerade1DEUTZ Diesel Enginesare the product of many years of research anddevelopment. The resulting know-how, coupledwith stringent quality standards, guarantee theirlong service life, high reliability and low fuelconsumption.It goes without saying that DEUTZ Diesel Enginesmeet the highest standards for environmentalprotection.ServicePlease contact one of our authorized servicerepresentatives in the event of breakdowns or forspare parts inquiries. Our trained specialists willcarry out repairs quickly and professionally, usingonly genuine spare parts.Original parts from DEUTZ AG are always producedin accordance with state-of-the-art technology.Please turn to the end of this manual for furtherservice information.General!Care and MaintenanceSound care and maintenance practices will ensurethat the engine continues to meet the requirementsplaced on it. Recommended service intervals mustbe observed and service and maintenance workcarried out conscientiously.Special care should be taken under abnormallydemanding operating conditions.AsbestosDEUTZ original parts are asbestos-free.SafetyThis symbol is used for all safetywarnings. Please follow themcarefully. The attention of operatingpersonnel should be drawn to thesesafety instructions. General safetyand accident prevention regulations laid down bylaw must also be observed.Beware of Running EngineShut the engine down before carrying out mainte-nance or repair work. Ensure that the engine cannotbe accidentally started. Risk of accidents.When the work is complete, be sure to refit anypanels and guards that may have been removed.Never fill the fuel tank while the engine is running.Observe industrial safety regulations when runningthe engine in an enclosed space or underground.CaliforniaProposition 65 WarningDiesel engine exhaust and some of its consti-tuents are known to the State of California tocause cancer, birth defects, and other repro-ductive harm.9690en_K01_neu 18.08.2000, 14:56 Uhr7 8 819690en_K01_neu 18.08.2000, 14:56 Uhr8 9 Gerade2 9Engine Description2.1 Model2.2 Engine Illustration2.3 Lube Oil Circuit2.4 Fuel System Schematic2.5 Engine Cooling 10 10225 611 2The engine serial number D is stamped on thecrankcase as well as the rating plate.24 587 1 24 552 12.1.2 Rating Plate Location 2.1.3 Engine Serial NumberEngine Description2.1 Model2.1.1 Rating PlateThe model A, the engine serial number B and theperformance data are stamped on the rating plate.The model and engine serial number must be givenwhen ordering parts.The rating plate C is attached to the crankcase;depending on the design, a second rating plate maybe attached to the air duct. [...]... artic climate zones down to -4 4 °C special diesel fuels can be used If summer-grade diesel fuel must be used at temperatures below 0 °C, up to 60% kerosene can be added (see diagram) In most cases, adequate resistance to cold can be obtained by adding a flow improver (additive) Please inquire at DEUTZ-PARTNER 4 +32 0 +23 -5 I +14 - 10 + 5 - 15 - 4 - 20 - 13 - 25 II - 22 - 30 °F °C 0 10 20 30 40 50... Otherwise contact DEUTZ SERVICE C F 0 32 25 901 1 Operating Media 4 4.1 Lube Oil 4.2 Fuel 33 33 Gerade Operating Media 4.1.2 Viscosity E 1-9 6 SAE 40 59 50 + 10 41 32 +0 23 14 - 10 5 -4 - 20 - 13 Oil change intervals, see 6.1.1 Oil capacities, see 9.1 -3 1 - 40 34 - 30 - 40 F 26021 0 - 22 *Seulement avec préchauffe du moteur At least: + 20 F nur mit Motorvorwärmung *only with engine oil preheating Approved ACEA... down to -2 0 °C The following fuel specifications / standards are approved: q DIN EN 590 q BS 2869: A1 and A2 (with A2, take note of the sulphur content!) q ASTM D 97 5-8 8; 1-D and 2-D q NATO Code F-54 and F-75 Any exhaust emission levels which may have been determined during type approval tests always refer to the reference fuel prescribed by the authorities for the type approval test q Below -2 0 °C,... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fan V-belt (fan) Injection pump V-belt (alternator) V-belt pulley Tension roller Oil fill point Oil pan Oil drain plug Fuel pump Oil dipstick Lube oil filter Easy-change fuel filter Air duct cover Cylinder-head cover Engine Description 2.2 Engine Illustrations 2.2.2 Exhaust Side F4L 912 2 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Air-intake pipe Exhaust manifold pipe Screen... turbocharger Air-intake pipe-exhaust turbocharger Charge-air line 16 21 20 19 15 18 17 30017 0 15 Gerade Engine Description 2 2.3 Lube Oil Circuit 2.3.1 Lube Oil Circuit FL 912 / 913 8 7 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 18 17 19 16 6 15 20 5 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 24 10 9 11 13 21 1 12 14 2 3 19 058 6 16 16 Oil pan Intake manifold Oil pump Oil pressure control valve Pressure-oil line... see 4.1.2 – Increase oil change frequency when operating below -1 0 °C, see 6.1.1 3 q Battery – Efficient cold starting requires a healthy battery, see 6.7.1 – The starting limit temperatures can be lowered by 4-5 °C by heating the battery up to about +20 °C (To do so, remove the battery and store in a warm place.) q Diesel Fuel – Use winter-grade diesel fuel for operation below 0 °C, see 4.2.2 q Additional... 23 24 857 1 13 13 Gerade Engine Description 2 2.2 Engine Illustrations 2.2.3 Service Side BF4L 913 1 14 2 13 3 12 4 11 10 14 14 9 8 7 6 5 30016 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Fan V-belt (fan) V-belt (alternator) V-belt pulley on crankshaft Tension roller Oil fill point Oil drain plug Fuel filter cartridge Fuel pump with fuel precleaner Injection pump Oil dipstick Lube oil filter cartridge Air duct... be damaged In order to keep wear to a minimum, do not exceed application limits for extended periods of time Oil changes dictated by the seasons can be avoided by using multi-grade lube oils Multi-grade oils – particularly light-flowing oils – also reduce fuel consumption SAE 10W/40 Lube oils are differentiated according to their performance and quality class In common use are specifications named after... Change fuel filter cartridge, see 6.2.1 After the engine has been turned off – Check the oil level, see 6.1.2 If necessary, top up oil, see 3.1.1 Retension V-belts, see 6.5 q Check V-belts and retension as necessary, see 6.5 q Breaking in During the break-in phase – about 200 operating hours – check the oil level twice a day After the engine is broken in, checking once a day will be sufficient q Check valve... exhaust gas opacity in the revving-up phase 27 with Cold-Start Aid/Flame Glow Plug FR 20/30 = 11 and 23 volts 25 746 2 q Insert key – Position 0 = no operating voltage q Turn key clockwise – Position 1 = operating voltage – Pilot lights come on q Push key in and turn further clockwise against spring pressure – Glow plug indicator comes on – Position 2 = Preheat for approx 20 -3 0 seconds (hold key in position)* . CompressorV-Belts6.5.7 Air Compressor Design with DoubleV-Belt6.6 Adjustments6.6.1 Checking / Adjusting Valve Clearance6.7 Accessories6.7.1 Battery6.7.2 Three-Phase. parts.Original parts from DEUTZ AG are always producedin accordance with state-of-the-art technology.Please turn to the end of this manual for furtherservice

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2012, 14:13



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