Second, it is to illustrate how an administrative unit does accounting forsalary and deductions from salary by taking scenario at Welding Technology andEquipment Company as a case for st
Trang 1I, Lê Thanh Thủy, hereby declare that this thesis and the study presented in it
are my own and have been generated by me as the result of my own original
Trang 2This research involves the process of accounting for salary and deduction fromsalary of enterprises in Vietnam in the context that global trade has obtainedextremely fast growth The purpose of the study is to contribute to the fundamentaltheory of building accounting for salary and paying salary processes, which canhelp businesses to better process payroll accounting This has been done byexamining the relevant literature and scenarios at WELDTEC…,in the period of
2015 - 2017 Questionnaires and interviews were also conducted for the collection
of data and viewpoints of staff The first phase of the study involves reviewingliterature which relates to accounting for salary and deduction from salary Thesecond phase, upon the examination of figures and documents, aims to reflect theprocess of accounting salary and points out the company’s advantages anddisadvantages The final phase involves solutions and recommendations to improvethe current situation of WELDTEC Through analysis, it can be seen that ineffectivepayroll and payroll operations at WELDTEC are due to a number of reasons,including the need for timekeeping procedures Therefore, the solutions anddirections in the study are expected to improve WELDTEC's current accountingstatus
Trang 3Firstly, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor MBA Pham Phuong Oanhwhose help, stimulation suggestions and encouragement helped me all the time ofresearch for and writing of this thesis
I also want to thank WELDTEC co., ltd for giving me permission tocommence this thesis in the first instance, to do the necessary research work and touse departmental data
I have furthermore to thank the General Manager as well as all seniors atWELDTEC co., ltd who gave and confirmed this permission and encouraged me to
go ahead with my thesis
My friends from Foreign Language Faculty also supported me in my thesis Iwould like to thank them for all their help, support, interest and valuable hints.Especially, I would like to give my special thanks to my family whose patientlove enables me to complete this work
Finally, because of limitation of time and knowledge, mistakes areunavoidable, so I wish to have more opportunities, I also wish to receive morecontribution and suggestions to make my thesis better
Trang 4WELDTEC Welding Technology and Equipment
Table 2.1.2 Situation of turnover, cost and profit of the company 18
Table 2.1.3: Structure and management apparatus of WELDTEC co., ltd 21
Table Employee time sheet 24
Table Payment sheet 26
Table Payable to employees subsidiary ledger 30
1.Rationale 1
2 Aim of the study 1
3 Scope of the study 2
4 Methodology 2
5 Organization of the study 2
1.1.Basic features of accounting for salary and deductions from employee’s salary 3 1.1.1 Concept on salary 3
1.1.2 Deductions from employees’ salaries 4
1.1.3 Salary funds and salary regulation 8
1.2.Content of accounting for salary and deductions from salary 11
1.2.1 Accounting for salary 11
2.1.An overview about WELDTEC 17
2.1.1.The information and development of the company 17
2.2.The main contents of accounting for salary and deductions from salary in WELDTEC 23
2.2.1.Types of paying salaries in the company 23
2.2.2 Contents of accounting for salry 24
2.2.3 Contents of deductions from employees’ salaries in the company 38
3.1.Comments on accounting for salary and deductions from salary in WELDTEC 44
3.1.1.General comments on the accounting work at the Company: 44 3.1.2.Comments on the accounting for salary and salary deductions at the
1 Rationale
In any society, all of enterprises have to focus on improving quality ofauditing the accounts Accounting information must reach the truth and accuracy,they are the basic of foundation that the enterprise relys on in order to make the bestdecisions serve to the demands from the market, produces, properties of practicesbusiness activities in order to get the maximum profit in return This takes to theresult of improving and raising the labor’s living standard, one of the mostimportant factors in doing business activities
Following the modern structure of the Government State, in the years gone by,Viet Nam enterprises consider accounting for salary and salary deductions as one ofthe most important parts that can not be omitted in their auditing the accounts task.This not only shows the effectiveness of the inputs but shows the fair of the socialeconomic, ensures following the salary policy of the Government State, shows thebenefit between enterprises and their labor, takes part in supplying informationaccurately and adequately, helps the enterprises in managing the manufacturingplan
During my intership at Welding Technology and Equipment Company, Ifound that the company has been in problems with its salary Beside the strengths,the company still exists some weaknesses that needs to innovate in order to adapt tothe acquire of the current business activities such as managing and using labor cost,applying microcomputer system, etc
From the analysis of urgency in both theory and practice in the company, Ihave decided to choose the graduation thesis’ title: “Completing accounting forsalary and deductions from salaries at Welding Technology and EquipmentCompany”
2 Aim of the study
My study has three objectives:
Trang 9First, it is to contribute to the background theory of accounting for salary anddeduction from salary, which is done by pointing out definitions, accounts used andaccounting entries for each account related to salary in an administrative unit.
Second, it is to illustrate how an administrative unit does accounting forsalary and deductions from salary by taking scenario at Welding Technology andEquipment Company as a case for study
Third, it is to review Welding Technology and Equipment Company’sachievements and limitations and to suggest possible solutions to improve theaccounting performance for salary and deduction from salary in the future
3 Scope of the study
The study was conducted in the fiscal year from 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2015 andfrom 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016, which focusing on accounting for salary atWELDTEC The company is located at Tran Thai Tong stress, Dich Vong Hauward, Cau Giay district, Ha Noi
4 Methodology
The study was carried out by using many research methods and instruments ofwhich interview and questionnaire were used as main instruments for datacollection
The questionnaire was designed to collect opinion, ideas andrecommendations from staffs in Administrative Department, AccountingDepartment The questions in the questionnaire focused on the main subject of thestudy
In terms of the interview, the interviewees are asked to answer questions andgive their own perspectives about paying salary
Thus, all the collected information and statistics and opinion are objective,relevant, central and useful for the study
5 Organization of the study
Except for the introduction, conclusion, references and documents attached,the main content is divided into three chapters as follow:
Chapter 1: Literature review- Theory on accounting for salary and deductionfrom salary
Trang 10Chapter 2: The study- The reality of accounting for salary and deductions fromsalary in WELDTEC Co., Ltd
Chapter 3: Recommendations- Some constructive ideas to complete theaccounting for salary and deduction from salary in WELDTEC Co., Lt
1.1 Basic features of accounting for salary and deductions from
employee’s salary
1.1.1 Concept on salary Definition of accounting for salary
Salary is a fixed amount of money or compensation paid to an employee by anemployer in return for work performed Salary is paid, most frequently, in a bi-weekly paycheck to an exempt or professional employee In most years, anemployee’s salary is paid in 26 even paychecks over the course of the year Anemployee who is paid a salary is expected to complete a whole job in return for thesalary This is different from a non-exempt employee who is paid an hourly rate or
by the piece produced This employee is generally eligible to collect overtime Thesalaried employee or employee who is paid by salary does not track hours workedand is not paid for overtime (Some public sector, often union represented,employees expect to account for hours and collect compensatory time off This isnot the norm in the private sector Because of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)rules about overtime payment, employers are required to closely track the hours andpartial hours worked by non-exempt or hourly employees Salary is determined bymarket pay rates for people doing similar work in similar industries in the sameregion Salary is also determined by the pay rates and salary ranges established by
an individual employer Salary is also affected by the number of people available
to perform the specific job in the employer’s employment locale Many companiesparticipate in salary market surveys to create a trustworthy resource for salaryresearch More and more salary research is occurring online using salarycalculators
Trang The features and the useful of accounting for salary
Salary is the income of every worker and it is very important, in addition toensuring the reproduction of labor, salary also help the workers love the job,enthusiastic to work All costs in the family as well as society derived from thesalary from their labor force So, salary is an indispensable income for workers.Salary maintenance promotes and reproduced labor In every business that wants tosurvive, maintain, or develop, it is a matter of concern Especially in the currentmarket economy, if any enterprise has a reasonable salary system, it will attractgood quality human resources
1.1.2 Deductions from employees’ salaries
Along with salary, wage, allowances counted for enterprise’s productioncosts are: Social insurance fund
This fund established as a source of capital, aids to the staff in these situations:ill, pregnancy, over the age in work, die, on-the-job accident, occupational disease,lose job, get in risk, lose strength, retire
Social insurance come along with labors life, it is objective, indispensable, itdoes not occur steadily with the time Social insurance’s nature is social, economic
as well as service On April 14th, 2017, government issued the Decree No.47/2017/NĐ-CP regulating the rates of social insurance enterprises’ contribution paid in theInsurance Fund for labor accidents and occupational sickness This will be a changeaffecting companies’ internal human resources management in the future.According, the employers only have to pay 0.5% (current regulation is 1%) of theirsalary fund which is based to calculate the social insurance for labor accident and
Trang 13reduced to 32% from 01/03/2017, while the current regulation is 32.5% This decreewill be effective from June 01st, 2017 Social premium is reduced but the base salary
is expected to rise to VND 1.300.000 and insurance claims (on total wages andallowances), whereby, will be increased in the future In order to property complywith the state regulations, manage control monthly payrolls, customers shouldrecalculate the payroll system, salary structure, allowances and the labor contractfor proper compliance and cost optimization
Social insurance fund is managed by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids andSocial Affairs
Monthly, at the enterprise, pays for the labor who get ill, pregnancy,… bases
on that to make regular and legal vouchers (accounting clerk makes social insurancevoucher pay for labor follow the form No.03-LTDL, accounting voucherregulation) At the end of the month of the quarter the company must be to strike abalance to the organization manages social insurance fund Health insurance fund
Health insurance fund is the medical aid to the person who pay in advance for
it, help them with one part of the costs for hospital fees, medical examination,medicines, Health insurance fund forwards to establish a public health carenetwork Only person who take part in this fund will receive health insurance.According to the current rule of the financial system health insurance is deducted3% on the basic payroll fund, in there, 2% is counted for production cost, the rest1% is deducted from labor’s income
Health insurance fund is delivered to the authorized association under the form
of buying health insurance in order to serve and care staff’s health such as:medicine examination, hospital fees during the time they get ill, give birth,… Trade union fee
Trang 14Trade union fee is spent for union activities This fund is established with aspecific rate count on the real payroll fund appear in particular month and countedfor production cost Trade union fee is deducted 2% in there, one part is sent to thetop management of company, the rest is remained to spend for enterprise’s activitiesDeductions from salaries as social insurance, health insurance, trade unionfees along with employees payable form labor cost in the overheads factory costs.Managing calculation, deduction, spending and using of these funds not onlyimportant to the overheads factory costs management but ensures right for the labor
of the company as well
Trang 15Type of
insurance Social Insurance
Occupational Accidents and Diseases Insurance
Health Insurance
Unemployment Insurance
Trade Union Funding and Fees
Applicability Vietnamese
employees underemploymentcontracts with theterm of at least 3months (at least 1month from 1January 2018);
Vietnameseemployee underemployment
contracts with theterm of 1 month ormore
Employeesunderemploymentcontracts withthe term of 3months ormore;
Employees underemployment contractswith the term of 3months or more
Trade Union funding must bepaid by the employers to thetrade union authorityregardless of whether or notsuch employers have theirown grass-roots trade unionsTrade Union fee must bepaid by employees beingtrade union members (to thegrass-roots trade unions)
(Table 1.1.2 Types of insurances)
Trang 161.1.3 Salary funds and salary regulation Salary funds
Salary fund is all amount of money the company has to pay for its labor, it ismanaged and used directly by the company according to the labor quantity and thelabor quality, it includes these items:
of paying salary, regularly called salary unit price
There are three types of defining salary unit price as follow:
Salary unit price calculated bases on unit of product (or convert product),defined bases on factors such as coefficient and salary grade limit, productnorm, time norm, work norm of the clerk and allowances which follow therule of Government State
Salary unit price calculated bases on profit in plan This method is applied inthe multiple manufacturing company with detail labor norm, therefore it isdifficult to define employees payable in the total costs, the method iscalculated as follow:
Totallabor∗Average salary
Trang 17 Salary unit price calculated turnover:
Salary unit price=Totallabor∗Average salary Total profit Paying salary method Salary by hours
This is the type of paying salary based upon on the working hours of the labor,hierarchy (title) and salary grade (salary coefficient) This form mainly applied withindirect labor, stable job or with direct labor without product norm
Monthly salary = The real days at work in a week * Daily wage
Weekly salary = Monthly salary∗12 months 52 weeks
Daily wage = The days work ∈a month Monthly salary
Daily wage is the foundation to calculate social insurance, subsidy to pay theemployees or on the meeting days, or the days they go on training
Hour salary =Daily wages 8 hours
Hour salary is the foundation to calculate subsidy for extra- work
Simple hour wage= The real time at work * unit price
Hour salary with bonus included
Substantially, this is the combination between Simple hour salary form withfrequently bonus form the salary fund The amount of bonus depends on the amount
of finished work Therefore, this type is more motivate, encourages employees thanother ones Though, this type not yet show the fact of the relation betweenemployee ability and employee effectiveness Salary by product
Employees are paid bases on quantity, quality of their products, amount ofworks they have done and bases on the unit price calculated per work unit Payingsalary by products can be practiced in difference ways
Trang 18Paying salary by products directly to individual: this type is regularly
applied to self- contained labor, direct- working worker with work norm which cancheck and take over
Salary payable= Unit price* Finished works Unit price= Salary by grade(Salary by hours ,by days)
Work normby hour , day ,∨month
Or unit price= salary by grade * amount of product
Salary payable for indirect employees: this type is applied to indirect labor
whose work have big effect on direct labor’s work, so that, to calculate salary it isnecessary lying on quality, capacity, work result of the direct labor
Salary= salary unit price of the sub-labor * finished work of chief-worker
Salary by product of work-group: follows this type the company pays to the
individual employee by group (unit, mill,…) then, salary is distributed to each ofthe worker in the unit or group bases on basic salary and the real time each one atwork The formula to calculate as follow:
Li = ∑Ti∗Ki¿ *TiKi
In there:
- Li: salary payable to worker i
- Lt: salary payable to the unit
- Ti: real time at work of the worker i
- Ki: is the work grade of the worker i
Salary by piece-work: Salary payable to the group or worker is promised for
a worker norm, product norm under job-work unit price If worker work in a grouphis salary will be paid by the mode salary payable to group
Salary by product with bonus included: Beside getting salary pay by direct
product, the labor also gets bonus for raise productiveness, save material,higher product quality
Lth = L+ L∗( M+H )
Trang 19In there:
- Lth: salary by product with bonus included
- L: salary by direct product
- M: percent of salary exceed the set standard
- H: percent of product exceed the set standard
Salary by progressive product: with this type, the labor is paid depends on
the amount of direct products they have done added with the percent ofprogressive product which based on the rate of exceeding the set standard1. Some other types of salary
Beside the above modes, depends on the scale, conditions and features of thebusiness organization then enterprise can apply these type of paying salary:
- Salary pay for the final result
- Salary by salary group fund
- Salary pay by amplitude of set by standard
1.2 Content of accounting for salary and deductions from salary
1.2.1 Accounting for salary Vouchers in use
Form 01- LDTL- Time sheet
Form 02- LDTL- Salary
Form 03- LDTL- Leaves paid by social insurance
Form 04- LDTL- Social insurance payment voucher
Form 05- LDTL- Bonuses payment voucher
Form 06- LDTL- Certification of performance
Form 07- LDTL- Overtime record
Form 08- LDTL- Piece-work engagement contract
Form 09- LDTL- Accident investigation report Accounts in use
Trang 20This account records salaries, wages, social insurance and other payables thatare due to the employee, as well as the payment of these liabilities. Methods of accounting for salary
Major transactions:
1 To record salaries, wages, and other allowances which are payable toemployes
Dr 241- Construction in progress
Dr 622- Direct labor cost
Dr 627- Factory overhead costs (6271)
Dr 641- Selling expenses (6411)
Trang 21Dr 642- General and administration expenses (6421)
Cr 334- Payable to employees
2 To record bonuses payable to employees
Dr 431- Bonus and welfare fund
Cr 333- Taxes and other payable to the state budget
7 To record the payment to the employees
Trang 22Form 02- LDTL- Payroll
Form 03- LDTL- Social insurance leave slip
Form 04- LDTL- Social insurance payment sheet
Form 05- LDTL- Bonus payment sheet
Form 06- LDTL- Confirmation of finished products or work
Form 07- LDTL- Over time record
Form 08- LDTL- Lump-sum work contract
Form 09- LDTL- Record of working accident examination Account in use
This account is used to record the changes in other payable (which are notincluded in account 331 to 336)
Content and scope of this account involves the following major transactions:
1 The value of asset surplus for which the reason has not been determined andthe company is awaiting the authorities decision
2 The value of asset surplus payable to individuals or entities (internal andexternal) according to the authorities decision
3 The recognition and payment for social insurance, health insurance and tradeunion fees
4 Withholdings from employees’ salaries based on count’s decision (allowancefor children when divorced, court fees, compensation, etc )
5 Amount payable as a result of holding deposites of another entity
6 Dividends payable to joint venture partners
7 Amount payable for temporary borrowing of materials and/ or money
8 Amount received form consignors or their agents who are involved in theimport, export business in order to pay export tax, import tax, duties, turnover tax, etc
9 Other amount payables or receivables Method of accounting for salary deductions
Trang 23- Amount of social insurance which has been paid to an employee
- Trade union fees which have been paid by the entity
- Social insurance, health insurance, and trade union fees which have beenremitted to the authorities
- Recognize social insurance, health insurance and trade union fees as businessexpenses of the current period
- Health insurance withheld from employees’ salary
- Injection from funds to cover over payment of social insurance and tradefees
Accounts for salary deductions is composed as follow:
- Account 3382- Trade insurance payable: to record recognition and paymentfor trade union fees
- Account 3383- Social insurance payable: to record recognition and paymentfor social insurance
- Account 3384- Health insurance payable: to record recognition and paymentfor health insurance according to regulations
Trang 24Dr 627- General and administration expenses
Cr.338- Other payable (3382- Trade union fees, 3383- social insurance,3384- health insurance)
- Calculate health insurance deducted from employees’ salaries
2.1 An overview about WELDTEC
2.1.1 The information and development of the company
Name: Welding Technology & equipment company
Abbreviation: WELDTEC CO., LTD
2.1.2 Business fields and missions of the company
WELDTEC’s business activity goals in 2014-2015 are showed throughfigures on the table below:
Trang 26Table 2.1.2 Situation of turnover, cost and profit of the company
Trang 27income tax expenses 261.189.621 176.556.877 84.632.744 47,94
17 Profit after tax 926.035.931 625.974.383 300.061.548 47,94
(Source: Accounting Department)
Trang 28According to Weldtec’s business activity goals, turnover of the company inthe year 2014-2015-2016 has increased highly and steadily Other figures such aspretax income, payroll fund… have gone up These achievements have resultedfrom Board of management’s role in improving its management system as modernlyand plainly, meets the company’s requirements and suits to current businessactivities.
WELDTEC’s main activities in field such as providing technology, equipment,materials and technical services specialized in welding, cutting and mechanicalprocessing
Welding machine: Welding rod machine, Mig / Mag welding machine, Tigwelding machine, multifunction welding machine, automatic welding machine,virtual welding equipment, welding generator, plasma welding machine, weldingmachine, cheap welding machine
Cutting Machine: CNC Laser Cutting Machine, Plasma Cutting Machine,Oxygen / Gas / Plasma Cutting Machine, Gas / Lpg Cutting Machine
Welding robot: Mig / Mag welding robot, Tig welding robot, automaticwelding robot welding, welding robot technology
CNC Machine: CNC Lathe, CNC Milling Machine, CNC Tube BendingMachine, CNC Ficep Machining System
Machine tools: bevelling machine, cutting machine, cutting machine, drillingmachine, milling machine
2.1.3 Organization structure
Trang 29Table 2.1.3: Structure and management apparatus of WELDTEC co., ltd
There are five departments with 20 employees who ensure the smoothoperation of the company: Accounting Department, Administrative Department,Sales Department, Human resources Department, Import – Export Department
Accounting Department: This department is responsible for financial
management of the company Its duties are controlling the revenue and expenditure,calculating the efficiency in company’s operation through indicators such as annualsales and profit In addition, the Department implements all formalities accordancewith accounting laws and regulations of Vietnam
Also, Accounting Department consults the Board of Director about economicefficiency and efficiency in use of fund during projects
Besides, members in Accounting Department must give instructions to others inorder that they can have the work done under the law and rule of the State
Administrative Department: This Department is in charge of administrative
management, assets management and the management of staff files, documents,
Board of directors
Department Administrative Department Department Sales Human
resources department
Import- Export department
executive board
Vice president
Trang 30company’s seals and all other activities related to the legal obligations of thecompany
Import – Export Department: This department involves in doing work
relating to import and export activities of the company Their jobs normally aredoing customs clearance for all shipment of the company, contacting to suppliers,forwarder to ensure the shipping is well done Besides, they work with the stateagencies like customs agency, tax agency and other state agencies and departmentthat depend on each time of import or export Import – Export Department works as
an important chain Their role to the success of the company’s business isindispensible
Sales Department: This department has the most energetic and dynamic staff
of the company The department takes responsibility to make plans to import goodsthat the company is trading Members in Sales Department play important roles inpromote the business of the company They must implement many steps of the workfrom finding customers, supplier; negotiating with clients to entering an agreementand taking care of customers to ensure the working progress They are the very oneswho make the surplus value to the company
Their main responsibility is doing market research on the items that thecompany is trading, find new markets and customers in order to make a suitableplan of import Also, they directly implement the contracts with customers andsolve problems incurred during the valid time of the contract
Human resources Department: This department is responsible for personnel
management in compliance with the laws and regulations as well as the workingprinciples of the company It also involves in handling salary regime and otherregimes as regulated
Human resources Department are in charge of the recruitment and human resourcesallocation to meet the work requirements and to ensure the most effectiveperformance of staff Besides, they must organize professional classes or courses tofoster all employees of the company
Trang 312.2 The main contents of accounting for salary and deductions from salary
2.2.1 Types of paying salaries in the company The type of paying basic salary over fixed period of time
Monthly salary = Salary + Allowance (if any) / official work day of month xnumber of actual working days
In this way the monthly salary is usually a fixed number, only decreasingwhen the employee leaves unpaid Wage calculation is monthly salary - standardmonthly salary of month x number of unpaid leave In this form of pay, the workerdoes not worry about his or her monthly income, because the amount deducted foreach day of unpaid work is fixed If there are no fluctuations in wages and viceversa, if they work full days as prescribed, they shall enjoy full wage levels
The standard work day of the month is the working day of the month,excluding holidays such as the company's scheduled Sunday holiday The type of paying salaries by products
Form of pay by product is the form of calculation of wages paid to employeesaccording to the quantity and quality of finished products or work This is a form ofwage payment that tied labor productivity with labor remuneration, which has theeffect of encouraging laborers to increase labor productivity to increaseproductivity
Product wages = Product output x Product unit price The type of salary over fixed-period of time with bonuses included
The form of salary / bonus that the employee's income depends on theturnover achieved according to sales targets and salary policy / sales bonus of thecompany
Often applied to sales staff, sales staff salaries by turnover
Forms of salary / bonus according to turnover
- Salary / bonus personal sales
- Salary / bonus group sales
Trang 32- Other forms of reward business: debt, market development,
2.2.2 Contents of accounting for salry Vouchers used for computing salary
Employee time sheet is used for computing salary It keeps track of hours worked,
as well as regular and overtime hours for the company or its employees, with thisaccessible time sheet template
Table Employee time sheet
Công ty Cổ phần Công nghệ và Thiết bị hàn
Bộ phận: Phòng Tổ chức- Hành chính
(Ban hành theo Thông tư số 200/2014/TT-BTC)
Tháng 03 năm 2015
Trang 331 2
3 4 5 6 7 8
Trang 3410 11
13 14 15 16
17 18 19
21 22
25 26
Trang 3527 28 29
H x x x x x
x x
x x x
Trang 36x X
x x
X x x x x
x x x x x x
x x
Trang 37x x
x x X
x x
X x x x x
3 Phạm Văn Tuấn
KTT 3.48 x
x x x x x
Trang 38x x
x x x
x x X
x x
x x x x x
4 Nguyễn Viết Hưng
NV 3.0 x
Trang 39x x x x x
x x
x x x
x x X
x x
X Ô Ô Ô x
ốm 3
Trang 40NV 3.0 x
x x x x x x
x x
x x x
x x X
x x
X x x x x