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The Project Gutenberg eBook, Banked Fires, by E W (Ethel Winifred) Savi This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Banked Fires Author: E W (Ethel Winifred) Savi Release Date: February 25, 2010 [eBook #31399] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK BANKED FIRES*** E-text prepared by Barbara Tozier, Bill Tozier, Mary Meehan, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team (http://www.pgdp.net) BANKED FIRES BY E W SAVI AUTHOR OF "THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW," "SINNERS ALL," ETC "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."—PROVERBS xxxi., 10 G P PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON The Knickerbocker Press 1919 COPYRIGHT, 1919 BY E W SAVI The Knickerbocker Press, New York To MY SISTER, A B B IN LOVING APPRECIATION OF HER INTEREST AND HELP CONTENTS CHAPTER I.—THE LONELY ENCAMPMENT CHAPTER II.—MAINLY RETROSPECTIVE CHAPTER III.—THE CIVIL SURGEON CHAPTER IV.—A POINT OF VIEW CHAPTER V.—WHAT CAN'T BE CURED CHAPTER VI.—THE LEADING LADY CHAPTER VII.—AN ANXIOUS EXPERIENCE CHAPTER VIII.—THE DINNER-PARTY CHAPTER IX.—A MOMENT OF RELAXATION CHAPTER X.—THE MISSION CHAPTER XI.—A SUNDAY OBSERVANCE CHAPTER XII.—INFATUATION CHAPTER XIII.—VANISHED CHAPTER XIV.—THE INDISCRETION CHAPTER XV.—THE AFTERMATH CHAPTER XVI.—CORNERED CHAPTER XVII.—BREAKING BOUNDS CHAPTER XVIII.—SECRET JOYS CHAPTER XIX.—THE DELUGE CHAPTER XX.—THE "IDEAL" CHAPTER XXI.—THE REAL THING CHAPTER XXII.—A DESPERATE RESORT CHAPTER XXIII.—TEMPORISINGS CHAPTER XXIV.—SUSPENSE CHAPTER XXV.—THE MEETING CHAPTER XXVI.—THE FAIR CHAPTER XXVII.—A DIFFICULT TASK CHAPTER XXVIII.—THE ATONEMENT EPILOGUE: ALL'S WELL OTHER BOOKS TO READ BANKED FIRES CHAPTER I THE LONELY ENCAMPMENT An autumn evening in Bengal was rapidly drawing to a close, with a brief afterglow from a vanished sun to soften the rich hues of the tropical foliage, and garb it fittingly for approaching night The grass beside the Government tents showed grey in the gathering dusk, while a blue haze of smoke, creeping upward, gently veiled the sheltering trees But for the modulated chatter of servants, the stillness was eerie The flat, low-lying fields, having yielded their corn to the harvester, were barren and without sign of life, for the cultivators had departed to their homesteads, and the roving cattle were housed Far in the misty distance were the huts of the peasantry grouped together, with their granaries, haystacks, and pens; their date-palms, and the inevitable tank illustrating the typical Bengal village—picturesque and insanitary; too far for noxious smells to annoy the senses, or the intermittent beating of the nocturnal "tom-tom" to affect the nerves of the Magistrate and Collector during the writing of his judgments and reports The spot for the encampment had been well chosen by the blue-turbaned chaukidar—the sturdy watchman of the village—who was experienced in the ways of touring officials; for even such a little matter as a site for pitching the tents of the hakim,[1] had its influence for good or ill; and what might not be the effect of a good influence on the temper of a lawgiver? This one, especially, instilled the fear of God and of the British, into his servants and underlings in spite of his sportsmanship and generosity, for he had a great understanding of native character and, like a wizard, could, in the twinkling of an eye, dissect the mind and betray the soul of a false witness! None could look him in the face and persist in falsehood He was a just man, and courageous; and when roused to wrath, both fierce and fluent But the diplomatic domestic and cautious coolie, alike, respect justice and fearlessness, determination, and a high hand Servants, engaged in culinary duties before open fire-places, gossiped in lowered tones of standing grievances: It was like the exactness of the Great to require a five-course dinner, served with due attention to refinement and etiquette in untoward circumstances, such as an improvised cooking-range of clay and bricks, a hurried collection of twigs, some charcoal, and every convenience conspicuous by its absence! And what a village to rely upon!—no shops; only a weekly market with nothing suitable to the wants of white men fastidious and difficult to please Yet, the day that sahibs condescend to study the convenience of their Indian domestics, the prestige of the British Raj will be at an end "Ho! Khansaman-jee!" cried an agitated voice in Hindustani "With a little clemency, look quickly in the rubbish heap for the pepper pot The masalchi,[2] out of the perversity of his youthfulness, has lost that and every other ingredient for the flavouring of the soup; and now, what can I do? Of a truth, this night will the Sahib give me much abuse for that which is no fault of mine I shall twist the idle one's ear the moment he returns with firewood from the jungle, just to stimulate his mind and teach him carefulness." The khansaman[3] uncoiled his legs and rose from the ground where he had been peeling potatoes at his leisure with a table knife, and proceeded to do as he was bid He was of an obliging nature and could be relied upon to perform odd jobs not strictly his duty, so long as they did not establish a precedent After some diligent searching among loose charcoal, dried twigs, kitchen rags, utensils, and vegetable parings, a rusty tin box was discovered and handed to the cook Old Abdul grunted approval of his own intelligence, and after liberally sprinkling the soup with pepper from between a dirty finger and thumb, he wiped both, casually, in the folds of his loin-cloth Altogether, the task of preparing dinner in camp was no mean effort The business of the moment was to produce a clear soup with its artistic garniture of sliced carrots and turnips; to be followed by tank fish captured that afternoon from the property of a local Hindu landowner and, in the serving, robbed of its earthly flavour by a miracle of savoury dressing Considering the lapses of the mate-boy's memory, this was a marvel of achievement Next, the entrée of devilled goat (called by courtesy, mutton) was also a difficulty; nevertheless with a lavish addition of mango chutney, it was on its way to completion The "chicken roast" was a tolerable certainty in a deep vessel where it baked in its own juices, stuffed with onions, cloves, and rice But the pudding—alas! black despair, invisible owing to natural pigment, was in possession of Abdul's soul What to do, he grumbled, but to serve, in fear and trembling, that abomination of sahibs, a "custul-bile" (boiled custard), since every possible ingredient for a respectable pudding had been left behind at the last Rest Bungalow! What the master would say, might well be imagined, for these were not the easy-going days of his bachelorhood, when such makeshifts, varied with "custul-bake," could be imposed upon him with the regularity of the calendar; for, after a successful day's shikar, with a tiger spread at full length on the grass before the tent for the benefit of an admiring semicircle of enthusiastic villagers, the quality of a meal used to be a secondary consideration Well—what use to repine? Even a cook must sometimes be excused, since he was not God to create something out of nothing Peradventure, the timely indisposition of the babe within the tent would offer distraction In the interludes of stirring the pots and declaiming against fate and the misdemeanours of the masalchi, the cook soothed his ruffled spirits with a pull at his beloved hukha Yes, the Sahib was married, worse luck! and lived, above all, to please his Memsahib who, to him, was the sun, moon, and stars; the light of the world And she?—of a sort wholly unsuited to the conditions of his life; a flower plucked to wither in a furnace-blast The rough soil of the country was no place for a delicate plant; and such was also apparent in the case of her infant Since its arrival from the hills where it was born, it daily faded as though a blight had descended upon its vitality; and now it was stricken with a fever Devil take sahibs for their folly! This one had been content enough as a bachelor, hunting and shooting in his spare time, and consorting with his kind where games were played to pass the time away; what-for did he allow himself to be shackled thus during his visit to Belait? It passed understanding; for there were many Miss Babas in the country, already acclimatised, from among whom he might have selected a suitable wife; one who could at least have made herself intelligible to his servants in their own language, instead of this one who created endless confusion by non-comprehension But no! he had been unable to stand the allurements of her person The rounded outlines of her slender form and the bloom on her flawless cheek had enslaved him, depriving him of the power to resist Truly she was good to look upon, as every masculine eye betrayed by its open homage In all the annals of the District, never had there been a more picturesque creature than this girl-wife, with her hair like ripe corn and eyes like full-blown flowers of heavenly blue Even the servants in gazing on their wonder forgot to heed the orders she delivered through the ayah, whose linguistic powers commanded the respect of the entire establishment The subject of the little lady from Belait was a favourite theme of conversation when domestics congregated in the region of the kitchen to gossip and smoke, and criticism was condescending and tolerant because of her good looks, which made their inevitable appeal But opinion was agreed that no longer was Meredith Sahib the same man Henceforth, if they would keep their situations, they must satisfy his lady Her little hand would point the way he must in future tread And he, the respected Magistrate and Collector, representative of the Government in the District—a sahib whose word had authority over thousands on the land, and before whom all delinquents trembled! Such was the influence of beauty! According to the words of a local poet who sang his verses in the Muktiarbad bazaar to an accompaniment of tom-tomming: A beautiful wife is as wine in the head to her husband; as wax is in the palm of her hand His wisdom cometh to naught in his dwelling; his will is bartered for the things in her gift Beguiled is he by the words of her mouth, and he taketh only the way that will please her Bereft is he of his power to govern, yet happy is he in the bonds of enslavement And these did he compose out of the rumours current in the market-place respecting Meredith Sahib and the Memsahib he had taken to wife Yah, Khodah! the white race were amazingly simple! The sound of an infant's distressed wail broke the calm of the descending gloom Voices within the tent conferred together in agitated whispers There was a call for hot water, and in a moment the Madrassi ayah rushed forth for the steaming kettle which was boiling for scullery needs, and carried it off without a question The waterman, clad only in a loin-cloth, hurried round to the bath tent, and a diminutive, tin bath-tub was extracted Apparently the child was to be immersed "What has happened?" called the Sahib's body servant, the bearer, who was the major-domo of the camp But the waterman, fully appreciative of his temporary ... Title: Banked Fires Author: E W (Ethel Winifred) Savi Release Date: February 25, 2010 [eBook #31399] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK BANKED FIRES* **... ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK BANKED FIRES* ** E-text prepared by Barbara Tozier, Bill Tozier, Mary Meehan, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team (http://www.pgdp.net) BANKED FIRES BY E W SAVI...The Project Gutenberg eBook, Banked Fires, by E W (Ethel Winifred) Savi This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with