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Innovation and its enemies why people resist new technologies

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  • Cover

  • Series

  • Innovation and Its Enemies

  • Copyright

  • Dedication

  • Contents

  • Acknowledgments

  • Introduction

  • 1. Gales of Creative Destruction

  • 2. Brewing Trouble: Coffee

  • 3. Stop the Presses: Printing the Koran

  • 4. Smear Campaigns: Margarine

  • 5. Gaining Traction: Farm Mechanization

  • 6. Charged Arguments: Electricity

  • 7. Cool Reception: Mechanical Refrigeration

  • 8. Facing the Music: Recorded Sound

  • 9. Taking Root: Transgenic Crops

  • 10. Swimming against the Current: AquAdvantage Salmon

  • 11. Oiling the Wheels of Novelty

  • Notes

  • Index

Nội dung

INNOVATION AND ITS ENEMIES “A must read for anyone who wishes to engage in disruption themselves.” —​Sir Richard J Roberts Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine and Chief Scientific Officer, New England Biolabs “A very well-​researched account of innovation and its enemies, not to be missed by scholars and the public, both for historical perspectives and readiness for future innovations.” —​Professor Yongyuth Yuthavong Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Technology, Thailand “This book is a timely one We owe a deep debt of gratitude to Dr. Calestous Juma for his labor of love for the progress of human wellbeing through scientific innovations.” —​M. S Swaminathan World Food Prize Laureate, and Founder Chairman, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation “This is a good read and an invaluable reference work for those working on new technologies, especially those needed to meet the grand challenges of the twenty-first century.” —​Lord Alec Broers British House of Lords and Former Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge “An excellent analysis of forces that oppose new innovative products and services A must read for entrepreneurs, policy framers and academicians.” —​N. R Narayana Murthy Founder, Infosys “Juma’s insight is to see how the appropriate deployment of political capital and a deeper understanding of how the average citizen can confuse hazard and risk can make crucial differences to outcomes Scientific and political leaders need this book.” —​Ian Blatchford Director and Chief Executive of the Science Museum Group, the United Kingdom Innovation and Its Enemies Why People Resist New Technologies Calestous Juma 1 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and certain other countries Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States of America © Oxford University Press 2016 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by license, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reproduction rights organization Inquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Library of Congress Cataloging-​in-​Publication Data Names: Juma, Calestous, author Title: Innovation and its enemies : why people resist new technologies / Calestous Juma Description: First edition | Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2016 | Includes bibliographical references and index Identifiers: LCCN 2015043807 (print) | LCCN 2015048125 (ebook) | ISBN 978–0–19–046703–6 (hardcover : alk paper) | ISBN 978–0–19–046704–3 (Updf) | ISBN 978–0–19–046705–0 (Epub) Subjects: LCSH: Technological innovations—History | Technology and civilization | Technology—Social aspects Classification: LCC HC79.T4 J8178 2016 (print) | LCC HC79.T4 (ebook) | DDC 338/.064—dc23 LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2015043807 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed by Sheridan Books, Inc., United States of America To my son Eric Contents Acknowledgments | ix Introduction | 1 Gales of Creative Destruction | 11 Brewing Trouble: Coffee | 44 Stop the Presses: Printing the Koran | 68 Smear Campaigns: Margarine | 95 Gaining Traction: Farm Mechanization | 121 Charged Arguments: Electricity | 144 Cool Reception: Mechanical Refrigeration | 174 Facing the Music: Recorded Sound | 202 Taking Root: Transgenic Crops | 224 10 Swimming against the Current: AquAdvantage Salmon | 257 11 Oiling the Wheels of Novelty | 280 NO T E S  |   317 I N DE X |   371 vii Acknowledgments This book has benefited from many people who have offered me guidance, research, insights and comments The book was written over sixteen years, and so it will not be possible to acknowledge everyone who supported me over the period In fact, I can trace some of the ideas in the book back to the early 1980s when I worked under the late Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai at the Nairobi-​based Environment Liaison Centre (ELC) The preceding oil crises and environmental concerns had inspired considerable interest in clean energy, which culminated in the convening of the United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Energy Sources in Nairobi in 1981 It became clear then that seemingly basic ideas such as tree planting encounter numerous social obstacles While at ELC my thinking about technology and the environment was shaped by the guidance of Gary Gallon and the inspirational leadership of Mostafa Tolba, then Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme Along my intellectual journey I benefited immensely from inspirational support, suggestions, and comments from many colleagues The list is too long to be exhaustive here, but I will mention just a few They include Philipp Aerni, Bruce Alberts, Graham Allison, Lewis Branscomb, John Browne, Norman Clark, Abdallah Daar, Henry Etzkowitz, Leonel Antonio Fernández, ix 4 | I n d e x Public policy See Policy Public Works Department (New York City), 166 Puerto Rico, recording ban, 214 Pure foods movements, 24, 335n22 Purity adulteration of food, 97, 103, 106 of material for printing Korans, 87 Putting Dairying on a Wartime Footing (Schultz), 95 Qahwa (coffee drink), 47–​50 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, 3 Quota agreement, on musicians at radio stations, 213 Qur’an See Koran R&D See Research and development Radio, 38–​39, 208 Radio stations, 208, 212–​213 Radon, 36 Railroads, 3, 17, 153, 189 Rationality See also Irrationality RCA Victor, 212, 216, 218 Reapers, 123 Reauthorization of product approvals, 290 Recombinant DNA (rDNA), 37, 237–​238, 361n23 Recorded sound, 202–​223 conclusions on, 220–​223 jazz, transformations in, 217–​220 magnetic system, 41–​42 overview, 202–​203 recorded music, impact of, 207–​211 technological innovations in, 203–​206 technological unemployment and, 211–​217 Recording and Transcription Fund (AFM), 215–​216, 217 Recording industry, 203, 211–212, 214, 218–​219 Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), 220 Red Flag Acts (1861, 1865, 1878), 295 Redundancy, 122 See also Obsolescence Reformation, 76, 78–​81 Refrigeration See also Mechanical refrigeration lack of, impact on milk production, 97 refrigerated transport, 188–189, 193–​196 refrigerators, 180, 183, 189–​190 Refrigeration Research Council, 197 Regime stretching, 304 Regulation See also Bans; Labeling regulations; Laws agricultural systems, impact on, 228 anticipatory approaches to, 13 of cold-​storage warehouses and ice plants, 174 dominant doctrines on, 289–​290 I n d e x   |   5  of driverless cars, 295 FDA and, 265 of genetically engineered salmon, 264–​269 of genetic engineering, 236–​244 of marine resources, 257 of mechanical refrigeration, 302 need for legislative reforms on, 304–​306 of new technology, issues of, 14–​15 precautionary approach to, 239–​241, 289 preemptive regulations, 251–​252 of refrigerators, 184 as stimulus for innovation, 198 of transgenic crops, 225–​226 Religion See also Islam as barrier to Koran printing, 69–​75 innovation (new products, bid’a), 48, 70 lack of training for printing, 87 religious authority, 71, 88–​9 Renewable energy, 6, 283, 307 Repugnance, technological innovation and, 24, 93 Research academic freedom of research institutions, 134 to inform policy, 278, 291, 304, 318n16 need for, 253 researchers, tensions with farmers, 134–​135 shift from public to private sector, 310 success in, 327n115 university, 253 vandalism of research projects, 242–​244 Research and development (R&D), 230, 253, 265 biotechnology, 235 Bt, 232–​233 Institutes, 20 margarine, 100–​101, 113 refrigeration, 189–​193 tractors, 124 Resistance to innovation entrenchment of technology, 1–​2 lack of studies on, 291 margarine, 101–​104 possible, to Bt technology, 247–​248 resistance management, 248 sources of, 95–​96 Resource allocation, 20 Reverse innovation, 301 Rhode, Paul W., 121 RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), 220 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 239 Riot, collective bargaining by, 26–​27 Risks assessments of, 241, 247, 268–​269, 307 communication of, 8, 241  | I n d e x Risks (Cont.) Davis on, 121 hazards vs., 252, 295 of innovation vs status quo, 28–​29 known vs unknown, 308 of new technologies, underestimation of, 14 perceived, as barriers to technological innovation, 7, 33–​34, 40 risk aversion, 31 risk-​benefit analysis, 7, 66, 92 risk management, 8, 175, 237–238, 241, 247, 310 risk perception, 4, 307 RNA interference (RNAi), 254 Robinson, Francis, 85 Robotics, 13, 29, 199, 280–​281, 283–​284 Rohm and Haas (chemical company), 232–​233 Rolling Stone, Jobs interview in, 202 The Romance of Ice (Pennington), 182 Romanticization, 309 See also Stigmatization Romney, Mitt, 272 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 116 Roosevelt, Franklin, 130, 138, 216 Rosée, Pasqua, 58, 59 Rostock (Hansa port), cargo from, 330n45 Rotenone pesticide, 233 Routines, 33, 45, 86, 141, 174 Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge, 58 Rubin, Jared, 80 Rumors, 93, 310 Rural areas, 121, 195, 306 Russia Crimean War and, 89 Muslims in, use of printing presses, 71 Russolo, Luigi, 207 Safety of biotechnology applications, 277–​278 of coffee, 47 European food safety system, loss of public trust in, 250 of fish farming, 260 of overhead electrical wires, 164, 165 of refrigerators, 184, 197–​198 standard tests for, 184 of transgenic crops, 249 Safeway (grocery stores), 271 Salicylic acid, in butter, 97 Salmon See AquAdvantage salmon Salt, use in ice cooling, 177 Sandoz company, 232–​233 Schools, computers in, 41 Schultz, Theodore William, 95, 116 Schumpeter, Joseph on consumers’ tastes, changes in, 45 creative destruction, concept of, 16–​17, 19, 39, 42, 47, 121, 129, 139, 280, 309 economic development, application of complex systems thinking to, 27 I n d e x   |   7  on economic gains from innovation, 203 on equilibrium, 27 on entrepreneurs, 258 innovation, taxonomy of, 175 on leadership, 282 railroads, characterization of impact of, 122 on resistance to innovation, 1, 96 social transformation and, 16–​23 on technological innovation, 225, 293–​294 Schuylkill River, ice from, 181 Science advisory bodies, 286–​287 science-​based approval processes, need for, 277–​278 science-​based regulation, 236–​244, 277 scientific and technical knowledge, developing world’s access to, 13 scientific information, democratization of, 313 scientific research, dynamics of success in, 327n115 scientific uncertainty, about new technologies, 120, 239–​240 scientists, communication by, 312–​313 Science advice importance of, 174–​175 scientific advisory bodies, importance of, 7 scientific and technical advice, structures for, 287–​288, 306 Scott, Leon, 207 Scribes, 71, 77 Seatbelts, social norms on, 33 Seattle, frozen pack laboratory in, 195 SEC (Securities Exchange Commission), 274–​275 Second-​generation biotechnology, 253–​254 Secularization, of the Ottoman Empire, 91 Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), 274–​275 Security, as grand challenge, 12 Sedgwick, William, 187 Seed sector, 30, 243 Selective breeding, fish farming and, 262–​263 Self-​driving cars, impact of, 13 Self-​organizing systems, 6, 28 Selim I, Sultan, 68 Selim II, Sultan, 51 Selim III, Sultan, 93 Senate, US, 196, 215 Senefelder, Alois, 92 Shams (Syrian businessman), 51 Ships, 195, 295–​296 Silent Spring (Carson), 14, 224–​225, 231 Singers, prominence of, vs bands, 219 Single path dependence, as limitation on innovation, 250 Single studies, false balance of, vs evidence, 249–​250 8 | I n d e x Singularity See Exponential function Skepticism attitudes and, 36 of electricity, 151 means of combating, 314–​315 toward innovation, sources of, 23, 36 of the written word, 74, 85 Skills de-​skilling, 40 development opportunities for, 284 engineering skills, 122, 127, 137 high vs low, 26 life skills, 140–​141 musical, 205 organizational, 98 in printing, 77 Sleeping sickness (encephalomyelitis), 133 Small markets, 324n75 Smartphones, 300 Smith-​Hughes Act (1917), 137 Smith-​Lever Act (1914), 137 Social institutions See Institutions Social media political empathy and, 37 role in reform of Middle East, 91 Social opposition See Resistance to innovation Social studies of technology, 291 Social tensions between farmers and researchers, 134–​135 labeling requirements and, 303–​304 margarine development and, 101 from new technologies, forms of, 280 noneconomic factors in, 66–​67 over coffee, introduction of, 46 over technological change, 2, 11, 21 understanding sources of, 8 Society See also Culture impact on response to technological innovation, 75, 294 innovation, responses to, 8–​9, 23–​31 institutions of, 6, 20–​21, 23 norms, 24, 33 organizational factors of, 306–​307 role of technology in, 5, 12, 22, 23–​24 social context for technological innovation, 94 social discontent, drivers of, 290 social interactions, coffee and, 45–​46 social movements, farm mechanization and, 141 social order, importance of legislation to, 305 social status, consumption and, 91, 103 societal (social) transformation, 16–​23, 76–​81 I n d e x   |   9  socioeconomic evolution, 6, 7, 20 socioeconomic inertia, 23 systems of, 22, 71, 152 technological adoption, impact on, 16 technological discontinuities, implications of, 18 technological innovation in, 12, 91 Sociopsychological factors, in response to technological innovation, 33–​37 Sociotechnical and innovation systems, 18–​19 Software, open-​source movement and, 118, 222, 301 Solar energy, 283 Solar photovoltaics, 173, 200–​201 Solutia Inc., 353n29 Sony Walkman, 221 Sound recording See Recorded sound South Africa, agricultural systems in, 253 Southwick, A. P., 161, 164 Soviet Union, impact of collapse of, 229 Soybean oil, in margarine, 114 Special interest groups, 273–​274 Spyglasses, 70 Stamp tax on margarine, 108 Standards, role in new market creation, 171–​172 See also Regulation Stanley, William, 153, 155 Starbucks, 45, 67 StarLink corn, 355n56 Start-​ups, restriction of new technologies to, 18–​19 State Laboratory for Nutritional Research (Denmark), 112 States (US) See also names of individual states cold storage legislation, 196 support for domestic oils, 115 Status quo bias, 35 Steam-​traction engines, 124 Steckel, Richard, 339n48 Steel, use in plows, 123 Steering wheels, 295 Stem cells, 15, 92 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 148 Stigmatization (demonization) See also Romanticization of alternating current, 144, 158–​167, 171 of coffee, 45, 66 of margarine, 103 of new technologies, 8 product analogies and, 308–​309 of technological innovation, 309 of telephone, 165–​166, 309 of transgenic fish, 274 Stockholm, coffeehouses in, 62 Stop Smart Meters, 172–​173 Storage goods, 186 Strasbourg, first printing of Bible in, 76 Street lighting, 146, 147, 149 Stupidity, Pessoa on, 280 Sublime Porte (Bâb-​ı Âli), 83 Subramaniam, Chidambaran, 283 410 | I n d e x Subsidies to fishing industry, 259 Subsistence farming, 122 Substantial equivalence, 10 Success dynamics of, in scientific research, 327n115 factors affecting, 29–​30 Succession in technological evolution, 326n106 Sufis, 47–​48, 328n11 Sulfur dioxide, 190 Sulfuric acid, 179 Sultan of Cairo, 49 al-​Sunbati, Ahmad ibn ’Abd al-​Haqq, 50 Supermarkets, opposition to stocking of transgenic fish, 271, 273, 279 Supreme Court on antimargarine laws, 105 Diamond v. Chakrabarty (1980), 282 Katz v. United States (1967), 42 Olmstead v. United States (1928), 42 Sustainability disruptive innovation vs., 17–​18 of fish industry, 257, 260, 273 as grand challenge, 12 public policy on, 290 sustainable agriculture, 224, 248–​249 of transgenic salmon, 264 Swedberg, Richard, 16 Sweden, coffee in, 62–​64 Swedish National Board of Health, 63 Swift, Taylor, 202, 223 Switzerland, transgenic research in, 243–​244 Syngenta (agriculture company), 235, 242, 256 Synthetic biology, 199, 254, 284, 304 Synthetic chemicals, pest resistance to, 231–​232 Syria, coffee trade in, 53 Systemic change, transgenic crops and, 253 Taft-​Hartley Labor Relations Act (1947), 217 Takvimhane-​i Âmire (printing press), 93 Talât Paşa, Mehmet, 89 Tammany Hall, 149 Target (discount retailer), 271 Tariffs See also Taxes on frozen beef, 186 Tarnier, Stéphane, 306 Taverns, 57, 58 Taxes on alcohol, 297 on colored margarine, 109 on Edison’s electrical distribution system, 150 on margarine, 105–​106, 108, 114, 115 Taylor, H. C., 139 Tea consumption, 57, 60, 329n30 Technological abundance, 15, 281 Technological change, 8–​9, 11, 18, 31–​32, 42, 146, 211, 220 I n d e x   |   11  Technology and technological innovation See also Platform technologies; specific technologies access to, 12, 236, 291, 298 adoption of, factors influencing, 27 advice on, structures for, 287–​288 Arthur on, 319n5 artists, relationship with, 223 assemblies of, dependence of economies on, 23 bans on See Bans; Regulation blending of, 309 changing rate of, 12 See also Exponential function coevolution with institutional adaptation, 119–​120 coexistence of, 144, 298–​299 coexistence with societal problems, 281, 297–​299 coffee and, 46, 66 communication about, 312–​314 controversies over, 5–​6, 7, 286 convergence of, 40 debates over, 204, 311 definition of, 22–​23 diffusion, 12, 20, 38–​39, 55, 64, 76–​77, 197 discontinuities in, 6, 17–​18, 145 diversity, 14 electricity and, 167–​168 expansion of scope for creativity through, 221 failure of, 2, 291 forecasting of, changes in nature of, 12–​13 global challenges and, 12–​16 improvements (advancements) in, 15, 39, 92, 127, 141 inertia See Inertia information on, government as source of, 201 innovation and global challenges and, 12–​16 institutions, relationship to, 6 international treaties on, 197–​198, 302 leapfrogging in, 13, 285, 295 management, 9, 289 in mechanical refrigeration, 193–​197 mimicry in, 170 nature of process of, 225 opposition and barriers to, 29, 117–​118, 292 optimism on, 11 pace of, 5 political and social uses of, 32 prospects for, in new industries, 200–​201 questioning of technological foundations for, 118 in recorded sound, 203–​206 risks of, 308 role in society, 22 as role in solutions for grand challenges, 280 societal transformation from, 19 succession (evolution) of, 220, 221, 326n106 superiority in, 171–​172 412  | I n d e x Technology and technological innovation (Cont.) technical diversity, of refrigerators, 190 technological competition, 124, 168–​169 technological exclusion, in transgenic crops, 252 technological unemployment, 211–​217, 220, 294 transitions in, 145–​152 uncertainty in, 136 welfare implications of, 223 Teetol (temperance) movement, 57, 63 Tekely, Prince, 82 Telegraph, 89 Temperance (teetol) movement, 57, 63 Temporal dichotomies, 309 Tennessee Federation of Labor, 115 Texas, ice-​manufacturing plants, 180 Textile industry, mechanization of, 26–​27, 204 The Theory of Economic Development (Schumpeter), 16, 293 Thin-​fi lm cells (in solar photovoltaics), 200 Thomson, Elihu, 162, 163 Thomson-​Houston electrical company, 162, 169 3D printing (additive manufacturing), 301, 306 Tillyard, Arthur, 58 Time, technological innovation and, 64–​65 “Tin Clad Fire Doors” (Underwriters Laboratories), 184 Tissue engineering, 300 Tobacco, protectionist arguments against, 107 Tomato harvesters, 134 To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation (Luther), 79–​80 Tractor Department, National Implement and Vehicle Association, 132 Tractors gas-​powered, 124–​126 horses, competition with, 122 impact of adoption of, 23 improvement of, 15, 127 Trade See also Markets in coffee, 48 European trade crisis (1760s), 62–​63 international trade, 223, 238–​239, 299 interstate, margarine legislation and, 115 in Sweden, 64 trade associations, importance of, 198 trade barriers, 117–​118, 299 trade organizations (compagnonnages), 30 World Trade Organization, 223, 225, 238, 241, 251 Trader Joe’s, 271, 273 Traditions, romanticization of, 309 Trans fats, 116–​117, 120 Transformational innovation, 19 I n d e x   |   13  Transgene See Genetic engineering Transgenic crops, 224–​256 See also Bt crops Bt technology, benefits and risks of, 245–​248 conclusions on, 248–​256 controversy over, 2–​3, 225–​231 debates over, 65, 238 education and, 307 genetic engineering and, 233–​234 global biotechnology firms, emergence of, 234–​236 impact of international trade perceptions on, 299 ISAAA and, 244–​245 labeling of, 117 lobbying activities on, 117 management of emergence of, vs mobile phones, 294–​295 overview, 224–​225 pesticides, social movement against, 231–​233 popular objections to, 350–​351n7 as products vs platforms, 292 regulation of, 236–​244 Transgenic products See also AquAdvantage salmon costs of research on, 243 transgenic animals, approval processes for, 265–​266, 268 transgenic cotton seed, 291–​292 transgenic fish, 263 transgenic foods, 273, 275 transgenic organisms, 36, 237–​239 transgenic plants, 265–​266 transgenic salmon, 261–​264, 276, 305 vandalism of, 242–​244 Transparency of transgenic technology, 243–​244, 266 Transportation networks See also Railroads; Trucks movement of dairy products via, 97 Treaties, international, on technical innovation, 197–​198 Trojan gene hypothesis, 263, 278 Trucks, 38, 193, 326n104 Trust See also Distrust difficulty of rebuilding, 307–​308 Ottoman culture of orality and, 72, 74, 85–​86 public, importance of, 310 in public institutions, 120 in telephone system, 42 in tractors, erosion of, 126 in transgenic crops, 250 Tudor, Frederic, 176–​177 Turkey, Republic of, 89 Turkey gruel, coffee as, 58 Tuscany (ship), 176 Twain, Mark, 103 Typhoid fever, 181 Uber, 13, 19 Uganda, rumors about transgenic crops, 310 UK See England 414  | I n d e x Ukers, William H., 46 UL (Underwriters Laboratories), 184, 345n27 Ulema (Islamic scholars), 70 Uncertainties in assessments of technological innovation, 33, 37–​42 impacts of technological advances on, 14 incumbency and, 141 leadership and, 282 management of, 289 of new technologies, 65–​66, 140 of transgenic crops, 225–​231 Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 184, 345n27 Unemployment, technological, 211–​217, 220, 294 Unilever company, 270 Unions See Labor unions United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, 2–​3, 4, 238–239, 350n1, 350n6 Food and Agriculture Organization, 238, 259 Framework Convention on Climate Change, 31–​32, 283 United States See also Farm mechanization biotechnology innovations, regulation of, 277–​278 Bt cotton in, 234 emerging technologies, policy concerns over, 235 farm mechanization adoption in, 142 gas industry, 146–​149 Japanese cars, trade barriers against, 299 management of emergence of transgenic crops vs mobile phones, 294–​295 margarine manufacturing in, 100, 101–​109 market dominance, transgenic crops as proxy for, 250 new technologies role in, 201 regulations for genetically edited crops, 254 salmon-​farming industry associations in, 273 science-​based risk management practices, 247 seafood, waste of, 259 transgenic crops in, 251, 299 transgenic organisms, dispute over, 241 United States Dairy Company, 101 Universal applicability of technological innovations, 38 Universities impact of Hatch Act on, 137 shift to, as locus for knowledge generation, 81 university-​industry cooperation, concerns over, 235–​236 University of Aix, 55–​56 University of California (UC), 134–​136 University of Federico II di Napoli, 44 Unmet needs, technological innovation and, 299–​300 I n d e x   |   5  Urbanization importance of mechanical refrigeration to, 174 nutritional problems from, 100 refrigeration and, 179 street space, battle for, 131 US Agency for International Development (USAID), 244 USDA See Agriculture Department The Usefulness of Printing (Müteferrika), 82 US Horticultural Station (Beltsville, Maryland), 197 Üsküdar (Dârüttıbaa, printing press), 93 Uthmān ibn ’Affān (caliph), 72 Vaccinations, 35, 307 Values established, vs technological innovation, 26 moral values, controversies over, 2, 6, 25 perceived, risk aversion and, 34 Vandalism, of transgenic technology, 242–​244 Van Montagu, Marc, 3, 225 Variety, generation of, 27 Venice, Koran printed in, 86 Vested interests, response to innovation and, 25–​31 Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee (FDA), 266 Vienna, coffee trade in, 297 Violence, 29, 50, 242–​244 Walden Pond, 181 Wallace, Henry, 138–​139 Wallace, William, 149 Waller, Edmund, 329n30 Wall Street, electrical illumination of, 150, 151 Warehousemen’s Association, 196 Warehouses, 174, 179, 187 War Information Department, 214 War Labor Bureau, 216 Warner Brothers, 209 Wartime shortages of materials, 218 Washington Post, Young interview in, 271 Washington University (St Louis), 234 Waste, in seafood production, 259 Water pollution, ice industry and, 181 Wearable technologies, 221 Weaving machinery, 26 Weber, Joseph, 207 Welfare impacts, 223, 298 Westinghouse, George, 144–​146, 152–​158, 162, 167 Whale oil, 112–​113 Wheat cultivars, disease-​resistant, 228 Whether the Use of Coffee Is Harmful to the Inhabitants of Marseilles (Colomb), 55–​56 White, Lynn, 16 White, William, 339n48 Whitehead, Alfred North, 28 WHO (World Health Organization), 238, 255 Whole Foods, 271, 273 416 | I n d e x Wild-​catch industry, fish farming vs., 271–​272, 273 Williams, Fred M., 129 Wind power, 6, 283, 307 Wine, 53, 54 Winners vs losers, distribution of, 29–​30 Wiretapping, Supreme Court decisions on, 42 Wisconsin diary newspapers in, 102 margarine tax, 115 Women as calligraphers, 72–​73 health claims against coffee drinking by, 63 as pilots, 312–​313 The Women’s Petition against Coffee (pamphlet), 60 Wood, Anthony, 57 Woolsey, Lynn, 271 Work force See Labor force; Labor unions World (newspaper) on AC, panic over, 166 “electrocution,” coinage of term, 165 World Food Prize, 3 World Health Organization (WHO), 238, 255 World markets See Globalization World Trade Organization (WTO), 223, 225, 238, 241, 251 Worldview, 26 Wyeth, Nathaniel J., 177, 178 Xerophthalmia, 112 Yamamah, Battle of (632), 72 Yemen, coffee cultivation and drinking in, 47–​48 Young, Don, 271 Young Turks Revolution, 89 Zambia, refusal to accept transgenic corn, 242 Zero, resistance to idea of, 28 Zika virus outbreak, 255–​256 Zimbabwe, refusal to accept transgenic corn, 242 Zwingli, Huldrych, 78 ... this book.” —​Ian Blatchford Director and Chief Executive of the Science Museum Group, the United Kingdom Innovation and Its Enemies Why People Resist New Technologies Calestous Juma 1 Oxford... Officer, New England Biolabs “A very well-​researched account of innovation and its enemies, not to be missed by scholars and the public, both for historical perspectives and readiness for future innovations.”... other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Library of Congress Cataloging-​in-​Publication Data Names: Juma, Calestous, author Title: Innovation and its enemies : why people resist

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