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Using the lamp instead of looking into the mirror women and men in discussion about the relationship between men and women in

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USING THE LAMP INSTEAD OF LOOKING INTO THE MIRROR Dialogues on Work and Innovation The book series Dialogues on Work and Innovation presents empirically based studies as well as theoretical discussions on the practice of organizational renewal Its publications reflect the increasingly urgent need for the development of new forms of work organization In today’s interdependent world, workplace reform and organizational effectiveness are no longer solely the concern of individual organizations; the local and the global have become closely interconnected Dialogues on Work and Innovation mirrors the fact that enterprise development and societal development cannot be kept separate Furthermore, the Series focuses on the dialogue between theory and practice, and thus on the mutuality of knowledge and action, of research and development The Dialogues stress the critical significance of joint reflexivity in actionoriented research and the necessity for participatory processes in organizational change Editors Hans van Beinum, Halmstad University (Editor-in-Chief) Richard Ennals, Kingston University Werner Fricke, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn Øyvind Pålshaugen, Work Research Institute, Oslo Editorial Board Oguz ¦ Babüroglu ¦ (Sabanci University); Claude Faucheux (CREDS, Fontainebleau); Davydd J Greenwood (Cornell University); Denis Gregory (Ruskin College, Oxford); Björn Gustavsen (National Institute for Working Life, Stockholm); Kurt Aagaard Nielsen (Roskilde University); Annemieke Roobeek (University of Amsterdam); John Shotter (University of New Hampshire); Stephen Toulmin (University of Southern California); René van der Vlist (University of Leiden) Volume 11 Ingrid Ljungberg van Beinum Using the Lamp instead of Looking into the Mirror Women and men in discussion about the relationship between men and women in the work place Using the Lamp instead of Looking into the Mirror Women and men in discussion about the relationship between men and women in the work place INGRID LJUNGBERG VAN BEINUM JOHN BENJAMINS PUBLISHING COMPANY AMSTERDAM/PHILADELPHIA TM The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences — Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48–1984 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ljungberg van Beinum, Ingrid Using the lamp instead of looking into the mirror : women and men in discussion about the relationship between men and women in the work place / Ingrid Ljungberg van Beinum p cm (Dialogues on work and innovation, ISSN 1384-6671 ; 11) Includes bibliographical references and index Sex discrimination in employment Sweden Case studies Sex role in the work environment-Sweden Case studies Sex discrimination against women Sweden Case studies Man-woman relationships Sweden Case studies I Title II Series HD6060.5.S8 B45 2000 306.3’615’09485 dc21 00-034222 ISBN 90 272 1781 (Eur.) / 55619 678 (US) (Pb: alk paper) © 2000 – John Benjamins Publishing Company No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher John Benjamins Publishing Co · P.O.Box 75577 · 1070 an Amsterdam · The Netherlands John Benjamins North America · P.O.Box 27519 · Philadelphia PA 19118–0519 · USA Contents Preface Stephen Toulmin vii Foreword xi Introduction xv Chapter The Question Chapter An attempt at a reflexive reflection Chapter The objectives of the project, the organizations involved and the research approach adopted Chapter An analysis of the individual discussions 29 49 71 Chapter Widening the dialogue: Dynamics of intra- and inter-organizational action 101 Chapter The evaluation conference: Dialogues between men and women as an integral feature of work 139 Chapter Many a little makes a mickle — final remarks 155 References 173 Index 181 Preface Stephen Toulmin In this essay, Dr Ingrid Ljungberg van Beinum draws attention to a fascinating series of questions, which have received too little attention from students of society, even those working in the field of action research In almost all advanced countries, the lack of equality between women and men is by now a much discussed political issue But the social and psychological factors that make it hard to redress this injustice have been under-studied, and the present book should provoke a lively debate, and lead to further research designed to map in more detail the hitherto unexplored area that Ingrid Ljungberg van Beinum here opens up Much of the discussion on which Dr Ljungberg van Beinum embarks, such as the enigmatic nature of the relationship between men and women, lies firmly within the territory of social studies, but I would like to point out, by way of introduction, some of the broader connections of her subject: with social history, cultural anthropology, depth psychology, and even moral philosophy As a general matter, the difficulty of achieving equal relationships between men and women, either in the workplace or in the home (to say nothing of positions of political and social power) is a commonplace for contemporary social scientists and activists alike It goes without saying that in social, familial and other situations, women are widely expected to play secondary roles This has even been true of many people who have insisted verbally on their commitment to equality There is a story about Beatrice and Sidney Webb, a couple who were central figures in the British Labour Party at the beginning of the twentieth century: When she was asked how she and Sidney could work together so effectively, Beatrice replied, “Because we have a clear division of responsibility: Sidney takes all the important decisions, and I take all the unimportant decisions.” Beatrice’s reputation as a woman of formidable Will led on to the further question, “Which of you decides whether any decision is important or unimportant?,” and her follow-up reply was, “I do.” It is no surprise that this story went the rounds of London; and this is evidence that Beatrice Webb’s behaviour was an exception to a general rule If Sidney had answered the same questions similarly, nobody would have bothered to report the fact Our normal expectations would have been met, and nothing more would have needed saying viii USING THE LAMP INSTEAD OF LOOKING INTO THE MIRROR While these inequalities were notorious in certain times and places — in Victorian England, or in many Muslim countries today — social and cultural obstacles to gender equality have been so much the rule throughout the history of humankind that Women of Power and Authority have been remembered for long after And in many cases their names have become proverbial Everyone knows about the Amazons; the French and English are all familiar with Jeanne d’Arc and Eleanor of Aquitaine; all English schoolchildren can tell you about the tribal leader Boadicea; and even the Victorians had their Florence Nightingale The respect Europeans have today for Gro Harlem Brundtland, whose Norwegian cabinet was more than half made up of women, is slightly grudging, while Sadako Ogata would be a far less influential political leader in Japan itself than she is as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Yet, regrettably, all such cases tend to be regarded as exceptional How we react to news of the 10-yearold girl who is the reputed leader of the terrorist Army of God on the ThaiBurmese border? If we heard the same report about a 10-year-old boy, we would still be horrified, but not nearly so amazed *** By noting these historical facts, however, we reach only the threshold of the problems that Ingrid Ljungberg van Beinum articulates If we treat the ideal of equality as a serious matter in actual practice, all human institutions are confronted with the task of meeting its claims And anybody concerned with this field of research must look again at the ways in which, on either an institutional or an individual level, participatory action can help to realize this ideal Ingrid Ljungberg van Beinum addresses equality as a relational question that can only be dealt with once it is recognized that women and men are both different and similar So she rightly insists that we cannot — and should not try to — “reduce the ‘other’ to ‘same’.” Is the demand for equality a twentieth century European one? The challenges posed by the suffragettes or the feminists have indeed been clear, open and forcible for a little more than a hundred years But the underlying ideals on which the demand rests are as old as philosophy itself Early in Book VIII of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle discusses the different kinds of philia — i.e “friendship” or “relationship” — and his key statement about the best kind of philia presents, as an ethical ideal, two people each of whom treats the other in ways designed to promote the other’s good True: Aristotle himself came from a society in which his statements were understood as referring to relationships between two male citizens of comparable social standing But — like the Constitution of the United States — his Ethics is written in such terms that we have been able to broaden the application of its principles in ways that the original author did not foresee PREFACE ix By now, then, equality within relationships, in the workplace or elsewhere, is an ideal whose claims few will openly contradict But the obstacles to realizing this ideal are not social and cultural alone and — as Dr Ljungberg van Beinum rightly insists — the hardest ones to overcome are those that lead us into issues of depth psychology Still, these too must be addressed if we are to deal with the barriers we find ourselves erecting, against our own wills If we are honest, we all admit to finding ourselves reacting in discriminatory ways toward people of other races or religions, not just genders, and one significant part of our own “emotional homework” is that of bringing the sources of these reactions to the surface In this respect, Ingrid Ljungberg van Beinum frames her basic position in terms of the powerful image of Lamps and Mirrors These are images that have much force, both in depth psychology and in religion Even more than Jacques Lacan, the late Heinz Kohut spoke of experiences of narcissistic injury in emotional development as causing us to perceive other human beings as in a distorting mirror Some of us lose the ability to see others as entitled to goals and life-plans of their own, and so become manipulative in the demands we impose on them Others lose the sense of having our own legitimate goals and life-plans, and so idealize those whose supposed wishes we can follow, instead: so we become unquestioning followers These twin narcissistic tendencies in turn prevent us from being true moral agents, by the criterion in Kant’s Grundlegung, that we treat all others — and ourselves as well — as Fellow Citizens in a Commonwealth of Rational Agents, each of whom is entitled to equal standing and respect In the history of religion, too, a very special place is occupied by the Society of Friends, usually known as the Quakers This is a Church whose meetings involve no spiritual authority or hierarchy: all members of a meeting are free to break the silence in which they are initially sitting, in order to raise a moral or social issue that they find in their deepest inwardness The deepest conviction of Quakers is that, if they are in a situation where they are not distracted, an Inner Light will show them how to act But this Inner Light focuses attention not inwardly but outwardly Their meetings are not therapy groups, in which the members help each other disentangle their emotional perplexities, but groups committed to bringing the light of moral reflection to bear on outer events and the suffering of other humans: the poor, the wounded, the victims of mistreatment of any kind Theologically, the Society of Friends found the deepest source of the conflicts in 17th century Europe in the rival Churches’ insistence on doctrinal orthodoxy This had the effect of substituting obedience to dogma for spontaneous charitable action — Theory for Practice, if you will — and the Friends made it their concern to build a network of communities within which truth was open to all who viewed the troubles of the world as best illuminated by honest reflection and a sense of human equality and need *** x USING THE LAMP INSTEAD OF LOOKING INTO THE MIRROR With this broader framework in place, it is easier to see why Ingrid Ljungberg van Beinum is committed to the methods of action research, rather than to sociological theory or political science Her task, and the task of action research generally, is not to put forward universal conceptual systems to explain gender inequalities while leaving them alone: rather it is to discover how organizations or institutions can be improved from within in ways that enhance — rather than obstruct — gender equalities Her conclusions are ones that touch our private lives as well as our institutional structures For action researchers as for Quakers — it turns out — “Looking into the Mirror” only distracts us from the shortcomings of our public enterprises as well as our personal emotions It is “Using the Lamp” that will focus our attention on the practices that are needed to remedy the shortcomings 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Blackhurst, M xiii Board, R de 161, 162, 163 Braidotti, R xv, 21, 24, 27, 30, 32, 40, 160, 161, 164 Bruner, J 74 Brundtland G viii Bullough, V business unit 146 Butler, J 26 Butchvarov, P 39 C Canada, influence of (on author) 36 Cassell, P 22 Castoriadis, C 55, 56 CAU xiii casuistry 166 change, structural 164 Chanter, T 24 chaos theory 167 Chodorow, N 85 Christianity, belief system 10, 11 Coenen, H 49, 54 cluster 74, 75 comforter 164 common meaning 55 communication 91 effective 50 communicative action 98 reason 160 community 115 complementarity, sex 18 conceptualization 39, 40 182 USING THE LAMP INSTEAD OF LOOKING INTO THE MIRROR conscientization 49, 67, 68 consciousness 30 discursive 22 practical 22 context transcendendance 169 Cornell, D 20, 25 Craib, I 21 creativity 98 joint 164 culture 159 organizational 159 patriarchal 24 Czarniawska, B xv D Davies, C 170 Deleuze, G xv, 30, 168 democracy 169 participative, representative 96 democratic dialogue 48 democratization of work 35 of organization 38 dependency 162, 163 economic and emotional 15 Derksen, L D 14 design, job 145 development coalition 158, 167 development (author’s), cultural impact on 32, 33 development organization 157 development theory 10 dialectic, triple 27 dialogue 58, 59 convergent vs divergent 44 democratic 48 effective 43, 45 intrapersonal 73 real, emergence 147 dichotomy, false 47 Dicks, H 162 difference xvi, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 148, 168 diffusion 35 Dinnerstein, D 12 dire, le 39, 170 directness 82, 83 discourse discursive consciousness 22 discussion 65 analysis of 73–99 dissimiliarity 148 dit, le 39, 170 dramatis personae 44 E economic dependency 15 economy, global 167 ego 41 Eichenbaum, L 15 Einarsson, J 77, 126 Elshtain, J 77 embeddedness 31 embodiment 20, 30 Emery, F 43–45 Emery, M 162 emotional dependency 13 empirical object 55 employment equity 36 encounter, inter-organizational 125ff enigma, man-woman relation as xvi, 155 enigmatic nature 26, 155 relationship 170 Ennals, R 167 epigenetic landscape 58, 73 episteme 166 epistemic subject 55 equality xvi, 20, 22, 23, 25 Erikson, E H 10 ethical relationship 69, 98 ethics 170 discussion of viii, 166 evaluation conference 123, 139–154 Evans, J 18 exemplary action research 54, 102 existentialism 11 expert knowledge 72 external world 46 F Fairbairn, W D 13, 75 false dichotomy 47 Faucheux, C xiii, 41, 55, 58 Felski, R 10 female group 119 identity 23, 24 feminism 14, 154, 167 Ferguson, K 37 Feuerbach, H 41 Feyerabend, P Feynman, R field, psychological 43 fight 162, 163 fight/flight 162 183 INDEX figure-ground reversal 72 Firestone, S 12 Fiske, S.T flight 163 Fogel, A 77 follow-up 65 form of life 29, 169 formative language Frankenhauser, M 17 Freeman, M 50 Freire, P 49, 67 Freud, S 13 Fricke, W xii Friedan, B 12 G Gadamer, G 2, 155 gender intersubjectivity 19, 20 relationship 47 stereotype 47 Genesis, Chh and Giddens, A 2, 10, 21, 22, 55 Gilligan, C 84, 95 Goodfield, J 56 Grande, J le 22 Greenberg, O 164 Greenwood, D 54 group meeting 101 semi-autonomous 136, 147, 156 structure 147, 156 Guattari, F 168 Gustavsen, B 54, 60, 65, 97, 167 H Habermas, J 169 Hansson, A 14 Harding, S Harré, R 29, 30 Heisenberg 57 Herakleitos 57 Herbst, P G 36, 62, 110, 111 hermeneutics 56 double Himmelfarb, G Hirdman, Y 18 history, women’s, blips 3, 8, 14 Hollway, W homologation 161 homonomy 83 horizon of expectation 116 Hultman, T 77 human character, historical theory of 10–14 I ideal, masculine 24 identity 20, 30 female 24 ideology, theory and 10 illusion 58 individualism 16 individuation 14, 25 inequality 1, 3, innerligt ix instrumental rationality 16 inter-organizational action research 49 approach 60 encounter 125ff internal world 46 interpersonal level 156 perception 41, 42 relation 159 intersubjective meaning 55 space 165 intrapersonal dialogue 73 Irigaray, L xv, 15, 19, 24–27, 32, 38, 139, 148, 151, 154, 156, 160, 164, 170 J Jaques, E 161 Joas, H 25, 55 job design 145 Johannessen, K 54 joint action 39, 57 jointness 54, 68 Jonsen, A R 166 Josefson, I xiii justice, social 22, 23 K Kant, I ix Kanter, M 36 Katz, A 54 Kelly, J 6, 8, knowing from within 169 knowledge 170 tacit 154 Kohlberg, L 10 Kohut, H ix KOM Program xii Konst, D Kvande, E 91 184 USING THE LAMP INSTEAD OF LOOKING INTO THE MIRROR L labor, shortage, women’s employment and 15 Laca, J ix Laing, R D 41, 42 lamp x, xi, 138, 151 landscape, epigenetic 73 language 2, 126 formative game 157, 169 Latour, B 167 learning 162 environment 123 Lee, A R 41, 42 Lerner, G 3, 5, level, organizational 156 Levin, M 54 Levinas, E 38, 39, 47, 48, 98, 145, 170 life, cultural impact on 33 linguistic maze 59 relationship 2, 58, 97 Lundén, L xiii Ljungberg van Beinum, I vii–x, 36, 37, 38, 104, 170 looking back, discussion 140 love xii, 42 M MacKinnon, C Madison, G B 45 maladaptation 37, 38 male group 119 territory 95 Marx, view of man 11 Marxism, belief system 11 masculine ideal 24 McCarthy, T 55, 169 meaning, common, intersubjective 55 Melson, G 77 men, relationship with women xi Menzies, I E P 161 messiness (of logic, philosohpy etc.) 168 meta-identity 41 meta-perspective 41 Milan collective 24 Miner, J B 80 Minnick, R 21 mirror x, xi, 138, 151 Mitchell, I 164 Millett, K 12 modernity 26 moral demand 166 Morrison, A 36 mutuality 61, 164 N Naschold, F 65 nature, enigmatic 26 Niagara Institute 34 nomad 32 nomadic perspective 40 nuclear plant xii, 50, 51, 53, 107, 111, 118, 122, 129, 132, 134, 143, 152, 163 O object 41 empirical 55 relation theory 13, 46, 164 transitional 164 Ogata, S viii ontological reality 11 open system thinking 64 Orbach, S 15 organizational change 34, 171 characteristic 108ff culture 154 level 156 structure 145, 157–159, 163 otherness 148 P pairing 162, 163 Pålshaugen, Ø 54, 103, 104, 157 participative democracy 96 patriarchal culture 3, 24 patriarchy 6, 161 perception, interpersonal 41 Phillipson, H 41, 42 phronesis 166 Pisan, C de Plato 10, 11 polarity, sex 18 postal district xii, 50, 52, 53, 104, 105, 109, 117, 121, 127, 131, 133, 143, 153, 163 power 7, 18, 149, 159, 165 practical consciousness 22 private sphere 16 project organization and development 63 project team 147 psychoanalysis 12, 13 psychoanalysis, self knowledge and 13 psychological field 43 185 INDEX public sphere 16 Q Quakers ix Quéré, L 54 Querelle des Femmes R radical reflexivity 32 Rasmussen, B 91 rationality, instrumental 16 Rawls, J 22 reality, symbolic 45 reasonableness 158 redundancy of functions 34 reflection 68, 108 analysis and 71 reflective exercise 148 inquiry 58 moral action 167 reflexive exercise 148 reflection xvi, 29–48 Passim reflexivity 21, 32, 39, 68 relation, interpersonal 159 relational problem 7, 168 relationship 1, 154 enigmatic 155 men and women xi triadic 57 representative democracy 96 Ressner, U 35, 159 rhizome 168 Rorty, R 3, 6, 10 S sameness xvi, 20, 23, 148 Santa Fe Institute 167, 168 Sartre, J P 11, 12 school district xii, 50, 51, 53, 104, 106, 110, 117, 122, 128, 132, 134, 137, 141, 145, 151, 153, 163 search conference 33, 34, 64, 65, 67, 117 inter-organizational 113ff reflection on 123 Second World War 15 self identity 42 self management 162 semi-autonomous group 136, 147 sensitization 68 sex complementarity, polarity 18 Shotter, J 2, 54, 57, 97, 101, 121, 139, 148, 160, 164, 169 significant other xii, 31 similarity 17–21, 148 difference and 19, 20 Smart, B 26 social defense 161 justice 22, 23 research 38 science 54ff., 154 socialization 74, 77 Sörensen, B.Å 84 space, intersubjective 165 moving through 38 spatio-temporal area 57 Spelman, E 20 Stavenga, G J 55 stereotype 81, 99 Stevenson, L 10, 12, 13 structural change 133, 164 structure 138, 145 organizational 156, 158, 159 subject 41 epistemic 55 subjective metaphysics 149 subjectivity xii, 20, 23 subordination xi, 1, 6, 155, 165, 170 women by men xvi substrate 25, 164 Sutherland, J 13 Sweden, funding agencies xii symbolic reality 45 T tacit knowledge 45 Tannen, D 83 task, the 163 Tavistock Institute xiii, Taylor, C 32, 55 technai 166 theme 168 theme day 123, 125ff first 126 second 131 third 133 fourth 137 theory as ideology 10 as way of life 10 Thorsrud, E 35 Thrift, N 167 time, moving through 38 together, in relation 42 186 USING THE LAMP INSTEAD OF LOOKING INTO THE MIRROR Toulmin, S vii, 54–56, 116, 160, 166, 169 Touraine, A 10 transitional object 164 space 58 triadic relationship 57 triple dialectic 27 Trist, E 40 trust 44 U unconscious 21 unity, sex 18 V values, cultural 33, 34 Vickers, G 40 Vico, S 57 Vlist, R van der xii, 8, 22, 41, 55, 58, 80, 81, 159, 171 Vucht Tijssen, L van 159 W Waldrop, M M 167, 168 Webb, B vii Webb, S vii Wilson, T xiii Winnicott, D W 10, 13, 24, 58, 161, 164, 165 Wittgenstein, L 2, 59, 166 women, rationality and 14 relationship with men xi subjectivity 14 work, cultural impact on 32, 33 feminist restructuring of 36 group 102, 104 organization of 34, 35 structure of 136 Work Environment Fund (Sweden) xii Work Life Fund (Sweden) xii workplace 155 men and women in xv world, external, internal 46 Wright, E 13 Y Yeats, W B xi Z Zeldin, T 160 Zerilli, L M G 20, 161 In the series DIALOGUES ON WORK AND INNOVATION the following titles have been published thus far or are scheduled for publication: NASCHOLD, Frieder and Casten VON OTTER: Public Sector Transformation: Rethinking Markets and Hierarchies in Government 1996 TOULMIN, Stephen and Björn GUSTAVSEN (eds): Beyond Theory Changing organizations through participation 1996 GUSTAVSEN, Björn, Bernd HOFMAIER, Marianne EKMAN PHILIPS and Anders WIKMAN: Concept-Driven Development and the Organization of the Process of Change An evaluation of the Swedish Working Life Fund 1996 MERRELYN, Emery: Searching The theory and practice of making cultural change 1999 PÅLSHAUGEN, Øyvind, Björn GUSTAVSEN, Dag ØSTERBERG and John SHOTTER: The End of Organization Theory? Language as a tool in action research and organizational development 1998 GUSTAVSEN, Björn, Tom COLBJØRNSEN and Øyvind PÅLSHAUGEN (eds): Development Coalitions in Working Life The ‘Enterprise Development 2000’ Program in Norway 1998 ENNALS, Richard and Björn GUSTAVSEN: Work Organization and Europe as a Development Coalition 1999 GREENWOOD, Davydd J (ed.): Action Research From practice to writing in an international action research development program 1999 VAN BEINUM, Hans (ed.): Ideas and Practices in Action Research An institutional journey n.y.p 10 KALLIOLA, Satu and Risto NAKARI (eds.): Resources for Renewal A participatory approach to the modernization of municipal organizations in Finland 1999 11 LJUNGBERG VAN BEINUM, Ingrid: Using the Lamp instead of Looking into the Mirror Women and men in discussion about the relationship between men and women in the work place 2000 12 MUNTIGL, Peter, Gilbert WEISS and Ruth WODAK: European Union Discourses and Unemployement An interdisciplinary approach to employment policymaking and organizational change n.y.p ... Beinum Using the Lamp instead of Looking into the Mirror Women and men in discussion about the relationship between men and women in the work place Using the Lamp instead of Looking into the Mirror. .. Cataloging -in- Publication Data Ljungberg van Beinum, Ingrid Using the lamp instead of looking into the mirror : women and men in discussion about the relationship between men and women in the work... of this study is concerned with an interpretation of discussions between men and women in which they talk about the meaning of the relationship between men and women in the workplace, about the

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    Chapter 2. An Attempt at Reflexive Reflection

    Chapter 3. The Objectives of the Project, the Organizations Involved and the Research Approach Adopted

    Chapter 4. An analysis of the individual discussions

    Chapter 5. Widening the Dialogue: Dynamics of Intra- and Inter-organizational Action

    Chapter 6. The Evaluation Conference: Dialogue between Men and Women as an Integral Feature of Work

    Chapter 7. Many a little makes a mickle Final remarks