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Free to focus a total productivity system to achieve more by doing less

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“The bridge between dreams and achievement is taking massive, determined action One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power No one understands this better than Michael Hyatt, and he’s engineered a new, easy-to-follow approach to harness this power in his new book Free to Focus.” Tony Robbins, #1 New York Times bestselling author, Unshakeable “Michael Hyatt is one of America’s leading experts in the area of productivity He really knows his stuff! That’s why I’m so sure you can absolutely trust what you find in Free to Focus It will push you to use your time well and to become a better version of the person you were created to be.” Dave Ramsey, bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio show host “I’ve been where you may be now—buried under a mountain of daily tasks, watching my biggest goals and most important projects slip further and further out of reach Here’s the solution Michael Hyatt has created a productivity system that really works Free to Focus does not disappoint.” Lewis Howes, New York Times bestselling author, The School of Greatness “Get off the treadmill! Just running faster won’t get you where you want to be—unless you’re chasing the right things Free to Focus offers a practical, flexible framework for centering your life around what matters most, and unleashing your best work every day Michael Hyatt has helped thousands of people take back control of their lives, and he’ll the same for you Todd Henry, author, The Accidental Creative “Busyness is meaningless What matters is consistently executing the work that actually matters This book shows you how.” Cal Newport, New York Times bestselling author, Deep Work and Digital Minimalism “Success, we are often told, requires backbreaking work and never-ending hours in the office And then we meet the truly successful who seem to get more done in less time than anyone else Michael Hyatt shines the light on the secrets of the most productive people in his new book, Free to Focus With his proven methods and research, you’ll launch faster, go farther, and perform better than you thought possible.” Skip Prichard, CEO, OCLC, Inc., Wall Street Journal bestselling author, The Book of Mistakes: Secrets to Creating a Successful Future “I’ve known Michael for a long time and this book is one of his best He hasn’t just provided us with a huge chest full of tools, he reminds us why we need them and encourages us to reach for the right one for the job.” Bob Goff, New York Times bestselling author, Love Does and Everybody Always “At the end of the day, what you create in every area of your life is determined by your ability to focus What you’ll find in Free to Focus is a working ‘owner’s manual’ on how to create that focus in every area of your life Much of what you’ll find in this book will be new to you—and maybe even counterintuitive—but it’s data-driven from the thousands of clients that Michael has worked with Read this book and find your focus.” Jeff Walker, #1 New York Times bestselling author, Launch “Michael Hyatt is one of the best leaders I know, and I am excited that he’s written Free to Focus Michael’s use of thorough testing and research, along with his proven track record as a leader of established and start-up companies, translates into a book that is full of insights and practical steps Leaders rely on smart systems to help them lead in the office as well as at home, and Free to Focus provides the kind of system that every smart leader craves.” John C Maxwell, author, speaker, and leadership expert “I’ve had a dozen conversations over the years with friends that have involved the phrase, ‘How’s Hyatt doing it?’ The ‘it’ in question is ‘performing at such a high level and crushing his goals while still enjoying his life and family.’ Fortunately, we don’t have to wonder anymore because Hyatt has answered that question, and several others, in this fantastic book.” Jon Acuff, New York Times bestselling author, Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done “You need a system to succeed, and Free to Focus can be that system Michael’s no-nonsense, all-helpful advice can help anyone prioritize their life to more of what’s important to them.” Chris Guillebeau, author, Side Hustle and The $100 Startup “Overwork is a pervasive form of personal sabotage Michael Hyatt presents a well-researched but refreshing alternative that allows us to breathe, play, and connect while still accomplishing the very best we have to offer at work This book will restore the inner peace that makes work—and life—worthwhile.” Dan Miller, New York Times bestselling author, 48 Days to the Work You Love “Free to Focus is terrific Applying Michael Hyatt’s insights from this book will help leaders, executives, individual contributors, teachers, coaches, and moms and dads be more productive and purposeful His framework and related action steps provide a clear path to greater freedom and increased effectiveness.” Tim Tassopoulos, president and COO, Chick-fil-A, Inc “Don’t work on another project, don’t say yes to another opportunity or tackle another task before reading this book It’s that important! Hyatt’s Free to Focus is my new productivity framework for finding the high-leverage work and maintaining the daily focus I need to see big results on the projects that matter most.” Amy Porterfield, host, The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast “If you’re desperate to tame your to-do list, look no further Michael Hyatt has a rare genius for cutting complexity and creating simple, practical solutions Free to Focus delivers real results.” Hal Elrod, international bestselling author, The Miracle Morning “There are 1,440 minutes in a day, and once they’re gone, you never get them back Michael Hyatt has written a fantastic guide—filled with actionable advice and tools—to maximize your energy, your focus, and results.” Kevin Kruse, New York Times bestselling author, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management “Michael Hyatt’s practical approach to productivity isn’t just another tactical guide filled with good ideas—it’s a comprehensive strategy for overhauling your life It’s not just about getting more done, but getting the right things done—and that starts by knowing where you want to go.” Ruth Soukup, New York Times bestselling author, Do It Scared “Great stories are thought through before they’re written Great lives are the same Mike gives us a framework to plan our lives in such a way that we won’t have to experience regret This is a great book.” Donald Miller, New York Times bestselling author; founder and CEO, StoryBrand “Michael Hyatt masterfully blends the best research available with practical steps to help people finally understand what’s important— learning to focus and radically improve their productivity Free to Focus is filled with compelling, real-life stories of people who achieved extraordinary results based on the principles found in this book I’m already using it!” Ian Morgan Cron, bestselling author, The Road Back to You “Michael Hyatt has written the guide to creating freedom and money without burning ourselves out in the process At the end of Free to Focus, you will be able to work in a space where nothing is urgent, deadlines are met, and the workday truly ends at the office Hyatt doesn’t just teach this material, he lives it.” Brooke Castillo, founder, The Life Coach School “My experience with leaders causes me to believe that our ability to focus has never been as challenged as it is today In today’s ‘respond right now’ environment, focus is exactly what will change the game for many of us For the past two decades, I have observed Michael’s immense ability to focus as the CEO of a large organization, an entrepreneur, an author, and a coach This book is sure to elevate your productivity!” Daniel Harkavy, CEO and executive coach of Building Champions, coauthor (with Michael Hyatt) of bestselling book, Living Forward “Of all the skills you could master to improve your productivity and results, focus is king, and Michael Hyatt has outlined a masterful plan to achieve focus at the highest level The steps in Free to Focus are clear, the strategies are actionable, and the lessons are timeless Like me, you may find yourself wanting to reread this powerful book again and again.” Jeff Sanders, speaker and author, The AM Miracle “Everyone has opinions on how to be more productive in our hyper-distracted world, but almost no one has a system backed by sound science This book is engaging, inspiring, and backed by hard data In this age where we seem to have more to but less time than ever, Free to Focus is a guiding light for executing our most important goals and freeing up time for what matters most.” Shawn Stevenson, international bestselling author, Sleep Smarter “Michael Hyatt has been teaching about personal productivity for years, and it shows with this book While reading Free to Focus, it was almost spooky the number of times my mind would make a straw man argument, and in the very next paragraph, Michael would raise the point of my resistance and resoundingly knock it down In today’s world, being productive is all about making tough choices, and this book gives you the tools you need to so.” David Sparks, podcast, author, and blogger, Mac Power Users “When we’re driven, we all wish we had more time Why? So we could accomplish more, of course! And that’s what I love about Michael’s book Free to Focus It’s not about jamming more into an already full day This is about proven strategies, backed by tons of research that just happens to fly in the face of conventional wisdom—all of which helps you more with less If you’ve ever felt squeezed for time, wishing you could more but wondering how to fit it all in, read this book today!” Stu McLaren, founder, the Tribe Course “If you were told that there was a system that would allow you to get more done and get more time back in your life, I suspect your response would be, ‘Yes, please!’ Michael Hyatt has done the research, tested the plan, and delivered those results to thousands Now, in Free to Focus, Michael shows us how to move from being busy to being better.” Ken Coleman, podcast host, The Ken Coleman Show; author, The Proximity Principle “In Free to Focus, Michael Hyatt drops value bombs on every single page My biggest aha moment was the power of no The realization that every time I say yes to something I’m actually saying no to everything else I could be doing is a game changer With Free to Focus, Michael Hyatt is truly on fire!” John Lee Dumas, podcast host, Entrepreneurs on Fire “Michael Hyatt has written a masterpiece on optimizing your productivity and hitting big goals The book includes a comprehensive system for getting results and a filter for identifying the biggest needle-moving activities in your company The thing I love most about this book is the system conforms to your life, so it’s relevant to anyone in any business This is undoubtedly Michael’s Hyatt’s best book yet!” Josh Axe, founder, DrAxe.com; author, Eat Dirt; CVO, Ancient Nutrition Company “One of the best personal productivity books I’ve ever read Free to Focus offers a winning formula for personal and professional achievement.” Mike Vardy, productivity strategist and founder of TimeCrafting “I love this book! Michael Hyatt has proven the system where it counts—in the field, with real entrepreneurs, and real corporate leaders Free to Focus isn’t just a collection of ad hoc tips It’s a system that’s been proven by research, a system that helps you get traction and make real progress on your most important projects I highly recommend it.” Steven Robbins, creator, Get-it-Done Groups; podcast host, Get-It-Done Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More “Whenever I hear of a new productivity topic, I always ask, ‘Has Michael Hyatt done research on this yet?’ As one of thousands of people who have gone through his Free to Focus course, I’m proud to claim Michael as my go-to authority.” Erik Fisher, host, Beyond the To-Do List podcast © 2019 by Michael Hyatt Published by Baker Books a division of Baker Publishing Group PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287 www.bakerbooks.com Ebook edition created 2019 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC ISBN 978-1-4934-0954-9 Some names and details have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals involved The author is represented by Alive Literary Agency, 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, www.aliveliterary.com Contents Cover Endorsements Title Page Copyright Page Stepping into Focus 11 STEP STOP FORMULATE: Decide What You Want 25 EVALUATE: Determine Your Course 43 REJUVENATE: Reenergize Your Mind and Body 65 STEP CUT ELIMINATE: Flex Your “No” Muscle 91 AUTOMATE: Subtract Yourself from the Equation 115 DELEGATE: Clone Yourself—or Better 137 STEP ACT CONSOLIDATE: Plan Your Ideal Week 161 DESIGNATE: Prioritize Your Tasks 183 ACTIVATE: Beat Interruptions and Distractions Put Your Focus to Work 223 Acknowledgments Notes 229 233 Index 245 About the Author Back Ads Back Cover 252 256 251 205 Stepping into Focus What will your life have been, in the end, but the sum total of everything you spent it focusing on? OLIVER BURKEMAN I think I’m having a heart attack!” Of all ways to end a relaxing dinner, this is among the worst I was a publishing executive in Manhattan on business A colleague and I were finishing a delicious meal after a busy day when the chest pain began I didn’t want to concern my friend or embarrass myself, so I ignored it for a while, hoping it would pass It didn’t I smiled and laughed but heard less and less of what my friend was saying I was beginning to panic but tried to keep up appearances The pain intensified The room closed in Finally, I just blurted it out My friend jumped into action He paid our bill, hailed a cab, and rushed me to the nearest hospital After some preliminary tests, the doctor reported that all my vitals were fine I wasn’t having a heart attack after all After a thorough checkup, my primary care physician didn’t find any problems either I was okay! Except I wasn’t I found myself back in the hospital two more times over the next year Each of these events turned out exactly like the first Doctors kept telling me my heart was good, but I knew something was wrong In desperation, I made an appointment with one of the top cardiologists in Nashville, where I live He ran me through a battery of tests and called me into his office as soon as the results came in “Michael, your heart is fine,” he said “In fact, you’re in great shape Your problem is twofold: acid reflux and stress.” He said a third of the people he sees for chest pains actually suffer from acid reflux, and most are neck-deep in stress “Stress is something you need to address,” he warned me “If you don’t make this a priority, you could be back in here with a real heart problem.” I was exactly like the overworked, overstressed people he told me about Work had been insane for as long as I could remember It never seemed to slow down At the time I was leading a division in my company, attempting a near-impossible turnaround (more on that later) I already had more priorities than I could count I was being pulled a hundred different directions I was the center of every process I got every phone call, every email, every text I was on duty 24/7 in a nonstop whirlwind of projects, meetings, and tasks—not to mention emergencies, interruptions, and distractions My family was weary, my energy and enthusiasm were waning, and now my health was suffering Something had to give Life in the Distraction Economy My problem back then was doing too much—mostly by myself Later I realized focusing on everything means focusing on nothing It’s almost impossible to accomplish anything significant when you’re racing through an endless litany of tasks and emergencies And yet this is how many of us spend our days, weeks, months, years—sometimes, our entire lives We should know better by now We’ve been doing business in the so-called Information Economy for decades In 1969 and 1970 Johns Hopkins University and the Brookings Institution sponsored a series of conferences on the impact of information technology One speaker, Herbert Simon, was a Carnegie Mellon professor of computer science and psychology who later won a Nobel for his work in economics In his presentation, he warned that the growth of information could become a burden Why? “Information consumes the attention of its recipients,” he explained, and “a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.”1 Information is no longer scarce But attention is In fact, in a world where information is freely available, focus becomes one of the most valuable commodities in the workplace But for most of us, work is the hardest place to find it The truth is we live and labor in the Distraction Economy As journalist Oliver Burkeman says, “Your attention is being spammed all day long.”2 And stemming the flow of inputs and interruptions can seem impossible Consider email Collectively, we send over two hundred million emails every minute.3 Professionals start the day hundreds deep with hundreds more on the way.4 But don’t stop there Toss in the data feeds, phone calls, texts, drop-in visits, instant messages, nonstop meetings, and surprise problems that flood our phones, computers, tablets, and workplaces Research shows we get interrupted or distracted every three minutes on average.5 “Even though digital technology has led to significant productivity increases,” says Rachel Emma Silverman of the Wall Street Journal, “the modern workday seems custom-built to destroy individual focus.”6 We’ve all experienced it Our devices, apps, and tools make us think we’re saving time, being hyperproductive In reality most of us just jam our day with the buzz and grind of low-value activity We don’t invest our time in big and important projects Instead, we’re tyrannized by tiny tasks One pair of workplace consultants found “about half the work that people fails to advance [their] organizations’ strategies.” In other words, half the effort and hours invested produce no positive results for the business They call it “fake work.”7 We’re doing more and gaining less, which leaves us with a huge gap between what we want to achieve and what we actually accomplish What It Costs Us The cost of all this misspent time and talent is staggering Depending on the studies you consult, the total time lost per day for office workers is three hours or more—as many as six.8 Let’s say you work 250 days a year (365 days, less weekends and two weeks of vacation) That’s between 750 and 1,500 hours of lost time every year The annual hit to the US economy rises as high as $1 trillion.9 But that’s too abstract Think instead about the stalled initiatives, postponed projects, and unrealized potential— specifically, your stalled initiatives, postponed projects, and unrealized potential I’ve consulted with thousands of busy leaders and entrepreneurs over the years, and that’s what I hear most from my clients The dollar value on lost productivity does matter, but it’s not what really hurts It’s all the dreams left unexplored, the talents left untried, the goals left unpursued Between the projects we want to accomplish and the deluge of other activity—some which is legitimately important and some which only masquerades as such—we’re left feeling drained, disoriented, and overwhelmed About half of us say we don’t have enough time to what we want to do, according to Gallup For those between the ages of 35 and 54 or people with kids younger than 18, the figure is higher—more like 60 percent.10 Similarly, six in ten surveyed by the American Psychological Association in 2017 said they’re stressed at work, and almost four in ten say it’s not the result of one-off projects; it’s constant.11 There are upsides to stress, but not when we can’t accomplish what matters most and the strain feels unrelenting It seems like the only way to absorb these costs is to let work push back our nights and invade our weekends A study by the Center for Creative Leadership, for instance, found that professionals with smartphones—and that’s pretty much all of us now—engage with their work more than seventy hours a week.12 According to a study commissioned by the software company Adobe, US workers spend more than six hours every day checking email To preserve time for the rest of the day’s work, 80 percent check their email before going in to the office, and 30 percent it before they even get out of bed in the morning.13 According to another study, this one by GFI Software, almost 40 percent of us check email after 11:00 at night, and three quarters of us it on the weekends.14 Anecdotally, this seems just as bad, possibly worse, with team chat apps like Slack It’s like we’re working on the wrong side of the Looking Glass “Here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place,” the Red Queen tells Alice “If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”15 To manage the pace, some people resort to amphetamines and psychedelics to give them an edge.16 Even if we grant the supposed benefits of cognitive-enhancing drugs and downplay health and social concerns, what kind of world are we creating where we have to tweak our neurochemistry to stay competitive? This kind of running carries costs of its own Not only does it directly contribute to the feeling of unrelenting stress, but long work hours deprive our health, relationships, and personal pursuits of the kind of time they deserve Hustle into the evening, and your sleep suffers Leave early for the office, and you skip your morning run Check email at your kids’ soccer game, and you miss the gamewinning play Catch up on a presentation, and you must reschedule that date with your spouse again The costs come down to trade-offs Every day we’re constantly making value judgments, deciding what’s truly worth our focus Early in my career, I’m afraid to say, I chose busyness far too often Now I know these trade-offs make it impossible to give my high-value tasks, health, relationships, and personal pursuits the time and attention—the focus—they deserve And, as Oliver Burkeman asks, “What will your life have been, in the end, but the sum total of everything you spent it focusing on?”17 Mortimer, Ian, 223 movement (exercise), 74–77, 195 multitasking, 161–62, 212 music, 217 musicians, 46 Musk, Elon, 67–68 Naish, John, 161, 212 naps, 71 Nashville, 46 natural foods, 73 nature, 82–83 necessary routines, 147–48 Netflix, 71 Newport, Cal, 161–62, 164 Not-to-Do List, 93, 99–100, 113 Nozbe, 202 nutrition, 73 nutritional supplement protocol, 73 offloading tasks, 138, 225–26 Off Stage, 166, 170, 173, 176, 195 OneNote, 127 Opipari, Ben, 75 outdoors, 82–83 overgrowth See pruning overlong hours, 65–67 Pang, Alex Soojun-Kim, 179 Pareto principle, 198 passion, 45–46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 58 physical activity, 74–77 physical and emotional distress, 66 Pieper, Josef, 32 Pink, Daniel H., 179 play, 79–83, 195 poker, 93 “positive no,” 104–6 Postrel, Virginia, 81 priorities, 102, 190, 197 process automation, 125–26, 134 productivity as getting the right things done, 37 as interpersonal, 77–79 old methods of, 224 purpose of, 19, 27 and saying no, 93, 97 as skill to be developed, 61 Productivity Assessment, 22, 225 productivity objectives, 27 productivity systems, 17–18 productivity vision, 40–42 Productivity Vision exercise, 42, 45 productivity zones, 48–55 proficiency, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 58 Project Vision Caster, 158 pruning, 97, 99, 111, 184, 225 reflection, 84–85, 195 Rejuvenate, 19, 65–87 rejuvenation, 170, 176, 177–78, 194–95 Rejuvenation Self-Assessment, 88 relationships, 228 relaxation, 81, 170 restoration, 82 rituals, 117–21 Ronalds, Francis, 223–24 Rosen, Larry, 213 Rule of Fifty, 66 saying no, 92–99, 100–108, 111 scarcity mentality, 100 scheduling, 190 screencast utilities, 133 screens, turning off, 71 self-automation, 116–21, 133 self (theme), 176–77 Seneca, 202, 203 setting one’s baseline, 225 Shirky, Clay, 212 Silverman, Rachel Emma, 14, 166 Simon, Herbert, 13, 227 skill plus contribution, 46 Slack, 16, 86, 115, 120, 163, 173, 179, 207, 208, 209, 214 sleep, 69–72, 86, 195 sleep-deprived, 70 smartphone, 15, 29, 32, 35, 85, 162 social audit, 78 social media, 84, 146, 163, 206, 213 spontaneity, 36 Stop, 19, 23–88, 224, 227 stress, 12, 15, 32, 74, 76 success, 30–33 Sullivan, Dan, 78 SweetProcess, 127 switching, 161–62 Task Filter Worksheet, 94, 113, 135, 158 tasks, 184–85, 190, 197-201 Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 27–28 Taylorism, 28 technology, 29–30, 62, 215–16 technology automation, 129–33, 134 telegraph, 223 template automation, 121–25, 134 text-expansion software, 132–33 text messages, 210 theming, 176–78 “think time,” 166 Thomas Nelson Publishers, 43–45 Timashev, Ratmir, 200 time, 59, 86–87 control of, 60 as finite resource, 101–2 as fixed, 95, 157 as zero-sum game, 95 time and energy, 67–68 time blocking, 103 time famine, 137–38 Tolkien, J R R., 71 “total work,” 32 trade-offs, 95–96 trial and error, 141 true north, 55, 57, 58, 96, 225 Twitter, 78 unplugging, 83, 85–86, 195 uphill tasks, 214–15 Ury, William, 104–6 vision See productivity vision Weekly Big 3, 187, 191, 192, 202, 204, 220, 226 Weekly Preview, 185–96, 202, 204, 226 Whillans, Ashley, 137–38, 140 Whitehead, Alfred North, 115 why, as value or principle, 92 workday shutdown ritual, 119–20, 163 workday startup ritual, 119–20, 163 workflow, 125–29, 147 Workflow Optimizer, 129, 136 working backwards, 66 work obligations, 35 workout, 75 work (theme), 176, 177 worry creep, 85 zero-sum game, 93–95 Michael Hyatt is the founder and CEO of Michael Hyatt & Company, a leadership coaching and development firm twice listed on the Inc 5000 list of fastest-growing US companies A longtime publishing executive, Michael is the former chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson, now part of HarperCollins He is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of several books, including Your Best Year Ever, Living Forward, and Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World Michael is the creator of the Full Focus Planner, which combines quarterly goaltracking and daily productivity in a proven system for personal and professional achievement His blog and weekly podcast, Lead to Win, are go-to resources for hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, executives, and aspiring leaders Michael and his wife of forty years, Gail, have five daughters, three sons-in-law, and eight grandchildren They live just outside Nashville, Tennessee Learn more at MichaelHyatt.com FreeToFocus.com/assessment FreeToFocus.com/enroll FullFocusPlanner.com businessaccelerator.com ... clarity and ending with a sense of satisfaction, accomplishment, and energy to spare It’s about achieving more by doing less, and this book shows you how Free to Focus is a total productivity system. .. productivity and results, focus is king, and Michael Hyatt has outlined a masterful plan to achieve focus at the highest level The steps in Free to Focus are clear, the strategies are actionable, and... into action He paid our bill, hailed a cab, and rushed me to the nearest hospital After some preliminary tests, the doctor reported that all my vitals were fine I wasn’t having a heart attack after

Ngày đăng: 02/03/2020, 13:55

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