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The oxford handbook of food, politics, and society

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  • Cover

  • The Oxford Handbook of Food, Politics, and Society

  • Copyright

  • Table of Contents

  • List of Contributors

  • Introduction: Food, Politics, and Society

    • 1 How Is Food Political? Market, State, and Knowledge

  • Part I Production: Technology, Knowledge, and Politics

    • 2 Science, Politics, and the Framing of Modern Agricultural Technologies

    • 3 Genetically Improved Crops

    • 4 Agroecological Intensification of Smallholder Farming

    • 5 The Hardest Case: What Blocks Improvements in Agriculture in Africa?

    • 6 The Poor, Malnutrition, Biofortification, and Biotechnology

    • 7 Biofuels: Competition for Cropland, Water, and Energy Resources

    • 8 Alternative Paths to Food Security

  • Part II Normative Knowledge: Ethics, Rights, and Distributive Justice

    • 9 Ethics of Food Production and Consumption

    • 10 Food, Justice, and Land

    • 11 Food Security, Productivity, and Gender Inequality

    • 12 Delivering Food Subsidy: The State and the Market

    • 13 Diets, Nutrition, and Poverty: Lessons from India

    • 14 Food Price and Trade Policy Biases: Inefficient, Inequitable, yet not Inevitable

    • 15 Intellectual Property Rights and the Politics of Food

    • 16 Is Food the Answer to Malnutrition?

  • Part III Nature: Food, Agriculture, and the Environment

    • 17 Fighting Mother Nature with Biotechnology

    • 18 Climate Change and Agriculture: Countering Doomsday Scenarios

    • 19 Wild Foods

    • 20 Livestock in the Food Debate

    • 21 The Social Vision of the Alternative Food Movement

  • Part IV Food Values: Ideas, Interests, and Culture

    • 22 Food Values beyond Nutrition

    • 23 Cultural Politics of Food Safety: Genetically Modified Food in Japan, France, and the United States

    • 24 Food Safety

    • 25 The Politics of Food Labeling and Certification

    • 26 The Politics of Grocery Shopping: Eating, Voting, and (Possibly) Transforming the Food System

    • 27 The Political Economy of Regulation of Biotechnology in Agriculture

  • Part V Global Meets Local: Contestations, Movements, and Expertise

    • 29 Global Movements for Food Justice

    • 30 The Rise of the Organic Foods Movement as a Transnational Phenomenon

    • 31 The Dialectic of Pro-Poor Papaya

    • 32 Thinking the African Food Crisis: The Sahel Forty Years On

    • 33 Transformation of the Agrifood Industry in Developing Countries

    • 34 The Twenty-first Century Agricultural Land Rush

    • 35 Agricultural Futures: The Politics of Knowledge

  • Index

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www.ebook3000.com T h e Ox f o r d H a n d b o o k o f F O OD, P OL I T IC S , AND SOCIETY www.ebook3000.com The Oxford Handbook of FOOD, POLITICS, AND SOCIETY Edited by RONALD J. HERRING Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Oxford New York Auckland  Cape Town  Dar es Salaam  Hong Kong  Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press in the UK and certain other countries Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 © Oxford University Press 2015 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by license, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reproduction rights organization Inquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer The Oxford handbook of food, politics, and society / edited by Ronald J Herring pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978–0–19–539777–2 (hardback : alk paper) 1.  Food supply—Political aspects.  2.  Food industry and trade.  3.  Agricultural and politics I.  Herring, Ronald J., 1947– editor of compilation.  II.  Title: Handbook of food, politics, and society HD9000.6.O94 2015 338.1′9—dc23 2014028700 1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper www.ebook3000.com Table of Contents List of Contributors ix I N T ROD U C T ION :  F O OD, P OL I T IC S , AND SOCIETY How Is Food Political? Market, State, and Knowledge Ronald J. Herring PA RT I   P ROD U C T ION :  T E C H N OL O G Y, K N OW L E D G E , A N D P OL I T IC S Science, Politics, and the Framing of Modern Agricultural Technologies John Harriss and Drew Stewart Genetically Improved Crops Martina Newell-McGloughlin Agroecological Intensification of Smallholder Farming Rebecca Nelson and Richard Coe The Hardest Case: What Blocks Improvements in Agriculture in Africa? Robert L. Paarlberg 43 65 105 129 The Poor, Malnutrition, Biofortification, and Biotechnology Alexander J Stein 149 Biofuels: Competition for Cropland, Water, and Energy Resources David Pimentel and Michael Burgess 181 Alternative Paths to Food Security Norman Uphoff 202 vi   Table of Contents PA RT I I   N OR M AT I V E K N OW L E D G E :  E T H IC S , R IG H T S , A N D DI ST R I BU T I V E J U S T IC E Ethics of Food Production and Consumption Michiel Korthals 231 10 Food, Justice, and Land Saturnino M. Borras Jr and Jennifer C. Franco 253 11 Food Security, Productivity, and Gender Inequality Bina Agarwal 273 12 Delivering Food Subsidy: The State and the Market Ashok Kotwal and Bharat Ramaswami 301 13 Diets, Nutrition, and Poverty: Lessons from India Raghav Gaiha, Raghbendra Jha, Vani S. Kulkarni, and Nidhi Kaicker 327 14 Food Price and Trade Policy Biases: Inefficient, Inequitable, yet not Inevitable Kym Anderson 362 15 Intellectual Property Rights and the Politics of Food Krishna Ravi Srinivas 381 16 Is Food the Answer to Malnutrition? David E. Sahn 407 PA RT I I I   NAT U R E :  F O OD, AG R IC U LT U R E , A N D T H E E N V I RON M E N T 17 Fighting Mother Nature with Biotechnology Alan McHughen 431 18 Climate Change and Agriculture: Countering Doomsday Scenarios Derrill D. Watson II 453 19 Wild Foods Jules Pretty and Zareen Pervez Bharucha 475 www.ebook3000.com Table of Contents    vii 20 Livestock in the Food Debate Purvi Mehta-Bhatt and Pier Paolo Ficarelli 505 21 The Social Vision of the Alternative Food Movement Siddhartha Shome 523 PA RT I V   F O OD VA LU E S :  I DE A S , I N T E R E S T S , A N D C U LT U R E 22 Food Values beyond Nutrition Ann Grodzins Gold 23 Cultural Politics of Food Safety: Genetically Modified Food in Japan, France, and the United States Kyoko Sato 545 562 24 Food Safety Bruce M Chassy 587 25 The Politics of Food Labeling and Certification Emily Clough 615 26 The Politics of Grocery Shopping: Eating, Voting, and (Possibly) Transforming the Food System Josée Johnston and Norah MacKendrick 644 27 The Political Economy of Regulation of Biotechnology in Agriculture Gregory D. Graff, Gal Hochman, and David Zilberman 664 28 Co-existence in the Fields? GM, Organic, and Conventional Food Crops Janice E Thies 689 PA RT V   G L OBA L M E E T S L O C A L :  C ON T E STAT ION S , M OV E M E N T S , A N D E X P E RT I SE 29 Global Movements for Food Justice M Jahi Chappell 717 viii   Table of Contents 30 The Rise of the Organic Foods Movement as a Transnational Phenomenon Tomas Larsson 739 31 The Dialectic of Pro-Poor Papaya Sarah Davidson Evanega and Mark Lynas 755 32 Thinking the African Food Crisis: The Sahel Forty Years On Michael J. Watts 772 33 Transformation of the Agrifood Industry in Developing Countries Thomas Reardon and C Peter Timmer 795 34 The Twenty-first Century Agricultural Land Rush Gregory Thaler 822 35 Agricultural Futures: The Politics of Knowledge Ian Scoones 844 Index 861 www.ebook3000.com List of Contributors Bina Agarwal is Professor of Development Economics and Environment at the University of Manchester Kym Anderson  is George Gollin Professor of Economics at the University of Adelaide and Professor of Economics at the Australian National University Zareen Pervez Bharucha  is Senior Research Officer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Essex Saturnino M. Borras Jr.  is Associate Professor at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague in The Netherlands Michael Burgess  is Assistant Professor of Biological Science at the State University of New York, Plattsburgh M Jahi Chappell  is Director of Agroecology and Agriculture Policy at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, and Visiting Scientist at the School of the Environment at Washington State University Bruce M Chassy  is Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Illinois Emily Clough  is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Government at Harvard University Richard Coe  is Principle Scientist of Research Methods at the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) at the University of Reading Sarah Davidson Evanega  is International Professor of Plant Breeding (adjunct) in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, and Senior Associate Director of International Programs at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University Pier Paolo Ficarelli  is Knowledge Management Specialist at the International Livestock Research Institute Jennifer C. Franco  is Coordinator of the Agrarian Justice Program at the Transnational Institute, Netherlands, and Adjunct Professor at China Agricultural University Raghav Gaiha  is Professor of Public Policy in the Faculty of Management Studies at the University of Delhi, and Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ann Grodzins Gold is Thomas J.  Watson Professor of Religion  and Professor of Anthropology at Syracuse University 876   index Land-food nexus autonomy,  254, 255 biofuels, 256 capacity,  254, 255 class-consciousness, 260–61 (re)concentration, 267–68 counter-reform, 267 distribution,  256, 264–65 ethnic sensitive land policy,  262 food price spikes,  253–54 foreignization, 256 gender-sensitive land policy,  262 green grabbing,  256 historical perspectives (land policy), 261–62 inequality formalization,  266 land policy (market-oriented),  257–59 land policy (pro-poor),  257, 259–63, 269 land reform dynamics,  263–68 land reform generally,  254–57, 259, 268–69 livelihood-enhancing land policy,  263 non-(re)distribution, 265–67 perverse redistribution,  268 plurality of subgroups,  261 political power protection, transfer,  260, 264–68 politics of control,  253–54, 258–59 poverty, 257–58 productivity increasing land policy,  262–63 property rights,  257–61, 265, 269n2 redistribution,  255, 256, 260, 264, 447–49 resettling, 267 restitution without redistribution,  266–67 reverse redistribution,  267–68 social relations,  258–59 titles (property),  258, 260–61, 268 water grabbing,  256 wealth protection, transfer,  260, 264–68 Land Matrix database,  837n3, 838n8, 839n26 Larsson, T.,  694 Latin America.  see also Brazil; Mexico; Philippines agriculture reform in,  377 agrifood industry (see agrifood industry) biofortification impact, cost-effectiveness, 158–59t biofortification in,  158–59t, 160 biofuels in,  192 conditional cash transfers,  293 Fair Trade certification,  631–32 food expenditure elasticities,  416–17 food production in,  130 food subsidies in,  311, 321–22 gender-sensitive land policy,  262 GMOs, 143 inheritance laws,  288–89 land acquisitions in,  256, 830–33, 834f, 838n14 landownership,  278–79, 295n4 land reform,  255, 266–67 livestock management,  510–11 malnutrition in,  410t MCAC (Movimiento Campesino a Campesino), 718 meat consumption,  275, 295n3 organic agriculture in,  745 organic foods consumption,  740 overnutrition/undernutrition dual burden, 411 packaged goods market share,  805–6 plant varieties patent protection,  391, 393, 395 preferred supplier direct relationships, 813–14 reforestation PES,  466 relative rate of assistance (RRA),  368f retailing, 810 social movements,  729 total household income,  488 wild foods in,  486t, 488, 492 women as food producers,  276–78, 276–78f Laulanié, H de,  206, 208, 222n2 La Via Campesina (LVC),  45, 142, 256, 268–69, 719–30, 731n5, 732nn6–15, 836 Leach, M.,  107, 121, 256, 786 Lebanon, 484t Lee, D.,  453 León, M.,  262 Levedahl, W.,  419 Levinson, A.,  461 Lewis, A.,  364 Lewontin, R.,  19 Lignans, 78t Limits to Growth, 784 www.ebook3000.com index   877 Lipids, 74t, 77t, 83–84 Lipton, M.,  15, 27, 132 Livestock, livestock products agriCulture historically,  506–7 animal abuse,  235, 238–39 animal welfare, integrity,  243, 246–47 Brazil,  506, 509–11, 518, 677 climate change,  515–17, 520n6 economies of scale,  509–10 egg production (global),  508 food industry impacts,  510 food security,  505–6 genetic biodiversity,  512–13 greenhouse gas emissions,  514m 520nn3–4 industrialization, 509–13 inequality in production,  508–10 low productivity, limited use areas,  512 management, 509 meat eating,  245–48, 275, 295n3 meat production (global),  507–8 methane emissions,  514, 520n4 milk consumption,  508 organic agriculture,  516 public policy,  517–19, 518t regulation of GMO impacts,  676 smallholder farmers,  509–12, 519 sustainability, 510–11 water usage,  515, 520n5 as wild food,  479t, 481 zoonotic diseases,  513–14 Lobell, D B.,  458 Local Food Plus,  644 Lomborg, B.,  463 Lotade, J.,  625 Loureiro, M L.,  625 Lubeck, P.,  782 Luetchford, P.,  622, 631 Lutein, 77t Lycopene, 77t, 86 Lynas, M.,  680 MacKendrick, N.,  6, 638n1, 732n11 Magna, V.,  Maharashtra Seed Company,  68 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA),  293 Mahyco-Monsanto Biotech (MMB),  55, 57 Mali, U.,  550–52, 557–58 Malnutrition.  see also nutritional status in Africa,  112, 410t, 411, 425n4 anthropometric indicators,  408 behaviors, knowledge in,  424 body mass index (BMI),  408 competing objectives in addressing,  418–23, 426n5 conditional cash transfer programs,  416 critical window focus,  413–14, 423–24 dietary shifts effects,  417 fetal, 413–14 food aid programs,  420–21, 425 Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), 421–22 food delivery, distribution,  418–23, 426n5 food ethics,  234, 240, 243–45 food expenditure elasticities,  416–17 Food for Peace Program,  420 food for work schemes,  416 food security,  409, 411 food stamps,  320–22, 418–20, 426n5 GDP growth/poverty reduction effects,  417 income effects,  416–17 iodine deficiency,  408, 409 Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division (NCPD),  421–22 nutrition production function,  411–17, 425n4 overweight, obesity,  409–11 public policy strategies,  414–23, 426n5 shadow cost of time,  414–15 Special Program on Food Security (SPFS), 422 subsidies impacts,  415–16 substitution effects,  415–16 terminology, 408–9 thrifty phenotype concept,  414 undernutrition,  408–11, 410t, 413–14 unintended consequences,  424–25 vitamin A deficiency,  408, 409 World Bank principles,  422–23 Malthus, T.,  431, 507 Martin, A.,  631–32 Martin, J.,  517 Martin, W.,  374 Martínez-Torres, M E.,  720, 721, 729 878   index Mason, J.,  237 Matlon, P.,  782 MCAC (Movimiento Campesino a Campesino), 718 McHughen, A.,  McMichael, P.,  45 McNamara, P E.,  419 Meat eating,  245–48, 275, 295n3 Mehta, A.,  312 Mehta, L.,  256 Mehta, R A.,  86 Mellor, J W.,  364 Methyl bromide,  693 Mexico.  see also Latin America agrifood industry (see agrifood industry) biofortification impact, cost-effectiveness, 159t Bt maize,  699 forestry, hydrology PES programs,  466–67 junk food legislation,  17–19, 32n36 PROGRESA program,  321–22 transgenic crops in,  699 Meyerhoefer, C D.,  412, 415, 419 Micheletti, M.,  646 Micronutrients Project,  150, 166n1 Middle East,  280, 368f, 484t, 591, 730, 782, 829, 838n15 Millennium Development Goals,  4, 29n2, 376 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,  106 Miller, N H.,  318 Minerals, 76t, 84–85 “Minimum Human Rights Principles Applicable to Large-Scale Land Acquisitions or Leases,”  835 Moms Against GMOs, 4 Mongolia, 316t, 484t Monsanto,  24, 45, 53, 68, 70, 83, 239, 395, 398–400, 578, 677, 749n4 Monsanto Co, Bowman v., 390 Montenegro, M.,  732n10 Mooney, P.,  387 Moore, B Jr.,  15 Mortierella, 84 Mouffe, C.,  855, 856 MSG, 588 Muir, J.,  534 Mukerjee, M.,  778 Munro, W A.,  24, 52, 53 Mustapha and Meagher, xxx,  783 Mutation breeding,  443–44, 591–93 Nagoya Protocol,  401 Naidoo, K.,  167n10 Naim, M.,  14–15 Naked Juice,  622 NAM-B1, 82 Nanda, M.,  742 Nandy, S.,  341, 342 Naqvi, S.,  80 Narayan, K.,  550 National Food Security Act,  303, 310, 349, 358n52 National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS),  348–49, 352–53, 358nn46–49 Negri, A.,  721, 727 Nehru, J.,  537 Nelson, V.,  631–32 Nepal,  279, 286, 483, 484t, 491–93 Nestle, 239 NGOs,  53, 144 Nicholson, L.,  80 Nkonya, E.,  463 No! GMO Campaign,  573–74 Norton, B.,  243 Novartis,  566, 567, 569 Nuffield Council on Bioethics,  54 Nutritional status.  see also malnutrition agronomic traits enhancement,  155 biofortification (see biofortification) deficiency statistics,  150–51, 151f disability-adjusted life years (DALY),  151, 157, 160f, 166n2 Dollars per DALY,  157 economic losses,  152 food distribution,  153 fortification, supplementation,  153 global burden of disease,  152, 152f marketability,  155, 160–61 micronutrient deficiencies,  149–52, 151–52f Micronutrients Project,  150, 166n1 Oates, W E.,  670, 673 Obama, B.,  145, 524 www.ebook3000.com index   879 Obama, M.,  739 Oerke, E.-C.,  113, 115 O’Grada, C.,  776 Ohniko-Tierney, E.,  546, 563 Oil palms biofuels,  192–93 Oils, fatty acids,  74t, 77t, 83–84 Okanagan, 67–68 Olken, B.,  312 Omega-3 fatty acids,  77t, 84 Omvedt, G.,  532 Oreskes, N.,  33n53 Organic agriculture benefits,  748–49, 750n18 biodynamic principles,  743, 750n10 livestock, 516 material incentives,  744–45, 750n11 product purity,  702–3 regulation of GMO impacts,  676 research on,  742–43, 750n14 746 750n14 SRI  vs., 743 transgenics,  691, 694 Organic food movement birth of,  739–40, 749n1 challenges,  744–45, 748, 749 climate change,  460, 749 concepts, definitions,  741, 748 ethical consumerism,  648, 654, 658, 659 food safety,  587–88 frame-bridging capacity,  741–42, 749n4 institutional opportunities,  745–47, 750nn12–15 International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD),  747 International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM),  718, 740, 747–48, 750n17 international NGOs,  747–48 labeling and certification,  260, 619, 622, 629–30, 633, 634, 694, 741, 743 market for,  740 as mobilizing frame,  740–45, 749nn3–4, 750nn10–12 as model,  747–48, 750n16–17 Origin Agritech,  87 Ortiz, xxx,  690 Ortiz-Garcia, S.,  699 Paarlberg, R.,  52 Paige, J.,  15 Palestinian Authority,  484t Panitch, L.,  732n9 Papaya anti-GMO activism,  762–67 cross-pollination, 766 as food crop,  756–57 Greenpeace challenges to,  762–65 impacts/Thailand, 764–67 media access, savvy,  767–68 papaya ringspot virus (PRSV),  757, 760–61 patents, 766 property rights,  766 segregated international markets,  766 stealth seeds,  14–15, 21, 55, 698–700, 763 transgenic, development of,  758–59 transgenic, introduction/Hawaii,  759–60, 768 transgenic, introduction/Thailand,  760–65 virus resistance,  755–56 Parenti, C.,  774 Parikh, K.,  307 Parmalat, 806 Patel, R C.,  723, 726 Patent Act,  390 Patents.  see also intellectual property rights Brazil,  387, 393 China,  393, 395, 399 European Union (EU),  390–95, 402n2, 402n11, 403n22, 444 India,  392, 393, 395, 399 Japan, 399 Korea, 399 Latin America,  391, 393, 395 papaya, 766 Plant Patent Act,  389 plant varieties protection,  390–95, 402n2, 402n11, 403n22, 444 regulation of GMOs,  671, 681, 684 transgenics,  696, 708 United States,  388–94, 396, 402n11, 444 Patzek, T W.,  189–90 Peccei, A.,  784 Peña Nieto, E.,  18 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 5 880   index PepsiCo, 622 Pesticides biopesticides, 579 eating as political act,  534–36 labeling and certification,  629–30 smallholder farmers,  113–14 transgenics,  692–94, 708 Pest management Africa,  115–17, 134–35 GMO resistance,  47–48, 68 integrated pest management (IPM),  114, 115, 143, 218 smallholder farmers,  113–17, 134–35 wild foods,  480t Phenolics, 78t Philippines anti-GMO activism,  767 biofortification in,  158–59t crop yields in,  446 food subsidies in,  312, 312f GMOs in,  46, 143, 162, 446 land acquisition in,  832–33 land reform,  261–62, 266–68 low-income elasticities of demand,  416 packaged goods market share,  805–6, 809–10 relative rate of assistance (RRA),  368f Phytase maize,  67, 87 Phytate, 87 Phytochemicals,  76, 77–79t, 85–86, 88 Phytoestrogens, 78t, 86 Pieroni, A.,  492 Pigou, A.,  465 Pimentel, D.,  25, 181, 189–90, 195n1 Pimentel, M.,  181 Pingali, P L.,  51 Pinstrup-Andersen, P.,  458 Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l, Inc., J.E.M Ag Supply, Inc v., 389–90 Piven, F F.,  729 Plant breeding biotechnology generally,  441–44, 591–93, 595t cis, intra-genic transformation,  595t genetic modification as objective,  591–93 grafting, 595t mutation breeding,  443–44, 591–93 smallholder farmers,  113, 116–17, 120 small RNA technologies,  595t technologies, 595t transcription factor modification,  595t transient expression,  595t in vivo/in vitro mutagenesis technologies, 595t, 598 Plant Patent Act,  389, 390 Plant stanols/sterols,  78t, 84 Plant Variety Protection Act,  390, 402n11, 444 Plant Variety Protection and Farmers Rights (PVPFR) Act,  392 Polanyi, K.,  8–10, 16, 28 Political consumerism,  6–7 see also eating as political act; ethical consumerism Pollan, M.,  3, 6, 17, 23, 28, 29n1, 518, 523, 524, 534, 644, 740 Porras, I.,  466 Portney, P R.,  670, 673 Posey, D.,  478 Poverty and Famines (Sen),  785 Prakash, A.,  666 Prasartsee, V.,  761, 764–65 Prebiotics/probiotics, 78t Prebisch, R.,  363 Premchand, M.,  552 Pretty, J.,  11, 488 Pritchett, L.,  417 Proanthocyanidins, 79t Proteins, amino acids,  74t, 81–82 Public distribution system (PDS),  303–5, 307–8, 310, 324n1, 325nn5–6, 349 Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA),  397 Pusztai, A.,  605 Pylypchuk, Y.,  419 Qaim, M.,  671, 674 Quercetin, 78t Quinoa, 119 Quist, D.,  690, 699 Quisumbing, A R.,  286, 421 Rainforest Alliance,  622 Rajoelina, A.,  822 Ralston, K.,  419 Ramanujan, A K.,  549 www.ebook3000.com index   881 Ramaswami, B.,  308, 312 Ramesh, J.,  57–58 Ramkumar, P.,  30n16 Randall, D.,  455 Ranney, C K.,  419 Rapeseed, canola biodiesel,  191–92 Rausser, G.,  666 Raustiala, K.,  403n30 Ravalomanana, M.,  822 Ravenswaay, E O V.,  625, 635 Reardon, T.,  24, 796 Rebaudo, F.,  116 Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), 749n4 Regan, T.,  237, 238, 247 Regmi, A.,  796 Regulation of GMOs agricultural input suppliers, economic value to, 672t, 677–78 attribute-price comparing consumers,  675 attribute-sensitive consumers,  675 companies, economic value to,  671, 672t comparative innovative advantage,  681–84 competing input suppliers, economic value to, 678 consumers, economic value to,  672t, 674–75, 685nn3–4 economic value by interest group,  671–74, 672t, 684–85 environmentalists, impacts on,  679–80 farmers, economic value to,  671–73, 672t, 676–77 GM seed suppliers, economic value to, 672t, 677–78 intellectual property rights (see intellectual property rights) labeling and certification (see labeling and certification) literature review,  665–67 livestock, impacts on,  676 media, impacts on,  680, 683 organic operations, impacts on,  676 patents,  671, 681, 684 political economy generally,  664–65 precautionary principle,  14, 54, 589–90, 679 price-sensitive consumers,  675 Proposition  37, 669 regulated economic agents impacts,  666 retailers, economic value to,  672t, 676 start-up companies, economic value to,  678 voter model,  666–70, 680–84, 685nn1–2 Resveratrol, 78t, 86 Richard, P.,  461 Rifkin, J.,  577 Right to Food Act,  32n36, 349–51, 358– 59nn52–56, 359nn57–58 Roberts, P.,  12, 455 Rodell, M.,  536 Rodrik, D.,  628 Ronald Laboratory,  72 Rosset, P M.,  720, 721, 729 Roundup Ready soybeans,  70 Russia anti-GMO activism,  607 climate change,  515 crop diversity,  382–83 food processing,  799–800 intellectual property rights,  383 land acquisition by,  256, 831f livestock,  506, 509, 515 preferred supplier direct relationships, 813–14 relative rate of assistance (RRA),  368f retailing,  799–800, 809–10 transnational agrarian movements,  730 Sahel (Africa) challenges facing,  774, 776, 783–86 commodification,  779–80, 782–83 entitlement as commodity bundle,  776–78, 790nn3–4 food, food aid as weapon,  778–79 food imports,  782 food insecurity,  779–83, 780f, 790nn5–6 food provisioning dynamics,  774–75 food security,  775–79, 788, 790nn2–4 global climate change,  786–87 history,  775–79, 790nn2–4 hunger, malnutrition statistics,  773–76, 782, 790n1 market functions,  778 models, 783–86 oil political economy,  782 policy failures,  778 882   index Sahel (Africa) (Cont.) political accountability,  778 poverty effects,  775, 776, 779 poverty rates,  781–82 price spikes,  774–75 resiliency, 786–90 Sharia states,  782 social risk management,  786–90 staple food prices,  780–81 wealth distribution,  780, 780f women's conditions,  782 Sahlins, M.,  531 Sahn, D E.,  25, 29n2, 412, 415 Saito, K A.,  295n4 Sala-i-Maartin, X.,  417 Sanford, J.,  758 Sanger, M.,  531 Saponins, 78t Sassi, M.,  453 Schiff, M.,  138 Schlenker, W.,  458 Schlüter, P.,  746 Schultz, T W.,  364 Schurman, R.,  24, 52, 53 Schwartz, P.,  455 Scientific misconduct,  606–8, 610n16, 709 Scoones, I.,  256 Scott, J.,  15, 786 Seddon, D.,  16 Seed reuse/sharing,  387, 389–95, 402n11 Segnit, N.,  455 Sen, A.,  238, 350, 351, 423, 776–77, 785 Serageldin, I.,  91 Séralini, G.-E.,  606–8 Sexton, S.,  673, 679, 685n3 Seyfang, G.,  648 Sheehy, J E.,  214 Shepherd, M.,  460 Shiva, V.,  31n22, 45, 52, 142, 523, 530–34, 567, 689–90 Shome, S.,  Silent Spring (Carson),  535–36, 692 Silent Violence (Watts),  779, 782, 786 Singer, P.,  237, 243 Slow Food movement,  718 Smallholder farmers.  see also Africa agricultural development strategies,  107–8 agriculture intensification,  105–6 agriculture reforms,  140–42 agroecological intensification (AEI) (see agroecological intensification (AEI)) anti-GMO activism,  762–67 best-fit solutions,  120–21 component interactions,  111–12 conservation agriculture,  117–18, 121 crop diversification,  110–13, 120 cropping systems design,  112 ecoagriculture,  115–16, 142–43 fertilizer usage,  109 green manures,  118 host genetic diversity,  116 innovation platforms,  121 integrated pest management (IPM),  114–15, 143 intercropping, 113–15 land acquisition effects on,  835–36, 839n26 livestock,  509–12, 519 market access,  107, 108, 118–19 mimic hypotheses,  112 modeling benefits,  116 perennials benefits,  111 performance trajectories,  106–7 pest, disease management,  113–17, 134–35 pesticides, 113–14 plant breeding,  113, 116–17, 120 polycultures benefits,  110–11, 114, 211 push-pull system,  114–15, 121 soil, water management,  117–18 sustainable intensification,  108 transgenic resistance,  116–17 wild food interactions,  481 Smith, K.,  526 Smithfield’s, 806 Smyth, N F B.,  635 Snapp, S S.,  109 Social justice/change,  651f, 654, 655, 657, 659 Solar energy resources, usage,  184, 188 Somkhuan, M.,  764 Somnasang, P.,  489, 491, 492 Soto, H de,  257 Soybean biodiesel,  190–91 Soybean protein,  78t Srinivas, R.,  16 Srinivasan, T N.,  356n6 Starbucks, 628 StarLink corn,  573, 575, 580, 699–700 www.ebook3000.com index   883 Stealth seeds,  14–15, 21, 55, 698–700, 763 Stedile, J S.,  267 Stein, A J.,  164 Steiner, R.,  740, 743 Stern Report,  69, 455 Stigler, G J.,  674 Stilbenes, 78t Stinchcombe, A.,  15 Stockholm Resilience Center,  788 Stoft, S.,  466 Stolle, D.,  651 Strauch, A M.,  489 Strauss, J.,  411 Subramanian, S.,  416 Subsidies biofuels,  188, 191, 195 cash  vs in-kind transfers, 302, 312–23, 312f, 316t, 317f, 325nn9–13 community mobilization,  323, 325n13 controversies in,  301–3 coverage,  310–11, 325n8 delivery,  307–8, 309f, 312, 325nn5–6 effectiveness studies,  320–23 farm (see farm subsidies) feasibility of cash transfers,  313–14 food security rights approach,  309–10, 325n7 food stamps,  320–22, 418–20, 426n5 free market model,  302 fungibility of cash transfers,  315–18, 317f, 325nn9–10 illegal diversions,  308, 314–15, 346, 350 inflation, 319 malnutrition impacts,  415–16 market price,  319–20 opposition to cash transfers,  322–23, 325n12 paternalism,  314–15, 316t, 322 price fluctuations,  319, 325n11 procurement,  306–7, 324nn2–3, 325n4 public distribution system (PDS),  303–5, 307–8, 310, 325nn5–6, 349 self-selection, 318 social pacification,  322–23 statism model,  302 Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS),  345–50, 352–53, 347t, 358nn44–49 targeting,  302, 305–6, 308 vested interests,  322, 325n12 Substantial equivalence principle,  14, 571–72, 578, 598–601 Sulfides, 79t Sulphoraphane, 78t Summers, L H.,  417 Svedberg, P.,  341, 342, 345 Swaminathan, M S.,  57, 216 Swift, J.,  786 Swinnen, J.,  666 Syngenta,  671, 677, 815, 849, 850 System of Rice Intensification (SRI) conservation agriculture,  208, 218–19 crop yields,  212–14, 222n1 evidence, 206–7 gains comparison,  211–13, 222n1 genetic improvement,  212, 222n1 implementation,  204, 214–21, 222n2 integrated pest management (IPM),  218 intellectual property rights,  216 knowledge control, benefit,  219–20 methods, recommendations,  207–8 new plant types (NPTs),  212, 222n1 organic agriculture  vs., 743 paradigm change resistance,  213–14, 216–21, 222n2 pollution economic costs,  221, 222n3 polycultures benefits,  110–11, 114, 211 principles, 204–8 rationale,  221–22, 222n3, 464 research evaluation,  220 research investments,  219 site-specific nutrient management (SSNM), 213 soil microorganisms,  208–11 Szuter, C R.,  477 Taiwan GMOs in,  89 land reform,  255, 264 papaya ringspot virus (PRSV),  757 relative rate of assistance (RRA),  376, 377f Tannins, 77t, 79t Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS),  345–50, 352–53, 347t, 358nn44–49 Tarrow, S G.,  718, 731n4, 744 Taylor, P.,  784 884   index Thailand anti-GMO activism in,  762–65 biofuels in,  192 biotechnology in,  761, 765 deforestation in,  489 organic agriculture in,  739, 742, 743 packaged goods market share,  809–10 papaya in (see papaya) wild foods in,  484t, 486t Thies, J E.,  49 Thiols, 79t Thomann, L.,  400 Thomas, D.,  411 Tilley, H.,  783 Tilman, D.,  189, 190 Timmer, C P.,  796, 826 Timmer, P.,  24 Tobiasen, M.,  638n3 Townsend, M S.,  419 Traceability,  567–76, 578–81, 697 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS),  53, 381, 385–86, 391–93, 392t, 396 Transcontainer Project,  706–7 Transcription factors,  71–72, 80, 82, 86, 594, 595t TransFair USA,  628 Transgenics.  see also biotechnology; GMOs adventitious presence,  700–702, 705–6 agri-industrial paradigm,  690, 691, 709n5 biodiversity reduction,  699–700 climate change,  73 co-existence,  694, 695–97, 696f co-existence policy,  701–4 controversies,  689–90, 709n2 conventional agriculture,  691, 692 farming systems,  691, 709n5 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act,  693 food safety,  589–90, 596–98, 608–9 gene flow,  690, 695–98, 696f, 705–6 genetic use restriction technology (GURT), 706 GM crop adoption globally,  695 humans as vectors,  698–700 insecticides, 694 intellectual property rights,  47–48, 54–58, 70, 73, 394–98 multinational corporations,  704–5, 711n54 neighboring farms, gene flow to,  697–98 nitrogen uptake efficiency,  70 oilseed rape,  701–2, 706 organic agriculture,  691, 694 papaya (see papaya) patents,  696, 708 pesticides,  692–94, 708 pharmaceutical-producing plants,  707 recoverable block of function (RBF),  706 seed purity,  696 StarLink corn,  573, 575, 580, 699–700 stealth seeds,  14–15, 21, 55, 698–700, 763 terminology, 691 traits incorporated into,  47–48 Transcontainer Project,  706–7 Transnational collective action agroecology,  728–29, 732nn16–17 anti-GMO activism (see anti-GMO activism) autonomy,  722, 725–31, 732nn12–15 community-supported agriculture (CSA),  656–57, 718 defensible lifespaces/defensibility,  722, 725–30, 732nn12–15 defensible values,  722–25, 732nn8–11 democracy,  722, 725–30, 732nn12–15 Fair Trade,  619–21, 625–35, 639n11–13, 658, 659, 719 food sovereignty,  45, 52, 54–55, 91, 142, 242, 721–30 gender equality,  724–25, 730, 732n12 goals,  717–18, 730–31, 731n3 guarantor of rights,  723–24, 732nn9–11 inefficiency, undesirability,  725–27 International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM),  718, 740, 747–48, 750n17 La Via Campesina (LVC),  45, 142, 256, 268–69, 719–30, 731n5, 732nn6–15, 836 MCAC (Movimiento Campesino a Campesino), 718 new subjectivities,  721, 732n7 peasants, definitions,  720–21, 731n5, 732nn6–7 self-determination rights,  722, 723, 732n8 types, 718–19 www.ebook3000.com index   885 Traxler, G.,  674 Trewavas, A.,  89 Tuma, E.,  264 Turkey, 484t, 782, 801 Uauy, C.,  82 Udry, C.,  286, 783 Unilever,  239, 805, 849 Union for the Protection of New Varieties (UPOV),  390–93, 392t, 402n11, 444 United States acreage in production,  691 African foreign aid,  139, 145 anti-GMO activism in,  579 biocontainment, 705–6 biomass resources,  185–86 co-existence policy,  701–4 comparative innovative advantage,  681–84 consumers, economic value of GMOs to,  674–75 nn3–4 corn ethanol,  187 crop yields,  71 food security,  27–28 Food Stamp Program,  320–22, 418–20, 426n5 food subsidies in,  311 GM crop adoption rate,  695 GMOs,  562–63, 576–82 (see also GMOs) grass, cellulosic ethanol,  189–90 human vectors,  699 irrigation, 71 land acquisitions,  826, 829, 831f, 839n22 meat production,  508 per capita biomass consumption,  186 Plant Patent Act,  389, 390 plant variety, patent protection,  388–94, 396, 402n11, 444 public policy,  666–67, 670 relative rate of assistance (RRA),  368f soybean biodiesel,  190–91 substantial equivalence standard,  14, 571–72, 578, 598–601 urbanization, road area,  183 water entitlements trading,  466 Universal Declaration of Human Rights,  835 Uphoff, N.,  31n23, 121, 218 Urban bias theory,  15, 27, 132–33 Valdes, A.,  138 Valenzuela, E.,  372, 373 Vandergeest, P.,  743 Van der Mensbrugghe, D.,  372, 373 Van der Ploeg, J D.,  720, 721 Vanek, S.,  109 Vanhonacker, W.,  816n3 Vavilov, N.,  382–83 Vegetarianism, 245–48 Veldwisch, G J.,  256 Venter and Cohen, xxx,  222 Ver Ploeg, M.,  419 Via Campesina, 10 Victor, D G.,  403n30 Vietnam agrifood industry (see agrifood industry) Bt rice in,  48 food processing,  799–800 food subsidies impacts,  415–16 land reform,  255, 265 meat production,  508 retailing,  799–800, 809–11 SRI implementation in,  215 wild foods in,  483, 484t women as food producers,  276–78, 276–78f Villarooel, M.,  457 Vilsak, T.,  704 Vistive, 83 Vitamin A biofortification,  159t see also Golden Rice Vitamins, 75t, 84–85 Voter model,  666–70, 680–84 nn1–2 Voting with your dollar.  see eating as political act; ethical consumerism Walton, J.,  16 Wambugu, F.,  91 Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA),  72 Watson, D.,  11 Watson, R.,  846, 851 Watts, M.,  9, 779, 786 Weapons of the Weak (Scott),  15 White, D M.,  489 Whole Foods Market,  648, 653, 654, 657 Whole grains,  77t Wildavsky, A.,  21 Wilde, P E.,  419 886   index Wild foods animals, raising,  479t, 481 availability, use drivers,  488 benefits,  476, 494–95 biodiversity,  475, 489 climate change,  489 domestication historically,  477–78 economic value,  488 fire use,  480t, 481 food security,  475–76 forest management, conservation,  493–94 habitat amendment, creation,  480t harvesting, hunting,  479t hidden harvest,  481–82, 482t HIV/AIDS, 490–91 knowledge, understanding,  481 land use,  489–90 local ecological knowledge,  491–92 market expansion,  492–93 nonagricultural ecosystems management,  478–82, 479–80t, 482t non-timber forest products (NTFPs),  476, 483 nutrient additions,  479t nutritional value,  487 pest management,  480t planting, 479t policy support,  493, 494 socioeconomic change,  492–93 species diversity,  482–87, 483–86t sustainable intensification,  494 unsustainable harvesting,  490 water management,  480t Wilkerson, I.,  525 Wilkinson, J.,  256, 796 Willenbockel, D.,  455 Wolf, E.,  15 Wolfowitz, P.,  139 World Food Program,  774 Wrangham, R.,  233 Xiang, N.,  464 Xu, F.,  464 Yamano, T.,  421 Yang, J.,  778 Young, T E.,  82 Younger, S D.,  415 Yuan Long-ping,  216 Zaghdoud, O.,  461 Zeaxanthin, 77t Zilberman, D.,  667, 670, 671, 673, 679, 685n3 Zinc biofortification,  158–59t www.ebook3000.com www.ebook3000.com www.ebook3000.com ... , AND SOCIETY www.ebook3000.com The Oxford Handbook of FOOD, POLITICS, AND SOCIETY Edited by RONALD J. HERRING Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the. .. coverage of the scope of this Handbook would be implausible We focus on intersections of food, politics, and society: the dimensions of food that express both overt political action and deeper... Officer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Essex Saturnino M. Borras Jr.  is Associate Professor at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague in The Netherlands

Ngày đăng: 02/03/2020, 12:21