Tài liệu tham khảo |
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Chi tiết |
H IRSCH , S EEV . “The United States Electronics Industry in International Trade,” National Institute Economic Review, Number 34, November 1965; also in Wells (1972) |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The United States Electronics Industry in InternationalTrade,” "National Institute Economic Review |
Năm: |
1972 |
———. “Technological Factors in the Composition and Direction of Israel’s Industrial Exports.” In Technological Factors in International Trade, edited by Raymond Vernon. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1970 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Technological Factors in the Composition and Direction ofIsrael’s Industrial Exports.” In "Technological Factors in InternationalTrade |
Năm: |
1970 |
H LADIK , K AREN . “International Joint Ventures: An Empirical Investigation into the Characteristics of Recent U.S.-Foreign Joint Venture Partnerships.” Ph.D. dissertation, Business Economics Program, Harvard University, 1984 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
International Joint Ventures: An Empirical Investigationinto the Characteristics of Recent U.S.-Foreign Joint VenturePartnerships |
Năm: |
1984 |
H YMER , S TEPHEN H. “The International Operations of National Firms: A Study of Direct Foreign Investment.” Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960. Published Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1976 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The International Operations of National Firms: AStudy of Direct Foreign Investment |
Năm: |
1976 |
J APAN I NFORMATION P ROCESSING D EVELOPMENT C ENTER. Informatization White Paper for 1988 edition. Tokyo: JIPDEC, 1988 |
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Tiêu đề: |
InformatizationWhite Paper for 1988 edition |
Năm: |
1988 |
J OHANSON , J AN, AND M ATTSSON , L ARS G UNNAR . “Internationalisation in Industrial Systems—A Network Approach.” In Strategies in Global Competition, edited by Neil Hood and Jan-Erik Vahlne. London: Croom Helm, 1988 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Internationalisation inIndustrial Systems—A Network Approach.” In "Strategies in GlobalCompetition |
Năm: |
1988 |
J OHNSON , C HALMERS. MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrialized Policy, 1925–1975. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1982 |
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Tiêu đề: |
MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth ofIndustrialized Policy, 1925–1975 |
Năm: |
1982 |
K IM , S EOK K. “Business Concentration and Government Policy.” DBA dissertation, Harvard University, 1987 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Business Concentration and Government Policy |
Năm: |
1987 |
K INDLEBERGER , C HARLES P., AND A UDRETSCH , D AVID B. The Multinational Corporation in the 1980s. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1983 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The MultinationalCorporation in the 1980s |
Năm: |
1983 |
L AZONICK , W ILLIAM, AND E LBAUM , B ERNARD. The Decline of the British Economy. Oxford, New York: Clarendon, 1986 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The Decline of the BritishEconomy |
Năm: |
1986 |
Translated by Sampson S. Lloyd. Reprinted London: Longman’s, 1922.L ITTLE , J ANE S NEDDON . “Intra-Firm Trade: An Update,” New England Economic Review, May-June 1987, 46–51.L LOYD , P ETER E., AND D ICKEN , P ETER. Location in Space. London: Harper& Row, 1977 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Intra-Firm Trade: An Update,” "New EnglandEconomic Review," May-June 1987, 46–51.LLOYD, PETER E., AND DICKEN, PETER. "Location in Space |
Năm: |
1977 |
L ODGE , G EORGE C., AND V OGEL , E ZRA F., EDS. Ideology and National Competitiveness: An Analysis of Nine Countries. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1987 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Ideology and NationalCompetitiveness: An Analysis of Nine Countries |
Năm: |
1987 |
L UNDVALL , B ENGT -A KEº . Product Innovation and User-Producer Interaction. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press, 1985 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Product Innovation and User-ProducerInteraction |
Năm: |
1985 |
‘Markets-as-Networks’ Perspective.” In The Management of Strategic Change, edited by Andrew M. Pettigrew. Oxford, New York: Basil Blackwell, 1987.M C A DAM , B RUCE M. “The Growing Role of the Service Sector in the U.S.Economy,” U.S. Industrial Outlook, 1985, 38–43.M C C LELLAND , D AVID C. Motivating Economic Achievement. New York:The Free Press, 1969 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The Management of StrategicChange," edited by Andrew M. Pettigrew. Oxford, New York: BasilBlackwell, 1987.MCADAM, BRUCE M. “The Growing Role of the Service Sector in the U.S.Economy,” "U.S. Industrial Outlook," 1985, 38–43.MCCLELLAND, DAVID C. "Motivating Economic Achievement |
Năm: |
1969 |
National Science Foundation. “The Science and Technology Resources of West Germany: A Comparison with the United States,” Special Report Number 86–310, Washington, D.C., March 1986 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The Science and Technology Resources ofWest Germany: A Comparison with the United States |
Năm: |
1986 |
O LSON , M ANCUR. The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation, and Social Rigidities. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982.O NIDA , F ABRIZIO , ED. Innovazione, competitività e vincolo energetico.Bologna: II Mulino, 1985 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth,Stagflation, and Social Rigidities." New Haven: Yale University Press,1982.ONIDA, FABRIZIO, ED. "Innovazione, competitività e vincolo energetico |
Năm: |
1985 |
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, “Competition and Trade Policies: Their Interaction,” 1984 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Competitionand Trade Policies: Their Interaction |
Năm: |
1984 |
R AVENSCRAFT , D AVID J., AND S CHERER , F REDERICK M. Mergers, Sell-offs, and Economic Efficiency. Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution, 1987 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Mergers, Sell-offs,and Economic Efficiency |
Năm: |
1987 |
S ABEL , C HARLES F. “The Reemergence of Regional Economies: Changes in the Scale of Production,” paper prepared for the Social Science Research Council, Western European Committee, August 1987 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The Reemergence of Regional Economies: Changes inthe Scale of Production |
Năm: |
1987 |
S CHUMPETER , J OSEPH A. The Theory of Economic Development. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1934 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The Theory of Economic Development |
Năm: |
1934 |