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day132 treatment procedures of the ears and hearing

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CHAPTER 11 Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears TREATMENT PROCEDURES OF THE EARS AND HEARING The Outer Ear * Otoplasty [phẫu thuật tạo hình tai] (OH-toh-plastee) is the surgical repair, restoration, or alteration of the pinna [loa tai] of the ear (ot/o means ear, and -plasty means surgical repair) This is sometimes done as a cosmetic surgery [phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ] called ear pinning to bring the ears closer to the head The Middle Ear * Ear tubes [ống thông tai] , formally known as tympanostomy tubes, are tiny ventilating tubes placed through the eardrum [màng nhĩ] to provide ongoing drainage [dẫn lưu] for fluids and to relieve pressure [áp lực] that can build up after childhood ear infections [nhiễm trùng tai] (Figure 11.16) * A mastoidectomy [phẫu thuật cắt xương chũm] (mas-toy-DECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of mastoid cells [xoang chũm] (mastoid means mastoid process [mỏm chũm], and -ectomy means surgical removal) This procedure is used to treat mastoiditis CHAPTER 11 Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears [viêm xương chũm] that cannot be controlled with antibiotics [thuốc kháng sinh] or in preparation for the placement of a cochlear implant [ốc tai điện tử] * A myringotomy [phẫu thuật mở màng nhĩ] (mir-inGOT-oh-mee) is a small surgical incision in the eardrum [màng nhĩ] to relieve pressure from excess pus [mủ] or fluid [dịch], or to create an opening for the placement of ear tubes [ống thông tai] (myring means eardrum, and -otomy means surgical incision) * A stapedectomy [phẫu thuật cắt bỏ xương bàn đạp] (stay-peh-DECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of the top portion of the stapes bone [xương bàn đạp] and CHAPTER 11 Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears the insertion of a small prosthetic device [thiết bị nhân tạo] known as a piston that conducts sound vibrations to the inner ear (staped means stapes, and -ectomy means surgical removal) * Tympanoplasty [phẫu thuật tạo hình màng nhĩ] (timpah-noh-PLAS-tee) is the surgical correction of a damaged middle ear [tai bị tổn thương], either to cure chronic inflammation [viêm mạn] or to restore function [chức năng] (tympan/o means eardrum, and -plasty means a surgical repair) The Inner Ear * A labyrinthectomy [phẫu thuật cắt bỏ mê đạo tai] (lab-ih-rin-THECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of all or a portion of the labyrinth [mê đạo] (labyrinth means labyrinth, and -ectomy means surgical removal) This procedure [thủ thuật] is performed to relieve uncontrolled vertigo [chóng mặt khơng kiểm sốt được]; however, it causes complete hearing loss [mất thính lực hồn toàn] in the affected ear * Vestibular rehabilitation therapy [liệu pháp phục hồi chức tiền đình] (VRT) (ves-TIByou-lar) is a form of CHAPTER 11 Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears physical therapy [vật lý trị liệu] designed to treat a wide variety of balance disorders [rối loạn cân bằng], the majority of which are caused by problems in the inner ear [tai trong] and vestibular nerve [dây thần kinh tiền đình] Treatments for Hearing Loss * An assistive listening device [thiết bị hỗ trợ nghe] (ALD) transmits [truyền], processes [xử lý], or amplifies [khuếch đại] sound, and can be used with or without a hearing aid [máy trợ thính] An ALD can be helpful in eliminating distracting background noise The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that many public places provide assisted listening devices * A cochlear implant [ốc tai điện tử] (KOCK-lee-ar) is an electronic device that bypasses the damaged portions of the ear and directly stimulates the auditory nerve [dây thần kinh thính giác] (Figure 11.17) The external speech processor [bộ xử lý tiếng nói bên ngồi] captures sounds and converts them into digital signals [tín hiệu số hóa] Electrodes [các điện cực] that are implanted [cấy] into the cochlea [ốc tai] receive the CHAPTER 11 Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears signals and stimulate [kích thích] the auditory nerve [dây thần kinh thính giác] The brain [não] receives these signals and perceives [nhận cảm] them as sound; however, it may take several months to adjust to the difference in speech when it is received in this manner * Fenestration (fen-es-TRAY-shun) is a surgical procedure [thủ thuật] in which a new opening is created in the labyrinth [mê đạo] to restore lost hearing (fenestr/a means window, and -tion means process) Hearing Aids Hearing aids [máy trợ thính] are electronic devices that are worn to correct a hearing loss Sometimes a sensorineural hearing loss [mất thính lực thần kinh cảm giác] can be corrected with a hearing aid * An analog hearing aid [máy trợ thính kĩ thuật tương tự] is an external electronic device that uses a microphone to detect and amplify [khuếch đại] sounds CHAPTER 11 Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears * A digital hearing aid [máy trợ thính kĩ thuật số] uses a computer chip to convert the incoming sound [âm thanh] into a code [mã] that can be filtered [lọc] before being amplified This is designed to best compensate [bù lại] for a specific type of hearing loss ... (stay-peh-DECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of the top portion of the stapes bone [xương bàn đạp] and CHAPTER 11 Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears the insertion of a small prosthetic device [thiết... Senses: The Eyes and Ears physical therapy [vật lý trị liệu] designed to treat a wide variety of balance disorders [rối loạn cân bằng], the majority of which are caused by problems in the inner... sounds and converts them into digital signals [tín hiệu số hóa] Electrodes [các điện cực] that are implanted [cấy] into the cochlea [ốc tai] receive the CHAPTER 11 Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears

Ngày đăng: 24/02/2020, 22:24
